Charlottetown Exchange
Aberdeen Hotel - C. McDougall, Prop, 72 King - 732-L
Acorn, E. F. - Tailor - Cleaning and Pressing, 171 Gt. Geo - 737-L
Acorn, Miss Gussie - r 32 Brighton Road - 775-J
Acorn, Wm. H. - r 37 Orlebar - 922
Affleck, Alfred - r 48 School - 327-L
Affleck, Arthur, r 197 Water - 304-J
Agnew, Alex - r East Royalty - 464-J
Agnew, John and Son - Office, 130 Richmond - 745
Agnew, John - r 77 Up. Prince - 645
Agnew. W. E. - r 81 Up. Prince - 461
Agricultural Building - Provincial Government, 172 Fitzroy - 529
Agricultural and Technical School, Victoria Park - 869
Aitken, Mrs. Edwin - r 241 Euston - 56-J
Aitken, Mrs. T. L. - r 7 Up. Hillsboro - 155-J
Aitken, W. H. - r 35 Longworth Av - 56-L
Allen, Dr. J. A. - r 43 Ambrose - 728-J
Alley and Co., Ltd - Boots and Shoes, 135 Queen - 97
Alley, Dr. Gordon - Office and Residence, 62 Prince - 784
American Consulate - Office, 141-143 Gt. Geo. - 205
Anderson, John - r 289 Richmond - 291-J
Anderson, M. G. - r 297 Richmond - 843
Andrew, Blois - Summer Residence, South Port - R1-5
Andrew, Frank W. - r East Royalty - 867-J
Andrew, Frederick W. - r Norwood Road - 818
Andrew, John B. - r East Royalty - 867-L
Anglo American Tel. Co. - 32 Queen - 710
If one line is busy Central will call the other - 711
Anglo American Tel. Co. - Branch Office, Guardian Building - 151
Arbing, Henry - r Mt. Edward Rd. - 454-J
Archibald, Dr. C. C. - Eye Ear, Nose, and Throat, 163 Great Geo. - 850-J
Archibald, Dr. C. C. - r 76 Euston - 591-L
Arsenault, Mr. Justice - Judge's Chambers, Law Courts Bldg - 15-J
Arsenault, Mr. Justice - r 78 School - 542-J
Auld Bros. - Office, 58-62 Fitzroy - 500
Auld Bros. - Egg Warehouse, 58-62 Fitzroy - 293
Ayers, Dr. J. H. - Dentist, 150 Queen - 786
Ayers, Dr. J. H. - r 78 Euston - 214-L
Aylward, A. and Co. - Coal Dealers, Connolly Wharf - 176
Aylward, Augustus - r 22 Bayfield - 407-JBaird, Otto N. - r 209 Prince - 638-J
Baglole, James - r 58 Victoria Ave - 366-Y
Bagnall, Dr. J. S. - Dentist, 122 Richmond - 854-L
Bagnall, Dr. J. S. - r 125 Fitzroy - 336
Ballingall, Guthrie - r 292 Grafton - 236-J
Bank of Commerce - See Canadian Bank of Commerce
Bank, Dominion Savings, P.O. Building - 329
Bank of Montreal, 105-107 Grafton - 348
Bank of Montreal - Staff Quarters, 105-107 Grafton - 317
Bank of Nova Scotia, Cor. Grafton and Gt. Geo. - 247
Bank of Nova Scotia - Manager's Office, Cor. Grafton and Gt. Geo. - 136
Bank, Royal of Canada, Cor. Queen and Rich. - 16
Bank, Royal of Canada - Mgr's Office, Cor. Queen and Rich. - 358
Barnes, Mrs. Charles L. - r 236 Grafton - 686-L
Barr, Mrs. Henry - r 122 Elm - 223-J
Barrett, E. M. - r 18 Felling - 826-J
Bartlett, Mrs. A. A. - r 175 Fitzroy - 261-J
Bayer, J. A. S. - Photographer, 163 Great Geo. - 652-J
Bayer, J. A. S. - r 8 Euston - 626
Beach Grove Inn - (R. 11. Sterns Prop.), Ch'Town Royalty - 732
Beales, Frank - r 22 West - 495-L
Bearisto, Mrs. Margaret - r 187 Kent - 824-R
Bears & Cudmore - Central Tailor, Clog and Rep'ng, 154 Gt. Geo. - 917-J
Beaton, Archibald - r Winsloe Station - R4-23
Beaton, J. A. - r Bellevue Ranch - 560-L
Beer, Dr. C. H. - Dentist, 126 Richmond - 153-J
Beer, Dr. C. H. - r 22 Longworth Ave. - 254-J
Beer, E. H. - Provincial Fire Marshall, 146 Richmond - 13
Beer, E. H. - r Ritz Apts. 55 Up. Prince - 72
Beer, E. W. - r 110 Edward - 708-J
Beer, F. H. - r 277 Kent - 376
Beer, G. R. - r 217 Weymouth - 663-J
Beer and Weeks - Main Store, 133 Grafton - 213
Beer and Weeks - Office and Carpet Dept., 133 Grafton - 814
Beers, Fred - r 48 Prince - 940
Bell, C. D. - Insurance Agent, Royal Bank Bldg. - 68-J
Bell, C. D. - r 23 Pleasant - 46-J
Bell, Frank P. - r West Royalty - R4-21
Bell, J. E. - r 212 Queen - 771
Bell, Mrs. John - r 35 Edward - 661-L
Bell, J. H. - r 132 Gt. George - 370-J
Bell, Russel - r West Royalty - R4-13
Benoit, C. H. - r 100 Water - 373-J
Bentley, W. E. - Law Office, 180 Richmond - 80
Bentley, W. E. - r 17 Water - 299
Bentley, W. E. - Summer Residence, Keppoch - R5-24
Bernard, Harry - Taxi Service, 128 Elm Avenue - 887-L
Bethune, David F. - r 234 Queen - 267-L
Bethune, H. L. - r Kent and Pownal - 552-J
Biffin, A. J. - Exporter, 36 Queen - 147
Biffin, A. J. - r 14 Prince - 629-L
Bishops' Palace, 45 Gr. George - 286
Black and Co. - Crockeryware, 125 Grafton - 210-L
Black, C. H. - r 54 Fitzroy - 47-L
Blake bros. - Daily Meat Market, 130 Queen - 122
Blake, Vincent - r 15 Villa Ave. - 883
Blake, Est. Of Maurice - r Malpeque Road - 308-L
Blanchard, E. S. - Architect, Office, Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg - 856-J
Blanchard, E. S. - r 23 Water - 288-J
Blanchard, Dr. J. E. - Dentist, 125 Queen - 462-L
Blanchard, Dr. J. E. - r 242 Pownal - 126-L
Blanchard, Miss Jean - r 167 Sydney - 79-J
Block, Abie - r 213 King - 768
Bluebird Sanitary Laundry, Longworth Ave. - 834
Boates, Mrs. Capt. - r 70 Up. Hillsboro - 131
Boates, Harry - r Sherwood - R3-12
Bourke Windsor Service Station, 256 Queen - 440
Bourke, H. C. - r 20 Water - 411-L
Bousfield, Dr. C. J. - r 120 Up. Prince - 516-J
Bovyer, Elmer R. - r 32 Elm Ave. - 553-J
Bovyer, Franklin - r Bunbury - 486-1
Bovyer, Wilfred R. - r Bunbury - R1-13
Bowness and Taylor - Insurance, Hennessy Bldg. - 675-L
Bradley, Wm. F. P. - r 14 Douglas - 400
Brady, Geo. R. - r 239 Grafton - 76
Brady, James A. - r Ritz Apts. 56 Up. Prince - 539-L
Brawders, W. J. - r 256 Fitzroy - 827
Brehaut, Wm. - r 2 Water - 641-R
Bremner, Miss Mabel - r 158 Prince - 899
Bridges, Philip - r 20 Stewart - 54-L
Brighton Ice and Cold Storage Co. - Office, York - 794
Brothers, Miss E. May - r 9 Richmond - 863
Brow, E. R. - Insurance Office, 146 Richmond - 589
Brow, E. R. - r 58 Up. Prince - 476-L
Brow, E. R. - Ranch Residence, East Royalty - 779-Y
Brown, A. B. - r 215 Hillsboro - 437-Y
Brown, Byron - r 171 Kent - 671-J
Brown and Binns - Electrical Contract Supplies, 183½ Queen - 873
Brown, C. Alex - r 271 Euston - 398-L
Brown, P. C. - r 200 Kent - 361
Brown, P. C. - Summer Res., Brighton - 953-4
Brown, W. J. - r 129 Pownal - 840
Brown, W. S. - Livery and Board Stables, 195 Fitzroy - 342-J
Brown, Walter S. - r 195 Fitzroy - 342-R
Brown, W. W. - r 95 Hillsboro - 491-J
Bruce, Arthur G. - r 102 Weymouth - 496-L
Bruce, D. A. - Tailor, 158 Queen - 268-J
Bruce, D. A. - r 170 Sydney - 160-L
Bruce, W. G. - r Ritz Apts., 55 Up. Prince - 476-J
Bruce, Wm. B. P. - r 260½ Grafton - 686-J
Bryenton, G. Leslie - r Winsloe Rd - R8-12
Bryenton, Jas. W. - r 39 Victory Ave. - 934
Buntain, Bell and Co. - Coal Office, B. B. and Co's W'f - 404
Buntain, Bell and Co. - General Office, B. B. and Co's W'f - 829
Buntain, H. V. - r 139 Rochford - 98-L
Burch, G. A. - r 9 Spring - 594-J
Burhoe, John - r Elm Avenue - 223-Y
Burke, Alton H. - P.O. and General Store, Southport - R1-31
Burke, Arthur - r Southport - R1-4
Burke, Vernon - r West Royalty - R4-2
Burke, W. E. - r 36 Up. Hillsboro - 690
Burke, W. F. - r West Royalty - 545-J
Burnett, J. R. - r 174 Kent - 420-J
Burns, A. M. - r 168 Weymouth - 73-J
Burt, H. - r North River Rd. - 633-J
Byrne, Mrs. John - r 48 Great George - 209-LCalder, Marcus - r 257 Richmond - 236-Y
Cameron, Angus - r 149 Elm Avenue - 793-J
Cameron, Mrs. E. H. - r 10 Brighton Rd. - 725
Cameron, John E. - r 260 Grafton - 92-J
Cameron, R. Harold - r 214 Queen - 271-L
