![]() | Sieur de la Roque 1752 Census for Prince Edward Island/Ile Saint Jean |
North Side
Enselme Boudrot, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 33 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Geneviève Giroir, native of l'Acadie, aged 31 years.
They have three sons and one daughter:-
Enselme, aged 7 years.
Simon, aged one year.
Henriette, aged 4 years.Their live stock consists of four oxen, four cows, four ewes, and two pigs.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the north side of the said river, and was given to them verbally by M. de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it for the sowing of twenty bushels of wheat next spring.
Denis Boudrot, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 75 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Anne Vincent, native of l'Acadie, aged 60 years.
They have the following live stock: three oxen, two cows, two pigs, one sow, and two fowls.
The land upon which they have settled was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it for the sowing of 20 bushels of wheat.
Isadore Daigre, native of l'Acadie, aged 27 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Agatte Bariaud, native of l'Acadie, aged 21 years.
They have one son, Firmain, aged one year.
Their live stock is as follows: two oxen, two cows, one mare, three ewes, two sows, three pigs, and four fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they are settled was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bannaventure, and upon it, they have made a clearing for the sowing of six bushels of wheat.
Marie Boudrot, widow of Pierre Richard, very poor, native of l'Acadie, aged 36 years, has been in the country two years.
She has six children, five sons and one daughter:-
Pierre Richard, aged 19 years.
Paul, aged 17 years.
Joseph, aged 13 years.
Honoré, aged 10 years.
Thomas, aged 6 years.
Marie, aged 15 years.They have no live stock.
The land upon which she is settled is situated on the north bank of the said Rivière du Nord-Est. It was given to her verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure and he resumes posession as they have made no improvements.
Marie Madeleine Pitre, widow of Pierre Godet, poor, native of l'Acadie, aged 39 years, has been in the country two years.
She has six sons and three daughters:-
Etienne Godet, aged 23 years.
Pierre, aged 23 years.
Dominique, aged 19 years.
François, aged 14 years.
Cyprien, aged 12 years.
Joseph, aged 6 years.
Doratte, aged 16 years.
Anne, aged 9 years.
Marie, aged 12 yearsLive Stock: She has two oxen, one cow, one ewe, one sow, and one hen.
The land on which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, and was given to them verbally by M. de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing for sowing thirty-two bushels of wheat.
Jean Blanchard, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 40 years, has been in the country 14 months. Married to Anne Bourg, native of l'Acadie, aged 30 years.
They have one son and two daughters:-
Jean Grégoire, aged 7 years.
Anne, aged 5 years.
Cécile, aged 18 months.They have live stock as follows: four oxen, one heifer, five sheep, one sow, four pigs, and three fowls.
The land upon which they are settled was given to them verbally by M. de Bonnaventure. They have made a garden on it.
Joseph Bourg, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 41 years and 5 months. He has been in the country one year. Married to Françoise Dugast, aged 29 years.
They have four sons and four daughters:-
Joseph Bourg, aged 16 years.
Bernard, aged 10 years.
François, aged 40 months.
Jean Baptiste, aged 3 months.
Agnès, aged 14 years.
Isabelle, aged 12 years.
Marie Françoise, aged 8 years.
Margueritte Josephe, aged 6 years.They have live stock as follows: four oxen, one cow, one calf, two sows and three pigs.
The land upon which they are settled was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a garden.
Paul Douaron, dit le Grand Paul, native of l'Acadie, ploughman, aged 42 years, has been in the country two years. Married Marguerite Michel, native of l'Acadie, aged 46 years.
They have three sons and six daughters:-
Pierre Paul, aged 12 years.
Jean Baptiste, aged 8 years.
Joseph, aged 4 years.
Margueritte Joseph, aged 17 years.
Anne Appoline, aged 15 years.
Blanche, aged 10 years.
Auzitte, aged 6 years.
Roze, aged 2 years.
