Hand Dated Monday Sep. 26th, 1887
Death of Mr. F. H. Moyse
Quite a gloom was recently cast over Bedeque and vicinity by the sudden death of Mr. Frederick H. Moyse. While the deceased was engaged in threshing on Monday fortnight last, the belt slipped off the machine and before any one could reach the brake the speed of the horses had increased to a run. Mr. Moyse immediately ran and threw his whole weight on the brake, and this together with the high speed caused the fly wheel to burst killing him instantly.
Mr. Moyse was one of Bedeque's most enterprising and successful farmers, and by his removal the community loses an esteemed brother, a generous neighbour and a true warm hearted friend. His temperance principles were well known as for years he had been an advocate of total abstinence and had often been called upon to preside at temperance meetings and to speak from the temperance platform. He was one of the earliest promoters of temperance in Bedeque, and took an active part in the organizing of Champion Division, which is still existing in Centreville. For years he had been an active member of the Methodist Church taking an important part in the various services and holding many offices of trust and responsibility. At the time of his death he was a member of the building committee of the new church now in course of construction at Centreville. He will long be missed by the church as a good and faithful brother, and a wise and clever counselor. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband and a careful and affectionate father.
In their bereavement the family have the respect and sympathy of all in the community. His funeral was on the Tuesday following his death, and his popularity and the esteem in which he was held could easily be seen by the large number who attended to pay their last respects to the deceased. - Com.
Hand Dated beside clipping, Dec 23rd, 1887
It is our sad duty to-day to announce the sudden death of Mrs. Clark Chapman, Chapman, Corner N.B., which took place at her residence on the 23 Ult. She was an amiable lady and had the high esteem of all who had the honor of her acquaintance. The deceased was the sister-in-law of Dr. Truman formerly of Centreville. She had been a bride but a short time when death removed her from a loving husband and affectionate friends to whom we tender our most sincere sympathy.
Hand Dated below clipping 1890, Paper Unknown
Gardiner - At the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Charles McNeill, Summerside on the 25th inst. Mrs. Gardiner relict of the late J. Rodes Gardiner in the 88th year of her age.
Hand Dated beside clipping 1891, Paper Unknown
Currie - At Summerside on the 9th inst. Mrs. D. K. Currie aged 32 years.
Hand Dated Feb. 6th, 1890, Paper Unknown
Sad Suicide
A young farmer named McLean, living at North River Bridge, committed suicide by cutting his throat last Thursday afternoon says the Examiner. It appears that McLean who has been melancholy for about a month past went out to the cow stable to feed cattle after doing he committed the rash act which ended his career upon earth. His sister with who he resided , not seeing him moving about the place when she went outside to give him some assistance with the cattle called out his name. Not receiving any response she went inside the stable and found him with his throat cut from ear to ear. Life was not quite extinct when this alarming discovery was made and word was sent to town for Dr. S.R.Jenkins. The Dr. got to the scene of the sad affair as soon as he could but too late to be of service. McLean was dead. A jury was empanelled and an inquest was held by Dr. Conroy?? Coroner. A verdict of "Death while laboring under a fit of temporary insanity" was returned.
Hand Dated beside clipping Feb. 19 1885, Paper Unknown
At Somerset, Lot 27 on the 19th Ult. of inflammation of the lungs Elizabeth, well beloved wife of Mr. A. Monaghan, carpenter, in the 26th year of her age. Deceased leaves a large circle of friends , besides a sorrowing husband and three small children to mourn their loss.
Hand Dated Aug. 1892, Paper Unknown
Burrows - At Wilmot Valley on the 24th Ult. Mary Stavert, the beloved wife of John A. Burrows, in the 25th year of her age. She leaves a sorrowing husband and babe, and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss
Hand Dated Aug. 1892, Paper Unknown
Crocket - At Summerside, on Wednesday Aug. 31st Bowman Heath aged 9 months infant child of H.R. and Annie Crockett.
Hand Dated Aug. 1891, Paper Unknown
At the residence of Peter Schurman, Freetown on the 8th inst., Miss Mary T. Schurman aged 80 years.
Dated 1922, Paper Unknown
Trueman, Suddenly at Searletown on Jan 25th, 1922 of apoplexy, L. W. Trueman in his 64th year. Funeral on Friday at two p.m.
Date and Paper Unknown
There passed away peacefully at his home in Searletown ( formerly of Tryon) Thomas Bell in his 41st year. Mr. Bell had not been in the best of health for some time but was about and able to do his work until about a week before his death. The deceased a man highly respected for his generous charitable disposition was of a fine Christian character and his passing beyond the vale is only a blessed reward. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell of Cape Traverse. Left to mourn the loss of a husband and father are a wife ( nee Helen Smith) and 6 children viz: Charles , Elenor, Marion, Kenneth, Harold and Claude to whom the sincerest sympathy of the community are extended, also the following brothers and sisters, McCurdy of California, Heber of Calgary, Fred of Carleton Siding, Nathan of Cape Traverse, Mrs. James Crockett of Charlottetown and Mrs. Harry Webster of Augustine Cove. Fifty-four cars followed the college from Searletown to Hampton where interment was made in the family plot.
Hand Dated beside clipping Jan 25th?, 1922, Paper Unknown
Mr. Patrick Munsey was instantly killed at Borden on Wednesday morning, an empty freight car passing over his body. Just exactly how the accident happened is not known , as it was not witnessed by any one. Mr. Munsey was at work with the shunting crew at the time. He was badly mangled about the head and limbs. The deceased was a son of the late Mr. T. C. Munsey and is survived by his mother, two brothers, Singleton and Frank W., both in Vancouver, and two sisters, Mrs. (Dr.) Tanton and Miss Sue Munsey both of Summerside.
Hand Dated 1920, Paper Unknown
Baker - At North Bedeque, March 6th, Mrs. John Baker, aged 84. Funeral Tuesday, March 9th at 1:30 to North Bedeque cemetery.