Campbell, A. F. - Clothes Cleaned and Pressed, 157 Grafton - 606-J
Campbell Bros. - Produce, Market Building - 270
Campbell, Otto W. - r Winsloe - R4-32
Campbell, Samuel - r 88 Up. Hillsboro - 473-L
Campbell's Garage - T. Arthur Campbell Prop., 112 Pownal - 782
Can. Air Force Assn. - Office, 57 Grafton - 727
Canadian Farm Products - Wholesale and Retail, 139 Kent - 700
Canadian Bank of Commerce, Cor. Queen and Grafton - 69
Canadian Bank of Com - Manager's Office, Cor. Queen and Grafton - 735
Canadian Distributing Co. - (Mail Order Liquor), 95 Water - 885
Can. National Express Co. - City Office, 39 Queen - 187
Can. National Express Co. - Depot Office, Railway Station - 774
Canadian Surety Co., 61 Queen - 67
Cannon, Mrs. A. E. - r St. Avards - 763-J
Cantwell, J. Ed. - r 173 Weymouth - 943
Carbonell, E. T. - r 18 Spring - 154-J
Carleton, Lloyd - r 271 Kent - 760-L
Carragher, J. and Co. - Coal and Produce Office, 36 Queen - 325
Carragher, J. and Co. - Coal Yard, B. Stewart and Co's Wharf - 744-L
Carragher, James - r 20 Haviland - 669-L
Carruthers, Dr. George - r 181 Kent - 59
Carson, Chas. E. - r 43 Elm Avenue - 42-J
Carter and Co., Ltd. - Bookstore, 131 Queen - 70
Carter and Co., Ltd. - Seed W'house, 72-74 Queen - 208
Carter and Co., Ltd. - Shipping W'house, Grafton - 576
Carter, Isaac - r 284 Grafton - 463
Carter, Mrs. W. F. - r 238 Kent - 389-J
Carter, Benjamin - Auction Rooms, 181 Gt. George - 148-L
Carter, James - r 45 Up. Prince - 539-J
Casey, F. J. - r 190 Cumberland - 876-J
Carvell Bros. - Wholesale Gro., 25-27 Queen - 309-J
Carvell Bros. - Private Office, 25-27 Queen - 310
Carvell Bros. - Warehouse, Pownal Wharf - 309-I
Central Creameries, Ltd. - Office and Plant, 119 Grafton - 848
Central Garage - A. Horne and Co., 168 Kent - 538
Champion, Ernest - r 29 Longworth Ave. - 570-L
Chandler and Bell - Marble Works, 160 Kent - 741-J
Chandler, C. H. - r 209 Pownal - 921
Chandler, Edward - r 27 King Square - 598-J
Chandler, F. S. - r 75 Euston - 408-L
Chandler, Geo. H. - r 146 Hillsboro - 839-J
Chandler, Henry M. - r 256 Euston - 667-J
Chappell, C. B. and Hunter - Architects, Desbrisay Bldg - 188-L
Chappelle, Miss Florence - r 5 Prince - 629-J
Ch'Town Beauty Parlor, 105 Queen - 546-J
Charlottetown Board of Trade - W. L. Higgins, Market Bldg. - 580
Ch'Town Bowling Alleys, Ltd., Market House - 462-J
Ch'Town Can Co. Ltd. - Factory, Esher - 646
Ch'Town Can Co. Ltd. - Office, 66 Queen - 406
Ch'Town Club, Great George - 164
Ch'Town Condensed Milk Co., 112 Longworth Ave. - 204
Ch'Town Driving Park and Exhibition, Kensington Rd. - 695
Ch'Town Export Co., 98 Water - 373-L
Ch'Town Electrical Wiring Co. - Elect. Cont. and Supplies, 168 Queen - 722-J
Ch'Town Fish Supply Co. - Store, 188 Queen - 340
Ch'Town Garage Co. - Autos and Bicycles, 164 Prince, 590
Ch'Town Hospital, 13 Haviland - 17
Ch'Town Hospital - (Rena McLean), Hosptial Bldg. - 174
Ch'Town Milling Co., Ltd. - Office and Mill, Esher - 865
Ch'Town Selling Agencies - Office, 73 Queen, 318
Ch'Town Steam Laundry - E. D. Sterns, Cor. Kent and Hillsboro - 104
Ch'Town Steamship Co. Ltd., B. Stewart and Co. Wharf - 773
Children's Aid Society - Officer's Res., Fitzroy - 82-L
City Club Rooms, Great George - 927
City Corporation
City Asphalt Plant, Pownal Wharf - 954
City Clerk - Office, Cor. Kent and Queen - 53
Com. Sewers and Water Supply - Office, City Bldg. - 152
Com. Sewers and Water Supply - No. 1 Sta., Malpeque Road - R6-2
Com. Sewers and Water Supply - No. 2 Sta., North River Road - R6-3
Fire Station, City Bldg., Cor. Kent and Queen - 337
Police Station, City Bldg., Cor. Kent and Queen - 14
City Magistrate - r 178 Weymouth - 198
Fire Chief - r 259 Queen - 618
City Hotel - Mrs. R. Abbott, Prop., 213 Queen - 714-L
City Weight Scales, Queen - 808
Clarke Bros. - Wholesale Fruit, 75 Queen - 747
Clarkin, P. W. - r 49 Up. Hillsboro - 530-J
Clawson, E. E. - r 50 Great George - 811-L
Coffin and Co. - Grocers, 230 Grafton - 106
Coffin, E. L. - Groceries and Ice Cream, Kent and Rochford - 659
Colwill, Robbins - r 186 Prince - 862
Collings, John A. - r 304 Euston - 514-L
Confederation Life Assn. - W. G. Hogg, Dist. Mgr., 156 Richard - 369-J
Connolly Estate - Office, 31 Queen - 7-J
Connolly, Mrs. H. C. - r 171 Grafton - 323
Conrad, F. B. - r 237 prince - 228-J
"Constance" S. S. - Office, Pickard's Wharf - 731
Convent, Notre Dame, 246 Sydney - 245
Convent, St. Joseph's, 147 Pownal - 231-L
Cook, G. H. - r 168 Fitzroy - 449-J
Cook, Gorham - r East Royalty - 574-L
Cook, W. C. - r 12 Greenfield Ave. - 487-J
Cook Studio, The, 152 Queen - 159-J
Coombes, B. L. - r 31 Elm Ave. - 258-L
Coombs, Edmund G. - r 39 Rochford Square - 371
Coombs, Mrs. Geo. A. - r 40 Victory Ave. - 683-L
Costello, T. A. - r 336 Euston- 581-J
Cosh, Allen B. - r 175 Fitzroy - 261-J
Cotton, W. L. - r 1 Brighton Ave. - 295-J
Cox, Mrs. B. C. - r 4 Brighton Rd. - 249-R
Cox, Chester M. - r 313 Euston St. East - 435
Cox, R. N. - r Longworth Ave. - 168-L
Cox, Reg. W. - Line Foreman, 154 Pownal - 21
Coyle, Victor and Co. - Druggists, 117 Kent - 616
Crabbe, L. W. - Grocer, Cor. Euston and Weymouth - 398-J
Crabbe, Mrs. S. W. - r 362 Hillsboro - 67
Craig, E. S. - r Park Terrace - 857-J
Craig, Samuel - Tailor, 180 Queen - 501-L
Cranwell, Jas. - r 13 Chestnut - 823
Craswell, Harry - r 186 King - 338-J
Craswell's Photo Studio - Artistic Photography, 37 Grt. George - 692-L
Crawford, Geo. T. - r 56 Fitzroy - 47-J
Crewys, C. J. - r 303 Fitzroy - 335-R
Crockett, J. T. and Co. - Fish, Prov. And Groceries, 56-58 Grafton - 65-J
Crockett, J. T. - r 34 Kent - 218-L
Cudmore Bros. - General Grocers, 139 Grt. George - 184
Cudmore, John - r Winsloe North - R8-23
Croken, Dr. I. E. - Veterinary Surgeon, 69 Prince - 804
Cullen, Edward - r 87 Pownal - 108-J
Curran, Arthur F. - r 211 Weymouth - 820
Currie, Miss Florence - r 212 Kent - 767
Currie, Frank - r 26 Euston - 796-L
Currie and Murnaghan - Plumbers, 71 Queen - 488
Customs of Canada - Collector's Office, P. O. Bldg. - 480
Customs of Canada - Office, P. O. Bldg. - 481
Customs of Canada - Appraiser's Office, 36 Great George - 281Dalziel, W. - General Graceries and Feed, 15 Spg. Park Rd. - 702-L
Dart, J. P. - r 50 Peake - 54-J
Davey, Wm. O. - r 30 Weymouth - 893
Davies, Mrs. J. J. - r 32 Gerald - 221-J
Davis, Mrs. Daniel - r 14 Dundas Espl. 71-J
Davis, Sir Louis - r 7 West - 277-L
Davis and Fraser - Pork Packers, Grafton St. East - 296
- If one is busy please call the other - 875
Davis Hotel - J. J. Davis, Prop., Dorch. and Great Geo. - 209-J
Davison, H. M. - Insurance Office, 78 Gt. George - 311
Davison, H. M. - r 2 West - 418
Day, Rowland L. - Grocer, Spring Park Road - 647-J
Dayton Scales - International Machines Ltd., 63 Queen - 754-J
BeBlois Bros. - Wholesale and Insurance, 45-47 Queen - 693
BeBlois Bros. - Private Office and Warehouse, 45-47 Queen - 699
DeBlois, Geo. D. - r 25 Fitzroy - 619
DeBlois, N. H. - r 21 Water - 679
Dewar, Dr. G. F. - Office, 96 Prince - 509
Dewar, A. E. - r Malpeque Road - 223-L
Diamond, Roland J. - r 30 Kensington Rd. - 335-J
Dillon, Frank L. - r 264 Euston - 178-L
Dillon and Spillett - Exporters, etc, 70 Queen - 146
Dinnis, J. R. - Office, 163 Great George - 25
Dinnis, J. R. - r East Royalty - 6
Dispensary, Free for Poor - 107 Pownal - 107-J
Dominion Dept. of Agriculture - Riley Bldg.