Helenne, aged 8 months.His live stock consists of four bulls, three cows, two heifers, two sows, two pigs, and twenty-five fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they are settled was given to them verbally by M. de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it where they hope to sow eight bushels of wheat next spring.
Charles Dugast, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 40 years, has been in the country twelve months. Married to Marie Joseph Acoin, native of l'Acadie, aged 43 years.
They have five sons and three daughters:-
Joseph Dugast, aged 16 years.
Jean Baptiste, aged 14 years.
Victor, aged 8 years.
Théodore, aged 6 years.
Paul, aged 4 years.
Marie, aged 9 years.
Angélique, aged 7 years.
Anne, aged 5 years.His live stock consists of two oxen, two cows, two heifers, three sows, four pigs, and twelve fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they are settled was given to them by M. de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it for sowing two bushels of wheat.
Paul Acoin, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 41 years, has been 13 months in the country. Married to Marie la Blanche, native of l'Acadie, aged 37 years.
They have a son and three daughters:-
Joseph, aged 4 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 8 years.
Marguerite Suzanne, aged 6 years.
Terzille, aged 2 years.They have the following live stock: One ox, one cow, one wether, one sow, four pigs, and seven fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they are settled was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure, and they have made a clearing on it for sowing a bushel of wheat.
Michel Acoin, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 75 years, has been in the country thirteen months. Married to Jeanne Bourg, native of l'Acadie, aged 69 years.
They have no children with them.
They have in live stock: one cow, and one sow.
They have no land but are settled on the land of Paul Acoin and Claude Dugast, their son and son-in-law.
Le Sr. Amand Bugeaud, senior, merchant and navigator, native of l'Acadie, aged 51 years, has been in the country four years. Married to Dame Claire Doussets, native of l'Acadie, aged 37 years. They have no children with them but Françoise Blanchard, mother of the said dame.
They have the following live stock: Six oxen, four bulls, nine cows, six calves, one horse, one sow, three pigs, five sheep and twenty-five fowls; and a vessel of twenty-five tons.
The land upon which they are settled was granted to them by Messieurs de Bonnaventure and de Goutin, comprising _______ arpents of front and fourty of depth. They have made a clearing on which they hope to sow twelve bushels of wheat next spring.
Le Sr. Pierre Gautier, navigator, native of l'Acadie, aged 24 years, has been in the country three years. Married to Jeanne La Forest, native of Louisbourg, aged 18 years.
He has in live stock, two oxen, and six sheep.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the north side of the said rivière du Nord-Est, and was given them verbally by M. de Bonnaventure. He has made no clearing.
Le Sr. Jean Bugeaud, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 24 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Anne Douville, native of the harbour of Saint-Pierre, in the north of this island, aged 26 years.
They have no children.
In live stock, they have two oxen, three cows, two calves, one horse, two wethers, three ewes, one sow, three pigs, seven geese, seven turkeys, and thirty fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they are settled was given to them by the Sr. Joseph Bugeaud, their father and father-in-law, on which the said Jean Bugeaud has made a clearing where he has sowed four bushels of wheat and five bushels of oats, and he hopes next spring to sow sixteen bushels.
Le Sr. Joseph Bugeaud, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 53 years, has been three years in the country. Married to Marie Joseph Landry, native of l'Acadie, aged 48 years.
They have three sons and five daughters:-
Charles Bugeaud, aged 21 years.
François Placide, aged 16 years.
Mathurin, aged 10 years.
Elizabeth, aged 19 years.
Marie Roze, aged 17 years.
Anne, aged 15 years.
Marie, aged 11 years.
Félicité, aged 6 years.They have the following live stock: two oxen, two cows, one calf, two ewes and their young, one sow, two pigs, and three fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the north side of said Rivière du Nord-Est, like the preceding and was given to them by a permit from Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it they have made a clearing where they have sowed six bushels of wheat and a half bushel of peas, and they hope next spring to sow twelve bushels more.