Hand Dated June? 17th, 1900, Paper Unknown
We record with sincere sorrow the death of Mr. J. Walter Wright, of Bedeque, which sad event took place on Sunday, at the early age of 27 years after an illness of several years. In the fall of 1892 he left the Island for Carthage, Missouri where he remained for over a year. In the mean time his health had improved considerably, but not being altogether satisfied with the climate he went to Arkansas, bought a farm and engaged in general farming. During his stay in Arkansas , which was over two years his health greatly improved. Being advised that there were better openings for young men out west he left Arkansas and went to the Indian Territory. Here the climate did not agree with him and he was seized with malaria fever, became very weak and doctors advised him to go to Arizona, where he remained until last August when he decided to return to his native home. From the time of his arrival home his health grew gradually worse until his death ended his sufferings, which he bore with Christian patience and resignation to the Divine will. He was a young man of more tan average ability and but for ill health would have made his mark. His manly, Christian character endeared him to all who knew him. A mother and father, four brothers ( three of them being a triplet) and one sister are left to mourn to whom our sincere sympathy is tendered. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon and was largely attended.
Date and Paper Unknown
Tragic Death
A tragic death occurred near Montague last week and was only discovered two or three days after the event. It appears an old spinster age ninety , named Margaret Gillis, lived all alone in a shack in the manner of a recluse refusing to allow anyone to enter her house, and never ventured out except in the early part of the morning. Kind neighbours supplied her with sustenance but she would only allow them to leave the food and water on the doorstep. She allowed no light to enter her habitation except what was seen through the door when opened for exit and entrance when receiving her food supplies.
The windows were all covered with sacks and the interior had the darkness of a cave. As she had not been seen out in the morning for two or three days some neighbours called and falling to receive a response forced an entry and found the poor old woman, huddled on a mat on the old bed she had, dead. The features were practically unrecognizable as rats had been doing their deadly work. The occurrence was reported to the Coroner who took the necessary action. The house was found to be in a dreadfully unsanitary condition and there was not a scrap of food or a drop of water in it. It is almost unbelievable that in a Christian, civilized community like this such a state of affairs could exist.
Date and Paper Unknown
Wright - At Campbellton, P.E.I. Theodore Wright aged 93 years
Date and Paper Unknown
Robins - At Central Bedeque P.E.I., Feb 28th, Dr. Earl Robins aged ..?8 years.
Dated 1914, Paper Unknown
Wright - At Searletown , P.E.I. March 4th, 1914, Mary , widow of the late Mr. Lewis Wright, on the day preceding the 98th anniversary of her birth. She was a highly esteemed and occupied a prominent place....
Hand Dated 1912, Paper Unknown
Two Persons Probably Drowned In Dunk River
Horse and Sleigh found in Channel --- Fred McKenzie and Mrs. McCallum Missing and Supposed to be Drowned
Grim evidence of a double drowning accident was discovered on Tuesday evening when a horse and sleigh were found about three hundred yards below Dunk River Bridge, the horse drowned and the sleigh empty. Inquiries were at once set on foot and the horse and sleigh were identified as belonging to Fred McKenzie of Rose Valley who in company with a Mrs. McCallum of the same place, had been that day in Sumerside.
William Callbeck of Central Bedeque communicated with the McKenzie family and arrangements were made on Wednesday to begin a thorough search at once in the locality in which the horse and sleigh were found. Accordingly, on Thursday, some thirty good people of Bedeque, who willingly tendered their services were on the ground and with boats , on the ice and by every means possible the search was begun. The search was continued all day and well into the night but without success. It was resumed again this morning but up to the time of going to press no trace of the bodies has been found.
On inquiry we learn that Mr. McKenzie and Mrs. McCallum were in Summerside on Friday returning from a visit to friends in the western part of the Island. McKenzie had his horse stabled at Charles McDonald's and about 3:30 drove to St. Eleanor's with intention of selling his horse to Hubert Mills. The horse was a handsome stallion and valued by Mr. McKenzie at $500. He returned from St. Eleanor's about 8:15 and drove again to Mr. McDonald's stable where he wished to feed his horse before proceeding homeward. Mrs. McCallum was then and during McKenzie's visit to St Eleanor's at the Empress Hotel. As it was then about Mr. McDonald's closing time the latter advised Mr. McKenzie to feed at Mr. Matthew's livery stable. this he did in the meantime calling at the Empress Hotel and asking Mrs. McCallum to be ready to leave for home on his return in a few minutes. Mr. Matthews informs us that Mr. McKenzie left his stable, shortly after 9 o'clock and that he was perfectly sober. He, Mr. Matthews, advised not to attempt the Dunk River ice as it was not safe. McKenzie called at the Empress Hotel at about 9:30 when Mrs. McCallum joined him and they started, presumably for home. Neither of them has been seen since and there is no doubt that both found a watery grave near the spot where their horse and sleigh were found in the Dunk River.
Mr. McKenzie is a widower aged about 45. He was a respected farmer, honest and upright and highly esteemed in the community in which he lived. Mrs. McCallum was formerly Miss McDonald also of Rose Valley. Her husband is in Boston and she was visiting relatives and friends in Rose Valley. She had proposed to leaving last Monday to rejoin her husband in Boston and it was intended that Angus McKenzie, a brother of the missing man and Mrs. Kenneth McKenzie, wife of another brother would accompany her.
The sad affair had elicited heartfelt sympathy for the bereaved relatives.
Hand Dated 1892 Paper Unknown
At the First Methodist Church, Charlottetown, on the 20th inst., by Rev. W.W. Brewer assisted by Rev. T.J. Dienstadt, of Moncton, Peter S. Macnutt of St. John to Miss Annie S. Beer, daughter of the late John Beer, of Charlottetown.
