![]() | Sieur de la Roque 1752 Census for Prince Edward Island/Ile Saint Jean |
Jean Henry dit Maillard�, master tailor and ploughman, native of the parish of Orbin, Switzerland, aged 26 years, of which he has been in the country two months, having deserted Chibouctou. Married to Anne Barbe, native of the town of Bienne, Switzerland, aged 32 years.
They have Henry, their son, aged 17 days.
Living with them is Abraham Louis, bachelor, workman in cotton print, native of Lideau, in Switzerland, aged 20 years. He has been six weeks in the country.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the road from the wood, and was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonaventure.
Jasques Nicolas, master sugar refiner, native of the dependancy of the bishopric of Beauvais in Picardy, aged 37 years; has been one month in the country. Married to Marie Quilien, native of the town of Neis, in Ireland, aged 19 years. The land upon which they are settled is situated on the road by which they go from Port La Joye to the wood, and was given to them by M. de Bonaventure.
Margueritte Mieux, widow of the late Michel Hebert, native of the Cap de Sable, aged 36 years; she has been two years in the country.
She has seven children, five sons and two daughters.
Cyprien Hebert, aged 15 years.
Joseph Nicod�me, aged 13 years.
Ferdinand, aged 11 years.
Gr�goire, aged 7 years.
Magloire, aged 5 years.
Magdelaine Barbe Hebert, aged 9 years.
Genevieve Hebert, aged 7 years.In live stock she owns one sow and ten fowls.
The land upon which she is settled was granted to her by Messieurs Bonaventure and Degoutin, and she has made a clearing for a garden.
Germaine Henry, native of l'Acadie, aged 66 years; he has been two years in the country. Married to Cecille Desveaux, native of l'Acadie. They have four sons and two daughters.
Jean Baptiste, aged 25 years.
Pierre, aged 18 years.
Joseph, aged 11 years.
Armand, aged 7 years.
Rozalie, aged 14 years.
Magdeleine, aged 9 years.
Jean Cayssy, orphan, native of l'Acadie, aged 27 years.They have in live stock, one bull, one mare, three sows, four pigs, five geese, and eight fowls.
They own no land.
Fran�ois Siri�s, ploughman, native of the parish of D'Albourg, bishopric of Cahors, aged 38 years. It is 22 months since he arrived from l'Acadie. Married to Anne Edon, native of the parish of la Franche, bishopric of Grenoble, aged 37 years.
They have Roze, their daughter.
They have in live stock, one ewe, one lamb, one pig, two geese, and thirty fowls and chickens.
The land upon which they are settled was given them under rental from the minors of Jean Baptiste Mazierre. They have made a large clearing on it for a garden.
Joseph Benet, ploughman, native of Albiac, bishopric of Cahors, aged 30 years, in the country 22 months. Married to Jennie Doillet, native of Cognac, bishopric of Cahors, aged 35 years.
They have one son and one daughter.
Paul, aged 5 years and 6 months.
Rose, aged 5 months.They have one pig and 8 fowls.
The land on which they are settled was given as above and on it they have made a clearing for a large garden.
Le Sr. Louis Jonisseaux, merchant, native of the parish of Balergant, bishopric of Quebec. Aged 30 years, he has been in the country 35 months. Married to Marie Therese Dauphin, native of the town of Quebec, aged 37 years.
They have Louis Marie Jonisseau, aged 2 years [Note: no "x"]
They have in live stock one horse, one cow, one heifer, one pig and thirty fowls.
They hold the land by virtue of the following purchases, namely; One of two arpents front and fourty in depth, from Charles Hach� Galland and Genevi�ve Lavergne his wife, and another of two arpents five perches front with a depth extending to the bank of the Barachois or Ance aux Sauvages from Louis la Bauve and Marie Landry his wife.
Jean Baptiste Perial, corporal of the company formerly of Bonaventure, native of Franche Comt�, aged 25 years, and has been in the country three years. Married to Rosalie Commeau, native of l'Acadie, aged 32 years.
She has Joseph Caissy, her son by a previous marriage, aged 8 years.
Anne Caissy, orphan, native of l'Acadie, aged 15 years.They have in live stock one sow, one pig, and twenty fowls.
They hold their land under rental from the children of the deceased Jean Baptiste Mazierre. The said land has three arpents of front with a depth of fourty.
Jean Roussin, navigator, native of the parish of St. Thomas de la Pointe � la Caille, bishopric of Quebec, aged 38 years, for four months a settler in the country. Married to Fran�oise Boudrot, native of l'Acadie, aged 21 years.