Joseph Gautier, senior, navigator, native of l'Acadie, aged 35 years, has been in the country three years. Married to Demoiselle Margueritte Bugeaud, native of l'Acadie, aged 24 years.
They have one son, and one daughter:-
Joseph Gautier, aged 3 years.
Elisabeth, aged 11 months.
Baptiste Allain, native of l'Acadie, aged 12 years, lives with them.In live stock they have three oxen, five cows, two heifers, one horse, four calves, four ewes, three sows, three pigs, eight geese, thirty fowls, and one vessel of 45 to 50 tons.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case and was given them verbally by Monsieur Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on which they have sown six bushels of wheat, and hope to sow twelve bushels next spring.
Paul Broussard dit Courtiche, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 25 years, has been in the country 26 months. Married to Magdelaine Landry, native of l'Acadie, aged 23 years 8 months.
They have one son:-
Jean Baptiste, aged 2 years.
In live stock, they have four oxen, one cow, three bulls, one horse, three ewes, four pigs, and three fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, and was given to them verbally by M. de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it where they have sown eleven bushels of wheat and six of peas, and they hope to sow twenty-five bushels next spring.
Le Sr. Louis Amand Bugeaud, junior, navigator, native of l'Acadie, aged 23 years, has been in the country four years. Not married.
Living with him are:-
Antoine Amand Gautrot, native of l'Acadie, aged 20 years.
Charles Gautrot, his brother, native of l'Acadie, aged 17 years, domestics.His live stock consists of eleven cows, four calves, one sow, four pigs, one wether, ten ewes, and 25 fowls.
The land upon which he is settled is situated on the north side of the said Rivière du Nord-Est, and was granted him under a permit from Monsieur Benoist, dated 1749, comprising seven arpents frontage by fourty in depth. This land is called "la source à Bellair." There is a clearing on which they have sown three bushels of wheat, two bushels of oats and three bushels of peas, and ploughed land for sowing ten bushels of wheat.
Dame Marie Allain, widow of the Sr. Nicolas Gautier, merchant, aged 58 years, and has been three years in the country.
She has two sons and two daughters:-
Joseph Gautier, aged 19 years.
Jean, aged 11 years.
Elisabeth, aged 15 years.
Marie, aged 12 years.In her employ is Guillaume Lagneau, of Indian nationality, native of Baston, aged 55 years.
She has the following live stock: six oxen, four cows, three heifers, two bulls, three calves, two wethers, two ewes, and 80 fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the north side of the Rivière du Nord-Est at Source à Bellair, and was given them by permit from Monsieur Benoist dated 24th January 1749. It comprises seven arpents frontage by forty arpents in depth. They have made a clearing and have sowed there seven bushels of wheat and one bushel of oats.
The said lady enjoys the posession of another piece of land, situated at the place de Brouillant, of four arpents of frontage by fourty in depth.
Jacques Langlois dit Jacqui, carpenter and ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 36 years, has been nine years in the country. Married to Marie Joseph Darambour, native of l'Acaqdie, aged 25 years.
They have two sons and one daughter:-
Aimable, aged 4 years and 6 months.
Jacques Mathieu, aged 20 months.
Cecille, aged 6 years.They have in live stock two oxen, two cows, one calf, three ewes, two sows, five pigs, and twelve fowls.
The land upon which they are settle is situated as in the preceeding case, and was granted to them verbally by Monsieur Duchambon. They have made a clearing and sowed on it ten bushels and a half of wheat, one bushel of oats, two bushels of peas, and ploughed land for sowing two bushels besides.
Joseph Michel, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 24 years, and has been 18 months in the country. Married to Geneviève Du Rambour, native of Port St. Pierre, in the north of the Island, aged 19 years.
They have Marie Joseph Michel, aged three months.
Their stock is as follows: one cow, two ewes, one sow, one pig, and six fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceeding case, and was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. They have made a clearing on it where they have sown three bushels and a half of wheat and a half bushel of peas.
