Lovell's Directory was a directory of professionals and businessmen and other inhabitants in Prince Edward Island, published in 1871, with listings by town or geographic region. [Some corrections thanks to John Collin's sharp eyes!]
Aberon, John - labourer
Alexander, James - shipwright
Arsenault, Albert - labourer
Arthur, Charles S. - pedlar
Archibald, Dimock - bookseller
Baker, John - labourer
Baker, John F - dry goods, milliner
Baker, Richard - stage driver
Baker, Stephen - carpenter
Baker, Thomas C. - ce.k???
Baker, William P. - house carpenter
Beairsto, George - clerk
Beairsto, Henry - no occu.
Beairsto, Peter, M.D.
Beairsto, William - comm. merch., auctioneeer
Beaton, ____ - shipwright
Beaton, Malcolm - shipwright
Beaton, Saveys - shipwright
Beaton, William - labourer
Beattie, Thomas - house carpenter
Bertram, Alexander - printer
Bertram, Joseph of Bertram & Strong(1)
Bertram and Strong - Pro Summerside Journal
Bethune, James - printer
Bethune, John - tinsmith
Bishop, George - blacksmith
Bishop, Henry - shipwright
Black, Mrs. G. - wid Asher, boarding House
Blanch, George - shipwright
Bowness, William - carpenter
Brazil, James - dry goods, groceries
Breen, William - shipwright
Brehaut, Thomas - plasterer
Brehaut, William - carpenter
Brown, Samuel - threshing mill, manuf'r
Buchanan, Dougald - blacksmith
Buchanan, Murdoch - labourer
Burnerd, Samuel - labourer
Burrows, William F. - clerk
Cahill, Joseph - carpenter
Cahill, Thomas A. - baker
Cairns, Thomas - farmer, livery stable
Caldwell, James - lumber dealer
Calhoun, John R. - of J.L. Holman & Co.
Callaghan, Hugh - shipwright
Cameron, _____ - shipwright
Cameron, Archibald - shipwright
Cameron, James - labourer
Cameron, James W. - shipwright
Cameron, Ronald - joiner
Campbell, Donald - labourer
Cannon, William - no occu.
Champion, William - dry goods and groceries
Chappell, William - truckman
Clark, C.R. - photographic artist
Clark, Stephen - cabinet maker, preventive off.
Clark, James B. - bookkeeper
Clark, Theopolis - bookkeeper
Clifton House - Edward Mawley, Mgr.
Conden, Patrick - blacksmith
Conden, William - blacksmith
Conners, Peter A. - blacksmith
Connick, Thomas - shipwright
Costan, John - preventive officer
Crabb, George - harnessmaker
Crabb, Thomas - postmaster, hotel, farmer
Craswell, Edward - farmer
Craswell, Harold - distillery
Craswell, Henry - shipwright
Crehan, Mrs. - wid. John
Creighan, John - hotelkeeper
Crosman, Henry - cooper
Crosman, James S. - labourer
Crozier, James - grocer
Crozier, John - painter
Cudmore, John - farmer
Daley, William - shipwright
Danford, Charles - tinsmith
Delaney, Patrick - watchmaker(2)
Dempsey, Matthew - carpenter
Dempsey, Miss M. - dressmaker
Dooling, Edward - collar maker
Donahoe, Charles - accountant
Doulin, James - blacksmith
Dowling, Dennis - blacksmith
Doyle, Andrew - sailmaker
Doyle, Michael - sailmaker
Doyle, Pierce - cabinetmaker
Dunni, James - shipwright
Dunni, Joseph - shipwright
Durant, Joseph - labourer
Ellis, Robert - farmer
Enman, Daniel - dry goods &c
Enman, J.D. - salesman
Fanning, James - truckman
Fanning, John - truckman
Farrow, Joseph - labourer
Fennessey, Dennis - shoemaker
Fennessey, James - shoemaker
Fisher, John - pointer
Fitzgerald, Thomas - ship joiner
Fitzpatrick, James - shipwright
Fitzpatrick, Peter - caulker
Fitzpatrick, Thomas - shipwright
Forbes, Alexander - carpenter
Frame, Rev. William H. - Presbyterian
Fraser, Daniel - shipwright
Fraser, William - shipwright
French, John - joiner
Frizzel, Thomas - shoemaker
Fulton, Rev. J. McC. - Wesleyan
Gaffney, John - clerk
Gallagher, John - labourer
Gallant, Barnett - mason
Gallant, John - labourer
Gardiner, Charles C. - no occu.
