Hand Dated beside clipping March 1866, Paper Unknown
Craig - At Middleton on the 9th inst. after a lingering illness, Jane Hooper, beloved wife of the late William Craig in the ?6th year of her age.
Date and Paper Unknown
On Wednesday morning , the 28th instant, after an illness of four days, of Scarlet Fever, Ann Elizabeth eldest daughter of the late William Craig of Middleton, Bedeque in the Nineteenth year of her age. She was a dutiful daughter and sister, and an amiable companion thereby endeared herself to all whom made her acquaintance, and though surrounded by such attachments as make it very hard to give up all and be willing to go, yet she murmured not, her patience and resignation to the Divine Will failed not. She was triumphantly happy as she neared the wave of Jordan and after the most beautifully and touchingly inviting those who stood around her to love that Saviour who had done so much for her, and to whom she was going, her spirit took its flight to make one more in that great company who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb, and are ever before his throne.
"Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth."
The morning flowers display their sweets
And gay their silken leaves unfold,
As careless of the noontide heats,
As fearless of the evening cold.So blooms the human face divine
When youth its pride of beauty shows;
Fairer than spring the colours shine,
And sweeter than the virgin rose,And worn by slowly-rolling years,
Or broke by sickness in a day,
The fading glory disappears.
The short-lived beauties die away,Yet these, new rising from the tomb,
With lustre brighter far shall shine,
Revive with ever-during bloom,
Safe from disease and decline,Let sickness blast, and death devour,
If heaven must recompense our pains;
Perish the grass and fade the flower,
If firm the word of God remains
Hand Dated May 26th, 1885, Paper Unknown
Death Of Hon. J. C. Pope
Yesterday morning the Summerside community received a shock by the news that Hon. J. C. Pope was no more. For the last four year Mr. Pope has labored under a disease which has completely lid him aside from either mental or physical effort. The lapse of time increased his malady , yet so slow and gradual was his disease that the news of his death gave a shock to the community. Less than a half dozen years ago, Mr. Pope was among the foremost men in the Province and was indeed a prominent man in the Dominion. Since the death of Hon. George Coles, no man has fallen who figured more prominently in the public affairs of this Province. Deceased was a man of great push and energy. Some 25 years ago he conducted a large business in this place, principally in shipbuilding, and owned real estate in every part of the county. Mr. Pope was a Conservative in politics and we believe , honest and straightforward in dealing with his opponents. Tho not a fluent or eloquent speaker, he expressed his views in a blunt, honest way that rarely failed to carry conviction.
Mr. Pope was born at Bedeque June 11th 1826. Having secured the best education practicable at the time, he made preparations to enter a business life at Centreville but was diverted from his purpose by the following adventure. In 1849 he, in the company with some 30 other young men purchased a brig ( the Fanny) loaded her with suitable cargo and sailed around Cape Horn to California. Arrived at their destination, the sold the cargo, and proceeded to the gold mines on the Sacramento River. Here disease and death overtook many of them. Mr. Pope escaped, and greatly reduced by fatigue returned home in 1853, richer only in experience. He settled at S'side ( then called Green's Shore) and built the store now occupied by Mr. Strong, on the corner of Water and Central Streets. Besides a general mercantile business, he carried on extensive shipbuilding trade. This business he afterwards transferred to Cascumpec.
In 1857 he entered the local legislature and held his seat almost continuously till 1876, when he was defeated on the School question. He was leader of the Gov't from 1865 to 1868 and from 1870 to 1872. In 1873 he formed the administration which built the PEI railway. He entered the Dominion Parliament in 1876 received a seat in the cabinet and was appointed Minister of Marine and Fisheries in 1878. He retained the office till compelled by his failing health to retire sometime in 1881. In 1880 he was summoned to Ottawa to the deathbed of his brother the late Hon. Judge Pope, to whom he was warmly attached. His nervous system is said to have received a shock by this painful event from which it never fully recovered.- In common with the community at large , we tender our sympathies to the sorrowing family. The above meagre remarks were hastily thrown together for want of time to prepare anything more lengthy.
Dated July 27, 1886, Dorchester, N.B., Paper Unknown
In memory of Miss Sarah Craig who departed this life at Middleton P.E.I. on the 10th day of July 1886. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
Just at the ... of life
Mid Summer balmy air
From ... devoid of strife
To mansions bright and fair
Dear Sarah passed from earth
To yonder home above
To share immortal work
Where spirits live in loveHer spirit clad in white
Soar'd far above the skies;
To bathe in seas of light,
Where joys celestial rise
Resplendent in attire
Adorn'd with robes divine
She strikes her golden lyre
Within the glorious shrineShe was while here below
With many virtues blest
Her glory who can know?
Now entered into rest
Made pure from earthly stain
She shall with God remain
Throughout eternity.While nature sheds a tear
For her now passed away
We would her name revere
And to her memory pay
That tribute of respect
Her virtues would demand
Nor will we ever neglect
To plant, with loving hands
Upon her grave the rose
And gentle like lily too,
Which shall in spring disclose
Their beauty to our view
These flowers shall adorn
With emblematic grace
The grave of her we mourn
Enshrined in memory's spaceBut far above the skies
In heaven's eternal home
Her monument shall rise
Neath the celestial dome
Her grace and glory crowned
By her Redeemer's above
Where joys for aye abound
In yonder world aboveAlthough we bid adieu
To Sarah from us gone
We shall again renew
Our friendships round the throne
Of our redeeming Lord
Our Saviour and our King
Who will fulfil His word
And to us glory bringThen let us say "Farewell"
To sighs and sorrows past
Through life's rough billows swell
We shall be safe at last
Safe in the arms of God
Beyond the Swelling flood
Then let us kiss the rod
Designed by God aboveDear Saviour give us grace
To bow to Thy command
We shall behold Thy face
In Canaan's happy land
Thou wilt the work complete
Of grace and glory too
Our joy shall be replete
When we its fullness know
Dorchester, N.B. July 27 '86 JP
Date 1927, Paper Unknown
We record with extreme sorrow the death of Jesse A. Wright, which took place at his residence at North Bedeque on Thursday at the ripe age of over four score years. The deceased who was a native and life-long resident of the district was one of nature's gentlemen. He was an up-to-date farmer and a model citizen of who the community might be proud. Both his farm and his hospitable home were furnished with the most modern implements and conveniences and his garden was a model to the surrounding country side.
