Cable Head extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence 4 mi NW of St. Peters (Ceann Cable "Cable End" or "Cable Head") - Lot 41
Cable Head East 3 mi E of St. Peters - Lot 41
Cable Head School District in Cable Head East 3 mi E of St. Peters est. 1869 - Lot 41
Cable Head P.O. in Cable Head East 3 mi E of St. Peters (1872-1909) - Lot 41
Cable Head East P.O. in Cable Head East 3 mi E of St. Peters (1912-1914) - Lot 41
Cable Head West 4 mi NW of St. Peters (Glencoe) - Lot 41
Cable Head West School District in Cable Head West 4 mi NW of St. Peters est. 1869 - Lot 41
Cable Head West P.O. in Cable Head West 4 mi NW of St. Peters (c.1897-1914) - Lot 41
Cabot Park provincial park - Princetown Royalty
Cahoon Creek flows N into Murray River (Saunders Creek, Dowden Creek) - Lot 64
Cains Brook flows E into Mill River (Hope Creek, Trout River) - Lot 5
Caisiqupet (Cascumpec Bay, Cascumpeque Bay, Casquembec, Riviere St. Catherine, Riviere Daxpex, Havre de Cachecampec, Holland Bay) - Lots 5/6/11
Caissie P.O. at St. Philip 8 mi SW of Tyne Valley (1912-14) - Lots 14/15
Caithness Cove on N side of West River ½ mi W of North Point - Lot 32
Calbeck Creek at Augustine Cove - Lot 28
Caledonia 6 mi NW of Murray River (Sconser, County Line) - Lots 60/61/63
Callaghan Point at entrance to Frederick Cove (Callaghans Point) - Lot 11
Callaghans Point at entrance to Frederick Cove (Callaghan Point) - Lot 11
Callaghans Pond on East Branch Clarks Creek - Lot 37
Cambridge 6 mi NE of Murray River (Sentnor Cross - Meacham 1880) - Lot 63
Cambridge Road P.O. at Cambridge 6 mi NE of Murray River 1891-1914 - Lot 63
Cambridge Mills c18325 on the S side of the Murray River (Murray Mills c1835) - Lot 64
Cameron Island on N side of Point Prim (Prim Island) - Lot 57
Cameron Point extends into Northumberland Strait 2 mi SE of Victoria (Inman Point) - Lot 29
Campbell Creek flows N into Bideford River (Yeo Creek) - Lot 13
Campbell Point extends into Cardigan Bay at the mouth of the Cardigan River (Maitland Point) - Lot 54
Campbell Point extends into Boughton Bay - Lot 56
Campbell Point extends into Montague River - Lot 59
Campbells Cove 10 mi NE of Souris - Lot 47
Campbells Cove P.O. 10 mi NE of Souris (1896-1913 ) - Lot 47
Campbells Creek flows E into Kildare River (Meggison Creek) - Lot 4
Campbells Point extends into Sevenmile Bay - Lot 26
Campbells Point adjacent to Campbells Cove - Lot 47
Campbells Pond (Ramsays Pond, Rockforts Pond) - Lot 16
Campbells Pond at Park Corner - Lot 21
Campbells Pond at Grand Tracadie (Etang de Berge, Etang du Berge, Etang des Barges) - Lot 35
Campbellton 7 mi NW of O'Leary - Lots 4/7
Campbellton 8 mi W of North Rustico (Campbelton) - Lot 21
Campbellton Island extends into New London Bay (McEwens Point) - Lot 21
Campbelton 8 mi W of North Rustico (Campbellton) - Lot 21
Camperdown Settlement - Lot 30
Canada Road between Tyne Valley & Northam - Lot 13
Canada Settlement between Tyne Valley and Northam - Lot 13
Canadian Creek flows W into Foxley River (Canadian River) - Lot 11
Canadian River flows W into Foxley River (Canadian Creek) - Lot 11
Canavey Road 4 mi NE of Mount Stewart (Canavoy, Conovoy Road) - Lot 38
Canavoy 4 mi NE of Mount Stewart (Conovoy Road, Canovey Road) - Lot 38
Canavoy Island in Savage Harbour - Lots 37/38
Canceaux Cove adjacent to West River 10 mi SW of Charlottetown at Rocky Point (Anse aux Sauvages) - Lot 65
Canseau Point extends into Charlottetown Harbour 10 mi SW of Charlottetown at Rocky Point (Canceaux Point) - Lot 65
Canceaux Point extends into Charlottetown Harbour 10 mi SW of Charlottetown at Rocky Point (Canseau Point) - Lot 65
Canoe Cove 10 mi SW of Charlottetown - Lot 65
Canoe Cove adjacent to Northumberland Strait (Allen Cove, Anse Canot) - Lots 30/65
Canoe Cove P.O. in Canoe Cove 10 mi SW of Charlottetown (1895-1960) - Lot 65
Canovey Road 4 mi NE of Mount Stewart (Canavoy, Conovoy Road) - Lot 38
Cantelo (Cantello) Creek flows S into Pinette River - Lot 58
Cantyre in Winsloe North (Kintyre) - Lot 33
Cap a David extends into Northumberland Strait (Howe Point, Eglington Cape) - Lot 43
Cap a la Souris extends into Northumberland Strait (Souris Head, Cap de la Souris, Colville Point) - Lot 44
Cap a l'Ours extends into Northumberland Strait (Cape Bear, Cap Dauphin, Bears Cape, St. Andrews Point, Petite Cap a l'Ours) - Lot 64
Cap Blevile extends into Cardigan Bay (Panmure Head, Cap Rossignol, Panmure Point, Cap Roma) - Lot 61
