Lovell's Directory was a directory of professionals and businessmen and other inhabitants in Prince Edward Island, published in 1871, with listings by town or geographic region. [Some corrections thanks to John Collin's sharp eyes!]
A village situated in townships 27 and 28, parish of St. David, county of Prince. Distant from Cape Traverse, a station of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Co., 5 miles, from Princetown 20 miles, from Charlottetown 30 miles, from Georgetown 60 miles, from Summerside 16 miles. Mail weekly. Population about 150.
Boulter, Benjamin - farmer
Boulter, John - farmer
Cameron, Alexander - farmer
Cameron, Alexander W. - farmer
Donolly, James - farmer
Forbes, Archibald - farmer
Hayes, John - farmer
Howell, William - farmer
Keough, John - farmer
Keough, Patrick - farmer
Keough, William - farmer
Large, Richard - farmer
Lefurgey, James - farmerMcCormick, Michael - farmer
McKay, Mrs. - no occupation shown
McRen, William - farmer
McWilliams, James - farmer
Matthews, Donald - farmer
Noonan, Thomas - Farmer
Perkins, John - farmer
Shea, John - farmer
Shea, Richard - farmer
Thompson, William - farmer
Tierney, Francis - farmer
Tierney, Patrick - farmer
A flourishing village in Township No. 4, parish of Egmont, county of Prince. This is the principal harbour in Egmont Bay, and main rendezvous for fishing vessells, being the only port between Bedeque and Malpeque. The soil in this vicinity is very productive, 70,000 bushels of oats and 30,000 bushels of potatoes have been shipped from here in one season. Shipbuilding is carried on to a considerable extent. There is here an office of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co. Distant from Charlottetown 80 miles, from Summerside 43 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 700.
Alton, Cyrus - teamster
Bell, Herbert - J.P. gen'l merchant(1)
Bigney, Rev. John G. - Wesleyan
Blampied, Mrs. Caroline - widow, Philip
Blampied, Richard - tanner
Boyle, Thomas - carriagemaker
Brown, Archibald - cooper
Brown, William - cooper
Buckerfield, Edward B. - gen'l store
Burke, Edward - Tanner, shoemaker
Burke, James - boot and shoemaker
Cahill, John - blacksmith
Call, James H. - clerk
Callighan, Jeremiah - cooper
Cameron, James - M.D.
Carroll, James - carpenter, farmer
Carroll, Richard - salesman
Cassidy, James - cooper
Champion, Benjamin - cooper
Clark, R.A. - customs off., clerk
Collins, William - tailor
Cook, William - shoemaker
Costain, Robert - boarding house
Daymond, Joseph - cabinetmaker
Dyer, Henry - telegraph operator
Dyer, Joseph - clerk
Dyer, Rev. Rob't E. - Ch. of England
Ferguson, Daniel - cooper
Forsythe, Alexander - carriage factory
Forsyther, James - J.P.
Gordon, James S. - clerk
Gordon, John - grist/saw mill, farmer
Gordon, Robert - storekeeper, farmer
Gremley, Charles - shoemaker
Hickey, Patrick - farmer
Horton, Alexander - tanner, cooper
Horton, George - tanner, shoemaker
Howlan, Hon. George W. - MLC(2)
Hubbard, George - master mariner
Hubbard, Thomas - harness shop
Hubbard, David - carriage maker (3)
Keefe, John C. - hotelkeeper (4)
Keefe, Thomas - storekeeper
Kelly, James - cooper
Kelly, Willim, tanner
Kinch, Peter - carriagemaker
Larkins, John R. - general blacksmith
Larkins, Joseph - blacksmith
Leard, Archibald J. - joiner, cabinetmaker
Leard, George M. - clerk
Leard, James G. - joiner
Leard, Matthew R. - clerk
Leonard, Albert - cooper
Leonard, John - cooper
Leonard, Joseph - blacksmith
Leonard, Roderick - cooper
McAlduff, M.S. - trader, cooper
McDonald, Alexander - cooper
McGillvery, Joseph - bookkeeper
McIntyre, Joseph - clerk
McKay, John - joiner
McKenzie, John Rob't - general blacksmith
McKinnon, Lauchlin - joiner
McKinnon, Roderick - carriagemaker
McLellan, Alexander - joiner
McLellan, John - salesman
McLellan, John - warehouseman
McPhee, Miss R. - milliner
Martin, Donald - gr. sch. teacher
Matthews, Alexander - joiner
Matthews, Edmund - cooper
Matthews, Malcolm - blacksmith
Meggison, Alexander - carriagemaker
Miller, George - cooper
Millman, Thomas - carriagemaker
Millman, Walter - carriage factory
Moan, Patrick - blacksmith
Montgomery, George R. - gen. store
New Y etc. Tel. Co. - Henry Dyer: operator
O'Connor,, Edward - cooper
O'Connor, Simon, cooper
O'Leary, Cornelius Richard - M.D.