Hand Dated April 19th 1909 Paper Unknown
The marriage took place at St. Dunstan's Cathedral yesterday morning of Mrs. Louis Kelly of this city to Patrick Murphy, of High River Alberta, formerly of Kinkora. Rev. Dr. McLellan performed the ceremony. The bridesmaid was Miss Ella McKearney, while George Kelly was groomsman. After the ceremony the happy couple left by the Stanley en route to their future home in Alberta.
Date and Paper Unknown
The marriage took place at the home of H.T. Holman, Summerside at 7:30 yesterday morning of Miss Lea Wright, third daughter of E.H. and Mrs. Wright and sister of Mrs. Holman to Reginald K. Shives eldest son of the .... Shives of Campbellton, N.B. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Jas. Strathhard in the presence of only a few relatives and friends of the contracting parties, the bride and groom being unattended. After a wedding breakfast the happy young couple left by the Empress on a wedding trip to Montreal , Toronto and other Canadian cities returning to Summerside from Montreal by S. S. Cascapedia. The grooms gift to the bride was a beautiful diamond and pearl ring. The Guardian joins with their many friends of the newly married couple in extending best wishes.. - S.
Date and Paper Unknown
The marriage of Mr. J. Stafford Walker son of John Walker Esq., Freetown , to Miss Annie S., youngest daughter of David Rogers , Esq., Kentleth Lodge, Dunk River, was solemnized on Wednesday evening , the 15th June, by Rev. R. S. Whidden. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Patterson Walker , while Miss Hattie Carruthers, of Bedeque, acted as bridesmaid, with Miss Mamie Cairns as flower girl. The ceremony was performed in the presence of numerous relatives of the bride and groom. The wedding march was pleasingly rendered by Miss Annie Rogers, Bedeque. The bride was becomingly attired in creme silk with bridal veil and flowers of val-de-lis. The presents to the bride were beautiful and valuable. The church choir, of which she was organist, presented her with gold coin . The sumptuous wedding menu was most tastefully arranged by Miss Mattie Rogers with table decorations of apple blossoms. After the ceremony the happy couple repaired to their future residence, the beautiful Walker homestead in Freetown, followed by the best wishes of many friends for their future happiness.
Date and Paper Unknown
At St. Mark's Church, Kensington, on Wednesday evening last, Mr. J.C. Jardine, the popular proprietor of the Prince County book store, and Miss Ida Mill, one of Summerside's most popular young ladies, were united in marriage by Rev. J. A. Winfield. The church, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion, was filled to the doors by friends and acquaintances. The bride who was given away by her brother, Mr. Henry Mill, was attended by her sister, Miss Clara, the groom being supported by Mr. Hiram Champion, of Alberton. Miss Laura Walker played the wedding march. The ushers were Messrs. K Cameron and George McCallum. After the ceremony and hearty good wishes from numerous friends assembled, the wedding party drove to the home of the bride's brother, Mr. Frank Mill, Clermont, where the evening was pleasantly spent. Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Jardine drove to their new home on Russell Street , Summerside where they will reside. Mrs. Jardine will be at home to friends on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and Thursday evening. The Pioneer unites with their many friends in best wishes for their future happiness.
Hand Dated 1911 Paper Unknown
A very pretty autumnal wedding and one of unusual interest took place at the Methodist Parsonage, Maddock, Lot 8, at half past six on Wednesday evening, October 25th, the contracting parties being James Elder of Haliburton and Miss Jane Blanchard of Cape Wolfe. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. A. Brown, in the presence of a few relatives and intimate friends. A reception was held at the home of the newly wedded couple later in the evening followed by a dainty luncheon. The bride presented a pretty picture in her gown of grey marquesette, with bead fringe trimmings and carrying a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. The many choice gifts of silverware, china, linen, etc of which the bride was recipient proves her popularity. The gift of the bridegroom to the bride was a gold watch and chain. Mr. and Mrs. Elder are assured of the sincere best wishes of a host of friends for a long, happy and prosperous journey through life.
Hand Dated Nov 26th 1910 Paper Unknown
The marriage takes place in St. James Church this morning at seven o'clock of Miss Gwen Belle, daughter of C. D. Bell, city, and James Henderson of Dorchester, Mass. The bride will be attended by Miss Stella Fletcher of Charlottetown and Frank Ross of Dorchester, Mass. will support the groom. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. T.F. Fullerton. The happy couple will leave by express en route to the United States.
Hand Dated beside clipping 1904 Paper Unknown
Birch-McDonald- At the home of H.W. Birch, Bentley, Alberta, on Sept. 11, by Rev. Mr. Neville, Margaret M. MacDonald, of Moncton, N.B., to C. S. Birch, of Edmonton Alta.
Date Unknown Paper Unknown
We clip the following from the Lethbridge, Alta., Herald, of recent date: "One of those events which always holds an interest for old and young alike took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison when their eldest daughter Elizabeth S., became the bride of Lewis A. Huestis, about fifty guests witnessing the ceremony which was performed by Rev. A. A. Lythe, pastor of Westminister Church.
The bride was given away by her father. The groom was supported by his cousin H.B. Huestis formerly of O'Leary P. E. Island .The gifts to the young couple were exceptionally handsome testifying to the esteem in which they are spent.
After the wedding supper a pleasant social evening was held. Mr. and Mrs. Huestis will live in the grooms residence on Torrance Avenue. Mr. Huestis above referred to is a native of Albany and now a successful contractor and builder in Lethbridge.
Hand Dated beside clipping 1906 Paper Unknown
At Bedeque P.E.I. parsonage, on the 3rd of December, by the Rev. George Steel, Charles McLean of Searletown, to Mrs. Sarah Gardiner of .... ? ( Moncton N.B.
