Hutchinson's Prince Edward Island Directory, 1864

Glasvinn, Lot 58.

Baganell, James, farmer

Cantello, John, farmer,

Doherty, Angus, farmer

McAuley, Angus, farmer

McDonald, Allan, farmer

McDonald, Eoin, farmer [sic]

McKay, William, farmer

`McLeod, Angus, farmer

McLeod, Donald, farmer

McLeod, John, farmer

Glenroy, Lot 37.

Barrett, Cephas, farmer

Barrett, Thomas, farmer

Drake, Richard, shipwright

Fisher, Joseph, shipwright

McDonald, Alexander, farmer

McDonald, Angus, farmer

McIntyre, Bartholomew, blacksmith

McIntyre, Donald, farmer

McIntyre, Duncan, farmer

McKenzie, Alexander, farmer

McKenzie, Samuel, farmer

Graham�s Cross, Lot 21.

Large, John W., cabinetmaker

McGregor, John, farmer

McKay, Donald, general store

McKay, George, farmer

McKay, John, farmer

McKay, Neil, farmer

McKay, William, farmer

McNutt, George, general dealer

McNutt, Leslie, general dealer

McNutt, L & G., general store

Reilly, William, blacksmith

Grand River, Lot 55.

Cameron, John, farmer

JENKINS, JAMES, shipbuilder

Johnston, J. M., shipbuilder

McAuley & Johnston, general store

McCormack, Jasper, farmer

McDonald, Angus, farmer

McDonald, John, farmer

McDougald, James, innkeeper

McDougald, John, shipbuilder

McIntyre, James, farmer

McKenna, Miss Margaret, teacher

O�Connor, John, innkeeper

Grenville, Lot 23.

Burnett, William, farmer

Darke, Thomas, farmer

Gual, Emanuel, farmer

McKinnon, Hugh, farmer

McLeod, Francis, teacher

McLeod, Laughlan, farmer

McPherson, Archibald, farmer

Patterson, James, grist mill

Proudfoot, Christopher, farmer

Rottenbury, John, farmer

Wanacott, John, farmer

Hazel Grove, Lot 12.

Bagnall, Edwin, farmer

Bagnall, John S., saw mill

Bagnall, Richard, innkeeper

Bovyer, Alexander, teacher

McLean, William, blacksmith

Indian River, Lot 1.

Campbell, John, farmer

Donoghue, John, millwright

Hickey, John, general store

Hickey, Peter, farmer

Hickey, William, farmer

Higgins, John, farmer

McKelvie, Donald, farmer

McLellan, Alexander, farmer

McLellan, Alexander, farmer

McLellan, Angus, saw and grist mill

McLellan, Archibald, farmer

McLellan, Donald, Esq., postmaster

McLellan, Donald, Jr., farmer

McLellan, James, farmer

McLellan, Joseph, farmer

McLellan, Mark, farmer

McLellan, Phillip, farmer

McLellan, Stephen, master mariner

Noonan, Patrick, innkeeper and blacksmith

Ramsay, Malcolm, farmer

Stewart, Charles, farmer

Kensington, Lot 19.

Carruthers, John, innkeeper

Dillon, Joseph, farmer

Gorman, Peter, farmer

Glover, John, farmer

Glover, William, postmaster

McKinnon, Archibald, farmer

McMillan, James, farmer

Sharp, John, teacher

Sims, Thomas, distiller

Little River, Lot 63.

Deziel, John, farmer

Graham, Benjamin, farmer

Graham, John, farmer

Graham, William, farmer

Llewellen, William, farmer

McClure, David, farmer

McKay, William, farmer

Reid, Alexander, farmer

REID, DANIEL, farmer

Sencabaugh, David, farmer

Sencabaugh, John, farmer

Little York, Lot 34.

Brown, David, farmer

Cook, John, farmer

Cook, William, farmer

Deacon, George, farmer

Foster, Thomas, farmer

Gill, Abraham, farmer

Gill, Abraham Jr., farmer

Hardy, Thomas, farmer

Lawson, Robert, farmer

Mills, Stephen, farmer

Reddy, James, innkeeper

Rodd, James, blacksmith

Vessy, Robert, farmer

Vessy, Robert Jr., farmer

Vessy, William, farmer

West, Martin, farmer

Welsh, Mrs. Michael

Malpeque, Lot 18.

