Paper Unknown Date Unknown
[d. 02/09/1909*]
The death occurred on Monday night at his home in Middleton of Mr. Elias Wright an aged and respected resident of that place. Deceased had been ill for sometime with stomach trouble. He was seventy years of age and leaves to mourn two brothers and one sister, Rufus and Colin and Miss Jane Ann all residing in Middleton. Funeral takes place tomorrow at 1 p.m. to the Bedeque Methodist Cemetery. *** clipping has age of seventy scratched out and handwritten on clipping is age 68***
Hand Dated 1908, Paper Unknown
The death occurred at Brookline N.Y. on Aug. 1st of Fannie Chapman wife of Dr. T.J. Trueman of Brookline. Her remains were brought to her former home in Port Elgin where they were interred on Tuesday. Dr. Trueman is a native of Searletown and has many friends in this province.
Date and Paper Unknown
[Sarah Louisa (Strong) Wright d. 12/01/1908*]
We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Colin Wright of Central Bedeque, which occurred on Monday night, after a prolonged illness. Deceased who was 54 years of age was a daughter of the late Hon. G.W. Strong, Summerside. One sister Miss Mary Strong and four brothers Messrs. Frederick W., John B., C.E. and Henry P. survive. The funeral will take place on Thursday at 2 p.m.
Another clipping of Mrs. Colin Wright Paper unknown but gives the month and day as Jan. 14th
Hand Dated Jun 10th, 1929, Paper: The Guardian
Death of Mrs. Holland Leard - The community at Summerside were shocked to learn of the death of Mrs. Holland Leard of Summerside, in Prince County Hospital on Monday evening about 6:30. Mrs. Leard was in her usual health on Saturday but was taken suddenly ill and brought to the hospital on Sunday where everything possible was done for her but she passed peacefully away. She will be greatly missed in Summerside where she had lived for many years as she was of a quiet and sympathetic nature and a member of the Trinity United Church. Her husband predeceased her about seven years ago. There are left to mourn two daughters Mrs. A.E. Large of Summerside and Mrs. W. Schurman of Bedeque, to whom The Guardian extends respectful sympathy - S.
Date Hand Written beside clipping 1919, and Paper Unknown
[d. 08/10/1917*]
We learn with deep sorrow that Miss Lizzie Craig, only daughter of Mr. John Craig of Middleton passed away almost suddenly at her home there on Thursday night. The deceased young lady who was a universal favourite had been in poor health for some time, but her death came quite unexpected and was a great shock to the bereaved parents and relatives , to whom the profound sorrow of the community is extended. The funeral will take place on Sunday at 2:30 p.m.
Date and Paper Unknown
The saddest affair that has happened at Summerside for many a day took place on Sunday evening . Dr A. A. Black who had not been home all day telephoned to his wife at half past six o'clock from his office and informed her that he had just taken poison. She in turned immediately telephoned to a doctor who upon arriving at Dr. Blacks office was informed by him that he had taken ten grains of strychnine which had already reached his feet therefore there was nothing the doctor could do that would save his life. And the end came shortly afterwards. The Dr. Black came to Summerside about six years ago and was reckoned one of the best veterinary surgeons in the province. He was perhaps the leading authority upon fox ailments and was the first to start a "fox hospital" where aristocrats of the reyna..*not legible*
species were taken as in-patients. He also did a very extensive practice amongst the ranches. He was meat and food inspector for the town of Summerside and all his duties were discharged in an energetic and faithful manner. The late Mr. Black was only 55 years of age and was twice married. He leaves a widow to whom the entire sympathy of the community goes out, but no family. The funeral takes place today ( Tuesday) to his former home at Searletown. A very large circle of friends will mourn the deceased who was good natured and obliging to all and honorable in all his dealings.
Date and Paper Unknown
[d. 09/25/1918*]
Killed In Action
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lowther of North Carlton will be sorry to hear of their only son Charles who was killed the 25th September. He enlisted in the 105th and was sent to France in the first contingent. He was a quiet unassuming young man who although he was very much needed at home saw the need of his country and made the supreme sacrifice. He leaves to mourn his father and mother and two sisters.
Dated by Hand 1905, Paper Unknown
Farewell to the Veteran
One of the grand old men of our common Methodist ....*not legible*
has stepped from the Alps to the everlasting the passing of the Rev. George O. Huestis, he left us, with a smile on his face and a song in his heart, a week ago yesterday. For so many years he has gone in and out amongst us , thrilling our hearts with his voice and pen, that though carrying the weight of eighty-five years, he was so...vant of spirit, that his departure seemed an invasion and we could not forgive death for the assault. Entering the ministry in 1846, he labored in New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia till 1889, when he became a supernumerary, and for the last eight years has lived at Lunenburg, N.S. where he died. Several times ..the honor of Chairman of District and was held in Much esteem by his brethren in that ministry and beloved by the people on the circuits where he labored. He was an ardent advocate of temperance, and held for several years the highest positions in the gift of the Order of Sons of Temperance. He was the author of "Memorials of .....sleyan of Missionaries and Ministers" and "Beginnings of Methodism" and was a frequent contributor for many years to the columns of the .......SLEYAN Part of the past summer was spent in Prince Edward Island lecturing on temperance and attending the Camp Meeting at Berwick, when he seemed as vigorous as ever, but death came suddenly for as he sat in his chair in his usual good health, God's fingers touched him, and he slept. Out a life with a new impulse the kind gray head and the young heart have gone and we feel his passing because we loved him, but we shall not weep beside a marble monument for we look beyond the ...nds and his best monument is in human hearts farewell to the chief ! Hereafter in a brighter world where clouds are lost in visions and grief is ...nged to songs, we shall meet till then we will honor the veteran by doing noble things in a divine way.
Date 1910, Paper Unknown
Smallwood- At Winnipeg on Dec. 17th 1910 of bronchial asthma, Alexander Smallwood son of the late William Smallwood of Lot 48 aged 70 years.
Hand Dated 1911, Paper Unknown
The death occurred at the home of her son Lewis Trueman, Searletown of Mrs. Trueman, relict of the late B.H. Trueman of that place. The deceased who had been ailing for some months past was fifty-three years of age and leaves to mourn two sons Lewis, in Searleton and Dr. T.J. of Brooklyn N.Y. and two daughters Mrs. Geo. Wright, Searletown and Miss Eliza at home. The funeral takes place Saturday from the residence of Lewis Trueman to Searletown Methodist Cemetery.