Hand Dated 1904 paper Unknown
On the evening of the 22nd of June a pleasant company assembled at "The Willows", Searletown, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lowther, to celebrate the nuptials of their only daughter, Grace Maud and J. Archibald MacKenzie of Springfield, Lot 67. The ceremony was performed by Rev D. M. McLeod cousin of the groom. The bride looked charming in a gown of white peau-de-soie and carried a shower bouquet of val-de-lis. She was attended by Miss Katie MacKenzie, Kensington, sister of the groom, who was attired in a dainty costume of white organdie. The groom was supported by Mr. Major Lowther, bother of the bride. The wedding march was beautifully rendered by Miss Aitken, Montague. Mrs. MacKenzie , who was a general favourite, was the recipient of many beautiful and valuable presents, among which was an elaborate silver celery dish from Aurora Division. Immediately after the ceremony the wedding supper was served and at an early hour the happy couple left for their future home in Springfield, followed by the best wishes of their many friends. - Com.
Hand Dated 1918 Paper Unknown
One of the prettiest bridal receptions of this season was that of Mrs. Fred J.E. Wright at her home in Summerside on Friday of last week. Looking handsome in a becoming gown of sand satin and Georgette, Mrs. Wright was assisted in receiving by Miss Wright while Miss Bird Wright ushered the callers. The dining room was exquisitely arranged with pink carnation and smilax, the tea table being presided over by Mrs. Pritchard and Miss Eva McNeill assisted in waiting by Miss Jessie Sharp and Miss Ethel Strong of Summerside and Miss Sadie Smith and Miss Lois Harper of Charlottetown. There was quite a number of callers to offer congratulations and extend a welcome to Mrs. Wright.
Date and Paper Unknown
At the home of the brides parents Sept 19th by the Rev. Neil McLauchlin B. A., Mr. Eugene Hugh McEachern of Georgetown to Miss Mary Jane Irving daughter of Mr. John P. Irving of Cape Traverse.
Date and Paper Unknown
At the brides home Sept 20th, by Rev. Neil McLauchlin B. A., assisted by the Rev. Mr. McArthur, B. A. of New Glasgow, N. S. Mr. Atwood Kimball Whidden of North Bedeque to Miss Margaret Bertha L Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wright also of North Bedeque.
Date and Paper Unknown
A pretty wedding took place at Hunter River at the home of Mrs. Martha McLeod, on Tuesday 22nd inst., when Robert ...ell of Halifax, and Miss Jeanette MacLeod were united in marriage by Rev. W. Green , assisted by Rev. Mr. MacDougall of Cape Traverse, cousin of the groom. The bridesmaid was Miss Kay McLeod and J. F. McKie ably supported the groom. The bride wore cream crepe de ..ene and carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. The bridesmaid wore white muslin, trimmed with val lace and also carried a bouquet of white "mums". The grooms present to the bride was a fur trimmed coat and to the bridesmaid a pearl ...e-cent. The bride received many beautiful and useful presents including an ad....... ess and purse from officers and members of the Presbyterian Sunday School, from friends in Wiltshire a five o'clock tea set, and from her mother a set of furs, several substantial gifts of money and many dainty useful and beautiful gifts in cut glass, silver and china. After a dainty supper and customary congratulations the happy couple took the 6 o'clock train for Cape Traverse where they will live with the parents of the groom before leaving for Amherst N. S. where they will reside.
Hand Dated 1927?? Paper Unknown
The marriage was solemnized at the Parsonage at North Bedeque by Rev. D.K. Ross, B. A., on Wednesday, Nov 16th, at 7:30 in the evening of Mr. Edward Franklin Leard, of Searletown to Miss Hilda Margaret Heffell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heffell of Traveller's Rest. The young couple were accompanied by Mr. Edward Urch? and Mr. John Heffell and were safely escorted after the event to the home of the bride , where supper was served. This popular couple have the very best wishes of a host of friends as they begin life's journey together at Mr. Leard's home in Searletown.
Another clipping of this Paper Unknown
Leard-Heffell At the Parsonage North Bedeque, by Rev. D.K. Ross on Nov. 16th, Edward Leard of Searletown, to Hilda Margaret Heffell of Travellers Rest.
Hand Dated 1927 Paper Unknown
Wright- At the Bedeque United Church, on Nov. 16th, by Rev. A.J. Reynolds, Edison H. Wright of Middleton, to Jennie F. Callbeck of Central Bedeque.
Hand Dated 1927 Paper Unknown
Craig-Martin At Valleyfield, on Nov. 30th, John Wilfred Craig, Bedeque, and Isabel Montgomery Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Martin, Heatherdale, by Rev J. A. Lellan assisted by Rev. John Stirling, Montague.
Date and Paper Unknown
Wright Allen- At the Parsonage , Summerside, Nov. 25th, by Rev. H. Johnson, J. S. Wright of Middleton to Miss Deborah S. Allen of Searletown .
Hand Dated Nov. 1910
Mrs. Lavenia A. Sweetsey of Bedeque was united in marriage at her home on Thursday the 17th inst., to the Rev. F.A. Wightman, pastor of the Methodist Church, Souris. The ceremony which was very informal took place at seven o'clock in the morning, and was performed by the Rev. Hammond Johnson. Immediately afterwards the bride and groom left amid showers of rice, confetti and the ringing of church bells for their home in Souris followed by the good wishes of hosts of friends.
Date and paper Unknown
Rev. Mr. Kirby and Miss Fannie Laiper of St Stephen N.B., will be married on Wednesday afternoon June 3 at 3 o'clock. Mr. Kirby is well known in this province.
Hand Dated 1906 Paper Unknown
An interesting ceremony took place in Central Bedeque last evening when John A. Howatt of Bedeque and Mrs. Lavinia D. Wright of Central Bedeque, were united in marriage by Rev. George Steele in the presence of a number of relatives and intimate friends.
Date and Paper Unknown
On the 24th Oct. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Morris, Regina, was the scene of a pleasant event in the marriage of their son, Leonard Russel Morris and Miss Jennie Loretta Howatt, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Howatt of Charlottetown, and all formerly of Summerside. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. U. Brown in the presence of a party of intimate friends and relatives. Their many friends in Summerside and throughout this province will wish Mr. and Mrs. Morris every happiness.
Date and Paper Unknown
Lowther - Leard At the home of the bride June 21, by Rev. H. Johnson, Mr Frederick B. Lowther to Miss Florence E. daughter of Mr. Prince Leard, Searletown.
