Note: This Document Courtesy of Michael Rennie, [email protected] - Michael would like to give credit for this document to Island genealogist, William Glen CG(C), [email protected], for his locating and obtaining a xerox copy of this document for him. This document details the division of Lot 23 between David Stuart Rennie and Janet Emma Rennie. Later Rennie conveyances and Renters Lists may be seen in the indentures of Susan Rennie and Robert Rennie.
Division of Lot 23 in 1842 between David Stuart Rennie and Janet Emma Rennie
Lot 23 Title package number 473
" £0:10:0
{ Received the day and year within written of and from
{ the within named David Stuart Rennie the sum
{ of ten shillings sterling being the full consideration
{ money within mentioned to be by him paid to meJ. E. Rennie
Wm. Forgan
Wm W. Irving
No. 30
Dated the 16th day of August 1842
Miss Janet Emma Rennie
David Stuart Rennie
} Deed of Partition
} of Lot 23
} P. E. Island
}Prince Edward Island
this deed of partition was duly
Registered this 27th day of August 1842
on the oath of William Forgan
subscribing witnesses
Liber 50
folio 403which I certify
Geo Berestau <<Bearisto??>>Sealed and Delivered In presence of
Wm Forgan
Wm W. IrvingThis Indenture made the sixteenth day of August in the year of Our Lord eighteen hundred and forty-two between Janet Emma Rennie of Charlotte Town, spinster of the one part and David Stuart Rennie also of Charlottetown, aforesaid, gentleman of the other part. Whereas David Rennie formerly of the city of Glasgow in North Britain, merchant deceased departed this life on or about the thirteen day of January eighteen hundred and twenty three leaving four sons and one daughter him surviving namely the above named David Stuart Rennie party hereto his eldest son, James Gower Rennie late of St. John's Newfoundland, merchant, his second son now deceased, William Frederick Rennie also of St. John's aforesaid merchant his third son, and Robert Rennie lately of Charlotte Town aforesaid now of London gentleman his fourth son and the above named Janet Emma Rennie party hereto his daughter and whereas the said David Rennie deceased was at the time of his death lawfully seized of and in a township lands and premises situated in Prince Edward Island aforesaid that is the Township marked number 23 in the general map or survey of the said Island made and taken by public authority containing in the whole twenty-one thousand acres a little more or less situated in the Parish of Grenville in Queens County in the said Island and particularly described in certain letters patent bearing date on or about the fifth day of October seventeen hundred and sixty-nine under the name of Walter Patterson esquire Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over his Majesty's said Island Prince Edward, then called St. John and under the great seal of said Island granting the said Township to William Winter and John Price esquires their heirs and assigns and whereas the said David Rennie deceased not having in his lifetime executed any legal or valid devise of the aforesaid township lands and promises by and virtue of an act of the General Assembly of the said Island made and passed in the twenty-first year of the reign of his late Majesty George III and entitled an act regulating to wills legacies and executors and for the settlement and distribution of the estates of intestates they the said David Stuart Rennie, James Gower Rennie now deceased, William Frederick Rennie, Robert Rennie and Janet Emma Rennie became entitled by the decease of their said ancestor to the said Township lands and premises in the shares and proportions following. That is to say, the same into six equal shares being divided the said David Stuart Rennie to his sixth part or share and the said James Gower Rennie, William Frederick Rennie, Robert Rennie and Janet Emma Rennie to one sixth part or share each and whereas the said James Gower Rennie deceased by his last will and testament bearing date the 16th of August 1839 and registered in the probate office of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland the 31st December of said year, devised to the said Janet Emma Rennie all his share and interest in the said township lands and premises and whereas the said Robert Rennie by indenture of lease and release bearing date the 17th and 18th days of December in eighteen hundred and forty for the consideration therein mentioned conveyed to the said David Stuart Rennie all his the said Robert Rennie's share and interest in the said Township land, the said William Frederick Rennie by indenture of lease and release bearing date the 8th and 9th days of October eighteen hundred and forty-one for the consideration therein mentioned conveyed all his share and interest in the said Township to the said David Stuart Rennie whereby the said David Stuart Rennie stands seized of four-sixths parts or shares of land in the said Township lands and premises and (the said)? Janet Emma Rennie of and in the remaining two-sixths parts or shares and whereas the said Janet Emma Rennie and David Stuart Rennie being now the only proprietors of said Township lands and premises have mutually agreed to divide the same between them and in order thereto having had divided the