The Lovell's Prince Edward Island Directory 1871 Ma-Mz
From the Collection of Donna Johnston Collings

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Lovell's Directory was a directory of professionals and businessmen and other inhabitants in Prince Edward Island, published in 1871, with listings by town or geographic region. [Some corrections thanks to John Collin's sharp eyes!]
McPhee's Corner
A small village situated in township No. 32, parish of Hillsboro, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 9 miles, fare by bi-weekly stage is 1s 6d. Population about 150.
[The Post Office is at Cornwall]
Burns, James - farmer
Carter, William - shoemaker
MacPhee, John - J.P., farmer
McKenzie, William - tailor
Moorehead, Daniel - farmer
Roper, Samuel - carpenter
Seliler, John - limeburner(1)
Warren, George - blacksmith
(1) Also Farmer and Dealer in Dry Goods and Groceries.
A village situated in township No. 19, parish of St. David's, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 12 miles, fare by bi-weekly stage is 2s 6d., from Charlottetown, 30 miles, fare 5s. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Adams, Jonathan - farmer(1)
Bentley, John - farmer
Bentley, Wheelock - farmer
Bowness, Andrew - salesman
Dennis, William - storekeeper(2)
Dodd, Simon W.- M.D.
Evans, Michael - labourer
Feedham, Francis - schoolteacher
Fitzsimmons, Thomas - farmer
Howard, James - carriage builder
McLeod, Hugh - tailor
Mayhew, George - tanner
Pound, William - carriage builder
Pridham, Daniel - farmer
Pridham, William - Joiner(3)
Proctor, Edwin - farmer, blacksmith
Smith, John - farmer
Thompson, Hiram - farmer
Tuplin, Jabez - carriage & house painter
Tuplin, John - grist mill, farmer
Tuplin, Reuben jun. - J.P.(4)
Tuplin, Reuben sen. - no occu.
Tuplin, William B. - storekeeper, farmer
Tuplin, William sen. - J.P., farmer
Tweedie, Rev. Robert - Wesleyan
Wilson, William - saddler
(1) Also Grist, Saw, and Shingle Mill Operator.
(2) Also Blacksmith and Farmer.
(3) Also ran Threshing Mill Factory.
(4) Also General Merchant and Farmer
A small village situated in the township No. 40, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 22 miles, from Princetown 70 miles, from Charlottetown 30 miles, from Summerside 70 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 120.
Bennett, Robert - farmer
Bowley, William - farmer
Dingwell, Benjamin - farmer
Dingwell, Charles - farmer
Dingwell, George H. - farmer
Dingwell, George - shipwright
Dingwell, James H. - farmer
Dingwell, James sen. - farmer
Dingwell, William - farmer
Hogan, Patrick - farmer
Hooper, William - farmer
Jardine, John - M.D.
McKay, Frederick - farmer
McKay, Robert - wheelright
McKay, William - harnessmaker
Mobbs, William - joiner
Robins, George - farmer
Sanderson, Capt. George - farmer
Sanderson, Charles E. - farmer
Sanderson, Henry - farmer
Sanderson, Horatio - farmer
Webster, Edward - miller
Webster, Robert - farmer
Webster, Theophilis - farmer
Webster, Thomas - farmer
Webster, William - farmer
Welsh, Richard - farmer
A small village, situated in township No. 55, parish of St. Georges, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 7 miles, from Princetown 75 miles, from Charlottetown 37 miles, from Summerside 75 miles. Mail weekly. Population about 100.
[The Post Office is at Des Gros Marsh]
Dalton, J&P - merchants
Gough, Hon. John - farmer
Houlet, George - trader
McCormack, Michael - J.P.
McCormack, Ronald - merchant
McDonald, Hercules - commission merchant
McKinnon, Donald - farmer
McKinnon, James J. - farmer(1)
Morrison, Donald - ship builder
(1) Also Flour and Saw Miller.