Date and Paper Unknown
[Winnifred (White) Wright d. 01/14/1911*]
The death occurred at Middleton on Saturday last of Mrs. Clifford Wright, daughter of George White of York Point. She leaves to mourn a husband and two small children, one an infant about six weeks old. The funeral took place yesterday at two p.m. to the Bedeque Baptist Cemetery and was largely attended.
Date and Paper Unknown
[d. 01/27/1911*]
The death occurred at his home at Fernwood, yesterday afternoon of Herbert Leard, son of Chas. and Mrs. Leard, Fernwood, deceased who was 40 years of age suffered from a bout of measles about two weeks ago which developed in pneumonia causing his death. He leaves to mourn besides an aged father and mother, a wife and two children. The funeral takes place at 2 p.m. tomorrow (Sunday) from his late residence to Bedeque Baptist Cemetery.
Date and Paper Unknown
Many of our readers will learn with deep sorrow of the death Benjamin B. Profit of Augustine Cove, which took place on Saturday last in the P.E.I. Island Hospital Charlottetown. The deceased entered the hospital some time ago suffering from blood poisoning in the hand and although all was done for him that medical skill could do he passed away. On Saturday afternoon the body was removed from the hospital and taken by train to Cape Traverse and thence forwarded to Augustine Cove. The remains were accompanied by Mrs. Profit who went to the city on Wednesday on learning that her husband was becoming worse. Mr. Profit was an energetic, hardworking man and was highly popular. The deceased was about fifty years of age and was born in New London. About fourteen years ago he removed to Alberton and four years ago located in Augustine Cove. Besides his widow he leaves to mourn a family of seven, some of whom are at home and some abroad. The children abroad have been telegraphed for.
Date and Paper Unknown
[d. 02/04/07*]
The death of Isaac Wright formerly of Carleton P.E.I. and late of Bedeque occurred in Calgary, Alta., on Feb. 24th of paralysis of the brain. Deceased had moved with his family to Calgary about a year and a half ago. He was 70 years of age and leaves to mourn two daughters, Mrs. R.L. Glover, Mrs. H.L. Rogers and one son Fred T., besides a sister-in-law Miss Eliza Clark, all residing in Calgary. Colin Wright of Bedeque is the only surviving brother of the deceased. The remains were interred in Union Cemetery Calgary. The attendance at the funeral including many former Islanders was large and the final tributes many and beautiful, evincing the esteem in which the deceased was held by his numerous friends in Calgary. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. G.W. Kirby pastor of Central Methodist Church and pall bearers were W.E. Forsyth, W.H.Waugh, A.W. Lea, Charles Clark, G.T. Seymour and E.M. McCa**mon. His many friends in this county will hear of his death with much regret.
Hand Dated 1912, Paper Unknown
There passed peacefully away on Sept 23rd in the 61st year of her age, Sarah Jane Compton beloved wife of John R Cameron, of Albany. She was widely known as a person of a kind and gentle disposition always seeking to the welfare of others before that of herself, and was highly esteemed by all who knew her on account of her beautiful character and Christian virtues. She was a consistent member of the Church of Scotland, and a zealous admirer of the word of God. She leaves to mourn a grief stricken husband, one son Henry of Albany and one daughter, Mrs. Bruce Wright of Mission B.C., also one brother William of Peters Road and four sisters Mrs. Malcolm Taylor of Portland Oregon, Mrs. Henry Compton of Iris, Mrs. Geo. Hume of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Henry Bramhall of Carleton. The funeral service was conducted by her pastor Rev. Jas. MacDougall, who spoke words of comfort and appreciation from Eph. 2:19., and interment took place in Cape Traverse cemetery
Hand Dated 1919, Paper Unknown
Mrs. Wightman
On the early morning of May 5th the beloved wife of Rev. F.A. Wightman of Bathhurst N.B. passed peacefully and with great hope to the home where the inhabitants never say " I am sick. " After a year marked by much suffering, borne with a full and cheerful resignation, the patient sufferer passed to the painless and tearless life above. Mrs. Wightman, formerly Miss Lavinia Alice Crosby of Bedeque P.E.I., entered upon the Christian life when a mere girl and to the close of an active and beautiful life maintained the character of a disciple of the Lord she served and loved so well. By her devotion, cheerfulness, sympathy and unceasing kindness she was specially fitted for the position which she occupied in the church for several years. Her religious life was a very happy experience and by the bright and attractive manner in which her inner life found expression she was a constant invitation to others to share with her the deep joy which was hers as the days and years passed away. It is no wonder that such a sunny and hopeful life won an appreciation far and wide irrespective of Church distinctions of every kind . It is one of the mysteries of the present world that a character and career so useful in the home and community and Church should thus be stricken in its prime, but we are assured that some day the light will fall on all such painful problems and it is ours with patience and unshaken confidence and hope to wait for the coming blessed dawn of that morning which will not fail to lift the night of mystery and "Justify the ways of God to man." An appropriate service which was largely attended was held on Friday evening in the Bathurst Church which was conducted by Rev. Dr. Harrison of Newcastle, assisted by the pastors of the town. It is needless to say that the deepest sympathy has been expressed by the community and congregation for Mr. Wightman and his family in the sore bereavement which has come to them. The interment took place on the Sabbath the 7th inst. at her old home in Bedeque P.E.I. Fitting and touching references were made to the character and work of our departed sister in the morning service of that day by the pastor Rev. George Ayres.
W. Harrison
Hand Dated 1906, Paper The Pioneer
The death of Edith S., wife of Mr. D.K. Currie of Summerside occurred at her home on Thursday after a short illness. Deceased is survived by her husband and five children, her mother relict of the late James McNutt of Malpeque, two sisters, Misses Annie and Janie and one brother Thomas of Malpeque. She was thirty-eight years of age and had a large number of friends in Summerside and at her former home in Malpeque and vicinity who will deeply mourn her untimely death. Expressions of regret are being heard on all sides. Much sympathy is felt for the family and husband who is left with a family of young children , most of whom are at an age when they most need a mother's care and affection. The youngest is an infant about three weeks old.
The Pioneer joins with the many friends of the deceased expressing sympathy for the family in their bereavement. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon from her late residence to the Peoples Cemetery.