Date and Paper Unknown
A very pretty marriage was solemnized at the Methodist Parsonage, Bedeque, by the Rev. Mr. Ayres, on the 8th instant, the contracting parties being Mr. Brewer W. Johnson, one of Bedeque's most popular young gentlemen and Miss Ida Johnson, one of O'Leary's esteemed young ladies. They were unattended and the ceremony was performed in the presence of the immediate relatives only, after which they repaired to the home of the groom where a dainty supper awaited them. The following evening the happy young couple were entertained at the genial home of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Schurman, which had been beautifully decorated for the occasion. The event developed into the form of an immense "shower" by the friends who had assembled in large numbers, bringing numerous and costly gifts, the most prominent of which was a beautiful chair presented by the members of the Bedeque L.O.L. all of which testified to the popularity of the young couple. The evening was delightfully spent in music, games and social conversation. The following morning Mr. and Mrs. Johnson left on a honeymoon trip to Sussex, Halifax and St. John.
Date 1906 and Paper Unknown
At the residence of Robert S. Carruthers, Carleton, On Sept 6th, 1905 by Rev. Jas. MacDougall, John S. Lowther, D.D.S., Summerside and Miss Sadie Robertson Cape Traverse.
July 5 1911, Paper Unknown
The marriage of Lucy Maude Montgomery, the talented Island Authoress to the Rev. Ewen McDonald pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Leasdale Ont., will take place at Park Corner today. Rev. Mr. McDonald is a native of Valleyfield in this province and a nephew of Capt. Alex. Cameron of the S. S. Empress. The marriage will take place at 12 o'clock noon at the home of Miss Montgomery's uncle John Cameron. Rev. John Sterling, pastor of the Presbyterian church will officiate. At 4 o'clock the happy couple will leave for Summerside and will leave by the Empress on the following morning en route to England. They will travel for three months on their tour after which they will return to Canada and make their home in Leasdale.
Date and Paper Unknown
On June 14th the North Bedeque Presbyterian Church was the scene of a very interesting event when Miss Jerusha Schurman and Miss May Cairns, of Freetown, were united in marriage to Harry Waugh, Wilmot, and Percy Marchbank, New Annan respectively. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. T. MacKay, pastor of the Bedeque Congregation assisted by Rev. R. O. Morse, Summerside. At the appointed hour the bridal parties entered the church to the strains of "Lohengrin's Wedding March," played by the organist Miss Edna MacMurdo. Miss Schurman who was given away by her father [Joseph] Colin Schurman, was prettily attired in creme silk San Toy, while Miss Cairns leaning on the arm of her brother, William Cairns, looked charming in cream Brussel's net over silk. Both brides wore black picture hats and were unattended. The ushers were James Marchbanks and Ralph Schurman. After the ceremony the happy couples drove to their respective homes, followed by the best wishes of their many friends and by ?
Hand Dated 1912 Paper Unknown
The marriage was celebrated at the home of the brides parents, New Annan, Wednesday January 24th, of Miss Harriet Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Wright, to J. Harry Brown of Margate. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. Johnson, Kensington, in the presence of about thirty. The bride who was given away by her father, wore a dress of dainty white eolienne over silk, with a veil of tulle fastened by a coronet of orange blossoms, and was unattended. Miss Ethel Strong, cousin of the bride played the wedding march. After the ceremony the bridal party and guests repaired to the dining room where supper was served. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents. After a very pleasant evening Mr. and Mrs. Brown left for their home in Margate followed by the good wishes of their friends.
Hand Dated 1904 Paper Unknown
Mr. Henry L. Rogers of Freetown was united in marriage to Miss F. Louise Wright, daughter of Isaac Wright, Esq., " Castalia Grove", Bedeque, on Wednesday evening, the 29th June, by Rev. F. A. Wightman, of Alberton, in presence of a large number of family relatives. The attendants of the bride and groom were Miss Louise Schurman, of Bedeque, and Mr. Geo Morris of Granville. Miss Lizzie Craig of Middleton rendered the wedding march and appropriate music. The bride was dressed in ivory white mousseline de soie with lace and carried blush roses. The bridal presents were exceedingly beautiful, several being received from friends abroad. After a sumptuous supper was served the happy couple drove to their future residence " Kentleth Lodge," Freetown.
Hand Dated 1898, The Guardian
A pretty home wedding took place yesterday evening at the residence of Mr and Mrs J. B. Russ, when their daughter Miss Etta H. and Mr. Leslie A Wright, of the firm of McGougan & Wright were united in marriage by Rev. E. M. Dull. The bride was attended by Miss Minnie Wright, sister of the groom, while the latter was supported by Mr. James C. Wright. The wedding was a quiet on one, only the immediate relatives of both families being present. The number and elegance of the wedding presents speak loudly for the esteem in which the bride is held by her many friends , with whom the Guardian joins in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Wright a pleasant, peaceful and happy journey through life.
Date and Paper Unknown
A quiet marriage took place last evening at the home of the bride's mother Mrs. James Marchbanks, New Annan, when her daughter Clara Isabel was united in marriage to Samuel Stafford, South Bedeque by the Rev. M. McIntosh, B. A. The bride was very prettily gowned in creme mohair with silk trimmings to match and was unattended. After partaking of a sumptuous supper the happy couple left for their future home in South Bedeque...
Hand Dated 1927 Paper Unknown
The home of Mr. Herbert S. Sharp, Summer St., Summerside, was the scene of an auspicious event on Thursday at 6:30 a.m., when the marriage took place of Miss Jessie L. Sharp, of Summerside, to Dr. Robert Sim Carruthers, of Vancouver , B. C. The room where the ceremony was performed was prettily decorated for the occasion. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W.H. Harding in the presence of a few relatives. Miss Sharp was a member of Trinity United Church choir and for a number of years prominent in musical circles, whilst Dr. Carruthers formerly of Bedeque, is now a practicing physician in Vancouver. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left for their future home in Vancouver, taking with them the best wishes of a host of friends for their future happiness. Quite a number of friends accompanied them by auto to Borden.
