South Lake Exchange Miss Helen Stewart - Agent
HOURS OF SERVICE - Week Days, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m, Sundays and Statutory Holidays, 1:30 to 3 P.M. - Ring One Long Ring for Central.
Baker, William B. - r Lakeville - R7-6
Beaton, Percy R. - r East Point - R4-14Cameron, Alex. - r South Lake - R4-6
Cameron, Stanley - r East Point - R4-12
Campbell, A. F. - r Campbells Cove - R2-21
Campbell, Gerard - r North Lake - R2-12
Campbell, John J. - r Elmira - R7-13
Campbell, Mrs. M. J. - r Elmira - R7-3
Canadian Nat. Rly. Station, Elmira - R7-210
Ching, Willard - r Red Point - R5-310Dickson, J. Colin - r East Baltic - R1-2
Dingwell, C. C. - r South Lake - R6-3
Dingwell J. E. - r North Lake - R3-4
Dixon, Robert W. - r East Baltic - R1-220Fraser, E. D. - Store, North Lake - R3-2
Fraser, Harding - r Elmira - R7-220
Fraser, J. A. - r Bothwell - R6-5
Fraser, Wm. C. - r North Lake - R7-21Harris, Thomas A. - General Store, Elmira - R7-2
Keays, D. F. - r Priest Pond - R2-22
Kidson, R. - r Red Point - R5-220Light House - East Point - R4-2
Matthew and McLean Ltd. - Lobster Factory, North Lake - R3-310
Morrow, Hudson G. - r North Lake - R3-12
Mossey, J. F. - Store, Bothwell - R6-21
Murphy, Wallace - r Elmira - R7-11MacDonald, Geo. E. - r South lake - R6-12
McDonald, John A. E. - r North Lake - R3-22
McDonald, Miss M. E. - r South Lake - R4-11
McDonald, Rev. R. J. - r Fairfield, R2-11
McDonald, Wallace B. - r South Lake - R4-22McEachern, harles - r Campbell's Cove - R2-7
McEachern, John - r Baltic - R1-11
McEachern, Joseph, r Baltic - R1-111
McMillan, Dan - r Elmira - R7-23
McOhee, N. S. - r Elmira - R7-23
McPhee, Raymond - r Elmira - R7-12Robertson, Alex. Est. - General Store, East Point - R5-21
Robertson, Alton R. - r Munn's Road - R6-13
Robertson, Walter E. - r Kingsboro - R6-11
Robertson, W. S. - r Bothwell - R6-22
Rose, Livingstone D. - r North Lakeville - R7-14
Rose, Reggie - r South Lake - R4-13
Rose, Mrs. S. J. - r North Lake - R7-4
Ryan, W. A. - r Priest Pond - R2-15Stewart, Freeman - r Kingsboro - R6-4
Stewart, Garfield - r East Baltic - R1-4
Stewart, J. A. - r Kingsboro - R5-4Tidmarsh, W. H. - Factory, Campbell's Cove - R2-13
Tidmarsh, W. H. - Factory, North Lake - B3-1Public Telephone, Telephone Office, South Lake - 9005
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