A small village situated in the township No. 27, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 12 miles, from Princetown 15 miles, from Charlottetown 28 miles, from Georgetown 58 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Beales, William - farmer
Conley, Michael - farmer
Craig, Charles - farmer
Craig, John - farmer
Craig, Major - farmer
Crawford, William - farmer
Croakin, James - farmer
Crossman, Joseph - farmer
Edwards, David - farmer
Hammell, Thomas - farmer
Huestis, Isaac - farmer
Johnson, Richard - farmer
McCabe, Patrick - farmer
McCardel, Owen - farmer
McPhillips, Edward - blacksmith
McPhillips, Patrick - farmer
Milligan, Patrick - farmer
Murray, Thomas - farmer
Murphy, James - farmer
Roberts, William - farmer
Sommers, James - farmer
Smith, John - farmer
Wright, Job - farmer
Wright, Job S. - farmer
Wright, John J. - farmer
Wright, Stephen - farmer
Wrigh(t?), William - farmer
A small village situated in townships No. 49 and 50, parish of Bedford, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 12 miles, fare by weekly stage 3s. Population about 100.
[The Post Office is at Vernon River]
Bourke J.R. sen. - J.P.(1)
Bourke, Peter M. - J.P.(2)
Bourke and Taylor - see footnote(3)
Cloney, Patrick - tailor
Finley, Martin - school teacher
Grant, Edward - wheelwright(4)
Grant, Walter - joiner
Kelly, Columbus - farmer
Inman, Jeremiah - shoemaker
McEachern, Donald - blacksmith
McKenzie Bros. - gen store, hotel
McKenzie, John G. - McKenzie Bros.
McKenzie, Hugh - McKenzie Bros.
Murphy, Thomas - farmer
Sheidow, Charles - farmer
Smith, Andrew - wheelwright
Story, William - farmer
Sullivan, Thomas - hotelkeeper
Taylor, Thomas T. - of Bourke and Taylor
(1) Also Agent and Landed Proprietor
(2) Also of Bourke and Taylor, Grist and Saw Mill operator, Farmer
(3) Manufacturers of wollen cloths, and proprietors of carding, fulling and dyeing mills.
(4) Also Commisioner of Small Debt Court, Farmer
A small village situated in the township No. 32, parish of Charlotte, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and Telegraph Co., 7 miles, from Princetown 30 miles, from Georgetown 33 miles, from Summerside 37 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
[The Post Office is at Charlottetown]
Coles, John - blacksmith
Coles, William - saw mill owner, farmer
Curtis, Otto - miller
Curtis, Owen - land surveyor
Deacon, William - farmer
Gristel, Timothy - tailor
Holl, John M. - no occu.
Hooper, Charles - farmer
Hooper, George - farmer
Hooper, Henry, blacksmith, farmer
Hooper, James - farmer
Horn, William H. - farmer
Johnston, John - farmer
McKinnon, Donald - farmer
McKinnon, Neil - farmer
McNeil, John - farmer
McNeil, John - farmer
McNeil, Torquil - farmer
Moore, David - farmer
Moore, George - farmer
Mooreshead, John - farmer
Rodd, John - farmer
Smart, D. - pensioner, gardener
Westicott, Joshua - farmer
Westicott, William - farmer
Westicott, William - farmer
Wise, Joseph - farmer
Wise, Richard - farmer
*Yonker, David - farmer
*Yonker, William - farmer
(*) May be Youker
A village situated in township No. 3, parish and county of Prince. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 100.
Gostin, Richard - postmaster
Daling, Richard - fisherman
Matheson, John A. - fisherman
A village situated in township No. 17, parish of Richmond, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 5 miles, fare by bi-weekly stage is 6d. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200.
Baker, John - farmer
Beairsto, James - postmaster, carriage fact.
Burke, Felix - farmer
DesRoche, Francis - farmer
DesRoche,, Henry V. - storekeeper
DesRoche, Jesse - farmer
DesRoche, John jun. - shoemaker
DesRoche Joseph sen. - farmer
DesRoche, Joseph - farmer
DesRoche, Lorange - farmer
DesRoche, Peter - farmer
Gaudet, Felix - farmer
Gaudet, Francis - farmer
Gaudet, John R. - farmer
Gaudet, John S. - shoemaker
Gaudet, Mrs. - schoolteacher
Gaudet, Onesime - farmer
Gaudet, Peter - farmer
Gaudet, Polycarp - farmer
Gaudet, Posiflick, farmer
Gaudet, Stephen - farmer
Gilbert, Richard - farmer
Gillis, Damien - farmer
Gillis, Donald - J.P.