Platts, John - blacksmith
Profit, Duncan - teamster
Profit, John - harnessmaker
Reid Bros. - gen merch., Excelsior House
Reid, John A. - tailor
Reid, Richard B. - Reid Bros., J.P.(5)
Ritchie, George - Cooper
Robblee, John - blacksmith
Rogers, Benj. importer, gen. merch.
Ruggles, F.W. - house, carriage painter
Sherlock, Henry A. - farmer
Sinclair, William - master mariner
Smith, Philip - carriagemaker, painter
Steele, Donald - cooper
Steele, John - cooper
Stewart, George - blacksmith
Stuart, Alexander - M.D., health officer
Wallace, Edmund - storekeeper
Wallace - George - shoemaker
Wells, William - saw and grist mill
White, James F. - gen. dealer, dry goods, groc.
White, John D. - hotelkeeper, cooper(6)
White, William - cooper
Wisener, Bethune - joiner
Woodman, J.D. - J.P., farmer
Woodside, Neil - postmaster (7)
Woolner, John - blacksmith(1)Also Shipbuilder, Fish Trader, Saw and Stave Mill Owner, Farmer.
(2)Also MPP, General Merchandise, Shibuilder, Fish Trader, Cooperage, Farmer, Consular Agent for the United States, agent for the Yarmouth stove foundry, and Buckeye mower and reaper.
(3) Also Cabinet Maker, Blacksmith.
(4) Also Carriage Maker, Cooper.
(5) Also MLC, commisioner for taking small affdavits to small debtors court, and for taking acknowledgement of deeds.
(6) Also Fish Dealer
(7) Also General Merchant, Auctioneer, and Comission Merchant.
A village in township number 5, parish of Egmont, county of Prince. Distant from Alberton, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 6 miles, from Princetown 40 miles, from Charlottetown 72 miles, from Georgetown 105 miles, from Summerside, 35 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 130.
[Also known as French Village or Cascumpec. The Post Office is called Lot 6.]
Arsneaux, Dominic - no occ. given
Arsneaux, Amable - farmer
Brendage, Bartholemew - shoemaker
Brendage, Joshua - farmer
Brendage, Levi - shoemaker
Burns, Alexander - schoolteacher
Clark, John - J.P.
Dougherty, William - farmer
Ellis, Mrs. - wid. James, no occ.
Ellis, Robert - miller
Gallant, Mrs. F. - wid, no occ.
Gallant, Paul - no occ.
Gibbs, Edward - farmer
Gibbs, William - joinerGordon, Archibald S. - tanner
Hardy, George - merchant
Hardy, William - postmaster
Hopwood, Richard - farmer
Hopwood, Thomas - farmer
Hudson, William B. - tailor
McDonald, Alexander - farmer
McDonald, Rev. James R. - Catholic
Meggison, George E. - J.P.