He was possessed of a cheerful nature and never grew old in spirit. He drove his car to the close of last season and kept right abreast of the times even after his health began to fail during the present winter. He was fond of music and was for many years a leader in the choir. As secretary of the School trustees he helped to keep up the standard of education and throughout his life was prominent in every progressive movement for the benefit of the community. On October 19th last he and Mrs. Wright (nee Margaret Leard) celebrated their golden wedding amidst many tokens of friendship and goodwill from a host of friends and neighbours. There are left to mourn a sorrowing widow and one adopted daughter, Mrs Atwood Whidden of California to whom our sincere sympathy is extended. The funeral takes place today (Saturday) when services will be held in the North Bedeque Church at 1 p.m. at Centreville at 3 p.m.
Another Clipping
Wright - At North Bedeque March 3, 1927, Jesse A. Wright, aged 84 years
Date and Paper Unknown
The many friends of Mrs. Cameron Weatherbie of Aldergrove, B.C., will be shocked to learn of her death which took place in the Royal Columbia Hospital, New Westminister, B.C. on May 16, following a serious operation.
The deceased who was only forty-six years of age was formerly Miss Ada Wright and was born in Middleton, P.E. Island. She was a daughter of the late Mr. Jesse Wright and his wife Agnes Clarke of that place. She leaves to mourn besides a sorrowing husband a family of five- three daughters, Ada, Ruth, and Beth and two sons Roy and Billy, also two brothers Mr. Artemus Wright of Summerside, and Mr. Melbourne Wright of New York City. A host of relatives and friends both in this Province and in Western Canada where she has made her home for many years will also mourn her early death.
Date and Paper Unknown
Death in Vancouver of Mr. J. M. Wright
A wide circle of friends here will regret to learn of the death of Mr. J. Morris Wright, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wright of Elmdale Farm, Bedeque, which took place in Vancouver B.C. Thursday last, following a serious operation at the age of 69 years. The deceased was one of the best known and most progressive farmers of Bedeque, a man with sterling qualities ands a leader in the Methodist Church, left the Island in 1906 and since resided in Vancouver, where he was held in high esteem. There are left to mourn a sorrowing widow( nee Miss Bessie Jost, of Charlottetown), two sons and two daughters namely:- Roy, of Vancouver; Vickers, of Toronto; Mrs. Harry Henderson, of Vancouver and Miss Dora at home; also two brothers, Mr. E. J. Wright of New Annan, and Mr. Charles S. Wright, of Central Bedeque and two sisters Mrs. F. W. Strong, and Miss Mary A. Wright, of Summerside. Mr. Arnold Henderson of Bedeque, is the grandson of the deceased and three other grandchildren reside in Vancouver, where the funeral takes place this (Tuesday) afternoon upon arrival of his son Vickers, from Toronto.
Date and Paper Unknown
The death occurred of Mrs. Wallace Bradshaw of Middleton at the home of her daughter Mrs. Henry Cameron at Albany on Sunday evening , Nov. 3rd after an illness of three weeks. The deceased was before her marriage, Miss Elizabeth Wright of Middleton, where she spent most her life in her native community. Mrs. Bradshaw was a kindly Christian lady, true and devoted to her family and kind and charitable to the many friends and all who came to her hospitable home.
Date and Paper Unknown
The death occurred in Albany on Sunday , the 10th inst. of Janet McKay , wife of Mr. James R Arnett of that place and mother of Mr. J. Frank Arnett of Summerside, Mr. Harry Arnett, of Albany ,and Mrs. John Crew, of Albany. The late Mrs. Arnett was in her 67th year. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to Searletown Cemetery and was largely attended.
Date and Paper Unknown
At Charlottetown P.E.I. on the 16th inst. in the 21st year of her age, Florence the fifth daughter of Mr. John Jury, Watchmaker.
Date and Paper Unknown
Many readers will be pained to hear of the death of Mr. Solomon Wright. He died at his home on Wednesday evening full of years, good acts and kindly words. Having decided to retire from farming seven years ago he sold his beautiful homestead in Searletown to Mr. Johnson Laird and removed to town. He purchased a comfortable cottage from Mrs. Dr. Jamieson on Willow Avenue, whose hospitable doors were ever open to his friends. Mr. Wright was one of our best citizens- his influence and vote were ever on the side of right. His clear judgment and rare good sense made one of the most desirable companions. His delicate health prevented his regular attendance at meetings of his church which was his chief delight. His familiar voice was listened to with delight in the prayer meeting and when he lifted it up to God in prayer in which he was especially gifted , the congregation felt he had power with his Saviour. Few men in their 77th year were so well posted in the current events of the world and his admiration of the Queen and loyalty to the British nation knew no bounds. His sympathy for the oppressed, not only in Armenia but everywhere , and his heart's desire to see the gospel sent to "every land " his last will a testament bears substantial proof. Mr. Wright was a son of the late Hon John R. Wright, a brother of Mr. Theo. Wright, Burton; Mr. Thomas Wright, Fulton N.Y., and Mr. D.S. Wright , Searletown, and the late John R. Wright, and Mr. Job Wright of Middleton, the latter two with himself all having died in their 77th year.
Unveil thy bosom faithful tomb,
Take this new treasure to thy trust,
And give these sacred relics room,
To slumber in thy silent dust.
Another Clipping
Our Death Roll
Solomon Wright
He was born in Searleton, Bedeque P.E.I. in the year 1820; converted to God when a young man, during the ministry of Rev. Alexander McLeod and entered upon that consistent and conscientious Christian life which came to its earthly termination at Summerside, on Wednesday evening April 29th, when his immortal spirit was introduced to the Saviour's presence.