Gillis, John - farmer
McDonald, Rev. Roland B. - R. Catholic
McGinnis, Mrs. - wid
McNeil, Alexander - farmer
McNeil, John - blacksmith
McNeil, John - tailor
Perry, Avey - farmer
Perry, Joseph B. - storekeeper, farmer
Steel, John - farmer
Wood, Thomas - farmer
A village situated in township No. 48, parish of Bedford, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 15 miles, from Georgetown 20 miles, from Princetown 55 miles. Mail weekly. Population about 50.
Carroll, James R. - hotelkeeper
Connolly, James - farmer
Kelly, John - farmer
McMurrow, James - wheelright
Murray, Barnard - blacksmith
Reilly, John - tavernkeeper
Wisner, James - postmaster, miller
Montague Bridge
A rapidly increasing village situated on the Montague River, township Nos. 52 and 59, parish of St. Andrew's, county of King's. Ship building and shipping produce is the principal occupation of the inhabitants. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 11 miles by road, and 6 by ferry, from Charlottetown 26 miles, fare bi-weekly stage 6s. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 350.
Aitken, James M. - saddler
Annear, John - farmer
Annear, William - postmaster, farmer
Baton, John - farmer
Beer, George - salesman
Beers, Phillip - J.P.(1)
Bowden, _____ - shipwright
Campbell, Alexander - farmer
Campbell, Donald - J.P.(2)
Campbell, Hugh - farmer
Campbell, John D. - saw and grist mill
Currie, Doncan - J.P.(3)
Forbes, Donald - merchant
Ford, Rev. John - Baptist
Fraser, Charles B. - of Fraser & McLean
Fraser & McLean - carriagemakers, farmers
Gaul, Pierce - Hotelkeeper(4)
Gillis, Kenneth - blacksmith
Griffs, Robert - farmer
Hyndman & Co. - general merchants
Hyndman, Peter W. - Hyndman & Co.
Kennedy, John - shoemaker & farmer
Lambert, Martin - farmer
Lemon, John jun. - farmer
Lemon, John jun. - farmer
McDonald, Augustine C. - MPP(5)
McDonald, & Bros. - gen. merch., grain dlr.
McDonald, Duncan - storekeeper
McDonald, James - gen'l store
McEvoy, James - master mariner
McKay, Donald - shoemaker
McLaren, Archibald, general merchant
McLean, Alexander - M.D.
McLean, John - of Fraser & Mclean
McLeod, Donald - tannery
McPherson, Hugh - tailor
McRae, Duncan - ship builder
McRae, John - shoemaker
Martin, Daniel - blacksmith
Montague House - P. Gaul pro.
Murphy, Lawrence - carpenter
Mutch, Wellington - general store
Perkins, Frederick - of Poole & Perkins
Poole, Charles - joiner
Poole, Charles D. - of Poole & Perkins
Poole & Perkins - general storekeepers
Riley, Daniel - shoemaker
Robinson, James - M.D., MPP
Rowe, Manoah - gen'l merchant(6)
Sprague, Richard - bookkeeper for Beer & Sons
Thompson, James - shoemaker
Van Iderstein, Thomas - cabinetmaker
Van Iderstein, William T. - blacksmith
Warren, Joseph - blacksmith
White, John - of Hyndman & Co.
Wightman, George - J.P.(7)
(1) Also Proprietor of Montague Mills.
(2) Also Proprietor of Grist and Saw Mill.
(3) Also Clerk of Small Debt Court.
(4) Also Brewer, Commissioner Court of Small Debts.
(5) Also of McDonald and Brothers.
(6) Also Produce and Grain Shipper
(7) Also Commissioner of Small Debt Court and for Affadavits.
Montague Crossroads
A village located in township No. 58, parish of St. Michaels, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 20 miles, from Princetown 80 miles, from Georgetown 20 miles, from Summerside 60 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200.
Byrne, John - farmer
Callaghan, William - postmaster
Coady, Edward - farmer
Coady, John - farmer
Conolly, John - farmer
Callaghan, James - clerk, farmer
Callaghan, John - farmer
Dougherty, Owen - farmer
Dreelan, William - farmer
Dunn, Paul - farmer
Farrell, Matthew - farmer
Hughes, Owen - farmer
Hughes, Edward - farmer
McCabe, James - farmer
McCluskey, Patrick - farmer
McInnis, John - farmer
KcKenna, Owen - farmer
McKenna, James - farmer
McTage, Patrick - farmer
Mooney, Daniel - J.P., farmer
Morrisey, Patrick - farmer
Morrisey, William - farmer
O'Connell, James - farmer
O'Connell, John - teacher
O'Connell, Thomas - farmer
Roach, Edward - farmer
Roach, Michael - J.P., farmer
Ryan, Thomas - farmer
Slaven, Andrew - farmer
Shea, John - farmer
Slaven, Owen - farmer
Walsh, William - farmer
Montague Mills
A village situated in township No. 59, parish of St. Andrew's, county of Kings. Lumber and grain forms its principal buisiness. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 6 miles, from Princetown 65 miles, from Charlottetown 26 miles, and from Summerside 60 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200.[If one looks at this listing, and that for Montague Bridge, you will note many duplications, but there are some differences. These listings are presented here exactly as in the original document.]
