The Lovell's Prince Edward Island Directory 1871 N-P
From the Collection of Donna Johnston Collings

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Lovell's Directory was a directory of professionals and businessmen and other inhabitants in Prince Edward Island, published in 1871, with listings by town or geographic region. [Some corrections thanks to John Collin's sharp eyes!]
New Annan Mills
A small village situated in township No. 19, parish of St. David's, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 6 miles, from Princetown 9 miles, from Charlottetown 34 miles, from Georgetown 64 miles. Population about 80.
Baker, John - farmer
Burrows, Jabez - farmer
Burrows, Thomas - farmer
Campbell, John - farmer
Conden, Thomas - farmer
Jamieson, David - blacksmith
Jamieson, Robart - farmer
Jamieson, William - no occu.
McGill, Arthur - farmer
McIsaac, Angus - farmer
McKay, David - farmer
McMullen, Donald - farmer
McMullen, James - farmer
McMullen, John - farmer
Moss, Henry - blacksmith
Tuplin, James - carriage builder
Walker, Robert - farmer
A small village situated in township No. 43, parish of St. Margaret's, county of Kings. Population about 50.
Bryan, John - farmer
McCormack, Donald - farmer
McCormack, Patrick - farmer
McDonald, Allen - farmer
McDonald, Angus - farmer
McDonald, Angus - farmer
McDonald, James - farmer
McDonald, Ronald - farmer
McIntosh, Angus - farmer
McIntosh, John - farmer
McKenzie, Donald - farmer
McKinnon, John - farmer
McLean, James - farmer
McLellan, Gilbert - farmer
O'Hanley, Alexander - farmer
O'Hanley, Ronald - farmer
New Glasgow
A village situated on the Clyde River, township No. 23, parish of Grenville, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 17 miles, fare by bi-weekly stage 4s. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150
Binns, John - general merchant
Bradshaw, Harrington - physician(1)
Clarke, William - shoemaker
Duncan, J.M.L. - school teacher
Gregor, Angus - proprietor(2)
Harris, C.F. - tinsmith
Houston, James D. - shoemaker
Laird, James jun. - grist, sawmill owner
Laird, James sen. - merchant
Laird, Hon. Alexander - J.P., farmer
McCoubrey Bros. - tanners(3)
McCoubrey, George R. - McCoubrey Bros.
McCoubrey, Richard Y. - McCoubrey Bros.
McDonald, Alexander - carriage maker
McDonald, Murdoch - boot & shoemaker
McInnis, John - tailor
McLeod, Theo S. - tailor
Murphy, Peter - carriage woodworker
Nisbe, Mrs. S. - wid, postmistress
Orr, John - shipbuilder,owner,farmer
Pethick, Philip - joiner
Rocken, George - hotelkeeper, butcher
Rattary, David - farmer
Trainer, A. - blacksmith
(1) Also Surgeon and Farmer
(2) Angus ran a Steam Carriage Factory, was an Agricultural Implement and Thrashing Machine Maker, and General Iron Worker.
(3) Also Harness Makers.