Hand Dated Dec 6, 1898, Paper The Farmer
We record with sincere regret the death of Miss Amy Ross daughter of the late Mr. Murdock Ross , of North Bedeque which sad event took place on Tuesday morning as a result of typhoid fever contracted about three months ago, soon after she returned from attending the last term of the Prince of Wales College. Miss Ross was a very promising student and had she lived would have done honour to a clever family. She was of a quiet and lovable disposition and won the confidence, goodwill and respect of all who knew her. She leaves a widowed mother, four sisters and three brothers to mourn their loss. Two eldest brothers are attending Dalhousie College, Halifax. One sister Miss Lottie is at home ; the others Miss Sophie Ross now a teacher in Honolulu, Hawaii; Miss Jennie Ross B.A. teacher at Woodville N.S., and Miss Annie Ross a Montreal Hospital nurse. The funeral takes place this (Thursday) morning at 11 o'clock. To the bereaved mother and family the Farmer tenders it's sincere sympathy.
The next two clippings were Hand Dated 1900, and accompanied by a pictures of the deceased, Paper Unknown
Private Alfred Riggs
Killed at Modder River Feb. 27
Roland D Taylor
Charlottetown Engineers, killed at Modder River Feb. 18th
Date and Paper Unknown
[d. 04/14/1914*]
A telegram received by Dr. Alex McNeill on Sunday last announces the death of Charles G Wright formerly of Summerside and latterly of Malden Mass. No particulars were given. Deceased was a son of A.M. and Mrs. Wright , formerly of Bedeque and was for a number of years a prominent citizen of Summerside, being for a time a book keeper in his fathers shipping office and afterwards a member of the firm Wright, Schurman & Co. for about three years past he was in delicate health. He leaves to mourn his father and mother, his wife (formerly Miss Janie Seaman, Summerside) and one brother, Percy of St Albans, Vermont.
Handwritten Date 1916, and Paper Unknown
[Margaret Theodosa (Chappell) Wright d. 03/07/1916*]
A wide circle of our readers will join us in sincere regret at the death of Mrs. Henry E Wright, which took place at her residence in Summerside on Thursday morning after a brief illness. The deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. George M. Wright of Bedeque and has for some years been an honored member of society at Summerside, where has taken a prominent part in all work connected with the Episcopal church and up until the time of her illness was an ardent worker for the Red Cross and every good cause in the community. There are left to mourn a sorrowful husband, Stipendiary Wright, the oldest practicing member of the Bar in this Province and two sons, Mr. Stephen Wright, a mining engineer now in Mexico, and Mr. Rowan Wright of the Bank of Nova Scotia , who is now home for the funeral; also three sisters Mrs. Charles Full of California, Mrs. (Rev. Dr. ) Steele, of Saint John, N.B., and Mrs. David Rogers of Summerside, and two brothers, Messrs. Mark Wright of Vancouver, and G D Wright, of Charlottetown, to all of whom our deepest sympathy is extended. The funeral takes place on Sunday afternoon to St Mary's church 2 o'clock and thence St. John's Cemetery at St. Eleanors.
Date of 1909 appears beside the clipping Paper Unknown
The death occurred at Lowell, Mass., of Mrs. Christina Atkinson aged 81 years, widow of the late Busby Atkinson, who predeceased her about four years. A brother James Wright of Tryon ,and two sisters Mrs. Priscilla Callbeck, and Mrs. John Howatt, of Bedeque survive her. She also leaves to mourn her loss, a son Sergeant Thos. Atkinson of Lowell, Mass. and three daughters. Mrs. Wm. Ramsay, Bedeque; Mrs. Susan Lowther, Chelton; and Mrs. Chas Hill of Lowell Mass. Though residing in Lowell for a number of years she loved to visit her native place when her cheerfulness and kindliness made life more pleasant for all whom she came in contact. She died as she lived trusting in Jesus Christ for salvation with a firm hope of a glorious immortality.
Paper and Date Unknown
The death occurred in Calgary, Alta. on the 11th inst. at the residence of her niece , Mrs. H. L. Rogers or Eliza Clarke, daughter of the late Isaac Clarke, of Cape Traverse , the surviving members of whose family now are Mr. Major Clarke, and Mrs. Robert L. Muttart, of Cape Traverse. The deceased also leaves to mourn a nephew Mr. Fred T. Wright, and two nieces in the West, Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. R. L. Glover The remains were laid to rest on Saturday last in the Union Cemetery at Calgary
Paper and Date Unknown
W.H. Manson Passes Away
Another of our best known and most estimable citizens William H. Manson has been called to his rest. For some months Mr. Manson had been in failing health and during the past few weeks it was known that the end was rapidly nearing. It came peacefully on Wednesday evening. The late Mr. Manson was born in Kildare sixty three years ago and has been a resident of Summerside for about twenty five years. He served most efficiently and through several terms at the civic Council Board, was identified with all that was progressive and best in the civic and social life of the town . He was for many years a member of the town Manufacturing Company and in that capacity made many friends, not only in this but in neighbouring provinces where he traveled extensively. He was a prominent mason and a member of King Hiram Lodge and at different times held responsible positions in the order. He was also a member of Court Catauqua I.O.F.. He leaves to mourn his wife formerly Miss Harriet Wadman, daughter of the late Edward Wadman, Augustine Cove and one son Edward H Manson, of R T Holman Ltd., also one brother John in Nebraska, and two sisters Mrs. Herbert Gates, and Mrs. Jennie McLeod, Spokane. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon and was under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity.
Paper the Guardian, Hand written date under this clipping is March 27th, 1912
The funeral of the late Edward Hooper whose death was reported in Yesterday's Guardian as Edward Harper took place yesterday afternoon at two o'clock from the late residence of the deceased and was very largely attended. Interment was made at the Methodist cemetery at Bedeque, and the services at the house and grave were conducted by Rev Hammond Johnson assisted by Rev A. O. Morse The following were the pallbearers T. J. Enman, John Stewart, Peter Barwise, Duncan Nicholson, Artemus Carvell and John Murray - S
A terrible accident occurred Wednesday afternoon by which Edward Hooper a ...* not legible * ely known individual and highly respected resident of that locality lost his life. The deceased was working in the steam sawmill owned by his brother Allison . At the time of the accident he was operating a circular saw and was alone , his father being in the engine room. Mr. Kehoe who happened to be passing at the time noticed that something unusual had occurred and went to the mill to investigate. He found Mr. Hooper lying unconscious by a pile of lumber , a deep gash in his head which a subsequent examination showed had been caused by a slab thrown off by the circular saw. The brother was hastenly summoned, a doctor called in and everything possible was done for the injured man but he never regained consciousness and passed away about ten o'clock .