Gardiner, John R. - no occu.
Gardiner, Joseph F. - carpenter
Gay, Alfred - clerk
Gay, G. W. - shoemaker
Gay, William - carpenter
Gibson, Robert - painter
Gillis, Angus - ship builder
Gillis, Angus - shipwright
Gillis, James - shipwright
Gillis, John - caulker
Gillis, John - shipwright
Gillis, Joseph - shipwright
Gillis, Stephen - shipwright
Gillis, William - limeburner
Gough, Thomas - ship carpenter
Gould, John - truckman
Gould, Samuel - truckman
Gourlie, Alfred - druggist
Gourlie, James - bookkeeper
Grady, Albert - rigger
Grady, Alexander - pro Alma House
Grady, David - hotelkeeper
Grady, James - carpenter
Grady, Jesse - shipwright
Grady, John - liquors and groceries
Grady, John - ship carpenter
Graham, Neil - shipwright
Grant, Lewis - shoemaker
Graves, Albert - printer
Green, Charles - collector of customs(3)
Green, Daniel S. - dep. coll. of customs
Green, Harry - lime kiln owner
Green, John - farmer(4)
Green, Lewis - ship captain
Green, William Penn - ship captain
Hall, John - painter
Hamilton, Daniel - clerk
Harper, James - shipwright
Henderson, Robert - cooper
Henry, Benjamin - shipwright
Henry, Dougald - shipwright
Henry, John - shipwright
Hibbett, Lawrence - shipwright
Hibbett, Richard - pro. Ocean House
Hickey, David - school teacher
Higgins, Nathan - labourer
Hilson, George - carpenter
Hinton, George - tanner and farmer
Holman, J.L. & Co. - gen. merch, flour
Holman, James L. - of J.L. Holman, ship owner
Holman, Robert T. - ship owner(5)
Hopkins, H. - physician
Howatt, Jacob - cabinetmaker, painter
Howatt, James Isaac - carriage builder(6)
Howe, William M. - barrister
Hudson, Silas F. - school teacher
Humphrey, James - shipwright
Humphrey, Thomas - ship builder
Humphrey, William - carpenter
Hunt, Mrs. J. - school teacher
Hunt, Richard - commission merchant
Hurst, Ira - master mariner
Huskett, Matthew - shipwright
Huskett, Robert - sparmaker
Irving, John - shipwright
Jarvis, Henry F. - M.D.
Keiting, Walter - grocery
Kelly, James - labourer
Kelly, Thomas - barrister at law
Keough, Mrs. - wid
Keoughan, Martin - stevedore
Kilroy, Thomas - tobaccanist
Kinsman, Edward - blacksmith
Lamb, Philip - carpenter
Lambert, James - shipwright
Lanigan, Patrick - shoemaker
Lannigan, Mrs. Ann - wid Kenneth, grocery
Larkins, Peter L. - shoemaker
Lee, Newton - blacksmith
Lefurgey, John - J.P.(7)
Linkletter, Andrew - clerk
Linkletter, James - carpenter
Linkletter, William - auctioneer
Lydiard, E.L. - auctioneer, comm. merch.
McCarey, Francis - sailmaker
McCarthy, John - blacksmith
McCarthy, Robert - blacksmith
McCleary, Matthew - harnessmaker
McClure, James - shipwright
McDonald, Alexander - hotelkeeper
McDonald, Allan - labourer
McDonald, Angus - no occu.
McDonald, Donald - labourer
McDonald, Donald - shipwright
McDonald, Isaac - shipwright
McDonald, James - shipwright
McDonald, John - labourer
McDonald, John - shipwright
McDonald, Joseph - shipwright
McDonald, Michael - blacksmith
McDonald, Patrick - shipwright
McDonald, Ronald - bailiff
McDonald, Ronald - groceries and liquorsMcDonald, Ronald - labourer
McDonald, William - boarding house
McDougald, Daniel - labourer
McDougald, Dougald - miller
McDougald, Duncan - shipwright
McDougald, John - shipwright
McDougald, Neil - shipwright
McDougald, Peter - shipwright
McDougald, Robert - shipwright
McDougald, Roderick - shipwright
McEachern, Charles - shipwright
McElman, Albertus - shipwright
McEwen, Joseph - clerk
McEwen, Mrs. L. - wid William
McGuinnis, Dougald - shipwright
McGuinnis, Finley - shipwright
McInnes, Duncan - house joiner
McIntosh, Alvardo - clerk
McIntosh, William - clerk
McIntyre, Bert - blacksmith
McIntyre, Stephen - labourer
McIsaac, Michael - labourer
McKay, Kenneth - master mariner
McKay, Hugh - master mariner
McKay, John - no occu.