New London
A village situated in township No. 21, parish of Grenville, county of Queens. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 18 miles, fare 3s; from Charlottetown 30 miles, fare 6s. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
[Post Office is called French River]
Adams, John - grist mill owner
Anderson, George - Auctioneer(1)
Barnard, William - farmer
Cousins, John - farmer
Cousins, William - J.P., farmer
Cox, Rev. J.C. - Ch. of England
Crosby, Charles - school teacher
Johnston, David - grist, carding mill
Johnston, William - merchant, farmer
McGee, William - farmer
McKay, Mrs. Jane - postmistress
McKay, Neil - master mariner, farmer
McKay, William jun. - farmer
McKay, William sen. - farmer
McKenrie, George - ship owner
McLeod, Andrew - farmer
McLeod, George - farmer
McLeod, John - farmer
McMullin, John - blacksmith
Montgomery, Hon. Donald - farmer(2)
Murphy, William - fisherman
Orr, James - farmer
Pidgeon, James - J.P.(3)
Pillman, Richard - ship owner, farmer
(1) Also Commission Merchant, Farmer
(2) Also President of the Legislative Council
(3) Also Druggist, Farmer
New Perth
A village situated in township No. 51, parish of St. George, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 8 miles, from Princetown 73 miles, from Charlottetown 23 miles, from Summerside 63 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Campbell, Peter - farmer
Collins, James - farmer
Dewar, Robert - farmer
Finley, William - postmaster
Gordon, James - farmer
Gordon, James jun. - farmer
Gordon, John - farmer
Hamilton, Alexander - farmer
Hamilton, John - farmer
Kaneen, John - farmer
Lane, Edward - merchant
MacDonald, Daniel - farmer, miller
McIntyre, William - farmer
McLaren, John - farmer
McLaren, William - farmer
Mencheon, Archibald - blacksmith
Mencheon, Daniel - farmer
Plumber, Roland - merchant, trader
Robinson, Peter - farmer
Shaw, Donald - farmer
Shaw, Robert - farmer
Smith, Alexander - farmer
Walsh, Edwin - farmer
New South Wiltshire
A small village in township No. 31, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 9 miles, from Princetown 40 miles, from Georgetown 50 miles, from Summerside 54 miles. Mail weekly. Population about 150.
Auld, William - farmer
Barrit, William - farmer
Barrit, William R. - farmer
Beer, George - farmer
Beer, Thomas - farmer
Beer, William - farmer
Brown, James - carpenter
Brown, William - farmer
Cahill, Richard - farmer
Crooker, William - shoemaker
Henderson, Archibald - farmer
Henderson, George - farmer
Holmes, Charles - farmer
Howle, Charles - postmaster
Hiscox, Thomas - farmer
Howard, Charles - farmer
Johnstone, Lauchlan - farmer
MacFadyen, Angus - farmer
MacFadyen, Archibald - carpenter
McKinlay, Allan - tailor
Morris, Thomas - shoemaker
Murphy, Patrick - mill owner
Murray, John - farmer
Newson, Benjamin - carpenter
Paul, David - carpenter
Pethick, John - farmer
Ward, Samuel - saw mill
Williams, Joshua - no occu.
Willis, Charles - farmer
Willis, James - farmer
Yeo, Thomas - farmer
A village situated in township No. 57, county of Queens,. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 20 miles, from Princetown 60 miles, from Georgetown 20 miles, from Summerside 60 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
[The Post Office is at Orwell]
Anderson, Alexander - miller, farmer
Cody, Lawrence - farmer
Cody, Mrs. Mary
Connolly, John jun. - farmer
Curran, Richard - farmer
Gill, Gordon - farmer
Gill, Richard - J.P. miller, farmer
Gill, Thomas - farmer
Gunnip, James - farmer
Kelly, Walter - farmer
McKenna, Peter - farmer
McLean, Alexander - farmer
Morrisey, Thomas - farmer
Murphy, John jun. - farmer
Murphy, John sen. - farmer
Naddy, Michael - farmer
Naddy, Pierce - farmer
O'Mara, William - farmer
Power, John - teacher, farmer
Staunton, Miss Ann
Nine Mile Creek
A village situated in township No. 65, parish of De Sable, and county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 9 miles, from Princetown 50 miles, from Georgetown 40 miles, from Summerside 40 miles. Mail weekly. Population about 300.