The deceased was about 45 years of age and was the son of the Late Lemuel Hooper. He leaves to mourn his wife and two children , Leslie and Helen, both at home, three brothers Allison above mentioned, Herbert in Detroit Mich., and Henry in California. The funeral takes place this Friday afternoon at 2:30.
The stricken family have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community in their sudden loss and sad bereavement.
Hand Dated Nov. 18, 1896, Paper Unknown
The remains of the late Dr. Wall were ....*not legible* from Charlottetown on the Sunday afternoon train to Emerald, a large number of friends being on board. When the .... reached Emerald a large gathering of ....were waiting both on foot and in cars. The pall-bearers were: Dr. McNeill of Kensington
Dr. Robertson of Crapaud, ...Kennedy of Breadalbane, and John I...Albert Craig and Geo. R McMahon of Emerald. The body was conveyed to the ... near when Rev. Mgr. Gillis of Indian and Rev. J.J. McDonald of Kinkora conducted the funeral services, after which interment took place at Kinkora burying ground. On Saturday evening previous the E.... branch of the Benevolent Irish society held a special meeting and passed the following solution: Whereas it has pleased Divine providence to call we trust to a brighter and better world our late brother, Dr. Wall. Be resolved that this society give expression ..... loss it had sustained through his death. ..... be it further resolved that this result ... inscribed in the minutes of the society .. copy sent to the press for publication.
Date Unknown Paper The Guardian
Many Guardian readers will learn with regret of the death of Major Wright, Centerville, which occurred yesterday evening about five o'clock after an illness of only a few days. The deceased was 77 years of age and had conducted business in Centerville for forty years retiring a few years ago. His wife Miss Ada Shreeves, a daughter of the late Rev. Mr. Shreeves, Chester N.S. predeceased him a little over a year ago and a few weeks afterwards his daughter, May passed away. One daughter Miss Millicent and one son Richmond survive. The later at present is on his way home from Vancouver B.C. The Guardian extends it sympathy to the bereaved family.
Hand Dated 1928, Paper Unknown
Hyde- At Middleton April 22 John W. Hyde aged 79 years.
Date and Paper Unknown
In the casualty list issued at Ottawa last Tuesday appeared the name of Private Ellis Hooper amongst the wounded. A telegram to his father Mr. Allison Hooper, of Bedeque, added the ominous word "dangerously"; and on Wednesday this was followed by another telegram conveying the sad news that Private Hooper was dead. He was one of the finest soldiers and best liked boys of the late 105th Battalion and had the honor probably on that account of the first draft from the 105th to go into the trenches in Northern France. He helped materially, as so many Islanders are doing in freeing that country from the murderous Hun and in reestablishing throughout the world the rights of freedom and justice, so dear to every British heart. The nobility of his sacrifice must assuage the sorrow of his bereaved relatives, to who our deepest sympathy, coupled with gratitude to the dead hero for all that he had done is extended.
Date and Paper Unknown
Many of our readers will be pained to learn of the death of Mrs. Rogers, wife of David Rogers, Freetown, which occurred on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Rogers had been ill for some months and a few days ago was taken to the P.E. Island Hospital for treatment but the Physicians there held out no hope and she was brought back to her home where in the midst of tender care and all her family physician could do, she calmly awaited the end. Deceased was a devout Christian beloved by a large circle of friends and acquaintances and her death will be sincerely mourned by the whole community . A sorrowing husband and one daughter besides three stepdaughters, Mrs. L U Fowler, North Bedeque; Mrs. Cairns, Freetown; and Miss Mattie at home, and two step-sons Picton in the Northwest, and Henry, at home, survive her. She was a daughter of the late John R. Wright, Searletown and a sister of Messrs. Albert and Arthur Wright, Searletown, and James C. Wright, Summerside. To the bereaved relatives and friends we tender our sincere sympathy.
Date and Paper Unknown
The death took place suddenly at her home in Centerville early yesterday morning of Mrs. Colin Wright. Deceased had not been in the best of health for some years, but her death was not expected. Mrs. Wright who was about fifty-four years of age was a daughter of the late Hon. Wm. ... Strong, Summerside. Besides her husband, one sister Miss Stirling and four brothers Fred W., John B., Edward and Henry P., all of Summerside, survive her. Funeral tomorrow at two o'clock.
Date and Paper Unknown
His many friends will regret to hear of the death of Mr. John Jesse Wright, which occurred at his home in Middleton, Lot 27 on April 17th. The deceased was a great sufferer for several years which he bore with Christian patience and fortitude. He was a devoted husband , a kind father, a faithful friend and neighbour , respected by all classes in the community as was shown by the large number who in spite of bad roads and weather followed the remains to their last resting place. He will be long remembered for his kind words and hospitality. He leaves a widow ,two sons and two daughters besides a host of relations and friends not to mourn as those would have no hope for
Christ hath died and risen again
And robbed this earth of its sting
And in his heavenly house above
From death set free, he sings
May sustaining grace be given to those bereft.
Date and Paper Unknown
Crawford , at the residence of Dr Henderson, North River on March 13th
... Crawford aged 78 years. (Funeral on Tuesday at 12 o'clock to Railway Station, Charlottetown, thence to Freetown)
Hand Dated beside clipping 1916, Paper Unknown
Very many friends of the family at Summerside and the surrounding district will regret to learn that Mr. Alex Frank C. Hooper, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert P Hooper, formerly of Summerside, and now of Vancouver, B.C. was killed in action in France on April 30th. The deceased who at the time of his death was 36 years of age, went to Vancouver with his parents from Summerside about 17 years ago and enlisted there early in the war in the 29th Battalion. His parents and one sister Miss Ina Hooper are left to mourn.