Cape Aylesbury extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence (Profitts Point) - Lot 18
Cape Bear School District at Beach Point bef.1880 - Lot 64
Cape Bear extends into Northumberland Strait (Cap a l'Ours, Cap Dauphin, Bears Cape, St. Andrews Point, Petite Cap a l'Ours) - Lot 64
Cap Dauphin extends into Northumberland Strait (Cape Bear, Cap a l'Ours, Bears Cape, St. Andrews Point, Petite Cap a l'Ours) - Lot 64
Cap de la Souris extends into Northumberland Strait (Souris Head, Cap a la Souris, Colville Point) - Lot 44
Cap dez Sauvaiges on the NW extremity of PEI (North Cape, Pointe du Nord, North Point) - Lot 1
Cap d'Orleans extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence (Cape Kildare) - Lot 3
Cape Egmont / Cap-Egmont extends into Northumberland Strait (Chapmans Cape) - Lot 15
Cape Egmont 'community' 15 mi W of Summerside - Lot 15
Cape Egmont P.O. in Cape Egmont 'community' 15 mi W of Summerside (1882-1914) - Lot 15
Cape Egmont School District in Cape Egmont 'community' 15 mi W of Summerside bef. 1880 - Lot 15
Cape Gage extends into Northumberland Strait 1 mi N of Miminegash (Mossy Point, McInnis Point) - Lot 2
Cap-Egmont / Cape Egmont extends into Northumberland Strait (Chapmans Cape) - Lot 15
Cape Hall extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence 3 mi N of North Rustico (Orby Head) - Lot 24
Cape Kildare extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence (Cap d'Orleans) - Lot 3
Cape Leforce extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence (Cape Turner) - Lot 24
Cape Malpeque extends into Malpeque Bay (Winchester Cape, Charles Point) - Lot 16
Cape Mason W of Georgetown (Gaudin Point) - Georgetown Royalty
Cape Molliack 9 mi SW of O'Leary and extends into Northumberland Strait (West Point) - Lot 8
Cape Sharp extends into Northumberland Strait (Terass Point, Terrass Point, Texas Point) - Lot 63
Cape Spry extends into Northumberland Strait (Point Spry) - Lot 56
Cape Stanhope - PEI National Park
Cape Traverse extends into Northumberland Strait (Bells Point) - Lot 28
Cape Traverse 'the community' 3 mi E of Borden - Lot 28
Cape Traverse Cove adjacent to Bells Point - Lot 28
Cape Traverse Landing adjacent to Bells Point - Lot 28
Cape Traverse P.O. in Cape Traverse 3 mi E of Borden (c1841-92 & 1905-30) - Lot 28
Cape Traverse River flows S into Northumberland Strait (Riviere de la Traverse, Holland River) - Lot 28
Cape Tryon extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence - Lot 21
Cape Turner extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence (Cape Leforce) - Lot 24
Cape Vivien extends into Malpeque Bay at Belmont (Burnt Point, Cardigan Point, Pointe au Buse) - Lot 54
Cape Wolfe 8 mi W of O'Leary and extends into Northumberland Strait - Lot 7
Cape Wolfe P.O. in Cape Wolfe 8 mi W of O'Leary (1871-1913) - Lot 7
Cap Final extends into Cardigan Bay (Wightmans Point, St. Andrews Point, Pointe Cofard, St. Andrew Point) - Lot 59
Cap Roma extends into Cardigan Bay (Panmure Head, Cap Blevile, Panmure Point, Cap Rossignol) - Lot 61
Cap Rossignol extends into Cardigan Bay (Panmure Head, Cap Blevile, Panmure Point, Cap Roma) - Lot 61
Cap Rouge extends into Northumberland Strait (Red Head) - Lot 15
Cap Vere extends into Northumberland Strait (Launching Point, Bruce Point) - Lot 55
Cardigan on Cardigan River - Lot 53
Cardigan Bay adjacent to Northumberland Strait at mouths of Cardigan, Brudenell & Montague Rivers (Grand Chenail, Riviere Royalle) - Lots 54/59/61
Cardigan Bridge P.O. in Cardigan on Cardigan River (1871-1917) - Lot 53
Cardigan Head - Lot 52
Cardigan Head School District at Head of Cardigan 3 mi NW of Cardigan c1880 - Lot 52
Cardigan North 3 mi E of Cardigan on N side of Cardigan River - Lots 53/54
Cardigan North School District 3 mi E of Cardigan on N side of Cardigan River c1880 - Lots 53/54
Cardigan P.O. 1863-1871 in Cardigan on Cardigan River - Lot 53
Cardigan Point extends into Malpeque Bay at Belmont (Burnt Point, Cape Vivien, Pointe au Buse) - Lot 54
Cardigan River flows E into Cardigan Bay (Riviere Achee) - Lots 53/54
Cardigan Road P.O. at St. Teresa 7 mi NW of Cardigan (1871-1891) - Lots 38/51
Cardigan Road School District at Southampton 2 mi S of St. Peters c1880 - Lot 41
Cardross 3 mi N of Cardigan - Lot 53
Cardross P.O. at Cardross 3 mi N of Cardigan (1895-1914) - Lot 53
