Land Records and the information contained therein can be a interesting resource for the genealogist and family historian. These can include deeds, land grants, early land leases, and other similar documents. The following is a list of Prince Edward Island land records submitted by the Island Register's users.
This listing is in its infancy. Please bear with us as it grows, and remember, you can help it grow by sharing any land records you have! Eventually it will become a resource where people can come to search for their P.E.I. ancestor's records online. If you have records to submit, simply type them up in your word processor, and send them to Dave Hunter, dhunter [at] islandregister [dot] com, attached to an email.
There is one restriction. I will only put records for family members who are no longer living online, and preferably pre - 1900. Please ensure that this is indeed the case, before submitting.
To view the records below, select the name from the alphabetical list presented...
[A] | [B] | [C] | [D] | [E] | [F] | [G] | [H] | [I] | [J] | [K] | [L]
[M] | [N] | [O] | [P] | [Q] | [R] | [S] | [T] | [U,V] | [W,X,Y,Z]
A Ahearn, See Heron
B Indenture of Richard Bagnall, (1789-1857, Hazel Grove), Submitted by Lew Bagnall
Assignment of Lease, James Barratt to Peter Gorman, (Lot 19, 1864), Submitted by Chris Gorman
Grant of Lawrence Barrett, (Lot 19), Submitted by Chris Gorman
Lease of Thomas Barrett (-1842, Barrett's Cross), Submitted by Chris Gorman
Sale: James Bishop to Charles George White, (1870, Murray River), Submitted by Evelyn Bishop Smith
The 999 Year Lease of Malcolm Blue (1799 - 1874, Little Sands), Submitted by Mae Saunders
C Agreement of Support, Herbert E. Cantwell & Michael Egan & wife, Submitted by Andy Hennessey
The Indenture of Alexander Campbell, (1778 - 1856, Charlotte Town/N.B.), Submitted by Fred Dimond and Dave Hunter
The Land Conveyance of Benjamin Chappell , (1789, Georgetown), Submitted by Dennis Taylor
Power of Attorney Pertaining to Sale, John Cook, (- ca. 1816, Princetown), Submitted by Cheryl Cox
F Land Conveyance of Joseph A. Ford, (dated 1892, New Glasgow Rd.), Submitted by Miriam Neill
G Gard Family Land Records - Submitted by William Gard
Land Records of Finlay Gillis, & son Roderick Gillis, William & son Henry Newcombe, (Lot 13), Submitted by Peg Gillis Feirtag
The Indentures of Thomas Gillian/Lawrence Kinch, (Central Kildare), Submitted by Tom O'Connor
Assignment of Lease, James Barratt to Peter Gorman, - See James Barratt
H Indenture of Giles Hawkins, (1770-1839, M.H.), G'town Land, Submitted by Jenny Louise Reddin
Purchase by Peter Heron [Ahearn, etc.] - (Prince Town), Submitted by Tom O'Connor
Sale by Peter Heron [Ahearn, etc.] - (Darnley), Submitted by Tom O'Connor
Indenture of Maggie Henry, Purchase of G'town Land, Submitted by Jenny Louise Reddin
Indenture of Thomas Sullivan Henry, (1815-1899, G'town), G'town Land, Submitted by Jenny Louise Reddin
Assignment of land of John Hiscock, (-1836, North River), Submitted by Arliss Archer
Report of the Commissioners , re: Estate of Daniel Hodgson, Esq, Township No. 23. - 1873, Submitted by Gary Carroll
J Conveyance Cathrine to Hugh Jennings - (Lot 39), Submitted by Catherine Warburton
Land Record of Hugh Jennings - (Lot 39), Submitted by Catherine Warburton
K Conveyance from Sarah Kelly to Francis McKenna, (1880, Lot 37), Submitted by Chris Gorman
The Indentures of Thomas Gillian/Lawrence Kinch, (Central Kildare), Submitted by Tom O'Connor
L Grant to Andrew Ladner (1757-1836, Lot 65), Submitted by Al & Norma Falconer
Indenture of Ewen Lamont, (1870, Lot 57), Submitted by Bonnie Swingle
