Alberton Exchange
Miss Claribel Keefe - Agent, Chief OperatorHOURS OF SERVICE - Week Days Continuous, Sundays and Statutory Holidays 1:30 to 3 p.m.
Barbour, E. O. - r Alberton - 33-2
Barbour, James - r Alma - R10-5
Bell, Alvin - r Alberton - 26-22
Bowness, Reuben - r Montrose - R12-11
Bowness, Wm. H. - r Montrose R1 - 12
Burke, S. R. - r Alberton - 19Cahill, J. Wilbert - r Kildare - R1-21
Cahill, J. Peter - r Kildare - R1-41
Callaghan, J. A. - General Store, Elmsdale - R10-110
Campbell, David - r Montrose - R 12 -4
Campbell, Dr. T - r Alberton - 27-4
Can Bank of Comerce - Office, Alberton - 1
Champion, Mrs. Herbert - r Alberton - 20
Clark, Arthur - r Alberton - R2-2
Clark, Fred - r Dock - R2-3
Clark, Herbert - r Alberton - 29-3
Clark, J. Allan - r Alma - R10-41
Corbett, H. D. - Grocery Store, Alberton - 5
Costain, Chester C. - r Mimminegash - R7-22
Coughlan, Wm. - r Brocton - R7-12
Currie, William - r Alma - R12-31Donald G. M. - r Huntley - R5-4
Dunbar, Howard - r Alma - R10-31
Dunbar, James - r Alma - R10-12
Dunbar, Joseph A. - r Alma R10-21
Dunbar, Lloyd - r Montrose - R9-121
Dunn, Charles - r Dock Road - R7-212England, F. Vernon - r Alberton - 33-4
Forsythe, J. W. - r Dock Road - R2-110
Foley, M. M. - r Alberton - 25-2
Fraser, Miss Christine - r Dock - R2-11
Fraser, Hank P. - Alberton - 9-4
Fraser, Herbert - r Alberton - R8-4Gard, Elijah - r Mill River - R6-12
Gard, George - r Alberton -27-11
Gass, Thomas - r Alberton - 10
Getson, Albert - r Kildare Cape - R1-14
Getson, W. H. - r Kildare - R1-34
Gillis, Alfred - r Alberton - 39
Gordon, Alfred - r Church - 11-2
Gordon, James A. - r Alma - R10-3
Gordon - Light Plant, Huntley - R5-120
Gordon, R. H. - r Huntley - R5-11
Gordon's Garage - Alberton - 45
Graham, Mrs. Wallace - r Greenmount - R12-2
Green, A. C. - r. Alberton - 8
Green, John S. - r. Mimminegash - R7-14
Griffin, Maurice - r. Brocton - R7-23Hardy, Mrs. Fred - r Alberton - 26-2
Hardy, G. H. - r Alberton - 27-3
Hardy, Gordon - r Brooklyn - R3-15
Hardy, Irving - r Rosebank - R3-111
Hardy, Robert - r Montrose - R9-22
Hardy, Watson - r Montrose - R9-12
Hayes, Chester W. - r Alberton - R2-12
Hodgson, Frank - r Mill River - R6-11
Hodgson, Herbert - r Alberton - R2-31
Hodgson, James - r Brooklyn - R6-3
Hodgson, Mrs. Thomas - r Brooklyn - r6-4
Hunter, Robert - r Mill River - r3-41Imperial Oil Co. Ltd. - Office, Alberton - 29-11
Irving, Herbert - r Brooklyn - R6-31
Irving, William - r Dock - R11-121
Island Telephone Co. Ltd - Chief Operator Alberton - 7Jeffery, David - r Alma - R10-15
Jeffery, John S. - r Alma -R10-23
Jeffery, Richard - r Alberton - 35-12
Johnston, Charles H. - r Hills River - R6-14Keefe Miss Claribel - r Alberton - 13
Keefe, Dr. G. L.; - Dentist, Alberton - 11-11
Keenan's - Specialty Store, Alberton - 44
Kennedy, Dr. R. H. - Office and Res., Alberton - 6
Kennedy, Dr. R. H. - Summer Cottage, Alberton - 35-2Larkin, Mrs. M. A. - r Alberton - 26-110
Leard, Alex - r Brooklyn - R6-33
Leard, Cyril - Restaurant, Alberton - 26-3
Leard, H. O. - r Alberton - R5-3
Leard, L. B. - r Mill River - R6-12
Leard, Mrs. M. R. - r Alberton - 2-3
Leavitt, William - r Alberton - 15
Lefurgey's - General Store, Alberton - 4
LeFurgey, Dr. J. A. - Physician, Alberton - 12Marchbank, Allan McL - r Alma - R9-14