They have one cow.
They have no children and no land.
Jean Bourg, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 69 years. He has been fifteen months in the country. Married to Fran�oise Aucoin, native of l'Acadie, aged 64 years.
They have four children - one son and three daughters.
Fran�ois Bourge, aged 20 years.
Fran�oise, aged 28 years.
Anne, aged 26 years.
Marie, aged 23 years.They have in live stock, four cows, one calf, one sow, four pigs, and eight fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the south side of said Rivi�re du Ouest and was given them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing upon which they have sown three bushels of grain.
Charles Bourg, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 32 years, has been fourteen months in the country. Married to Magdelaine Blanchard, native of l'Acadie, aged 26 years.
They have one son and two daughters.
Joseph, aged 5 years.
Ludivinne, aged 3 years.
Margueritte Joseph, one year.They have in live stock one cow, one calf, one mare, one sheep, two sows, and two pigs.
The tenure on their land and its location are as in the preceding case. They have made a clearing for the sowing of two bushels of wheat.
Joseph Braud, ploughman, a native of l'Acadie, aged 40 years. He has been in the country two years. Married to Ursulle Bourg, native of l'Acadie, aged 38 years.
They have ten daughters.
Margueritte Joseph, aged 16 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 15 years.
Ursulle, aged 12 years.
Perptue, aged 10 years.
Elisabeth Fran�oise, aged 8 years.
Luce, aged 6 years.
Anne Joseph, aged 5 years.
Angelique, aged 4 years.
Marie Jeanne, aged 3 years.
Rosalie, aged 1 year.Living with them is Charles Braud, native of l'Acadie, age 26 years, unmarried.
In live stock they have two oxen, one cow, two heifers, one bull, one ewe, two sows, and two pigs.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the north side of the said river du Ouest and was given to them verbally by the Monsieur de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it for the sowing of about four bushels of wheat.
Louis Henry, Ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 30 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Magdelaine Pitre, native of l'Acadie, aged 25 years.
They have two daughters.
Margueritte Joseph, aged 2 years.
Helenne, two months.In live stock, they have two oxen, one cow, two heifers, three ewes, one sow, and two pigs.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, and was given to them under similar conditions, and on it they have made a clearing where they can sow four bushels of grain.
Joseph Pitre, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 53 years, and has been in the country fourteen months. Married to Elisabeth Boudrot, native of l'Acadie, aged 51 years.
They have four sons.
Pierre, aged 27 years.
Joseph, aged 18 years.
Paul, aged 16 years.
Jean Baptiste, aged 14 years.
Marie Roze, orphan, native of l'Acadie, aged 8 years, lives with them.They have in live stock three oxen, one cow, one calf, one ewe, two sows, and four pigs.
The land on which they are settled is the north side of the said river du Ouest, and was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure, on it they have made a clearing for sowing about four bushels of wheat.
Jean Henry dit Le Neveu, native of l'Acadie, aged 48 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Magdelainne Terriot, native of l'Acadie, aged 48 years.
They have five children, four sons and one daughter.
Pierre Henry, aged 18 years.
Charles, aged 16 years.
Laurent, aged 11 years.
Fran�ois, aged 6 years.
Marie, aged 22 years.In live stock they have three oxen, one calf, two sheep, two sows, and one pig.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, and was given to them under similar conditions. They have made a clearing for the sowing of about twelve bushels of wheat.
Fran�ois Pitre, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 25 years, has been two years in the country. Married to Rozalie Henry, native of l'Acadie, aged 23 years.
They have one daughter:-
Victoire Pitre, aged 18 months.
In live stock they have two oxen, one cow, one calf, one wether, one ewe, and four sows.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the north side of the river du Ouest, and was given to them verbally by Monsieur Bonnaventure. On it, they have made a clearing for the sowing of about four bushels of wheat.
Charles Guerin, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 27 years, has been two years in the country. Married to Margueritte Henry, native of l'Acadie, aged 27 years.
They have one son and one daughter:-
Marin, aged 2 years.
Terille, aged 5 years.Elizabeth Aucoin, mother of the said Charles Guerin, native of l'Acadie, aged 74 years.
In live stock, they have two oxen, one wether, one ewe, two sows, one pig, and fourteen fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, and was given to them under similar conditions. They have made a clearing for the sowing of about four bushels of wheat.