- Health of Animals Branch - Dr. Patrick - 427
- Fox Experimental Sta. - Dr. J. A. Allen, Supt. Riley Bldg. - 546-L
- Live Stock Branch - A. R. Jones, A. W. Peterson - 518
- Dominion Laboratory of Plant Pathology - J. B. MacCurry - 143-J
Dominion Express Co. - 109 Queen - 421
Dominion Dept. of Public Works - W. E. Hyndman, Dist. En. - 202
Dominion Savings Bank - Office, P. O. Bldg. - 329
Dooley, John - r St. Peter's Rd. - 779-J
Dorsey, Frank - r 94 Weymouth - 801-J
Dougan, A. J. - r 21 Dorchester - 71-L
Dougan, Wm. E. - r 151 Kent - 279-R
Douglas Bros. - r Bunbury - R1-3
Douglas, J. Lester - r 179 Grafton - 798
Doull, W. P. - Electrician, 105 Kent - 721-J
Doull, W. P. - r Weymouth and Richmond - 235-L
Douse, A. W. E. - Farm, North River Rd. - R6-5
Doyle, J. Alfred - r 51 Orlebar - 815-L
Doyle, John T. - r 66 Grt. George - 931
Doyle, Leo. F. - r 160 Sydney - 833-L
Doyle, Samuel F. - r 114 Elm Avenue - 887-J
Dowling, Geo. - Plumber and Metal Worker, 93 Fitzroy - 850-L
Down, Wm. - r 33 Orlebar - 621-L
Down, Percy - r 343 Euston, East - 780-L
Drake, F. L. - r 104 Prince - 694-L
Drake, W. J. - Daily Meat Market, 99 Sydney - 364
Drew, Charles S. - r 189 Grafton - 447-J
Drill Hall - Kent - 402
D. S. C. R. Soldier Settlement Board - P. O. Bldg - 701
Duchemin, A. C. - r 279 Rich'd - 743-L
Duchemin and Co. - Sash and Door Factory, 112 Water - 744-J
Duck, A. R. B. - r 30 Elm Avenue - 609
Duff, Mrs. A. E. - r N. River Road - 614-L
Duffey, Mrs. Wm. B. - r 17 Chestnut - 802-
Duffy, C. Gavan - Law Office, Royal Bank Bldg. - 4
Duffy, C. Gavan - r 15 Brighton Ave - 415-L
Duffy, Patrick - r Kensington Rd - 574-R
Duffy, James P. - Grocer, 52 Queen - 754-L
Duffy, James P. - r 93 Pownal - 282
Dunbar, W. H. V. - Summer Res., Keppoch - R5-2
Duncan, W. - r 172 Prince - 764
Duncan, Rev. Mr. - Summer Residence, Keppoch - R5-11
Dunlap, G. L. - r Park Terrace - 419-L
Duvar, E. H. - r 120 Spring Park - 407-L
Duvar, H. R. - r North River Rd. - 776-JEarle Fisheries Co. - Wholesale Fish, 83 Water - 630
Earle, S. N. - r 18 West - 495-J
Eastern Trust Co. - Office, 156 Richmond - 567
Easter's Hotel - Chas. Easter, Prop., 114 Kent - 175-J
Eaton, Rev. Ross C. - r 158 Fitzroy - 691
Ebers, H. A. - r 8 Grafton - 43
Eden, James - r 10 West - 23-J
Edgett, T. C. - r 8 Brighton Road - 643
Edmunds, Arthur - Hay and Produce, 187 Great Geo. - 543
Edmunds, Arthur - r 152 Euston - 877
Egan, Miss Anne - r 241 Fitzroy - 324-L
Eldon Hotel - D. Livingston, Prop., 177 Kent - 289-L
English and Scotch Woolen Co. Store - Store, 158 Richmond - 577
Enman, Jack - r 52 Greenfield Ave. - 20-R
Enman, John - r Malpeque Road - R4-22
Essery, Miss Sarah - r 210 Kent - 375-Y
Experimental Farm - J. A. Clark's Res., Mt. Edward Rd. - 395-J
Experimental Farm - J. A. Clark's Office, Mt. Edward Rd. - 395-L
Exp. Farm, Dominion - Lab. Of Plant Pathology, Mt. Edward Rd. - 143-JFalconwood Hospital - Med. Supts. Office, Lower St. Peters - 161-L
Falconwood Hospital - Lower St. Peters - 161-J
Farquharson, J. A. and Co. - W'sale Grocer, 63-75 Queen - 31
Farquharson, J. A. - r 96 Hillsboro - 177-J
Farquharson, P. A. - r 243 Queen - 267-J
Farquharson, P. A. - Insurance and Fox Farming, Riley Bldg. - 655
Farquharson, R. E. - Livery and Boarding Stable, 147 King - 298
Farquharson, Mrs. R. S. - r 73 Up. Prince - 38-J
Fennell and Chandler - Hardware, 152 Richmond - 87
Ferguson, Miss A. - Tailoring and Dressmaking, 189 Kent - 289-J
Ferguson, Henry - r 29 Park - 262-J
Finlayson, Capt. Allan - r 189 Dorchester - 639
Fire Station - City Building, Queen and Kent - 337
Fisheries Dept. - Office, P. O. Bldg. - 369-L
Fisher, A. B. - r 14 Brighton Ave. - 717
Fisher, C. Fairall - Office, 56 Queen - 406
- If one line is busy call the other - 634
Fisher, C. Fairall - Warehouse, 56 Water - 631
Fleming, John B. - Meat and Grocery St., 94 Dorchester - 845-J
Fletcher, W. E. - r 63 Up. Prince - 101-L
Flood, James - r 260 Dorchester - 525-J
Flynn Bros. - Tobacco Manfrs., 15 Dorchester - 285-L
Flynn, Wm. M. - r 259 Richmond - 586-L
Ford, John - r Winsloe Rd. - R8-212
Ford, Alvin - r 16 Chestnut - 930
Forsythe, R. P. - r 6 West - 482-J
Forsythe, A. - r 31 Brighton Ave. - 450-L
Foster, C. Harry - General Grocer, Cor. Spring and Eu. - 594-L
Foster, E. A. - Druggist, 119 Grafton - 163
Foster, E. A. - r 148 Cumberland - 760-J
Foster, L. H. D. - r Marshfield - R2-32
Frank, Dr. Leo - Office, 58 Great Geo. - 766
Frank, Dr. Leo - r Southport - R5-4
Fraser, John A. - r 305 Euston - 515-J
French, Samuel B. - r Ritz Apt., 55 Up. Prince - 601-L
Frost and Wood Co. Ltd. - Agric. Implement, 138 Kent - 99
Full, G. E. and Son - Flour Mills, 1 Prince - 278
Full, G. E. - r 69 Up. Prince - 101-J
Fullerton, Mrs. (Dr.) T. F. - r 7 Greenfield Ave. - 363
Fuller Brush Co. Ltd. - Office, Bk. Of N. S. Bldg. - 937
Furbish, A. - transfer and Quick Service, 25 Spring Park R. - 892-LGallagher, Charles J. - r 5 Euston - 569
Gallant, Cyriac - r 10 Chestnut - 372-Y
Gallant, Emmett - Blacksmith, 232 Euston - 343-J
Gallant, S. T. - r 65 Elm Ave. - 613
Gane, G. A. - r 10 Dundas Espl. - 229
Gard, J. F. - r Dalton Ranch - 560-J
Gardiner, George W. - r 222 Grafton - 799
Garnhum, B. J. L. - Restaurant, Victoria Park - 226-L
Garnhum, B. J. L. - r 9 Bayfield - 918-J
Garnhum, James H. - r 44 Rochford - 23-R
Garrison, W. Miles, M. D. - r 126 Brighton Rd. - 207
Gaspesia, S. S. - Office, B. Stewart and Co's Whf. - 828
Gates, Mrs. Arthur - r 19 Longworth Ave. - 254-L
Gates, B. Frank - r West Royalty - R4-3
Gaudet, G. - r 29 Rochford Square - 166
Gaudet and Haszard - Law Office, Bank Com. Bldg. - 102
Gaudet, W. A. - r 227 Water - 248-L
Gay and Son - Market Gardeners and Exporters, Up. Prince - 264-L
Gay, Mrs. Lilly M. - r 23 Orlebar - 473-J
Gay, Reaney and Co. - Meat and Fish, 9 Elm Ave. - 119
Gay, VonClure - r Up. Prince - 264-L
Geldart, Oscar D. - r 8 North River Rd. - 607-L
Gesner, J. A. - Vulcanizing, 91 Queen - 724
Gibson, W. J. - r Marshfield - R2-14
Gill and Lantz - Mfg. Agents, Gt. George - 465-L
Gill, Mrs. W. H. F. - r 156 Pownal - 478-J
Gillan, James - r 218 Weymouth - 388-R
Gillis, Mrs. A. - r 268 Sydney - 586-J
Gillis, A. R. - r 210 Hillsboro - 666-J
Gillis, Wm. D. - r 80 School - 673-J
Goff Bros. Ltd. - Boots and Shoes, 128 Richmond - 266
Golf Links - Clubhouse, Lower St. Peters - 574-Y
Good, Samuel J. - r Malpeque Road - R6-12
Goodwill, Mrs. J. - r 84 York - 604-L
Gorbell, G. H. - r 28 Brighton Rd. - 886
Gordon, Daniel - r 137 Rochford - 603
Gordon, J. P. - r 22 Longworth Ave. - 254-J
Gordon and Co. - Wholesale Boots and Shoes, 137½ Grafton - 928
Gough, B. M. - r Malpeque Road - 401
Government Offices. See P. E. I. Government
Grady, T. B. - r 283 Richmond - 359
Grant, Walter S. - Division Supt., 57 Queen - 200
Grant, Walter S. - r 112 North River Rd. - 222
Great West Life Assurance - Office, 61 Queen - 67
Grant, J. W. - r Marshfield - R2-4
Grant, James E. - r 297 Kent - 368-L
Grant, Mrs. Clara E. - r 124 Water - 914-J
Grant, Mrs. Clara E. - Farm, Malpeque Road - R4-5
Grant, Mrs. Clara E. - Summer Cottage, Brighton Shore - 953-23
Great War Veterans Assn. - Bldg, 57 Grafton - 727
Green, Sydney T. - r 88 Weymouth - 895-J
Gregory, Samuel - r St. Peters Road - R2-31
Gregory, Seymour - r St. Avards - 778-JGuardian Pub. Co. - Cor. Kent and Great George
- Private Branch Exchange Connecting all Departments
- Advertising Dept. - 132-3
- Subscription Dept. - 132-2
- News and Edit. Day - 133
- News and Edit. Night - 132, 133
- Jobbing Department - 176 Kent - 420-LHaberdashery - Henderson and Cudmore, 101 Grafton - 502
Hair Dressing and Manicuring Parlor - Murphy's, Sunnyside - 159-L
Hardy, Stanley L. - Harness Maker, 187 Queen - 268-L
Hardy, Stanley L. - r 44 Ambrose - 332-J
Harland - Office, B. Stewart and Co. Whrf. - 773
Harris Abattoir Co., Ltd. - F. B. Conrad Mgr., 85 Queen - 562
Harris, Dr. E. C. - Eye Specialist, Royal Bank Bldg - 68-L
Harris, James E. - Architect Office, DesBrisay Bldg - 726
Harris, James E. - r 8 Greenfield Ave. - 487-L
Harper, Charles R. - r 205 Weymouth - 578
Harper, Hammond - r Mt. Edward Rd. - 511
Harper and Lowther - Sash and Door Factory, 239 Fitzroy - 544-L
Haslam, W. H. - r 20 Elm Ave. - 366-L
Haszard, Mr. Justice - Chambers, Law Courts Bldg. - 430
Haszard, Mr. Justice - r 235 Euston - 142-J
Haszard, L. A. - Groceries and Provisions, 173 Grafton - 742
Haszard, Mrs. G. H. - r 112 Elm Ave. - 573-J
Hayden, L. C. - r 29 Villa - 526-L
Heartz, Frank - r 5 West - 365
Heartz, Edgar - r East Royalty - R2-11
Hegan, J. B. - r 291 Kent - 499
Henderson, G. E. - r 7 Kent - 785-L
Henderson, H. S. - r 47 Euston - 582-L
Henderson and Cudmore - Haberdashery, 101 Grafton - 502