Adams, Thomas, farmer

Beairsto, George, farmer

Beairsto, William, farmer

Beairsto, William Jr., farmer

Brenan, John, farmer

Clark, Abraham, farmer

Clark, Francis, farmer

Cody, Patrick, farmer

Connic, Matthew, farmer

Connic, Peter, shoemaker

Coughlan, John, farmer

Coughlan, Peter, farmer

Dempsey, James, farmer

Donalds, John, farmer

Donalds, William, farmer

Donald, William B., farmer

Duggan, Daniel, farmer

Duggan, Joseph, farmer

Easter, Charles, blacksmith

Henderson, James, farmer

Larkins, Edward, farmer

McNeil, Allan, farmer

Morson, Richard W., saw and grist mill

Owen, Arthur, farmer

Pickering, Thomas, farmer

Ramsay, Benjamin, farmer

Ramsay, Edward, grist mill

Sanders, John, farmer

Siclair, George, farmer

Simpson, W. M. N., farmer

Slavini, Patrick, tailor

Stewart, Dougald, farmer

Sudsbury, John, farmer

Taylor, Alexander, farmer

Thompson, George, farmer

Thompson, William, farmer

Wall, James, farmer

Margate, Lot 19.

Beaton, Daniel, blacksmith

Bently, Thomas, farmer

Brenan, William, farmer

Bryenton, James, farmer

Crozier, James, farmer

Dennis, William, blacksmith

Dunphy, Thomas, farmer

Fife, Alexander, farmer

Fitzsimmons, Thomas, farmer


Graham, Donald, boat builder

Howard, Robert, plasterer

Humphry, Charles, mason

Johnson, Andrew, tailor

Johnston, John, salesman

McArthur, Alexander, farmer

Mayhew, George, tanner and currier

Mullins, Michael, farmer

Parsons, Joseph, farmer

Pridham, Daniel, carpenter

Smith, John, farmer


Tuplin, Harry, carriagemaker

Tuplin, John, flour mill

TUPLIN, REUBEN, general store

Tuplin, Reuben Jr.

Tuplin, Thomas, farmer

Tuplin, W. B.

Tuplin, W. B. Sr., general store

Tuplin, William, carriagemaker

Wood, James, shoemaker

Woodside, Edward, farmer

Miminegash, Lot 3.

Costin, Richard, postmaster

Farley, George, saw and grist mills

Rex, John, saw mills

Rex, William, saw mills

Miscouche, Lot 17.

Beairsto, James, wheelwright

Cunningham, John, blacksmith

DesRoche, Henry, shoemaker

DesRoche, Joseph, plasterer

Gaudet, Onesime, teacher

Gaudet, Thomas, shoemaker

Gillis, Donald, wheelwright

McNeill, John, tailor

Noonan, Abraham, blacksmith

Perry, Joseph B., general store

Montague (Bridge).

Annear, John, farmer

Annear, William, farmer

AITKEN, JAMES M., saddle and harness maker

Gillis, Kennedy, blacksmith

McDONALD, AUGUSTINE C., general importer

McDonald & Brothers, general dealers

McLAREN, WILLIAM, general importer and postmaster

Poole, Charles, farmer

ROWE, MANOAH, general importer

Steele, John, clerk

Stewart, John, shipbuilder

Thompson, James, shoemaker

Thompson, Joseph, truckman

Montague (Lower).

Aitken, James, farmer

Aitken, Johnson, farmer

Aitken, Theophilus, farmer

Cameron, James, farmer

Cameron, Robert, farmer

Dauncey, Frederick, farmer

Johnston, James, farmer

Lane, Edward, farmer

McDonald, Allan, �Jessie�s Grove�

Peters, George, Whitport Hotel

Phillips, George, farmer

Phillips, James, farmer

Phillips, Thomas, farmer

Poole, John, farmer

Poole, John T., farmer

Poole, William, farmer

Ross, Peter, teacher

Stewart, Donald, farmer

Suckles, Benjamin, farmer

Suckles, John, farmer

Thompson, Robert, farmer

Westaway, Rodger D., farmer

Wightman, Hon. Joseph, shipbuilder and general
dealer, St. Andrew�s Point

Wightman, William, clerk, St. Andrew�s Point

Young, Andrew, farmer

Montague (Upper).