Etienne Charles Phillipe dit LaRoche, native of Paris, aged 37 years, and he has been in the country ___ years. Married to Marie Mazerolle, native of l'Acadie.
They have five children, all sons:-
Jean Baptiste Du Rambour, aged 15 years.
Jacques Du Rambour, aged 13 years.
Joseph Philippe, son of said Etienne.
Charles Philippe, aged 8 years.
Joseph, aged 5 years.
Jean Pierre, aged 3 years.Of live stock they have two oxen, one cow, one calf, three ewes, one sow, two pigs, and ten fowl.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the north side of the Rivière du Nord-Est, and was granted to them by Messieurs de Pensens and Dubuisson. They have made on it a clearing for sowing thirty-two bushels of grain, and this year they have sown on it sixteen bushels of wheat, one of oats, and two of peas.
Jean Helie, master tailor, native of the town of Poitiers, in Poitou, aged 46 years, and has been in the country three years. Married to Françoise Bonnevie, native of l'Acadie, aged 50 years.
They have one son of a previous marriage:-
Jean Baptiste Olivier, aged 19 years.
Jeanne, native of l'Acadie, aged 30 years.
Their live stock consists of two cows, two oxen, one bull, two heifers, eight pigs, and one cow in calf.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case and was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonaventure. They have sown on it four bushels and a half of wheat, and have besides fallow land sufficient for the sowing of another eight bushels.
François Dugay, ploughman, native of the parish of Pluvigné, bishopric of Vannes, in Brittany, aged 50 years, and has been in the country 36 years. Married to Marie Bonneview, native of l'Acadie, aged 48 years.
They have six children, four sons and two daughters:-
Charles Dugay, aged 14 years.
Jean Baptiste, aged 13 years.
Olivier, aged 6 years.
Jacques, aged 4 years.
Margueritte, aged 10 years.
Marie, aged 19 months.Their live stock consists of two oxen, one horse, one ewe, one sow, four pigs, and ten fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceeding case. They have made a clearing for the sowing of five bushels of wheat in the coming spring.
François Haché Galland, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 45 years, and has been 28 years in the country. Married to Anne Boudrot, native of l'Acadie, aged 33 years.
They have seven sons and one daughter:-
François Silvestre Haché, aged 16 years.
Louis, aged 14 years.
Jasques Ange, aged 13 years.
Jean François, aged 11 years.
René, aged 9 years.
Joseph, aged 4 years.
Charles, aged 4 months.
Marie Roze, aged 5 years.They have the following live stock: four oxen, four cows, three heifers, two bulls, four sows, two pigs, three fowls: Also, a corn mill made of course stone, which is used at the most only half of the year.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the north side of the Rivière du Nord-Est, and was given to them by grant from Monsieur Duvivier, under date of the first July, 1745. It comprises four arpents frontage by fourty arpents in depth. They have sown ten bushels of wheat and two of peas, and have fallow land sufficient for the sowing of sixteen bushels more.
Joseph Pretieux, ploughman, native of La Rochelle, aged 63 years, and he has been 28 years in the country. Married to Anne Haché Galland, native of l'Acadie, aged 48 years.
They have three sons and one daughter:-
Pierre Pretieux, aged 15 years.
Joseph, aged 13 years.
Louis, aged 11 years.
Louise Margueritte, aged 18 years.Of live stock they have four oxen, two heifers, one wether, five ewes, one sow, and six pigs and two cows with four calves.
The land on which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case and is held by them under grant by Monsieur Duvivier, dated the first of July, 1745. It is four arpents in depth. They have made a clearing and have sown seven bushels of wheat, two bushels of rye, and have sufficient fallow land for the planting of eighteen bushels more
Augustin Doucet dit Justice, ploughman, native of Quebec, aged 29 years, and has been in the country eighteen years. Married to Anne Marie Pretieux, native of Port La Joye, this island, aged 20 years.
The said Dousset has two sons by a previous marriage:-
Joachim Dousset, aged nine years.