Carey Point extends into Northumberland Strait 4 mi N of West Point - Lot 8
Carleton 4 mi Se of O'Leary - Lot 6
Carleton 2 mi E of Borden (Carleton Corner) - Lot 28
Carleton Corner 2 mi E of Borden (Carleton) - Lot 28
Carleton Cove adjacent to Northumberland Strait and N of Borden - Lot 27
Carleton P.O. in Carleton 2 mi E of Borden (1870-1913) - Lot 28
Carleton Point extends into Northumberland Strait at Borden (Borden Point) - Lot 28
Carleton School District at Carleton 4 mi Se of O'Leary c1868 - Lot 6
Carleton Siding P.O. in Carleton 2 mi E of Borden from 1925 - Lot 28
Caroline Point extends into Mill River opposite Fortune Cove - Lot 5
Carr Point extends into Hillsborough River opposite the mouth of Pisquid River (Carrs Point) - Lot 37
Carr Pond (Carrs Pond) - Lot 14
Carrs Creek flows N into Bentick Cove (Shemody River, Ramsay River, Chinnick River) - Lot 17
Carrs Point extends into Hillsborough River opposite the mouth of Pisquid River (Carr Point) - Lot 37
Carrs Pond (Carr Pond) - Lot 14
Carruthers Brook flows E into Mill River (Gards Brook) - Lot 5
Cartier School District in early 1900's - Lots 1/2
Cascumpec 5 mi S of Alberton on Cascumpec Road (Alexandria, Williams Town, French Village) - Lots 5/6
Cascumpec (Alberton, Stumptown) - Lot 4
Cascumpec 1 mi S of Alberton (Alberton South, Hills Town, North Port, Lewis Town) - Lot 5
Cascumpec Bay enclosed by Cascumpec Sand Hills (Caisiqupet, Riviere St. Catherine, Cascumpeque Bay, Riviere Daxpex, Casquembec, Havre de Cachecampec, Holland Bay) - Lots 5/6/11
Cascumpec P.O. in Alberton or Alberton South (1839-68) - Lots 4/5
Cascumpec River flows E into Cascumpec Bay (Mill River, Hills River, Fox Cove) - Lot 5
Cascumpec Road at Cascumpec - Lots 5/6
Cascumpec Narrows channel joining Cascumpec Bay & Malpeque Bay (Conway Narrows, Cavendish Channel, The Narrows)
Cascumpec Sand Hills enclose Cascumpec Bay - Lots 5/6/10/11
Cascumpeque Bay enclosed by Cascumpec Sand Hills (Cascumpec Bay, Casquembec, Riviere St. Catherine, Caisiqupet, Riviere Daxpex, Havre de Cachecampec, Holland Bay) - Lots 5/6/11
Cascumpeque Point extends into Cascumpec Bay at Alberton South (Bury Head, Berry Head, Barry Head, Hill Point) - Lot 5
Casquembec enclosed by Cascumpec Sand Hills (Cascumpec Bay, Cascumpeque Bay, Riviere St. Catherine, Caisiqupet, Riviere Daxpex, Havre de Cachecampec, Holland Bay) - Lots 5/6/11
Cavendish 4 mi NW of North Rustico - Lot 23
Cavendish Beach - PEI National Park & Lots 22/23
Cavendish Channel joining Cascumpec Bay & Malpeque Bay (Conway Narrows, Cascumpec Narrows, The Narrows)
Cavendish Capes adjacent to Cavendish Beach - PEI National Park & Lots 22/23
Cavendish Inlet former channel through Conway Sand Hills opposite Gains Creek (Brown Young's Channel) - Lot 11
Cavendish P.O. at Cavendish 4 mi NW of North Rustico (1833-1913) - Lot 23
Cavendish Road P.O. at Mayfield 3 mi W of North Rustico 1871-97 (Mayfield P.O. 1897-1913) - Lot 24
Ceann Cable "Cable End" or "Cable Head" extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence 4 mi NW of St. Peters (Cable Head) - Lot 41
Cedar Dunes Park at West Point (Pointe de l'Ouest ou il y a des Cedres) - Lot 8
Centreville 5 mi SE of Summerside (Bedeque, Hooper's Corner, Bedec) - Lot 26
Centia Point at the mouth of Vernon and Orwell Rivers (Davies Point, Sullivans Point) - Lot 50
Central Bedeque (Weatherbie's Corner, Strong's Corner) - Lot 26
Central Bedeque P.O. in Central Bedeque from 1884 - Lot 26
Central Kildare 5 mi E of Alberton - Lot 3
Central Lot 16 7 mi NW of Summerside - Lot 16
Central Lot 16 School District at Central Lot 16 7 mi NW of Summerside c1877 - Lot 16
Central Royalty School in Sherwood est.1866 - Charlottetown Royalty
Central Royalty School bef.1866 - Lot 33
Centreville 5 mi SE of Summerside (Bedeque, Hooper's Corner) - Lot 26
CFB Summerside N of Summerside and adjacent to it (now closed) - Lot 17
Chaffeys Point extends into Boughton River (Juniper Point, Jumper Point) - Lot 56
Chaney Point extends into Orwell Bay (China Point, Chiney Point, Chesnay Point) - Lot 50
Chapel Creek flows NE into Rustico Bay (Winter River, Louis River) - Lot 24
Chapel Point extends into Grand River - Lot 14
Chapmans Cape extends into Northumberland Strait (Cap-Egmont / Cape Egmont) - Lot 15
Charles Point extends into Malpeque Bay (Winchester Cape, Cape Malpeque) - Lot 16
Charlotte Parish (Charlottetown Royalty & Lots 24/32/33/34)