Bell, Duncan - farmer
Bell, Gilbert - farmer
Betts, Joseph - farmer
Betts, Silas - farmer
Brien, Angus - carpenter, farmer
Cameron, Angus - farmer
Campbell, Angus - farmer
Campbell, Archibald - farmer
Campbell, Capt. Gillan - farmer
Campbell, Capt. Neil - J.P. farmer
Campbell, James - farmer
Campbell, Robert - farmer
Currie, Donald - farmer
Darroch, Archibald - farmer
Doolan, Abraham - farmer
Doyle, Edward - farmer, carpenter
Foley, James - farmer
Foley, William - farmer
Foster, Goerge - farmer
Gorvett, George - farmer, shoemaker
Griffin, Thomas - farmer
Harrington, Edward - farmer
Hennessey, John - farmer
Henry, John - farmer
Inman, George - farmer
Joy, John - farmer
Ladner, John - farmer, carpenter
Lannan, William - farmer
Livingston, Allan - blacksmith
Livingston, Donald - farmer
Lowther, William - J.P., farmer
Lund, William - farmer
Lund, William H. - farmer
MacDonald, Alexander - farmer
MacDonald, Donald - farmer
MacDonald, John jun. - farmer
MacDonald, John sen. - farmer
McDougall, Andrew - farmer, carpenter
McDougald, Archibald - farmer
McDougall, Donald - farmer
McDougall, Edmund - farmer
McDougall, Edmund, farmer, carpenter
McDougall, George - farmer
McDougall, Martin - farmer
McEachern, Donald - farmer
McEachern, John - farmer
McEachern, Neil - farmer
McGregor, Archibald - farmer
McGregor, Malcolm - farmer
McKinnon, John - farmer
McLean, Hector - farmer
McNeill, Archibald - Postmaster(1)
McPhee, Neil - farmer
McQuarrie, Allan - farmer
McRea, Norman - farmer
Murphy, John - farmer
Murphy, John - farmer
Murphy, Lawrence - farmer
Murphy, Peter - farmer
Murphy, Thomas - farmer
Patterson, Charles - farmer
Ross, William - farmer
Slattery, Michael - farmer
Taylor, Henry - farmer
(1) Also Farmer and Teacher
North Lake
A settlement in township No. 47, parish of St. Columbia, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station in the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 40 miles, from Princetown 90 miles, from Charlottetown 60 miles, from Summerside 88 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 120.
Baker, Elisha - farmer
Campbell, Dougald - J.P., farmer
Campbell, John - farmer
Campbell, John - farmer
Campbell, Peter - farmer
Fraser, Donald - farmer
Hooper, Samuel - farmer
McDonald, John - farmer
Morrow, Benjamin - farmer
Morrow, E.B. - farmer
Morrow, Lemuel - farmer
Morrow, Silas - farmer
Morrow, William - postmaster
Morrow, William H. - school teacher
Rose, Alfred - farmer
Rose, Peter - farmer
Rose, Philip - farmer
Rose, Stephen - J.P., farmer
Rose, William - farmer
North River, Warren Grove Mills
A small village in township No. 32, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 6 miles, from Princetown 24 miles, from Georgetown 46 miles, and from Summerside 35 miles. Population about 150.
[The Post Office is at Charlottetown]
Byrnes, Moses - horse dealer
Carter, William - shoemaker
Dockendorff, Jacob - farmer
Heartz, Capt. Thomas - pilot
Keough, Daniel - farmer
McKenzie, William - tailor
McKinlay, Alexander - farmer
McKinlay, John - farmer
McPhee, John - tailor
Moreshead, Providence - farmer
Moreshead, Daniel - tailor
Murchison, Malcolm - farmer
Roper, John - millwright
Scott, Alexander - farmer
Scott, John - farmer
Seller, John - merchant
Vickerson, William - farmer
Warren, Frederick - farmer
Warren, George - blacksmith
Warren, James - miller
Warren, John B. - farmer
Warren, Peter - farmer
Younker, George - farmer
North Tryon
A village situated in township No. 28, parish of St. David's, county of Prince. Distant from Alberton, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 5 miles, from Princetown 23 miles, from Charlottetown 27 miles, from Georgetown 50 miles, from Summerside 22 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
[The Post Office is at Tryon]
Avery, Julius T. - carder
Biggs, William - architect
Botts, Joseph - clothfinisher
Cameron, George W.W. - farmer
Crawford, Edward - hotelkeeper
Crawford, John - farmer
Dawson, George H. - loom fixer
Dawson, S.E. jun. - woollen manufacturer
Dawson, Thomas S. - farmer
Goldrup, Jacob - farmer
Hood, John Matthew - shoemaker
Hood, George S. - shoemaker
Howatt, Archibald - farmer
Howatt, Charles - farmer
Howatt, John - farmer
Howatt, Thomas W.- farmer
Laing, John - farmer
Lord, John - saw mill, farmer
Lord, Philips - farmer
McCabe, Peter - harnessmaker
McDonald - John - spinner
McNeil, John F. - carriagemaker
McPherson, Neil - carpenter
Nelder, Mrs. Elizabeth - milliner
Percival, Nathan - farmer
Potts, Robert - M.D.
