The Lovell's Prince Edward Island Directory 1871 R-St
From the Collection of Donna Johnston Collings

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Lovell's Directory was a directory of professionals and businessmen and other inhabitants in Prince Edward Island, published in 1871, with listings by town or geographic region. [Some corrections thanks to John Collin's sharp eyes!]
Red Point
A small village in township No. 46, east parish, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 30 miles, from Charlottetown 56 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Bruce, George - blacksmith
Campbell, Angus M. - farmer
Campbell, Angus M. - farmer
Campbell, Donald M. - farmer
Chapman, Simon - fisherman
Chapman, Thomas - tailor
Cling, John jun. farmer
Cling, John sen. - farmer
Fraser, John - farmer
Hackett, James - farmer
Leet?, William - carpenter
McDonald, Alexander - tailor
McDonald, Hugh D.B. - farmer
McDonald, Lauchlan - farmer
McDonald, Samuel - postmaster
McInnis, Alexander - farmer
McInnis, Anthony - farmer
McInnis, Donald - farmer
McLean, Alexander - farmer
McLean, John - farmer
McLellan, Angus - farmer
Robertson, Duncan - merchant
Stewart, John - farmer
Stewart, Mrs. A. - wid
Wilson, Robert - shoemaker
Rolla [Rollo] Bay
A village in township No. 43, parish of St. Margaret's, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 30 miles, from Charlottetown 42 miles by stage Thuesday and Friday, fare 9s. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 75.
Burk, James - farmer
Dingle, J.H. - farmer
Eureka House - McDougall Bros. pro.
Keefe, James - ship builder
McCrae, Donald - farmer
McDonald, Donald - blacksmith
McDougall, Archibald - of McDougall Bros.
McDougall Bros. - general store, Eureka Hs.
McDougall, Ronald - of McDougall Bros.(1)
McKee, Alexander - farmer
McKinnon, John - farmer
O'Donnell, James - farmer
Townsend, Charles - farmer
Townsend, John - farmer
Webster, Joseph - farmer
(1) Also Postmaster
Rose Valley
A small village in township No. 67, parish of Grenville, county of Queens. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 18 miles, from Princetown 25 miles, from Charlottetown 20 miles, from Georgetown 50 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200.
Bethune, Allan - farmer
Cahill, John - farmer
Dixon, George - miller
Dixon, George sen. - farmer
Dixon, John - farmer
Edwards, Bartholemew - farmer
Gillis, Duncan - farmer
Gillis, Malcolm - farmer
Gillis, Mrs. - wid
Gillis, Roderick - farmer
McDonald, Hector - farmer
McDonald, Kenneth - farmer
McDonald, Myles - farmer
McInnis, John - farmer
McKenzie, Alexander - farmer
McKenzie, John - farmer
McKenzie, Kenneth - farmer
McKenzie, Murdoch H. - farmer
McKenzie, Roderick - farmer
McKinlay, Murdoch - farmer
McKinnon, Murdoch - farmer
McLeod, Alexander - farmer
McLean, Allan - farmer
McLean, Alexander - blacksmith
McLeod, Donald - farmer
McLeod, John - farmer
McRae, Malcolm - farmer
Matheson, Angus - farmer
Matheson, Angus - farmer
Matheson, Donald - farmer
Matheson, Malcolm - shoemaker
Matheson, John - farmer
Matheson, Neil - farmer
Nicholson, Allan - tailor
Nicholson, Angus - farmer
Nicholson, Donald - farmer
Nicholson, James - farmer
Stuart, Hector - blacksmith
Stuart, Ronald - farmer
Todd, James - farmer
A village in township No. 24, parish of Charlotte, county of Queens, adjacent to Rustico Bay, one of the principal fishing stations in the province. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 16 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 250.