Joseph, aged 7 years.In live stock they have: one bull, one heifer, one ewe, and one sow.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the north shore of the Rivière du Nord-Est, and was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. No clearing has been made, permission having been given to them only in the month of June.
François Haché Galland, son of Marie Genty, ploughman, native of Louisbourg, aged 25 years, has been in the country two years. Married to Françoise Olivier, native of l'Acadie, aged 20 years.
They have Marie Auzitte, their daughter, aged 17 months.
And in live stock they have two oxen, two cows, one ewe, nine fowls, and one cow in calf.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case and was given to them by Monsieur Duvivier. They have made a clearing on it where they have sown seven bushels of wheat and they have fallow land besides for the sowing of fifteen bushels.
Jean Bte. Haché Galland, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 32 years, has been 29 years in the country. Married to Anne Olivier, native of l'Acadie, aged 33 years.
They have one son and one daughter:-
Pierre Paul Haché, aged 4 months.
Anne Marie, aged 22 months.They have in live stock: four oxen, one cow, one horse, one wether, three ewes, one sow, one pig, and five fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case and is held under a grant accorded to them by Monsieur Duvivier. They have made a clearing for the sowing of seventeen bushels of seed on which they have sown seven bushels of wheat.
Marie Genty, widow, very poor, of Jean Baptiste Haché Galland, native of l'Acadie, aged 48 years, and she has been 29 years in the country.
She has seven children, five sons and two daughters:-
Antonine Haché, aged 18 years.
Michel, aged 16 years.
Joseph, aged 14 years.
Louis, aged 12 years.
Georges, aged 10 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 25 years.
Margueritte Louise, aged 23 years.Of live stock they have two oxen, one cow, one horse, one wether, tow ewes, two sows, four pigs, five geese, and ten fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceeding case. They hold it by grant from Monsieur Duvivier. They have made a clearing for the sowing of thirty-two bushels, but have only sown seven not having been able to procure more owing to their poverty.
Michel Deveau, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 33 years. Has been in the country twenty years. Married to Marie Poirier, native of l'Acadie, aged 25 years.
They have one son and two daughters:-
Michel Deveau, aged 3 years.
Marie, aged 5 years.
Louise, aged 10 months.In live stock they have two oxen, one cow, one horse, one wether, four ewes, five sows, four pigs, and nine fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the previous case, and was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. No clearing has been made on said land owing to its not being good for cultivation. They have made their clearing on land situated at the harbour Au Sauvage where they have sown six bushels of wheat, one bushel of oats, and one bushel and a half of peas and have fallow land for the sowing of ten bushels. They hold this land verbally as they do the other.
Charles Haché dit Charlit, ploughman, native of Port La Joye, aged 27 years. Married to Anne Desveau, native of the harbour au Sauvage, aged 18 years.
They have in live stock two oxen, one cow, one heifer, one calf, two wethers, three ewes, tho sows, one pig, and seven fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the north shore of the Rivière du Nord-Est, at the part called Le Grande Source. It was granted to them by Monsieur Dupont Divivier. They have made no clearing, finding that the soil was poor in quality. They have made a clearing on the crown lands where they have sown eight bushels of wheat.
Pierre Deveaux, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 29 years, has been in the country 24 years. Married to Marie Haché, native of l'Acadie, aged 28 years.
They have two sons and one daughter:-
Blaise Deveaux, aged 5 years.
Charles, aged 5 months.
Marie Modeste, aged 2 years.François Haché, her brother, native of l'Acadie, aged 21 years.
In live stock they have two oxen, two bulls, one heifer, two mares, one wether, four ewes, one sow, three pigs, and seventeen fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceeding case, and was granted to them by Monsieur Dupont Duvivier. They have made a clearing on it for the sowing of sixteen bushels and have sown eight.
Charles Poitier, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 27 years and has been in the country three years. Married to Marie Blanche Caissy, native of l'Acadie, aged 26 years.
They have Modeste Poitier, their daughter, aged 3 years.