Charlotte Town (Charlottetown) adjacent to West, North & Hillsborough Rivers & includes Charlottetown Royalty and parts of Lots 32/33/34/48
Charlottetown (Charlotte Town) adjacent to West, North & Hillsborough Rivers & includes Charlottetown Royalty and parts of Lots 32/33/34/48
Charlottetown Cemetery bef.1880 ("Sherwood Farm" bef.1880, Sherwood Cemetery 1891) - Lot 33
Charlottetown Ferry now part of Stratford on S side of Hillsborough River opposite Charlottetown (Southport, Hillsborough Ferry, Stratford) - Lot 48
Charlottetown Harbour at mouth of West, North and Hillsborough Rivers (Port la Joye, Port Joy, Fort Lajoie)
Charlottetown P.O. from 1802 - Charlottetown Royalty
Charlottetown Royalty adjacent Hillsborough River, North River and Lot 33
Charlottetown Royalty & Lots 24/32/33/34 (Charlotte Parish)
Charnwood P.O. at Souris Line Road 'community' (1894-1914) - Lot 45
Chelton 4 mi NW of Borden - Lots 26/27
Chelton P.O. in Chelton 4 mi NW of Borden (1895-1924) - Lots 26/27
Chepstow 2 mi E of Souris - Lot 45
Chepstow Cove adjacent to Chepstow - Lot 45
Chepstow P.O. in Chepstow 2 mi E of Souris (1878-1913) - Lot 45
Chepstow Point adjacent to Chepstow - Lot 45
Cherry Grove at Souris Line Road 'community' - Lot 45
Cherry Grove P.O. at Souris Line Road 'community' (c1871-1914) - Lot 45
Cherry Hill 3 mi E of Mount Stewart - Lot 38
Cherry Hill P.O. at Cherry Hill 3 mi E of Mount Stewart (1902-12) - Lot 38
Cherry Hill School District at Cherry Hill 3 mi E of Mount Stewart c1878 - Lot 38
Cherry Island in Cascumpec Bay (Oultons Island, Savage Island) - Lot 5
Cherry Island one of the five Murray Islands in Murray Harbour - Lot 64
Cherry Valley 11 mi SE of Charlottetown (Marguerite) - Lots 49/50
Cherry Valley P.O. in Cherry Valley 11 mi SE of Charlottetown (1860-1967) - Lots 49/50
Cherry Valley South in Cherry Valley 11 mi SE of Charlottetown - Lot 50
Cherry Valley South P.O. in Cherry Valley 11 mi SE of Charlottetown (1903-13) - Lot 50
Chesnay Point extends into Orwell Bay (China Point, Chaney Point, Chiney Point) - Lot 50
Cheverie Creek flows SW into Souris River on N side of Souris (Chivirie Creek) - Lot 45
Chichester Cove on SE side of Malpeque Bay - Lots 18/19
Chichester Point extends into Malpeque Bay (Mills Point) - Lot 18
China Creek adjacent to China Point at Orwell Bay - Lot 50
China Point extends into Orwell Bay (Chiney Point, Chaney Point, Chesnay Point) - Lot 50
China Point 'settlement'13 mi SE of Charlottetown - Lot 50
China Point P.O. at China Point 'settlement 13 mi SE of Charlottetown (1885-1914) - Lot 50
Chiney Point extends into Orwell Bay (China Point, Chaney Point, Chesnay Point) - Lot 50
Chinnick Creek flows SE into Bentick Cove (Farrells Brook) - Lots 16/17
Chinnick River flows N into Bentick Cove (Carrs Creek, Ramsay River, Shemody River) - Lot 17
Chivirie Creek flows SW into Souris River on N side of Souris (Cheverie Creek) - Lot 45
Christopher Cross 3 mi N of Tignish - Lot 1
Christopher Cross School District at Christopher Cross 3 mi N of Tignish 1878 - Lot 1
Church Creek flows E into Gulf of St. Lawrence at Kildare Capes - Lot 3
Churchill 10 mi W of Charlottetown - Lots 31/65
Churchill P.O. at Churchill 10 mi W of Charlottetown (1900-13) - Lots 31/65
Church Road from Midgell south to Bennet Road - Lot 40
Church Road School District at Church Road 1895 - Lot 40
Cinq Maisons 3 mi E of St. Peters (Five Houses) - Lot 42
Clarke Point extends into Cardigan Bay (Meadowfoot Point, Meadow Foot Point) - Lot 59
Clarkes Pond in PEI National Park at Cavendish - Lot 23
Clarke's Mills P.O. at Kelvin Grove 2 mi S of Kensington (1890-99) - Lots 19/25
Clarkin - Lot 48
Clark Point extends into Tryon River - Lot 28
Clarks Bay at Albion & adjacent to Cardigan Bay (Albion Bay, Livingstone Bay, Thornton Bay) - Lots 59/61
Clarks Creek flows S into Bentick Cove (Russ Creek, Rush Creek, Shemody Creek, Rosehill Creek) - Lot 16
Clarks Creek flows N into Hillsborough River (Mill Brook, Ruisseau du Moulin) - Lot 37
Clarks Place adjacent to Northumberland Strait 5 mi SE of Borden (Augustine Cove, Warblington) - Lot 28
Clarks Town at Clarks Creek - Lot 37
Clarktown P.O. in eastern part of Fort Augustus (1891-1915) - Lot 37
Clearspring 8 mi NW of Souris (Clear Spring, Clear Springs Big Bush) - Lot 44
Clear Spring 8 mi NW of Souris (Clearspring, Clear Springs, Big Bush) - Lot 44