Baker & Nicholson - fishing establishment
Budd, George - p'master N. Rustico(1)
Bulmen, Christopher - farmer
Buote, Isadore - farmer
Buote, Mrs. - schoolteacher
Cameron, John - school teacher
Churchill, H.M. - fish establishment
Doiron, Jerome - J.P.(2)
Doiron, Sylvestre - farmer
Doucet, Adrien - farmer
Farmer's Bank - See(3)
Finley, William H. - general merchant
Gallant, Andrew - farmer
Gallant, Fidel - farmer
Gallant, Joseph - storekeeper, farmer
Gallant, Leman - farmer
Gallant, Leon - farmer
Gallant, Peter - farmer
Gaudet, Joseph - farmer
Houston, Alexander - farmer
Houston,John - Farmer
Hughes, John - blacksmith
MacPhee, Rev. Rodolph P. - R. Catholic
McDonald, John - blacksmith
McNeill, William - cust. officer, farmer
Marin, Blanchard - cash. Farmer's Bank
Matheson, W'm - Farmer, grist, carding mill
Mayo, C.S. - fishing establishment
Mutch, David - J.P., farmer
Nelson, John - fishing establishment
Percy, Thomas - fishing establishment
Pineau, Dominique - farmer
Pineau, Fermin - farmer
Pineau, Pacifique - farmer
Pineau, Robert - farmer
L????, Romain - farmer
Ritchey, Rev. Theophilis - Ch. of England
Ross, Donald - fishing establishment
Stevenson, Robert - farmer, grist mill
Tombs, Joseph - farmer
Welsh, Thomas - fishing establishment
Woolner, Edward - farmer
(1) Also Blacksmith
(2) Also Farmer, Pres. of Farmer's Bank, Road Commisioner
(3) Farmer's Bank - Jerome Doiron; president, Blanchard Marin, cashier. Directors - Sylevstre Doiron, Leon Gallant, Joseph Gaudet, Isadore Buote, Andrew Gallant, Leman Gallant, Fermin Pineau, Adrien Doucet, Robert Pineau, and Fidel Gallant. Discount day every Wednesday.
A small village on the north side of the Hillsborough River, township No. 36, parish of St. Bonaventure, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 15 miles, from Princetown 45 miles, from Georgetown 20 miles, from Summerside 55 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 100.
Braddock, Charles - J.P., farmer
Dougan, Thomas A. - shoemaker
Egan, Michael - blockmaker
Fisher, Angus - shipbuilder
Fisher, Charles - shipbuilder
Hughes, Henry - farmer
Hayden, Alexander - shipbuilder
Johnston, Archibald - blacksmith
McDonald, Alexander - pilot
McDonald, Angus - postmaster
McDonald, James - farmer
McDonald, Joseph - farmer
McKarney, James - brickmaker
McKenna, Bernard - farmer
McKenzie, James F. - school teacher
McKenzie, John - farmer
Wire, James - farmer
A small village in township No. 27, parish of St. David's, county of Prince. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 6 miles, from Princetown 20 miles, from Charlottetown 34 miles, from Summerside 13? miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 80.
Allen, William - farmer
Baker, Phillip - farmer
Black, Stephen - farmer
Farrow, Howard - postmaster
Jobey, Thomas - carpenter
McLean, John - farmer
Smith, Christopher - farmer
Strong, Gabriel - farmer
Trueman, Hiram - farmer
Webster, Joseph - farmer
Wright, D.S. - no occu.
Wright, Horatio - farmer
Wright, John - farmer
Wright, John Nelson - farmer
Wright, John R. - farmer
Wright, Lewis - farmer
Wright, Solomon - farmer
Skinner's Pond
A small village in township No. 1, north parish, county of Prince. Distant from Alberton, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 15 miles, from Princetown 60 miles, from Charlottetown 100 miles, from Georgetown 130 miles, from Summerside 52 miles. Mail weekly. Population about 100
Aylward, Patrick - farmer
Aylward, Peter - farmer
Arseneaux, James trader
Casey, Henry - farmer
Cuir, Thomas J. - trader
Doyle, Arthur - farmer
Doyle, James - farmer, postmaster
Dulling, James- trader
Keefe, John - farmer
McGrath, James - teacher
McKenna, Peter - farmer
Noonan, Abraham - blacksmith
A small village in township No. 27, parish of St. David's, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 12 miles, from Princetown 15 miles, from Charlottetown, 25 miles, from Georgetown 55 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 25.