The Strange Case of Elisha Columbus LePage (South Rustico, Lot 24), Submitted by Garth Bulman
Lease to William Lowe Sr., (1781-1840, Lot 23), Submitted by Don Lowe
- The Loyal Electors, Submitted by Garth Bulman
- Extract from Political Club Journal - 04 Dec 1810
- Affidavits of Thomas Marsh, Richard Rollings and John Frederick Holland - 3,4 April, 1811
- Affidavit of J.B. Palmer "The Loyal Electors" - 16 May, 1811
- Affidavit of J.B. Palmer Another on "The Loyal Electors" - 16 May, 1811
- Affidavit of Elisha LePage Esq. J.P. (1764-1813) - 30 May, 1811
- Affidavit of William Haszard "The Loyal Electors" - 16 August, 1811
- Affidavit of Angus MacAulay - 22 August, 1811
- Affidavit of William Roubel "The Loyal Electors" - 17 September, 1811
- Affidavit of Attorney General Charles Stewart "The Loyal Electors" - 01 November, 1811
- Letter from: Elisha LePage Jr. Sec. of the "Society of Loyal Electors" - 11 April, 1812
- Memorial of William Roubel - 29 Jun 1812
- Resolutions of the House of Assembly - September 17, 1812
- James Bardin Palmer - Statement to that Colony - 4th March 1813
M Sale of Land to Owen McAleer - (1881, Lot 22), Submitted by 1 Bill Stimson
Conveyance from Owen McAleer to Thomas Campbell - (Lot 22, 1896), Submitted by 1 Bill Stimson
Land Assignment to Peter MacAleer - (Lot 37, Dromore), Submitted by Gloria George
2nd Land Assignment to Peter MacAleer - (Lot 37, Dromore), Submitted by Gloria George
3rd Land Assignment to Peter MacAleer - (Lot 37, Dromore), Submitted by Gloria George
Indenture of Daniel Machon - (Murray Harbour), Submitted by Dick McKenzie
Indenture of Hugh MacKendrick, (Lot 18, 1818), Submitted by John Hughes
Indenture of Alexander Macleod - (Lot 58, Point Prim), Submitted by Arlene Marshall
Indenture of Daniel McAssey, (Head of Hillsborough, 1883), Submitted by Dennis Taylor
Indenture of George McAssey, (Head of Hillsborough, 1876), Submitted by Dennis Taylor
Transfer of Land of Donald McCaulder - July 27, 1846 and others, includes transfers David Stewart to James Duffy, James Duffy to Donald McAlder, Donald McCalder to Bernard McCarragher - Submitted by Carol I. Robocker-Andersen
The Lease of Gilbert McCaulder - (Lot 29, 1837), Submitted by Carol I. Robocker-Andersen
Transfer of Land, Malcolm McCaulder - (Lot 29, 1853) and others, includes transfer Malcolm McCaulder to John Clark Binns, John Clark Binns to Theophilus Curtis - Submitted by Carol I. Robocker-Andersen
Indenture of John Blue McDonald - (Lot 43), Submitted by Peggy Cooney
Land Assignment to Patrick McGuirk - (Lot 37, Dromore), Submitted by Gloria George
The Land Record of Lodewick McIntosh - (Lot 67), Submitted by Bonnie Swingle
Indenture of Lease of Archibald McKinnon - (c.a. 1797-1864, Desable), Submitted by Paul Mac Kinnon
Mckay Records, Asst. Index - (Prince Town), Submitted by Bonnie MacKay House
Mclean/McCaulder Land Record Database, Submitted by Carol I. Robocker-Andersen
Assignment of Interest, John McLean and Others to Hector McLean (Lot 65, 1869) - Submitted by Carol I. Robocker-Andersen
Sale of land, John McLean to John Kickham, (Souris West, Sep. 22, 1870), conditional upon Kickham marrying McLean's sister, Catherine - Submitted by Carol I. Robocker-Andersen
1806 Land Conveyance to Murdoch McLean, (Lots 57 & 58) - Submitted by Donald A. Knowlton
Memorial of Judgement: Daniel and Thomas McNaughton and John Alex. Ross, 1871 - Submitted by Paul M. Regan
Memorial of Judgement: Donald and Thomas McNaughton to Alexander Brown, 1869 - Submitted by Paul M. Regan
The Mortgage of Donald McNaughton - (Charlottetown, 1872), Submitted by Paul M. Regan
