New London Exchange Miss Ada R. MacKinnon - Agent Chief Operator
HOURS OF SERVICE - Continuous., Sundays and Statutory Holidays, 1:30 to 3 P.M. On Rural Lines, Ring 1.
Anderson, R. J. - r Stanley - R4-111
Bernard, George - r Long River - R3-24
Bernard, Miss Glennie - r New London - R1-3
Bernard, Harold - r French River - R2-22
Bernard, Wm. A. - r French River - R2-3
Brookins, George H. - r Clinton - R5-22
Brown, Franklin - r New London - R3-5
Brown, Fulton - r Stanley Bridge - R4-320
Brown, Ivan R. - r New London - R5-12
Brown, John A. - r Graham's Road - R8-11
Buntain, Chester - r New London - R4-4
Burt, Hall - r French River - R1-12Can. Nat. Rly. Station - Emerald - R6-31
Campbell, A. A. - r Long River - R3-3
Campbell, Fred - r Wigmore Rd. - R8-2
Campbell, Hugh - r Graham's Road - R8-210
Campbell, Miss Ella - r Park Corner - R2-32
Constable, Miss Irma - r New London - 7-4[name cut off], George - Clinton - R5-31
Drummond, Wallace - r Springfield - R6-210
Dunn, Emmet - r Springfield - R6-310
Dunning, Ernest - r Long River - R3-12
Dunning, Harold - r New London - 7-2
Dunning, Samuel - r New London - 7-110Ferguson, Mrs. L. E. C. - r New London - R1-33
Fleming, Dr. J. E. - r Stanley Bridge - R4-12
Ford, W. H. - General Store, Emerald - R6-111
Found, H. P. - r New London - R5-14
Fyfe, A. E. - r Stanley Bridge - R4-120Glover, Hugh t. - r Clinton - R5-11
Haslam, Bertram - r Sptingfield - R6-2
Haslam, Everett - r Stanlet Bridge - R4-12
Haslam, H. B. - r Springfield - R6-15
Heaney, Wesley - r Clinton - R5-13
Howard, B. W. - r Springfield - R6-13
Howatt, Josiah, r French River - R2-2Johnston, Oscar - r French River - R3-4
Johnstone, E. W. - r Burlington - R3-210
Johnstone, Wm. E. - r Long River - R3-31Mayne, George - r Springfield - R6-4
Mayne, Keith - r Springfield - R6-21
Morris, C. R. - r North Granville - R4-3McEwen, H. S. - r Campbellton - R4-23
MacEwen, Montgomery - r Stanley Bridge - R4-13
McEwen, W. R. - r Campbellton - R4-21
McGregor, A. Cameron - r Graham's Road - R8-111
McGregor A. K. - r Summerfield - R6-220
McKay, D. Wallace - r Campbellton - R4-31
McKay, Geo. M. - r Wigmore Rd. - R8-5
McKay, Sterling - r New London - R5-110
McKay and Todd - Store, Badalbane - R6-22
McLeod, A. J. - r Stanley Bridge - R4-2
MacLeod, Heath F. - r French River - R1-2
McLeod, Ira W. - r French River - R1-23
McLeod, James M. - r Graham's Road - R8-4
Mcleod, Murdoch, r Long River - R3-2
McLeod, Ray, r Wigmore Road - R8-22
McLeod, Robert - r Long River - R3-11
Orr, Lemuel - r French River - R1-21Paynter, Everett - r Long River - R3-110
Paynter, Leslie - r Clinton, R5-23
Pickering, Wilfred - r Clinton - R5-5Riley, George I. R Clinton [cannot be certain of this one as is cut off at the top of the page - number imp. To read]
Seaman, L. S. - r Breadalbane - R6-5
Simpson, Arthur - r Stanley Bridge - R4-110
Simms, James - r French River - R1-13
Sinclair, Hon. John E. - r Summerfield - R6-11
Stewart, Mrs. Edward - r French River - R1-24Taylor, Austin C. - r Norboro - R6-51
Taylor, B. W. - r North Granville - R4-11
Taylor, David Fulton - r Fown's Mills - R8-23
Taylor, U. J. - r North Granville - R4-121Whitehead, J. W. - r Clinton - R5-3
Woodside, Hedley - r Bradalbane - R6-24
Woodside, Elton C. - r Clinton - R5-4Public Telephone - Telephone Office, New London - 9015
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