Robblee, James - farmer
Robblee, Wesley - farmer
Reid, Andrew - trader, farmer
Sentner, James - spinner
Slade, Llewellyn - engineer
Wood, Mark - blacksmith
North Wiltshire
A village situated in township No. 31, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 10 miles, from Princetown 20 miles, from Georgetown 40 miles, from Summerside 30 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 180.
Ashly, James - farmer
Balderstone, Benjamin - miller
Balderstone, John - farmer
Berrigan, Nicholas - farmer
Bowman, Richard - farmer
Campbell, Thomas - farmer
Clarke, William - farmer
Clow, George - farmer
Clow, George, jun. - farmer
Cow, Samuel - farmer
Cook, John - gardiner
Cummings, John - farmer
Cutten, William - farmer
Dammarett, Henry - tavernkeeper
Dammarett, Robert - carriagemaker
Deacon, John - farmer
Easter, George - blacksmith
Edwards, John - farmer
Edwards, Robert - farmer
Edwards, Thomas - farmer
Godfrey, George - farmer
Godfrey, Thomas - farmer
Hatherley, John - farmer
Large, William - farmer
McKenzie, John - farmer
Matthews, Richard - shoemaker
Matthews, W.J. - farmer
Matthews, William - farmer
Morgan, Cormack - farmer
Tierney, Martin - farmer
Orwell Cove
A village situated in township No. 57, parish of St. John's, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 18 miles, there is weekly communication between the two places from Port Selkirk *, one mile distant, by steamer, fare 1s 6d. Population about 100 [The Post Office is at Orwell Head.]
Clark, Richard - storekeeper for Mrs. Stevens
Douse, John - farmer
Gill, Richard - saw and grist mill
Gillis, Donald - joiner
McDonald, Alexander - farmer
McDonald , Charles - farmer
McDonald, Donald - farmer
McDonald, Joseph - farmer
McDonald, John - farmer
McDonald, John - farmer
McDonald, Reynold - farmer
McLeod, Charles - storekeeper
McLeod, Donald - tailor, farmer
McLeod, John - storekeeper
McLeod, Malcolm - joiner
McLeod, Malcolm - tailor, farmer
McPherson, George - blacksmith
McPherson, John - farmer
McPherson, Thomas - farmer
Morrisey, Edward - farmer(1)
Nicholson, Donald - tannery
Stevens, Mrs.Mary - wid Patrick
*An interesting note. The main street of Port Selkirk, Robinson Street, runs through directly my house, according to a recent survey here in the Cove. The property is bounded to the South by Dundas St. There are no remnants left of either street. - Dave.
(1) Also Boot and Shoe Maker
Orwell Head
A small village situated on the Orwell River, township No. 57, parish of St. John's, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 17 miles; fare by bi-weekly stage 4s. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 50.
[The Name of the Post Office is Orwell.]
Finley, William - general merchant
Fletcher, James F. - editor(1)
Gillis, William - grist mill
Loughrin, Bernard - postmaster, taylor
McDonald, Peter - shoemaker, farmer
McLeod, Donald - J.P., farmer
McLeod, Malcolm - flour dealer, farmer
McPhail, William - farmer(2)
Nicholson, Peter - farmer
(1) Editor and Proprietor of the Charlottetown Island Argus, grist and shingle mill owner, resides in Charlottetown.
(2) Also School Inspector for Queens County.
Park Corner
A village situated in township No. 20, parish of Granville, county of Queens. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 17 miles, from Princetown 8 miles, from Charlottetown 39 miles, from Georgetown 69 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200.
