The Land Record of George Smith, Winsloe Road, 1878

(Purchase by George Smith of Elza Smith’s 25 acres on Winsloe Rd.)


Province of Prince Edward Island

Victoria, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the faith, &c., &c.

Know all Men by the Presents, that I, …Joseph Pope…"The Commissioner of Public lands" for prince Edward island, under the authority of an Act passed in the sixteenth year of the reign of her present Majesty Queen Victoria, intituled An act for the purchase of Lands on behalf of the Government of Prince Edward Island, and to regulate the sale and management thereof, and for other purposes therein mentioned, in consideration of the sum of…Fifty Two Dollars and Fifty cents…of lawful currency of the said Island, to me in hand paid by…George Smith…of lot or Township No. …Thirty three (33)…the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Have granted, bargained, released, and confirmed, and by these presents Do grant, bargain, release and confirm, unto the said…George Smith…his heirs and assigns, All that tract, piece, or parcel of land, situate, lying, and being on Lot or Township Number…Thirty Three (33)… bounded as follows, that is to say: …On the West side of Winsloe Road, at the South east corner of landing possession of George Smith, thence West Eighteen chains and Fifty links, thence South Thirteen chains and Fifty links, thence East to Winsloe Road, thence North to the place of starting (being thus described and bounded in a certain Indenture of Lands made the Fifth day of June in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Three between John Hodges Winsloe of the one part and Eliz Smith, wife of Henry Smith, of the other part and which hence is on fyle at the Office of the Commissioner of Crown and Public Lands at Charlotte Town in the Province aforesaid containing Twenty Five Acres of Land, a little more or less.

As delineated on the Plan of the said Lot or Township, together with all and singular the rights, privileges, easements, advantages, and appurtenances whatsoever to the said land and premises belonging, or in anywise appertaining, or therewith now or heretofore holden, used, and enjoyed, to have and to hold the said tract of Land, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, hereby granted and released unto the said …George Smith…his heirs and assigns, to the only proper use and behoof of the said ..George Smith… his heirs and assigns forever, and to no other use, intent, or purpose whatsoever, as fully, simply, and beneficially as the original grantee or grantees thereof from the Crown were possessed of the same or entitled thereto.

In witness whereof, I the said …Joseph Pope…"The Commissioner of Public Lands" have hereunto set my hand and seal of office the …Twenty Fourth… day of …January… in the year or our Lord one thousand eight hundred and …Seventy eight (1878).

Signed, Seale, and Delivered…

[Source: Public Archives of Prince Edward Island:

Government Deeds 1877 – 1881 A: pp. 1 – 244 A1/34]

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