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O'Leary Exchange

Mrs. A. McLennan - Agent

On Rural Lines Ring One Long and One Short Ring to get Central

Adams, Howard - r Mt. Royal - R3-1
Adams, George - r Mt. Royal - R3-2
Arsenault, A.A. - Store, Howlan - R21-42
Arsenault, F.D. - r Lot 6 - R22-111
Arsenault, John P. - r O'Leary - 4-2
Arsenault, Trauce - r Howlan - R21-310

Bank of Nova Scotia - O'Leary - 10
Beer, W.H. - Hotel, Coleman - R22-2
Botts, D.H. - Store, Piusville - R21-23
Boulter, G.W. - r Milburn - R3-12
Boulter, J.Seymour - r Milburn - R3-6
Boulter, Levi W. - r Milburn - R3-14
Boulter, Major - r Milburn - R3-13
Buchanan, Donald - r Mt. Royal - R3-5
Buchanan, Martin - r Mt. Royal - R3-4
Buchanan, Neil - r Mt. Royal - R3-3

Campbell, Archie G. - r Mt. Royal - R3-22
Campbell, C.M. - r Milburn - R3-21
Campbell, John A. - r Milburn - R3-16
Campbell, William, r- Mt. Royal - R3-15
Carruthers, Bruce - r Howlan - R21-33
Carruthers, Garfield - r Howlan - R21-32
Carruthers, Robert - Garage, O'Leary - 7-1
Champion, Dr. J.B. - Office, O'Leary - 12
Cummings, Dr. V.S. - r O'Leary - 7-3
Currie, James - r Howlan - R11-210

Dennis and Sons, W.H. - Store, O'Leary - 2
Dignan, Arthur - r Woodstock - R21-41
Dignan, John R. - r Howlan - R21-220
Dignan, Wesley - r Woodstock - R21-120
Dorion, Mrs. N.P. - Store, Howlan - R21-24

Gallant, Amedle - r St. Anthony - R21-5
Gallant, Frank - r St. Anthony - R21-22
Gallant, Jos. T. - r Piusville - R21-13
Gaudet, Gilbert - r Woodstock - R21-6
Gaudet, Rev. J.A. - r St. Anthony - R21-1
Gorrill, D.S. - r O'Leary - R3-23
Gorrill, Mrs. E. - r O'Leary - R22-3
Gorrill, William W. - r Milburn - R3-24
Gregg, Cephas - r West Devon - R22-21

Hopgood, John Y. - r Woodstock - R21-31
Huestis, H.B. - r O'Leary - R1-2

Kennedy and Co. - Store, O'Leary - 8

Lecky, Joseph - r Milburn - R3-26

Martin and Arsenault - Store, Bloomfield - R21-4
Martin, Hector - r Howlan - R21-51
Mathieson, A.J. - Druggist, O'Leary - 6
Moreshead, Hudson - r West Devon - R22-13

McAusland, Fred - r Bloomfield - R21-4
McAusland, Hatfield - r Howland - R21-110
McBride, Dr. W.P - Office, O'Leary - 4-1
MacDonald, John - r Mt. Royal - R3-31
McKinnon, J.A. - Store, Coleman - R22-12
McNeill, R.W. - r Milburn - R3-41
McNeill, W.Perley - r Mt. Royal - R3-34
McPherson, John R. - r Milburn - R3-32
McWilliam, W.A. - r Milburn - R3-33

O'Holloran, James - r Bloomfield - R21-3
O'Leary Dairying Co. - O'Leary - 11-2
Orient Hotel - T.M. Howatt Prop., O'Leary - 1

Palmer, Dr. A.S. - r O'Leary - R22-4
Palmer, Bertram A. - r O'Leary - R3-42
Palmer, Earle - r Woodstock - R21-111
Pate, John - Meat Market, O'Leary - 7-2
Phillips, Forrest - r Mt. Royal - R3-111
Phillips, J.S. - r Mt. Royal - R3-110
Phillips, Sanford - Office, O'Leary - 11-1
Pratt, A.J. - General Store, Bloomfield - R21-12

Ramsay, Fulton - r Mt. Royal - R3-120
Ramsay, Harry R - r Mt. Royal - R3-121

Silliker, W.W. - r O'Leary - R22-22
Stetson, Henry - r O'Leary - r21-21

We pay the Telephone Charges
On all orders for HICKEY'S BLACK TWIST
Hickey and Nicholson Tobacco Co. Ltd.
Phoe No. 345, Charlottetown

Tattrie, Rev. G.P. - r O'Leary - 3
Taylor, Dr. W.F. - Office, O'Leary - 5
Turner's Ltd. - General Store, O'Leary - 15

Webb, George - r O'Leary - R22-1
Webb, John - r Howlan - R21-15
Wedlock, George - r Mt. Royal - R3-211
Woodside, E.W. - r Milburn - R3-112

Public Toll Telephone

Telephone Office - O'Leary
K. Sharbell's Store - Portage

Lot 7 Line - Connecting at O'Leary

Bolger, P.J. - r Cape Wolf - R2-21
Butler, James - r Campbellton - R2-120
Butler, Simon - r Glengarry - R2-43
Butler, Patrick - r Glengarry - R2-220
Butler, Frank - r Glengarry - R2-34

Costain, Colin - r Cape Wolf - R2-53
Costain, William - r Cape Wolf - R2-22
Coughlan, David - r Campbellton - R2-2
Crosman, Luther - r Haliburton - R2-32
Crosman, Philip - r Cape Wolf - R2-52

