Charlottetown, Cont�d
Easton, Thomas, sailor, Queen n Fitzroy | Eckart, J. Roberts, flour merchant, Queen cor Water, h Sidney cor Pownal |
Eckstadt, J. G., restaurant, Queen cor King | Eden, Francis, boot and shoemaker, Queen n Richmond, h Richmond n Queen |
Eden, John, grocer, Richmond n Pownal | Edmonds, Henry, brewer, h Weymouth n Fitzroy |
Egan, Margaret, wid John, h Hensley b Richmond and Grafton | Egan, Patrick, seaman, h Euston n Cumberland |
Enman, Thomas, seaman, h Fitzroy n Cumberland | Essery, Thomas, builder, Kent n Hillsboro� |
Evans, John, joiner, h Kent n West | Evans, Owen, h King sq., Kent |
Evans, Patrick, shoemaker, h Dorchester n Weymouth | EXAMINER (the), Hillsboro� n Kent |
Fairbrother, Edward, pensioner, h Military Barracks | Falconer, Rev. Alexander, bds Water n Great George |
Fannell, William, joiner, h Cumberland cor Euston | Farmer, Patrick, tailor, h Cross n Euston |
Faught, Richard, boot and shoe maker, Grafton n Great George | Faught, Wellington H., clerk, Post Office, h Grafton n Great George |
Feldwicke, George, painter, h Euston n Great George | Fennessey, Thomas, grocer, and boot and shoe maker, Great George n Fitzroy |
Fennel, Richard, carriagemaker, h Euston n Cumberland | Fennessey, Denis, shoemaker, bds Great George n Fitzroy |
Field, Catherine, wid Joseph, h Richmond n Cumberland | Finnigan, Francis, laborer, h Grafton cor Weymouth |
Fiske, James, laborer, h Cumberland n Euston | Fisher, John, boot and shoe maker, Great George n Fitzroy |
Fitzgerald, Rev. David A. B., h Richmond n West. | Fitzpatrick, John, laborer, h Fitzroy n Rochfort |
Flinn, James, boardinghouse, Kent n Prince | Flinn, Patrick, servant, h Dorchester n Weymouth |
Flinn, Thomas, laborer, h Sidney n Rochfort | Flint, Frederick A., book-keeper, h Prince cor Richmond |
Flood, James, laborer, h Rochfort n Richmond | Fogerty, Mary, wid Patrick, h Water n Weymouth |
Foley, Thomas, sea captain, h Dorchester n Queen | Forgan, William, Q.C., Province Building, h Royalty rd. n City |
Forsythe, Margaret, millinery and dry goods, Grafton, Queen sq. | Foster, George, blacksmith, Queen n Kent |
Fowler, Lawrence, fisherman, h Hillsboro n Fitzroy | Fraser, Alice, barkeeper, bds Queen n Kent |
Fraser, Catherine, boarding, h Sidney n Rochfort | Fraser, Charles, carriagemaker, h Hillsboro n Euston |
Fraser, Daniel, beer manufacturer, Pownal n Sidney | Fraser, David M., builder, bds Kent n Queen |
Fraser, James, carriagemaker, bds Hillsboro n Kent | Fraser, James S., joiner, bds Kent n Queen |
Fraser, John, carriagemaker, h Clark n Prince | Fraser, Simon D., �Rocklin house�, Kent n Queen |
Fraser, William H., joiner and builder, bds Kent n Queen | Fraser, William J., carriagemaker, Prince n Fitzroy, h Dorchester n Kent |
Fraser, W. H. & D. M., builders, Kent n Queen | Frisk, James, laborer, h Euston n Cumberland |
Full, George, clerk, bds Water n Great George | FULL, WILLIAM, dry goods &c., Great George n Queen�s sq., h Water n Great George |
Fure, William, boarding house, Dorchester n Queen | Goahan, John J., book-keeper, h Sidney n Queen |
Galant, Peter, shipcarpenter, h Fitzroy n Edward | Galbraith, Robert, book-keeper, h King n Great George |
Galloway, William, plasterer, h Euston n Hillsboro� | Gardiner, Frederick, carpenter, h Fitzroy n Pownal |