said Township onto two parts or shares by a line herein after particularly described that part of the said Township which lies to the north of the said partition line to be allotted to the said Janet Emma Rennie by agreement of said parties to be held in severalty by her and that portion of said Township which lies to the south of said partition line to be allotted to the said David Stuart Rennie by agreement of said parties to be by him held in severalty as his share of the same and whereas the said David Stuart Rennie in pursuance of said arrangement hath of the date of these present executed convey to the said Janet Emma Rennie all of his share and interest of and in that portion of said Township so allotted to her as aforesaid now this indenture witnessed that in order to perfect the partition and agreement so made as aforesaid and to the end that each of the said parties their heirs or assigns may hold and enjoy forever hereafter in severalty and distinct from each other the said heredements and premises allotted to them and inconsideration of the sum of ten shillings sterling by the said David Stuart Rennie to the said Janet Emma Rennie in hand paid at or immediately before the sealing and delivering of these present where of receipt receipt is hereby acknowledged, she the said Janet Emma Rennie hath granted bargained sold aliened released and confirmed and doth by these present grant bargain sell alien release and confirm onto to the said David Stuart Rennie in his actual possession being by virtue of a bargain and sale for one whole year to him then if made by the said Janet Emma Rennie by indenture bearing the date the day now before the day of the date of these present and by force of the statute made for transferring uses into possession and his heirs and assigns all her the said Janet Emma Rennie undivided two-sixths part or shares of and on all that part or portion of the said Township lands and premises which lie to the south of a lie commencing at a stake fixed on the Cavendish Road at the northern boundary of lands leased to John Orr which said lands held by John Orr is bounded on the north by farm #15, on the east by Robert Orr's land, on the south by Robert Winter's creek and on the west by the Cavendish Road from thence runs east to the boundary line of Township #24, then return to the place of commencement and from thence following the Cavendish Road southwardly the north side of lands leased to William Shields thence running west to the boundary line of Township #22 by recall? of the plan here unto annexed and which portion of said Township is bounded as follows: on the north by the aforesaid partition line, on the east by the division line between Lots or Townships #23 and 24 on the westerly by the division line between Lots or Townships #23 and #22 and on the south by the division line by Lots or Townships #23 and #31 and #32 which tract of land with its appurtenanced is the part or share of the said David Stuart Rennie of and in the said Township #23 so agreed to be divided as aforesaid and to be forever hereafter held by him, his heirs and assigns in severally as aforesaid together with all woods, under woods, timber, ways, waters, watercourses, easements, rights, privileges, commodities, advantages, emoluments, herediments, and appurtenances whatever to the said herein before described part or portion of the said Township #23 belonging or in my use appertaining or therewith usually held or enjoyed or reported or known as part parcel or member? thereof or of any part thereof and that revision or revisions remainder and remainders rents finds and portions thereof and of every part thereof and all the estate right, title right, interest trust property claim and demand whatsoever both in law and equity of her the said Janet Emma Rennie of into or act of the said herein before described part or portion said lot or Township #23 or any part or parcel thereof and all deeds evidence and writing which relate to the said portion of said township solely and alone and time and attested copies of all such other deeds evidence and writings in the custody or power of the said Janet Emma Rennie which relate to the said portion of said Township or any part thereof jointly with any other lands to have and to hold the said herein before described part or portion of said Lot or Township with all and singular other premises hereby granted and released or intended so to be with there appurtenances to him the said David Stuart Rennie his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behalf of him the said David Stuart Rennie his heirs and assigns forever. And this indenture further witnessed that for the consideration aforesaid the said Janet Emma Rennie hath granted bargained sold assigned transferred and set over and by these present doth grant bargain sell assign transfer and set over onto the said David Stuart Rennie his executors administrators and assigns all her the said Janet Emma Rennie's share of all and every the rent and rents sum and sums of money which for in respect of the use occupation or assignment of the said herein before described part or portion of the said Lot or Township lands and premises or any part there have accrued and become due and payable from