Bernard, Charles - farmer
Brander, Archibald - farmer
Brien, William - shoemaker
Burke, John - merchant, farmer
Campbell, David - farmer
Campbell, John - farmer
Campbell, William - farmer
Campbell, William - flour mill
Cousins, Alexander - farmer
Cousins, James - farmer
Constable, Joseph - farmer
Cousins, William - farmer
Delaney, William - farmer
Donald, Archibald - farmer
Donald, Edward - farmer
Donald, John - farmer
Doyle, James - postmaster, farmer
Duggan, John - farmer
Duggan, William - farmer
Graham, William - farmer
McKay, William - farmer
McLeod, George - farmer
McLeod, Kenneth - farmer
McLeod, Murdoch - farmer
McMillan, Michael - farmer
Mann, John - farmer
Montgomery, Hon. Donald - MLC, farmer
Montgomery, James H. - farmer
Mountain, John - farmer
Murphy, John - farmer
Power, James - farmer
Ramsay, Archibald - farmer
Ready, Patrick - farmer
Ready, Richard - farmer
Stewart, George - farmer
Stewart - Spencer - farmer
Tuplin, John - shoemaker
Wall, James - farmer
A small village situated in township No. 43, parish of St. Margaret's, county of Kings. Population about 75.
Chisson, Thomas D. - trader
Hanning, Allan - farmer
McDonald, Donald H. - farmer
McDonald, John - miller
McDonald, Ronald - farmer
McEachern, Donald - farmer
McIntyre, Roderick - farmer
McKinnon, Joseph - blacksmith
Petter's [sic] Road
A village situated on Lot No. 63, in the parish of St. Andrew's, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 10 miles, from Charlottetown 39 miles, from Summerside 80 miles. Mail weekly. Population 200.
Acorn, Joseph - farmer
Acorn, Samuel - miller
Beers, Isaac A. - teacher
Bethune, Malcolm - farmer
Brown, George - farmer
Butler, Samuel - farmer
Carver, James - seaman
Cooper, William - shoemaker
Ferguson, Mungo - farmer
Fraser, Daniel - shoemaker
Fraser, William - ship carpenter
Jenkins, Ephriam - saw miller
Jenkins, George - farmer
Jenkins, Nicholas - farmer
Jenkins, Thomas - ship carpenter
Johnston, William - postmaster, farmer
McDonald, John -carpenter
McDonald, William - farmer
McFadyen, Edward - cooper
McLaren, Alexander - farmer
McLean, James - blacksmith
McLean, John - farmer
McLean, John jun. - farmer
McLean, Laughlin - farmer
McLean, Malcolm - farmer
McSwain, Neil - farmer
Martin, Donald - farmer
Morrison, John F. - teacher
Porter, William - farmer
Reid, James - farmer
Robertson, Henry - farmer
Singleton, Daniel - farmer
Stuart, Donald - farmer
Stuart, William - farmer
Wetherby, William - farmer
Yeomans, Michael - farmer
Pisquid Bridge
A small village in towship No. 37, parish of St. Andrews, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co.,, 21 miles, from Georgetown 17 miles, from Summerside 50 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Burt, Jonathan - farmer
Clark, James - farmer
Duffy, Peter - farmer
Dunphy, Patrick, farmer
Kelly, Charles - farmer
McConnell, angus - shoemaker
McConnell, Archibald - shoemaker
McConnell, William - farmer
McDonald, Angus - farmer
McDonald, Angus - farmer
McDonald, Angus - ship builder
McDonald, Donald - caulker
McDonald, James - blacksmith
McDonald, James - farmer
McDonald, Ronald - farmer
McKinnon, Donald - postmaster
McLeod, Murdoch - miller
McMillan, William - farmer
McNeil, James - ship carpenter
McQuaid, Francis - J.P., farmer
O'Hane, Patrick - farmer
Rodgerson, James - farmer
Rodgerson, Thomas - farmer
Walker, Alexander - carpenter
Pleasant Grove
A village situated in township No. 34, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 10 miles, from Princetown 30 miles, from Georgetown 40 miles, and from Summerside 50 miles. Mail weekly. Population about 200.