Gardiner, George W., grocer, boardinghouse, and wool dealer, Queen n Kent | Gardiner, John, joiner, h Rochfort n Kent |
Gardiner, William, h Grafton cor Pownal | Gardiner, William, carpenter, h Rochfort cor Richmond |
Garland, James, cabinetmaker, Kent n Prince | Gates, John, saddler and harnessmaker, Grafton n Great George |
Gates, John H., h Richmond opp Queen sq. | Gaul, Pierce, grocer and liquor dealer, Queen n Water |
Gaul, Walter, laborer, h Fitzroy n Great George | Gaul, William, bds Kent n West |
Gauvreau, E. D., physician, Sidney cor Pownal | Gay, Edward, constable, h Dorchester cor Prince |
Gay, John, trader, h Euston, n Queen | Gibbs, William, carpenter, Rochfort n Richmond |
Gibson, Ellen, wid Richard, h Prince n Grafton | Gidley, R. M., keeper Lunatic Asylum, North River road |
Gilboy, James, laborer, h Sidney n Hillsboro� | GILLAN, JOHN, blockmaker, Prince n Water, h Dorchester cor Weymouth |
Gillis, Daniel, clerk, bds Queen n Sidney | Gillis, Donald, boardinghouse, Water n Queen |
Gleeson, Thomas, butcher, Queen n Dorchester | Godfrey, Thomas, farmer, St. Peters road |
Godfrey, William, laborer, h Sidney n Cumberland | Godis, Samuel, sailmaker, h Sidney n Rochfort |
Godkin, John, clerk, bds Water cor Pownal | Godkin, John L., tanner and currier, Grafton n Prince |
Godkin, William, mason, h Edward n Fitzroy | Good, Oliver, shoemaker, bds Great George n Euston |
Goodenough, William, laborer, h Pownal n Grafton | Goodman, George R., h Prince n Fitzroy |
Goodman, Patrick, tailor, h Dorchester n Weymouth | Gorbet, James, porter, bds Pownal n Water |
Gormley, James, laborer, h Euston n Pownal | Gormley, John, laborer, h Pownal n Sidney |
Gormely, Patrick, mason, h Dorchester n Pownal | Grace, John, tailor, bds Dorchester n Queen |
Graham, Neil, shipcarpenter, h Kent n Hillsboro� | Grant, Walter, printer, h Dorchester n Great George |
GRAY, Hon. JOHN H., President Executive Council, res Inkerman House, Charlottetown Royalty. | Green, Charlotte, clerk, bds Great George n Grafton |
Green, Henry, laborer, h Fitzroy n Queen | Green, Thomas, cabinetmaker, Great George n Kent |
Gregory, William, lime burner, h Saint Peters road n Edward | Grenning, Sarah, wid Matthew, h Grafton n Hillsboro� |
Griffin, Emma, wid Martin, h Pownal n Dorchester | Griffin, James, laborer, h Sidney n Rochfort |
Griffin, Jonathan, saddle and harness maker, bds Kent n Prince | Griffith, John, sawyer, h Kent cor Hillsboro� |
Griffin, Thomas, saddler, bds Hillsboro� n Grafton | Griffin, William J., tailor, h Prince n Kent |
Groom, James, cabinetmaker, Kent n Pownal | Gunn, William D., painter, bds Kent n Queen |
Haggon, Francis, h Rochfort n Grafton | Hales, Frederick W., soap and candle manufacturer, Queen, h Dorchester n Great George |
HALLORAN, PETER, carriage builder and blacksmith, Fitzroy n Great George | Halsey, Elizabeth, wid Joseph, h Fitzroy n Cumberland |
Handrahan, John, h Hillsboro� n Richmond | Handrahan, Thomas, manager estate James Peake, general store, Queen n Water |
Hanford, Frederick S., clerk, bds Water n Queen | Hann, Patrick, carter, h Euston n Rochfort |
Hannaway, Bridget, wid Hugh, h Euston n Great George | Harding, Margaret, wid Joshua, h Kent n Queen |