any tenant or tenants person or persons who respectively is or are or have been in the use occupation or enjoyment of the same or any part or parts thereof and of all such sum or sums of money damages or other compensation which for or in respect of such occupation or of any trespass in or about the same. She the said Janet Emma Rennie is entitled to have demand recover or receive from any such person or persons or from any person or persons who may heretofore have acted as attorney or attorneys for the trustees or for the heirs of the said David Rennie deceased to have and to hold receive take and enjoy the said rents sums of money and other promises herein being assigned or intended so to be unto the said David Stuart Rennie his executors administrators and assigns as and for his and their own proper monies and offer to absolutely forever and for the better enabling the said David Stuart Rennie his executors administrators and assigns to recover and receive the said hereby assigned rents and sums of money she the said Janet Emma Rennie hath made and constituted and by these present doth make and constitute and in her place and stead put and depute the said David Stuart Rennie his assigns and administrators as her true and lawful attorneys irrevocable in the name of the said Janet Emma Rennie but for the use and benefit of the said David Stuart Rennie his executors, administrators and assigns to demand and receive the said rents and sums of money and? other the promises hereby assigned and to sue for the same and to take all other lawful ways for the receiving there of or any part thereof and or more substitutes under him or them to nominate and the same to revoke the said Janet Emma Rennie hereby giving and granting to the said David Stuart Rennie his executors and assigns and their substitutes her whole power and authority and the premises ratifying hereby whatsoever the said David Stuart Rennie such substitutes now? lawfully do or cause to be done in the premises by virtue of these present and the said Janet Emma Rennie for herself her executors or assigns doth convenance promise and agree to and with the said David Stuart Rennie his heirs and assigns in manner following that is to say that now at the time of sealing these presents the said Janet Emma Rennie lawfully and rightfully seized as of fee of writ in the same undivided two sixths parts of said Lot or Township of or for a good sure perfect and indefeasible estate or inheritance in fee simple in possession and now hath herself good right and in full authority to grant and release the same with the appurtuances to the use of the said David Stuart Rennie his heirs and assigns in manner and form as aforesaid and recording to the true intent and meaning of these presents and also that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said David Stuart Rennie his heirs and assigns from time to time at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly to enter into have hold use occupy possess and enjoy all and singular the aforesaid heredements and premises hereby granted and released or intended so to be with the appurtuances and to receive and take? all and singular the rents issues and profits thereof but all arrears thereof to and for his and their own use and benefit without the lawful let suit trouble interruption of from or by the said Janet Emma Rennie or any person or persons who shall or may at any time or times hereafter lawfully or equitably claim by from or under in trust for her and that free and clear freely clearly and absolutely acquitted named? and discharged truly by her her heirs executors and administrators will and sufficiently have kept harmless and indemnified of from and against all and all manner of former and other gifts grants bargains sales mortgages jointures douert? uses trusts wills judgements debts and all other rents? dues leases charges forfeit? incumbrances whatever hath made done or suffered by her or by any persons lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under or in trust for her and further that she the said Janet Emma Rennie and all and her other person or persons whomever who shall or may at any times hereafter have or lawfully or equitably claim any estate right title or interest of in to or out of the said promises hereby granted and released or intended so to be or any part thereof by from or under or in trust for her shall and will at all times hereafter upon the request and at the costs and charges of the said David Stuart Rennie his heirs and assigns make due acknowledge suffer and execute or cause to be made there acknowledged and executed all such further and other lawful and reasonable acts deeds and assurances in the law whatsoever for the better assuring the said premises hereby granted and released or intended so to be with the appurtuances to the use of the said David Stuart Rennie his heirs and assigns forever and for the better assigning and enabling him and them to recover and release the said rents and sums of money hereby assigned as by the said David Stuart Rennie his heirs executors administrators or assigns or his or their council learned in the law may be reasonably devised advised or required In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.