Breuah?, Michael - farmer
Cunningham, John - farmer
Doyle, Rev. Patrick - R. Catholic
Farmer, James S. - farmer
Foley, John - Master gr. school
Hackett, John - joiner
Hughes, Owen - J.P., farmer
Johnston, James - farmer
Keef, John - farmer
Keef, Patrick - pro. Temperance Hotel
Kelly, Andrew - farmer
Kelly, James - carriage builder
McBride, Thomas - wheelwright
McCarville, Owen - shoemaker
McCarville, Thomas jun. - farmer
McCarville, Thomas sen. - farmer
McDonald, Allan - farmer
McGuigan, Mrs. - pro Somerset Inn
Melver, John - farmer
Moan, Hugh - blacksmith
Mulligan, Artemus - farmer
Mulligan, Patrick - farmer
Mulligan, Phillip - farmer
Mulligan, Puncher - farmer
Murphy, Francis - joiner
Murphy, Hugh - farmer
Murphy, Patrick - farmer
Murphy, Thomas - farmer
Murphy, William - farmer
Nolan, Simon - veterinary, blacksmith
Nolan, Matthew - farmer
Renahah?, Jolin - farmer
Rooney, Patrick - shoemaker
Screenan, John - farmer
Screenan, Lanty - farmer
Smith, John - J.P., farmer
Somers, Martin - commission agent
Thompson, James - farmer
Treanor, Patrick - shoemaker
Wall, James - farmer
Walsh, John R. - tailor, postmaster
Wright, John Jesse - mill owner
A flourishing village situated in township Nos. 44 and 45, east parish, county of Kings. The River Souris runs through the centre of the village, dividing it into two parts, that on the east side of the river being known as East, and that on the opposite side as West Souris. Tha larger portion of the village is on the eastern side. The depth of the water on the bar is 8 1/2 feet at high water. It is intended to build a breakwater already commenced from the east part of the harbour, with fron 3 to 5 fathoms of water. Shipbuilding and fishing are the chief pusuits of the inhabitants. Distant from Charlottetown 52 miles fare 12s 6d; from Georgetown 30 miles, from Summerside 90 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 500.
Arnold, John - painter
Aylward, Peter - carpenter
Beaton, Mrs. C.S. - wid Hon. Donald
Beaton, Mrs. - hotelworker
Bowers, John - saddler, harnessmaker
Brown, Angus - grocer, farmer
Cameron, Ewen- storekeeper
Campion, Alexander
Cantwell, John - miller
Carlton, Caleb C. - groceries(1)
Cheverie, Alexander - grocer
Cheverie, Alexander - master mariner
Cheverie, Peter - farmer
Cheverie, Simon - mast. mar., ship owner
Conroy, Mrs - wid William, groceries
Fitzgerald, Thomas - merchant
Fitzgerald, William - shoemaker
Fuller, E.G. jun. - trader
Fuller, E.G. sen. - storekeeper(2)
Garrett, James - farmer
Garrett, John - farmer
Gay, Charles - mast. mar., ship owner
Gregory, Michael - salesman
Gregory, Samuel - blacksmith, farmer
Halloran, Matthias - farmer
Hayes, Richard - harbour master
Hellyon, Thomas - blockmaker
Keys, John - master mariner
Keys, Thomas - farmer
Kickham, Edward - J.P,storekeeper,farmer
Kickham, John jun. - blacksmith
Kickham, John sen. - farmer
Kickham, Lawrence - merchant,hotel,farmer
Kickham, Thomas - postmaster, merchant
Knight, John - J.P.(3)
Lavee, Augustas - master mariner
Lavee, Charles - master mariner
Lavee, Francis - farmer
Lavee, John D. - master mariner
Lavee, Michael - master mariner
Leslie, Alexander - J.P., farmer
Leslie, Brothers - saw mill owners
Leslie, James - farmer
MacGowan, John - gen'l merchant(4)
McCormack, Donald - labourer
McCormack, Michael - gen'l merchant(5)
McDonald, Mrs. Agnes - school teacher
McDonald, Alexander - carpenter
McDonald, Angus - shoemaker
McDonald, Francis - carpenter
McDonald, Gabriel - shoemaker
McDonald, Joseph - shoemaker
McDonald, Leo - carpenter
McDonald, Miss - ladies school
McDonald, Neil - book keeper
McDonald, Neil - farmer
McDonald, Rev. D.F. - R. Catholic
McDonald, Ronald - constable, shoemaker
McDonald, Roderick - groceries and liquors
McDonald , Roderick - mast. marin., ship owner
McDonald, Ronald - groceries(6)
McEachern, Angus - hotelkeeper(7)
McEachern, John - ship builder
McEachern, Joseph - general store, fish trader
McGowan, John - general dealer
McInnis Bros. - blacksmiths
McInnis, James - of McInis Bros.