Hardy, Michael, rigger, h Richmond n Edward | Harney, John, shoemaker, h Hillsboro� n Kent |
Harper, William, carpenter, h Great George n Euston | Harris, Frederick, shoemaker, Grafton n Prince |
Harris, Thomas, clerk, h Dorchester n Cumberland | Harris, Thomas, carriagemaker, bds Kent n Queen |
Harris, William C., provision dealer, h King n Hillsboro | Harris, William R., shoemaker, h Prince cor Kent |
Hartz, John, mason, h Euston cor Great George | Harvie, George A., clerk, h Pownal n Sidney |
Harvie, Henry A., books and stationery, hardware, &c., Richmond, Queen sq., h Pownal n Sidney | Harvie, Thomas, jail keeper, Sidney cor Pownal |
HASZARD, HENRY, general store, Queen cor Grafton, h Kent n Weymouth | HASZARD, JAMES D., Secretary and treasurer Royal Agricultural Society, res. Recreation Grove, North River road. |
Hatch, John, city crier and janitor, h Hensley between Richmond and Grafton | HAVILAND, Hon T. H., Speaker House of Assembly, attorney and barrister, Water n Queen, h Prince n Euston |
HAVILAND, Hon. Thos. H., Mayor and President Bank Prince Edward Island, Queen cor Water, h West cor Kent | HAVILAND & BRECKEN, barristers, notaries public, Water n Queen |
HAWKINS, JOHN, blacksmith, St. Peter�s road cor Cumberland | Hawkins, John, ship carpenter, h Water n Pownal |
Hawkins, William, carpenter, h Hillsboro� n Sidney | Hawkins, William, clerk, h Water n Pownal |
Hayden, Alexander, trader, h Sidney n Great George | Hayes, James, blacksmith, bds Fitzroy n Great George |
HEARD, WILLIAM, importer of dry goods and ship builder, Queen sq. | Heartz, Benjamin, clerk, bds Great George n Sidney |
Heartz, Richard, h Great George, cor Sidney | Hennesey, John, carriagemaker, bds Hillsboro n Euston |
Hegan, Patrick, tinsmith, bds Queen n Water | Henderson, David, seaman, h Hensley bet Richmond and Grafton |
Henderson, George, plasterer, h Water n Pownal | Henderson, Helen, wid William, h Water n Hillsboro� |
Henderson, James, clerk, h Fitzroy n Great George | Henderson, James S., saddle and harness maker, bds Grafton, Queen sq |
Henderson, John, joiner, h Kent n West | Hennesey, Hugh, laborer, h King n Hillsboro� |
Hennesey, James, stevedore, h Hensley bet Richmond and Grafton | Henry, John, sailmaker, bds Grafton n Weymouth |
HENSLEY, JOSEPH, barrister, Great George cor Dorchester, h �Newlands�, Malpeque Road | HERMANS, AUGUSTUS, lock, gun, and tinsmith, Queen n Water |
Hermans, Francis, barber, h Queen n King | Hermans, Henry, asst. Telegraph operator, h Queen n Water |
Hewitt, William, gardener, h Euston cor Weymouth | Hews, Edward, shipcarpenter, h King cor Pownal |
Hews, James, carter, h Pownal n Grafton | Hickey, Michael, carter, h Dorchester n Pownal |
Hickey, Michael, tobacconist, h King n Great George | Higgs, Gilbert, clerk, Probate office, bds King n Prince |
Higgins, Dennis, porter, h Dorchester n Pownal | HIGGINS, JOHN, general store, agent for Singer�s Sewing Machines and Lippin�s Cloth Manufactury, Great George n Grafton |
Higgins, Mary, wid William, h Euston n Weymouth | Hill, Ann, wid John, h Prince n Kent |
Hill, Robert, printer, Hensley bet Richmond and Grafton | Hillsboro� School, Archibald McNeil, Sidney n Hillsboro� sq. |
Hoar, William, carriagemaker and millwright, Euston n Weymouth | Hobin, John, laborer, h Lower Water n Queen |