Henderson, Miss Ida I. - r 9 Kent - 249-L
Henderson, John - r 157 Prince - 124-L
Henderson, Wm. - r 91 Fitzroy - 879
Hennessey, Andrew A. - Funeral Dir. And Gen'l Cont'r, 76 Kent - 756-J
Hennessey, F. P. - r 66 Rochford - 218-J
Hennessey, James - r 54 Dorchester - 377-J
Hennessey, M. - Undertaker, 97 Kent - 367-L
Hennessey, Wm. J. - r 51 Euston - 582-J
Henry, Arthur - r 121 Euston - 945
Henry, Harold W. - Plumber, 140 Prince - 920-J
Henry, L. G. - r 300 Fitzroy - 826-L
Heustis, W. A. - r 35 Up. Prince - 469-L
Hickey and Nicholson Tobacco Co., Ltd. - 128 Prince - 345
Higgins, Wallace L. - r 344 Prince - 362-L
Higgins, J. L. - r 2 Hillsboro - 503-J
Higgs and Co. - Insurance Agents, Cameron Block - 403
Higgs, Edmund T. - r 7 Ambrose - 728-L
Hill, J. H. - r 164 Weymouth - 73-L
Hillson, H. R. - r 35 Ambrose - 730
Hobbs, Frank - r 246 Kent - 670-L
Hobkirk, Miss Helen - r 92 Longworth Av. - 88-L
Hodgson, Mrs. G. W. - r 5 Grafton - 287
Hodgson, S. F. - r 15 Kensington Rd. - 82-J
Hogan, M. P. - Sash and Door Factory, 40 Lower Water - 232
Hogan , R. S. - r 127 Water - 120-Y
Hogan, R. S. - Summer Res., Brighton Shore - 953-3
Hogg, W. G. - Office, 156 Richmond - 369-J
Hogg, W. G. - r 42 Brighton Rd. - 775-L
Holbrook, G. H. - r 12 King Square - 549-J
Holl, Herbert E. - r 85 Up. Prince - 537-J
Holman, B. Roy - Mfrs' Agt and Raw Furs, Riley Bldg Queen - 655
Holman, B. Roy - r 202 Prince - 451
Holman, B. Roy - Summer Res., Restview - 953-2
Holroyd, Arthur W. - r Winsloe Rd. - R4-12
Hooper, J. P. - r 143 Euston - 650-J
Hooper, H. C. - r 235 Fitzroy - 324-J
Hooper, Miss Lilias - r 161 Euston - 707-J
Hooper, Holsey - r 140 Pownal - 925
Hooper, Brenton - r St. Peters and Union - R2-2
Horne, Henry - r Winsloe Rd - R8-3
Hopkins, Cortland - r 87 Sydney - 108-L
Hornby, J. J. - r 16 Brighton Rd. - 297
Hornby, J. J. - Summer Res., Keppoch - R5-13Horne, A. and Co. - 129 Kent
- General Offices - 624
- Shipping Office and Show Room - 625
- Central Garage - 168 Kent - 538Horne, Alex - r 57 Fitzroy - 409-J
Horne Bros. - r Winsloe Rd - R4-11
Horne, H. H. - r 130 Elm Ave. - 321
Hornsby's Bakery - R. J. Hornsby, Prop., 9 Up. Queen - 819-L
Hospital for Insane - Falconwood, Lower St. Peters Rd - 161-J
Hospital, Ch'town - 13 Haviland - 17
Hospital, P. E. I. - 71 Kensington Rd. - 145
Hospital, P. E. I. - Housekeeper, 71 Kensington Rd. - 144
Houle, Fred - r 60 Hillsboro - 196-L
Houston, A. F. - r 312 Fitzroy - 335-L
Houston, Dr. J. C. - r 4 Grafton - 512-L
Howard's Shoe Store - 133 Grafton - 192-J
Howard, Miss P. - r 210 Kent - 375-Y
Howatt, B. D. - r 145 Elm Ave - 433-J
Howatt, Miss Evellyn - r 44 School - 380-J
Howatt, J. Hibbert - r 45 Ambrose - 952-J
Howatt, Hiram - r 247 Prince - 636
Howatt, V. T. - r 34 Longworth - 830-J
Huggan, Bruce - r Park Terrace - 857-L
Huggan, W. T. - r 200 Hillsboro - 193
Hughes Drug Co. Ltd. - 150 Queen - 157
Hughes, Frances W. - r 60 Grafton - 756-L
Hughes, G. Gordon - r 163 Euston - 357-J
Hughes, G. E. - r 165 Euston - 357-L
Hughes, G. E. - Summer Res., Inkerman - 633-L
Hughes, G. A. - r 148 Prince - 524-L
Hughes, John M. - r 12 Up. Hillsboro - 844-J
Hughes, The J. J. Co. Ltd. - 86 Queen - 748
Hughes, Wm. S. - Groceries, Pownal - 7-L
Hunter, J. M. - r Grafton and Rochford - 552-L
Hutcheson, G. F. - Optometrist, 99 Grafton - 93-J
Hutcheson, G. F. - r 127 Up. Prince - 635-J
Hutcheson, Mrs. W. A. - r 79 Euston - 408-J
Hyndman and Co. - Insurance Office - 61 Queen - 67
Hyndman, F. W. - r 281 Kent - 212
Hyndman, J. O. - r 9 Longworth Ave. - 382
Hyndman, W. E. - r 119 Rochford - 344
Hynes, L. A. - r 24 Brighton Rd. - 63-JImperial Life Assurance Co. - P. A. Farquharson Dist. Mgr. - 655
Imperial Biscuit Co. Ltd. - Office, Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg. - 74
Imperial Biscuit Co. Ltd. - Factory, 101 Longworth Ave. - 347-L
Imperial Drug Store - H. W. Toombs and Co., 183 Queen - 772
Imperial Oil Co. - E. F. Weaver, Mgr., 29 Queen - 51
Imperial Oil Co. - Tanks, St. Avards - 452
Imperial Tobacco Co. - M. P. Titus, Mgr., 90 Queen - 494
Inman, George S. - Barrister, 146 Richmond - 781
Inman, George S. - r 6 Brighton Rd. - 350-L
Inspector of Dredges - Office, Brown Block Richmond - 390-L
I. O. O. F. Hall - Richmond - 579-J
Irving, Miss K. - r 202 Grafton - 124-J
Irwin Printing Co. Ltd. - Printers and Bookbinders, 19-21 Richmond - 201
Irwin, Archibald - r 15 Richmond - 713
Island Cold Storage - Grafton St. East - 875
- If one line is busy call the other - 296Jacobson, J. - r 69 Dorchester - 947
James, Harry - r 13 Passmore - 258-J
Jamieson, J. G. - Druggist, 133 Queen - 217
Jamieson, J. G. - r 53 Fitzroy - 112-J
Jardine, A. J. - r 68 Edward - 375-R
Jay, Edward E. - r 278 Grafton - 903
Jaynes, Rev. Julian C. - r Keppoch - R5-34
Jenkins, J. D. - r Cor. Prince and Euston - 836
Jenkins, J. D. - r Mt. Edward Rd. - 664-J
Jenkins and Johnson - Merchant Tailors, 159 Kent - 568-J
Jenkins, Dr. S. R. - Office, 51 Grafton - 90
Jenkins, Dr. S. R. - r 80 Brighton Rd. - 243-J
Jenkins and Son - Grocers, 123 Grafton - 237
Jenkins and Son - Grocers, 123 Grafton - 558
Jenkins, Harold - r 36 Brighton Rd. - 255-J
Jenkins, Dr. J. S. - r 126 Pownal - 689
Jenkins, Dr. John S. - r Upton Farm - 458
Jenkins, I. L. - r 252 Euston - 881-L
Jenkins and Jay - Gents Clothing and Furnishings, 152 Kent - 571
Jewers, Reigh - r 32 Spring - 548
Johnson, Miss Annie - r 224 Euston - 374-L
Johnson, Dr. H. D. - Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 275 Richmond - 238-J
Johnson and Johnson - Druggists, 185 Kent - 33
Johnson, Miss - r 6 Water - 9
Johnson, Mrs, R. M. - r Ritz Apts., 55 Up. Prince - 556-L
Johnson, W. J. - r 71 Bayfield - 274-L
Johnston, J. J. - Law Office, 126 Richmond - 197-J
Johnston, J. J. - r 140 Richmond - 513
Johnson, W. H. - Grocer, 289 Fitzroy - 651
Jones, J. Walter - r Bunbury Farm - 486-2
Joseph, Simon - r 44 King - 936Kayes, E. H. - General Groceries, 18 Upper Queen - 819-J
Kelly, Miss Florence - r 130 Fitzroy - 362-J
Kelly, Hammond - r Southport - 847-R
Kelly, James - r 18 Kent - 397-J
Kelly, Joseph - r Southport - R5-3
Kelly, Lawrence - r 16 Dorchester - 821-J
Kemp, Capt. Ernest - r 94 Up. Hillsboro - 673-L
Kennedy, Mrs. Margaret P. - r Great George - 565-J
Kennedy, Samuel - Office and Store, 134 Kent - 693
Kennedy, Samuel - r 49 Longworth Ave. - 677
Kennedy, John - General Groceries, Euston - 356
Kielly, Mrs. Lucy M. - r 197 Kent - 611-L
King, Mrs. John - r 219 Hillsboro - 155-L
King Edward Hotel - Mrs. M. Larter, Prop., 111 Kent - 30-L
Knights of Columbus Hall - Cor. Kent and Pownal - 662Lafferty, E. - r 272 Grafton - 617-L
Laird, D. R. - r 921 Brighton Rd. - 607-J
Lambros Bros. - Pool and Billiards, Shoe Repairing, 139 Grafton - 597
Lamont, Rev. D. M. - r 26 Up. Hillsboro - 904
Langill, Frank - r 79 McGill Ave. - 426-J
Lantz, J. Theodore - r 14 Up. Prince - 707-L
Lapthorne, Henry - N. American Life Ass'nce, 140 Rich'd - 579-L
Lapthorne, Henry - r 52 Longworth - 331-L
Large, Alfred P. - r 64 Bayfield - 738-J
Large Bros. - Livery and Boarding Stables, 198-204 Queen - 30-J
Large, Chas. A. - r 108 Fitzroy - 737-J
Large, H. R. - r 40 Hillsboro - 354-J
Lawson, J. A. - r 62 School - 535
Ledwell, Dr. R. J. - Office, 202 Richmond - 60
Leigh, Charles - r 275 Kent - 36
Lennox Hotel - W. M. McMillan, Prop., 140 Water - 497-J
LePage, B. W. - r 133 Fitzroy - 449-L
LePage Brady Co. Ltd. - Wholesale Boots and Shoes, 156 Queen - 812
LePage, W. R. - r 222 Pownal - 907-L
Lewin, Wm. G. - r 57 Bayfield - 467
Lewis, John B. - r West Royalty - 459-J
Lewis, Mrs. George - r West Royalty - 459-L
Lewis, James - r 48 Admiral - 110-L
Lightizer, George - r Up. Queen - 426-L
Ling, Sam - Shoe Shine Parlor, 164 Queen - 722-L
Lohnes, A. - Broom Factory, Pickard's Whf. - 831
Lonergan, James - r 57 Euston - 702-J
Long Bros. - Hide Dealers, 110 Euston - 383-J
Long, W. H. - r Elm Ave. - 830-Y
Longworth, C. H. B. - r 181 Fitzroy - 666-L
Longworth, H. W. - r 96 Up. Prince - 11
Longworth, R. V. - r 29 Up. Prince - 688
Lord, Mrs. Artemas - r 100 Brighton Rd - 255-L
Louson, Mrs. W. S. - r 31 Ambrose - 44
Love, E. G. - r St. Avards - 347-J
Love, H. J. - r 86 Edward - 839-L
Love's Transfer - 213 Great George - 755
Lowe, Henry C. - r 240 Hillsboro - 233
Lowe, Samuel - r 238 Hillsboro - 425
Lyons, Charles and Co. - Coal Dealers, 14 Queen - 111
Lyons, Mrs. Charles - r 51 Fitzroy - 466
Lyon, A. E. - Photographer, 107 Queen - 809-JMaddigan, R. F. and Co. - Grocers, 79 Queen - 45
Maddigan, R. F. - r 125 Pownal - 478-L
Magdalene, S. S. - Office, Brace Stewart Whf - 828
Mallett, Mrs. Charlotte - r 46 Greenfield Ave. - 776-L
Mallett, J. A. - r 145 Euston - 650-L
Mallaby, P. G. - r 10 Haviland - 944