Arting, James - farmer
Clow, James - farmer
Connors, Edward - farmer
Crocket, William - farmer
Curren, Michael - farmer
Curren, Peter - farmer
Curren, Thomas - farmer
Dover, William - farmer
Doyle, James - farmer
Doyle, Luke - farmer
Duck, George - farmer
Duck, Wallace - farmer
Flinn, Donald - farmer
Flinn, Edward - farmer
Flinn, James - farmer
Flinn, James - farmer
Flinn, John - farmer
Furlong, James - farmer
Garnam, Abraham - farmer
Gill, Benjamin - farmer
Hardy, George - farmer
Hardy, Joseph - farmer
Hardy, Henry - farmer
Hayden, John - farmer
Hayes, James - farmer
Hayes, Michael - farmer
Lamphier, Terence - farmer
Maghar, Richard - farmer
Matthew, John - farmer
Wyatt, Edward - farmer
Point Prim
A small village in township Nos. 57 and 58, parish of St. John's, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 29 miles, from Princetown 64 miles, from Georgetown 30 miles, from Summerside 69 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Cameron, Ewen - farmer
Cameron, Roderick - farmer
Finlayson, Alexander - joiner
Finlayson, Alexander - pilot
Finlayson, Archibald - pilot
Finlayson, Donald - farmer
Finlayson, Kenneth - master mariner
Gillis, Donald - farmer
Gillis, John - master mariner
McDonald, Donald - master mariner
McDonald, Finley, pilot
McDonald, John - farmer
McDonald, Ronald - joiner
McDonald, Samuel M. - master mariner
McKinnon, Alexander - farmer
McLean, Alexander - farmer
McLean, Angus - farmer
McLean, John - master mariner
McLeod, Michael - farmer
McRae, Angus - farmer
McRae, Archibald - pilot
McRae, Murdoch - master mariner
McRae, Roderick - pilot
Murchison, Donald - farmer
Murchison, John - J.P., postmaster
Murchison, Malcolm - carpenter
Murchison, Murdoch - master mariner
Murchison, Simon - farmer
Murchison, Simon - farmer, lighthouse kpr.
Murchison, Peter - master mariner
Port Hill
A village situated in township No. 13, parish of Richmond, county of Prince. Ship building is carried on largely. It is a station of the New York, Newfoundland , and London Telegraph Co. Distant from Summerside 166 miles, bi- weekly stage fare 5s, from Alberton 25 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 350.
Adams, Thomas - foreman(1)
Ball, Rev. E. - Ch. of England
Bell, John - school teacher
Francis, Martin - Indian school teacher
Hopgood, John - postmaster, farmer
Hopgood, William - bookkeeper(2)
Hubbard P.W. - harnessmaker
McAuslane, Archibald - grist mill ownre
McKay, John - grist miller, farmer
Murphy, Thomas - bookkeeper
Ramsay, David - farmer
Shreve, J.C. - physician and surgeon
Yeo, James - ship owner(3)
Yeo, John - J.P.(4)
(1) Foreman for John Yeo.
(2) Also Lumber Surveyor
(3) Also General Merchant, Saw Mill Owner, Farmer
(4) Also MPP, Ship owner, General Merchant, Farmer
A village situated at the head of Pownal Bay, township Nio. 49, prish of Bedford, county of Queens. The surrounding country is remarkably productive, 15,000 bushels of oats, and 12,000 bushels of potatoes have beenn shipped from here in one season. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 8 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Acorn, William jun. - farmer
Acorn, William sen. - farmer(1)
Brown, Daniel - grocer, shoemaker, farmer
Brown, James - carpenter
Brown, Samuel - shoemaker
Brown, William - blacksmith
Carver, Richard - blacksmith
Drake, Samuel - J.P., farmer
Gay, Howard - farmer
Gay, James B. - J.P., merchant, farmer
Jay, James J. - postmaster(2)
Gay, Mrs. Mary - wid Samuel
Gay, Robert - farmer
Gay, Theophilis - farmer
Haley, John - wharfinger, farmer
Ings, John - farmer
Jardine, William - carriage builder
Jenkins, George - farmer
Jenkins, Nicholas sen. - farmer
Jenkins, Richard - farmer
Jones, William - farmer
McEachern, John - grocer, tanner
McLellan, Duncan - shoemaker
McMahon, James - tailor
Moore, James H. - farmer
Prought, John - hotelkeeper, farmer
Prought, William - farmer
Robertson, James - tailor
Smith, Alexander - J.P., farmer
Smith, John - farmer
Smith, Richard - J.P.(3)
Stanley, Thomas - shoemaker
Winterbotham, Rev. John - Wesleyan
(1) Also Grist and Sawmill Owner
(2) Also Nurseryman and Market Gardener
(3) Also General Merchant, Produce Dealer and Shipper, Commissioner of Small Debts.