Mitchell, William - farmer
Raynor, James J. - farmer
Simpson, James W. - farmer
Sweet, John - farmer
Williams, Edward - hotelkeeper
A village situated on the north side of the Grand River, township No. 56, parish of St. George, county of Kings. The land in this vicinity is very productive; 60,000 bushels of oats are shipped from here annually. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Co., 10 miles, from Charlottetown 42 miles,. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
[Also known as Grand River Wharf]
Boling, Michael - farmer
Campbell, Angus - farmer
Clark, William - farmer
Clackett [sic], William - farmer [poss. Blackett]
Chaffey, George - carpenter, wheelright
Clarke, Donald - mariner
Clarke, Nicholas - mariner
Clarke, Richard - blacksmith
Dixon, Alexander - miller
Foster, George - farmer
Frost, John - J.P., farmer
Howlett, David - farmer
Howlett, James - fish merchant
Howlett, John - ship builder, farmer
Howlett, William - master mariner
Johnston, James - Fish trader(1)
McAuley, Mrs.Isabella, w. Daniel - hotelkeeperMcDonald, Arch. - gen'l mcht., joiner
McDonald, Donald - master mariner
McDonald, Alexander - farmer
McDonald, John - mariner
McMullen, John - shoemaker
Nichols, John - saw & grist mill owner
Norton, William - J.P., postmaster, farmer
Robertson, Robert - farmer
Robertson, William - eng. blacksmith, farmer
Taylor, James - blacksmith
Taylor, Thomas - blacksmith
Taylor, Walter - farmer
Taylor, William - farmer
Tossel, Edward - tailor
Walker, Donald - hotelkeeper
Yorston, George - farmer
(1) Also Wholesale and Retail Merchant
Bay Fortune
A small village located in township no. 43, east parish, county of Kings. Population about 50.
[The Post Office is at Rollo Bay]
Douglas, Alexander - ship carpenter
Flynn, Daniel - master mariner
McCallum, James, shoemaker
McKay, John F. ship builderSanderson, Miss - school teacher
Simonson, Robert - ship builder
Wilt, William - chairmaker
A small village in township No. 12, parish of Halifax, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Co., 30 miles, from Charlottetown 60 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 120.
[The Post Office is at Ellerslie]
Barklay, James - miller
Cameron, Samuel - farmer
Coady, James - ship carpenter
Ellis, George - ship builder
Ellis, William - ship builder
Ellis, William T. - ship builder
England, John - farmer
England, John - joiner
Gormain, Thomas - farmer
Greig, William - M.D.
Hayes, Robert - blacksmith
Hayes, William - carriage builderJones, William - blacksmith
McPhee, John - ship carpenter
Miller, Alexander - farmer
Mollison, John - carriage builder
Pope, Thomas H. - clerk
Ramsey, Donald - farmer
Richards, William - MPP(1)
Weldron, John - farmer
Williams, Edward - farmer
Williams, Uriah - farmer
Woods, John - clerk
(1) Also Merchant and Ship Owner
Black Bush
A village situated in township No. 45, parish of St. Margaret's, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Co., 30 miles, from Princetown 90 miles, from Summerside 80 miles, from Charlottetown 50 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 100.
[The Post Office is Lot 56]
McAuley, John - farmer
McAuley, Joseph - farmer
McCormack, Donald - farmer
McDonald, Angus - farmer
McDonald, Angus - joiner
McDonald, Donald - fisherman
McDonald, F. - farmer
McDonald, John - farmerMcDonald, Ronald - farmer
McLean, Angus - stonecutter
McLean, Charles - farmer
McLean, Hugh - millright
McLean, John - farmer
Morrison, Michael - farmer
McPhee, John - blacksmith
A small village located on the West River, in township No. 30, parish of Hillsborough, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telagraph Co., 15 miles, fare by bi-weekly stage is 2s 6d. Population about 75.
Cameron, Rev. John G. - Presbyterian
Carraghee, Michael - tanner and currier
Crosby, Andrew - mill owner
Crosby, Ewen - storekeeper, farmer, comm. for taking affadavits
McCallum, Peter - general store
McDonald, Peter - farmer
McNevin, Alexander - hotelkeeper
McNevin, Alexander - shoemaker
Robinson, Alexander - J.P., boot and shoe maker, tanner, farmer
Rodd, John G. - postmaster, shoemaker
Rogerson, Rochard - blacksmith
Rogerson, Thomas - blacksmith
Shaw, John - no occu.