Hand Dated, March 7th, 1907, Paper Unknown
Alfred Schurman a former respected resident of Bedeque , died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Pearson, Carleton, after an illness of several months of cancer. Deceased was eighty-one years of age and was well and favourably known. He was a lifelong prominent Conservative, a kind and generous neighbour and his death will be mourned by many. Two daughters Mrs. John Pearson and Mrs. James McQuarrie, Carleton, and one son Charles F., Carleton survive.
Hand Dated 1919, Paper Unknown
The remains of Mrs. Read wife of Capt. Joseph Read, Summerside , were laid to rest on Wednesday in the People's Cemetery, the funeral being very largely attended -in fact the deep respect held by all classes found expression in what was probably the largest funeral accord any previously deceased lady of the community. The funeral services at the house and grave were conducted by Rev H.J. Fraser and Rev. E.J. Ratt?e The pall bearers were Messrs. Arthur Brennan, Bishop Read, Clement Carruthers, Professor Ross, Robert Baker and Robert Laird.
The death occurred in Stockton........
Hand Dated beside clipping 190?2, Paper Unknown
The death occurred on Sunday March 2nd of Mr. Solomon Schurman, one of the oldest and most respected residents of Bedeque. He had been in failing health for some time but no serious results had been expected and it was hoped he would again recover his wonted strength but it was otherwise willed and he passed away, as above stated, at the ripe age of 84. Mr. Schurman was one of the first members of the Baptist Church at Bedeque, for years an honored deacon and all through his long life a consistent Christian gentlemen loved and respected by all who knew him. Besides a host of friends one son Mr. Alfred Schurman, Bedeque, and three daughters one of whom is Mrs. Rufus Wright, Middleton are left to mourn . The funeral which took place on Tuesday was largely attended, Rev. E.P. Calder conducting the funeral service.
Hand Dated 1914, Paper Unknown
In Memoriam
R. Theodore Wright
When on the evening of Saturday the 21st of February last, R Theodore Wright departed this life , the village of Campbellton, Prince Co. P.E.I. lost one of its oldest and most respected residents, and the Cape Wolfe Circuit, its oldest and its oldest and one of its most loyal members. In December 1821, he was born at Searletown P.E.I., a son of the Late John Wright. He was married to Sarah, daughter of the late Nathaniel Wright, of Searletown. There were born to them a family of five children, two of the first whom died in childhood. And about eighteen years ago a devoted wife and mother passed to her eternal reward. The surviving members of the family are two daughters, Mrs. Henry Wroth and Mrs. James Huestis in Boston ,Mass., and one son, Ingham S., at home in Campbellton. Nearly sixty years ago Mr. Wright moved from Searletown to a beautiful spot on the Western shore of the Island in Lot 7, which at that time was a comparatively new settlement, but now is thickly inhabited community known by the name of Burton. There he built mills, and for many years, ran a grist mill, carding mill and saw mill and also carried on considerable farming. Mr. Wright was an energetic and industrious man, and by his good management, business ability and the blessing of God, he became one of the most prosperous and well to do men in that section of the country. A few years ago his home at Burton was destroyed by fire, with most of its contents. After the fire he moved to the village of Campbellton, where he spent the remainder of his days, being lovingly and tenderly cared for, in his declining years by his son Ingham and estimable wife.
In early life while at Searletown, Theodore Wright accepted Christ as his personal Saviour, and united with the Methodist Church of which he continued a consistent and faithful member. Being a man of strong convictions and sound judgment, of earnest purpose, and of upright character, he became under God a very useful and honored citizen in the community, and a "tower of strength" in the church. After his removal to Lot 7, he took a deep interest in the erection of a new Methodist Church there to the support of which he continued to give willing service and generous financial help. Acting in his official capacity, he served the church at different times as class leader, S.S. Superintendent, and a member of both Trustee and Quarterly Official Boards. The pastors who have labored on the Cape Wolfe Circuit and those who years ago were stationed on the Alberton charge will doubtless cherish pleasant and greatfull memories of their happy and helpful associations with Bro. Theodore Wright, and the warm welcome, and exceeding kindness of his hospitable home. For some time past, on account of age and infirmity, our departed brother was unable to be present at the services of the sanctuary, but he drew near to God in the quiet of his own home, and found daily nourishment in the inspired pages of his precious Bible: and thus by waiting upon the Lord renewed his spiritual strength . At the throne of grace he didn't forget the interests of his church, for while lying on his death-bed, he was praying for the success of revival services being conducted in the Cape Wolfe church at the time. In common with others, Brother Theodore Wright had his spiritual conflicts, but he "fought the good fight" he "finished his course" he "kept the faith". He met the last enemy calmly and bravely, leaving behind him, for the help and comfort of his sorrowing dear ones , the example of a Godly life, and the testimony of a triumphant death. "And by it he being dead yet speaketh."
Servant of God, well done!
Thy glorious warfare's past;
The battle's fought, the victory won,
And thou art crowned at last;
Another Clipping
Theodore Wright
At the age of ninety-five Mr. Theodore Wright, one of Campbelltown's most respected inhabitants died on Thursday last. Mr. Wright was one of the oldest settlers in that part of the country and was highly esteemed by all. He was always upright and exemplary in his behaviour and his death is deeply regretted by those who knew him.
Hand Dated 1913, Paper Unknown
James G Wright
In the death of the venerable James E. Wright, Tryon Circuit, lost the oldest member and official on Oct. 1st 1913. Born in 1823 he had rounded out a good old age and came to his grave like a shock of corn fully ripened. From his youth he was brought into vital contact with the piety of a godly home , and the service and influence of Methodism, and following in the footsteps of his devoted parents, at an early age united with the Church and became a loyal and efficient member. When Tryon Circuit was formed in 1882, by separation from Bedeque, Mr. Wright was one of the first class leaders and many who were helped by his earnest Christian appeal and his wise and helpful words, will remember him with great gratitude. Always interested in every part of church work, his special delight centered in her spiritual claims and efforts. Any special effort to reclaim the wandering, and enlist men in the service of Jesus Christ, was sure to meet with his warm sympathy and as far as possible his hearty co-operation. To the end of his long life, the two volumes, dear to his heart and most constant companions read and re-read , were the Bible and the story of Charles G. Finney's Revivals. His constant prayer was "Revive Thy Work O Lord"
The loss of his devoted wife a few years ago was a great grief to him . She had proven a worthy helpmate through many years and together they had made a home, many of our ministers will remember with pleasure and in which many acts of unselfish service were rendered which never found a chronicle. recently his home had been with his only surviving daughter Mrs. T H Smith, of Tryon where in age and feebleness extreme he received touching care and attention, until his triumphant spirit cast the frail and worn-out body aside and was gathered home to eternal blessedness of the Father's House.