Hobkirk, William, physician, Euston cor Rochfort | Hobbs, Arthur, hatter, h Prince cor Grafton |
HOBBS, JOHN, grocer, hat and cap manufacturer, Prince cor Grafton | Hobbs, John Jr., cabinetmaker, h Euston n Hillsboro� |
Hobbs, Lemuel, sea captain, h Lower Water n Queen | Hodgson, Daniel, clerk of the crown, and prothonotary, Colonial Building, h Weymouth n Richmond |
Hodson, Edward J., barrister, Great George n Sidney, h Great George cor Fitzroy [Name as spelled] | Hodgson, James, builder, Prince n King |
Hodgson, Hon. Robert, chief justice, h Pownal cor Kent | HODGSON, Robert R., shipbuilder, Dorchester n Great George, h Pownal cor Kent |
Hodgson, Thomas, carpenter, h Grafton n Prince | Hogan, Ann, wid Thomas, h Hillsboro n Kent |
Hogan, John, sailmaker, h Queen n Water | Hogan, Martin, liquors, Queen n King |
Holman, John, boarding house, Dorchester n Queen | Holman, John W., Prince of Wales Hotel, Queen cor Kent |
Holmes, James, stonecutter, bds Kent n Queen | HOOPER, SAMUEL, mail carrier, h Kent n Queen |
Houston, James, tinsmith, h Great George n Kent | Howe, James II, blacksmith, bds Kent cor Prince |
Hubbard, George, Bible and Tract Depot, Grafton, King;s sq. | Hubert, Clement F., dentist, Water n Great George |
Hughes, Charles, carriagemaker, bds Hillsboro� n Kent | Hughes, Frederick W., clerk, h Hillsboro� n Grafton |
Hughes, Henry, clerk, bds Queen n Water | Hughes, James, carter, h King n Pownal |
Hughes, John, laborer, h Grafton n Rochfort | Hughes, Maria, wid Charles, h Great George n Euston |
Hughes, Owen, shoemaker, bds Dorchester n Queen | Hughes, P. W., traveling agent for �Examiner�. [no res. Listed] |
Hughes, Thomas, laborer, h King n Great George | Hunter, James, carriagemaker, Kent n Prince |
Hutcheson, Elias, cooper, Richmond n Prince | Hutcheson, Elizabeth, clerk, h Richmond n Prince |
Hutcheson, John F., cooper, h Richmond n Prince | HUTCHESON, ROBERT, dry goods and groceries, Pownal cor Sidney |
HYNDMAN, CHARLES A., telegraph operator, Water n Kent, h King sq, Kent | HYNDMAN, PETER W., grocer and tobacco factory, Queen n Water, h Euston, opp Prince |
Hyndman, Robert, customs broker, Colonial building, h Fitzroy n Cumberland | Hyndman, Thos., clerk, Lower Water n Queen |
Ings, John, Queen�s Printer and proprietor �Islander� and �Royal Gazette�, Water cor Great George | Ings, Alexander, LL.D., h St. Peters road, cor Cumberland |
Ingles, John, laborer, h Fitzroy, Rochfort | Inman, John, carriagemaker, bds Kent cor Prince |
Irban, Daniel, tavern, St. Peter�s road, Charlottetown Royalty | Irban, Daniel Jr., blacksmith, St. Peter�s road, Charlottetown Royalty |
Irving, Edward R., clerk, bds Queen n Grafton | Irving, James D., clerk, bds Pownal n Grafton |
Irving, John, cabinetmaker, bds King Sq., Kent | IRVING, JOHN P., book-keeper, bds Great George c Dorchester |
IRVING, ROBERT B., notary public and conveyancer, Pownal n Grafton | IRVING, WILLIAM W., agricultural implements, Queen n Grafton |
ISLANDER (The), Water cor Great George | Ivory, Frederick, shoemaker, bds Great George n Fitzroy |
Jackson, John, laborer, h Kent n Rochfort | Jackson, John, pensioner, h military barracks |
Jakeman, George, blacksmith, h Lane bet Richmond and Grafton | Jakeman, William, blacksmith, Grafton n Prince, h Hensley bet Richmond and Grafton |