Stewart, R.B. - J.P., landed proprietor, farmer
A small village in township No. 47, parish of St. Columbus, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 30 miles, from Charlottetown 60 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 100. MacVane, Joseph - postmaster, proprietor of Bothwell Mills, general dealer
McEachern, Hon. Emanuel - M.E.C.
McLeod, James G. - general dealer
Brackley Point
A small village in township No. 33, parish of Charlotte, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 13 miles, from Princetown 33 miles, from Georgetown 43 miles, from Summerside 35 miles. Mail weekly. Population about 150.
Cassford, John - farmer
Gregor, Charles - J.P., farmer
Johnston, John - shoemaker
MacMillan, Alexander - farmer
McCallum, Duncan - farmer
McCallum, James - J.P., farmer
McCallum, James G. - postmaster
McCallum, John - mill owner
McCallum, Neil - farmer
McCallum, Neil - farmer
McCallum, William - farmer
McDonald, John J. - miller
McKay, John - miller
McKinnon, David - farmer
McKinnon, Joseph - farmerMcLure, Hugh - farmer
McLure, Roderick - farmer
McMillan, Ewen - sen., farmer
MacMillan, John - farmer
McMillan, Lauchlin - J.P., road comm.
Matheson, Alexander - farmer
Matheson, James - farmer
Matheson, John - farmer
Matheson, William - J.P., miller
Robinson, John - farmer
Shaw, David - farmer
Shaw, James - farmer
Shaw, John - farmer
Shaw, John - farmer
Shaw, McNeil - farmer
A village located in township No. 9 parish of Halifax, county of Prince. Distant from Alberton, a Station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 15 miles, fromPrincetown 50 miles, from Charlottetown 73 miles, from Georgetown 100 miles, from Summerside 33 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 400.
Campbell, Angus - farmer
Campbell, Charles - boat builder
Campbell, John - teacher
Delaney, Richard - farmer
Graham, Daniel - boat builder
Hart S. - merchant
Henry, Benjamin - farmer
McAllir, John - farmer
McCallum, Mrs. - weaver
McDonald, Alexander - farmer
McDonald, Alexander - farmer
McDonald, Allan - millwright
McDonald, C. - farmer
McDonald, Capt. John
McDonald, Donald - farmer
McDonald, John - carpenter
McDonald, Ronald - farmer
McEachern, Angus - farmer
McEachern, Donald - farmer
McFadyen, Angus - farmer
McInnon, Felix - farmer
McInnon, John - farmer
McInnon, Neil - farmer
McIntyre, Donald - farmer, postmaster
McIsaac, Joseph - farmer
McIsaac, Michael - farmer
McKay - James - farmerMcLean, Alexander - farmer
McLean, Duncan - farmer
McLean, John - farmer
McLean, Lauchlin - farmer
McNeill, Archibald - farmer
McNeill, Donald - farmer
McNeill, Donald - blacksmith
McNeill, Michael - farmer
McNevin, Charles - farmer
McNevin, Donald - farmer
McNevin, Neil - farmer
McPhee, Allan - farmer
McPhee, Archibald - farmer
McPhee, Donald - farmer
McPhee, Duncan - farmer
McQuarrie, Charles - boat builder
Milligan, Alexander - farmer
Morride, William - farmer
Mulligan, Thomas - farmer
Nolan, Daniel - farmer
Reid, Michael - farmer
Rogers, William - farmer
Stymutt, William - cooper
Thomas, John - farmer
Thompson, John - farmer
Walsh, Robert - farmer
A village at the head of navigation of the Grand River, township No. 54, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Co., 15 miles, from Princetown 70 miles, from Charlottetown, 30 miles, from Summerside 70 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 100.
Acorn, Nathan - farmer
Acorn, Philip - farmer
Beaton, D. - farmer
Beaton, John - farmer
Benzeinsin, Silas - farmer
Brehoe, James - farmer
Buchannnan [sic], Norman - farmer
Burdett, Richard - general merchant
Burdett, William, farmer
Campbell, Angus - farmer
Campbell, James - farmer
Campbell, John - farmer
Campbell, John - farmer
Campbell, Ronald - farmer
Cantello, Donald - farmer
Cantello, James - ship carpenter
Clay, Charles - J.P., farmer
Clay, Charles T. - M.D.