No sooner did Mr. Wright experience a change of heart than he once devoted his life to the Master's service, and in due time identified himself with the Methodist Church. Living in a home which did not until that time enjoy the inestimable boon of family worship, with the consent of parents he erected the alter whence the incense of household devotion ascended daily to the throne of God.
A Christian life so well began could scarcely eventuate in other than a continuous career of loving attachment and honorable service, and from that day whether found in the prayer meeting, in the class meeting, in the Sabbath school or in public services, he was steadfast and immovable, his affections centered in loving devotion upon Christ and his faith in the great eternal principles which underlie all true Christian character. Such steadfastness naturally involved responsibilities both in regard to the spiritual and temporal interests of the Church and whether as leader in devotional service or administering with others, financial concerns as a trustee of the Church property in his native community and more recently as a member of the Trust Board of our new church in this town, he was ever faithful in the discharge of his duty, and generous in the support of all the interests of the Church
In addition to several bequests to our local objects Mr. Wright generously made the church his beneficiary to the amount of one thousand dollars willed to the General Missionary Society, and two hundred dollars to our Supernumerary Fund. Beginning as a young man he remained a useful and consistent and respected member of the Church up to the ripe age of seventy six years when the master called him home and "he wants not for God took him."
Hand Dated 1903, Paper Unknown
The death occurred at Middleton, on Nov. 13th, of Mrs. Jane H., beloved wife of Mr. Ellis Bradshaw. Deceased was the daughter of the late J. Jesse Wright of Middleton, and was a highly respected lady whom to know was to love and admire. She leaves a sorrowing husband and five children to mourn the loss of a devoted wife and mother.
Date and Paper Unknown
At her residence, North Bedeque, on Sabbath the 27th Ult. after a long illness which she bore with Christian resignation, Jeanie, aged 22 years the beloved wife of Jessie A. Wright and fifth daughter of Sophia and Samuel Carruthers.
Date and Paper Unknown
At Mount Hemlock, Western Road, on the 29th August Mrs. McIsaac(formerly of Mill Grove) aged 65 years.
Date and Paper Unknown
We are sorry to learn by telephone that Mrs. Nathaniel Wright died at the residence of her adopted son, Mr. Jesse A Wright of North Bedeque, last Tuesday night at the advanced age 84 years. The deceased was a resident of the house in which she died for 57 years, and was universally respected by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. She had been ailing for some months and her death was not expected. Her remains will be laid to rest in the cemetery at Centreville on Thursday the funeral leaving at 2 p.m. We tender our sympathies to all those sorrowing friends.
Paper and Date Unknown
Geo. Muttart of P.E.I.
Mr. George Muttart- long a consistent and useful member of the Methodist Church - departed this life at Augustine Cove, P.E.I., on Sunday the 17th of May, in the 57th? year of his age. His father was originally a Roman Catholic, and was converted and brought into the enjoyment of true religion by an interesting circumstance. A neighbour of his, who had recently experienced salvation, had occasion to go to the woods with his team; and , being warm in the love of God, fell down to pour out his soul in prayer and thanksgiving, unconscious of the proximity of any human being. Providence, however had guided Mr. Muttart near to the spot, who, on hearing indistinctly a voice which he seemed to be familiar, drew near to listen fancying that his friend, of whose conversation he was ignorant, was swearing at his horses; but to his great surprise, he heard the earnest supplications of a soul engaged with God. " Deep was the impression made on his mind, resulting soon after in his own enlightenment and conversion.
Date and Paper Unknown
Sad Death at Tryon - the sad death of Mr. Nathan Wood age about fifty years, occurred Thursday night at Tryon. The late Mr. Wood who had been in ill health for the past two months left his home at noon Thursday telling his wife that he would take a walk in the adjoining woods. Tea time came around and as he did not return a search party went out after him but was prevented from searching the woods on account of the approaching darkness. Yesterday morning about 7 o'clock the body of the unfortunate man was discovered by Messrs. F. Leard, C. Holland and others hanging from a tree in the woods some three quarters of a mile from his home. Mental depression caused by ill health was no doubt responsible for the tragedy though at the time Mr. Woods left home on Thursday he appeared in cheerful spirits. Coroner Dr. N. R. Bovyer of Crapaud was called in and after viewing the remains decided that an inquest was unnecessary. The deceased was respected in the community in which he lived and was a kind husband and father. He leaves to mourn a wife and two children to whom the deep sympathies of the province will be extended.
Date and Paper Unknown
Died at Centreville, Bedeque, Philip Callbeck, aged 49 years. Our deceased brother was a native of Tryon, and might be said of him that he feared God from his youth. But it was not until the 28th year of his age that he fully responded to the call and invitation of the Gospel, by opening the door of his heart, and admitting that Saviour who for so long a time had gently knocked for admission.
This important event in his history took place during a revival of religion with which the Church was favoured under Pastorate of Bro. G. O. Huestis and which gracious visitation of the Spirit, was blessed , not only to our late brother, but to many others, some of whom have already joined the Church triumphant, and some are on the way, having a good hope through grace of blissful immortality. His conversion to God was not problematic; he was thoroughly convinced of sin; his sorrow was godly, his repentance deep and evangelical, and his faith rested upon the blood and righteousness of Christ for pardon and acceptance- the language of his heart was
" In my hands no price I bring,
Simply to thy cross I cling,
This all my hope and all my plea,
For me the Saviour died."
Date and Paper Unknown
Victim of a tragic accident at Millview on July 21st when the Prince Edward Island Libraries truck in which she was a passenger was struck by a train, Vernon Lea of Charlottetown passed away at P.E.I. Hospital on July 23rd. Vernon, the son of Wendell and Alma Dobson Lea, was born in Charlottetown on October 4 1928. His boyhood was spent in North Tryon and Tryon Consolidated schools; in 1944 he entered Prince of Wales College as a second year student and this year on completion of his premedical course to enter Medical College.
During this summer's holidays he was on P.E.I. Library staff, working out of Charlottetown his home since last year when his parents moved from North Tryon.
