![]() | Sieur de la Roque 1752 Census for Prince Edward Island/Ile Saint Jean |
Jean Le Breton, fisherman and ploughman, native of Saint Malo, aged 63 years, he has been in the country 28 years. Married to Marie Bertrand, native of l'Acadie, aged 50 years.
They have six children, five sons and one daughter.
Charles, aged 25 years.
Fran�ois, aged 23 years.
Jean, aged 20 years.
Joseph, aged 18 years.
Bonnaventure, aged 12 years.
Margueritte, aged 24 years.In live stock, they have two oxen, two cows, two calves, one heifer, five ewes, three sows, three pigs, and six fowls.
The land upon which they are settled was granted to them by Messieurs de Pensens and Dubuisson, but they have lost the deed. They have made a clearing where they have sown eight bushels of wheat and two bushels of peas.
Simon Billard dit la Valleur, locksmith, formerly soldier of the company of Monsieur de Bonnaventure, native of Paris, aged 43 years, he has been 23 years in the colony. Married to Marie Joseph Charpentier, native of Havre, Saint Peters du Nord, aged 28 years.
They have three children, one son and two daughters:-
Simon Billard, aged 11 months.
Marie Rose, aged 5 years.
Louise, aged 3 years.In live stock they have four oxen, two cows, two calves, four wethers, four ewes, one mare and her colt, one sow, four pigs; and they also own one boat.
They have made a clearing on which they can sow ten bushels of grain.
The said Billard posesses also another piece of land in the wood, where he has made a clearing for the sowing of eight bushels of wheat.
This last named homestead is situated on the Rivi�re � Charles, one league from the harbour of St. Pierre
In live stock they have thirteen geese and eighteen fowls [???, presumably on this second piece of land]
Joseph Jacquet, fisherman, native of Grandville, in Normandy, aged 35 years, he has been 12 years in this country. Married to Elizabeth Boulanger, native of Havre Saint-Pierre du Nord on this island, aged 30 years.
They have five children by their marriage, three sons and two daughters:-
Joseph Jacquet, aged 8 years.
Antoine, aged 3 years.
Jacques, aged 8 months.
Marie Fran�ois, aged 10 years.
Th�r�se, aged 5 years.In live stock they have two oxen, two cows, one heifer, two calves, two ewes, and two pigs.
They bought their house for 50 livres from Pierre Gallong and have their land under a permit from Monsieur Degoutins under date 13th November, 1750. They have made a clearing on it where they have sown two bushels of wheat, and have fallow land for sowing fourteen bushels in the coming spring.
Le Sr. Louis Bernard, fisherman and ploughman, native of Chartres in Beauce, aged 52 years, he has been __ years in the country. Married to Magdelaine Simon, native of Louisbourg, aged 34 years.
They have five children, four sons and one daughter:-
Louis Bernard, aged 16 years.
Pierre, aged 10 years.
Hustache, aged 3 years.
Simon, aged 9 months.
Anne, aged 11 years.They have in live stock two oxen and two ewes.
They hold the land by purchase for the sum of 80 livres from Jean Chesnay, as appears by certificate from the said Chesnay under date of 1738. They have made a clearing for the sowing of twenty bushels and have sown nothing for three years, having no seed.
Nicolas Hango, fisherman, native of Verly, bishopric of Coutance, aged 36 years, he had been in the country ___ years. Married to Anne Gallais, native of Havre Saint-Pierre du Nord on this island, aged 23 years.
They have four children, three sons and one daughter:-
Vincent Hengo [different spelling], aged 7 years.
Simon, aged 5 years.
Louis, aged 32 months
Marie Rose, aged 10 months.They have in live stock three ewes, one sow, and one pig.
The land upon which they are settled was given to them verbally by Monsieur Deschambon, commandant of this isle. They have made a clearing and sown four bushels of wheat and one bushel of peas, and have fallow land for the sowing of four bushels in the coming spring. Their homestead is situated on the river � Charles, one league from the harbour of St. Pierre du Nord.
Andr� Renauld, poor, ploughman, native of the parish of Mattes, in Xaintonge, aged 60 years, he has been in the country 26 years. Married to Jeanne Roger, native of La Rochelle, aged 40 years.
They have two sons:-
Mathurin Renauld, aged 10 years.
Andr�, aged 8 years.In live stock they have one cow and her calf, one heifer, two ewes, and two pigs.