Clay, Darius D. - J.P.
Clay, Dryas - of Saville & Clay
Clay, Henry - of Saville & Clay
Clay, Thomas C. - M.D.
Curry, Archibald - school teacher
Gay, Abner - farmer
Gillis, Peter - farmer
Hayden, Alexander - mill owner
Hunter, Willian - farmer
Jenkins, William - farmer
Johnston, John Moore - farmer
McClean, Rev. Allen - Presbyterian
McCormack, John - farmer
McCormack, Peter - farmer
McDonald, Daniel - S. McDonald & Bro.
McDonald, Samuel - S. McDonald & Bro.
McDougall, John - J.P.(1)
McGilvery, Alexander - farmer
McIntyre, John - farmer
McKean, Stephen - Vickerson & McKean(2)
McKenzie, Alexander - farmer
McKenzie, George - farmer
McKenzie, George - J.P., farmer
McKenzie, Jonothan - farmerMcKenzie, Malcolm - farmer
McKinnon, Lauchlin - groc., dry goods
McLean, Angus - farmer
McLean, Peter - farmer
McLeod, Murdoch - school teacher
McLeod, Norman - farmer
McLeod, Roderick - farmer
McLeod, William - blacksmith
McMullin, Donald - farmer
McMullin, John - farmer
McPherson, Angus - farmer
Martin, Martin - farmer
Matheson, Alexander - J.P., farmer
Matheson, Malcolm - J.P., farmer
Moore, Charles - master ship wright
Morrison, Donald - farmer
Morrison, Lauchlin - blacksmith
Morrison, Richard - farmer
Nicholson, Donald - farmer
Owens, Thomas - farmer
Proctor, Norman - farmer
Richards, Captain - master mariner
Rilley, Daniel - farmer
Rilley, John - farmer
Rilley, Philip - farmer
Saville & Clay - traders and farmers
Saville, Edward - master mariner
Saville, Edward - S&Clay, master mariner
Sheaddo, Thomas - joiner
Sheppard, Benjamin - farmer
Smith, M. - farmer
Steele, Philip - farmer
Stewart, Charles - mill owner
Turner, Charles - farmer
Turner, Edward - farmer
Turner, George - farmer
Vickerson, Edward - Vickerson & McKean
Vickerson & McKean - general merchants
Wood, John H. - farmer
Wood, Theopolis - farmer
Wood, William - farmer
(1) Also General Merchant, Mill Owner, Ship Builder
(2) Also Postmaster
A small village in township No. 18, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 13 miles, from Princetown 10 miles, from Charlottetown, 35 miles, from Georgetown 61 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Adams, Jonothan - miller
Bryanton, Benjamin - farmer
Bryanton, Edward - farmer
Bryanton, John - farmer
Cousins, Alexander - farmer
Cousins, James - farmer
Cousins, John - farmer
Davison, Andrew - farmer
Davison, Joseph, farmer
Davison, Joseph, miller
Evans, James - carriage builder
Evans, William - mason
Evans, William - farmerFlynn, John - farmer
Forristal, Michael - farmer
Glydon, Samuel - farmer
Halloran, Matthias - blacksmith
Mann, William - farmer
Millman, John - farmer
Millman, Thomas - farmer
Profit, John - mason
Ramsay, Edward - miller
Ready, James - farmer
Warren, Edward - farmer
Wright, Nathaniel - farmer
A village situated in township No. 63, parish of St. Andrews, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Co., 16 miles, from Princetown 65 miles, from Charlottetown 27 miles, from Summerside 67 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200.