Jean Henry dit Le Neveu, junior, native of l'Acadie, aged 21 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Marie Pitre, native of l'Acadie, aged 21 years.
They have no children; being married in the month of January only.
Live stock: two pigs.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, and was given to them under similar conditions, and they have made a clearing for the sowing of about four bushels of seed.
Charles Pitre, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 23 years, has been in the country fifteen months. Married to Anne Henry, native of l'Acadie, aged 21 years.
They have no children; being married in the month of February only.
In livestock they have one cow, two pigs, and one sheep.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, and was given to them under similar conditions. They have made a clearing for the sowing of four bushels of wheat.
Charles Thibodeau dit Charlie, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 29 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Magdeliene Henry, native of l'Acadie, aged 26 years.
They have one daughter:-
Helene, aged 7 months.
In livestock they have one cow, one calf, one horse, one ewe, one sow, and one pig.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the north side of the Rivi�re du Ouest, and was given to the verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing for the sowing of about two bushels of wheat.
Jean Henry dit le Vieux, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 68 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Marie Hebert, native of l'Acadie, aged 55 years.
They have five children, two sons and two daughters [sic]:-
Simon, aged 23 years.
Charles, aged 15 years.
Fran�ois, aged 12 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 29 years.
Fran�oise, aged 19 years.In live stock they have five oxen, two cows, one calf, three sheep, three sows, and three pigs.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, and had been given to them under similar conditions. They have made a clearing for the sowing of about ten bushels of wheat.
Joseph Terriaud, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 53 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Fran�oise Melan�on, native of l'Acadie, aged 44 years.
They have seven children, five sons and two daughters:-
Estienne Terriaud, aged 21 years.
Jasques, aged 15 years.
Thomas, aged 9 years.
Ambroise, aged 4 years.
Paul, aged one year.
Margueritte Suzanne, aged 12 years.
Marie Magdeleine, aged 7 years.They have in live stock two oxen, two cows, one heifer, one calf, two sows, and one pig.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, and was given to them under similar conditions. They would be able next spring to sow about four bushels of wheat, but he leaves this locality to go to Bedecq [sic] to live, and Charles Henry, his son-in-law is coming to live on this lot.
Alexis Henry, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 30 years and six months, has been in the country nine months. Married to Margueritte Hebert, native of l'Acadie, aged 23 years.
They have one daughter:-
Victoire Henry, aged 26 months.
They have in live stock one cow, one ewe, one sow, three pigs, and two fowls.
They have no dwelling and are going to live near Bedecq [sic].
Joseph Henry dit le petit homme, native of l'Acadie, ploughman, aged 45 years, has been in the country two years and nine months. Married to Catherine Pitre, native of l'Acadie, aged 40 years.
They have eight children, three sons and five daughters:-
Joseph Henry, aged 17 years.
Bazille, aged 13 years.
Jean Baptiste, aged 6 years.
Marie, aged 19 years.
Sephrose, aged 14 years.
Anne, aged 13 years.
Margueritte Modeste, aged 2 years.
Margueritte Joseph, aged 3 months.In live stock, they have four oxen, one cow, one sheep, three sows, and two pigs.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the north side of the said Rivi�re du Ouest and was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. They have a clearing on which they have sown two bushels of wheat and one bushel of oats.
Charles Henry, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 20 years, has been in the country nine months. Married to Fran�oise Jos�phe Terriaud, native of l'Acadie, aged 19 years.
Their live stock all told consists of two pigs.
The land on which they are settled is that of Joseph Terriaud, their father and father in law. They have sown a bushel of wheat and hope to sow four more next spring.
Jean Pitre, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 55 years, has been in the country fourteen months. Married to Margueritte Terriaud, native of l'Acadie, aged 51 years.
They have six children, three sons and three daughters:-
Jean Pitre, aged 20 years.
Pierre, aged 18 years.
Enselme, aged 14 years.
Marie, aged 30 years.
Elizabeth, aged 28 years.
Anne, aged 15 years.They have the following live stock: two oxen, two calves, one wether, three ewes, one sow, and four pigs.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case and was given to them verbally. They have made a garden on it.
Baptiste Oliver, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 24 years, has been in the country fifteen months. Married to Suzanne Pitre, native of l'Acadie, aged 22 years.
They have three daughters:-
Marie aged 31 months.
Margueritte, aged 18 months.