Jarvis, Margaret, wid William, h Grafton n Prince | Jenkins, John, surgeon and physician, Queen n Grafton |
Jenkins, Rev. Lewis C., D.C.L., h Dorchester n Hillsboro� | Johnson, Archibald, blacksmith, bds Hillsboro� cor King |
JOHNSON, HAMMOND, physician and surgeon, Kent cor Prince | Johnson, Hon. Henry, h Kent cor Prince |
Johnston, Adam, shoemaker, bds Richmond n Queen | Johnston, James, shoemaker, h Prince n Grafton |
Johnston, John, plasterer, h Euston n Pownal | Johnston, Thomas, shoemaker, bds Prince n Grafton |
Johnston, William, shoemaker, h Kent n Queen | JOHNSTONE, WILLIAM A., barrister, and insurance agent, Queen sq, h Rochfort sq. |
Jones, Edward, seaman, h West n Grafton | Jost, Rev. J. V., h St. Peter�s road |
Joy, John, cooper, h King n Pownal | Jury, John, watchmaker, Kent n Great George |
Keating, Michael, shoemaker, bds Sydney n Pownal | Keefe, Ellen, wid James, h Hensley between Richmond and Grafton |
Keenan, James, laborer, h Great George n Water | Keenan, Patrick, carter, h King n Queen |
Keenan, Patrick, fireman, h Queen n Dorchester | Kehoe, Patrick, laborer, h King n Pownal |
Keirstead, George, boot and shoe maker, Great George n Fitzroy | Kelly, Henry, laborer, h Grafton n Pownal |
Kelly, James, cooper, Great George cor King | Kelly, James L., boarding house, h Hillsboro� n Fitzroy |
Kelley, Maurice, shoemaker, Dorchester n Queen [name as spelled] | Kelly, Michael, boot and shoemaker, Pownal n Water |
Kelly, Patrick, shoemaker, bds Dorchester n Queen | Kelly, William, boot and shoemaker, Kent n Queen |
Kelly, William, shoemaker, bds Pownal n Water | KENNEDY, ARCHIBALD, sailmaker, Peak�s wharf, Queen n Water |
Kennedy, Dennis, cooper, bds Water n Pownal | Kennedy, saddle and harnessmaker, Kent cor Prince |
Kennedy, John, shoemaker, h Edward n Richmond | Kennedy, Michael, shoemaker, h Edward n Richmond |
Kennedy, William, editor �Ross� Weekly� and �Semi Weekly Advertiser�, h Hillsboro� sq n Hillsboro� | Kilfoy, Thomas, tobacco twister, h Sidney n Hillsboro� [name as spelled] |
Kilfoyl, Lawrence, laborer, h Cumberland cor Sidney | Kilfoyl, Michael, tobacco twister, h Dorchester n Weymouth |
Kilpatrick, Joseph, tanner, h Pownal cor Kent | King, Patrick, clerk, bds Queen n Richmond |
King, William, orderly to the Governor, h Cumberland n Euston | Kinsman, James, mason, h Fitzroy n Cumberland |
Knight, Isaac, laborer, h Fitzroy cor Hillsboro� | Knight, Joseph, variety store and baker, Great George n Grafton |
Knight, Sabine J., public lecturer, h Fitzroy n Prince | Koughan, William, h Sidney n Hillsboro� |
Lacey, George L., carpenter, h Fitzroy n Edward | Lacey, Pegris, blacksmith, Great George n Water, h Pownal n King |
Ladnor, William, joiner, h Hillsboro� n Grafton | Lahey, John, laborer, h Fitzroy n Hillsboro� |
Laird, Josiah, liquor dealer, Pownal n King | LAIRD, DAVID, books, stationery, hardware, and editor and proprietor �Protestant�, Richmond, Queen sq. |
LAIRD & HARVIE, booksellers, stationers, and hardware dealers, Queen sq. | Lamb, Patrick, carter, h King n Queen |
Landy, Ann, wid Patrick, h Great George n Water | Lane, George, tailor, h Queen n Water |
Lannaghan, Ann, wid Kenneth, grocer, Great George n Kent | Lanning, Joseph, seaman, h Great George n Euston |