Princetown [a.k.a. Malpeque]
A village and the site of the county town and Royalty as set off by the Government for Prince county about 1766, is situated in township No. 18, parish of St. David's, county of Prince. Malpeque Harbour, on the west side of the peninsula, on which this place is situated, is one of the finest on the North side of the Island, vessells of 1000 tons being able to enter. Distant from Princetown wharf 3 miles, from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 15 miles, fare by stage 3s; from Charlottetown 38 miles fare 6s; from Georgetown 70 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 400
Allan, James - inkeeper, farmer
Beairsto, Benjamin - J.P., farmer
Beairsto, James, J.P., grist mill, farmer
Beairsto, John - farmer
Beairsto, William - gr. school teacher
Blackmore, James - truckman
Blackmore, James jun. - labourer
Breen, John - blacksmith, farmer
Bryanton, Andrew - farmer
Conick, Peter - shoemaker
Coughlin, William - farmer
Crafer, John E. - farmer
Craig, John - farmer
Craig, Neil - farmer
Craig, Robert - farmer
Crowley, Timothy - mason, farmer
Crozier, James - farmer
Crozier, John - blacksmith, farmer
Crozier, John - farmer
Crozier, Samuel W. - farmer
Ellison, Archibald - farmer
Ellison, Malcolm - farmer
Ellison, Miss Janet- no occu.
Henry, John - farmer
Hudson, William - merchant
Kelly, Patrick - shoemaker
Kier, William - M.D., farmer
Lair, Rev. Robert - Presbyterian
Linell, Weston - storekeeper
McGougan, Alexander - farmer
McGougan, Archibald - farmer
McGougan, Archibald - pilot, farmer
McGougan, Duncan - pilot, farmer
McGougan, Neil jun. - farmer
McGougan, Neil sen. - farmer
McGougan William - farmer
McKay, Archibald - farmer
McKay, Henry E. - postmaster(1)
McKay, William - farmer
McNeil, Angus - wheelwright, farmer
McNutt, D.S.&P. - general merchants
McNutt, Dugald - J.P.(2)
McNutt, H. S. - customs off., Fish pres.
McNutt, James - farmer(3)
McNutt, James -salesman
McNutt, Peter, farmer(4)
McRae, Frederick - farmer
Montgomery, Edward - farmer
Montgomery, James T. - farmer
Owen, Arthur - farmer
Owen, Walter - farmer
Ramsay, George - farmer
Ramsay, William B. - carriage builder
Sinclair, George - J.P., farmer
Stewart, Robert - farmer
Stewart, Robert - farmer
Sudsberry, Thomas - labourer
Taylor, Niel - farmer
Thompson, William - carriage builder, farmer
Woodside, Archibald - farmer
Woodside, Benjamin - farmer
Woodside, Daniel - farmer
(1) Also Farmer and Wharfinger
(2) Also of D.S. & P. McNutt, and Farmer
(3) Also Clerk, Court of Small Debts.
(4) Also of D.S. & P. McNutt, Commissioner Court of Small Debts.
This document, Lovell's Directory, 1871 may be seen at PARO, Accession No. 4064, Item No. 1
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Last Updated: 04/25/2000 4:25:22 PM