![]() | Sieur de la Roque 1752 Census for Prince Edward Island/Ile Saint Jean |
Charles Terriaud, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 60 years, he has been two years in the country. Married to Angelique Duaron, native of l'Acadie.
They have four sons and two daughters:-
Honoré Terriaud, aged 22 years.
Charles Terriaud, aged 22 years.
Jean, aged 15 years.
Joseph, aged 12 years.
Anne, aged 25 years.
Marie, aged 18 years.In live stock they own four oxen, two heifers, one sow, and one pig.
The land upon whuch they are settled is situated on the Creek aux Morts, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure, and on it they have made a clearing of six arpents in extent, and have sown there eleven bushels of wheat.
Honnoré Duaron, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 38 years, he has been two years in the country. United in a second marriage to Bonne Savory, native of l'Acadie, aged 27 years.
They have eight children, three sons and five daughters:-
Joseph Duaron, aged 16 years.
Alexis, aged 14 years.
Claude Duaron (brother), aged 25 years.
Théodore Duaron, aged 12 years.
Cécille, aged 10 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 8 years.
Margueritte Savary, aged 23 years.
Margueritte Joseph, aged 19 years.The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure, and on it they have made a clearing of six arpents.
François Poirier, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 33 years, he has been two years in the country. Married to Cécille La Bauve, native of l'Acadie, aged 35 years.
They have one son and four daughters:-
Pierre Poyrier [spelling used in original], aged 20 months.
Marie, aged 6 years.
Clotilde, aged 4 years.
Marie Magdeleine, aged 3 years.
Anne Modeste, aged 5 months.And in live stock, four oxen, three cows, one heifer, one calf, one sow, five pigs, nine ewes, and seven fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated in Petitte Ascension. The acquired it by purchase for 300 livres from François Haché Galland, and have made on it a clearing of five arpents in extent.
Louis La Bauve, ploughman and navigator, native of l'Acadie, aged 38 years, he has been two years in the country. Married to Marie Landry, native of l'Acadie, aged 35 years.
They have three sons and two daughters:-
Amant Labauve, aged 11 years.
Bazille, aged 8 years.
Estienne, aged 18 months.
Magdeleine, aged 19 years.
Helenne, aged 6 years.And in live stock, two oxen, one cow, one ewe, one sow, and four pigs.
They are settled on the same lot as that of François Poirer is. They have also made a clearing on it of five arpents in extent.
Olivier Daigre, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 21 years, he has been two years in the country. Married to Ursulle Landry, native of l'Acadie, aged 28 years.
They have Louis Daigre, their son, aged 6 months.
In live stock, two oxen, one calf, one horse, one wether, four ewes and eight fowls.
The land on which they are settled is on the north part of the Petitte Ascension. They have acquired it by purchase for the sum of 300 livres from François Haché Galland, and have made on it a clearing of four arpents in extent.
Bernard Savary, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 40 years, he has been two years in the country. Married to Marie Michel, native of l'Acadie, aged 35 years.
They have eight sons and five daughters [note: this seems to include also those listed as children of Bernard's father]:-
André Savary, aged 17 years.
Jean Baptiste, aged 14 years.
Isaac, aged 9 years.
Charles, aged 3 years.
Louis, aged 13 months.
Agnesse, aged 10 years.
Roze, aged 7 years.André Savary, his father, native of l'Acadie, aged 60 years, lived with them
He has three sons and three daughters:-Charles Savary, aged 25 years.
Jean Baptiste, aged 20 years.
Charles Olivier, aged 13 years.
Margueritte, aged 23 years.
Margueritte Joseph, aged 21 years.
François Anastazie, aged 18 yearsThey have in live stock two oxen, two cows, two pigs, and eight fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceeding case, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it of three arpents in extent.
Paul Hébert, imbecile, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 35 years, he has been 3 years in the country. Married to Marie Michel, native of l'Acadie, aged 32 years.
They have two sons and two daughters:-
François Hébert, aged 10 years.
Louis, aged 8 years.
Théotiste, aged 17 years.
Margueritte, aged 6 months.The land upon which they are settled is situated on the Anse aux Pirogues, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing for the sowing of six bushels of wheat.
Jean Baptiste Marquis, ploughman, native of Saint-Malo, aged 50 years. Married to Marie Clément, widow of the late Paul Laruine, native of l'Acadie, aged 45 years.
They have four sons and four daughters:-
Jean Baptiste Marquis, aged 20 years.
Paul, aged 16 years.
Jean Michel Laruine, aged 18 years.
Pierre, aged 16 years.
Marie Joseph Marquis, aged 18 years.