Date and Paper Unknown
MacFayden- Carruthers At the residence of the parents of the bride, on the 20th day of August 1921, by the Reverend James MacDougall, Minister of the Church of Scotland, Edward Wadman MacFadyen of Augustine Cove, and Priscilla Jean, eldest daughter of William Carruthers of Borden P.E.I.
Hand Dated 1901 Paper Unknown
At the home of the bride, Middleton, P.E.I. on the 13th inst., by the Rev. F.A. Wightman, Hattie M. daughter of J. W. and Mrs Bradshaw, to Henry C. Cameron of Albany, P.E.I.
Hand Dated 1904 Paper Unknown
At the residence of the brides parents, Oct, 19 1904, by the Rev. Jas McDougal assisted by Rev D. McLean, Thomas Bradshaw of Middleton, and Pearl McFayden of Augustine Cove.
Date and Paper Unknown
Cameron- Wright At Waddington, N.Y., Dec 30th, by Rev. Mr. Middleton, Dr H. P. Wright, of Calgary, Alberta, to Ella M., daughter of D. G. Cameron, of Montague.
Hand Dated 1895 Paper Unknown
Huestis - Wright - At the residence of Frederick Schurman, Summerside, by Rev. W. Weddall, on December 4th, James Huestis of North Bedeque, to Janie Wright, of Lot 7.
Hand Dated Sept. 28th 1907, The Farmer
Mr Percy Frank Allen of Searletown and Miss Annie May Wright, of Middleton, were united in marriage in Summerside on Saturday night. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W.B. Crowell. The bride and groom are a popular young couple and The Farmer joins in extending congratulations..
Date and Paper Unknown
The marriage took place at the Methodist Church Kensington, last evening at seven o'clock, of Patterson Walker of Freetown, to Miss Georgie, daughter of Hon. G.W. Bently. The bridesmaid was Miss Irene Moore, daughter of John A. Moore of Charlottetown. The groom was supported by J. A. Bentley, brother of the bride. Owing to the illness of her father the bride was given away by her brother ? E. Bentley of Charlottetown. The bride looked charming in a gown of white ..eolienne, with a veil and orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of white carnations and maiden hair fern. The bridesmaid wore cream with hat to match, and bouquet of scarlet carnations. The bride received a large number of very beautiful presents.
Hand Dated 1910 Paper Unknown
Cairns - Burns - At the manse, North Bedeque, on Wednesday Nov. 23rd, by Rev. M. H. McIntosh, Elton Cairns of Lower Montague to Lottie M. Burns of the same place.
Hand Dated July 1886 paper Unknown
At South Bedeque on 7th inst. by Rev. William Scott, Mr. James Blacklock of Shemogue, N.B. to Miss Eliza Pearson, daughter of W. Pearson, Esq.
Hand Dated Nov. 1885 Paper Unknown
Bells and Bunting- Our Bedeque correspondent writes that no less than four marriages have taken place in that locality the past few weeks: and last night a popular young disciple of Galen, Asclepiedes and Hipporates ( Dr. George Carruthers of S'side to wit) sneaked off shyly to Bedeque and secured a life ownership in one of the best and bonniest young ladies in that section. Probably no one but an M.D. would think of taking such a step at a time when the county is up in arms to resist the encroaches of smallpox. Anyhow the wedding was a grand affair and the guests very numerous. Presents, showers of rice, old boots and good wishes by the half thousand..
Date and Paper Unknown
Wedding Bells
A wedding of interest to a great many friends was solemnized in St. Paul's Church, St John, when the Rector Rev. J. H. A. Holmes united in marriage Major Everett Strong, of Toronto, and Miss Constance Porter Reed of West St. John. The bride was given away by her brother-in-law, H. W. Ketchum. After a wedding trip to Moncton and P. E. Island Mr. and Mrs. Strong will go to their future home in Toronto. Major Strong, was formerly of the Royal Bank of Canada, Summerside, but at the present is on the staff of the Bank of Nova Scotia Toronto Exec. ( Major Strong, is a son of the late F. W. Strong, Summerside), arrived in Summerside with his bride on Thursday.
Date 1921 Paper Unknown
Howatt - Wright-- At the residence of the brides father , Charlottetown, on Dec 20th 1921, by Rev. G. W. F. Glendenning, Harold Keith Howatt, Augustine Cove, to Louise Black only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, Charlottetown
Date and Paper The Pioneer
Last Wednesday morning the residence of Mrs. Ellen Baxter, Winter Street witnessed a pleasant social event in the marriage of her daughter, Miss Laura Baxter, and Dr. Alpheus Leard, of the dental firm of Lowther and Leard. The ceremony which was witnessed by the relatives and friends of the two families was performed by Rev. W. H. Smith, M. A., B. D. The bride was attended by Miss Amy Frizzell, while the groom was supported by his partner Dr. Lowther. After a wedding breakfast Dr. and Mrs. Leard left by the Northumberland for a tour of Boston, New York and other cities. The Pioneer joins their many friends in hearty good wishes.
Date and Paper Unknown
Last Wednesday evening the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Pridham, Summerside, was the scene of a happy event, when their eldest daughter, Miss Amy R., and Mr. Arthur H. Locke, of Locke's Shore, were united in marriage . The ceremony was performed by Rev. Neil McLauchlin in presence of over one hundred guests. The bride was attended by her sister Miss Carrie Pridham, Mr. J. W. Craswell supporting the groom. The bride who was one of Summerside's most deservedly popular young ladies, was the recipient of a very large number of useful presents, many of which were costly and elegant. After the ceremony and an exceedingly pleasant evening with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Locke drove to their new home accompanied by showers of rice and good wishes. Congratulations.