Annear, William - postmaster
Aitken, James - saddler
Beers, John P. - master mariner
Beers & Son - merchants
Campbell, Duncan D. - farmer
Campbell, John D. - miller
Curry, Duncan - clerk of court
Fraser & McLean - carriage builders
Gaul, Pierce - brewer
Hyndman, White & Co. - Merchants(1)
Keith, Charles - miller
Keith, George - farmer
Keith, William - farmer
Lambert, Martin - farmer
Lemon, John - farmer
McAvoy, James - master mariner
McDiarmid, Duncan - farmer, mast. marin.
McDonald & Bros. - merchants
McDonald, Duncan - merchant
McDonald, James - merchant
McKay, D. shoemaker
McLaren - Archibald, merchant
McLeod - Donald - tanner
McPherson, Hugh - tailor
McRae, Duncan - shipbuilder
Martin, Daniel - blacksmith
*Pool, Charles - joiner
*Pool & Perkins - merchants
Power, Joseph - farmer
Reilly, Daniel - shoemaker
*Robertson, James - M.D.
Rowe, Manoah - merchant
*Vaniderstone Tho's & Co. - cabinetmaker
*Vaniderstone, William - blacksmith
Warren, Joseph - blacksmith
Wightman, George - merchant |
(1) Also Shipbuilders.
* Note difference in spelling of name from Montague Bridge listing....
A small village in township No. 43, parish of St.. Margaret, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 30 miles, from Charlottetown 43 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Bryan, John - farmer
Cartier, James - farmer
Chiasson, Thomas - merchant
Fleming, J. - blacksmith
Handrahan, William - tavernkeeper
Hanning, Allan - farmer
McCormack, A. - farmer
McCormack, Mrs. Ronald - no occu.
McCormack, W. - farmer
McDonald, Donald - farmer
McDonald, Donald - farmer
McDonald, Dougald, farmer
McDonald, John - miller
McDonald, Joseph H. - farmer
McDonald, Neill - farmer
McDonald, P. - farmer
McDonald, Ronald - farmer
McDonald, Stephen - farmer
McEachern, Donald - farmer
McIntosh, A. - farmer
McIntosh, John - farmer
McIntyre, John - farmer
McKinnon, Allan - farmer
McKinnon, John - farmer
McKinnon, Joseph - farmer
McLellan, Ronald - farmer
O'Henley, A. - farmer
Robison, Neill - farmer
Ryan, John - farmer
A village situated in township No. 3, parish and county of Prince. Distant from Alberton, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 4 miles, from Princetown 60 miles, from Charlottetown 85 miles, from Georgetown 115 miles, from Summerside 47 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200.
Bowness, Robert - farmer
Campbell, Alexander - farmer
Campbell, James - farmer
Campbell, Malcolm - farmer
Clark, George M. - J.P., miller
Donald, John - farmer
Fitzgerald, John - farmer
Gillis, John - farmer
Gillis, Neil - farmer
Gordon, David - farmer
Gordon, Henry - farmer
Gordon, John - farmer
Gordon, John - miller
Harding, Robert - farmer
Hardy, Charles - miller
Hardy, George - farmer
Hardy, Robert - farmer
Haywood, George - farmer
Haywood, John - farmer
Laird, Job - farmer
Laird, Nathan - farmer
McIntyre, Daniel - farmer
McIntyre, John - farmer
McIntyre, Malcolm - farmer
McMurdo, Archibald - farmer
McMurdo, David - farmer
McNeil, Archibald - farmer
McRae, Smuel - farmer
Montgomery, Donald - merchant
Montgomery, William C. - farmer
Mountain, James - farmer
Platts, Thomas - farmer
Profit, James - farmer
Ramsay, Charles - farmer
Ramsay, Donald - J.P., farmer
Ramsay, James - carriage builder
Ramsay, Malcolm - carriage builder
Vincent, Joseph - farmer
A village in township No. 40, parish of St. Patrick, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 825 miles, from Summerside 60 miles, from Charlottetown 27 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 60.