McInnis, Joseph - of McInnis Bros.
McIntyre, Peter Adolphus, M.D.(8)
McKinnon, John - shoemaker
McLauchlin, James Gen'l Merchant(9)
McLean, James R. - M.P., merchant
McLean, John - coll. of customs, storekeeper
McLean, John - of Matthew & McLean
McQuaid, James - tailor
McQuaid, Mrs. Charlotte - storekeeper
McVean, James R. - M.P., merchant
McWade, Mrs. - wid Michael, gen'l store
Mallard, Thomas - shipwright
Maskill, William - cooper
Matthew, & Mclean - gen'l merchants
Matthew, Uriah - of Matthew & McLean
Morrow, David - ship carpenter
Morrow, Frederick - liquor dealer
Morrow, James O. - general store
Moynagh, James jun. - hotel, store keeper
Moynagh, James sen. - no occu.
Muttart, E.B. - physician
O'Donald, Francis - carpenter
Pacquet, Alexander - blacksmith
Pacquet, Michael - farmer
Pacquet, Marshall - mariner
Peters, Edward - house carpenter
Quin, Joseph - groceries, provisions &c
Rice, George - caulker & shipwright
Rice, Mrs. Ellen - wid
Seaman, R. - shoemaker
Scully, Mrs. M - wid Patrick
Scully, Thomas - farmer
Smith, Mrs. Sarah - Wid Thomas D.(10)
St. John, Richard - cooper
Steele, Thomas - farmer
Stearns, John G. - gen'l merch., postmaster
Stewart, Peter - ship builder, grist mill
Stewart, Peter - carpenter
Stone, William - fish trader(11)
Strachan, Donald - cooper
Tierney, Mrs. - seamstress
(1) Also Dry Goods, Liquors, Fish Trader, Egg Dealer
(2) Also Fish Trader & U.S. Consular Agent.
(3) Also General Merchant, Dealer in fish and produce.
(4) Also Notary and Fish Trader
(5) Also Sherriff for Kings County, Commissioner of Small Debts Court.
(6) Also Commission Merchant, Auctioneer, Insurance Agent
(7) Also Clerk of Commissioner's Court.
(8) Also C.M., Drug Store
(9) Also Boot & Shoe Manufacturer
(10) Postmistress, Boarding House
(11) Also Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Hardware &c
A village situated on the south side of the Hillsborough River, immediately opposite the city of Charlottetown in township No. 48, parish of Bedford, county of Queens. It is connected with the city by a steam ferry plying every hour, fare 3d. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 160.
Acorn, Joseph - saw and grist miller
Aylward, John - ship owner(1)
Babang, Joseph - ferryman
Beer, Henry - J.P.(2)
Boyer, Henry - of Stewart & Boyer(3)
Breen, Patrick - liquor dealer
Bridges, Robert - farmer
Chandler, Edward - livery, blacksmith, farmer
Farquharson, Sampson - school teacher
Farquharson, William H. - gen'l merchant
Fisk, James - labourer
Flood, Peter - brickyard owner, farmer
Forrest, Mrs. A. - wid George
Godfrey, Joseph - brickmaker
Ham, Allen - lock and gun smith
Haszard, George T. - pro broom factory
Henry, George - farmer
Henry, George - farmer
Huddy, Richard - labourer
Kennedy, James W. - saddler
Kervin, Richard - ferryman
McAdam, Thomas - brickmaker
McCullough, William - labourer
McGee, James - farmer
McLeod, William - tanner, farmer
Muy, Robert - J.P.