Beaton, James - farmer
Beaton, Murdoch - farmer
Gillis, Alexander - farmer
Gillis, Alexander - farmer
Gunn, Malcolm - farmer
Mabon, Thomas - inkeeper, courier
McDonald, Alexander - farmer
McDonald, Alexander - farmer
McDonald, Allan - farmer
McDonald, Angus - farmer
McDonald, Angus - farmer
McDonald, Donald - farmer
McDonald, John, farmer
McDonald, John - merchant
McDonald, Malcolm - farmer
McDougall, John - farmer
McKenzie, Daniel - farmer
McKinnon, John - farmer
McLean, Neil - farmer
McLean, Ronald - farmerMcLennan, Donald - farmer
McLeod, John - farmer
McPhee, John - farmer
McPhee, Malcolm - farmer
McPherson, Donald - farmer
Matheson, Donald - farmer
Matheson, Roderick - farmer
Nicolson, John - farmer
Nicolson, John - farmer
Roberts, Edmund - farmer
Stewart, Angus - farmer
Stewart, Charles - farmer
Stewart, Donald - farmer
Stewart, James - shoemaker
Stewart, Malcolm - farmer
Stewart, Malcolm - farmer
Stewart, Norman - farmer
Walker, James - postmaster, farmer
A village situated in township No. 4, parish of Egmont, county of Prince. Distant from Alberton a station of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraoph Co., 12 miles, from Summerside 43 miles, fare 9s. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Adams, John - cooper
Ashley, Joseph - cooper
Beckwith, Milledge S. - J.P.(1)
Bell, Andrew - mill owner, farmer
Caughlin, Archibald - farmer
Caughlin, John - farmer
Clark, John - shoemaker
Doyle, John - joiner
Doyle, Peter - farmer
Foley, John - school teacher
Halloran, Maurice - carriagemaker
Halloran, Patrick - farmer
Hubbard, Edward J. - no occu.McAlduff, Joseph - cooper
McDougall, John - farmer
McKendrick, Allan - farmer
Maddocks, Bradley B. - cooperage
Matheson Bros. - general merchants(2)
Matheson, John A. - of Matheson Bros.
Matheson, Walter - of Matheson Bros.
Murphy, Peter - tailor and farmer
Nicholl, John - shoemaker
Sturgeon, Mrs - wid George
Sturgeon, Mrs. - wid Robert
Sullivan, Daniel - farmer
Thompson, David - blacksmith, farmer
(1) Also Postmaster and Fish Trader
(2) Also Grain and Produce Buyers, Fish Traders, and dealers in Fishing Outfits.
A small village situated in township No. 33, parish of Charlottetown, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 8 miles. Population about 50. McCollum, John - farmer
McNaughten, Duncan - farmer
McNaughten, Thomas - farmer
McNeill, Patrick - shoemaker
Cape Traverse
A village situated in township No. 28, parish of St. David's, county of Prince. This is a station and a landing point of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph cable which crosses from Cape Tormentine, N.B., a distance of 9 miles. During the winter months, communication between the island and the mainland is effected by means of an ice-boat, which crosses bi-weekly from this place to Cape Tormentine, carrying the mails. The Government are about erecting a wharf here. Distant from Georgetown 66 miles, from Princetown 20 miles, from Charlottetown 33 miles, from Summerside 19 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 250.
Bell, George - farmer
Bell, Walter - farmer
Brow, William - merchant tailor
Campbell, Daniel - carriagemaker
Campbell, Finlay - farmer
Campbell, John - ship carpenter
Campbell, Neil - farmer
Campbell, Stephen - farmer
Clark, Isaac - farmer
Clark, Joseph - farmer
Clark, Nelson - farmer
Deagon, Daniel - farmer
Deagon, Michael - farmer
Deagon, Patrick - farmer
Dickie, Robert - farmer
Driscoll, John - farmer
Gardiner, Baldwin - farmer
Gardiner, Montagu - farmerHarvey, John - farmer
Heffield, Thomas - farmer
Howat, Donald - farmer
Howat, Josiah - farmer
Irving, Arthur - farmer
Irving, Philip F. - farmer
McNeil, Alexander - shoemaker
McNeil, Benjamin - farmer
McNeil, John - farmer
McPherson, Donald - farmer
McWilliams, John - blacksmith
Muttart, John L. - merchant
Muttart, Lewis - farmer and postmaster
Quinlan, Michael - laborer
Robinson, Charles - laborer
Smith, Michael - teacher
Walker, John - farmer
Wright, Robert - farmer
Cardigan Bridge
A village situated in township No. 53, parish of St. George, copunty of Kings. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Co., 27 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Alley, Charles A. - mill owner
Alley, George D. - blacksmith
Alley, William - J.P., mill owner
Campbell, Allan - shipwright
Griffin, John - shoemaker
Lewis, William - J.P., farmer(1)
McCormack, John - joiner, farmer
McCormack, Miss - school teacher
McDonald, Alexander - ship owner, m. mar.