Aldous, Hon. John, commissioner of
crown lands and surveyor general

Annear, Thomas, farmer

Berhaut, Joseph, farmer

Berhaut, William, farmer

Campbell, Alexander, blacksmith

Campbell, Daniel E., farmer

Campbell, Donald, farmer

Campbell, Duncan, farmer

Campbell, James, farmer (on the hill)

Campbell, James, farmer

Campbell, James C., farmer

Campbell, Joseph, farmer

Campbell, Robert, farmer

Dewar, Donald Jr., farmer

Dewar, Donald Sr., farmer

Dewar, Robert, farmer

Forbes, Alexander, farmer

McFarlane, Alexander, farmer

McFarlane, John, farmer

McLaren, Daniel, school teacher

Morrell, Lot 40.

Cox, John B., shipbuilder

Crawford, Rev. Henry

Creamer, Joseph, physician

Hayden, William shipbuilder

Hickey, Thomas, farmer

Hooper, Samuel, plasterer

Hooper, William, tanner and innkeeper

HOOPER, W. & S., stage line
Charlottetown to Souris

Roster, Patrick, farmer

Mount Pleasant.

Bourke, John R., flour, saw, and carding mills

Coffin, Elisha, farmer

Cowan, Misses

Egan, David, general store

Harrington, David, general store

Harrington & Smith, general dealers

McLaughlan, Daniel, farmer

McWade, James, general store

Rattery, David, shoemaker

Ross, James, general store and post office

Smith, Douglas, general store

Whelan, Walter, innkeeper and general store

Mount Stewart Bridge, Lot 37.

Alleyne, W. J., Esq., farmer

Chanter, Campbell, general store

Coffin, Edwin, general store

Coffin, Edward, general store

Swabey, William, Esq., farmer

Murray River, Lot 64.

Bass, James, farmer

Bass, Nathaniel, farmer

Bears, David, farmer

Bears, Isaac A., teacher

Bears, James, farmer

Bears, John F., farmer

Bishop, Liveret, farmer

Cook, Francis, farmer

Cuddy, James, farmer

Cuddy, Patrick, farmer

Daley, Abraham, shoemaker

Grant, Abija, farmer

Hawkins, Mathias, farmer

Hearthy, Godfrey, farmer

Lowe, Thomas, postmaster

McClure, Cartney, ship builder

McKay, George, farmer

McLeod, Daniel, farmer

McLeod, George, grist mill

McLeod, James, farmer

McLeod, James, shoemaker

McLeod, John, farmer

McLeod, Norman, farmer

Morrison, George, farmer

Murdock, John, farmer

Nickerson, James, farmer

Richards, James, farmer

Roberts, John, farmer

Sanders, John, farmer

Stewart, John, fisherman

Wheeler, John, farmer

Wheeler, William, farmer

Whitaway, Robert, farmer

White, Charles, farmer

White, Charles G., farmer

White, Mrs. John, farmer

White, Thomas, farmer

White, William P., farmer

Murray Harbor (North) Lot 63.

Clow, James, general store

Clow, Mrs. Benjamin, farmer

Clow, William, flour, saw, and carding mill

Gillis, Angus, postmaster

Henderson, Thomas, farmer

Kennedy, William, farmer

Miller, Andrew, farmer

Miller, Walter, farmer

Murray Harbor (South), Lot 64.

Ashley, Issac, Bible Christian minister

Beck, Samuel, farmer

Bell, George, shoemaker

Berhaut, Charles, shoemaker and postmaster

Berhaut, Henry, tanner and currier

Herhaut [sic], James, farmer

Berhaut, Joseph, farmer

Brennan, Laurence, shoemaker

Clements, William, general store

Creighton, David, general dealer

Harkins, William, farmer

Hayden, John, farmer

Hugh, David, farmer

Hyde, John, farmer

Irving, George, farmer

Irving, William, farmer

Jackson, Hugh, farmer

Jordan, Caleb, farmer

Jordan, Richard, farmer

McDonald, Archibald, farmer

McDonald, Hugh, farmer

McKay, Donald, farmer

McKay, Thompson, farmer

McLeod, Samuel, farmer

McMillan, Rev. Hugh.

Machon, Daniel, carpenter

Machon, Mrs. John

Machon, Thomas, farmer

Machon, William, farmer

Penny, James, farmer

Penny, John, farmer

Prowse, Samuel, general dealer

Roberts, Charles W., farmer

Roberts, Josiah, blacksmith

Roberts, John, cooper

Robertson, Peter, farmer

Roberts, Thomas B., fisherman

Sencabaugh, James, carpenter

Stewart, Daniel R., general store

Stewart, Isaac, farmer

Van Iderstine, Alexander, shoemaker

White, William, blacksmith

Williams, Isaac, fisherman

New Glasgow, Lot 23.

Bagnall, William, �Clyde Mills�

BINNS, JOHN, general dealer

Bradshaw, Harrington, physician

Brown, William, Esq., farmer

Clark, William, shoemaker

Dickerson, Andrew, farmer

Dickerson, James Jr., teacher

Dickerson, James Sr., farmer

Greigor, Peter, carriage maker

Laird, Alexander, Esq., farmer

Laird, James, general dealer

McCoubrey, George, saddle and harness maker

McDonald, John, trader

McInnis, John, tailor

McKinnan, David, tailor

O�Brien, William, farmer

Orr, James, ship builder

Nesbit, Andrew, shoemaker and postmaster

Nisbet, George, farmer

Pethick, Phillip, carpenter

Proctor, James, blacksmith

Smith, Charles, farmer

Smith, George, shipwright

Smith, John, agricultural implements

Stevenson, Charles, farmer

Stevenson, George, farmer

Stevenson, John, farmer

Trainor, Artemus, blacksmith

Whitlock, Edward C., tanner and currier

Worth, Samuel, butcher

New London, Lot 20.

Cousins, Archibald, ship builder

Crosby, Charles, fisherman

Graham, William, general store

Inglis, David, fish dealer

Johnston, William, general store

McKenzie, George, ship builder

McMillan, John, blacksmith

Orr, James, ship builder

Pidgeon, James Jr., general dealer and ship builder

Pidgeon, James Sr., druggist

Pillman, John, blacksmith

Pillman, Richard, innkeeper

Newtown, Lot 57.

Biggs, Edmond, farmer

Gill, Richard, Esq., miller and farmer

Gillis, Ewen, farmer

Griffith, Dennis, farmer

Griffith, James, farmer

McDougald, Allan, farmer

McDougald, Mrs. Neil, farmer

McEachern, Mrs. Donald, farmer

McEachern, Neil, farmer

McIntosh, Alexander, farmer

McKinnan, Simon, farmer

Robertson, Edward, general store

Northam, Lot 13.

Baglole, William, farmer

Broome, William, farmer

Cann, Samuel, farmer

Diamond, Humphrey, farmer

Ellis, Henry, farmer

Gorrill, Richard, farmer

Gorrill, William, shoemaker

Hapgood, William, farmer

Haywood, William, farmer

McDougald, James, farmer

Murray, David, farmer

Pawe, Jeremiah, farmer

Ramsay, Donald, farmer

Rodd, James, blacksmith

Sullivan, David, farmer

Wickett, Henry, carpenter

Orwell, Lot 57.

Coady, Lawrence, farmer

Currie, Joseph, farmer

Douse, John, farmer

Finlay, Hugh, general dealer

Finlay, Robert S., and Hugh, general store

Finlay, William, general store

Gill, Richard, farmer

Grant, J., farmer

Ings, Robert, farmer

Lochlan, Barnard, tailor

McDonald, Charles, shipbuilder

McDonald, John C., farmer

McDonald, John J., shipbuilder

McDonald, Ronald A., farmer

McDonald, Joseph J., farmer

McDougald, John, Esq., farmer, & J. P.

McLeod, Charles, general store

McLeod, Donald, tailor

McLeod, Donald, general store and post office

McLeod, John, general store

McLeod, Malcolm, tailor

McPherson, George, blacksmith and farmer

McPherson, Thomas, farmer and wharfinger

McRae, Alexander, shipbuilder and farmer

Morrisey, Edward, tavernkeeper and shoemaker

Murchison, Alexander, blacksmith

Stephens, Patrick, general dealer, commission
merchant, and postmaster

Panmure Island.

McDonald, Archibald, farmer

McDonald, William, farmer

O�Brien, David, lighthouse keeper

Pinette, Lot 68.

Bowles, William, farmer

Buchanan, James, farmer

Campbell, Alexander, farmer

Dixon, Alexander, flower [flour] mill

Farres, Henry, farmer

McDonald, Alexander, farmer

McDonald, Allan, farmer

McDonald, Donald, farmer

McDonald, Finlay, cloth mills

McDonald, John, farmer

McDonald, John, farmer

McDonald, John, farmer

McDonald, John Jr., farmer

McDonald, Neil, farmer

McInnis, Allan, farmer

McKenzie, Angus, farmer

McLean, Rev. Alexander

McLeod, Angus, farmer

McLeod, John, farmer

McRae, Alexander, farmer

McRae, Donald, farmer

McRae, Edward, farmer

McRae, James, flour mill

McRae, John, farmer

McRae, Roderick, shipbuilder

McRae, William, farmer

McWilliams, Charles, farmer

Martin, John, farmer

Morrison, Donald, farmer

Morrison, Hector, farmer

Morrison, Neil, farmer

Nicholson, Neil, farmer

Panting, Edward, farmer

Panting, Francis, shipbuilder

Panting, John, farmer

Ross, Andrew, farmer

Ross, James, farmer

Ross, William, farmer

Shaw, John, farmer

Stewart, John, farmer

Wilmot, Thomas, physician

Williams, Alexander, farmer

Young, George, shipbuilder

Point Prim, Lots 57 and 58.

Buchanan, Alexander, farmer

Buchanan, Malcolm, farmer

Cameron, Ewen, farmer

Campbell, Roderick, farmer

Finlayson, Alexander, farmer

Finlayson, John, farmer

Finlayson, William, farmer

McDonald, Donald, farmer

McDonald, Finlay, lighthouse keeper

McDonald, Hugh, farmer

McDonald, Mrs. Alexander, farmer

McDonald, Ronald, farmer

McKinnon, Dougald, farmer

McKinnon, Hector, farmer

McLeod, Alexander, farmer

McLeod, Charles, farmer

McLeod, Donald, farmer

McLeod, Michael, farmer

McLeod, Angus, farmer

McLeod, William, farmer

McLean, John, farmer

McRae, Angus, farmer

McRae, Archibald, farmer

McRae, Donald, farmer

McRae, John, farmer

McRae, Roderick, farmer

Murchison, Alexander, farmer

Murchison, Donald, farmer

Murchison, James, farmer

Murchison, John, farmer

Murchison, Malcolm, farmer

Murchison, Peter, farmer

Murchison, Samuel, farmer

Murchison, Simon, farmer

Nicholson, Mrs., farmer

Port Hill, Lot 13.


Birch, Prussia, farmer

Birch, Thomas, carpenter

Dougherty, Francis, farmer

Hopgood, John, postmaster

McIntosh, William, farmer

McKay, John, flour mill

McKendrick, Duncan, farmer

McLellan, Archibald, farmer

McLellan, Neil, blacksmith

Maynard, William, farmer

Montgomery, Donald, farmer

Murphy, Thomas, bookkeeper

Ramsay, David, hotel

Swabey, Rev. William H.

Sullivan, Thomas, farmer

Yeo, Hon. Jas., general dealer and ship builder

Yeo, John, general dealer

Yeo, Lawrence, farmer

Portage, Lot 58.

Ferguson, Malcolm, farmer

Fraser, Donald, farmer

McDonald, Malcolm, farmer

McKinnon, Lauchlin, farmer

McLean, Alexander, farmer

McLeod, Roderick, farmer

McSween, Norman, farmer

McWilliam, Charles, farmer

McWilliams, James

McWilliam, John

Pownal, Lot 49.

Bourke, Henry, blacksmith, Georgetown road, n Tea Hill

Brown, Daniel, general store

Daily, Michael, tailor

Gay, Howard, Farmer

Gay, James B., general store

Gay, James J., general store and post office

Gay, Robert, farmer

Gay, Samuel, carpenter

Ings, John Sr., farmer

Jardine, Joseph, carriagemaker

Keenan, William, farmer, Georgetown road, n Tea Hill

McEachern, Dougald, blacksmith

Moore, John R., farmer

Ryan, Rev. Thomas, (Wesleyan Methodist)

Smith, John, farmer

Stanley, Thomas, shoemaker

Stanley, Thomas K., shoemaker


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Last Updated: PR 2/8/98 8:02:29 AM

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