Vernie as he was familiarly called was a versatile young man with highest ideals. He was keenly interested in classical music, books, painting and wood carving; his greatest outdoor interest was aviation and last summer he received his private pilots license after taking a course at Paul's Flying School.
A service at MacLean Funeral Home was conducted by Rev. T.E. McLennan on Thursday, July 24th Handel's "Largo" a favourite selection of Vernie's was played by Prof. Kendall and during the service Mr. George Johnson sang " Crossing the Bar."
Pallbearers at the service were H. Earle MacDonald, Paul Sharpe, Earl Clark and Arthur Clark. The remains were then taken to the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Frank Dixon at North Tryon, were the funeral service was held on July 25th. Rev. Geo. N. Somers, a former pastor of the United Church at Tryon who baptized Vernie and Rev. J. Harvey Bishop conducted the service. Hymns sung were " The Lord is My Shepherd", and "I Know Not What the Future Hath". As a quartet, C. D. Wright, Arthur MacKay, Austin Smith and Roy Dawson sang " Peace, Peace, Wonderful Peace."
Pallbearers boyhood and student friends were Jack Bearisto, William MacQuarrie, Erroll Carruthers, Charles Thompson, Gerald MacFadyen, Walter Gamble. Special tribute was paid to the memory of Vernie by the circling overhead during the funeral of an aircraft piloted by his former instructor Paul Sharpe, and as the casket was lowered into the grave the aircraft glided slowly over the cemetery dipping its wings in final salute.
The profusion of flowers and many cards testified to Vernie's popularity.
Left to mourn are his father and mother and little sister Nancy.
"Vernie is not dead- deaths not a terminus.
It is a thoroughfare thru which he has passed.
The shadows left behind- the twilight gone
He has just stepped out to meet the Radiant Dawn"Pillow:
" Muddle", Daddy and NancySprays:
Mom and Frank
Grannie Lea
Aunt Wanda and Uncle Hiram and family
Auntie Catherine
Aunt Amy, Uncle Bill and family
Uncle Bill, Aunt Doris and Rickey
Earle and Annie
Ray and Eileen
Arthur and Muriel
Ivan and Annie
Vera, Wilma and Mary
Earle and Jean MacDonald
Pauls Flying Service
Jack Bearisto
Errol Carruthers
Your Neighbours
Hall and Stavert Ltd.
Archie and Ethel and Winifred
Mr. and Mrs. Ives, Chuck and Francis
Mr. and Mr. C.M. Lea
Heath and Denzel Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Crockett
Rebe and Wally Scantlebury
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Smith
Louise Cairns
Marion Howatt
Lila Cleworth
Vera A. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank GarragherWreaths:
Aunt Pricilla and family
Uncle Arthur, Aunt Winnie and Nannie
Victor and Margaret
Stan and Lillian Treeby
The Dixons
Prince Edward Island Library Staff
Gordon and Mabel McMillan
Mrs. Gladys MacQuarrie
Management and staff of Metropolitan
Employees Hall and StavertCut Flowers:
Fourth Year Graduating Class
Aunt Margaret
Wallace and Ruth Bradshaw
Julie Sorenson
Albert and Bertha Callbeck and Arthur
James Graham
Alex MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Alta Johnson
Willing Circle of Kings Daughters ( Round Table)
Date and Paper Unknown
Substantial Legacies to Island Relatives- Word has been received by Mr. William McMurdo of Summerside that Mr. Robert Neill who was a native of Kelvin P.E.I. and died in California about two months ago, has left an estate of upwards of $260,000 and by his will several Island relatives are substantially remembered. After making ample provision for his sister, who resided with and kept house for him and his brother Mr. John Neill who also resides in California, the residue of his estate is left to be divided equally between his nephews and nieces, two of the later of whom are daughters of Mr. John Neill and reside in California. The others are: Mr. Norman McMurdo, Mr. James Clark and Miss Jessie Clark, of Bedeque; Mrs. Hattie MacLean of Lot 16 and Mr. Lawson McMurdo, now residing in Ontario, each of whom will receive when the will is probated at least $25,000. The late Mr. Robert Neill, who was 77 years of age at the time of his death, left the Island as a young man and settled in California about fifty years ago, where he bought a ranch and continually added to his estate until he became one of the best known ranchers on the Pacific Coast. Apart from his cattle and hog raising activities, he made careful investments which brought him in a substantial income. By his will the whole estate is to be converted into cash and so divided amongst the beneficiaries.-S
Hand Dated beside clipping 1915, Paper (Unknown), Springfield Mass. Union ?
Mrs. M. A.Craig
Mrs. Mary A. Craig, 68 years old and a member of Christ Church who has been a resident of this city for more than 50 years died this morning in her home 43 Howard Street. Mrs. Craig was the widow of Arthur Craig who died in 1890 and was among the older merchants of Springfield. She was the daughter of George Green and Pheobe Linkletter of Summerside, P.E.I.
Mrs. Craig was a native of Prince Edward Island and came to New York, July 24, 1874, and was married to Mr. Craig in the Fourth Presbyterian Church there by Rev. John Thompson. Following their marriage they returned to Springfield were Mr. Craig was engaged in a grocery business at Howard and main Streets. Mrs. Craig lived with her children in the historic Jerry Warriner mansion in Howard Street up to the time of her death and it was her wish that she might spend her last days in the old house their home for most of the time they lived in Springfield. - Springfield Mass Union.
Date and Paper Unknown
We record with sincere sorrow the death of Mrs. Lewis, wife of Mr. Joseph Lewis of this town, which sad event occurred Tuesday morning after an illness of a few days of pneumonia. Deceased was the daughter of the late Mr. Peter Taylor of Freetown and was about 36 years of age, a woman of exemplary character, a devoted wife and mother and one whose death will be mourned by a large circle of friends. She leaves to mourn a sorrowing husband and three daughters the eldest fifteen years, the youngest three, besides her mother, two brothers and five sisters. The sad fact is that it is the third time within a month the family has been bereaved. Scott Taylor, a brother died on May 2nd, the father Mr. Peter Taylor , on the 16th. In each case death resulted from pneumonia. The funeral takes place Wednesday at 2 p.m. to the Baptist cemetery Bedeque.