McKiernan, John - baker, groceries, fancy goods
McKenna, John - carriage maker
McKenna, Rev. James A. - Roman Catholic
McKennan, Capel - shipwright
McKenzie, John - foreman, tailor
McKinnon, Alexander - shipwright
McKinnon, Angus - blacksmith
McKinnon, Donald - shipwright
McKinnon, John - sea captain
McKinlay, Thomas - chemist and druggist
McLaren, Hugh - shipwright
McLarrisey, Michael - shipwright
McLauchlin, John - truckman
McLean, Daniel - printer
McLean, Dougald - labourer
McLean, Miss E. - milliner, dressmaker
McLellan, Alexander - shipwright
McLellan, Andrew - shipwright
McLellan, Daniel - shipbuilder
McLellan, Gabriel - shoemaker
McLellan, John - caulker
McLellan, John - clerk
McLellan, John - joiner
McLellan, Joseph - truckman
McLellan, Mrs. C. - wid Leo, grocery
McLellan, Stephen - shipwright
McLennan, Colin - dry goods, groceries
McLennan, John - shipwright
McLeod, Alexander - painter
McLeod, Donald - labourer
McLeod, James - bookkeeper
McLeod, James - salesman
McLeod, Mrs. Janet - wid Neil
McMillan, Angus - MPP(8)
McMillan, Linas B. - general merchant(9)
McMurdoch, Mrs. B. - wid
McNab, Alexander - blacksmith
McNeil, Dougald - constable
McNeil, John - seaman
McNeill, Finlay - J.P., general store
McNeill, James - carpenter
McNeill, James - clerk
McNeill, Jerome - shipwright
McNeill, John - shipwright
McNeill, Stephen - carriage builder
McNutt, G. - merchant
McPhail, Malcolm - sparmaker
McPhail, Martin - sparmaker
McPhee, Alexander - shipwright
McPherson, Alexander - carpenter
McPherson, Ronald - shoemaker
McQuarrie, John - boat builder
McSween, Angus - tailor
McVigh, Patrick - shoemaker
McWade, John - baker
Mallett, Daniel - shipwright
Mallett, Joseph - blockmaker
Mallett, Mrs. Maria - wid John
Malloy, Mrs. Edward - wid Edward
Malone, James - carpenter
Malone, Michael - labourer
Malone, Thoimas - labourer
Mann?, James - stage driver
Matheson, John - sea captain
Mathews, Donald - labourer
Mathews, Donald - groom
Matthews, Mrs. E. - wid James, weaver
Mawley, Edmund - mgr. Clifton House
Merrigan, Maurice - rigger
Mills, Arthur P. - merchant
Minto, William - clerk
Moran, William - shipwright
Morell, Mrs. Sarah - wid Josaiah
Morrison, William - labourer
Montgomery, David - accountant
Muirhead, James - J.P., dry goods, groc.
Muncey, Singleton A. - telegraph op.
Murphy, Artemus - blacksmith
Murphy, Martin - caulker
Murray, Archibald - carpenter
Murray, Henry - bookkeeper
Murray, James - printer
Murray, Mrs. Ellen - wid John
Mutch, Benjamin - butcher
Muttart, George - shoemaker
Newsom, William - clerk
Nicholson, William - shoemaker
Pcean House - Rich. Hibbett, pro.
O'Connor, John H. - no occu.
O'Connor, Mrs. J. - wid Daniel
O'Neill. Owen - groceries and liquors
Outerbridge, A. Bruce - salesman
Owens, John - caulker
Patterson, Ninion - carpenter
Pearson, David - master mariner
Peters, Charles F. - sea captain
Peters, Maurice -caulker
Peters, Morris - labourer
Pierson, Nathaniel - shipwright
Power, John - shipwright
Powers, John - shipwright
Price, J.E. - physician and surgeon
Profit, John - joiner
Ramsay, Donald - ship builder
Ramsay, George - shipwright
Ramsay, Hugh - ship builder(10)
Ramsey, Jeremiah - shipwright
Ramsey, John - ship builder
Redman, John - truckman
Reid & Bro. - importers gen. merchandise
Reid, James A. - of Reid & Bro.