The land upon which they are settled is situated at Havre Saint-Pierre. It was granted to them by deed from Messieurs de Pensens and Dubuisson. They have fallow land sufficient to sow twenty-four bushels. Nothing has been sown as they have no seed.
Le Sr. Emard de Thezen, from Dauphin�, merchant, aged 43 years, he has been in the country three years.
Jacques Meunier, native of Balle, Switzerland, an arrival from the British possessions, aged 18 years, domestic to the said Sr. Emard.
Bazille Boudrot, his farmer, native of l'Acadie, aged 30 years, he has been in the country two years. Married to Margueritte Giroire, native of l'Acadie, aged 30 years.
They have three children, one son and two daughters:-
Pierre Paul Boudrot, aged 8 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 4 years.
Euphrosinne, aged 2 years.In live stock they have three cows with their calves, four geese, one horse, five ewes, and ten fowls.
The said Sr. Emard holds his land by purchase from Monsieur Saint-Villemay. He has made a clearing for the sowing of 96 bushels the coming spring.
Marie Ducloux, widow of the late Michel Loyal dit Mignet, native of Cap Breton, aged 38 years, left with 5 children, two sons and three daughters:-
Michel Loyal, their eldest son, 13 years.
Jacques, aged 10 years.
Marie Rose, aged 12 years.
Charlotte, aged 7 years.
Modeste, aged 4 years.She has in live stock four oxen, three cows, two calves, one mare, one ram, six ewes, one sow, ten geese, and eight fowls.
The land upon which she is settled is situated at Havre Saint-Pierre du Nord, on this Isle, where she has sown five bushels and a half of wheat, one bushel and a half of barley, one bushel of oats, half a bushel of peas, and has fallow land sufficient for the sowing of twenty-four bushels more.
The said widow holds her land under deed made by Messieurs de Pensens and Dubuisson, dated 20th July 1736, and homolgated by Messieurs de Brouillant and Le Normant.
Robert Mancel, fisherman, native of the parish of la Luzerne, bishopric of Avranches, aged 32 years, he has been three years in the country. Married to Jeanne Goupy, native of the same place, aged 32 years.
They have one son and one daughter:-
Blaise, aged 3 years.
Suzanne, aged 17 months.Their live stock consists of the following: one cow with her calf, one wether, four ewes, one pig, one sow, twenty geese, five fowls; with two boats and a share in a bateau.
They have no dwelling.
Marie Simon, widow of the late Dominique Duclaud, native of l'Acadie, aged 55 years. She has Simone, her niece, aged 18, and lives with her son. Jacques Dominique Duclaud, fisherman, native of this place, aged 31 years. Married to Marie Vescot, native of l'Acadie, aged 28 years.
They have two daughters:-
Marie Fran�ois, aged 2 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 1 year.In live stock they have: two oxen, six cows, five calves, fifteen ewes, one horse, ten pigs, twenty geese, three turkeys, and fourty fowls or chickens.
The land on which they are was granted to them by Messieurs Duchambon and Dubuisson. They have sown ten bushels of wheat. They share a boat with Joseph Dumont.
Joseph Dumont, fisherman and ploughman, native of Petit Degrat, aged 38 years.
He has four daughters:-
Anne, aged 13 years.
Marie, aged 11 years.
Helenne, aged 5 years.
Suzanne, aged 18 months.He has three oxen, three cows, two heifers, fifteen wethers, three pigs, ten geese, and four fowls.
On the land that he has settled he has sown four bushels of wheat.
Marie Joseph Chenel, widow of the late Morel, native of l'Acadie, aged 50 years.
She has 3 sons:-
Joseph Charpentier, aged 22 years.
Louis, aged 15 years.
Joseph, aged 15 years.In live stock she has: four oxen, one cow, two calves, fifteen wethers, five pigs, fifteen geese, eighteen turkeys, thirty fowls or chickens.
Her land, which she has improved, is on the river. She has made a clearing on which she has sown some ten bushels of wheat, and has besides fallow land sufficient to sow twenty-four bushels; and a second piece of land which she has improved for the fishery, on the point of Havre Saint-Pierre du Nord.
Le Sr. Charles Jousseaume, merchant, native of Saint-Martin de Villeneuve, bishopric of La Rochelle, in France, aged 30 years, he has been in the country three years. He has been married for one month to Demoiselle Magdelaine Bugeaud, native of l'Acadie, aged 16 years.