McDonald, Angus - master mariner
McDonald J. and H. - ship b's and merch.
McDonald, James - ship builder, merch.
McDonald, Mrs. C, wid Thomas
McGowan, William S. - farmer
McKewan Miss Jane C. - groc., dry goods
McMillen, Joseph - shipwrightMcQueen, James - storekeeper
Owen, George F. - postmaster, gen. merch.
Parker, John - school teacher
Pendergrast, John J. - farmer
Robinson, James - hotelkeeper
Scrimgeowr, John - farmer
Scrimgeowr, John G. - mill owner
Shaw & McQueen - merchants
Sigsworth, Donald - mason
Sigsworth, Mrs. John - dressmaker
Stewart, Don. - J.P., ship bldr, merch
Taylor, Walter - shoemaker
Taylor, Walter - shoemaker
Walsh, William - shoemaker
Welsh, William - shoemaker
Wilson, Lauchlin - farmer, road cont'r
(1) Also Mill Owner
A village situated in township No. 28, parish of St. David, county of Prince. Distant from Alberton a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 1 1/4 miles, from Princetown 31 miles, from Charlottetown 33 miles, from Georgetown 60 miles, from Summerside 15 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200.
Bell, John - farmer
Bell, Thomas - farmer
Campbell, Donald - farmer
Carruthers, Robert - farmer
Carruthers, Robert S. - farmer
Carruthers, Thomas - farmer
Crockett, John - farmer
Crockett, William - farmer
Gillespie, James - farmer
Gillespie, William - farmer
Inman, Henry, farmer
Lord, Soloman - saw mill
McDonald, Alexander - farmer
McFarlaine, David - farmer
McInnis, Donald - farmer
McInnis, John R. - farmerMcInnis, Peter - farmer
McMicken, Thomas - farmer
Manson, Alexander - farmer
Manson, Alexander B. - farmer
Manson, George - farmer
Manson, John - farmer
Mattart, John, jun. - farmer
Mattart, John, sen. - farmer
Mattart, Stephen - farmer
Myers, Thomas - farmer
Newsom, Joseph - farmer
Newson, William - blacksmith
Roblee, Alexander - carpenter
Robertson, John - postmaster
Robinson, John - farmer
Carleton Point
A small village in township No. 28, parish of St. David's, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside a station of the New York, Newfoundlnd and London Telegraph Co., 15 miles, from Princetown 20 miles, from Charlottetown 35 miles, from Georgetown 65 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 80
Campbell, Hector - farmer
Carruthers, Mrs. Will'm - farmer
Carruthers, Robert - no occu.
Doyle, Charles - shoemaker
Gillespie, James - farmer
Gillespie, William - farmer
McQuarrie, John - farmerManson, Alexander - farmer
Muttart, George - teacher
Muttart, John Senr. - farmer
Newsom, Samuel - farmer
Newsom, William - blacksmith
Robertson, John - postmaster, merch.
Roblee, Alexander - joiner
A village situated in townships Nos. 22-23, parish of Grenville, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph co., 24 miles, from Princetown 14 miles, from Georgetown 54 miles, from Summerside 23 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200.