Date and Paper Unknown
One of the oldest residents of Lot 12 passed away on Tuesday, the 21st, at the home of her son Newton R. Craig, in the person of Eliza Lee Ramsay relict of the late John Craig at the ripe age of 87 years. She was born in Lot 16 on the Rose Hill farm. She leaves behind one sister Miss Flora Ramsay of Beech point, and five sons and two daughters, Newton R. at home; John L and George W., of Brooklyn N.Y.; Bannerman A., Poplar Grove and Arthur A., of Bangor Me.; Mrs. Thomas Snow, Brooklyn N.Y. and Mrs. A.M. Palmer , Freeland, besides a large number of grandchildren and great grandchildren. Deceased was one of the good old families who are now fast disappearing from among us. She was a woman whose character was exemplary. In early life she consecrated herself to her Saviour and by prayer and Bible study devoted herself to His service throughout her whole life, and on her deathbed she was able to give such words of cheer and comfort which alone come from a life so inimitable. The funeral took place on Thursday 23rd to the Presbyterian Cemetery, Freeland. The last solemn rites were preformed by her pastor Rev. R.G. Sinclair, who preached a practical and forceful sermon from John 13:1. The pall bearers were Archibald Ellis, John McNeill, William Thompson, John Oatway, William Palmer and William Oatway.
Dated 1907, Paper Unknown
HUNTER- at the P.E.I. Hospital Nov. 3rd 1907, Maggie Hunter, music teacher aged 47 years a native of Nova Scotia. Owing to quarantine at the hospital the funeral will take place from G. D. Wright's undertaking rooms today Monday at 2:30 p.m.
Date and Paper Unknown
There passed away on Thursday morning at her home in Summerside, in the 57th year of her age, He� Bell, wife of Mr. John Bell, K...??
The cause of death was congestion of the brain consequent upon the hardening of the arteries. Her death by herself was anticipated. She prepared for it and met it courageously - even cheerfully. She had supreme confidence that God rules in the here- after and that in His hands all is well. She was a generous patroness of The Prince County Hospital. Just before she was stricken she had completely furnished two rooms- one in the main building and one in the maternity ward. She was also in the habit of bringing in the poorer patients to be treated at her own expense. She died in the midst of her labors and administration to the welfare of others. It is understood that the bulk of her estate goes to the maintenance of trained nurses in county homes. The funeral will be held today ( Saturday) at 2 p.m. Service at the Presbyterian Church at that hour. Please omit flowers. It being her wish.
Date and Paper Unknown
The Late Mrs. Henry Wadman
The funeral of the late Mrs. Henry Wadman , Crapaud, took place on Saturday the 9th inst. at 12 o'clock from the residence of her daughter Mrs. D. T. Louther, North Carleton. The service at the house was conducted by Rev E. Rice, pastor of the Summerside Methodist Church, after which the funeral procession left for Victoria where services were held in the Methodist Church conducted by Rev. G. M. Young, the choir rendering beautiful music. Many tears were shed as the dear old lady was a general favourite and will be sadly missed by all her relatives and friends. The internment was made in the old Crapaud Cemetery, beside her estimable husband who predeceased her several years ago. She leaves to mourn four daughters, Mrs. N. R. Wright, Summerside; Mrs. Peter Newson, Charlottetown; Mrs. I. Louther , Kensington and Mrs. D. T. Louther, North Carleton; and also two sons Mr. O. B. Wadman , Crapaud and Rev. Dr. Wadman, Honolulu Hawaii. The following six grandchildren of the deceased were pallbearers. W. R. Newson, Charlottetown, Louis Louther, Kensington, E. Gardiner, Chelton, B. Hogg, Kensington and Leigh and Harry Louther, New Carleton. --- Com.
Hand Dated Feb. 1919, Paper Unknown
The death occurred in Charlottetown on Sunday at the age of 78 years , of Mrs. Beer, wife of the late Dr. F. D. Beer, of Charlottetown. The deceased was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Stephen Wright of Bedeque , and with her late husband resided in Charlottetown from her young womanhood until her death. There are left to mourn two daughters , Mrs. Alexander Anderson of Albany, N.Y., and Mrs. John Longworth, of Brandon, Manitoba, and two sons, Mr. F. Robert Beer of Seattle and Col. George S. Beer, Bloemiontein, S.A.. Two sisters and four Brothers survive her, namely Miss Mar. Wright, Charlottetown; Mr. Henry E. Wright formerly of Summerside now of Minto, N.B.; Mr. Edward Wright, New Annan, Mrs. Charles Wright, Victoria P.E.I. and Mr. Maurice Wright, Vancouver B.C.
Another Clipping, Paper Unknown
Beer - On Sunday Feb 16th inst. Louisa Palmer Wright aged 78 years widow of the late Frank D. Beer M.D. Funeral Tuesday by train to Sherwood, leaving G.D. Wright's parlors at 1:50 p.m.
Hand Dated 1907, Paper Unknown
The death of Isaac Wright which occurred in Calgary Alberta Feb. 4, of paralysis of the brain will be heard with regret by many friends in Prince County. Mr. Wright formerly lived at Carleton and later Bedeque and moved with his family to Calgary about a year and a half ago. He had been troubled for some years with a growth in the nose but after moving to Calgary was treated by a specialist and restored to former health. A sudden attack of paralysis came as a shock to his many friends, who had been pleased to see him enjoying improved health in Sunny Alberta. Deceased was 70 years of age and leaves to mourn two daughters Mrs. R. L. Glover, Mrs. H. L. Rogers, and one son, Fred T. , besides a sister-in-law, Miss Eliza Clark, all residing in Calgary. Colin Wright, Bedeque, is the only surviving brother of the deceased. The body was interred in the Union Cemetery, Calgary. The attendance at the funeral including many former Islanders was large and the floral tributes many and beautiful, evincing the esteem in which deceased was held by his numerous friends in Calgary. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. E. W. Kirby, pastor of the Central Methodist Church and the pall bearers were W. E. Forsyth, W. H. Waugh. A. W. Lea, Charles Clark, G. T. Seymour and E. M. McCammon.