In live stock they have two oxen, two bulls, one cow, one wether, two ewes, one sow, three pigs, and seven fowl.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceeding case and was given them by Monsieur Benoist. They have made no clearing on it for similar reasons to those already given in other cases. They have made a clearing in the Crown lands for sowing eight bushels of seed.
South Side
Nicholas Bouchard, ploughman, native of the parish of St. Thomas, bishopric of Quebec, aged 29 years, has been three years in the country. Married to Marie Chiasson, native of l'Acadie, aged 29 years.
They have one son and one daughter:-
Nicolas Bouchard, aged 4 years.
Marie, aged 2 years.Their live stock consists of two oxen, two cows, two heifers, two bulls, two calves, four wethers, three ewes, three sows, one pig, and ten fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the south side of the Rivière du Nord-Est, and was given to them verbally by Monsieur de Bonnaventure. On it, they have made a clearing in which they have sown five bushels of wheat, and fallow land for the sowing of another five bushels.
Pierre Haché, son of Marie Genty, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 27 years, and has been in the country 16 years. Married to Marie Douaron, native of l'Acadie, aged 22 years.
They have no children, not being long married.
Magdelaine Douaron, native of Isle St. Jean, aged two years, lives with them.
Of live stock they have two oxen, one bull, one mare, two ewes, one sow, and five fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, and is held under grant, dated third January, 1945, from Monsieur Duvivier. It comprises four arpents frontage by fourty in depth. They have made no clearing having been only a short time on the land.
François Vescot, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 37 years, and has been in the country 34 years. Married to Anne Marie Arceneau, native of l'Acadie, aged 26 years.
They have two sons and one daughter:-
François Vescot, aged 7 years.
Michel, aged 4 years.
Marie, aged 2 years.Their live stock consists of four oxen, four cows, four bulls, one heifer, one calf, one mare, eight wethers, three ewes, four sows, four pigs, and twelve fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the south side of the Rivière du Nord-Est. They hold it by grant from Monsieur Benoist. They have made a clearing on which they have sown fourteen bushels of wheat, two bushels of oats, and one bushel and a half of peas.
Charles Haché dit Galland, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 53 years, and has been in the country 30 years. Married to Geneviève Lavergne, native of l'Acadie, aged 42 years.
They have two sons and three daughters:-
Joseph Haché, aged 8 years.
Jean Baptiste, aged 2 years.
Louise Geneviève, aged 22 years.
Anne, Aged 15 years.
Anne, aged 12 years [two Anne's ???]Damoiselle Louise Margueritte Poitier Dubuisson, native of Montreal, bishopric of Quebec, aged 42 years.
Their live stock is as follows: Five oxen, five cows, two heifers, three bulls, one calf, eight wethers, fourteen ewes, four sows, six pigs, and five fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, and was granted as follows, to wit: One piece of land granted by Monsieur Duvivier in 1745 under date the first of July, comprising five arpents, five perches of frontage and fourty arpents in length; and another piece of land that the said Charles Haché has purchased from Joseph Haché, his brother, granted to the said Joseph Haché by Monsieur Duvivier under date sixth July, 1745, comprising four arpents of frontage and fourty arpents in depth, the two pieces of land lying contiguous to each other and forming one estate of nine arpents, five perches frontage by fourty arpents in depth. They have sown upon it twenty-four bushels of wheat, three bushels of oats, and three bushels of peas.
Pierre Haché Galland, widower, ploughman and navigator, native of l'Acadie, aged 51 years, has been 30 years in the country.
He has three sons and five daughters:-
Louis Haché, aged 25 years.
Pierre, aged 23 years.
Jean Baptiste, aged 17 years.
Geneviève, aged 21 years.
Marie Anne, aged 19 years.
Louise, aged 15 years.