Clear Spring School District 8 mi NW of Souris at Clear Spring 1895 - Lot 44
Clear Springs P.O. 8 mi NW of Souris at Clear Spring (1878-83 & 1902-14) - Lot 44
Clear Springs P.O. 8 mi NW of Souris at Clear Spring (1883-1902) - Lot 44
Clement Creek between French Marsh Point & Clows Point - Lot 63
Clermont 2 mi W of Kensington (Barbara Weit) - Lot 19
Clermont P.O. at Clermont 2 mi W of Kensington (1877-1913) - Lot 19
Clermont School District at Clermont 2 mi W of Kensington 1878 Lot 19
Clifton in New London 6 mi E of Kensington (Clifton Corner, Graham Corner) - Lot 21
Clifton 2 mi E of Charlottetown now part of Stratford (Bunbury, Bunberry) - Lot 48
Clifton Corner in New London 6 mi E of Kensington (Clifton, Graham Corner) - Lot 21
Clinton 4 mi E of Kensington (Kerrytown, Harding Creek) - Lot 20
Clinton P.O. at Clinton 4 mi E of Kensington (1884-1914) - Lot 20
Clip Williams Creek flows NE into Bideford River (Williams Creek) - Lot 12
Clows Wharf at Clows Point - Lot 63
Clows Point at the mouth of Mink River - Lot 63
Clyde CN Station 2 mi W of Hunter River - Lot 22
Clyde Station P.O. at Clyde CN station (1877-1914) - Lot 22
Clyde Mills 6 mi N of Hunter River (New Glasgow Mills) - Lot 23
Clyde River 6 mi W of Charlottetown (Dog River Settlement) - Lot 31
Clyde River P.O. at Clyde River 6 mi W of Charlottetown (1886-1969) - Lot 31
Clyde River School District at Clyde River 6 mi W of Charlottetown c1864 - Lot 31
Clyde River flows S into West River (Dog River, Dock River, Edward River) - Lot 31
Clyde River flows NE into Rustico Bay (Hunter River, New Glasgow River) - Lots 23/24
Cody Point extends into Northumberland Strait in Gaspereaux (Desbarres Point, Reid Point) - Lot 63
Coleman 3 mi SE of O'Leary - Lot 9
Coleman CN Station P.O. c1888 in Coleman 3 mi SE of O'Leary (Brae CN Station bef.1888) - Lot 9
Colemans River flows S into West River (Rodgersons Creek, Mabey Creek) - Lot 31
Coles Creek flows SW into North River (Curtis Creek) - Lot 32
Collingwoods Creek flows N into Trout River - Lot 13
Colville - Lot 31
Colville Bay adjacent to Northumberland Strait at Souris (Havre a la Souris, Mouse Harbour, Souris Harbour) - Lot 44/45
Colville CN Station on Colville Road - Lot 31
Colville Point extends into Northumberland Strait (Souris Head, Cap a la Souris, Cap de la Souris) - Lot 44
Colville Road from New Haven to Brookfield - Lot 31
Commercial Cross 3 mi S of Montague - Lot 59
Commercial Cross P.O. at Commercial Cross 3 mi S of Montague (1882-1913) - Lot 59
Commercial Road from Montague to Murray River - Lots 59/61/63
Communication River flows N into Trout River (Portage River) - Lot 10
Compton Creek flows N into Malpeque Bay - Lot 17
Compton Pond adjacent to River Platte - Lot 17
Condons Pond in Murray Harbour North (Gaspereaux Pond) - Lot 63
Conolly Island in Malpeque Bay SE of Lennox Island (Bird Island, Middle Island)
Conovoy Road 4 mi NE of Mount Stewart (Canavoy, Canovey Road) - Lot 38
Conroys Pond adjacent to Gulf of St. Lawrence (Foleys Pond, Kildare Pond) - Lots 3/4
Conway 7 mi NW of Tyne Valley - Lot 11
Conway CN Station at Conway 7 mi NW of Tyne Valley - Lot 11
Conway Cove at mouth of Brooks River - Lot 12
Conway Inlet between Conway Sand Hills and Malpeque Sand Hills (Hardys Channel) - Lot 12
Conway Island between Conway Inlet and an opening in the sand hills near Hardys Channel - Lot 12
Conway Narrows channel joining Cascumpec Bay & Malpeque Bay (Cascumpec Narrows, Cavendish Channel, The Narrows)
Conway P.O. at Conway 7 mi NW of Tyne Valley (1967-69) - Lot 11
Conway River flows E into Conway Narrows (Brooks River, North West Branch of Little Channel, Hardys Creek) - Lot 12
Conway Sand Hills 1 mi SE of Conway Island - Lot 11
Conway Station P.O. at Conway 7 mi NW of Tyne Valley (1885-1967) - Lot 11
Cornwall 4 mi W of Charlottetown (Pye's Corner) - Lot 32
Cornwall P.O. in Cornwall 4 mi W of Charlottetown from 1859 - Lot 32
Cornwall School District in Cornwall 4 mi W of Charlottetown 1849 - Lot 32
Corran Ban "white sickle"in Gaelic is 10 mi NE of Charlottetown - Lot 35
Corran Ban Bridge P.O. in Grand Tracadie 12 mi NE of Charlottetown 1867-c1871 (Grand Tracadie P.O. c1871-1913) - Lot 35
Corraville 6 mi N of Cardigan - Lot 53
Corraville P.O. at Corraville 6 mi N of Cardigan (1882-1914) - Lot 53
Corraville School District c1895 at Corraville 6 mi N of Cardigan (St. Peters Road School District c1880) - Lot 53