Magdelaine, aged 15 days.Live stock: two oxen, one cow, four heifers, one bull, one ewe, one sow, two pigs, and one horse.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the north side of the Rivi�re du Ouest, and was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonaventure [one n]. They have made a clearing on it for a garden only.
Jean Henry, junior, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 24 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Marie Caret, native of l'Acadie, aged 30 years.
Margueritte Joseph, aged 9 years.
Marie Roze, aged 8 years.
Marie, aged 6 years.
Margueritte, aged 4 years.
Auzitte, aged 33 months.
Annastazie, aged 4 months.They have in live stock, two oxen, one wether, three sheep, two pigs, two sows, and nine fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, and has been given to them under similar conditions. On it they have made a clearing for the sowing of four bushels of wheat next spring.
Francois Landry, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 34 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Marie Babin, native of l'Acadie, aged 32 years.
They have six children, five sons and one daughter:-
Joseph Landry, aged 16 years.
Jean Charles, aged 14 years.
Germain, aged 12 years.
Francois, aged 6 years.
Claude Raphael, aged 5 weeks.
Marie Joseph, aged 10 years.Their live stock is as follows: Three oxen, five cows, three calves, one horse, two ewes, one sow, one pig, and twenty-four fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they settled was given to them verbally by the Monsieur de Bonnaventure, Commandant for the King at Isle Saint-Jean. It is situated on the north side of the river by that name. They have made on it a clearing for the sowing of about sixteen bushels of wheat the coming spring.
Benjamin Landry, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 54 years, has been in the country tow years. Married to Margueritte Rabin, native of l'Acadie, aged 45 years.
They have three sons and three daughters:-
Jean Landry, aged 19 years.
Mathieu, aged 16 years.
Joseph, aged 8 years.
Magdelaine, aged 13 years.
Marie, aged 11 years.
Gennevi�ve, aged 4 years.Living with them are: Cecille Melan�on, mother of said Benjamin, native of l'Acadie, aged 86.
Daniel Le Jeune, native of l'Acadie, aged 30 years.
Roze Landry, their niece, native of l'Acadie, aged 18 years.
Magdelaine Dingle, native of Niganiche, aged 18 years.They have the following live stock: Two oxen, two cows, two heifers, one bull, one calf, one ewe, one sow, three pigs, and twenty-one fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they settled was given them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it for the sowing of eight bushels of wheat next spring.
Augustin Landry, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 26 years, has been in the country for two years. Married to Margueritte Granger, native of l'Acadie, aged 23 years.
They have one son and one daughter:-
Benjamin Landry, aged 18 months.
Margueritte, aged 3 months.They have the following live stock, two oxen, two cows, one bull, two ewes, two sows, one pig and fifteen fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they were settled was given them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing in it for the sowing of two bushels of wheat next spring.
Charles Landry, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 21 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Marie Granger, native of l'Acadie, aged 19 years.
They have Pierre Landry, their son, aged six days.
They have in live stock: one ox, two cows, one ewe, and eight fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they are settled was given them verbally by Monsieur Bonnaventure. They have made no clearing, having been but a short time on their land.
Amand Daigre, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 40 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Elisabeth Vincent, native of l'Acadie, aged 34 years.
They have six children, two sons and four daughters:-
Simon Daigre, aged 15 years.
Pierre, aged 4 years.
Margueritte, aged 10 years.
Magdelaine, aged 8 years.
Auzitte, aged 6 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 10 months.They have the following live stock: one cow, two calves, one sow, and four pigs.
The land upon which they are settled was given to the verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it for the sowing of four bushels of wheat.
Charles Daigre, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 38 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Cecille Landry, native of l'Acadie, aged 36 years.
They have 2 daughters:-
Margueritte Cecille, aged 2 years.
Marie, aged 9 months.Living with them are:
R�my Daigre, brother of said Charles, native of l'Acadie, aged 25 years.
Marie Joseph, their sister, aged 10 years.They have the following live stock: four oxen, three cows, one bull, two calves, one heifer, three sows, five pigs, and twenty-two fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they are settled was given to them verbally by Monsieur Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it for the sowing of six bushels of wheat.
Alexandre Daigre, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 22 years, has been in the country for one year. Married to Elisabeth Granger, native of l'Acadie, aged 20 years.
They have Charles Daigre, their son, aged 3 months.
In live stock they have: one ox, one cow, and one sow.
The land upon which they are settled was given to them verbally by M. de Bonnaventure. They have made no clearing, having been there only a short time.
Next Page: Census of Rivi�re du Nord-Est.
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