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Montague Exchange

Mrs. A. H. Duvar - Agent Chief Operator

HOURS OF SERVICE - Week Days, Continuous, Sundays and Statutory Holidays, 1:30 to 3 P.M.

Aitken. Wallace - r Lower Montague - R1-23
Annear, George - r Lower Montague - R1-12
Annear, Mont - r Lower Montague - R1-5
Armstrong, Rev. C. E. - r Lower Montague - R1-21

Bank of Nova Scotia - Montague - 29
Beck, Geo. I. - r Lower Montague - R1-110
Beck, R. W. - r Montague - 38-2
Beck, Vere and Son - Monumental Works, Montague - 38-11
Beer, John P. - r Montague - 15
Beer, Walter L r Roseneath - R3-2
Brothers, Arthur - r Greenfield - R4-310
Bruce, Munro - r Valleyfield - R6-2
Bruce, W. A. - r Valleyfield - R6-110
Bulpitt, T. E. - r Roseneath - R3-22

Cain, William - r New Perth - R3-14
Callaghan, Joseph - r New Perth - R3-12
Camp Onawa - Coffin and Sinclair, Brudenell - R5-11
Campbell, Mrs. Olivia A. - r Roseneath - R3-110
Canadian Bank of Commerce - Montague - 1
Can. Nat. Rlys. - Station, Montague - 7
Carruthers, J. W. - Drug Store, Montague - 9-2
Carruthers, J. W. - r Montague - 9-3
Central Garage, Montague - 8
Clark Bros - Montague - 25
Clements, R. K. - r Montague - 24-4
Coffin, L. H. - r Montague - 24-4
Collings, Mrs. Oswald - r New Perth - R3-3
Curling Club - Montague - 33-3

Daily, Hugh M. - r Commercial Cross - R2-13
Davison, H. W. - r Montague - 35-4
Dewar, A. E. - r Brudenell - R5-24
Dewar, Howard - r Brudenell - R5-32
Duvar, Mrs. A.H. - r Montague - 41

Ennis, James - r Greenfield - R4-14

Fraser, Milton J. - r Montague - R5-2
Fraser, W. D. - r Whim Road - R2-21

Globe Grocery - Beck and Stewart, Montague - 9-4
Gordon, Fade - r Roseneath - R3-11
Gordon, James A. - r New Perth - R3-4
Grant, Dr. Thomas - Office, Montague - 20
Green, Dr. Cecil B. - Dentist, Montague - 51-3

Hamilton, Alex - r New Perth - R3-210
Hessian, S. S. - Office, Montague - 2
Hewitt, James M. - r Lower Montague - R1-210
Hume, Archie - r Montague -47

Imperial Oil Ltd. - Montague 26
Island Telephone Co. Ltd., the - Information and Trouble Clerk, Montague - 50

Johnston, Dr. L. A. - Dentist, Montague - 44-4
Johnston, Dr. L. A. - r Montague - 44-3
Johnstone, W. A. - Merchant, Montague - 6

Kelly, Miss Margaret J. - r Montague - 35-11
Kennedy, Ernest - r Montague - 38-4
King's Country [sic] Hospital - Montague - 27

Lannan, J. A. - r Queen's Road - R4-23

Mabon, H. J. - Druggist, Montague - 52-2
Mabon, H. J. - r Montague - 52-3
Maritime Electric Co. Ltd. - Power House no. 1, Montague - 24-2
Maritime Electric Co. Ltd. - Power House no. 2, Valleyfield - 24-3
Maritime Electric Co. Ltd. - Montague - 14
Martin, A. and Co. - General Store, Grandview - R6-3
Martin, S. M. - r Heatherdale - R2-11
Mellish, G. F. - r Union Road - R4-31
Mellish, L. B. - General Groceries, Montague - 32
Mellish, Robert C. - r Union Road - R4-4
Mellish, Thos. W. - r Union Road - R4-12
Moar, J. S. - r New Perth - R3-32
Montgue Furnishing Co. - Montague - 13-2
Montague Garage - N. J. Nicholson, Prop, Montague - 16-1
Moore, Cyrus C. R. - r Union Road - R4-13
Mosher, E. - Montague - 44-2
Munn, Edward - r Roseneath - R3-13
Myers, George H. - r Montague - R5-21