He rests from his labours but his works do follow him.
Dated January 29th, 1918, Paper Unknown
The death occurred on Tuesday last of Mr. Wallace Bradshaw a well known and well beloved resident of the community, at the age of 73 years. He was a native of New York State but came to the Island when a lad and settled in Middleton where he has always been a pillar of the Methodist church and a man note for his charitable and upright life. He is survived by a widow, formerly Miss Elizabeth Wright, three sons and one daughter namely the Messrs. Elias and Thomas Bradshaw on the homestead; Jessie Bradshaw in the United States; and Mrs. Henry Cameron, of Albany. The funeral which was largely attended , took place on Thursday afternoon.
Date and Paper Unknown
Sudden Death- Mr. Colin Wright of Middleton at his home after a lingering illness. He leaves to mourn a sorrowing wife and four children. The funeral took place Monday at 2 o'clock from his home.
Hand Dated 1910, Paper Unknown
Mrs. Dougald Wright
On the Sabbath morning Feb. 27th inst. Bernice wife of Dougald S. Wright Esq., of Summerside passed from the shadows of earth into the brightness of everlasting day. Mrs. Wright, who was a daughter of the late Joseph Black formerly of Amherst N.S. but who moved to Searletown, P.E.I. was born at Searletown, Sept. 1837 and fifteen years later was born anew during the ministry of the late Rev. G.O. Huestis and joined the Methodist Church of which she was ever a faithful and valued member. She was an unassuming yet intensely lovable disposition, ever devoted to her home , her church and the broader interests of the Kingdom of God. Her place in the sanctuary was rarely empty when she was able to be there and she loved and served her Saviour with a heart sincere. Just as she was passing away her pastor bending over her asked: "Is the Lord Jesus with you Mrs. Wright ?" and with a smile of ineffable sweetness she replied "Yes, He is always with me", and with this blessed confidence, she passed to be forever with the Lord, just as the Sabbath morning was breaking.
The funeral services which were conducted by the pastor assisted by Rev. F.S. Bamford and Rev. Geo. Steel were held at the home, Summerside, and then at Searletown where they remains were laid to rest. Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn two sons and a daughter and a large circle of relatives and friends.
Another Clipping
Wright - At Summerside Feb. 28th Mrs. Wright, wife of Dougald Wright, aged 72 years, leaving a husband , two sons and one daughter.
Hand Dated 1904, and Paper Unknown
At Middleton P.E.I., June 10th of meningitis, Melbourne Bradshaw, age 1 year and ten months, son of Mr. Ellia Bradshaw.
Hand Dated 1904, Paper Unknown
At Bedeque P.E.I., June 9th in the *...not legible* year of her age Mary, wife of Mr. John Howatt.
Date and Paper Unknown
A telegram from Portland Maine, on the 13th inst. says that J. Herbert Wright aged 45, a well known insurance man and native of P.E. Island, son of Horatio Wright of Bedeque died there on that day
Date and Paper Unknown
Hopper - At Middleton, March 11th, Mr. J. Arthur Hopper aged 26 years
Hand Dated 1906, Paper Unknown
The funeral of the late Colin Crossman, adopted son of John Crawford of Middleton, was held on Tuesday afternoon and was largely attended. Rev J.D. Wetmore conducted the service, assisted by the Rev. Neil McLaughlin. The remains were interred in the Baptist cemetery at Bedeque.
Date and Paper Unknown
Crawford at Lower Freetown on the 21st ult. Annie daughter of the late William Crawford of Middleton in the 52nd year of her age. A member of the Baptist church she led a quiet consistent peaceful life.
Date 1900, Paper Unknown
At his home, Middleton, Lot 27, on April 17th 1900 after a lingering illness. Mr. John Jesse Wright aged 70 years and 6 months. Gone to his eternal rest.
Date and Paper Unknown
In the death of Dr John Sutherland, briefly referred to in our last issue, this section of the province has sustained a loss by which will be keenly felt in many a home. A physician of more than ordinary ability, a man of sterling integrity and honor one whom all loved his sudden death in the midst of a useful career, away from home and friends has occasioned general sorrow. Accompanied by his wife and her niece, Miss Haley Montgomery, the doctor left a few weeks ago for a holiday trip to the United States. Mrs. Sutherland and Miss Montgomery returned by way of Newcastle N.B., where they visited some relatives, Dr. Sutherland going around by Chicago to visit a friend Dr. Howatt, formerly of Bedeque. He arrived in Montreal last Friday on his way home, stopping at the St. James Hotel. On Sunday night he retired in his usual health and on Monday morning was found dead in his bed, death having been due to heart failure . Friends in the city including Dr. Andrew McPhail, Messrs. Hiram Champion and Sim Carruthers medical students were communicated with. They attended to the preparation and forwarding home of the remains which arrived via Summerside on Wednesday evening. The late Dr. Sutherland was born at Stanley Bridge sixty two years ago a son of the late Alexander Sutherland . He graduated from the Philadelphia Medical College and practiced for a few years in West Cape . Thirty one years ago he removed to Bedeque where he worked up a very extensive practice winning esteem and confidence of all whom he came in contact both professionally and socially. His wife was Miss Alice McFarlane daughter of the late Mr. Malcolm McFarlane and a brother Donald Sutherland , Stanley survive. The funeral will take place tomorrow Saturday at 2 p.m. to the North Bedeque Cemetery.
Paper and Date Unknown
A Sad Journey- Mr. Bruce Wright and little son of Mission City B.C. arrived home on Tuesday evening with the remains of the late Mrs. Wright. The deceased was a lady of mild and gentle disposition who was loved by all who came within the circle of her acquaintance and her death at the early age of thirty seven is a severe blow to her relatives and friends. The funeral service which was conducted by Rev. Geo. Ayres, Bedeque took place on Thursday afternoon at the home of her father John R. Cameron Albany, to the Kirk Cemetery , Cape Traverse. A large concourse of people assembled to pay last tribute of respect to one who had been loved and respected by all. A great deal of sympathy is offered for the bereaved friends for the loss they have sustained-N.