Reid, John D. - of Reid & Bro.
Reilly, Patrick - tobacco Fact.
Renouf, Francis - harnessmaker
Richard, John - labourer
Richards, Thomas - shipwright
Robblee, Thomas H. - clerk
Robinson, Mrs. S - wid Henry
Rochfort, Donald - no occu.
Rodd, Samuel - mason
Rogers, David - gen. merchant(11)
Rogers, Joseph - blacksmith
Rogers, Thomas - clerk
Ryan, Moses - clerk
Ryan, Patrick - truckman
Ryan, Peter - house carpenter
Sage, Richard - shipwright
Saunders, Charles - warehouseman
Saunders, Charles B. - harnessmaker
Saunders, Jeremiah - clerk
Schurman, Jacob - grocer
Schurman, John D. - pro Temperance Hotel
Sharp, James - constable
Sharp, James - farmer
Sharp, James A. - storekeeper
Shaw, Alexander - ship carpenter
Sheen, George - shipwright
Sinclair, Neil - clerk
Smith, Alexander - joiner
Smith, James - labourer
Smith, James - plasterer
Smith, John - distiller, grocery
Smith, Michael - ship carpenter
Smith, Mrs. Susan - wid John, grocery
Smith, Simon - distillery
Somers, John - blacksmith
Southern, Mrs. Jane - wid Robert
Spencer, THomas - printer
St. Felicite sister - superioress of convent
Stavert, Robert McCaul - Cash. S'side Bank
Steves, Ichabod L. - pro. Union Hotel
Stewart, Donald R. - house of entertainment
Stewart, William - baker
Stewart, William - clerk
Strang, Alder - labourer
Strang, Jesse - sea captain
Strang, Solomon - sea captain
Strong, Charles W. - of Bertram & Strong(12)
Strong, Robert A. - gen. merch., importer
Sullivan, Miss. J. - milliner & dressmaker
Summerside Journal - see footnotes(13)
Summerside Bank - Robert McCaul Stavert cash.
Summerside Progress - see footnotes(14)
Tamlyon, Mrs. R. - wid Richard, boarding
Temperance Hotel - John D. Schurman pro.
Toblin, William - seaman
Tuplin, Henry - carriage factory
Tuplin, William - carriage factory
Union Hotel - I. Steeves pro.
Vickerson, Lemuel - general merchant
Walker, Albert - master mariner
Walker, Henry - cabinetmaker
Wallace, James - sea captain
Walsh, James - master mariner
Walsh, James - sea captain
Walsh - William - printer S'Side Progress
Waugh, Alexander - farmer
Way, Robert - labourer
Wedge, Fabien - labourer
Wedge, Joseph - labourer
Wedge, Simon - labourer
Wedge, Theopolis - labourer
Weeks, John T. - bookkeeper
Welsh, Mrs. Annie - wid William
Welsh, Thomas - sea captain
Wetherby, James - painter
Whalen, George - seaman
Whalen, John - seaman
Wilson, James - labourer
Wilson, Mrs. Margaret - wid Andrew
Wilson, William - saddler
Wright, Mrs. Jane - wid Montague
Young, John - blockmaker
Young, John - truckmaker(1) Agent, Prince Edward Island Steam Navigation Co.
(2) Also Commissioner Small Debts Court
(3) Also Grist Mill Owner, Farmer
(4) Also Commissioner of Small Debts Court
(5) Also General Importer, pro. Summerside Progress
(6) Also Fanning Mill Maker
(7) Also MPP, General Merchant, and Ship Builder
(8) Also Ship Builder and Owner, General Merchant, Farmer
(9) Also Clerk of Small Debts Court
(10) Also Dry Goods and Groceries
(11) Also Importer and Produce Buyer
(12) Bookseller & Stationer
(13) Weekly, Annual Subscription 6s 3d. Bertram & Strong, proprietors and printers.
(14) Weekly, Annual Subscription 6s 3d. R. T. Holman, proprietor; W. Walsh, printerThis document, Lovell's Directory, 1871 may be seen at PARO, Accession No. 4064, Item No. 1
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