Hand Dated 1911, Paper Unknown
The death was announced yesterday of Mrs. Donald Matthews which took place at Albany on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Matthews, who was an estimable lady in every sense of the word was eighty-three years of age and even at that ripe age retained all her faculties to a remarkable degree. She was a faithful and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church and in her life she exemplified all the true Christian graces of a good woman. The majority of her latter years were spent between the home of her son at Albany and with her son, J. Ewen Matthews City Councilor, The Guardian extends sympathy with the bereaved. It is regrettable that Mrs. Matthew's son at Albany is also ill at home.
Date May 1925, and Paper Unknown
In Memoriam
Mrs. Harriett Vickerson
In the eighty-second year of her age, Mrs. Harriett Vickerson, of Bedeque P.E.I., on May 27, 1925, passed to her home in heaven. She had lived the greater portion of her long life in about the same locality.
Her husband having died when the family were young, she had added responsibilities and many times she praised God who heard her prayers and kindly led her through the decades of trial, sickness and perplexity
For some years she was unable to attend the public means of grace but to visit her home was an inspiration for the ministers and an incentive to many troubled soul.
She was a woman of devotion, sincerity, strong faith, kind heart and deep piety.
During her last illness which was of months duration and on different occasions she seemed at death's door her great prayer was to be spared until her son Henry (who was her great concern during his life time and was very ill during the winter) was taken to be with Jesus.
This prayer was answered she rallied,- Henry went to his heavenly home on March 17 and from that time she longed to go to be with her loved ones waiting for her in the Heavenly Home
Mrs. Vickerson leaves to mourn the loss of a devoted mother and consecrated Christian, one son Herbert in Montreal; and one daughter, Mrs. Seymour in California.
Up to the last Mrs. Vickerson had a deep interest in all the departments of the church which she supported liberally financially, being a faithful Christian Steward and all organizations received their due share. Her prayers for the Revival services and her earnest desire to see God's Kingdom prosper, reveal what an be done in a quiet way by the "shut ins."
In the earlier days she was very prominently identified with the W.M.S. activities for the tithing and to this movement the present standard of efficiency in missionary matters on this circuit is due largely...
Her spiritual life was deep , thorough and conscientious.
Owing to the inability of her Pastor to reach P. E. Island from the mainland on Monday in time for the funeral, the services were conducted by Rev. D. K. Ross of the Presbyterian church and assisted by Rev. N. A. Whitman, of the Baptist church.
" She has gone to higher regions,
Safe from every grief and care,
We shall meet again in heaven,
And never more be parted there. "
Date Unknown Paper Unknown
The Telegraph ( St. John) of Monday said " The death of Mrs. Rebecca McCallum Deinstadt, wife of Rev. T. J. Deinstadt, occurred yesterday morning after an illness of several years . Mrs. Deinstadt was a daughter of the late John Beer of Charlottetown. She is survived by her husband and five daughters, Mrs. W. J. Wellington, New Rochelle (N.Y.); Mrs. L. B. C. McMann, Toronto; Mrs. R. Bell, Halifax; Miss Lillian and Miss Hazel Deinstadt at home; one brother, G. Frank Beer, of Toronto and two sisters , Mrs. A. T. Wright of Bedeque ( P.E.I.) and Mrs. P. S. McNutt of Tacoma (Wash.)
During his term as pastor in several of the Methodist churches in the city and the provinces, Rev. Mr. Deinstadt who is now in retirement developed a broad acquaintanceship and the sympathy of a wide circle of friends will go out to him and the rest of the family in their bereavement.
There will be a service at the home 242 Duke Street this morning. Interment will be in Charlottetown."
Date and Paper Unknown
Death of Mr. C. W. Strong
Mr. C.W. Strong one of the oldest and most highly respected residents of Summerside, passed away at an early hour on Monday morning after an illness of several weeks at the good old age of 89 years and 10 months. His father was the late Rev. John B. Strong, Methodist Minister, born in Bingham, Nottinghamshire, England, who came to Canada in 1813, Mr. C.W. Strong was born on July 2nd, 1829, and educated at Woodhouse Grove School, Yorkshire, Eng. and in the various public schools of the towns in which his father was stationed. He engaged in mercantile pursuits for several years in Charlottetown, P.E.I., and in Summerside. In 1870, he became joint proprietor of the Summerside Journal which he assisted to conduct with much success. In 1873 he disposed of his interest in that paper and became Collector of Customs for Summerside until superannuated some years ago. In 1861 Mr. Strong married Miss Martha A. Wright of Bedeque, by whom he had five children, two of whom are living, Allen Wilmot Strong, BSc., of Montreal, and Miss Jessie W. Strong residing at home. In may 1870 Mrs. Strong died and in July 1876 he married Miss Charlotte M. Treadwell of Fredericton N.B., who survives. As a member of the Methodist Church Mr. Strong was for many years devoted to its varied interests and for 50 years he was Superintendent of the Sunday School. As a citizen he was interested in all that appeared to the welfare of the community. he was optimistic in temperment. Being well read and possessed of a rich vein of humor he was a very interesting conversationalist. in his passing the community suffers a distinct loss. The funeral will leave the house for the Methodist church on Wednesday afternoon at 1:45; interment in the People's Cemetery.