Anne, aged 13 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 8 years.In live stock they have six oxen, four cows, two bulls, two calves, two mares, five wethers, eleven ewes, seven cows, two pigs, and twenty-three fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the south side of the Rivière du Nord-Est on Port La Joye. They hold it by grant, and have made a clearing on which they have sown thirty-two bushels of wheat, one bushel of oats, and have made fallow land for the sowing of sixteen bushels.
Pierre Duval, blacksmith and ploughman, native of the parish of Sougeal, bishopric of Rennes, aged 48 years, and has been 22 years in the country. Married to Marie Magdelaine Haché, native of l'Acadie, aged 42 years.
They have two sons and four daughters:-
Jean Pierre Duval, aged 10 years.
Charles, aged 6 months.
Marie Joseph, aged 17 years.
Anne, aged 15 years.
Margueritte, aged 7 years.
Auzitte, aged 5 years.
François Mazierre, orphan, native of this island, aged 6 years.They have in live stock, four oxen, four cows, two heifers, one bull, two calves, one mare with young, four wethers, ten ewes, two sows, five pigs, and fifty fowls or chickens.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceding case, and was granted them by Messieurs Duvivier and Degoutin. On it they have made a clearing where they have sown sixteen bushels of wheat and eight bushels of oats, and made fallow land sufficient for the sowing of seventeen bushels more.
Charles Martin, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 40 years, has been in the country 30 years. Married to Françoise Carré, native of l'Acadie, aged 30 years.
No Children.
Their live stock consists of four oxen, five cows, one calf, one mare, five wethers, two sows, fourteen pigs, and sixteen fowls or chickens; and a boat.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceeding case. They hold it under grant from Messieurs Duvivier and Degoutin. On it, they have made a clearing where they have sown ten bushels of wheat, four bushels of oats, and two bushels of peas.
Barthélemy Martin, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 42 years; has been in the country 30 years. Married to Magdeleine Carret, native of l'Acadie, aged 38 years.
They have six sons and four daughters:-
Pierre Paul Martin, aged 20 years.
Charles Michel, aged 18 years.
François, aged 16 years.
Jacques Christophe, aged 14 years.
Joseph, aged 12 years.
Jean Foelix, aged one year.
Marie Joseph Martin, aged 13 years.
Euphrosinne, aged 9 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 7 years.
Jeanne, aged 3 years.They have the following live stock: four oxen, four cows, four heifers, nine wethers, eleven ewes, five pigs, and nine fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated as in the preceeding cases and was given to them by grant from Messieurs Duvivier and Degoutin. They have made a clearing on it where they have sown fourty bushels of wheat, fifteen bushels of oats, and half a bushel of peas, and made fallow land for the sowing of twenty bushels more.
Joseph Martin, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 50 years; has been in the country 30 years. Married to Elizabeth Caret, widow of the late Dousset, native of l'Acadie, aged 32 years.
They have two sons and four daughters:-
Joseph Doucet, aged 12 years.
Pierre, aged 9 years.
Margueritte, aged 13 years.
Rose, aged 6 years.
Marie Joseph, aged 17 months.
Anne, aged 4 months.Their live stock consists of five oxen, one cow, two calves, two wethers, three ewes, two sows, four pigs, and ten fowls or chickens.
[No land grant information for this family]
Honnoré Bourgeois, ploughman, native of l'Acadie, aged 52 years, and has been two years in the country. Married to Marie Magdelaine Pichard, native of the parish of Saint-Léger, bishopric of Chartres, aged 48 years.
They have one son and one daughter:-
Margueritte Bourgeouis, aged 17 years.
François, aged 15 years.In live stock they have four oxen, four cows, four calves, one horse, six wethers, twelve ewes, two sows, four pigs, and twelve fowls.
The land upon which they are settled is situated on the south side of the Rivière du Nord-Est of Port La Joye, and they acquired it from Charles Haché as guardian and curator of the children, minor and major, of the late Renné Rassicot. They have made a clearing for the sowing of forty bushels of seed where they have sown twelve bushels of wheat, one bushel of barley, one bushel of sprat, four bushels of oats, and six bushels of peas.
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