He is living in the house of the widow Morel, which he has rented.
They have in live stock, two oxen, three pigs, five geese, five fowls,; with two fishing boats and half of two other batteaus, one with Robert Mancel, and the other with Jacques Galland and he is purveyor for seven boats.
The said Sr. Jousseaume has in his employ as a domestic a 36 months boy named Claude Duriand, native of Quentin, bishopric of St. Brieux in Brittany, aged 16 years.
The said Sr. Jousseaume has no land except thirty feet square that he has purchased from the widow Morel.
Fran�ois Jolly, fisherman, native of Param�, bishopric of St. Malo, aged 69 years.
Jean Le Vieux, native of Soubise, bishopric of Sainte, in Xaintonge, aged 60 years, both batchelors and partners.
In live stock they have two pigs and four fowls.
The land they occupy is situated to the south quarter-south-west of the bay of Saint-Pierre, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur ____ _____.
They have made a clearing on it where they have sown eight bushels of wheat, one bushel and a half of rye, three-quarters of a bushel of barley, and four bushels of peas, and they have sufficient fallow land for the sowing of three bushels.
Magdelaine Poitevin, widow of Guillaume Prieur dit Dubois, native of l'Acadie, aged 50 years, and she has been in the country 32 years.
She has three sons:-
Pierre, aged 23 years.
Guillaume, aged 19 years.
Louis, aged 13 years.Andr� Dugay, orphan, aged 7 years.
The land upon which she is settled is situated at Havre Saint-Pierre in the north part of this isle. She holds the said land under deed from Messieurs de Pensens and Dubuisson. She declairs the said deed was burned at the time of the fire fourteen years ago.
Her live stock is as follows: three oxen, four cows, one calf, eight ewes, two pigs, five geese, and five fowls.
She has made a clearing where she has sown two bushels and a half of wheat and has fallow land for the sowing of sixty bushels the coming spring.
The said widow and her sons enjoy in addition to the above land another piece of land situated up the rivi�re du Nord-Est of Port La Joye, where they have sown eight bushels of grain.
Jacques Le Prieur dit Dubois, her son, native of the Isles Michaud, near Ile Royale, fisherman and ploughman, aged 35 years, and has been 32 years in the country. Married a short time ago to Marguerite Michel dit Laurine, native of l'Acadie, aged 20 years.
All the live stock they posess consists of but one wether and three fowls.
The land they occupy is situated near the source of the rivi�re du Nord-Est of Port La Joye. On it they have made a clearing for the sowing of eight bushels of wheat.
Joseph Tricoud dit Picard, settler, (discharged) soldier in the company of Stimauville of the Department of Ile Royale, native of the burg of Au, province of Picardie, in the jurisdiction of the town of Eu, aged 30 years, he has been 15 years in the colony. Married to Margueritte Prieur, native of Havre Saint-Pierre, in Ile Saint-Jean, aged 20 years.
They have two sons:-
Joseph, aged 2 years.
Jean Louis, aged 5 months.In live stock they have two cows, one calf, and two fowls.
They have their portions of the dwelling place of Magdelaine Poitevin, Widow Prieur, their mother.
Le Sr. Claude Antoine Duplessis, surgeon, native of Saint Quentin, in Picardie, aged 43 years, and has been ____ years in the country. Married to Catherine Lejeune, native of l'Acadie, aged 49 years.
They have three children, one son, and two daughters:-
Fran�ois Marin, aged 3 years,
Nastazie, aged 15 years.
Marie Louise, aged 13 years.Louis LaBauve, orphan, native of the east coast of l'Acadie, aged 12 years.
In stock they have one mare, one cow, one calf, and six fowls.
Their dwelling is situated at Havre Saint-Pierre, Ile Saint Jean. They hold it by virtue of an application they presented to Monsieur Prevost in 1750, which said application would have sealed up among the papers of Monsieur Degoutins after his death.
Claude Chatel, fisherman, native of Saint-Michel des Loups in Lower Normandy, bisporic of Avranche, aged 38 years, he has been in the country 18 years. The said Chatel is not married.
He has in live stock two oxen, one cow, one calf, ten wethers, and one sow.
The land upon which he is settled is situated on the before-mentioned harbour and he purchased it for the sum of 35 livres from Michel Duffaut, as it appears by the deed of sale made on the 17th day of May, 1743. He has made a clearing on it where he has sown eleven bushels of wheat and a bushel and a quarter of peas, and has fallow land besides sufficient for the sowing of eight bushels more.