Landry, Michael, farmer, h Euston n Edward | Lappin, James, servant, bds Water cor Great George |
Large, A. N., grocer, Kent cor Queen | LARGE, PHILLIP, carriage builder, upper Great George n Fitzroy |
Larter, John, laborer, h Euston n Rochfort | Larter, John, tanner, h Euston n Pownal |
LARTER, SAMUEL, boot and shoemaker, Kent n Great George | Laughlan, John, tailor, h King n Queen |
Lawlor, James, brewer, h Fitzroy n Cumberland | Lawzon, David S., clerk, bds Pownal cor Grafton |
Lawzon, Francis, book-keeper, h Dorchester cor Queen | LAWSON, JOHN, recorder, City Hall, Queen sq., h Richmond n Edward |
Leahy, James, clerk, h Water n Prince | Leahy, Michael, h Water n Prince |
Lear, James E., seaman, h Grafton n Pownal | Lee, John, merchant, Water cor Pownal, h Water cor Prince |
Legrosse, Thomas, umbrella maker, Hillsboro� n Grafton | Leonard, William, cooper, bds Water n Pownal |
Le Page, Elizabeth T., clerk, bds Sidney n Cumberland | LE PAGE, FREDERICK, dry goods and groceries, Queen cor Dorchester, h Sidney, Hillsboro� sq. |
LE PAGE, JOHN, accountant, Grafton n West | Le Page, Lemuel, farmer, h Cumberland n Euston |
Le Page Sarah, wid Octave, h Euston n Great George | Lester, T. H. G., trader, bds Queen n Kent |
Letherington, Ralph, laborer, h Fitzroy n Rochfort | Lewis, George, market clerk, h Brighton road |
Lewis, John, joiner, bds Kent n Prince | Lewis, John, laborer, h Fitzroy n Cumberland |
Little, Cornelius, h Water n Queen | Lobban, Lydia, wid William, h Fitzroy n Prince |
Lockart, John, tax collector h Fitzroy n Cumberland | Lockat, Richard, barber, Pownal n King |
Locke, Susan, wid Henry, h Euston n Hillsboro� | Lockerby, Andrew A., Island Home Hotel, Great George cor Kent |
Lockerby, George H., turner &c., Queen n Kent, bds Great George cor Kent | Lockerby, John, shoemaker, h Kent n Great George |
LOCKERBY, JOHN, watchmaker, Kent n Great George. | LOCKERBY, SARAH, watchmaker, Kent n Great George |
Lockerby, William, tinsmith, King cor Great George | Logan, Thomas, shoemaker, bds Great George n Fitzroy |
Long, James, boot and shoemaker, Great George n Kent | Longard, John T., sailmaker, foot Pownal, h Richmond n Hillsboro� |
LONGWORTH, HON. FRANCIS, comptroller of customs and registrar of shipping, Colonial Building, h �St. Avards�, St. Peter�s road | Longworth, Francis S., law student, h St. Peters road |
Longworth, George, clerk, h Euston cor Pownal | Longworth, Henry, farmer, h Brackley Point road n St. Peters |
Longworth, Hon. John, attorney, Water cor Great George, h St. Peters road | Longworth, Robert, shipbuilder, Hillsboro� and Grand River, h Water n Great George |
Lord, Artemas, dry goods, grocer and hardware, Water cor Pownal, h Pownal n Dorchester | Lord, William W. & Co., dry goods, grocery and hardware, Water cor Pownal |
Lourie, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, Queen n Kent | LOVE, EDWARD B., tanner and cirrier, Queen n Kent, h Kent n Queen |
Low, John, deputy clerk of the Crown and Prothonotary, Colonial Building, h Euston n Hillsboro� | LOWDEN, GEORGE F. C., flour dealer, Water n Queen, h Water n Pownal |
LOWDEN, MORIN, merchant, h Prince cor Richmond | Lowe, William, builder, Kent n Edward |
Lowery, Robert, pensioner, h Military Barracks | LUNATIC ASYLUM, Brighton Road n Charlottetown |