Anne Margueritte Laruine, aged 15 years.
Judict, aged 10 years.
Roze, aged 7 years.The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing of two arpents in extent.
Paul Michel Hébert, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 27 years, he has been two years in the country. Married to Roze Hébert, native of l'Acadie, aged 22 years.
They have Jean Michel, their brother, age 19 years.
Rose, their sister, age 10 years.The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case. It was given them verbally by Monsieur Bonnaventure. On the said land they have made a clearing for the sowing of eight bushels of wheat.
Jean Vincens, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 40 years, he has been in the country two years. Married to Margueritte Hébert, native of l'Acadie, aged 25 years.
They have three sons and five daughters:-
Jean Vincens, aged 18 years.
Jeromme, aged 18 years.
Joseph, aged 2 years.
Margueritte, aged 20 years.
Blanche, aged 15 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 10 years.
Anastasie, aged 9 years.
Elisabeth, aged 6 years.And in live stock, two pigs and eight fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case,; it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing for the sowing of eight bushels of wheat.
Charles Hébert, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 60 years, he has been two years in the country. Married to Catherine Saunnier, native of l'Acadie, aged 40 years.
They have five sons and two daughters:-
Joseph Hébert, aged 19 years.
Simon, aged 15 years.
Jean, aged 13 years.
Pierre, aged 7 years.
François, aged 3 years.
Marie, aged 20 years.
Hursulle, aged 18 years.In live stock they have two oxen and three fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it, they have made a clearing two arpents in extent.
François Gautrot, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 67 years, he has been in the colony two years. Married to Marie Vincens, native of l'Acadie, aged 62 years.
They have three sons and three daughters:-
François Gautrot, aged 28 years.
Charles, aged 22 years.
Pierre Maturin, aged 18 years.
Magdeleine, aged 30 years.
Marie, aged 26 years.
Margueritte, aged 24 years.Their live stock consists of: one ox, two cows, one horse, five pigs, and three fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the Anse au Comte St. Pierre, and was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing three arpents in extent.
Jean Gaudrot, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 43 years, he has been in the country one year. Married to Elisabeth Sire, native of l'Acadie, aged 34 years.
They have one son and four daughters:-
Charles Gautrot, aged 2 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 15 years.
Anne, aged 13 years.
Margueritte Tersille, aged 8 years.
Françoise, aged 6 years.Their live stock consists of three pigs and ten fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing for the sowing of three bushels of wheat.
Jean Sire, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 36 years, he has been in the country two years. Married to Marie Joseph Gautrot, aged 40 years.
They have four sons:-
Jean Sire, aged 13 years.
Pierre, aged 11 years.
Joseph, aged 4 years.
Charles, aged 3 years.In live stock one horse, two pigs, and four fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it of one arpent.
Joseph Deschamps dit Cloche, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 42 years, he has been in the country three years. Married to Judict Duaron, native of l'Acadie, aged 32 years.
They have five sons and three daughters:-
Philippe Deschamps, aged 16 years.
Louis, aged 14 years.
Augustin, aged 12 years.
Jean Baptiste, aged 6 years.
François, aged 4 years.
Eufrozinne, aged 18 years.
La Blanche, aged 8 months [years ???].
Elisabeth, aged 18 months.Their live stock consists of eight pigs and twenty fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing for the sowing of three bushels of wheat.
Honoré Lavache, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 26 years, he has been in the country two years. Married to Magdeleine Daigre, native of l'Acadie, aged 27 years.
They have one son and one daughter:-
Jean Baptiste Lavache, aged 5 years.
Marie Modeste, aged 2 years.The land upon which they are settled is situated on Anse au Matelost, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing for two bushels of grain.
Louis Sire, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 60 years, he has been on the island three years. Married to Marie Joseph Michel, native of l'Acadie, aged 50 years.
They have two sons and three daughters:-
Charles Sire, aged 26 years.
Paul, aged 21 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 28 years.
Margueritte, aged 25 years.
Marie Magdeleine Prince, native of l'Acadie, aged 30 years.In live stock, one heifer, two sows, and twenty fowls.
The land upon which they have settled is situated as in the preceding case, it was given them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing for a garden.
Joseph Vincens dit Clement, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 38 years, he has been on the island two years. Married to Margueritte Hébert, native of l'Acadie, aged 36 years.
They have three sons and three daughters:-
Joseph Vincens, aged 11 years.
Alexis, aged 8 years.
François, aged 6 years.
Margueritte, aged 10 years.
Agathe, aged 4 years.
Anne Geneviève, aged 20 months.And in stock, one horse, three pigs, and three fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to them verbally by monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing for the sowing of eight bushels of wheat.