Date and Paper Unknown
Bedeque Mourns Two Good Citizens
Announcement of the death on Thursday last of Nelson Hooper, one of the best known residents of Central Bedeque, came as a surprise and a shock to his many friends . He had been in perfect health until a week ago when he was strickened with a stomach haemmorage which notwithstanding the best medical treatment continued at intervals until he passed away. He was a successful farmer, a public spirited citizen and a man whom all esteemed most highly. He was fifty four years of age and was twice married. His first wife was Miss Carrie Stavert, who left one son ; the second wife who survives him was Miss Elenor Stavert, daughter of the late James Stavert , North Bedeque. One brother Robert, of Vancouver B.C., and one sister Mrs. Thomas Wright, Chelton now visiting at Verden, Man., survive. The bereaved family and relatives have the heartfelt sympathy of a large circle of friends. The funeral takes place Saturday at 2 o'clock.
2nd Announcement
The many friends of Mrs. Cornelius Leard, Central Bedeque, will be sorry to learn of her death which occurred last night after an illness of only a few days. On Tuesday last she was stricken with a paralysis and shortly afterwards lapsed into unconsciousness which continued until she passed away. She was seventy years of age , a devout Christian, a kind and loving wife and mother and a lady whom all esteemed very highly. She leaves to mourn her husband, two sons Calvin at home and Dr. A.W. Leard, Summerside and five daughters Mrs. Herbert Leard, Fernwood; Mrs. Thomas Moyce , Central Bedeque; Mrs. Howard McFarlane, Fernwood; Mrs. Leslie McFarlane, Lower Bedeque; Miss Zedrica at home. To the bereaved family we tender sincere sympathy. The funeral takes place on Saturday at 12:30
Date and Paper Unknown
The death occurred at Middleton yesterday of John Roberts about thirty years of age. Deceased had received injuries while hauling a building several weeks ago at Albany, from the effects he failed to recover. A wife and two children have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. Mr. Roberts was spoken of as a young man of sterling qualities. Funeral takes place .........?
Date and Paper Unknown
Mrs. George Newsome
of Bedeque, passed to the better land , aged 84 years. It is rather a notable coincidence that the number 9 should play such a strange part in her history. She was born on the 9th day of the month , married on the 9th day of the month, and died on the 9th day of the month. Many years ago, during the pastorate of the late Rev. Mr. Snowball, Sister Newsome was converted to God and joined the Methodist Church. Sixty-three years in the church of God. Although not very active in church work, yet she was faithful in her church and a lover of God's servants and God's people. The short time our sister kept her bed she seemed to be constantly thinking of her Saviour, and when the writer called to see her she never showed any sign of fear of death. She leaves a husband , with whom she had lived in harmonious married life for fifty-five years and a family of grown up married children to mourn her departure. Her end was calm and peaceful.
Hand Dated April 1921, Paper Unknown
Many friends will regret to learn of the death in St. John N.B., this week of Mrs.. (Rev.) George Steele. The deceased was a sister of Mr. G.D. Wright and Mrs. David Rogers of Charlottetown and was well known her husband having been pastor of the Upper Prince Street Methodist Church for some years. Another brother Mr. Mark Wright, Vancouver ,and another sister Mrs. Charles Full of North Dakota. The late Mrs. Henry Wright of Summerside, was also a sister.
Hand Dated 1885, Paper Unknown
Obituary Notice
On Friday morning last Mrs. David Schurman of this town passed peacefully away to her rest. Deceased had been a sufferer for over eleven years , during that time she scarcely knew what it was to have health. She was a woman of fine in....*not legible*, gentle and amiable in her manner and .. for her many Christian and social ... She was one of the few whose name was seldom mentioned but in praise and who never wounded the feelings of another by act or word. Deceased was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Wm. McEwen, who many years ago carried on a business in this place. Her funeral on the Sabbath afternoon was very largely attended, the procession being over a half length. Rev. N. McKay and Rev. ...Hinson officiated. The pallbearers were Messrs. Elisha Wright, W. Burrows, D. Stewart, R. Beairsto, Theo. J Clarke, T.B. Grady.
Hand Dated 1885, Paper Unknown
South Bedeque, Feb 24th, Mrs. Alex Anderson aged 54 years , leaving a husband and children to mourn the loss of a devoted and fond mother.
Obituary Notice-We sympathize with Alex Anderson of Bedeque and his family on the occasion of the death removing a much loved wife and mother at a comparatively early age. Deceased was the daughter of the late ...dd? McCallum Esq., of Lower Bedeque. In every aspect she was a superior woman not only her family and immediate friends but the whole community will long miss one who possessed so many tendencies of character. Her funeral (on the ..) was among the largest ever seen in that part of the country.
Date and Paper Unknown
New Annan on the 5th inst., Mr. Rob... Walker, a native of Dumfries Scotland, ... 71 years, leaving a sorrowing widow ..sons and two daughters to mourn their loss....
Hand Dated 1889, Paper Unknown
The death of Mr. Jacob Schurman at an early hour on Monday morning was a shock to the community and especially those who had met him downtown but Tuesday last. Few had learned that his last sickness was more than a an ordinary attack of asthma from which he had been a great sufferer of late years, indeed almost from childhood. Mr. Schurman's familiar face will be missed in Summerside where he so long has been actively engaged in business. His being an agent of the Quebec Steamship Company, shipping master, wharfinger, town councilor and secretary of the school trustees, brought him in contact with all classes in the community, and in all those duties he was a faithful, painstaking, efficient and obliging official. Being a man of good mind, a fine conversationalist and of a genial manner he was a favorite with all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and we think we are safe in saying he died without an enemy. To his son and daughter who have the care of an afflicted and helpless mother, we tender our warmest sympathy.
The funeral took place yesterday at which a large gathering was present to show the last act of respect for the dead and the remains were laid to rest in the Baptist Cemetery at Central Bedeque. The pall bearers were Messrs. Thomas Beattie , James A. Sharp, David Rogers, M.P.P., Thomas Frizzel, William Lefurgey and David Montgomery Esq's.
Date and Paper Unknown
Vickerson- At his residence on Sunday evening , the 28th inst., after an illness of a few weeks, Lemuel Vickerson Esq. aged 36 years, leaving a wife and three children to mourn the loss of an affectionate husband and loving parent.