Munn, Alexander - Union Hotelkeeper
Murphy, James - hotelkeeper
Murphy, Matthew - hotelkeeper
Sprague, John - salesman
Stanley, Thomas - shoemaker
Stewart, Alexander - brickmaker
Stewart, Allen - blacksmith
Stewart & Boyer - tannery pro.'s
Stewart, John - of Stewart & Boyer
Stewart, John - tailor
Stewart, John B. - J.P., brickmaker
Stewart, Miss - no occu.
Stewart, Robert - butcher
Wadman, Isaac - builder, joiner(4)
Yeo, Richard - brickmaker
(1) Also Master Mariner, Lime Kiln Owner, Farmer
(2) Also Postmaster, General Importer, and Produce Dealer, Brickyard Owner
(3) Also Produce Dealer
(4) Also Undertaker
A small settlement in township No. 7, parish of Granville, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 24 miles, from Georgetown 54 miles, from Summerside 15 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 40.
Harlam, Benjamin - farmer
Harlam, Benjamin jun. - farmer
Harlam, John H. - farmer
Harlam, Joseph - farmer
Harlam, Robert - farmer
Harlam, St??? - farmer
Harlam, Thomas - farmer
Harlam, William - farmer
[Note: This name is typed exactly as it appears in the Directory, however, it should read "Haslam"]
A village in the north parish of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 14 miles, from Princetown, 18 miles, from Georgetown 44 miles, from Summerside 20 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 230.
Cameron, Donald - MPP, farmer
Campbell, Rev. Alex. - Presbyterian
Kelly, Daniel - farmer
Kelly, Peter - farmer
Lamont, Murdoch - mason
MacDonald, Donald - farmer
MacDonald, James - J.P.
MacDonald, Ronald - farmer
MacDonald, Samuel - farmer
MacInnis, Donald - farmer
McInnis, Kenneth - joiner
McInnis, Myles - farmer
McIntosh, Donald jun. - farmer
McIntosh, Donald sen. - farmer
McIntosh, Mrs. - wid.
McIntosh, Roderick - farmer
McKenzie, Alexander - farmer
McKenzie, Donald - farmer
McKenzie, John - tailor
McKinnon, Donald - farmer
McLennan, Norman - farmer
McLeod, Alexander - farmer
McLeod, Donald - farmer
McLeod, John - carpenter
McLeod, John jun. - farmer
McLeod, John sen. - farmer
McLeod, Murdoch - farmer
Martin, Alexander - J.P., farmer
Matheson, John - farmer
Nicholson, Angus - farmer
Nicholson, Donald jun. - farmer
Nicholson, Donald sen. - farmer
Ross, Angus - miller
Stuart, Alexander - mason
Stuart, Allan - shoemaker
Stuart, Angus - farmer
Stuart, Donald - farmer
Stuart, John - farmer
Todd, William - farmer
St. Eleanors
A village situated in township No. 17, parish of Richmond, county of Prince. This is the county town of Prince and the Supreme Court sits here twice a year. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 2 1/2 miles, from Charlottetown 40 miles, fare by bi-weekly stage 4s 6d. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 400.
Anderson, L. - dealer in dry goods(1)
Anderson, Albert L - gen'l merchant
Bell, Mrs. M.J. - wid William(2)
Bennett, Henry - master mariner
Bertram, David - saddler, harnessmaker
Bou?ly, William - farmer
Brown, William Henry - farmer
Cannon, Frederick - farmer
Craswell, Anthony - farmer
Craswell, Edgar J. - farmer
Craswell, John A. - farmer
Craswell, William - farmer
Darby, Benjamin - J.P., farmer
Darby, James C. - farmer
Darby, Mrs. Mary - wid Isaac
Darby, William - farmer
Dunn, John - labourer
Dyer, William B. - no occu.