François Clément, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 27 years, he has been in the country two years. Married to Marie Duaron, native of l'Acadie, aged 29 years.
They have one son and one daughter:-
Amant George, agged 4 years.
Marie, aged 18 months.In stock, one pig and three fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it for a garden.
Jean Doiron, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 23 years, he has been in the country one year. Married to Anne Cerié, native of l'Acadie, aged 17 years.
Their live stock consists of one pig and one hen.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to then verbally by Monsieur de Bonneventure. They have made a clearing on it for a garden.
Phillipe Douaron, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 32 years, he has been in the country two years. Married to Ursulle Le Jeune, native of l'Acadie, aged 33 years.
They have one son and four daughters:-
Firmain Joseph, aged 6 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 10 years.
Gertrude, aged 8 years.
Magdelaine, aged 4 years.
Margueritte, aged 15 months.In stock two cows, three pigs, and one horse.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases,it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing of one arpent in extent.
Joseph Billerois, ploughman, native of Verny Fontaine, bishopric of Besançon, aged 26 years, he has been in the country three months. Married to Brigitte Forêt, native of l'Acadie, aged 23 years.
The land on which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing for the sowing of two bushels of wheat.
François Rullier, ploughman, native of the parish of Crideville, bishopric of Bayeux, aged 43 years, he has been in the country for five years. Married to Anne Forest, native of l'Acadie, aged 43 years.
They have in live stock two oxen, three cows, four calves, one heifer, five pigs, and three fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing of five arpents in extent.
Pierre Acoin, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 44 years, he has been two years in the country. Married to Elizabeth Breaud, native of l'Acadie, aged 37 years.
They have three sons and five daughters:-
Pierre Acoin, aged 16 years.
Charles, aged 7 years.
Jean Baptiste, aged 18 months.
Marie Blanche, aged 18 years.
Magdelaine, aged 17 years.
Elizabeth, aged 13 years.
____ ____, aged 10 years.
Véronique, aged 5 years.In stock: one ox, one cow, four sows, one pig, and six fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated like the preceding, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonneventure. On the said land they have made a clearing of one arpent in extent.
Claude Trahant, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 58 years, he has been in the country two years.
He has two sons and seven daughters:-
Auguste Trahant, aged 17 years.
Fiacre, aged 12 years.
Auzitte, aged 25 years.
Margueritte, aged 23 years.
Blanche, aged 21 years.
Magdelaine, aged 19 years.
Anne, aged 15 years.
Elisabeth, aged 10 years.
Rozalie, aged 7 years.In stock, four oxen, three cows, one heifer, two calves, one horse, five pigs, and two fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonneventure. On it they have made a clearing for the sowing of radishes.
François Lavache, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 55 years, he has been in the country two years. Married to Marie Vincens, native of l'Acadie, aged 46 years.
They have three sons and two daughters:-
Alexis Lavache, aged 21 years.
Jean Charles, aged 12 years.
Joseph, aged 7 years.
Margueritte, aged 10 years.
Anne, aged 4 years.In stock, four oxen, eight cows, one bull, eight calves, two horses, four sows, three pigs, and one hen.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing for the sowing of eight bushels of wheat.
Joseph Trahant, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 38 years, he has been in the country two years. Maried to Anne Terriaud, native of l'Acadie, aged 33 years.
They have three sons and two daughters:-
Joseph Terriaud, aged 16 years.
Mathurin, aged 8 years.
Jean, aged 3 years.
Marie, aged 5 years.
Margueritte, aged 3 months.In stock, four oxen, two cows, one bull, and two pigs.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On the said land they have made a clearing for the sowing of three bushels of wheat.
Claude Guedry, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 38 years, he has been in the country two years. Married to Anne Terriaud, native of l'Acadie, aged 38 years.
They have three sons:-
Jean Baptiste Guedry, aged 5 years.
Joseph Marie, aged 2 years.
Pierre Janvier, aged two months.And in stock: one cow, one calf, one bull, one sow, and five pigs.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonneventure. On it they have made a clearing for the sowing of three bushels of wheat.
Joseph Lucas, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 29 years, he has been two years in the country. Married to Margueritte Lejeunne, native of l'Acadie, aged 24 years.
They have one son and one daughter:-
Joseph Mary Lucas, aged 2 years.
Margueritte Thérèse, aged 5 years.They have in stock one mare and three pigs.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given them verbally by Monsieur de Bonneventure. On it they have made a clearing for a garden.
