Morell Exchange
Mrs. Augustine McDonald - Agent
HOURS OF SERVICE - Week Days 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Statutory Holidays 1.30 to 3 p.m. For Central, Ring One Long and One Short Ring
Canadian Bank of Commerce - Morell - 3
Cox, H.H. - Store - Morell - 1Jay, J.B. - r Morell - 5-1
Wedlock & Cox - Store, Morell - 11
Public Toll Telephone
Telephone Office - Morell
McEwen, J.W. - Toll Office - Lot 40
Morell Rear Line - Connecting at MorellDonovan, M.P. - r Morell - R6-13
McCarthy, Edwin - r Morell Rear - R6-2
Phelan, Lawrence - r Morell Rear - R6-4
Rooney, Rev. J.T. - r Morell Rear - R6-1
Sinnott, Wm. - r Morell Rear - R6-3
Sinnott, John - r St. Peters Harbor - R6-12
Bangor Line - Connecting at MorellCompton, Daniel - r Bangor - R4-22
Compton, George - r Bangor - R4-13
Compton, Hector - r Bangor - R4-11
Compton, James - r Bangor - R4-4
Compton, John - r Bangor - R4-2
Compton, W.F. - r Bangor - R4-5Grant, Alex - r Bangor - R4-3
Grant, Roderick - r Bangor - R4-23Ladner, Alex - r Bangor - R4-31
Martin, John - r Bangor - R4-12
McDougall, Donald - r Bangor - R4-1
McDougall, Peter - r Bangor - R4-21
McDougall, James H. - r Bangor - R4-1210
McKinnon, Simon - r Bangor - R4-1110Marie-Midgell and Milburn Line - Connecting at Morell
Cobb, Alex - r Milburn - R7-14
Cobb, George - r Milburn - R7-11Dingwell, J.E. - r Midgell - R7-111
Dingwell, Mrs. M. - r Marie - R7-32
Dingwell, Oswald - r Marie - R7-1Jay, John D. - r Marie - R7-131
Moore, Louis - r Milburn - R7-13
McKay, Mrs. Cassie - r Midgell - R7-22
Pyke, Arthur - r Milburn - R7-4
Rapson, Saul - r Milburn - R7-5
Robins, Lloyd - r Morell East - R7-24Saunderson, Havelock - r Midgell - R7-21
Stewart, Ira - r Milburn - R7-12Webster, C.Robert - r Marie - R7-121
Webster, E.E. - r Marie - R7-15
Webster, E.W. - r Marie - R7-23
Webster ,Judson - r Midgell - R7-3
Webster, Kimball - r Marie - R7-31