Date and Paper Unknown
Mrs. Gulielma M. Reid
There is something very beautiful in the picture of a long life filled with good deeds and crowned with lovely character passing out at last full of years and honor and community. Such a life was that of Mrs. Gulielma M. Reid who died in Summerside on Wednesday last at the advanced age of 88 years, all of which she spent in the town. She was born in the first building erected in Summerside - a log house put up by her grandfather Daniel Green a United Empire Loyalist who received from the British government a grant of the land afterwards called "Green's Shore." In her childhood her father Joseph Green built "Summerside House" the earliest hotel and here the gracious lady learned that art of dispensing hospitality which characterized her to the last hour of her life in this self same home. She was a woman of keen intelligence and forceful personality- proficient in all housewifely arts and specially successful in the culture of flowers. But most of all was she loved for her kindness to the poor. In the days when nurses and doctors were not easily available she was one of these "born nurses" who carried help and healing into afflicted homes, and until the hour of her last illness she habitually went about bringing food and clothing to the needy of all creeds. As she lay in her coffin there was a veritable procession of those who came telling as they did of Dorcas in old time of "the coats and garments" she had made for them. In her illness Mrs. Reid was tenderly nursed by her daughters , Mrs. H.H. Beer who with her grandson, Mr. Bradford Beer and a brother Mr. W. Penn Green (now in his 90th year) are the survivors. Her funeral service was beautifully conducted by Rev. Mr. Rice and the funeral procession wended its way to the burial ground in Bedeque there were many who felt the passing of such a life should yield not sadness but much ...inspiration.
Date and Paper Unknown
The many friends in all these provinces, of Rev. Dr. Steel Supt. of Missions have learned with deep regret of the sad bereavement which has come to in the decease of Mrs. Steel which occurred at St. John on the 20th inst., after an lengthened illness.
She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wright of Wright's Mills, Prince Co., P.E.I. In early life she became a devoted Christian and took a deep interest in all the activities of the church. In 1892 she was united in marriage with Rev. George Steel and took charge of his four boys, who four years previous to this had lost their mother. With great tact and true motherly devotion she devoted herself to the training of these boys who loyally returned her affection .
Date 1920, Paper Unknown
Mrs. Charles D. Wright
On March 16 1920 after a short illness on of Tryon's elect ladies Mrs. Charles D. Wright (nee Greta Florence Myers) at the early age of 37 years was summoned to her reward. Of a genial kind and lovable disposition, her death has caused great sorrow. A bitterly bereaved church and community speak in hushed voices of the great loss. In early youth she gave her heart to God and became a consistent member of the Methodist Church.
The deceased was a graduate nurse and followed her profession in Florida previous to her marriage.
She was a woman of exceptional ability and sterling character. She was a worthy helpmate to her husband and she had the highest possible conception of the function and privilege of a Christian mother and felt that no sphere was comparable to it.
In the remembrance of her character and the hallowed influence of her living she remains. The testimony of all who had the privilege of fellowship with her is that with true Christian patience and good hope she bore all the affliction.
It is a problem to know why such a useful and beautiful character should be removed from our midst when we think her usefulness, influence and presence were most requires.
It must be that God has need of such spirits for higher and richer service. It is at least a comfort for us to believe and think this and in this belief we are submissive to His will.
Although scores of households had illness at the time of the funeral yet a goodly number assembled at the home on March 18, when the Rev. P. A. Fitzpatrick conducted the service. Interment was made at Crapaud. The deepest feelings of sympathy had been tendered by hosts of friends to the stricken ones.
A devoted husband and four dear children are left to mourn an irreparable loss. Her father, Robert Myers of Victoria, her step-mother two sisters Mrs. A. D. Whitman, Calgary, Mrs. Russell Storey, Crapaud and one brother Oscar Myers of Halifax also surviving.
Date 1921, and Paper Unknown
Island Doctor Dies in Calgary
Calgary- July 30 1921- The funeral of the late Dr. Harry P. Wright which took place from his home to the Central Methodist Church last Wednesday, afternoon was under the supervision of Perfection Lodge A.F. and A.M. and was attended by a large number of his friends and relatives.
The late Dr. H. P. Wright is a native of Prince Edward Island and has resided in Calgary for the last fifteen years. He was a brother of Dr. Frank Wright of Vancouver, formerly of Calgary . He is survived by his widow and one son Gordon and a sister Maud Wright also of P. E. Island . The deceased was well known in the Island and the news of his death will be received with many regrets by his large circle of friends and relatives who are still on the Island. The funeral service were attended by many former residents of the Island among whom were Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacLeod, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McDonald, Dr. H. W. Wright , Dr. Coffin, the Misses Sadie and Gertrude MacDonald, sisters of Mrs. D. A. MacLeod, Mrs. B. F. Dingman and many others.
While he was a resident in the West the late Dr. Wright had built up an exceptionally large practice and leaves behind him a large circle of friends as any could wish for . He was extremely popular among his office staff and was a prominent member of many of the best clubs. It was somewhat of a surprise to see so many people from Prince Edward island attendant at the funeral. I really did not think there were so many men and women from the Island in Calgary. One very noticeable feature was that all of the men from the Island who were attendant were well up in the business world and well known to the public. Prince Edward Island has a good reason to be proud of the many men who were born there and have gone out into the world and been successful. In the name of Prince Edward Island as an Islander, I take this opportunity of offering to the bereaved doctor's family the sincerest regrets and best wishes of all who knew him.
Hand Dated beside clipping April 1920, Paper Unknown
Late Miss Gardener
The death occurred on Saturday morning of Miss Mary Gardner, for many years a resident of Summerside at the age of 86 years. The deceased who succumbed to an illness of some months had been residing with Eva McNeill, Summer Street. She leaves one sister , Mrs. (Dr.) Price in the United states and one brother, Charles, in Charlottetown. The funeral took place this afternoon (Tuesday) to the Peoples Cemetery . Rev H. C. Rice officiated.
Date and Paper Unknown
Last Saturday morning the body of the late Hon. John H. Bell, accompanied by his niece , Mrs. Valentine Buckner, with whom he was staying when he met his fatal accident left Los Angeles Calif. for home , via Chicago. The remains should arrive at Summerside next Thursday night, in anticipation of which funeral arrangements have been made as follows:- A short service will be held next Saturday afternoon at the residence of his niece Mrs. H.M. Downing, Central Street, and thence to Trinity United Church. Interment in the People's Cemetery, where the remains will be laid to rest beside those of his wife who died at Summerside some twelve years ago. If the body does not arrive at Summerside until Friday night, by any chance the funeral will be held next Sunday afternoon.