Malcom, J. H. - r 7 West - 28
Malone, Rev. E. M. - r 21 Fitzroy - 533
Mansom, John H. - r Southport - 560-R
Marine Dept. - Capt. Taylor's Office, Cor. King and Gt. Geo. - 550
Marine Dept. - Offices, Cor. King and Gt. Geo. - 551
Marine Dept. - Wharf, Marine Wharf - 100
Maritime Branch Canadian Air Force Ass. - 57 Grafton - 727
Maritime Electric Co. Ltd. - Office, 69 Grafton - 130
Maritime Export Co. - Office and W'house, 51 Queen - 259
Maritime Stationers Ltd. - Store, 135 Grafton - 127
Martin, K. J. and K. M. - Barristers, 156 Richmond - 648
Martin, K. J. - r 178 Weymouth - 198
Martin, Kenneth M. - r 83 Up. Prince - 134-L
Mason, Herbert - r Bunbury - R1-14
Masonic Hall - 71 Grafton - 65-L
Massey, Harris Co. - Agricultural Implements, 130 Kent - 10
Matheson, Malcom - r 199 Dorchester - 525-L
Matheson, Miller - r Mt. Edward Rd. - 468-J
Mathieson, Chief Justice - Judges Chambers, Law Courts Bldg. - 15-L
Mathieson, Chief Justice - r 1 Grafton - 206
Messervey, J. A. - r Cor. Fitzroy and Queen - 360
Messervey, J. A. - Summer Res., Langley Beach - R5-32
Metherell, Miss M. - r 139 King - 194-J
Miller Bros - Piano Warerooms, 145 Great George - 555
Miller, H. E. - r 283 Fitzroy - 898
Miller, J. A. - r 46 Up. Hillsboro - 705-J
Miller, W. A. - r Oakwood, East R. - 253
Miles, C. Lomer - r 50 Longworth Av. - 825
Mills and Thorne - Meat Market, 235 Hillsboro - 334
Mitchell, Charles J. - r 219 Dorchester - 196-J
Mitchell, Mrs. F. S. - r 81 Euston - 283
Mitchell, Ivan S. - r St. Avards - 561-L
Moirs Limited - Office and W'house, 33 Queen - 816
Monaghan, J. H. - r 193 Westmount - 792-L
Montgomery, Mrs. Penelope - r 105 North River - 26-J
Moore and McLeod Ltd. - Office Mantles and Wall Paper Millinery - 49
Moore and McLeod Ltd. - Men's Clothing, Furnishings, Dry Goods, Linens, 119-121 Queen - 50
Moore, D. C. - r East Royalty - R3-11
Moore, G. M. - r 40 Brighton Rd. - 195-L
Moore, Geo. V. - r 53 Water - 384-J
Moore, Harold A. - r 9 Dorchester - 821-L
Moore, Harold - r Cor. Kent and Weymouth - 559-L
Moore, S. C. - r 285 Kent - 8
Moore, S. C. - Summer Res., Inkerman - 633-Y
Moore, Ted - r 93 Sydney - 547-J
Moran, M. J. - r 223 Weymouth - 570-J
Moran, Wm. - r 10 Water - 641-L
Moran, J. C. - r 232 Queen - 733
Morrell Hotel - Claude McMillan, 136 Kent - 175-l
Morris and Smith - Boots and Shoes, 127 Queen - 58
Morris, W. F. - r 221 Weymouth - 178
Morris, J. and T. - Office, 75-79 Water - 191
Morris, T. W. - r 131 Water - 687
Morris, John S. - r 11 Brighton Ave. - 653
Morrison, Albert E. - r 201 Prince - 436
Moreside, K. G. - r Winsloe Road - R8-32
Morrow, Fraser T. - r 30 Pleasant - 514-J
Morson and Duffy - Law Office, 130 Richmond - 4
Mount St. Mary's - Mt. Edward Road - 454-L
Mullen, James L. - r 58 Cumberland - 339-J
Mulligan, Rev. Wm. Orr - r 20 Brighton Rd. - 935
Munn, J. R. - r Marshfield - R2-5
Murchison, Capt. J. J. - r 38 Orlebar - 951
Murnaghan, J. F. - r 28 Pownal - 870
Munroe, John - r 263 Richmond - 294-L
Munroe, W. L. - 90 Edward - 581-L
Murley, C. H. - Printing and Book Binding, 90 Dorchester - 861
Murley, Isaac - r 233 Queen - 271-J
Murley, Jas. M. - r 7 Spring - 796-J
Murray, Mrs. Adam - r 113 Grafton - 522-L
Murphy, Miss Ann - r 215 Great George - 599
Murphy, A. F. - r 126 Kent - 929
Murphy's Hair Dressing Apartments - Sunnyside - 159-L
Mutch, F. A. Allen - r 132 Water - 497-L
Mutch, Hope - r Keppoch - R5-44
Mutch, Perley - r Southport - R5-6
Mutch, R. E. and Co. - Wholesale Grocers, 75 Grafton - 284
Mutch, R. E. - r 185 Euston - 374-J
Mutch, R. E. - Summer Res., Brighton Shore - 953-22
Mutch, Solomon - r Bunbury - R1-22
Mutch, W. A. - r Hopeton - 847-L
Mutual Life Assn. Of Can. - Office, 135 Kent - 190McBride, James - r 5 Spring - 154-L
McCallum, J. W. F. - r 49 Water - 680-J
McCarey, Joseph - r 68 Great George - 627
McCormack, G. J. - General Insurance - 117 Kent - 651-J
McCormack, G. J. - r 60 Sydney - 838-L
McCready, J. E. B. - r 68 Pownal - 438
MacCurry, J. B. - Dominion Laboratory of Plant Technology - 143-J
MacCurry, J. B. - r The Russ. - 479
McDearmid, Geo. - r 275 Sydney - 743-J
MacDonald, Mrs. J. B. - r 171 Dorchester - 557-L
MacDonald, Miss Lillian - r 287 Richmond - 895-L
MacDonald, Peter J. - General Grocery, Cor. Prince and Kent - 888
McDonald, S. Albert - r 25 Hillsboro - 503-L
McDonald, Alex - r 308 Euston - 331-J
McDonald, Alex A. - r 96 Up. Hillsboro - 140-J
MacDonald, A. E. - Clothes Cleaned, Rep., and Pressed, 170 Queen - 470-J
McDonald, Miss Florence H. - r 2a Stewart - 381-L
MacDonald, Frank J. - r 270 Sydney - 949
McDonald, George - r Southport - R5-21
MacDonald, J. A. r 37 Pownal - 807-J
McDonald, J. Augustus - r 124 Fitzroy - 671-L
Macdonald, J. F. - r Ritz Apts., 55 Up. Prince - 620
McDonald, J. Peter - 125 Rochford - 658-L
McDonald, L. - Tailor, 136 Great George - 394-L
McDonald, L. - r 6 Ambrose - 649-J
McDonald and McKinnon - Druggists, 149 Gt. George - 315
MacDonald and McPhee - Barristers, Riley Bldg. - 845-L
McDonald, Reuben - r Hillcrest Ave. - 849-L
McDonald, Conductor Robert - r 93 Hillsboro - 572
MacDonald, R. J. - r 147 Elm Ave. - 272-L
McDonald, Ray - r 304 Richmond - 801-L
Macdonald, Ronald - r 171 Hillsboro - 261-L
McDonald and Rowe - Woodworking Co., 36 Lower Water - 341-J
McDonald, S. A. - Dry Goods and Clothing, 129 Queen - 48
McDonald, S. A. - r 45 Fitzroy - 126-J
McDougall, A. W. and McAuley - Carpenters and Contractors, 236 Kent - 670-J
McDougall, Archibald - r 209 Euston - 739-J
McDougall, C. M. - Bicycle Repairer, 229 Gt. George - 759
McDougall, Rev. Ewen - r 52 Up. Hillsboro - 445-L
McDougall, Ewen - r 89 Up. Prince - 498-J
MacDougall, H. A. - r 107 Weymouth - 942-J
McDougall, Neil - r 129 Up. Prince - 610-J
McDuff, J. J. - Office, Prowse Block, Grafton - 322
McEachern, A. E. r 9 Grafton - 512-J
McEachern, Benj. R. H. - r 196 Fitzroy - 632
McEachern, Charles - r 179 Kent - 279-L
McEachern, Eugene H. - r 248 Grafton - 668
McEachern, James, 2 12 Elm Ave. - 109
McEachern, Dr. J. A. - Eye Specialist - 127 Grafton - 353-L
McEwen, Douglas - r 280 Grafton - 339-L
McEwen, J. E. R. - r 293 Richmond - 265-L
McFarlane, H. H. - r 87 Up. Prince - 134-J
McGrath, Mrs. Rosa B. - r 19 Up. Queen - 719-L
McGregor, Mrs. Chas - r 22 Longworth Ave. - 254-J
McGregor, Cyril E. - r 219 Fitzroy - 909-J
McGuigan, Dr. J. D. - Office, 196 Richmond - 527
McGuigan, Mark R. - Barrister, Cameron Block - 672-2
McIntyre, Dr. Heath - Dentist, 130 Richmond - 471
McIntyre, Dr. Heath - r 122 Prince - 241-J
MacInnis, A. J. - r 15 Pownal - 641-J
McInnis' Bakery - A. N. McInnis, Prop., 15 Granville- 813-L
McInnis, Mrs. Edith - r 25 Richmond - 902
McInnis, J. Brent - r 175 Hillsboro - 453
McInnis, John - r Winsloe N. - R9-112
McInnis, J. A. - r 133 King - 423-J
McIsaac, Stephen and Son - Electricians, 168 Queen - 722-J
McKay, Alex R. - r East Royalty - R2-3
MacKay, C. L. - r 218 Kent - 456-L
McKay, D. A. - r 187 Prince - 220-L
McKearney, Miss Ella M. - r 227 Queen - 531-J
McKendrick, J. C. - r Malpeque Rd. - 664-L
McKenna, John - r 179 Dorchester - 246-L
McKenna, Patrick F. - r 86 Sydney - 89-L
McKenzie, John K. - r 50 School - 327-J
McKenzie, J. T. - Tailor, 174 Queen - 273-J
McKenzie, J. T. - r 277 Richmond - 378-L
McKenzie, Miss Minnie - r 18 Haviland - 946
McKenzie, Murdock - r 31 Passmore - 372-J
McKenzie, Neil - r 126 Rochford - 658J
McKee, Frank N. - r 163 Dorchester - 811-J
McKee, James T. - r 59 Hillsboro - 681
McKie, Boyce - r Keppoch - R5-23
Mackie and Co. - Feed and Groceries, Grafton East - 441
McKie, W. S. - r 254 Kent - 375-L
McKinley, B. S. - r 234 Richmond - 177-L
MacKinnon, Miss Annette - r 201 Grafton - 897-J
McKinnon, Archd - 183 King - 246-J
MacKinnon, D. A. - r 94 Brighton Rd. - 332-L
McKinnon, D. A. - r 3 Kent - 121-J
McKinnon, Col. D. A. - r 23 Pownal - 703
McKinnon, Col. D. A. - Private Stables, Pownal - 477-J
McKinnon, Donald, r "Sidmount", 127 No. River Rd. - 110-J
McKinnon Drug Co. - Store, 159 GT. George - 219
MacKinnon, F. M. - r Up. Pk. Rd. - 545-L
McKinnon, Lieut-Governor - 61 Grafton - 129
McKinnon, J. J. - Office, 41- 43 Queen -320
McKinnon, J. J. - r 2 Brighton Rd. - 346-L
McKinnon and McNeill - Law Office, 90 Gt. George - 64
McLaine, Preston - r 187 King - 841-L
McLaine's Service Station - 186 Grafton - 860
MacLaren, Ernest - r 31 Hillsboro - 596
MacLaren, Irvine J. - r 83 Cumberland - 617-J
MacLaren, John A. - r 79 Hillsboro - 534-L
MacLaren, W. A. - r 84 Longworth Ave. - 168-J
McLauren, Mrs. Robt. - r 10 Prince - 120-J
McLean, Cleaver - r 220 King - 905
McLean, Mrs. James - r 194 Prince - 228-L
McLean, Murdie - r 306 Kent - 740
McLean and McKinnon - Law Office, Royal Bank Bldg. - 61