Marchbanks, George H. - r Alma - R9-4
Matthews, Jesse S. - r Alberton - R2-4
Matthews, Miss Olive - r Alberton - R8-12
Matthews, Russell - r Alberton - R11-12
Myrick and Co., J. H. - Store, Alberton - 16McArthur, Shirley - r Alberton - R2-13
MacBeath, Geo C. - r Alberton South - R8-5
McBeth, Charles - r Alberton - 25-4
McColl - Frontenac Oil Co. Ltd., Alberton - R2-21
McInnis, George, r Mimminegash - R7-3
McInnis, Guy - r Mimminegash - R7-5
McIntosh, John - r Kildare Cape - R1-5
McLellan, W. B. - r Alma - R10-4
McLeod, Mont. - r Alberton - R5-13
McMillan, Joseph T. - Sanitary Meat Mark't, Alberton - 11-4
McNeill, Basil - r Dock Road - R7-120O'Brien, A. D. - r Dock Road - R7-110
O'Brien, Claude - r Aberton - 14-11
O'Brien, James - r Dock Road - R7-210
O'Holloran, Joseph A. - r Brockton - R7-130
Oliver, George W. - r Alberton - 33-3
O'Meara, Mrs. Austin - r Alberton - 14-4
Oulton, W. R. - r Alberton - 29-2Palmer, C. R. - Fisheries Inspector, Roseville - R7-11
Parks, A. G. - r Alberton - 43
Parochial House, r Alberton - 17
Phillips, Rev. Wm. J. - r Alberton - 20-3
Pridham, Perly, r Montrose - R5-31
Pridham, Thomas - r Montrose - R12-22
Profitt, Lester E. - r Rosebank - R3-22
Purdy, Dr. A. L. - r Alberton - 27-2Railway Station - Can Nat Rys, Alberton - 9-2
Ramsay, Brenton - r Montrose - R9-13
Ramsay, Ervin - r Rosebank - R3-4
Ramsay, B. H. - r Montrose - R9-41
Ramsay, George D. - r Huntley - R5-5
Rayner, James - r Kildare - R1-111
Rayner, R. J. - r Greenmount - R1-12
Rennie, A. L. - Store, Elmsdale - R3-3
Rennie, Fred - Store, Alma - R10-11
Rix, Austin - r Alberton - R5-111
Rix, James A. - r Mimminegash - R7-4
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Alberton - 37Seaman, Mrs. Mysie - r Alberton - 9-11
Smith, Wilfred, r Alberton - 35-21Travers, Miss Ethel - r Alberton - 11-3
United Church Parsonage - Elmsdale - R10-33
United Church Parsonage - Alberton - 3Waugh, J. W. - Drug Store, Alberton - 36
Waugh, J. W. - r Alberton - 42
Weeks, Carl - r South Kildare - R5-22
Weeks, Craswell, r Alberton - 35-11
Weeks, Hunter - r Alberton - 35-4
Weeks, Leigh - r Huntley - R5-2
White, Frederick J. - r Brooklyn - R6-23
Wilkie, James H. - r Alberton - R11-11
Williams, Henry - r Dock Road - R7-211
Wilson, Mrs. J. A. - r Alberton - 29-4Public Pay Stations:
Albion Terrace Hotel - Alberton - 9124
Telephone Office - Alberton - 9001Cascumpec Line - Connecting at Alberton:
Ashley, Lowden - r Alberton - R4-11
Ashley, Rhodes - r Cascumpec - R4-5Bonyman, Russell - r Cascumpec - R4-111
Bridges, Gilbert - r Cascumpec - R4-13
Bryan, J. H. - r Cascumpec - R4-4Casely, Lyman - r Cascumpec - R4-22
Clark, Est. James - r Cascumpec - R4-11Gamble, Fred - Cascumpec - R4-110
Gordon - I. Murray - r Cascumpec - R4-23Leard, G. Russel - r Fortune Cove - R4-2
Lockerby, H. R. - r Fortune Cove - R4-110Maxfield, Russell - r Fortune Cove - R4-31
Meggison, George E. - r Cascumpec - R4-121
Metherall, Vernon - r Fortune Cove - R4-32Raynor, Alton - r Cascumpec - R4-211
Raynor, R. H. - r Cascumpec - R4-21Thomas, J. B. - r Cascumpec - R4-14
Wallace, Elmer - r Alberton - R4-6
Wallace, Lester - r Fortune Cove - R4-12
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