Monday February 28, 1898, The Pioneer
Death of Hon. S. F. Perry, M.P.
On Thursday last word came over the wires that Mr. Perry was dead. It came as a shock to his many friends on this Island. It came as a greater shock to the people of Prince County among whom he had always lived and by whom he was so well known and so generally esteemed. And yet the end was not altogether unanticipated. Before he left for Ottawa his friends here noticed that he had lost flesh , was pale and very weak. For sometime he had complained of not feeling well. These were evidently the precursor of the disease that ultimately carried him off. When he reached Ottawa he took to his bed. The doctors pronounced his disease typhoid fever. They said he might recover but that his age was against him. Members of his family from different parts of the United States were summoned to his bedside. Hon. Mr. Yeo waited on him like a brother- Sir Louis Davies was a constant attendant at his bedside. All that kind friends and loving hands and the best medical skill could do was done, but without avail. The dread enemy of mankind triumphed. Mr. Perry passed peacefully to his rest at 3:30 a.m. He died as every true servant of humanity would wish to die - in harness - at his post - ready to labor and if need be to lay down his life in the service of the people who elected him to be their servant and trusted representative.
Mr. Perry was a veteran in the political arena. He first entered provincial politics in 1854 - 44 years ago. He was then chosen to represent his native district in the House of Assembly. For 20 years he continued to represent that district. For a short period during that time he was a member of the Executive, and for a year or two he filled the Speakers chair. In 1874 he entered federal politics and for four years under the McKenzie administration was one of the representatives of Prince County in the Commons. In 1878 he was defeated and from 1879 to 1886 was re-elected for the House of Assembly. In 1887 he was re elected to the Commons and , except as to one session he has represented West Prince ever since. His political career has been an unusually long and chequered one. But whether in local or federal politics he has been faithful to the trust the people repose in him, and has always taken an active and practical interest in every measure that would tend to promote the interests of the people he represented. He died at the ripe age of 75 years, and his was a faithful service right to the end.
Mr. Perry was a French Canadian and an excellent typical representative of his race. He was an illustration of the lightness, the brightness, the gaiety and vivacity of the French people. He represented also the high sense of honor and the devoted attachments so characteristic of the French Canadians. It made no difference to him whether his party was up or down - whether in office or in opposition - Mr. Perry was true as steel to the principals of Liberalism. It made no difference to him what influences or what temptations or what monetary considerations were presented or brought to bear - none of them could swerve him in the breadth of a hair from the allegiance he considered he owed to his party, or from the line of policy he deemed best in the interests of his constituents. He never sought his own personal advancement. He had many opportunities of making money out of politics but he scorned to take advantage of them - especially at the sacrifice of honor. He lived and died comparatively poor. But he died rich in respect and love and admiration of all classes and creeds. Protestant and Catholic - English and Scotch and Irish and French - all alike in his life time gave him the well deserved appellation of "Perry the Noble," and by that appellation he will lovingly be remembered through all the coming years.
Date 1903, Paper Unknown
Mrs. Rogers
Wife of David Rogers, Esq. , Freetown, P.E.I. and highly esteemed local preacher of the Margate Circuit, entered into rest on March 16th, 1903, in her fifty-ninth year.
Mrs. Rogers never fully recovered from a severe sickness about two years ago and about three months before her death began gradually to weaken. Her sickness did not seem serious at first , but during the last few weeks her condition became alarming, and although all was done for her that could be done, she sank rapidly and finally passed away. While her death is felt most of all by her family, yet she is greatly missed by the Methodist Church at Freetown, of which she was a valued member, and by the ministers on the circuit, whose home was always open to them. Mrs. Rogers was a type of Christian whose life adorned the doctrine of the Master; full of energy and faith; always ready to speak a kind word and to give a helping hand. She is missed by all who knew her. She was converted under the ministry of Rev. Richard Smith during his ministry in Bedeque.
The funeral service was conducted by the pastor , assisted by Rev. Mr. Wightman of Bedeque, a former pastor. In the death of Mrs. Rogers we feel that we have sustained a great loss but her influence still lives to strengthen and to comfort those who are left behind. To the husband and children and brothers we extend our heartfelt sympathy.
Date and Paper Unknown
Mrs. P. Brown, formerly of Summerside died at the home of her brother, Elder Donald Crawford, New Glasgow, Dec 12th after an illness of ten days, in the 70th year of her age, says the Patriot. In the autumn of 1841, Mrs. Brown then young in years, accepted the invitation of the gospel, was baptized into Christ and since then, amid all the trials and changes which have checkered life's pathway, for more than half a century she lived the life of a faithful Christian.
Date and Paper Unknown
Mrs. Wm. Newsome,
of Searletown died very suddenly on Feb. 7th 1894, aged 50 years. She had been a member of the church for several years, but being sickly for some time, she had not been able to attend the public services of the sanctuary. The writer visited her several times during her sickness and ever found her well pleased to talk of Jesus and His love. The day before she died we called and found her very hopeful of recovery but not very anxious. She was willing to go if the Master called. She was willing to go if the Master called. She trusted only in the merits of Christ and through Him hoped to reach her heavenly home. The large attendance of friends to pay their last respects to her memory attested to the great respect in which she was held by her neighbours. Only a few moments transpired between the change in her health and her death but she was ready.
Date and Paper Unknown
Pentz- Suddenly at Summerside on Saturday, the 15th inst. ,Winnie, beloved wife of William H. Pentz, and eldest daughter of Mr. David Schurman in her 21st year.
Another Clipping
"In the midst of life we are in death", sad but truthful words; true not only because when the death struggle comes to one others feel the pulsations of life and vigor , but it is true as well that often when there seems little cause for fear Death approaches and severs the brittle thread of life. The sudden death of Mrs. William Pentz on Saturday came like a shock to the community. But a few short months ago stood at the altar uttering the marriage vows - the scene has changed and she lies cold in death. How true are the beautiful lines of Mrs. Herman's:
Leaves have their time to fall,
And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath,
And stars to set; but all,
Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O Death!
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