McLennan Bros. - Tailors, 153 Queen - 250
MacLennan, Dr. Wm. L. - Dentist, Riley Bldg., Queen - 866
MacLennan, Mrs. D. R. - r 237 Prince - 228-J
MacLeod, Allison - r 183 Queen - 852
McLeod and Bentley - Law Office , 180 Richmond - 80
McLeod, Douglas K. - r 295 Fitzroy - 864-J
McLeod, D. Milton - r 57 Prince - 244-J
MacLeod, Miss Elsie - r St. Avards - 778-L
McLeod, Hector - r 46 Highland Ave. - 647-L
McLeod, Mrs. J. C. - r 75 Up. Prince - 516-L
McLeod, Mrs. J. D. - r 89 Hillsboro - 536
MacLeod, John and Co. - Tailors, 173 Queen - 185-J
MacLeod, John - r 7 Euston - 397-L
McLeod, J. S. - r North River Rd. - 199-L
MacLeod, John T. - r 24 Chestnut - 802-J
McLeod, M and A. - Grocers, Cor. Dorchester and Prince - 244-L
McLeod, Miss M. I. - r 121 Euston - 945
McLeod and McInnis - Tobacco Mfgrs., 192 Fitzroy - 720-J
Macleod, Murdock - r 233 Richmond - 241-L
McLeod, Murdock - r 7 Prince - 227-R
McLeod, M. N. - r 206 Grafton - 507-J
McLeod, S. A. - r 130 Water - 817-J
McLure, Chester - Mgr. Fur Sales Bd., 146 Richmond - 589
McLure, Chester - r Suite 9, Queen II - 396
McMahon, Thomas - r 100 Richmond - 939-J
McMillan, Miss Christina - r 127 Pownal - 231-J
McMillan, James A. - r 22 Brighton Rd. - 415-J
McMillan, John - r 7 Richmond - 924-J
McMillan, John D. - r 70 Pownal - 424
McMillan, L. B. - r 196 Prince - 27
McMilllan, L. B. Summer Res., Inkerman - 953-1
McMillan, Dr. W. J. P. - R 105 Kent - 520
McMillan, Dr. W. J. P. - Summer res., Keppoch - R5-12
McNair, Mrs. A. - r 265 Richmond - 242
McNeill, A. A. - General Store, Winsloe Station - R4-4
McNeill, A. K. - r Southport - R5-111
McNeill, R. N. - r 238 Queen - 605-L
McNeill, Dr. R. - r 137 Pownal - 704-J
McNevin, P. W. - r Pickards Wharf - 706
McNevin, John - Com. Merchant, 36 Queen - 384-L
McNevin, E. M. - r 10 Granville - 948
McNutt, Mrs. Peter - r 80 Euston - 381-J
NcNutt, T. Edgar - Insurance Agent, DesBrisay Bldg. - 726
McNutt, T. Edgar, r 34 Brighton Rd. - 63-L
McNutt and White Lrd. - Automobiles and Accessories - 159 Queen - 521
MacPherson, L. J. - r 15 Passmore - 738-L
McQuaid, Ernest - r 202 Sydney - 891-L
McQuaid, George - Tailor, 178 Queen - 367-J
McQuaid, Peter - r 267 Sydney - 405
McQuillan, John and Co. - Produce Dealers, 68 Queen - 203-J
McRae, Andrew and Son - r Central Royalty - R3-5
McRae, Fred T. - r Central Royalty - R3-4
McRae, K. F. - r St. Peters Road - 779-L
McWilliams, Aldred - r 24 Up. Hillsboro - 621-JNash, F. J. - r 86 Up. Prince - 498-L
Nash, Miss Sue M. - r 214 Kent - 456-J
Navy League Bldg. - 1 Dundas Esplanade - 156
Nelson, A. E. - Gro. And Pro., 327 Grafton - 379
New England Cafe - 92 Queen - 260
Newbery, A. - r 12 Haviland - 181
Newsom, F. R. - r 12 Ambrose - 431
Newsom, Peter - r 10 Ambrose - 649-L
Newsom, Harold - r Mt. Edward Road - 143-L
Newsom, Mrs. John - r 175 Euston - 301
Nicholson, Donald - r 120 Prince - 628
Nicholson, Ed. D. - r 13 Fitzroy - 615
Nicholson, J. P. - r 61 Rochford - 107-L
Norton, Mrs. E. H. - r 3 King Square - 549-L
Norton, Mrs. R. B. - r 76 Up. Prince - 38-L
Nunn, Cephas - r Winsloe Road - R8-13
Nunn, Oliver - r Winsloe Road - R8-120
Nunn, Reagh - r Winsloe Road - R8-211Oakes, Robert B. - Victory Bakery, 34 School - 849-J
O'Donnell, J. E. - r 92 Brighton Rd. - 660
Offer, James D. - r 62 Gt. George - 505-J
Ordnance Office - 106 Brighton Rd. - 3
Oulton, H. C. - r Southport - 560-Y
Owen, W. E. W. - r 128 Pownal - 777Palmer, H. J. - r 187 Prince - 674
Palmer, P. E. - r 100 Brighton Rd. - 255-L
Palmer and Palmer - Law Office, Bank of Nova Scotia - 85
Palmer-Watson Electrical Co. - Elect. Cont., 256 Queen - 55
Paoli, Simon P. - r 247 Grafton - 682
Paquet, J. J. - r 15 Elm Ave. - 565-L
Parkman, E. E. - r 13 Euston - 346-J
Parkman, Frederick - r St. Peters Road - R2-6
Parson, E. E. Co. Ltd. - 5, 10, 15 ¢ Store, 129-131 Grafton - 692-J
Partridge, Mrs. C. L. - r 221 Water - 227-J
Passmore, J. G. - Grocer, 211 Euston - 720-L
Paton, J. Rowland - Broker Office - 132 1/2 Great George - 822
Paton, J. Rowland - r 20 No. River Rd. - 295-L
Paton's Limited - Dry Goods, etc., 136 Richmond - 96
- Private Branch Exchange, Connecting all Departments
Patriot Job Printing Dept. - 141 Richmond - 672-L
Patriot Pub. Co. - Business Office, 162 Richmond - 306
- If one line is busy, please call the other - 307
Patterson, C. W. - Jeweller, 136 Gt. George - 394-J
Patterson, Mrs. Mary - Residence, 17 King Square - 388-L
Peake, Arthur G. - r North River Rd. - 26-L
Peake, E. DeB. R 96 Elm Ave - 484-J
Pearden House - W. A. Pearden, Prop., 225 Water - 640-L
Pearden, William - r 25 Up. Queen - 911
Perry and Co. - Battery Service, 93 Euston - 714-J
Peppen, S. G. - r 53 Orlebar - 380-L
Peters, A. - Grocer, 192 Queen - 470-L
Peters, Adrian - r 17 Upper Prince - 413
Peters, Dennis - Tobacco Store, 93 Queen - 366
Peters, Rev. O. H. - Methodist Parsonage, Winsloe Road - R8-2
Pethick, Dr. W. H. - r 299 Euston - 485-L
Phillips, Henry J. - 35 Grafton - 173-L
Phillips, Thomas H. - 122 Up. Prince - 38-R
Pickard, A. and Co. - Coal, 38 Lower Water - 240
Pickard, Alfred - r 148 Euston - 37
Pickard, Alfred - Summer Res., Brighton Shore - 953-11
Pickard, Thomas - r 103 Euston - 434
Pickard, Harold L. - r 54 Bayfield - 517-L
Pickard, Russel - r 110 Euston - 383-J
Pierce, John S. - r 65 Rochford - 173-J
Police Station - City Building Cor. Queen and Kent - 14
Pomeroy, A. A. - r 12 Brighton Road - 256-J
Poole, L. M. and Co. - Lumber Merchants, Connolly Wharf - 172
Poole, Mrs. L. M. - Summer Res., Keppoch - R5-14
Pope, Percy - Ass. Receiver General, P. O. Bldg. - 329
Post Office - Dominion Bldg. - 34
Post Office Inspector's Office - Dominion Bldg. - 422
Power, Vincent - r 12 York - 419-J
Praught, Joseph A. - r 217 King - 718
Prince Edward Island Bible Society - St. Paul's, Prince - 938
Prince Edward Theatre - C. J. Gallagher, Mgr. - 506
Prince of Wales College - Block Kent - 457-J
Prohibition Commission - Office - 75 Dorchester - 709
Prohibition Commission - Henry Smith, Sect'y., Law Courts Bldg. - 642
Proude and Moreside - Horse Shoeing and Blacksmith - 223 Gt. George - 813-J
Proude, P. J. - r 98 Upr. Hillsboro - 705-L
Provincial Bank of Canada - 164 Richmond - 770
Prowse Bros. Ltd. - Dry Goods, Men's Wear and Carpets, Richmond - 805
Prowse Bros, Ltd. - Clothing, etc., 98-106 Queen - 806
Prowse, B. C. - r 162 Dorchester - 35
Prowse, George L. - The Toggery , 144 Richmond - 757
Prowse, Goerge L. - r 19 Longworth Ave. - 254-L
Prowse, Harold L. - r Winsloe Rd. - R8-210
Prowse, Herbert T. - r 79 Prince - 878
Prowse, L. E. - r 267 Richmond - 123
Prowse, L. E. Summer Res., Langley Beach - R5-31
Prowse, T. W. L. - r 17 Villa Ave. - 508
Prowse, Waldron B. - Rooms, 53 Euston - 91
Prowse, W. B. and Sons. - Automobile Dealers, 174 Gt. George - 94
P.E.I. Co-op, Egg, and Poultry Assn. - Office, 201 Weymouth - 575
P.E.I. Fox Biscuit Co. - Cor Pownal and Dorchester - 115
P.E.I. Hay and Produce Co. - 187 Gt. George - 543
P.E.I. Hospital - 71 Kensington Rd. - 145
P.E.I. Hospital - Housekeeper, 71 Kensington Rd. - 144P.E.I. Government Offices:
- Dept of Agriculture Office - Prov. Building - 300
- Dept. of Public Works Office - Prov. Building - 305
- Premier's Office - Prov. Building - 326-J
- Attorney - General's Office - Prov. Building - 251
- Educational Office - Prov. Building - 326-L
- Prothonotary Office - Court House - 66
- Provincial Secretary's Office - Prov. Building - 303
- Women's Institute Office - Kindergarten Hall - 447-LP.E.I.. Railway Offices:
- Information Office - Railway Station - 138
- Master Mechanic - Office, Round House - 684
- District Passenger Agent - Office, Railway Station - 137
- Freight - Office, Freight Shed - 29
- City Freight Agent - Office, Greight Shed - 901
- Division Freight Agent - Office, Railway Station - 139
- Trian Despatcher - Office, Railway Station - 592
- General Supd't. - Office, Railway Station - 410
- Stores Dept. - Office, Railway Station - 248-J
- Machine Shop - Machine Shop - 841-JP.E.I. Telephone System - Building No. 1, 57 Queen - Building No. 2, 69-73 Queen
- Division Supdt. - Office, Building No. 1 - 200
- Division Accountant. - Office, Building No. 1 - 2
- Accounting Dept.. - Office, Building No. 1 - 158
- Revenue Dept.. - Toll Office, Building No. 1 - 600
- Chief Operator. - Operating Room, Building No. 1 - 290
- Wire Chief. - Office, Building No. 1 - 165
- Enquiry Clerk. - Operating Room, Building No. 1 - 290
- Storekeeper - Stores Building No. 2 - 762-L
- Charlottetown Commercial Office. - Building No. 1 - 5-J
- Inspector's Room - Building No. 2 - 761
- Line Foreman - Building No. 2 - 762-J
- Trouble Clerk. - Operating Room, Building No. 1 - 290