Ellison, George - hotelkeeper
Forsyth, Rev. Joseph - Ch. of England
Fraser, James J. - drug store, confectionary
French, Isaac - harnessmaker
Gay, George - farmer
Glover, Silas - tailor, farmer
Green, James - farmer
Harvey, Charles - saddler &c
Harvey, Henry - farmer
Harvey, James - farmer
Haszard, John - trader
Hawkins, Daniel - no occu.
Head, Herbert - blacksmith & farmer
Holland, Alexander E. - tinsmith(3)
Hunt, Thomas - J.P.(4)
Hunt, William F. - general merchant(5)
Jeffrey, Isaac - farmer
Jelly, George - farmer
Jelly, John - farmer
Jones, George - farmer
Kinsman, James - farmer
Kirk, David - carriagemaker
Laird, William - farmer
Lea, James - farmer
Linkletter, Absolem - innkeeper
Linkletter, George W. - farmer
Linkletter, Isaac - farmer
Linkletter, John - farmer
Linkletter, John T. - farmer
Linkletter, Joseph - farmer
Linkletter, William - farmer
McDonald, Robert H. - farmer, tanner
McGinnes, Angus - labourer
McKinnon, Robert - carriagemaker
Mills, Benjamin S. - farmer
Murray, Richard - shoemaker, farmer
Murray, Thomas - farmer
Pembroke, John - labourer
Pope, Mrs. M.A. - wid Charles
Porter, James - tanner
Rayner, Edward - shoemaker
Reid, James - Postmaster(6)
Reid, William - salesman
Riley, James W. - carpenter and farmer
Kinsman, James - farmer
Rogers, Alexander - blacksmith
Rogers, John - farmer
Rogers, Roderick W. - carriagemaker, blacksmith
Scales, Henry - gaoler
Scales, Isaac - farmer
Sharp, James - farmer
Sharp, Joseph - farmer
Shaw, George - carriagemaker
Tanton, George - farmer
Tanton, John - farmer
Tanton, Mrs. E. - wid Samuel
Wade, Thomas - no occu.
Welch, Albert - blacksmith
Wiggin, Mrs. - wid Rev. A. W.
(1) Also Groceries, Hardware, &c, Grain and Produce Shipper.
(2) Also proprietress of American Hotel.
(3) Also Mail Contractor, Farmer
(4) Also Deputy Prothonotary for Prince County
(5) Also Sheriff of Prince County
(6) Also Farmer and Clerk of Court of Small Debts
St. Felix
A small village in township No. 2, parish of Tignish, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside, A station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 50 Miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Arsenault, Joseph - farmer
Arsenault, Morain - farmer
Arsenault, Stephen S. - school teacher
Blanchard, Stephen - farmer
Buote, Dominic - farmer
Buote, Joseph - farmer
Chiasson, Clement - farmer
Chiasson, Eldele - farmer
Chiasson, John - farmer
Chiasson, Onesime - farmer
Des Roches, Firmin - farmer
Des Roches, Germin - farmer
Des Roches, Joshua - farmer
Des Roches, Peter - farmer
Des Roches, Moses J. - farmer
Dilon?, William - shoemaker
Gaudet, Hubert - blacksmith
Gaudet, Peter - farmer
Green, Charles - postmaster
Gaudet, Jerome - blacksmith
Hammill, Joseph - carriage maker
Haywood, William - miller
Hughes, Francis - brickmaker
Martin, Dunstan - wheelwright
Peters, Moses - farmer
Platts, William - farmer
Richard, Hubert - wheelwright
Richard, Joseph - farmer
Richard, Peter - shoemaker
Richard, Prospere - farmer
Richard, Sylvain - farmer
St Margarets
A small village situated in township No. 43, parish of St. Margaret's, county of Kings. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 50.
McCormack, Archibald - farmer
McCormack, James - postmaster
McDonald, Alexander - farmer
McDonald, Michael - farmer
Montgomery, James - farmer
St. Peter's Bay
A village in township No. 47, parish of St. Patrick's, county of Kings, one of the principal fishing rendezvous for fishing vessels. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 33 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 80.