Lund, Thomas, seaman, h Richmond n Pownal | Lynch, Thomas, shipwright, h Dorchester n Queen |
Lyng, Mary, wid John, h Great George n Fitzroy | Lyons, Dennis, shoemaker, h Hillsboro n Kent |
Lyons, Joseph, shoemaker, bds Hillsboro� n Fitzroy | McAdam, Michael, wheelwright, h North River Royalty road. |
McAfee, Duncan, laborer, h Pownal n Grafton | McArt, Joseph, distiller, h Prince n Kent |
McArthur, Clarence, clerk, bds Queen cor Grafton | McAtee, Edward, laborer, h Rochfort n Grafton |
McAtee, Henry, carter, h Dorchester n Weymouth | McAvoy, Cormick, weaver, h Pownal n King |
McAvoy, Thomas, carter, H Pownal n King | McCabe, Francis, policeman, h Euston n Rochfort |
McCabe, James, carriagemaker, h St. peters road. | McCabe, Thomas, laborer, h Sidney n Weymouth |
McCallum, John, laborer, h Euston n Pownal | McCannan, Peter, laborer, h Pownal n Grafton |
McCann, Robert, laborer, h Edward n Richmond | McCannah, James, laborer, h Euston n Rochfort |
McCarey, Barnard, seaman, King n Queen | McCart, Joseph, distiller, h Hensley bet Richmond and Grafton |
McCarren, Francis, liquor dealer, Richmond n Queen | McCarron, Donald, laborer, h Fitzroy n Cumberland |
McCarron, James, laborer, h Fitzroy n Cumberland | McCarron, Mary, liquor dealer, Richmond n Queen |
McCarron, Patrick, laborer, h Richmond n Cumberland | McCarron, Peter, shoemaker, Dorchester n Queen |
McCarthy, Michael, farmer, h Water n Great George | McCarthy, Patrick, laborer, h Great George n Euston |
McCarthy, Thomas, porter, H Water cor Prince | McCarty, Anna, wid Dennis, h Hillsboro� n Richmond |
McCarvell, Bernard, carter, h King n Queen | McCaulder, Christie, wid John, h Rochfort n Grafton |
Mclennan, Catherine, wid John, h King n Prince | McCormack, Emily, wid Edward, h Dorchester n Prince |
McCormack, James, laborer, h Weymouth n Dorchester | McCoy, John, carriagemaker, bds Hillsboro� n Kent |
McCRAITH, JAMES, grocer and flour dealer, Queen n Sidney, h Sidney n Queen | McCruddin, Mary, laundress, h Great George n Fitzroy |
McCullough, Peter, laborer, h Euston n Pownal | McDade, Miss Margaret, h Weymouth n Grafton |
McDonald, Alexander, shipcarpenter, h King n Great George | McDonald, Anna, wid Donald, h Dorchester n Great George |
McDonald, Angus, shipwright, Hensley bet Richmond and Grafton | McDonald, Elizabeth, wid Ronald, h Kent n Hillsboro� |
McDonald, Helen, clerk, h Great George n King | McDonald, Isabella, wid John S., h Great George n King |
McDonald, James, porter, h Sidney n Hillsboro� | McDonald, John, plasterer, h Grafton n Weymouth |
McDonald, John C., h Dorchester n Pownal | McDonald, Joseph, clerk, bds Prince n Sidney |
McDONALD, LEO, boarding house, Queen n Water | McDonald, Norman, collector ferry, h Great George n King |
McDonald, Rev Donald F., assistant professor, St. Dunstan�s College, Malpeque road, Charlottetown Royalty. | McDonald, Ronald, assistant professor, St. Dunstan�s College, Malpeque road, Charlottetown Royalty. |
McDonald, Rev. Angus, Rector, St. Dunstan�s College, Malpeque road, Charlottetown Royalty. | McDonald, Terrance, clerk, h Dorchester n Queen |
McDonald, Very Rev. Daniel, h Dorchester n Great George | McDonnell, James, grocer and carpenter, Kent cor Great George |
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