Date and Paper Unknown
Gardiner -Wright- On Wednesday June 10, Mary Hilda Gardiner daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gardiner, of Chelton, became the wife of Edward Stewart Crockett Wright son of Mr. and Mrs. Alder Wright of North Carleton. Rev. P.A. Fitzpatrick was the officiating clergyman
July 9 1919 and Paper Unknown
Wedding Bells
A quiet wedding took place at the Methodist Parsonage , Bedeque on July 9, when the Rev. George N. Sommers united in marriage Charlotte Eleanor, youngest daughter of Mrs. Hannah Allen of Summerside, and Mr. Ray Schurman, of Summerside. The young couple were unattended. After the ceremony they motored to the home of the brides brother Mr. Percy F. Allen, Searletown, where a few of their closest friends were gathered to wish them happiness. The happy couple left by the car ferry on the following morning for the United States where they will reside in the future.
Hand Dated 1891 Paper Unknown
Heath- Rogers - At St. Mary's Church, Summerside, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. C.F. Lowe Rector, Charles Heath of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba to Caroline Layton Rogers second daughter of Hon. David Rogers, Summerside
Hand Dated 1891 Paper Unknown
Sherren - Carrier- On the 17th inst., at the residence of the brides father Cherry Valley, by the Rev. James Simpson, Wm. D. Sherren of Crapaud, to Florence A Carrier..
Date and Paper Unknown
It gives us much pleasure to record the nuptials of Miss Edith McNutt, daughter of James McNutt, Esq., Collector of Customs at Mapeque, and Mr D. K. Currie of this town. This happy event was consummated at Malpeque on Wednesday evening last, Rev. Geo. Mcmillan being the officiating clergyman. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Janie McNutt, while Rev. N. Dickie supported the groom. The wedding was a quiet one, some twenty only of the immediate relatives and friends witnessing the ceremony. Mrs. Currie was the recipient of a good number of useful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Currie drove to Summerside after the festivities and have began the important duties of housekeeping. We offer them our warmest congratulations.
Wedding and Anniversaries Part 2
Hand Dated, July 1 1922 Paper Unknown
A very interesting event occurred on Saturday last when the quiet and pretty wedding took place at 7:00 a.m. in the Methodist Parsonage at Tryon, Rev. Mr. Fitzpatrick officiating, of Mr. Elisha H. Wright, of Victoria, to Mrs. Claudine Taylor. Both bride and groom were unattended and left after the wedding breakfast for a honeymoon trip to various points of interest in the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Wright enjoy the esteem of a very exceptionally wide circle of friends, whom we join in wishing them a long life and every happiness.
Hand Dated, 1884 Paper Unknown
At the residence of the mother of the bride, the 29th Sept., by the Rev. B. Chappelle, ...ace H. Beer, of Charlottetown, to Doosie, daughter of the late Asher Black, Esq., Summerside.
Hand Dated March 1888 Paper Unknown
At Fredericton N.B., on the 6th inst., by Rev. Wm. Dobson, brother of the bride, David Schurman, of S'side, to Miss Amy Dobson of same place.
Hand Dated 1890 Paper Unknown
Boswell-Lea- At the Victoria Methodist Church, on Tues. morning the 27th inst., by the Rev. H.P. Cowperthwaite, Mr Edward Boswell, to Miss Rebecca Lea, eldest daughter of W.C. Lea Esq., of Victoria, Crapaud.
Same Clipping
Leard - McQuarrie - At Hampton August 21st, by the Rev. A. McLean, Phillip Callbeck Leard, of Augustine Cove, to Margaret Ann McQuarrie, of Hampton..
Hand Dated Nov. 1891 Paper Unknown
The nuptials of Miss Bertha Walker, daughter of Mr. Henry Walker of this town and David McMurdo of the firm Warren, Hicks& McMurdo Bros. took place last Tuesday evening at the residence of the brides father mid the hearty congratulations of numerous friends who witnessed the ceremony. Rev Mr. Dickie was the officiating clergyman while the bride was attended by her cousin Miss Laura Cannon of St. Eleanors, the groom being assisted by Mr. William Craswell. Mrs. McMurdo was the recipient of a large, varied and costly lot of presents among which was a purse of $25 from the Presbyterian congregation as a recognition of her services as organist for some time past. The gathering was a happy one and it only broke up when the " wee sma' oors" were reached. Mr. and Mrs. McMurdo began housekeeping in the residence safely vacated by Dr. Price. We wish them a happy prosperous life.
Date and paper Unknown
To Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wright
Bedeque, P. E. Island
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Wright: - On this the evening of your golden anniversary, we, your friends and neighbours have come to rejoice with you because today you have reached the 50th milestone along the journey of married life. We join with you in gratitude and praise to Almighty God for his goodness and mercy in sparing your lives to see this golden day.
From this golden milestone on life's pathway you can look backward over the half-century of life and work to the 19th day of October in the year 1876 when an adventurous youth and a blushing maiden joined hands at the marriage alter and started down life's way together, as husband and wife.
Tonight as we review your life's story and try to estimate what you have meant to us, there are certain things that stand out prominently in our minds and we wish you now to understand why we are here, and why we are interested in your welfare.
(1) You have been model citizens of whom any community might be proud. Your farm has been a model of neatness, and you labors have been crowned with success. By your intelligent methods, wise planning and diligent study, you have kept abreast of the times and have been able to help others to operate successfully from this part of the Island
(2) Your home has always been a model home. A home in which all the modern conveniences that skill and effort could produce, were to be found. As we look around your beautiful residence tonight we see a model of neatness and convenience, a well arranged and well equipped home with everything that genius and industry can produce; ministering to your comfort and happiness in these latter years of your married life.
Your table has always been large and well stocked with tempting delicacies, and no hotel in the land could produce a more appetizing and inviting bill of fare. Many of us here tonight will have to confess that we had the same failing when at your table as the boy at the dinner table who was always " first in and last out."