Bulger, Simon - hotelkeeper, tanner
Coffin, William - ship builder, farmer
Dinn, Richard - tailor
Dixon, John - carding mill, farmer
Forbes, James - cloth, grist and saw mill
Hayden, Charles - grist, saw, shingle mill
Keenan, John - school teacher, farmer
Lewis, Andrew - shoemaker(1)
Lewis, David - Mason, farmer
McAuley, Angus - postmaster(2)
McAuley, Leo - general merchant
McCallum, Robert - farmer
McCallum, S.B. - farmer
McCormack - Anthony - J.P. - farmer
McCormack, James - clerk
McIsaac, Donald - farmer
McKenzie, John - farmer
McLauchlin, Daniel S. - shoemaker
McLean, John A. - J.P.(3)
McLean, Mrs. Ellen - wid Hugh.
McMullen, Donald - farmer
Mahoney, Michael - storekeeper
Murphy, Michael - shoemaker, farmer
Murphy, Murdoch, J.P., farmer
Passmore, John jun. - salesman
Passmore, John sen. - storekeeper (Beer&son)
Prairie Hotel - Peter Ryan, pro
Peter Ryan - pro Prairie Hot.,storekeeper
Sullivan, John P. - storekeeper
Webster, John - grist and saw mill |
(1) Also Clerk of Court of Small Debts
(2) Also Dealer of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware &c
(3) Also Farmer, Shipbuilder, Storekeeper
Stanfield Mills
A village located on the east branch of the Tryon River, township No. 28, parish of St. David's, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 20 miles. There is here an extensive steam cloth manufactury. Population about 120.
Callbeck, Albert - farmer
Callbeck, Joseph - farmer
Callbeck, William - farmer
Crawford, John - farmer
Dawson, George - millhand
Gamble, Solomon - egg dealer
Goodroup, Jacob - farmer, road comm.
Hood, John M. - shoemaker
Howatt, Thomas W. - farmer
Ives, Thomas - J.P.(1)
Kelly, John - millhand
Lacey, Lawrence - farmer
Laing, John - farmer
Lord, John - grist & saw miller, farmer
Lord, Phillip - farmer
McCabe, Peter - saddler
McDonald, John - millhand
McNeil, Alexander - millhand
McNeil, John - carriage builder
McPherson, Neil - carpenter
Muirhead, John - farmer
Nelden, Mrs. - milliner
Percival, Nathan - farmer
Pooley, Richard - farmer
Potts, Robert - M.D., lime kiln owner
Reid, Andrew - gen'l merch., farmer
Robble, James - carpenter, farmer
Robble, John - farmer
Robble, Nicholas - farmer
Sentner, James - millhand
Wood, Marc - blacksmith
Waddell, Robert - farmer
Wade, Llewellan - millhand
(1) Also Farmer and Grist and Saw Mill Owner
A village situated in townships Nos. 59 and 61, parish of St. Andrew's, county of King's. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 4 miles, from Princetown 71 miles, from Charlottetown 33 miles, from Summerside 73 miles,. Mail bi-weekly. Popultion about 200.
Acorn, Charles - miller
Beairsto, Andrew T. - tanner
Brennan, William - farmer
Cahill, Daniel - tailor
Carney, Bernard - bailiff
Carney, John - farmer
Collings, John - merchant
Creed, James - farmer
Kemp, Capt. Thomas
Lanigan, Terrance - tavernkeeper
McKinnon, Daniel - farmer
McKinnon, John - farmer
McKinnon, Roderick - farmer
Moor, Henry - farmer
Moor, Samuel - farmer
Moor, William - farmer
Murphy, James - farmer
Murphy, Nicholas - farmer
Mutch, Samuel - teacher
O'Connor, Andrew - farmer
O'Connor, Henry - farmer
Randall, Lewis - farmer
Sabine, Samuel - peddler
Sabine, Thomas J. - postmaster
Smith, John - farmer
Sorney, John - farmer
Thompson, William - farmer
Thornton, Richard - tavernkeeper
Westaway, Richard - farmer
Young, George - farmer
Young, Matthew - lumberer
Young, William - farmer
This document, Lovell's Directory, 1871 may be seen at PARO, Accession No. 4064, Item No. 1
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Last Updated: 04/25/2000 4:56:47 PM