- Operator's Rest Room - Building No. 1 - 290
- Plant Accountant - Building No. 1 - 5-l
Purdie Ferguson Shoe Co. - 137 Grafton - 522-J
Puncher, Miss Elsie - r 105 Hillsboro - 612-L
Purdy, Mrs. Ira - r 5 King Square - 389-L
Pyke, Mrs. Stephen H. - r Gaytown - 264-JQuarantine Hospital - Keppoch - R5-22
Queen Hotel - 89-103 Water - 32
Queen's County Jail - 113-129 St. Avard's - 414
Queen's County Garage Co. - Ford Agency, 156 Kent - 890
Quinn, John - Taxi and Cab Service, 43 Water - 846-LRailway Offices - see P.E.I. Railway
Ranahan, Thomas - r 259 Queen - 618
Rankin Drug Store - Druggist, 131 Gt. George - 116
Rattenbury, Arnold - r 21 Gt. George - 276
Rattenbury, John M. - r 11 Pownal - 411-J
Rattenbury, Nelson - r 192 Gt. George - 564-J
Rattenbury, N. Ltd. - Wholesale Grocers, 105-107 Water - 77
Rattenbury, N. Ltd. - Private Office, 19 Gt. George - 78
Rattenbury, N. Ltd. - Warehouse, Rochford - 285-J
Raymond, Rev. H. D. - r 197 Richmond - 160-J
Reardon, Charles L. - Meat Market - 83 Hillsboro - 612-J
Reardon, J. F. - Sample Rooms, 86 Queen - 89-J
Reardon, J. F. - r 9 King Square - 437-J
Reardon, M. W. - r 188 Prince - 908
Red Cross Society - Office, G.W.V.A. Building - 432
Reddin, L. J. - r Admiral - 446-J
Reddin Bros. - Druggists , 132 Richmond - 86
Reddin, D. O'M. - r 96 Brighton Rd. - 243-L
Reddin, Ted - r 90 Brighton Rd. - 226-J
Reid, Dr. A. B. - Dentist, 127 Grafton - 349-L
Reid, Dr. A. B. - r 102 Prince - 563-J
Reid, W. J. - r 109 North River - 884
Reliance Garage - Auto Repairing, etc., Lr. Queen - 490
Revell, J. T. - r 26 Longworth Ave. - 783
Revere Hotel - P. S. Brown, Prop., 119 Kent - 351-L
Rexall Drug Store - 159 Gt. George - 219
Riggs, J. E. - r 110 Hillsboro - 149
Riley, D. J. - r 88 Pownal - 523
Riley, T. B. and D. J. - Tobacco Factory, 49 Queen - 230
Riley, T. B. - r 240 Sydney - 235-J
Ritchie and Co., J. A. - W'sale Eggs and P'duce, Sydney and Prince - 41-J
Ritchie, G. Elmer - r 153 Prince - 18-L
Ritchie, Geo. W. - r 21 Greenfield Ave. - 915
Ritchie, J. A. - r 51 Up. Hillsboro - 530-L
Ritz Apartments - Janitors Residence, 55 Up. Prince - 601-L
Robins, Dr. T. E. Earl - Dentist, Royal Bank Bldg. - 588
Robins, W. F. - r 296 Grafton - 457-L
Roberts, Alfred - r Winsloe Rd. - R8-121
Roberts, Arthur B. - r Winsloe Rd. - R8-5
Roberts, Fredk - Meat and Groc. Store, 95 Richmond - 712
Roberts, Robert H. - r Winsloe North - R8-111
Robinson, D. M. - r Winsloe Rd. - R8-131
Robertson, Geo. A. W. - r Ritz Apts., 55 Up. Prince - 601-J
Robertson, Mrs. (Dr.) - r 21 Up. Prince - 912
Robertson, J. A. - r 155 Kent - 752-L
Robertson, Mrs. (Senator) - r 87 Up. Prince - 134-J
Robertson, W. B. - r 23 Up. Prince - 469-J
Robblee, J. W. - Young Men's Wear, 135 Gt. George - 141
Rodd, Hammond - r Winsloe Rd. - R8-122
Rodd, Miss Mary J. - r 150 Elm Ave. - 790
Rodd, T. Vernon - r 18 Bishop - 366-J
Rodd, W. W. - Empire Hotel, 225 Queen - 443-J
Rogers, Benj. - r 252 Prince - 252-J
Rogers, Mrs. Ethel - r 78 Up. Prince - 556-J
Rogers, George J. - r 230 Prince - 608
Rogers Hardware Co. Ltd. - W'sale and Retail Hdwe, Queen - 105
Rogers Hardware Co. Ltd. - Pri. Office, 137 Queen - 583
Rogers, Keith S. - r 53 Bayfield - 272-J
Rogers, R. H. - r 61 Pownal - 838-J
Rogers, T. B. - r 51 Bayfield - 918-L
Rogers, W. K. Co. Ltd. - Office, 94 Gt. George - 540
Rogers, W. K. Co. Ltd. - Private Office, 94 Gt. George - 541
Rogers, W. K. - r 169 Euston - 252-L
Rombough, J. B. - r Mt. Edward Rd. - 554
Roop, J. M. - r 40 Greenfield Ave. - 657
Roper, F. H. - r 49 Orlebar - 815-J
Roper, James F. - r Sherwood - R3-2
Roper, John B. - r Sherwood - R3-3
Rose and Grey - Tea Rooms, 132 Richmond - 86
Ross, Dr. A. - Office and Residence, 165 Prince - 611-J
Ross, Charles - Tailor, Cl'ing and Pressing, 182 Queen - 273-L
Ross, J. K. - N. A. Life Assur. Co., Bank of N. S. Bldg - 74
Ross, Mrs. John - r 11 Chestnut - 531-L
Ross, Murdock - Tailor, 150 Gt. George - 387
Ross, Murdock, r - 42 Up. Prince - 171-L
Rotary Club - Sec'ys Office, 36 Lr. Water - 849-L
Royal Bank of Canada - 111 Queen - 16
Royal Bank of Canada - Mgr's Office, 111 Queen - 358
Rowe, W. M. - r 2 Grafton - 482-L
Russ Hotel - Mrs. Wallen and McInnis, Prop's., 181 Prince - 479
Ryan, D. D. - r 172 Sydney - 504
Ryan, George S. - r 178 Fitzroy - 622
Ryan, Rev. W. M. - Parsonage, 220 Richmond - 587Sampel, Miss Lovellyn - r Dorchester - 354-L
Saunders, Newsom and Co. - Daily Meat Market, Mkt Bld. - 81
Saunders, E. G. - r 56 Orlebar - 542-L
Saunders, E. G. - Farm, Winsloe - R4-31
Saunders, John - r 54 Orlebar - 678-J
Saunders, Oliver - r Winsloe Rd. - R8-11
Saunders, Lee W. - r 164 Fitzroy - 638-L
School Board - Sec'ys Office, Gt. George - 114
School of Music - Kindergarten Bldg. - 897-L
Shaw, D. Edgar - r 199 Weymouth - 881-J
Scott, Alex - r 170 No. River Rd. - 956-J
Seaman, Mrs. Chas. - r 93 King - 113-R
Seaman, J. D. - r 63 Bayfield - 417
Sellar, A. B. - r Winsloe Rd. - R8-21
Seller, Mrs. F. H. - r 263 Grafton - 496-J
Seller, Wm. T. - r 244 Kent - 559-J
Sentner, Theodore - Tailor Shop, 124 Kent - 510-J
Sharp, G. A. - r 295 Richmond - 294-J
Shaw, D. R. H. - r 172 Weymouth - 595
Shaw, H. H. - r 80 Prince - 442
Shaw, Victor H. - Mt. Edward Rd. - 6-L
Shelfoon, J. A. - r 71 McGill Ave. - 585
Sims, J. C. - r 249 Prince - 386
Sims Packing Co. Ltd. - Office, Cor. Kent and Mills - 492
Simmonds, J. P. - r 183 Euston - 739-L
Simmons, G. H. - r Spring Park Rd. - 656
Simpson, H. M. - Gen'l Insurance, 156 Richmond - 369-J
Simpson, H. M. - r 11 Rochford Sq. - 19
Simpson, Roberts Co. Ltd. - Office, Water - 170
Simpson, Roberts Co. Ltd. - Warehouse, Bruce Stewart's Wharf - 769
Sinclair, A. C. - r 14 Brighton Rd. - 256-L
Singer Sewing Machine Co. - Office, 115 Kent - 510-L
Slackford, Harry - r Winsloe Rd. - R8-4
Small, Miss Gladys - r 90 Water - 113-J
Smallwood, C. R. - Law Office, 150 Richmond - 169
Smallwood, C. R. - r 122 N. River Rd. - 84
Smallwood, Dr. F. E. - Dentist, Desbrisay Bldg. - 93-L
Smallwood, Dr. F. E. - r 19 Villa - 20-L
Smallwood, Francis - r St. Peters Rd. - 779-R
Smallwood, H. C. - r Bunbury - R1-11
Smallwood, P. L. - Grocer, 35 Bayfield - 12
Smallwood, P. L. - Summer Res., Inkerman - 633-R
Smith, Mrs. A. E. - r 255 Richmond - 491-L
Smith, Henry - r 84 Hillsboro - 75
Smith, Richard - r 30 Brighton Rd. - 195-J
Smith, Samuel - r 16 School - 140-L
Smith. T. L. - Grocer, Cumberland Sq. - 238-L
Smith, Water A. - r 14 Bayfield - 316
Smith, W. H. - r East Royalty - 574-J
Snelgrove, Geo. W. - r 228 Hillsboro - 632-J
Soldiers' Settlement Bd. - Office, P. O. Bldg., Queen - 701
Spencer, W. G. - r 46 Brighton Ave. - 602
Spillett, R. E. - r 157 Weymouth - 352-J
Stamper, Misses - r 252 Grafton - 52
Stanley, Shaw and Pearden - Hardware, etc., 161 Gt. George - 263
Stanley, Joseph R. - 35 Elm Ave. - 392-J
Stanway, H. - r 70 Prince - 528-J
Steele, Daniel - r 322 Kent - 352-L
Steele, G. D. - r 304½ Euston - 515-L
Steele, James - r 51 Elm Ave. - 221-L
Steele, Frank - r 106 Fitzroy - 652-L
Sterns, Harvey - 191 Kent - 220-J
Sterns Steam Laundry - Cor. Hillsboro and Kent - 104
Sterns, A. W. - r 73 Cumberland - 378-J
Sterns, E. D. - r 238 Pownal - 729
Stevenson, W. H. - r 100 Edward - 874
Stewart Bakery - Bakery, 163 Kent - 211
Stewart, Bruce and Co. Ltd. - Bus. Office, 6 Gt. George - 62
Stewart, Bruce and Co. Ltd. - Works Office, Foot Gt. George - 125
Stewart, Bruce and Co. Ltd. - Stores Office, Foot Gt. George - 810
Stewart, Bruce and Co. Ltd. - Ship Chandlery, 18-20 Queen - 117
Stewart, Bruce and Co. Ltd. - Office, Wharf - 828
Stewart, Bruce and Co. - Imperial Garage, B. Stewart's Whf. - 483
Stewart, Bruce, r 14 Water - 39
Stewart, Charles P. - r Keppoch - R5-42
Stewart, Mrs. D. - r 155 Kent - 568-L
Stewart, Mrs. Daniel - r 185 Prince - 279-J
Stewart, D. B. - Insurance Office, 88 Gt. George - 79-L
Stewart, D. B. - r 14 Dundas Espl. - 71-J
Stewart, F. M. - r 69 Rochford - 23-Y
Stewart, H. M. - r 165 Kent - 923
Stewart, J. D. - Barrister, 84 Great George - 292
Stewart, J. D. - r 301 Kent - 224
Stewart, James W. - r 120 Cumberland - 661-J
Stewart, Judge - r Cor. Richmond and Weymouth - 265-J
Stewart, J. J. - r 126 Fitzroy - 564-L
Stewart, Miss Laura - r 23 King Square - 598-L
Stewart, Mrs. Peter - r 123 Dorchester - 1
Stewart, Peter H. - r Marshfield - R2-15
Stewart, W. A. - r 19 Greenfield Ave. - 234-J
Stewart, W. C. - r 101 Queen - 275
St. Dunstan's University - Rev. P. McDonald, Malpeque Rd. - 900
St. Dunstan's University - Malpeque Rd. - 128-J
St. Vincent Orphanage - Malpeque Rd. - 308-J
Stodart, Mrs. A. G. - r 262 Kent - 853-J
Storey, Joseph - r Winsloe Rd. - R4-6
Strathcona Hotel - Miss Halderson, Prop., 175 Grafton - 349-J
Strickland, Hurbert S. - r 14 Spring Park Rd. - 591-J