Paul Trahant, ploughman, native of L'Acadie, aged 49 years, he has been in the country two years. Married to Marie Boudrot, native of l'Acadie, aged 49 years.
They have two sons and five daughters:-
Charles Trahant, aged 12 years.
Estienne, aged 10 years.
Marie, aged 16 years.
Margueritte, aged 15 years.
Brigitte, aged 8 years.
Elizabeth, aged 6 years.
Marie, aged 3 years.In stock, two oxen, one cow, one calf, three pigs, and three fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing for a garden.
René Roy, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 48 years, he has been in the country two years. Married to Marie Joseph Daigre, native of l'Acadie, aged 35 years.
They have one son and three daughters:-
Jean Baptiste Roy, aged 3 months.
Marie Joseph, aged 8 years.
Margueritte, aged 4 years.
Anne Magdelaine, aged 28 months.In stock, one cow, one heifer, one calf, six pigs, and two fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing for a large garden.
Jean Baptiste Trahant, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 47 years, he has been in the country two years. Married to Catherine Boudrot, native of l'Acadie, aged 47 years.
They have two sons and six daughters:-
Charles Joseph, aged 11 years.
Pierre Helie, aged 7 years.
Magdelaine, aged 16 years.
Marie Monique, aged 14 years.
Roze, aged 12 years.
Radegonde, aged 9 years.
Elizabeth, aged 6 years.
Margueritte, aged 26 months.In stock, two oxen, two cows, two calves, one horse, five pigs, and fifteen fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing of two arpents in extent.
Joseph Daigre, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 56 years, he has been two years in the country. Married to Magdelaine Goutrot, native of l'Acadie, aged 53 years.
They have three sons and two daughters:-
Allain Daigre, aged 28 years.
Jean Baptiste, aged 19 years.
Simon Joseph, aged 13 years.
Margueritte, aged 26 years.
Anastazie, aged 17 years.And in stock, two oxen, twelve pigs, and nine fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it of two arpents in extent.
Claude Trahant, junior, native of l'Acadie, aged 34 years, he has been two years in the country. Married to Anne Leblanc, native of l'Acadie, aged 32 years.
They have three sons:-
Jean Baptiste, aged 5 years.
Joseph Firmain, aged 3 years.
Joseph, aged 2 years.Pierre Gautrot, native of l'Acadie, aged 58 years, living with the said Claude Trahant.
Claude Leblanc, native of l'Acadie, aged 56 years, widower with one son and two daughters:-
Paul Leblanc, aged 9 years.
Magdelaine, aged 20 years.
Geneviève, aged 11 years.All living with the said Claude Trahant.
In stock, two oxen, one cow, and four pigs.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing of two arpents in extent.
Jean Baptiste Lejeune, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 30 years, he has been in the country two years, married to Margueritte Clémenceau, native of l'Acadie.
They have four sons and one daughter:-
Joseph Lèjeune, aged 9 years.
Jean-Baptiste, aged 7 years.
François Olivier, aged 3 years.
Victor, aged 9 months.
Marie, aged 5 years.And in stock, one cow, one calf, and four sows.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing for the sowing of two bushels of wheat.
Charles Benoist, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 58 years, he has been two years in the colony. Married to Magdelaine Terriaud, native of l'Acadie, aged 58 years.
They have two sons and four daughters:-
Jean Charles Benoist, aged 6 years.
Pierre, aged 10 months.
Marie, aged 16 years.
Anne, aged 13 years.
Françoise, aged 11 years.
Judict, aged 8 years.They have in live stock one ox, one cow, one calf, and four pigs.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding cases, it was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing for the sowing of three bushels of wheat.
Abraham Benoist, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 42 years, he has been in the country two years. Married to Marie Joseph Le Jeune, native of l'Acadie, aged 34 years.
They have two sons and five daughters:-
Jean Benoist, aged 18 years.
Joseph, aged two months.
Margueritte, aged 16 years.
Marie Magdelaine, aged 12 years.
Joseph, aged 14 years.
Pelagie, aged 10 years.
Marie, aged 5 years.And in stock, two oxen, two cows, two heifers, five sows, and five fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the last instance, and was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing of two arpents.
Claude Benoist, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 31 years, he has been in this country two years. Married to Elizabeth Terriaud, native of l'Acadie, aged 27 years.
They have two sons and four daughters:-
Gregoire Benoist, aged 8 years.
Daniel, aged 4 years.
Lablanche, aged 11 years.
Anne, aged 6 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 4 years.
Margueritte, aged two months.Nnd in stock, one horse and one sow.
The land upon which they are settled is situated in the Anse au Matelost. It was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it for the sowing of three bushels of wheat.
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