Jacques Montaury, fisherman and ploughman, native Havre Saint-Pierre on Isle Royale, aged 31 years, he has been in the country 25 years. Married to Magdelaine Quimine, native of l'Acadie, aged 31 years.
They have four children, three sons and one daughter:-
Gr�goire Montuary, aged 5 years.
Jean Baptiste, aged 3 years.
Joseph, aged one year.
Marie Rose, aged 6 years.Their live stock consists of the following: eight oxen, three cows, two calves, five ewes, seven pigs, five geese, six fowls, and twelve chickens.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the aforesaid harbour of Saint-Pierre of the Ile Saint Jean and they hold it in half shares with Mathieu Glain of Rivi�re de Peugiguit.
The said Montaury has another piece of land at a place called les Etangs, where they have made a clearing and have sowed there eight bushels of wheat and four bushels of peas, and still have fallow land sufficient for the sowing of twelve bushels of grain.
Genevi�ve Poitevin, widow of David Despoy�s, poor, native of l'Acadie, aged 36 years, left with six children, four sons and two daughters:-
Jean Fran�ois, aged 11 years.
Charles, aged 9 years.
Jean, aged 6 years.
Ruffin, aged 2 years.
Marie Magdelaine, aged 13 years.
Appoline, aged 5 years.In live stock, she had [not has] two ewes, one heifer, and two fowls.
The land in which she is settled is situated at the harbour of Saint-Pierre, on the Isle Saint-Jean, and is hers by succession.
She enjoys another piece of land situated at the place called les Etangs and which was granted to her late husband by Messieurs de ____ and Dubuisson. Dated __ __ __. The said widow cannot seed her land owing to her great poverty. She had been in the country about thirty years.
Le Sr. Louis Aubin Lebuffe, fisherman, native of Saint-Michel des Loups, in Normandy, aged 36 years, he has been 22 years in the country. Married to Anne Quimine, native of l'Acadie, aged 30 years.
They have two daughters:-
Modeste, aged 4 years.
Marie Fran�oise, aged 30 months.In live stock, they have four oxen, three cows, two heifers, two calves, one mare with her colt, ten ewes, six pigs, and three fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated in that part of the harbour of Saint-Pierre du Nord of the Isle of Saint-Jean called le Nigeagant. They hold said land by purchase from Sr. Charles LeBuffe, brother of said Aubin, as appears from a deed sale made under date of 1749; signed Bernard, Notary Royale.
A clearing has been made by them, on which they have sown eight bushels of wheat, and they have fallow land besides for the sowing of sixteen bushels more. They hold another piece of land at les Etangs, where they have made a clearing for the sowing of thirty-two bushels. They have one boat and have lost one within the past few days.
They also have working for them three thirty-six-months men, all of them natives of Brittany.
Also Margueritte Quimine, sister and sister-in-law of Sr. Aubin and his wife, native of l'Acadie, aged 16 years.
Charles Fouquet, fisherman, native of Avranche in Normandy, aged 50 years, he has been in the country 30 years. Married to Marie Poitevin, native of l'Acadie, aged 37 years.
They have nine children, five sons and four daughters:-
Louis Fouquet, aged 24 years.
Jean Aubin, aged 22 years.
Jean Martin, aged 14 years.
Simon, aged 6 years.
Charles, aged 8 months.
Marie Fran�ois, aged 16 years.
Anne, aged 12 years.
Elisabeth, aged 8 years.
Fran�oise, aged 4 years.In live stock they have the following: four oxen, three cows, two heifers, four calves, twelve wethers or ewes, seven pigs, one mare and her foal, and fifteen fowls or chickens.
They hold their land under grant made by Messieurs _____ and _____. On it they have made a clearing where they have sown eight bushels of wheat and have fallow land for the sowing of another twenty-four bushels, none of which was seeded for lack of grain.
Le Sr. Fran�ois Douville, fisherman, navigator and ploughman, native of St. Denis Le Gatz, bishopric of Coutance in Normandy, aged 62 years, he has been in the country 35 years. Married to Dame Marie Rog�, native of La Rochelle, aged 42 years.
They have four sons and three daughters:-
Jacques, aged 24 years.
Fran�ois, aged 17 years.
Philippe, aged 11 years.
Pierre, aged 9 years.
Fran�oise, aged 18 years.
Louise, aged 16 years.