Banks, John - farmer
Coffin, Kimble - farmer
Cox, Julius - gen. store, fish trader
Crawford, Rev. Henry - Presbyterian
Davidson, Henry - J.P., farmer
Dingwell, Mrs. Jane - boarding house
Fogerty, Martin - wheelwright, farmer
Hayden, Wm. - J.P., general store(1)
Hickey, Thomas - land surveyor, farmer
Hogan, James - farmer
Hooper & McGrath - fishing establishment
Hughes, John - farmer
Jardine, John - J.P., physician
Kelly, John - shoemaker, farmer
McEwen, William - farmer(2)
Mills, William - school teacher
Murphy, Joseph - farmer
Murray, Theodore - farmer
O'Brien, John - blacksmith
Phelan, Mrs. Bridget, wid Dennis,hotel
Redmond, Patrick - tanner, farmer
Sterns, Douglass - house joiner
Sterns, William - postmaster(3)
Waddel & Wilson - salmon preservers
Welsh, Michael - tailor & farmer
(1) Also Shipbuilder
(2) Also Commissioner of Court of Small Debts.
(3) Also Storekeeper, Carriage Maker, Farmer
Mount Stewart
A thriving village in township No. 37, parish of Bedford, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 18 miles, fare by bi-weekly stage 3s, by steamboat once a week is 1s 6d. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 250.
Allen, Edward B. - farmer
Beaton, John F. - salesman
Bourke, John R. - merchant(1)
Brine, John F. - M.D.
Carey, John - hotelkeeper, farmer
Coffin, Duncan - ship carpenter
Coffin, Edwin - general store(2)
Coffin, Elisha - farmer
Coffin, Sames [sic?] - storekeeper(3)
Coffin, Kimble - ship builder
Connelly, James - blacksmith
Cox, Frank - M.D.
Cummings, Mrs Eliza - wid Alex'r, groceries
Duff, Alexander - blacksmith
Egan, David - postmaster(4)
Emeno ____ - shipwright
Glover, James - ship builder
Gorman, James - tailor, harbour master
Griffin, Patrick - storekeeper(5)
Jay, Jonathan - salesman
Lamont, Rev. James - Roman Catholic
Lawson, John A. - merchant
McDonald, James - gen. store, farmer
McDonald, Ronald G. - J.P., farmer
McEwen, David - farmer
McEwen, Robert D. - school teacher(6)
McQuade, James - storekeeper(7)
Phelan, Walter - hotelkeeper
Ross, James - J.P.(8)
Scott, George - farmer
Sterns - Franklin - carpenter
Tobin, Daniel - hotelkeeper, joiner
Vickerson, William - tanner
(1) Also Ship Builder, Commissioner in Court of Small Debts.
(2) Also Ship Builder and Farmer
(3) Also Ship Builder
(4) Also Ship Builder, Farmer, Dealer in Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, and Liquors.
(5) Also Commissioner in Court of Small Debts.
(6) Also Boot and Shoe Manufacturer.
(7) Also Ship Builder and Farmer.
(8) Also Merchant and Commission Agent.
Muddy Creek
A small village in township No. 17, parish of St. Nicholas, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 8 miles, from Princetown 25 miles, from Charlottetown 45 miles, from Georgetown, 80 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150
Arsenaux, Isaiah - farmer
Arsenaux, John - fisherman
Beavisto, Albert - farmer
Beavisto, Theophilus - farmer
Cudmore, Richard - farmer
Dickie, John - postmaster
Gamble, William - farmer
Gaudet, Amable - farmer
Gaudet, Cisimir - farmer
Gaudet, Moses - farmer
Gaudet, Stanislas - farmer
Gaudet, Stephen - farmer
Goodwin, William B. - farmer
Goss, John - farmer
Oakes, Samuel - farmer
Perry, Charles - farmer
Perry, Damase - farmer
Perry, Firman - farmer
Perry, Hypolite - farmer
Perry, James - farmer
Perry, John - farmer
Perry, John - farmer
Perry, John - farmer
Perry, Joseph - farmer
Perry, Joseph - shoemaker
Perry, Peter - farmer
Perry, Roman - farmer
Perry, Stephen - farmer
Perry, Simon - carriage builder
Perry, Thomas - farmer
Polly, Caleb - farmer
Steel, Donald - farmer
Murray Harbor
A village situated in townships Nos. 63 and 64, parish of St. Andrews. county of Kings. Murray River runs through the centre of the village dividing it in 2 sections. This is a port of entry. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 12 miles by bi-weekly stage, from Charlottetown 40 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200.