MacDonald, Duncan - r Montague - 38-3
MacDonald, Geo. - r Brudenell - R5-4
MacDonald, Geo. W. - r Montague - R5-22
MacDonald, John Norman - r Whim Road - R2-12
MacDonald, John N. - r Heatherdale - R2-3
McDonald, Leslie - r Lower Montague - R1-11
Macdonald, Louis A. - r Montague - 37
McDonald, M. F. - store, Montague - 22-11
McDonald, Norman - r Whim Road - R2-31
McDonald, R. G. - r Montague - 18-3
McGowan's Ltd. - General Store, Kilmuir - R2-2
MacGregor, R. - r Montague - R5-31
MacIntyre, F. G. - r Queen's Road - 39
McIntyre, George - r Montague - 16-4
McIntyre, Dr. Preston - Office and residence, Montague - 19
McIntyre, T. A. Edison - r Montague - 35-3
McKay, A. C. - r Montague - 35-3
McKinnon, Daniel - r Montague - 22-4
McKinnon, D. L. - r Montague - 13-3
McKinnon, L. M. - r Montague - 12
McKinnon, Martin - r Montague - 22-2
McLaggan, W. A. - r Montague - 34
MacLaren - Douglas, r New Perth - R3-23
McLaren, Mrs. L. - r Montague - 33-2
McLaren, W. A. - r Whim Road - R2-4
MacLean, D. J. - r Montague - 40-3
McLean and Son John - Carriages, Harness, Montague - 16-3
McLeod, Alex. F. - r Valleyfield - R6-21
MacLeod, Miss Catherine - r Montague - 36
MacLeod, James - r Victoria Cross - R4-21
McLeod and McGregor - General Store, Montague - 3
MacPherson, Alex - r Union Road - R4-5
McQuarrie, C. H. - r Roseneath - r 3-120
McRae, D. A. - r Heatherdale - R2-210

Nicholson, N. J. - r Montague - 16-2

O'Halloran, Gus - Sparrow's Road - R4-22

Parker, Mrs. Matilda J. - r Lower Montague - R1-310
Parkman, Edward - r Montague - 51-12
Poole, C. H. - r Lower Montague - R1-4
Poole, Emery - Meat Market, Montague - 33-4
Poole, G. A. - Lower Montague - R1-4
Poole's Hotel - L. H. Poole, Prop., Montague - 40
Poole and Co., W. A. - Gen. Store, Lower Montague - R1-2
Poole and Thompson - Office, Montague - 11
Poole and Thomson - W. L. Poole's Private Office - 23
- If one line is busy, please call another
Poole. W. L. - r Montague - 17
Power, Jerome - r New Perth - R3-5
Power, Michael J. - r Summerville - R3-10
Pringle, Rev. Gordon C. - r Montague - 5

Reid, Gavin D. - r Montague - R4-7
Robertson, Charles - r Montague - R5-13
Ross, D. P. - r Lower Montague - R1-14
Ross, Malcolm - r Valleyfield - R6-23
Ross, V. R. - r Union Road - R4-32
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Montague - 30

Shaw, Stephen - r New Perth - R3-212
Sinclair, Rev. Donald M. - Manse, Valleyfield - R6-4
Stewart, Daniel J. - r Lower Montague - R1-130
Stewart, J. J. - Meath Market, Montague - 4

Thompson, Mrs. G. A. - r Montague - 21-2
Troy, Thomas - r Greenfield - R4-210

Watterworth - Wilfred - r Montague - 54
White, C. E. - r Montague - R4-2
Wightman, Mrs. A. E. - Lower Montague - R1-31
Wright, David - r Lower Montague - R1-13
Wright, A. M.. - r Montague - 22-3

Public Telephones

McDonald Hotel - 9010
Poole's Hotel, L. H. Poole Prop. - 9048
Telephone Office - 9045

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Last Updated: 10/09/2001 5:07:23 PM
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