Your garden has always been a model for all the country side, and poor indeed must that mortal be, who never had the pleasure of sitting down to a meal of Jesse Wright's Corn; or partaking of the queen of ... fruits, and ... .... Strawberry," and dull indeed must be the asthetic taste of the man who has never feasted his eyes on the hedge of crimson dahlias and the rose bushes in full bloom, and the sweet scented peas. All these have made your garden a charmed spot.
We would not have mentioned these things if you had selfishly kept them all for yourselves. You have not been narrow in your use of the blessings God gave you, and have taken great delight in sharing these blessings with others.
The dahlias from your garden have adorned the pulpit of the church at your door, and have been the admiration of many friends and visitors during the summer, and many people from far and near have enjoyed fellowship around your hospitable table.
We are here tonight to testify that during all the years of the past half century you have lived the friendly life. People come here as they would come to their own parents, and they confide in you. Many people not related by any family ties at al, call you by the endearing term of " Uncle Jesse and Aunt Margaret"
3) Another thing that we admire about you both is your youthful spirit. We are delighted to see that the weight of years has not crushed your youthful and optimistic spirit. You have grown with the years, and have kept pace with the progress of the best in life today. You began life with your horse and wagon and when autos came you purchased a "Chev" and have kept it humming spick and span as it is today. No matter what mishap may come your way you still persevere and keep sweet.
Our friend John Stewart may out of the greatness of his heart cause your tank to overflow, and produce a conflagration that destroys your comfortable cushions and hood; but soon all is as good as new. Heath Clark's man may put up his pole to stop the horses, but he cannot stop you. Your windshield may be broken but you yourselves are intact and with the same spirit you secure the necessary repairs and appear at church on Sunday as if nothing happened.
That same spirit of youth was in your heart the day you hoisted your radio antennae wires to the breeze and began to catch the thousand voices of other lands and climes and many people are greatly indebted to you for splendid radio programmes which they have enjoyed, as they sat in your cozy music hall. This spirit of youth you both possess and what an asset it is in any community. It challenges us to keep abreast of the times, to refuse to live in the past and to press on to better things.
This is ............................................................one of the greatest forward looking countries in the world today. As an evidence of your youthful, hopeful attitude we might cite your attitude to-ward the United Church of Canada. We appreciate very highly your spirit of unity and co-operation. You saw the church at your door, a church with the same high ideals and progressive outlook as your own, and you helped us in many ways.
We ought not to forget the debt we owe to you, Mr. Wright, for your helpful vocal instruction. For many years you have inspired our people with a love for good music. Music with harmony in it, accurate as to time, and true to tune. You have inspired many to try and reach out to better things in the musical line; for all have admired your thoroughness and accuracy and your help in training of our choirs will not be forgotten.
We may add also that apart from all these duties which you had rendered so willingly for the good of all you have taken a deep interest in the public school. You have acted in the capacity of secretary of Trustees for many years and have done the work with satisfaction to all. In this section, where there is no Women's Institute to assist the Trustees in keep in the school up to the standard you have a school that is abreast of the times in every way; and part of the credit must at least be accorded to you.
We regret that Mrs. Whidden, the daughter of the home here is not able to be with us tonight, and join with us in this celebration, but we are sure that she would like to be here and soon will be here, to bring her good cheer and best wishes to those who to night commemorate the 50th anniversary of their married life.
In conclusion permit us to remind you of the goodness and mercy of God the Heavenly Father in permitting you both to see this day of your many friends gathers together with warm feelings toward you , and as an evidence of our affection and gratification that you have been permitted to celebrate your golden wedding you will please accept these gifts- a gold headed cane, wrist watch, cut flowers and gold pieces- these tokens of our friendship and good will and may you long be spared to use them, and as you do may they remind you of the golden friendships of your many friends, who rejoice with you in this golden anniversary of your wedding day.
Signed on behalf of your many friends
Clement Carruthers,
Jessie Clark,
Mrs. Clark MacQuarrie.
Paper and Date Unknown
Golden Wedding
The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Taylor, Freetown, was celebrated on Tuesday evening March 26th. About sixty of the older residents of Freetown and Bedeque attended. After partaking of the good thinks provided, a programme was carried out consisting of speeches, music, recitations etc. The following address was read and fittingly replied to by Mr. and Mrs. Taylor:-
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Taylor
Fifty years having rolled away since the magic words were spoken that made you two one, we, the undersigned on behalf of your many friends, desire to congratulate you on this, the jubilee of that auspicious event. During these many years you have retained unbroken the confidence and esteem of the entire community. Where sickness or bereavement or trouble of any kind came into any of our homes, you vied with each other both in ministering to the need or in extending kindly sympathy. You ever seemed to possess a happy aptitude to meet any and every condition - "rejoice with those who do rejoice and weeping with those who weep". The claims of the Master were recognized by you through all these years.
Mrs. Taylor is widely known for her labors of love in the Masters service. As a Sunday School teacher she has done much to develop Christian character in the young. You have lived to see many and great changes wrought by the hand of time. You have seen the almost unbroken forest transformed in broad acres of waving grain, of various kinds and the landscape dotted with comfortable homesteads. You have seen our kindly soil which had been expending its energy in the production of timber, made through the help of a kind Providence, and the labor of the husbandman, produce liberally the choicest of food for man and beast.
Your farm has been an object lesson to the whole community. Your fields give evidence of intelligent cultivation; neatness and thoroughness is in evidence everywhere. On all public questions you have taken a deep interest and every movement calculated to benefit the province and the people has had your hearty and loyal support.
Please accept as a slight token of our esteem and as a souvenir of this happy occasion this small gift and coupled with the earnest wish that the twilight of your journey may be long and pleasant - happy in ... consciousness of the ever present. One who "keepeth Israel and who slumbers not nor sleeps"
Yours very Truly
Stewart Burns
Colin J. Schurman
Alexander Cairns
John Walker
J. Davis Schurman
Mrs. Taylor was dressed in her wedding dress of fifty years ago. An interesting feature was charivari conducted by the young people of the community.
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