Brehaut, C. - postmaster M.H. South
Brooks, John - customs officer
Clements, William - J.P. Gen'l Store
Clow, James - merch., ship owner
Cowan, John - grist mill owner
Crichton, David - J.P.(1)
Graham, William - postmaster
McClure Bros. - general store(2)
McLeod, J. - tannery
Prowse, Samuel. - J.P.(3)
(1) Also General Merchant and Farmer.
(2) Also Saw and Shingle Mill Owners, Shipyard.
(3) Also General Merchant, Fishing Establishment.
Murray Harbor North
A small village in township No. 63, parish of St. Andrew's, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 10 miles, from Princetown 20 miles, from Charlottetown 39 miles, from Summerside 70 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 120.
Chapman, Henry - farmer
Chapman, John - merchant
Clow, James - merchant
Clow, John - farmer
Clow, William - miller
Dunn, Henry - farmer
Dunn, John - farmer
Dunn, Thomas - farmer
Henderson, Thomas - farmer
Irving, Thomas - farmer
Irving, William - farmer
Lawson, Rev. Stephen G.
McLean, David - postmaster, farmer
McLeod, William - farmer
Millan, Walter - farmer
Millar, Andrew - farmer
Millar, William - farmer
Ranady, William - farmer
Reid, Gavin - farmer
Thomas, Edward - farmer
Murray Harbor South
A village situated in township No. 64, parish of St. Andrew's, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 20 miles, from Charlottetown, 40 miles, from Summerside 80 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200.
Ball, Jomes - farmer [may be Bell]
Brehaut, Charles T. - postmaster & shoemaker
Clements, William - general dealer
Creichton, David - general dealer
Davis, D. & Co. - fishing establishment
McCLure, Cartney - ship builder
McLeod - Peter - tanner
McLeod, William - tailor
Munn, Duncan - general dealer
Prowse, Samuel - general dealer & c
Murray River
A village situated in township No. 64, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 15 miles, from Charlottetown 40 miles, from Summerside 60 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 300.
Bears, David - seaman
Bears, Henry - farmer
Bears, James - farmer
Bears - John - fisherman
Bears, nathaniel - farmer
Bears, Nelson - seaman
Bears, Stephen - fisherman
Bishop, Levered - farmer
Bishop, Hiel - farmer
Cahoon, Charles - fisherman
Clow, William - miller
Cook, Francis - postmaster, carpenter
Cuddy, James - farmer
Fairchild, William - farmer
Grant, Abijah - farmer
Harty, Godfrey - fisherman
Hawkins, William - farmer
Horton, Ambrose - fisherman
Horton, John W. - farmer
Jackson, Daniel & Bros. - fishermen
Jordan, Edward - farmer
Kirby, Harris - fisherman
Lowe, John - farmer
Lowe, Thomas - farmer
McClure & Bros. - merch. ship builder
McKay, George - farmer
McKay, Hugh - fisherman
McKay, Robert - fisherman
McKinnon, Duncan - shoemaker
McLain, William - farmer
McLeod, Daniel - farmer
McLeod, David - farmer
McLeod, George - farmer
McLeod, John - farmer
Martin, Donald - merchant
Murdoch, George - farmer
Murdoch, John - farmer
Murdoch, John - farmer
Richards, James - farmer
Sanders, James - teacher
Sanders, John - farmer
Sanders, Robert - farmer
Sherwin, James - farmer
Sherwin, William - shoemaker
Stewart, Isaac - fisherman
Van Iderstone, Alexander - shoemaker
Wheeler, John - farmer
White, Archiblad - farmer
White, Charles - wheelright
White, William - farmer
This document, Lovell's Directory, 1871 may be seen at PARO, Accession No. 4064, Item No. 1
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Dave Hunter and The Island Register: Source Code and Graphics © 1997
Last Updated: 04/25/2000 3:28:13 PM