County Line 'community' 6 mi NW of Murray River and now it and Sconser have been combined to make up Caledonia - Lots 60/61/63
County Line P.O. at Emerald Junction 7 mi SE of Kensington (1875-1887) - Lot 67
County Line Road or Hwy. 325 is from just N of Valleyfield to Northumberland Strait and travels along the borderline of Kings and Queens Counties
Courtin Island in Malpeque Bay (Little Island)
Cousins Pond 1 mi E of Sea View - Lot 20
Cousins Shore - Lot 20
Cove Creek flows NE into Tracadie Bay (Black River, Mill Cove Brook) - Lot 35
Covehead 11 mi N of Charlottetown - Lot 34
Covehead Bay adjacent to Gulf of St. Lawrence (Petit Racicot, Stanhope Cove, Stanhope-Cove-Bay, Little Rustico) - Lot 34
Covehead Bay & Brackley Bay (Harrington Bay) - Lots 33/34
Covehead Road 8 mi N of Charlottetown - Lot 34
Covehead Road P.O. at Covehead Road 8 mi N of Charlottetown (1856-1913) - Lot 34
Covehead P.O. at Covehead 11 mi N of Charlottetown (1851-83) - Lot 34
Covehead West P.O. at West Covehead 11 mi N of Charlottetown (1870-1913) - Lot 34
Cow Creek flows NE into Gulf of St. Lawrence at Monticello (Cow River) - Lots 42/43
Cow River flows NE into Gulf of St. Lawrence at Monticello (Cow Creek) - Lots 42/43
Crab Point extends into Colville Bay to the W of Lobster Point - Lot 44
Crab Point extends into Hillsborough Bay at Keppoch (Seatrout Point, Pointe a la Framboise, Poplar Point, Trout Point) - Lot 48
Cranberry Point extends into Hillsborough River at Scotchfort - Lot 36
Cranes Pond at Riverton on East Branch Morell River - Lot 52
Crapaud - Lot 29
Crapaud P.O. in Crapaud from 1857 - Lot 29
Crapaud River flows into Northumberland Strait (Westmoreland River, Brockelsbys River, Riviere aux Crapaux, Riviere des Crapauds) - Lot 29
Crapaud Roadstead at Victoria 2 mi S of Crapaud (Victoria Harbour, Brockelsbys Cove, Westmoreland Harbour) - Lot 29
Crawford Point extends into Cardigan River - Lot 53
Creed Point formerly N part of Meadowfoot Point extending into Clarks Bay - Lot 59
Creek Point at The Gap 4 ml. NE of Alberton - Lot 4
Crooked Creek flows N into Rustico Bay (Hornes Creek, Matheson Creek, MacIntosh Creek, Matheson's Creek) - Lot 33
Crooked River flows N into Gulf of St. Lawrence at Clearspring - Lot 44
Crosby Point extends into West River - Lot 32
Crosbys Mill ½ mi N of Bonshaw - Lot 30
Cross Creek flows S into Grand River (Mill Creek, Cross River) - Lot 14
Cross Creek flows SE into Grand River (Little Trout River, Trout River) - Lots 14/16
Crossman Creek flows S into Bedeque Bay (Belony Creek, Belony's Creek, Crossmans Creek) - Lot 17
Crossmans Creek flows S into Bedeque Bay (Crossman Creek, Belony Creek, Belony's Creek) - Lot 17
Crossmans Point extends into Bedeque Bay (Ives Point, Muscouche Point, Miscouche Point) - Lot 17
Cross River flows E into Grand River (Shipyard Creek, MacDonald Creek) - Lot 14
Cross River flows S into Grand River (Mill Creek, Cross Creek) - Lot 14
Cross River flows N into Gulf of St. Lawrence - Lot 45
Cross River School at MacDougall 5 mi S of Tyne Valley c1880 - Lot 15
Crossroads 2 mi SE of Charlottetown (Cross Roads & Newton) - Lot 48
Cross Roads 1 mi W of Newton - Lot 48
Cross Roads & Newton 2 mi SE of Charlottetown (Crossroads) - Lot 48
Crossroads Lot 48 P.O. at Crossroads 2 mi SE of Charlottetown (1906-07) - Lot 48
Crowbush Cove Provincial Park on St. Peters Bay - Lot 40
Crown Point extends into Pownal Bay and Hillsborough Bay (Pownell Peninsula, Pownal Peninsula) - Lot 49
Cuddys Point extends into Murray River - Lot 64
Cudmores Corner 1 mi S of Oyster Bed Bridge - Lot 24
Culloden 8 mi W of Murray River - Lot 60
Culloden P.O. at Culloden 8 mi W of Murray River (1906-1914) - Lot 60
Culloden School District at Culloden 8 mi W of Murray River c1856 - Lot 60
Cumberland 5 mi SW of Charlottetown - Lot 65
Cumberland Cove adjacent to Northumberland Strait and SW of Tryon - Lot 28
Cumberland Hill School at Poplar Point 7 mi NE of Cardigan Lot 55
Cumberland P.O. at Cumberland 5 mi SW of Charlottetown (1906-1913) - Lot 65
Cumberland Point on east side of Cumberland Cove - Lot 28
Cumberland School District at Cumberland 5 mi SW of Charlottetown c1864 - Lot 65
Curries Creek flows SW into Vernon River (Ross Creek, French Mill Creek) - Lots 49/50
Curry Point extends into Hillsborough River at Mermaid (Munns Point) - Lot 48
Currys Cove adjacent to Hillsborough River and W of Walkers Cove - Lot 48