Dalton and Jackson - Ranch, Glengarry - R2-7
Dalton, Jerry - r Burton - R2-14
Dodd, William - r Burton - R2-13
Doyle, Mrs. A. - r Cape Wolf - R2-210
Doyle, Joseph - r Glengarry - R2-26
Doyle, Michael - r Glengarry - R2-16
Doyle, Thomas - r Campbellton - R2-5

Fish, George - r Haliburton - R2-51
Fish, John - r Cape Wolf - R2-17

Howard, Robert - r Cape Wolf - R2-15

Lidstone, Jesse - r Cape Wolf - R2-35
Lidstone, Mrs. M. - r Cape Wolf - R2-6
Lidstone, Leslie - r Cape Wolf - R2-113

Metherall, Frank - r Cape Wolf - R2-23

McCarthy, Charles - r Campbellton - R2-310
McDonald, Archibald - r Glengarry - R2-33
McDonald, Rev. J.A. - r St. Marks - R2-1
McDonald, John D. - r Glengarry - R2-25
McDougall, George - r Campbellton - R2-41
McGregor, Ernest - r Burton - R2-140
McKendrick, William - r Campbellton - R2-3
McNeill, Charles - r Campbellton - R2-4
McPherson, Michael - r Haliburton - R2-31
McWiliams, Nelson - r West Cape - R2-45
McWilliams, W.N. - r West Cape - R2-54
McWilliams, John - r West Cape - R2-61

Norman, Wilfred - r Cape Wolf - R2-42

O'Halloran, Arthur - Store, Campbellton - R2-36
O'Halloran, Michael - r Glengarry - R2-44

Peters, Harry - Store, Devon - R2-37

Riley, William - r Haliburton - R2-24

Thompson, Thomas - r Howlan - R2-12

Waldron, Frederick - r Glengarry - R2-110

Springfield Line - Connecting at O'Leary

Barwise, John - r Springfield - R24-1120
Beaton, J.A. - r Springfield - R24-2
Brooks, W.E. - r Springfield - R24-23

Campbell, George - r Knutsford - R24-111
Currie, D. - r Springfield - R24-3

Dyment, Charles - r Springfield - R24-121

Ellis, R.H. - r Springfield - R24-22
England, J.J. - r Springfield - R24-12
England, R. - r Springfield - R24-31

Gay, Charles - r Knutsford - R24-33
Gay, Howard - r Knutsford - R24-43
Gay, Thomas - r Knutsford - R24-15

Harris, Avard - r Knutsford - R24-311
Harris, Thomas - r Knutsford - R24-131
Harris, Robert - r Knutsford - R24-6
Harris, John - r Knutsford - R24-4
Harris, Harry - r Knutsford - R24-32

Lidstone, Edward - r Knutsford - R24-41

McAulay, W.E. - r Knutsford - R24-212
McDougall, James, - r Springfield - R24-16
McKinnon, John - r Knutsford - R24-42
McWilliams, Edward - r West Cape - R24-25
McWilliams, H. - r West Cape - R24-13
McWilliams, J.J. - r West Cape - R24-24

Ramsay, Harold - r Knutsford - R24-34

Silliker, H. - r Knutsford - R24-211

Wilkinson, J.C. - Store, Springfield - R24-1

Yeo, G. - r Knutsford - R24-14

Brae and West Point Line - Connecting at O'Leary

Arsenault, A.A. - r Brae Harbor - R1-35
Betts, C. - r Glenwood - R1-61

Currie, Roger - r Glenwood - R1-130

Gay, Albert - r Hebron - R1-141
Gorrill, Albert - r Glenwood - R1-6
Gorrill, Alfred - r Glenwood - R1-14
Gorrill, Amos - r Glenwood - R1-23
Gorrill, J.T. - r Glenwood - R1-51

Herrell, Rev. Leo - r Brae - R1-1
Hierliby, J.- r Hebron - R1-26

Leard, W. - r Coleman - R1-17

Milligan, Herbert - r New Harbor - R1-31
Milligan, Robert - r Milo - R1-5
Milligan, W.T. - r Brae - R1-131
Morrison, Alex - r Hebron - R1-32
Morrison, Wm. - r Hebron - R1-53

McCallum, Archibald - r Brae - R1-8
Mcdonald, Arthur - r Glenwood - R1-13
McDonald, W.E. - r Glenwood - R1-121
McIsaac, Augustine - r Brae - R1-211
McIsaac, A. - r West Point - R1-43
McIsaac, C. - r West Point - R1-34
McIsaac, George H. - r Glenwood - R1-22
McKinnon, Dan - r Brae Harbor - R1-2
McKinnon, Harry - r Coleman - R1-62
McKinnon, John A. - r Coleman - R1-52
McLean, Albert - r Glenwood - R1-212
McLean, Amos - r Brae - R1-120
McLean, Roderick - r Milo - R1-12
McLeod, John - r Brae - R1-21
McNeill, Wallace - r West Point - R1-110
McPhee, Fraser - r Brae - R1-41
McPherson, D. - r Glenwood - R1-15
McPherson, J.A. - r Glenwood - R1-12
McWilliams, J.J. - r Glenwood - R1-44

Oulton, Robert - r Brae- R1-3
Oulton, Thomas - r Brae Harbor - R1-4

Rogers, W.R. - r Brae - R1-111

Sabine, E. - r West Point - R1-25
Stewart, J.A. - r Glenwood - R1-33
Stewart, J.T. - r West Point - R116
Stewart, Walter - r West Point - R1-24

Wortman, W.J. - r West Point - R1-7


Hunter River







South Lake






St. Peter's


Mount Stewart



Murray River



New Haven

Tyne Valley







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Last Updated: 12/01/2001 8:13:53 PM
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