Margueritte, aged 3 years.In live stock they have eight oxen, eight cows, four heifers, eight calves, one horse, twenty-two ewes, nine pigs, four geese, fifty fowls or chickens and twenty turkeys or young turkeys.
The land where they are settled is situated at Nigeagant, on which they have made a clearing and sown sixty bushels of wheat, where they have fallow land for as much more.
They have another piece of land, situated at the place called le fond des Etangs, on which there is a flour mill. The said land where the flour mill is placed was given to them under a permit from Monsieur de Bonnaventure, dated 1750.
The first named land and that which is hereinafter described were given to them by Messieurs de Pensens and Potier Dubuisson, of which they have the grant dated 1736.
The last named piece of land belonging to them is situated at the place called la Pointe du Havre Sainte- Pierre du Nord, where they have made a clearing for a garden, the remainder reserved as a kind of beach for the cod fishery. They have a fishing bateau and two fishing boats. They have had a fire in which they lost all their effects and their house were burnt.
Le Sr. Louis Talbot, fisherman, native of Bar le Duc, in Barrios, province of Lorraine, aged 45, he has been in the country twenty years. Married to Fran�oise Douville, native of Havre Saint-Pierre du Nord on this Isle, aged 30 years.
They have four sons:-
Charles Louis, aged 9 years,
Joseph, aged 7 years,
Jean Fran�ois, aged 4 years.
Fran�ois, aged 7 months.In live stock they have eight oxen, four cows, two heifers, four calves, one horse, sixteen ewes, seven pigs, thirty-four geese, twelve turkeys, and sixty fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they are settled is situated at the place called Nigeagant, where they have a clearing for the sowing of forty bushels of grain which they have seeded this year. They have two fishing boats.
Jean Delaunois, fisherman and ploughman, native of the parish of Saint-Quast, bishopric of Saint Brieux, aged 50 years, he has been in the country 28 years. Married to Marie Arcenaud, native of l'Acadie, aged 32 years.
They have seven children, four sons and three daughters:-
Hustache, aged 14 years.
Jacques, aged 12 years.
Paul, aged 6 years.
Jean, aged 3 years.
Suzanne, aged 11 years.
Marie, aged 5 years.
Magdelaine, aged one year.In live stock they have four oxen, one cow, one heifer, two bulls, one calf, seven ewes, six geese, twenty fowl or chickens.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the west side of the harbour aux Sauvages and was given to them by grant from Messrs. de Pensens and Dubuisson, homolgated by Messieurs de Brouant and Le Normand, under date of the 20th of June, 1736. It contains four arpents frontage by fourty arpents in depth. On it, they have made a clearing where they have sown six bushels of wheat and they have fallow land besides sufficient for the sowing of another four bushels.
Jacques Devaux, senior, fisherman and ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 50 years, has been 28 years in the country. Married to Marie Potier, native of l'Acadie, aged 50 years.
They have two sons and one daughter:-
Jean, aged 25 years.
Joseph, aged 22 years.
Marie, aged 18 years.Their live stock consists of six oxen, five cows, two heifers, two bulls, three calves, twenty-eight wethers, twelve pigs, and fifty fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the west side of the harbour aux Sauvages, and was given them by a grant from Messieurs de Pensens and Potier Dubuisson, in 1736, and homolgated by Messieurs de Brouilland and Le Normand. It contains four arpents front by a depth of forty arpents. On it, they have made a clearing and sown twenty-four bushels of wheat, and they still have fallow land sufficient for the sowing of another fifty-six bushels more.
Jean Baptiste Duvivier, extremely poor, native of St. Michel des Loups, bishopric of Avranches, aged 50 years, he had been 29 years in the country. Married to Madelaine Caissy, native of l'Acadie, aged 34 years.
They have six children, three sons and three daughters:-
Pierre, aged 15 years.
Jacques, aged 8 years.
Jean, aged 3 years.
Marie, aged 13 years.
Theotiste, aged 11 years.
Henriette, aged 5 years.They have in live stock six oxen, one cow, one calf, one horse, six ewes, six pigs, and three fowls or chickens.
The land on which they is situated on the west side of the harbour aux Sauvages, and was given to them by Messieurs de Pensens and Dubuisson in 1736, and homolgated by Messieurs de Brouillant and Le Normand. On it, they have made a clearing and sown three bushels of wheat and have fallow land in addition for the sowing of four bushels and a half.
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