Sun Life Assur. Co. of Can. - A. J. Irving, Mgr., Bank Com. Bldg. - 835
Sutherland, Mrs. D. - r 12 Kent - 179
Sutherland, George - r 18 Elm Ave. - 366-R
Swain, Mrs. M. - r 220 Hillsboro - 391
Swan, D. W. - r 93 Edward - 708-L
Swan, James - r Mt. Edward Rd. - 472
Sweeney, Miss Anna M. - r 173 Sydney - 385-J
Swift, Canadian Co. - Office, 59 Water - 736Tait, James - Florist, 37 Villa Ave. - 269
Tanton and Co., H. A. - Music Store and Studio, 144 Gt. George - 399-J
Tanton, George S. - r St. Avards - 182
Tanton, Stephen - r Hopeton - 847-J
Tanton, W. N. - Jeweller, 115 Grafton - 192-L
Taper, Mrs. Amanda - r 257 Queen - 719-J
Taylor, E. W. - Jeweller and Optician, 142 Richmond - 153-L
Taylor, E. W. - r 69 Longworth Ave. - 793-L
Taylor, Rev. Geo. C. - r 200 Hillsboro - 193
Taylor, G. H. - Jeweller and Optician, 121 Grafton - 353-J
Taylor, G. H. - r 91 Up. Prince - 610-L
Taylor, Mrs. Helena - r 49 Dorchester - 377-L
Taylor, James D. - r 154 Hillsboro - 92-L
Taylor, J. D. - Bookstore and Printing, 169 Grafton - 606-L
Taylor, J. D. - Summer Residence, Brighton - 953-5
Taylor, R. G. - r 95 Up. Prince - 635-L
Taylor, Capt. T. G. - r 86 Cumberland - 416
Taylor, Capt. T. G. - Summer Residence, Keppoch - R5-41
Taylor, Wilfred - r 8 Ambrose - 526-J
The Spa - Delicatesse, 162 Queen - 501-J
Telegraph Office - Anglo American, 32 Queen - 710
Thomsom, J. L. - r 220 Kent - 280-J
Tidmarsh, W. F. - Office, 39 Dorchester - 118
Tidmarsh, W. F. - r 115 Rochford - 180
Tidmarsh, W. Harry - Office, 53 Water - 765
Tierney, D. F. - r 190 King - 227-Y
Tire Vulcanizing - J. A. Gesner, Mgr., 91 Queen - 724
Titus, M. P. - r 92 Brighton Rd. - 604-J
Todd, Samuel K. - r 6 Grafton - 277-J
Todd and Co., S. K. - Meat and Produce, 54 Grafton - 532-J
Tomlins, Arthur E. - r 15 Rochford Sq. - 749
Tomlins and Hynes Baking Co. - 136 Euston - 314
Tomlins, R. N. - r 26 Brighton - 450-J
Toombs, G. H. - r 75 Hillsboro - 291-L
Toombs, G. H. and Son - Wholesale Grocers, 37 Queen - 167
Toombs, A. E. - Music Store, 167 Queen - 185-L
Toombs, A. E. - r 56 Up. Queen - 517-J
Toombs, Edmund - Grocer, 155 Gt. George - 675-J
Toombs, H. W. and Co., - Imperial Drug Store, 183 Queen - 772
Trainor, Fred H. - Plumber, etc., 80 Grafton - 393-J
Trainor, Fred H. - r 146 Pownal - 393-R
Trainor, James - r Southport - R5-43
Trainor, J. Austin - r 118 Kent - 103
Trainor, John J. - r 66 Prince - 505-L
Trainor Tire Service - Vulcanizing, etc., Queen - 832-J
Turner and Co. - 123 Sydney - 584
Turner, Fredk. - r Winsloe Rd. - R8-113
Turner, Percy W. - r 231 Prince - 216
Turner, Mrs. H. W. - r 21 Villa - 446-L
Tweedy, George - r Mt. Edward - 468-L
"Two Macs" The - Druggist, 149 Gt. George - 315Union Bank of Canada - R. B. Towriss Mgr., Riley Block, Queen - 428
Union Com. College - Royal Bank Bldg. - 197-L
Unsworth, Mrs. L. R. - r 84 Fitzroy - 372-RVanIderstine, H. F. - r 228 Grafton - 507-L
VanIderstine, Beverly C. - r 25 Orlebar - 844-L
Vickerson, Lemuel - r 262 Euston - 388-Y
Victoria Hotel - 123 Water - 1011
- Private Branch Exchange Connecting All Rooms - 1012
- And Hotel Departments - 1013
Victory Hotel - James Doyle, Prop., 77 Prince - 528-L
Vinnicombe, H. W. - r 55 Fitzroy - 112-LWadman, Allan W. D. - r 22 Pleasant - 932
Wadman, A. W. D. and Co. Ltd. - Rdy to Wr Clth, 145 Gt. George - 370-L
Waller and Doyle - Painters and Decorators, 236 Kent - 280-L
Wakeford, G. W. - r 27 Gt. George - 654-J
Walker, Walter M. - Electrical Contractor, 21 Prince - 338-L
Walker, Miss B. - r 21 Prince - 338-L
Warburton, Dr. James - r Prince - 24
Warburton, Judge A. B. - Probate Court, Law Courts Bldg. - 623
Warburton, Judge A. B. - r 70 Longworth - 88-J
Warburton and Shaw - Law Office, 127 Grafton - 22
Ward, Howard E. - r 84 Bayfield - 753
Warren, Miss Nettie - r 22 Elm Avenue - 383-L
Warren, Montague I. - r 18 Spring Park R. - 907-J
Watson, L. W. - r 4 Water - 493
Waugh, H. R. - r 26 Great George - 341-L
Weaver, E. F. - r 102 Fitzroy - 409-L
Webster, A. F. - r 31 Fitzroy - 566-L
Webster, F. D. - General Grocery, 249 Fitzroy - 544-J
Webster, J. A. and Co. - Insurance, 156 Richmond - 183
Webster, J. A. - r 29 Fitzroy - 566-J
Wedlock, D. A. - r 106 Dorchester - 475
Wedlock, Ltd. J. Stanley - Office, 157 Queen - 189
Wedlock, J. Stanley - r 99 Up. Prince - 215
Weeks, Miss A. - r 71 Up. Prince - 38-Y
Weeks, A. W. - r 123 Fitzroy - 148-J
Weeks, E. L. - r East Royalty - 464-L
Weeks Grocery - H. B. Weeks, Prop., 225 Grafton - 715
Weeks, Harry - r 129 Fitzroy - 328
Wellner Co. Ltd., W. T. - Store, 123 Queen - 150
Wellner, Lloyd E. - r 154 Prince - 18-J
Wellner, Lloyd E. - Summer Residence, Keppoch - R5-5
Wellner, Wm. T. - r 168 [108?] Prince - 41-L
Wellner, W. W. and Co. - Jewellers, 103 Grafton - 188-J
West, Miss Hattie - Nurse, r 76 School - 445-J
Weymouth Cash Grocery - Cor. Fitzroy and Weymouth - 871
Whear, J. F. - r 33 Up. Prince - 697
Wheatley, E. and Co. - Daily Meat Market, 224 Gt. George - 257
Wheatley, John - Groceries and Prov's, 36 Elm Ave - 573-L
White, R. E. - Sales Agent McLaughlin Cars, 157 Queen - 933
White, R. Thos. - General Grocer, 125 Elm Ave. - 433-L
White, Thomas - Confectioner, 109 Grafton - 83
White, Thomas - r 11 Grafton - 785-J
White, E. C. - Ice Cream Parlor, 169 Kent - 741-L
White, Russell E. - r 103 N. River Rd. - 234-L
White, Thomas H. - r 150 Prince - 524-J
Whitlock, S. J. - r 14 School - 803
Whitlock, J. Edgar - Vulcanizing, 162 Kent - 637
Williamson, A. - Auctioneer, Lyceum Bldg - 868-J
Williams, Miss Agnes - r 229 Sydney - 474-L
Williams, Mrs. A. E. - r 84 Fitzroy - 443-L
Williams, Chas. M. - r 92 Brighton Rd. - 696
Williams, J. H. - r 67 Hillsboro - 474-J
Williams, John - Florist, 18 Up. Prince - 429
Winchester, Harry - Summer Residence, Keppoch - R5-33
Winchester, Nelson - r Mt. Edward Rd. - 763-L
Windsor, Mrs. J. T. - r 52 Bayfield - 274-J
Wise, A. R. - General Groceries - 225 Euston - 343-L
Wise, A. R. - r 155 Euston - 42-L
Wood, Caldwell J. - r Bunbury - R1-21
Wood, Everett - r 25 Elm Ave. - 553-L
Wood Garage Co. E. A. - Auto Repairing, Pownal - 807-L
Wood, Leonard - r Hopeton - 847-Y
Woodman, T. B. - r Spring Park Rd. - 412
Woodside, W. M. - r 17 Pleasant - 485-J
Woolworth Co. Ltd., F. W. - 5-10-15c Store, 117 Queen - 685
Worthy, L. C. - General Groceries, 1 Elm Ave. - 319
Worthy, Miss Wilmot B. - r 234 Sydney - 563-L
Wright, G. D. - Undertaker, 15 King Square - 330
Wright, G. D. - r 13 King Square - 716
Wright, Leith - r 55 Hillsboro - 791
Wright, Oswald - r 73 Euston - 214-J
Wright, W. A. - r 200 Weymouth - 663-L
Wright, Wm. M. - r N. River Rd. - 199-JYeo, Herbert W. - r 50 Greenfield Ave. - 20-Y
Yeo, Dr. Ira J. - Office and Residence, 193 Prince - 676
Y. M. C. A. - Rooms, 184 Richmond - 95
Y. W. C. A. - 2 Kent - 751
Younker, Albert - r Winsloe Rd. - R8-31
Younker, R. W. - r Winsloe Rd. - R8-22Public Pay Stations At:
Telephone Building - 57 Queen
Queen Hotel - 99-103 Water
C. N. Rys. Station - Weymouth
Revere Hotel - 119-121 Kent
Lambros Bros. - 139 Grafton
Reddin Bros. - Rest Room, 132 RichmondPublic Toll Office At Pownal* - G. Carver, Agent
* Daily meteorological Bulletins posted here.Brackley Point Rural Telephone Co. - Connecting at Charlottetown
Bryenton, Alphonso - r Brackley Point Road - R7-31
Bryenton, Reginald - r Brackley Point Road - R7-11Hughes, George - r Brackley Point Road - R7-113
Jones, H. Herbert - r Brackley Point Road - R7-120
Mathewson, Dr. Chas. - r Brackley Point Road - R7-14
Matthews, Joseph - r Brackley Point Road - R7-3
Mellett, Chas. - r Brackley Point Road - R7-5McCallum, Louis - r Brackley Point Road - R7-410
McMillan, Vernon - r Brackley Point Road - R7-41
McNeill, W. C. - r Brackley Point Road - R7-12Newson, Benjamin - r Brackley Point Road - R7-130
Newson, Frederick - r Brackley Point Road - R7-2Prowse, Mrs. Ernest - r Brackley Point Road - R7-210
Prowse, Mrs. Philip - r Brackley Point Road - R7-111
Prowse, Silas - r Brackley Point Road - R7-211
Pierce, Hammond - r Brackley Point Road - R7-22Rodd, Benjamin - r Brackley Point Road - R7-310
Rodd, Harry - r Brackley Point Road - R7-122
Rodd, J. W. - r Brackley Point Road - R7-140
Rodd, John T. - r Brackley Point Road - R7-32
Robinson, Windover - r Brackley Point Road - R7-212Sellick, Edw. - r Brackley Point Road - R7-13
Shaw, Arnett - r Brackley Point Road - R7-10
Shaw, Edward - r Brackley Point Road - R7-131
Stewart, Charles E. - r Brackley Point Road - R7-4
Stewart, J. Herbert - r Brackley Point Road - R7-21
Stewart, Leigh - r Brackley Point Road - R7-112Taylor, Bruce - r Brackley Point Road - R7-121
Walker, Jas. S. - r Brackley Point Road - R7-23
Wood, John - r Brackley Point Road - R7-31