Petition for Land, Duncan McNaughton - (Charlottetown, 1810), Submitted by Paul M. Regan
Indenture between Thomas McNaughten and John Hodges Winsloe - (Lot 33, 1825), Submitted by Paul M. Regan
Land Transfer of Henry McNeill to Levi McNeill - (Lot 4, 1895), Submitted by Terry Spear
Land Transfer of Levi McNeill to James Hardy - (Lot 4, 1906), Submitted by Terry Spear
Land Division Agreement by Heirs of MacPhee, Archibald (Sr.) - Lot 44, Submitted by Linda Risdon and Nancy Teruya, blueteru [at] hawaii.rr [dot] com (Please enter this address manually and remove spaces)
The Division of Land of Roderick Morrison - (Darnley), Submitted by Shirley K. Newbold
Indenture and Mortgage of Peter Mullin, (Lot 19), Submitted by Chris Gorman
The Indenture of Lease of David MacWilliam, (1794, Tryon), submitted by Sherri Smith
P Land Transfers for James Patterson - (Lot 23, 1877), Submitted by Michael Rennie
R Ramsay Memorandum of Agreement - 1855 Fam. of John and Mary Ramsay, Submitted by Ann Smith
Rennie Renter's List for all David S Rennie Lot 23 Estate - 1875/776 for Land Commission, Submitted by Michael Rennie
David Stuart Rennie and Janet Emma Rennie Conveyance - (Division of Lot 23, 1842), Submitted by Michael Rennie
Robert Rennie Conveyance and Rent Rolls - (Northern Lot 23), Submitted by Michael Rennie
Indenture of Release between Robert and David Stewart Rennie - (Lot 23, 1840), Submitted by Michael Rennie
Indenture of Release between Robert and David Stewart Rennie - (Lot 23, 1851), Submitted by Michael Rennie
Robert Rennie Releases Lot 23 Land from DSR estate to Susan Rennie - (Lot 23, 1867), Submitted by Michael Rennie
Susan Rennie Conveyance and Rent Rolls - (Southern Lot 23, 1877), Submitted by Michael Rennie
Indenture of Release between William Frederick and David Stewart Rennie - (Lot 23), Submitted by Michael Rennie
Indenture of Sale to John Ryan - (Lot 53, 1896), Submitted by 1 Bill Stimson
Sale of Land to Patrick Ryan - (Lot 52, 1866), Submitted by 1 Bill Stimson
Land Conveyance to Patrick Ryan, - (Lot 53, 1872), Submitted by 1 Bill Stimson
Indenture of Patrick Ryan Jr. - (Lot 53, 1877), Submitted by 1 Bill Stimson
S Land Conveyance to Charles Sanderson - (Cir 1750-1815, St. Peters), Submitted by Guy M. Sanderson
Land Conveyance to Charles Sanderson - (Cir 1750-1815, Charlotte Town), Submitted by Guy M. Sanderson
The Land Release From Hon. Colonial Secy. Thomas Heath Haviland to Charles Saunderson, Lot 40, P.E.I.) - Submitted by Guy M. Sanderson
John Shaw - Lot 29, 1839, Submitted by Sherri Smith
Neil Shaw - Lot 29, 1880, Submitted by Sherri Smith
Eliza Smith - Lot 33, Winsloe Road, 1853, Submitted by Ken Smith
The Land Record of George Smith - Lot 33, Winsloe Road, 1855, Submitted by Ken Smith
The Land Record of George Smith - Lot 24 and 33, 1864, Submitted by Ken Smith
The Land Record of James Smith - Lot 35, 1864, Submitted by Ken Smith
The Land Record of George Smith - Lot 33, Winsloe Road, 1878, Submitted by Ken Smith
Petition of Annabella Stewart, 1789 - (1732-1818, Prince Town), Submitted by Don Lowe
U, V
W, X, Y, Z Sale of Land to Donald Wares, (Lot 23, 1859), Submitted by Michael Rennie
Sale of Land Lot 23 to James Wares 1864 - (Lot 23, 1864), Submitted by Michael Rennie
Deed of Release to Lewis John Westaway - (1863, Georgetown Royalty), Submitted by Dave Hunter
Conveyance of Land in Georgetown from Richard Wisner (1774 - 1858) Submitted by Kevin Wisener
Sale of Property: Winckworth Allen to Leonard Wisener - (1790, Charlotte Town) Submitted by Kevin WisenerOver the years, we have lost people who have contributed to this page. They will be missed: