Charlottetown, Cont�d
Turnbull, Robert, sea captain, h Water n Pownal | Turner, Maria, wid John, h Euston opp Prince, |
Turner, Richard, boot and shoe maker, Great George n Euston | Tyan, Charles, laborer, h Pownal n Richmond |
Valey, John, laborer, h Pownal n Grafton | Vaniderstine, George, clerk, bds Hillsboro� cor Fitzroy |
Vaniderstine, Peter, joiner, h Euston cor Hillsboro� | VINDICATOR (The), Kent cor Prince |
Waddell, Matthew, tinsmith, h Kent n Pownal | Wade, Robert, saddle and harness maker, h Prince n Kent |
Walker, George, shoemaker, h Water n Queen | WALSH, JAMES, grocer and liquor dealer, Grafton n Weymouth |
Walker, Patrick, general store, Grafton cor Great George, Queen�s sq. | Walsh, Richard, tailor, Hillsboro� n Grafton |
Walsh, Thomas, sailmaker, h Pownal n Water | Walsh, William, clerk, bds Sydney n Queen |
Walsh, William, printer and compositor, h Fitzroy n Hillsboro� | Ward, John, carpenter, h Water n Hillsboro� |
Ware, Joseph E., h Dorchester n Pownal | Wares, Duncan, blacksmith, bds Kent n Hillsboro� |
Warren, Agnes, h Great George n Euston | Warren, George, laborer, h Fitzroy n Weymouth |
Watson, Jane, wid Anselm, h Grafton cor Hillsboro� | WATSON, WILLIAM R., druggist, Queen n King |
Watt, Allen, clerk, bds Kent n Great George | Watt, James, grocer and baker, Kent n Great George |
Way, George, laborer, h Euston n Great George | Webster, George, builder, Prince n Euston |
Weeks, Henry, builder, Prince n King | Weeks, Joseph, boarding house, Sidney n Queen |
Weeks, Maria, clerk, h Sidney n Queen | Weeks, Robert & Son, boots and shoes, Queen�s sq., h Richmond n Great George |
Weeks, William, boots and shoes, Queen�s sq., h Richmond n Great George | Weeks, William, book-keeper, h Sidney n Queen |
Weldon, Charles, shoemaker, h Grafton n Hillsboro� | Weldon, John, shoemaker, h Hensley bet Richmond and Grafton |
WELDON, WILLIAM H., merchant tailor, Grafton n Prince | Wellnar, William B., book-keeper, h Sidney n Pownal |
WELLS, STANFORD, marble works, Great George n Grafton, h Sidney n Great George | Welsh, Charles, farmer, h St. Peter�s road |
WELSH, HENRY P., contractor and proprietor of the ferry boat, Prince cor King, h Grafton n Cumberland | Welsh, Michael, carpenter, h Cumberland n Kent |
Welsh, Michael, carter, h Dorchester n Pownal | Welsh, Michael, liquor dealer, Richmond n Pownal |
Welsh, Michael, sea captain, h Grafton n Prince | Welsh, William, hostler, h Fitzroy n Hillsboro� |
Welsh, William, ship merchant, Queen n King, h Euston n Pownal | Welsh & Bourke, proprietors Charlottetown ferry, Prince cor King |
Whalen, Catherine, wid Michael, h Dorchester n Weymouth | Whalen, Thomas, laborer, h Grafton n Prince |
Whalon, Michael, rigger, h Dorchester n Pownal | Whear, John, carpenter and builder, Kent cor Weymouth |
Wheatley, Samuel, farmer, Royalty road | Whelan, Hon. Edward, editor and proprietor �Examiner�, h Hillsboro� cor Sydney |
WHITE, ARCHIBALD, blacksmith, Kent n Hillsboro� | White, Archibald, rigger, h Euston n Rochfort |
White, Clement, shipbuilder, Hillsboro� river, h Grafton n Weymouth | White, James, shipbuilder, Water cor Hillsboro�, h Grafton n Weymouth |
White, Sarah, wid Thomas, h Euston cor Queen | White, William, blacksmith, bds Kent n Hillsboro� |
White, William, clerk, h Sidney n Pownal | White, William, shipbuilder, Brighton road, North river, h Grafton n Queen |
WHITFORD, GEORGE, painter, Queen n Grafton | Whitty, Thomas, servant, h Dorchester n Prince |
Whiley, Edward, carter, h Dorchester n Pownal | Williams, Benjamin, carpenter, h Sidney cor Hillsboro� |
Williams, John, general store, Grafton, Queen�s sq� | Williams, Samuel, brewer, h Fitzroy n Cumberland |
Wilson, David, dry goods, Richmond n Queen | Wilson, James, currier, h Sidney n Queen |
Wilson, John, butcher, h Sidney n Great George | Wilson, William H., general store, wholesale and retail, Great George n Grafton, h Dorchester n Pownal |
Wise, James, rigger, h Clark n Princess | Wise, James, butcher, h Richmond cor Edward |
Wise, William, laborer, h Richmond n Rochfort | Wisener, Lemuel, shoemaker, bds Spring Park road n Euston |
Wonacott, John, boot and shoe maker, Great George n Euston | Woodman, Rev. William, h King n Prince |
Woods, John, laborer, h Cumberland n Sidney | Wooldridge, Elizabeth, dressmaker, Great George cor Euston |
Wooldridge, James, carter, h Great George n Euston | Worth, Henry, sailmaker, Great George n Kent |
Worth, John, sailmaker, h Hillsboro� n Kent | Worth, Thomas, shoemaker, bds Great George n Kent |
Worth, William, sailmaker, h Cumberland n Kent | Wright, Benjamin, saw and carding mill, Charlottetown Royalty |
Wright, Charles, h Water cor Weymouth | Wright, George, Colonial treasurer, Colonial building, res St. Peter�s road, Charlottetown Royalty |
Wright, Harriett, wid Nathan, h Prince n Grafton | Wright, Joseph, carpenter, h Hensley bet Richmond and Grafton |
Wright, Richard, builder, Richmond opp Hillsboro� sq. | Wright, William, carpenter, King cor Weymouth |
Wright, William, pensioner, bds Rochford cor Kent | Wristen, Mary, wid William, h Dorchester n Pownal |
Wyatt, Isabella, clerk, h Weymouth n Grafton | Wyatt, William, shoemaker, Hillsboro� cor Dorchester |
YATES, ALBERT H., auctioneer and commission merchant, Queen cor Water, h Prince n Kent | Yeo, George, carriagemaker, bds Hillsboro� n Kent |
Yeo, John, boot and shoemaker, Prince n Grafton | YOUNG, HON. CHARLES, LL. D., judge of Probate, Colonial building, h Fitzroy cor Prince |
Young, Joseph, laborer, h Rochfort n Fitzroy | Young, Mrs. John, h Hensley bet Richmond and Grafton |
Younker, Christian, laborer, h Hillsboro� n Euston |
AITKEN, G. ALBERT, druggist, Kent cor Richmond, h Richmond n Kent | AITKEN, WILLIAM B., collector of customs, h Richmond n Kent |
Allan, Joseph, fisherman, h Richmond n Kent | Allan, William E., h Richmond cor Victoria |
Bell, James, watchmaker, Water n Victoria | Bloomer, William, fisherman, h Water n Kent |
Bourke, Ann, wid Michael, h Richmond cor Victoria | Bourke, James, master mariner, and general dealer, Richmond n Kent |
Bourke, James H., captain �Ino�, h Georgetown Royalty | Bourke, Michael, shipbuilder, Water n Fitzroy |
Broughton, Robert, constable, Georgetown Royalty | Byrne, Charles, Birchfield Place, Georgetown Royalty |
Byrne, Edmund F., accountant, h Richmond n Kent | Byrne, Thomas, farmer, h Richmond n Kent |
Cameron, Miss Christina, milliner, Richmond n Fitzroy | Cameron, Miss Elizabeth, milliner, h Grafton n Fitzroy |
Cameron, Peter, clerk, bds Kent cor Grafton | Cameron, Thomas, tailor, Huntley n Kent |
Campbell, Roderick, surveyor, Georgetown Royalty | Cogswell, James M., general store, Kent cor Grafton |
Coyle, Philip, baker and tavernkeeper, Victoria cor Durham | Conway, Thomas, fisherman, h Water n Kent |
Crawford, Miss Margaret, milliner, Grafton n Kent | Cullen, Rev. William, bds Richmond cor Victoria |
Dalton, James, h Water n Fitzroy | Dalton, Peter, shoemaker, Water n Fitzroy |
Digdon, Perry, laborer, h Kent n Wharf | Dingwell, Mrs. Margaret, milliner, Grafton n Kent |
Drysdale, John, preventative officer, h Richmond n Fitzroy | Duff, John, brewer, Victoria cor Durham |
Easton, James, teacher, Grafton n Victoria | Fairchild, Joseph, shipbuilder, Water n Fitzroy |
Ferguson, Peter, farmer, Georgetown Royalty | Flanigan, John, farmer, Georgetown Royalty |
Foley, Andrew, farmer, Georgetown Royalty | Foley, Donald, farmer, Georgetown Royalty |
Foley, Hugh, farmer, Georgetown Royalty | Ford, shoemaker, Glenelg n Victoria |
Fraser, Duncan general dealer, Grafton n Kent | Georgetown Academy, Market sq., James Robertson, teacher. |
Glover, Andrew, general dealer, Water n Fitzroy | Glover, Thomas, clerk, bds Kent cor Richmond |
Goff, Fade, general dealer, Richmond n Kent | GORDON, DANIEL, general importer, and sheriff of King�s County, Kent cor Grafton |
Grant, Donald, seaman, h Grafton n Fitzroy | Griffin, Henry, tailor, Kent n Gordon |
Haggart, John, carriagemaker, Water n Victoria | Hanley, John, painter, Kent n Water |
Hanley, John, painter, h Kent n Wharf | Hawes, William, fisherman, h Victoria cor Gordon |
Head, Robert, farmer, Georgetown Royalty | Heggs, James, jailer, Kent sq. |
Hemphill, Daniel, farmer, Burnt Point | Hemphill, James, shoemaker, Burnt Point |
Hession, Gilbert, farmer, Georgetown Royalty | HESSION, MICHAEL, general importer, Kent cor Richmond, h Richmond n Kent |
Hession, Thomas, farmer, Georgetown Royalty | Hicken, John, �American House�, Fitzroy cor Richmond |
Hillman, John, shipcarpenter, h Water n Fitzroy | Holland, John F., constable, Georgetown Royalty |
Howlett, John B., sea captain, George n Victoria | Howlett, William, clerk bds George n Victoria |
Hughes, George A., saddle and harness maker, Kent n Water | Kaye, Hon. David, physician, �Woodside�, Georgetown Royalty |
Kearney, John, shoemaker, Water n Kent | Keating, James, laborer, h George n Kent |
Keenan, Daniel, farmer, Georgetown Royalty | Kehoe, Patrick, Sr., joiner, h Richmond n Victoria |
Kehoe, Patrick Jr., wheelwright, Richmond n Victoria | Kellow, Joseph, carriagemaker, Kent cor Gordon |
KENNEDY, D. F., tinsmith and sheet iron worker, Kent n Grafton, h George n Victoria | Kiely, Charles, constable, h Richmond n Fitzroy |
Kiely, Thomas, fisherman, h Victoria cor Gordon | King�s County Jail, Kent sq., James Heggs, jailer. |
Knight, John, druggist, Kent cor Water, h Water n Fitzroy | Lavers, John Jr., carpenter, Glenelg cor Fitzroy |
Leaves, John Sr., market clerk, h Durham n Fitzroy | Le BROCQ, ANDREW W., druggist, postmaster, and grocer, Kent n Richmond |
Le Brocq, John, farmer, h Richmond n Kent | Le Brocq, John, Jr., shipjoiner, h Richmond cor Victoria |
Lockerby, Robert, laborer, bds Richmond n Kent | LOGAN, DAVID H., carpenter, h Gordon n Victoria |
Loveday, Thomas, carpenter, h Grafton n Fitzroy | McAuley, George, farmer, Georgetown Royalty |
McAuley, Donald, farmer, Georgetown Royalty | McAuley, Hon. Roderick, Georgetown Royalty |
McAvoy, Mrs., tavernkeeper, Richmond n Kent | McAvoy, Thomas, farmer, h Richmond n Kent |
McCormac, Donald, shoemaker, Water n Kent | McCormac, Duncan, tailor, Kent n Gordon |
McCormac, James, general store, Kent n Richmond | McDonald, Allan, clerk, bds Grafton n Fitzroy |
McDonald, Andrew A., general store, Kent cor Water | McDonald, Angus, shipcarpenter, h Richmond n Victoria |
McDonld [sic?], Archibald, farmer, Burnt Point | McDonald, Alexander J., clerk, h Kent n Gordon |
McDonald, Archibald J., general dealer, Kent cor Water | McDonald, Capt. John A., tavernkeeper, California cor Kent |
McDonald, Capt. John, master mariner, h Kent n Gordon | McDonald, Daniel, shipcarpenter, Georgetown Royalty |
McDonald, David, farmer, Burnt Point | McDonald, Donald, shoemaker, California n Kent |
McDonald, Hugh W., clerk, bds Kent cor Water | McDonald, James, carpenter, h Richmond n Kent |
McDonald, James, farmer, Georgetown Royalty | McDonald, James, tavernkeeper, Water n Kent |
McDonald, John, farmer, Georgetown Royalty | McDonald, John, tavernkeeper, Water n Fitzroy |
McDonald, John, shipcarpenter, h Burnt Point | McDonald, John, shoemaker, Water n Fitzroy |
McDonald, Joseph, carpenter, Richmond n Kent | McDonald, Mrs. Daniel, tavernkeeper, California n Kent |
McDonald, Rev. Francis J., h Victoria n Gordon | -- |
McDonald, Roderick, farmer, Burnt Point | McDonald, Thomas, shoemaker, h Water n Fitzroy |
McDonald, William, carpenter, h Richmond n Kent | McEachern, Hugh, caulker, h Water n Kent |
McEachern, Hugh, �Victoria Hotel�, Gordon n Kent | McFadyen, Hugh, shipbuilder, Georgetown Royalty |
McFarlane, James, deputy sheriff, h George n Kent | McKenzie, Miss Mary, milliner, Richmond n Kent |
McKeown, John C., physician, Kent n Grafton, h Richmond cor Victoria | McKeown, Miss Julia, Teacher, h Richmond cor Victoria |
McKinnon, Archibald, teacher, h Richmond n Kent | McKinnon, Donald, farmer, Georgetown Royalty |
McKinnon, Lauchlan, farmer, h Richmond n Kent | McLaren, Daniel, carpenter and builder, Water n Fitzroy |
McLean, Alexander, physician, Water cor Kent | McLennan, Peter, farmer, h Richmond n Kent |
McLeod, Hugh, clerk, bds Water n Kent | McLeod, William, cooper, Fitzroy cor Richmond |
McNamara, Mrs. Cornelius, farmer, Georgetown Royalty | McNEILL, FINLAY, general importer, Kent cor Richmond |
McPHAIL, ANGUS, pump n block maker, Water n Kent | McPhee, Donald, farmer, h Victoria n Gordon |
McPhee, Donald, farmer, Burnt Point | McPhee, James, farmer, Burnt Point |
McPhee, John, farmer, Burnt Point | McPhee, Peter, farmer, Burnt Point |
McPherson, Angus, farmer, Georgetown Royalty | McPherson, John, farmer, Georgetown Royalty |
McPherson, Michael, farmer, Georgetown Royalty | McPherson, Vincent, farmer, Georgetown Royalty |
Mahar, Thomas, carpenter, h Gordon n Kent | Mathewson, Neil, clerk, bds Kent cor Grafton |
Miller, George W., constable, Georgetown Royalty | Moar, George, farmer, h Richmond n Kent |
Moar, James, boat builder, Richmond n Kent | Morrison, Alexander, farmer, Georgetown Royalty |
Morrison, Allan, tailor, Kent n Gordon | Morrison, Daniel, farmer, Georgetown Royalty |
Morrison, Donald, tavernkeeper, Kent n Grafton | Morrison, John L., farmer, Georgetown Royalty |
MUNRO, FREDERICK, clerk, S. D. Court, and general importer, Kent n Water | Murphy, Patrick, shoemaker, h Richmond n Fitzroy |
NORTON, FREDERICK P., auctioneer and commission merchant, Kent n Water, Georgetown, h �Belleview�, Brudenell River | Norton, Miss Elizabeth, h Richmond n Kent |
O�Brien, James, shoemaker, Water n Kent | OWEN, CHARLES, general importer, Richmond n Kent, h Grafton n Fitzroy |
Parker, George, farmer, Georgetown Royalty | Poole, George, general dealer, Kent cor Water |
Porter, Benjamin, fisherman, h Richmond n Fitzroy | Poulton, James, carpenter, h Richmond n Victoria |
Power, Robert, blacksmith, Victoria n Durham | Quinn, James, pensioner, h Grafton n Victoria |
Benton, Alexander, shipcarpenter, h Richmond n Kent | Benton, David, joiner, h Richmond n Kent |
Benton, John Sr., house joiner, Richmond n Kent | Benton, John Jr., carpenter, h Richmond n Kent |
Rice, James, tavernkeeper, Water n Kent | Ring, Thomas, farmer, Georgetown Royalty |
Roach, Rev. Robert T., h Richmond cor Victoria | Robertson, Alexander, saddle and harness maker, Kent n Grafton, h Grafton n Victoria |
Robertson, James, teacher, bds George n Kent | Robertson, Thomas, shipcarpenter, h Victoria n Kent |
SANDERSON, WILLIAM, general agent, auctioneer and broker, Trinity Corner | Sanderson, William, general dealer, Grafton cor Victoria |
Shea, Mrs., boarding house, Water n Fitzroy | -- |
SMITH, JOHN, general importer, Kent cor Water | Smith, John, tavern keeper and blacksmith, Water cor Victoria |
Stiggins, Edward, grocer, h George cor Kent | Stiggins, Mrs. Mary, grocer, George cor Kent |
Stewart, Alexander, cabinetmaker, Water n Victoria | Stewart, Edward, blacksmith, Kent n Gordon, h Gordon n Kent |
Stewart, Peter, carpenter, George n Kent | Sutherland, Daniel, shipcarpenter, h Kent n Water |
Sweeny, John, tavernkeeper, Kent n George | Taylor, John, shipcarpenter, h Water n Victoria |
Thornton, Hon. Edward, farmer, St. Andrew�s Point, Lower Montague | Thomas, Jeremiah, pensioner, Victoria cor Richmond |
Thornton, Richard, farmer, St. Andrew�s Point, Lower Montague | U. S. Consular Agent, Andrew A. MacDonald, Kent cor Water |
Walker, Alexander, saddle and harness maker, Richmond n Kent | Walker, Hon. Patrick, Georgetown Royalty |
Westaway, John, general dealer and ship chandler, Water n Kent | Westaway, Lewis J., sea captain, h Huntley cor Wood |
Westaway, Nathaniel, farmer, h Richmond n Fitzroy | Wickwire, Ezra R., tanner, currier, and shoemaker, Richmond n Kent |
Wickwire, James, tanner and currier, h Richmond n Kent | Wightman, George, general store, Kent cor Richmond |
Beairsto, William, sheriff, St. Stephen n Water | Baker, Stephen, joiner, h Euston n Hanover |
Barnett, Charles, shipcarpenter, h Water n St. Stephen | Beairsto, William, auctioneer, Central n Water, bds Water n Central |
Beattie, Thomas, builder, Central n North Market | Bell, Johnston, book keeper, bds Water n Grandville |
Bingley, Sarah, wid Thomas, h Second n Water | Birch, William, laborer, h First cor Cedar |
Black, Asher, accountant, h Central n North Market | Bowie, George, miller, bds Summerside road, West |
Braley, James, shipcarpenter, h Water n Grandville | Brandran, John, shipcarpenter, bds Grandville n Hanover |
Brazil, James, groceries and provisions, Water n Central | Brehaut, Thomas, mason, h Grandville n Hanover |
Brehaut, William, builder, Fitzroy n Grandville | Breen, William, shipcarpenter, bds Water n St. Stephen |
Brown, George, sawyer, h Water n Grandville | Brown, Patrick, tinsmith, Central n South Market |
Cahill, James, sawyer, h First n Cedar | Cairns, Thomas, farmer, Summerside road east |
Cairns, William, farmer, Summerside road east | Cameron, William, shipcarpenter, bds Water n St. Stephen |
Campbell, Alexander, boarding house, Central n Second | Campbell, James, J.P., general store, Water c Central, h St. Eleanors, Charlottetown road |
Cannon, William F., book-keeper, bds Water n Central | Chappell, William, carter, h South Market n Cedar |
Clarke, Charles R., carriagemaker, Second n St. Stephens | Clark, Eliza, wid William D., boarding house, St. Stephen n Water |
Clear, Michael, shipcarpenter, h First n St. Stephen | Clarke, Stephen W., general store, Central c Second |
Clarke, Thomas W., distillery, h Second n St. Stephen | Collett, Charles, shipcarpenter, h Grandville n Hanover |
Connack, Thomas, shipcarpenter, bds St. Stepen n Water | Connors, Johanna, wid Daniel, grocer, Water n Central |
Connars, John, laborer, bds Second n Water | Costin, John, blockmaker, First n St. Stephen, h Second n St. Stephen |
Crabb, George, harnessmaker, Water n Central | Crabb, Thomas, proprietor of �Crabb�s Hotel�, Water n Central |
Craswell, Henry, shipcarpenter, h Water n Grandville | Craswell, James, shipcarpenter, h Water n Central |
Craswell, Rev., Donald, pastor Baptist Church, Central n North Market | Croman, Henry, cooper, h Summerside road west |
Croswell, Edwin, farmer, bds Central n Water | Croswell, Henry, shipcarpenter, h Water n Grandville |
Crothers, Thomas, h Water n Linton�s la. | Darby, George, farmer, h Summerside road east |
Dailey, William, shipcarpenter, h North Market c Cedar | Darby, William, carriagemaker, St. Eleanor road |
Davy, George, shipcarpenter, h Water n Grandville | Delany, Patrick, watchmaker, Water n Central |
Dempsey, Matthew, joiner, h Second n St. Stephen | Dickieson, Andrew, book-keeper, bds Water n Grandville |
Dobson, Daniel, carriagemaker, h Grandville n Hanover | Doull, Alexander F., boot and shoemaker, Water n Central, bds Second n St. Stephen |
Doyle, Pierce, joiner, bds Central n Second | Dunn, Joseph, shipcarpenter, h Water n Central |
Durant, Levi, blockmaker, bds Water n St. Stephen | Ellis, John, sea captain, h Summerside road east |
Ellis, Robert, farmer, Summerside road east | Ells, John, shipcarpenter, h Water n Duke |
English, George, shoemaker, bds Water n St. Stephen | ENMAN, DANIEL, general store, Water n Central |
Enman, Jeremiah D., clerk, bds Water n Central | Ferguson, Donald, shipcarpenter, h Grandville |
Fisher, Dougald, sawyer, bds Hanover n Euston | Fitzpatrick, Angus, shipcarpenter, h Water n Duke |
Fitzpatrick, James, shipcarpenter, h Water n Duke | Fitzpatrick, William, sawyer, bds Hanover n Euston |
Gaffney, James, tailor, bds First n St. Stephen | Gaffney, John, book-keeper, h Second n Central |
Gaffney, Thomas, tailor, First n St. Stephen | Gardner, John, shipcarpenter, h Second n Central |
Gardner, Joseph, shipcarpenter, bds Central n Second | Gibson, James, painter, Second n St. Stephen |
Gibson, James A., painter, Water n Central, h First n St. Stephen | Gillas, John, shipcarpenter, h Second n Water |
Gillis, William, shipcarpenter, bds Hanover n Grandville | Gillas, William, lime burner, h South Market c Duke |
Glover, John, servant, bds South Market n Central | Glover, Robert, farmer, h Summerside road east |
Gooding, Peter, boot and shoe maker, First n St. Stephen | Gould, Samuel, carter, h Fitzroy n Grandville |
Gourlie, J. Alfred, clerk, h Water n Duke | GOURLIE, JAMES, lime manufacturer, Duke n Water |
Grady, Alexander, shipwright, h Water n Grandville | Grady, David, proprietor Union Hotel, Central n Water |
Grady, John, shipcarpenter, h Water n Central | GREEN, CHARLES, collector impost, h Shore road east |
Green, Harry, St. Stephen n Water | Green, John Jr., farmer, Grandville st. |
Green, Joseph, farmer, h South Market c St. Stephen | Hall, Jonathan, farmer, Summerside road east |
Hall, Thomas, clerk, bds Fitzroy c Grandville | Hamilton D., book-keeper, h Water n St. Stephen |
Hamilton, Daniel, clerk, bds Central c Water | Hawey, George, boot and shoe maker, St. Stephen n Water |
Heckbert, John, boot and shoe maker, h Summerside | Henry, Kenneth, shipcarpenter, h Belmont n Grandville |
Hibbett, Lawrence, shipcarpenter, h Hanover n Grandville | Hibbit, Richard, butcher, h First n St. Stephens |
Hilson, George, joiner, h First n St. Stephen | Hinton, George, tannery, Water c Second, h Second h Duke North |
Hogg, Robert, clerk, bds Water n Central | HOLMAN, JAMES L., general store and wholesale and retail importer, Water n Grandville, h Shore road east |
HOLMAN, ROBERT T., general store, Water n Central, h First n Central | HOPKINS, H., physician and surgeon, Summerside |
Horner, John, physician and surgeon, First c St. Stephen, bds South Market c St. Stephen | Howe, William m., barrister, &c., St. Eleanor rd south |
Humphreys, Edward R., Jr., clerk, bds First n St. Stephen | Humphrey, Thomas, shipwright, h Grandville n Hanover |
HUNT, RICHARD, general store, and shipbuilder, Water n Central, h First n St. Stephen | Hurst, Ira, sea captain, h Second n Cedar |
Irving, John, seaman, h Belmont n Grandville | Karting, Walter, flour dealer, Water n Central |
Keirnan, John, shipcarpenter, bds First n Cedar | Keough, James, h Water n Central |
Keough, Robert, blockmaker, bds Water n Central | Kennedy, Alexander E., sea captain, East road |
Kennedy, William, sea captain, East road | Kough, Robert, blockmaker, bds Second n St. Stephen |
Koughan, Martin, shipcarpenter, h First n Water | Lanigan, Patrick, shoemaker, h North Market c Cedar |
Large, Henry, boot and shoe maker, First n Cedar | Larkins, William, blacksmith, bds First c St. Stephen |
Leard, John, shoemaker, bds St. Stephen n Water | Leard, Lewis L., farmer, h Central cor Second |
Leard, Samuel, blacksmith, h Grandville n Belmont | Lee, Newton, blacksmith, Water n Grandville |
Lefurgey, John, general store and shipbuilder, Water n Grandville | Lefurgey, William, farmer, Summerside road east |
Ling, William, shipcarpenter, h Belmont n Grandville | Linkletter, Elizabeth, wid George, h Second n Cedar |
Lomasney, Robert, sawyer, bds Water n Grandville | McConnell, David, blacksmith, Water n Grandville |
McDonald, Alexander P., laborer, bds Hanover n Euston | McDonald, Angus, teacher, Roman Catholic School, First n Central, bds Second n Central |
McDonald, Donald, laborer, bds Summerside road west | McDonald, Joseph, shipcarpenter, bds Water n St. Stephen |
McDonald, Sarah, wid Donald, h Hanover n Euston | McDougall, Donald, laborer, h First n Cedar |
McEwen, Lavinia, wid William, boarding house, Central cor Water | McInnis, Peter, shipcarpenter, bds Water n St. Stephen |
McInnis, Phillip, shipcarpenter, h Second n St. Stephen | McKay, Agnes, wid Alexander, boarding house, First n St. Stephen |
McKenzie, Daniel, shipcarpenter, bds Hanover n Grandville | McKelvie, Neil, clerk, bds Grandville n Hanover |
McKeown, Joseph, farmer, h Summerside road east | McKinnon, John, shipbuilder, Water n Grandville, h First cor St. Stephen |
McKinnon, Neil, shipcarpenter, h Water n Euston | McKinnon, William, shipcarpenter, Water n Central |
McKenzie, Angus, shipcarpenter, bds Grandville n Hanover | McKenzie, Thomas, shipcarpenter, bds Grandville n Hanover |
McLauren, Robert, shipcarpenter, h First n Central | McLEAN, DONALD, teacher, Duke cor Second, h Central n Water |
McLean, Dougald, laborer, h Water n Grandville | McLellan, Alexander J., restaurant and oyster saloon, Central n Water |
McLellan, Hugh, shipcarpenter, h Second n Cedar | McLellan, John, book-keeper, bds Water n Central |
McLellan, Leo, grocer and auctioneer, Water n St. Stephen | McLellan, Stephen, shipcarpenter, h Water n Euston |
McLENNAN, COLIN, general store and shipbuilder, Water n Central, h Fitzroy cor Grandville | McLeod, James, clerk, bds First n Cedar |
McLeod, James, shipcarpenter, h South Market cor Duke | McMurdo, Barbara, wid James, bds First n St. Stephen |
McNeil, Joseph, shipcarpenter, bds Hanover n Euston | McQuanie, John, boatbuilder, Water n Linton�s la. |
McQuanie, John Jr., boatbuilder, bds Linton�s la. n Water | McSween, Angus, tailor, Water n Central |
McVaigh, Patrick, boot and shoe maker, Water n Grandville | MacConnel, David, blacksmith, h Water n Grandville |
MacDonald, John, blacksmith, h Grandville cor Belmont | -- |
MacDONALD, JOHN A., general store and express agent, Water cor Central, h Central n Second | MacDonald, Ronald, general store, Water n Central, h Central n Second |
Mallett, John, shipcarpenter, h Water n Grandville | Malone, Michael, ship carpenter, bds Hanover n Grandville |
Manson, Ananias, gardener, h Second n Cedar | Matthews, William, shipcarpenter, bds Grandville n Hanover |
Maynagh, Mary C., milliner and grocer, First n St. Stephen | Monaghan, Michael, blacksmith, bds Water n Central |
Monson, Peter, rigger, bds Water n St. Stephen | Montgomery, David, lumber dealer, Water n Central, bds South Market cor St. Stephen |
Muirhead, James, J. P., general store and ship builder, Water n Grandville | Muncey, Singleton, telegraph operator to Gulf Express Tel. Com., Water n Central, bds Central cor Water |
Munro, Hugh, shipcarpenter, h Hanover n Grandville | Munro, Kenneth, joiner, h Grandville n Hanover |
Newberry, S. F., clerk, bds Central n Water | Newbery, Fenton T., clerk, h Water n St. Stephen |
Newson, Peter, shipcarpenter, Water n Grandville | Noonan, David, shoemaker, h South Market n Duke |
O�Brien, Terrence, shipcarpenter, bds Hanover n Grandville | O�Brien, Philip. Blacksmith, bds Grandville n Hanover |
O�Halloran, Martin, general store, St. Stephen cor Water | O�Neil, George, blacksmith, First n St. Stephen, h First cor St. Stephen |
O�Neil, John, blacksmith, First n Stephen, bds First cor St. Stephen | O�Neil, Owen, h First cor St. Stephen |
Parkman, Henry, sawyer, h First n Central | Parkman, John, sawyer, h First n Central |
Parson, Frederick, servant, bds South Market n Central | Patten, Edward, tailor, bds Central n Water |
Patterson, Christina, teacher, Grandville n Hanover | Pearson, David, laborer, h West road |
Pearson, Nathaniel, shipcarpenter, h Water n Grandville | Peters, Charles, rigger, h First n Central |
Peters, Joseph, laborer, h First n Cedar | POPE, HON. JAMES C., general store, Water n Central, h Central n First |
Price, George, farmer, h East road | Ramsay, Donald, shipwright, h Water n St. Stephen |
Ramsay, John, shipcarpenter, h First n St. Stephen | Ramsay, Major, shoemaker, bds St. Stephen n Water |
Renouf, Francis, harnessmaker, bds Water n Central | RICHARDSON, HENRY J., flour dealer, grocer, and commission merchant, Water c St. Stephen, bds Crabb�s Hotel, Water n Central |
Richardson, R. W., teacher, First c Central, bds South Market n Central | Richardson, William J., book-keeper, bds Crabb's Hotel, Water n Central |
Robertson, Charles L., porter, bds Water n St. Stephen | -- |
Robertson, John, shipcarpenter, h First n St. Stephen | Rodd, Samuel, mason, h South Market n Cedar |
ROGERS, DAVID, general store, Water n Grandville, h Grandville n Hanover | Rogers, Joseph, blacksmith, Central n Water, h First n St. Stephen |
Russell, James, tailor, St. Stephen n Water | Shurman, [sic?] David, brewer, bds Second n Cedar |
Schurman, Peter P., provision store and butcher, Water n Central | Sharp, James, laborer, h Hanover n Euston |
Shaw, Alexander, shipcarpenter, h West road | Simpson, John, rigger, bds First c Central |
Sinclair, Neil, clerk, bds Water c Central | Small, John, farmer, h West road |
Small, William, distillery, Water n First, h Second n Cedar | Smith, Alexander, shipcarpenter, h Duke c South Market |
Smith, James, plasterer, h Duke n South Market | Smith, James, shipcarpenter, h Water n Duke |
Smith, John, distillery and grocer, First n Cedar | Smith, Thomas, laborer, h North Market n Cedar |
Southeron, Robert, blacksmith, Water n Central | Stafford, Robert McC., farmer, East road |
Stanlick, George, farmer, h East road | Steel, Walter, joiner, bds Water n Grandville |
STEWART, DANIEL R., proprietor Stewart�s Hotel and distillery, Water n St. Stephen | Stewart, John R., book-keeper, bds First n St. Stephen |
Stewart, William, baker, Central n Water | Strang, Solomon, shipcarpenter, h Second n Water |
Strang, William, shipcarpenter, h Grandville c Belmont | STRONG, ROBERT A., general store and steamboat agent, Water n Grandville, h First n St. Stephen |
Strong, Charles W., trader, h Water n St. Stephen | Sudsbury, Benjamin, laborer, bds Grandville n Hanover |
Summers, John, shipcarpenter, h Second n Duke | Thomas, James, shipcarpenter, h Water n Euston |
Thomas, Joseph, shipcarpenter, h Water n Grandville | Todd, John, carriagemaker, h Second n Cedar |
Tucker, William, shipcarpenter, h Grandville c Belmont | Turner, Thomas, pump and block maker, Water n St. Stephen |
Vail, John, shipcarpenter, h Second n St. Stephen | Vail, John, shipcarpenter, h South Market c Duke |
Vickerson, Henry, general store, Water n Grandville | VAUGHAN, EDWIN, physician and surgeon and health officer, Second c Cedar |
Walker, John, book-keeper, h Central n North Market | Wallace, Richard, shipcarpenter, h Hanover n Grandville |
Wallace, James, sea captain, bds First n Central | Walker, Albert, seaman, bds Central n North Market |
Wallace, William, caulker, h Water n Grandville | Walsh, James, sea captain, h Water n Duke |
Walsh, Thomas, sea captain, h Central n North Market | Webster, Robert, shipwright, h Water n Grandville |
Wedge, Joseph, laborer, h North Market n Cedar | Whealan, Thomas, laborer, h First cor Cedar |
White, George, boot and shoe maker, St. Stephen n Water, h. Water n St. Stephen | Whitford, Mary, milliner and dress maker, Water n Grandville |
Whitford, William, baber, Water n Grandville | Wilson, James, servant, bds Water n Central |
Woodside, James, seaman, b First n Cedar | Young, John, blockmaker, Water n Central, h Duke n South Market |
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