Bernard, James - blacksmith
Bell, James - farmer
Clark, Andrew - farmer
Clark, Darnley - farmer
Clark, John C. - J.P., farmer
Dickenson, John - farmer
Graham, Edward - farmer
Graham, John - farmer
Graham, William - farmer
Harrington, Joseph - farmer
Laird, Alexander - farmer
McKenzie, Ewen - farmer
McLeod, James - farmer
McNeil, Alexander M. - postmaster
McNeil, Charles - farmer
McNeil, Charles - farmerMcNeil, David - J.P., farmer
McNeil. John - farmer
McNeil, William C. - farmer
Millar, Samuel - teacher
Murray, Rev. Isaac - Presbyterian
Robertson, Henry - farmer
Robertson, John M. - J.P., farmer
Robertson, Maxwell - shoemaker
Simpson, Alexander - mill owner, dealer
Simpson, Arthur - farmer
Simpson, Henry - farmer
Simpson, Jeremiah - J.P., farmer
Simpson, John - farmer
Simpson, William J. - farmer
Simpson, William J. - farmer
Stewart, John - farmer
Central Bedeque
A small village located in the township No. 26, parish of St. David's, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 9 miles, from Charlottetown 36 miles, fare 7s. Population about 125.
Bradshaw, Joseph - farmer
Brown, Patrick - tinsmith, farmer
Clark, Ewen - farmer
Crawford, John - farmer
Crossman, Robert - farmer
Farrow, Edwin - farmer
Howitt, Samuel - blacksmith
Inman, Nelsen - farmer
Inman, Robert - farmer
McDonald, Rev. Bane - M.D., Baptist
Moyse, Frederick - farmer
Pollard, James - watchmaker &c
Robins, Thomas Jun. - farmerRobins, Thomas Sen. - farmer
Rogers, William - farmer
Schurman, Abrahan - farmer
Schurman, Isaac - farmer
Schurman, Joseph - farmer
Schurman, Peter - farmer
Schurman, Solomon - J.P., farmer
Schurman, William - J.P., farmer
Scott, Miss - schoolteacher
Strong, Frederick W. - salesman
Strong, John B. - salesman
Strong, William G. - J.P.(1)
Watson, Thomas - tailor
(1) Also General Merchant, Farmer, Director Summerside Bank.
A thriving village in the township No. 26, parish of St. David's, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph co., 10 miles, from Charlottetown 35 miles, fare 6s 3d. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 300.
Beer, John - J.P.(1)
Bowness, John - saddler
Black, Martin S. - farmer
Bradshaw, Joseph - farmer
Brown, Patrick - tinsmith, stove d'lr
Cairns, John - farmer
Cameron, Thomas H. - builder
Clay, John - land surveyor(2)
Connors, John - labourer
Crosby, George, J.P., farmer
Crossman, William - labourer
Gardiner, George H. - stock dealer
Gardiner, Joseph - carpenter
Gregor, John - blacksmith
Hamilton, John - shoemaker
Holland, Augustas E.C. - J.P.
Hooper, Artemus - farmer
Howitt, John - farmer
Jamieson, John - M.D.
Kelly, Thomas - carriage factory
Leard, Samuel - blacksmith
McCallum, John - Wright & McCallum
McCarvel, Michael - labourerMcLellan, A. - tanner
McLeod, Alexander - shoemaker
McLeod, Angus - shoemaker
McLeod, Murdoch - merchant tailor
McLeod, Philip - labourer
Murray, Robert - labourer
Newson, George - farmer
Noonan, Dan'l - hotel, blacksmith
Perry, John C. - farmer
Robins, Thomas - farmer
Robson, John - tanner & shoemaker
Russell, Goerge - shoemaker
Stewart, James D. - carriage factory
Stewart, John A. - farmer
Strong, William G. - J.P., merchant
Thomas, Charles - labourer
Thomas, William - labourer
Warren, Samuel - miller
Watt, John - salesman
Wright, Archibald - Wright & So., farmer
Wright, Elisha - salesman
Wright, James Sen. - farmer
(1) Also Importer of British and Foreign Manufactures, dealer in West Indian Produce, and grain shipper.
(2) Also Auctioneer, Superintendant of County Public Works, Commissioner Court of Small Debts, Farmer
Note: Some is missing and is in the Charlottetown portion of this Directory. It will be entered here at a later date.
This document, Lovell's Directory, 1871 may be seen at PARO, Accession No. 4064, Item No. 1
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