Curtain Island in Malpeque Bay ½ mi SE of Courtin Island (Little Courtin Island)
Curtis Creek flows SW into North River (Coles Creek) - Lot 32
Cymbria 5 mi SE of North Rustico - Lot 24
Cymbria P.O. at Cymbria 5 mi Se of North Rustico (1895-1914) - Lot 24
Dalmeny School District at Head of Montague 4 mi W of Montague c1864 - Lot 66
Daltonia: 'Dalton Sanitarium' N of Emyvale - Lot 65
Daltons Brook flows W into Northumberland Strait - Lot 7
Dalvay - area in PEI National Park
Dalvay Beach - at east end of PEI National Park
Dalvay Lake - beside PEI National Park Headquarters at 'Dalvay by the Sea'
Dalvay Pond - beside PEI National Park Headquarters at 'Dalvay by the Sea'
'Dalvay by the Sea' - hotel in PEI National Park
Darlington 3 mi SE of Hunter River - Lots 23/31
Darlington P.O. at Darlington 3 mi SE of Hunter River (1870-1913) - Lots 23/31
Darlington School District at Darlington 3 mi SE of Hunter River c1870 - Lots 23/31
Darnley 7 mi N of Kensington - Lot 18
Darnley Basin - adjacent to Gulf of St. Lawrence, Princetown Royalty and Lot 18
Darnley Island sandbar at the mouth of Darnley Basin - Princetown Royalty & Lot 18
Darnley P.O. at Darnley 7 mi N of Kensington (1867-1914) - Lot 18
Darnley Point at Darnley Basin (Allanby Point) - Lot 18
Dartmouth Town in Bayside area - Lot 14
Davies Point at the mouth of Vernon and Orwell Rivers (Centia Point, Sullivans Point) - Lot 50
Dawsons Grove in Watervale area - Lot 37
Days Corner 1 mi E of Wellington - Lot 16
Dean Cove adjacent to Hillsborough River at Mermaid (Mermaid Cove, Anse aux Morts) - Lot 48
Deane Point extends into Northumberland Strait - Lot 46
DeBlois 5 mi SW of Tignish - Lot 2
DeBlois Road passing through Lauretta 5 mi NW of Alberton - Lot 2
DeBlois Road School on Deblois Road in Lauretta 5 mi NW of Alberton c1898 - Lot 2
De Blois Station P.O. in DeBlois 5 mi SW of Tignish (1887-1914) - Lot 2
Deep Ravine flows E to Murray River (Mill Brook) - Lot 60/62/63
DeGros Marsh 7 mi E of Cardigan (DeGros' Marsh, De Gross Marsh) - Lot 55
DeGros' Marsh 7 mi E of Cardigan (DeGros Marsh, De Gross Marsh) - Lot 55
De Gross Marsh 7 mi E of Cardigan (DeGros Marsh, DeGros' Marsh) - Lot 55
De Gros Marsh P.O. in DeGros Marsh 7 mi E of Cardigan (1889-1914) - Lot 55
De Gros Marsh P.O. in Newport 2 mi W of DeGros Marsh (1867-85) - Lot 54
DeGros Marsh School in DeGros Marsh 7 mi E of Cardigan - Lot 55
Dennis Point extends into Bideford River (Penman Point, Yeos Point) - Lot 13
Derby 5 mi SE of O'Leary from Mar. 20 1869 (Brae East bef. 1869) - Lot 9
DeSable 5 mi SE of Crapaud - Lot 29
DeSable P.O. at DeSable 5 mi SE of Crapaud (1852-1913) - Lot 29
DeSable River flows S into Northumberland Strait (Dundas River, Riviere de Sable 'sand river', De Sable River, Sable River) - Lot 29
De Sable River flows S into Northumberland Strait (DeSable River, Dundas River, Riviere de Sable 'sand river', Sable River) - Lot 29
Desbarres Point extends into Northumberland Strait in Gaspereaux (Cody Point, Reid Point) - Lot 63
Desboro in Covehead West area (DesBrisay Town, Desborough Town) - Lot 33
Desborough Town in Covehead West area (DesBrisay Town, Desboro) - Lot 33
DesBrisay Town in Covehead West area (Desborough Town, Desboro) - Lot 33
Des Etangs adjacent to Gulf of St. Lawrence (St. Peters Lake, Britains Pond, Britain Lake, Stukely Pond, Stukely Lake) - Lot 39
Detroit de Northumberland S & SW of Prince Edward Island (Northumberland Strait, Red Sea)
Devils Punchbowl Park adjacent to Granville Creek (Devils Punch Pole) - Lot 21
Devils Punch Pole adjacent to Granville Creek (Devils Punchbowl Park) - Lot 21
Dewars Point extends into Montague River 2 mi E of Montague - Lot 53 or 59
Dewars Pond on Brudenell River - Lot 52
Dickiesons Point extends into West River at New Dominion (McMullan Point) - Lot 65
Dilligent Pond 1 mi W of East Point - Lot 47
Dingwell 2 mi E of Morell - Lot 40
Dingwell CN Station at Dingwell 2 mi E of Morell - Lot 40
Dingwells Mills 10 mi W of Souris - Lot 56
Dirty River flows SE into Northumberland Strait at Cody Point - Lot 63
Dixons Creek flows S into Northumberland Strait (Little Sands Creek) - Lot 62
Dixons Pond on North Lake Creek at Baltic - Lot 46
Dock Corner at junction of Hgwy. 2 & 12 on Dock Creek ½ mi W of Alberton - Lot 4
Dock Creek flows SE from Dock Corner to Dock River ½ mi W of Alberton (Julia River) - Lots 4/5
Dockendorff - Lot 32
Dockies Point extends into Tracadie Bay - Lot 35