Hand Dated May, 1892
Wright- At his home in Bedeque on Thursday last the 12th inst., of la grippe, Jesse N Wright, in the 60 year of his age, leaving a widow and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss. Deceased was a brother to Mr. Elisha Wright, of the firm Wright Bros. of this town.
Another Clipping...
We are sorry to record the death of Jessie N. Wright of Bedeque, who departed this life on Thursday last. He was seized with la grippe and succumbed after only a short illness at the age of 60. The funeral took place last Saturday and his remains were followed to their last resting place in the Centreville burying ground by a large concourse of people . The deceased was an upright and consistent member of the Methodist Church and was universally esteemed by his neighbours for miles around. We tender to the surviving friends our condolence in their sorrow.
Hand Dated 1892, Paper Unknown
Atkinson - At Searletown on the 6th March, at the residence of A.S. Wright , Mary relic of the late Joseph Atkinson of Shemogue, N.B. aged 75 years. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
Also on this clipping
Carruthers- At lot 29 of la grippe Elizabeth Carruthers in her 56th year.
Hand Dated 1891, Paper Unknown
Rev ....S. Phinney a member of ......Methodist Church died at Gibson N.B. ,of diabetes at the age of ...???. Mr. Phiney was stationed on the Island for some time . For the years 79, 80 and 81 he was on the Tryon circuit, 84 and 85 he was at Little York and in 86, 87 and 88, he laboured at Murray Harbour. He was one of the oldest ministers of the N.B. and P.E.I. Conference and at the time of his death he was pastor of Gibson Church near Fredericton. It was Mr. Phinney's intention to have retired from the ministry this year and to have settled on a farm bought for him in Tryon, but shortly before conference he agreed to preach another year, completing a three year term at Gibson.
Hand Dated beside clipping 1866, Paper Unknown
At his residence Freetown on Wednesday the 13th inst. of inflammation of the lungs and congestion of the brain Geo. M. Wright Esq., aged 43 years. Besides the loss his friends sustain in his death, the poor will lose in him a generous and kindhearted benefactor.
Dated by Hand 1893, Paper Unknown
Wright- At Middleton, on Friday evening the 27th inst. Mrs. Job Wright aged 75 years.
Another Clipping
Harriet Wright
relict of the late Job Wright of Middleton in her 77th year. Our sister was another of the converts of the Rev. Mr. Snowball about 63 years ago. During all those years she remained a faithful member of the Methodist Church. Her house was always open to the minister and she was always trying to make the servant of God happy in his work. Her experience was a constant rest, calm and peaceful in Jesus. She was ever ready to render help to the cause of God. During her last illness the writer had a chance to visit her and talking about the things of God. She loved dearly to talk about Jesus and his Love never once expressed any fear of death . She was longing to go home where she would be at rest with the Saviour whom she loved . She was of a retiring disposition, and thus was never amongst public workers, but hers was a service of love and charity to all. She literally fell asleep and her sun set in calmness and peace.
Another Clipping
The friends will be sorry to learn that Mrs.. Job Wright breathed her last at Middleton, about 7 o'clock last Friday evening. The deceased was the mother of Mr. Jessie A Wright and Mrs. Wallace Bradshaw. The funeral will take place from her late residence to-day ( Monday) at 2 o'clock p.m.
Dated 1894, Paper Unknown
Early in the new year we were ever called upon to bury NATHANIEL HUESTIS died Jan 9th 1894 in his 101st year. It scarcely seemed possible to be attending the funeral of one whose life spanned the distance between John Wesley and the present day. Two years after Bro. Wesley's death, Huestis was born. A very faithful account of Mr. Huestis has already appeared in the Wesley-An, but it is now for us to say that in his sickness he was perfectly at rest in Jesus. In his early days he was noted for his singing and sometimes , even during his sickness when he was left alone he would sing some of the old hymns. He died very peacefully. His son placed him in as comfortable a position as possible, crossing his hands across his breast and laid down for two hours to sleep when he returned he was in the same position, never having apparently moved and face contained a smile and the soul had gone to Eternal Rest after being between sixty and seventy years a member of the Methodist Church
Date and Paper Unknown
At North Bedeque on the 29th ult. of catarrh, after a painful illness of many years fell asleep in Jesus , William Schurman elder aged abt. 80years. Deceased was ordained about fifty years ago by his much venerated minister the Rev. Donald MacDonald under whose ministry he long laboured ........earnestly for the faith which was once delivered to the Saints maintaining by example and precept the scriptural dignity of the elders office
Date and Paper Unknown
Schurman- At North Bedeque 2 o'clock on Thursday morning 21st of May of heart failure, Frances widow of the late William Schurman, elder, in her 82nd year. "The dust returned to the earth and it was as the spirit returned to God who gave it"
The Death Roll Hand Dated 1884, Paper Unknown
At Middleton Lot 27 on 15th of September of heart disease, Job S. Wright, aged 54 years.
Hand Dated April 1891, Paper Unknown
Tremaine - At Tryon on Saturday morning 18th inst. Dr. Lawrence Tremaine in his 31st year.
Hand Dated 1891, Paper Unknown
McPhee- At North River , April 3rd John McPhee in his 83rd year of Brights disease of the kidneys.
Hand Dated July 1871, Paper Unknown
At her residence, Middleton, Lot 27 on Thursday the 20th inst., after a lingering illness which she bore with resignation to the divine will, Ann, beloved wife of Mr. Major Craig aged 30 years.
Hand Dated 1886, Paper Unknown
At Middleton, July 10th after an illness of 7 weeks, Sarah beloved daughter of the late Wm. Craig Esq. aged 35. She feel asleep in Jesus. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord."
Date and Paper Unknown
At Searletown, on Saturday November 13th of Spinal Meningitis Annie Amelia, eldest daughter of D.S. Wright, aged 11 years and 8 months.
Date and Paper Unknown
On the 24th Sept., at Pugwash of Typhoid Fever, Mary L. Stuart aged 8 years and 3 months, youngest daughter of Horatio and Margaret Wright.
Date and Paper Unknown
The P.E.I. papers record the death of Alex. Anderson Esq. of Bedeque , in the 107th year of his age.
[*] Dates/information added from the files of Linda Stent-Campbell.
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