Dock River flows S into Cascumpec Bay (Ilchester Creek) - Lot 5
Dock River flows S into West River (Clyde River, Dog River, Edward River) - Lot 31
Dock Road 'community' 6 mi N of O'Leary (Brockton) - Lot 4
Doctors River flows E into Georgetown Harbour & Cardigan Bay (Brudenell River, Riviere de l'Ascension) - Lots 51/52/53
Doctors Point extends into Brudenell River - Georgetown Royalty
Dog Creek flows S into Northumberland Strait at Hebron (Sand Cove) - Lot 9
Dog River flows S into West River (Clyde River, Dock River, Edward River) - Lot 31
Dog River Settlement 6 mi W of Charlottetown (Clyde River) - Lot 31
Doirons Creek flows N into Hunter River at Rusticoville (Doyrons Creek) - Lot 24
Doirons Creek School District at Doirons Creek late 1800's - Lot 24
Donagh 9 mi E of Charlottetown - Lots 35/36/48
Donagh School District 9 mi E of Charlottetown at Donagh bef. 1880 - Lots 35/36/48
Donald's Creek flows NE into Lennox Channel (Ramsay Creek, Ramsay's Creek, Montgomery Creek) - Lot 13
Donaldston 10 mi NE of Charlottetown - Lot 35
Donaldston School District at Donaldston 10 mi NE of Charlottetown 1834 - Lot 35
Donaldston P.O. at Donaldston 10 mi NE of Charlottetown (1900-13) - Lot 35
Double Hill was former name for two steep grades on Murray Harbour Road between Caledonia and Murray River - Lot 63
Double Hill P.O. at Double Hill on Murray Harbour Road (1896-98) - Lot 63
Douglas - Lot 38
Douglas Brook flows NE into Hilsborough River at Cherry Hill - Lot 38
Douglas Pond on Hillsborough River (Warren Pond) - Lot 38
Douse Point at mouth of Vernon and Orwell Rivers - Lot 57
Douse Road 5 mi SW of Montague (Valleyfield, Douse's Road, Douses Road) - Lots 57/59
Douses Road 5 mi SW of Montague (Valleyfield, Douse's Road, Douse Road) - Lots 57/59
Douse's Road 5 mi SW of Montague (Valleyfield, Douses Road, Douse Road) - Lots 57/59
Douse's Creek flows S into North River (Ellens Creek, Hardwicke Cove, North Creek, Douse's Creek, Ellen's Creek, Ellen Creek) - Charlottetown Royalty
Douses Creek flows S into North River (Ellens Creek, Hardwicke Cove, North Creek, Douses Creek, Ellen's Creek, Ellen Creek) - Charlottetown Royalty
Dover 2 mi NW of Murray River - Lot 63
Dover School District at Dover 2 mi NW of Murray River 1885 - Lot 63
Dowden Creek flows N into Murray River (Cahoon Creek, Saunders Creek) - Lot 64
Dowden Point extends into Murray River (Kirbys Point) - Lot 64
Doyles Bridge over Little Tignish River on Hgwy. 12 - Lot 2
Doyles Cove adjacent to Gulf of St. Lawrence - Lot 24
Doyles Point extends into Hillsborough River - Lot 48
Doyles Pond on Little Tignish River - Lot 2
Doyrons Creek flows N into Hunter River at Rusticoville (Doirons Creek) - Lot 24
Drakes Point extends into West River (Primrose, Primrose Point, MacDonalds Point) - Lot 32
Dromore 5 mi S of Mount Stewart (Little Hill Road, Little Hell Road) - Lot 37
Dromore P.O. at Dromore 5 mi S of Mount Stewart (1875-1914) - Lot 37
Dromore West P.O. in Dromore 5 mi S of Mount Stewart (1895-1913) - Lot 37
Dublois Road in DeBlois 5 mi SW of Tignish (Hubert Road) - Lot 2
Dublois School in DeBlois 5 mi SW of Tignish - Lot 2
Du Bois CN Station in DeBlois 5 mi SW of Tignish - Lot 2
Duchess Point extends into Charlottetown Harbour at Victoria Park - Charlottetown Royalty
Duck Pond 3 mi SW of Miminegash Pond (Little Minimegash Pond) - Lot 3
Duffys Creek flows N into Hillsborough River (Monaghan Creek) - Lot 36
Duffys Point extends into Hillsborough River in Bunbury (Parks Point, La Longue Pointe) - Lot 48
Dumvilles Shores adjacent to Northumberland Strait (Reillys Shore) - Lot 7
Dunblane 7 mi W of O'Leary (Hamilton) - Lot 8
Dunblane School District at Dunblane 7 mi W of O'Leary c1894 - Lot 8
Dundas 8 mi NE of Cardigan - Lot 55
Dundas Centre P.O. at Dundas 8 mi NE of Cardigan (1925-1969) - Lot 55
Dundas P.O. at Dundas 8 mi NE of Cardigan (1868-1914) - Lot 55
Dundas River flows S into Northumberland Strait (DeSable River, De Sable River, Riviere de Sable 'sand river', Sable River) - Lot 29
Dundee 3 mi W of Morell (Dundee CN Station) - Lot 39
Dundee CN Station 3 mi W of Morell (Dundee) - Lot 39
Dundee Road extends from Uigg to Head of Montague - Lots 50/57
Dunedin 8 mi W of Charlottetown - Lot 31
Dunedin P.O. at Dunedin 8 mi W of Charlottetown (1892-1913) - Lot 31
Dunes a l'Est du Dit Havre (Greenwich PEI National Park) - Lot 40
Dunk Island in Bedeque Bay (Holman Island, Ile de Bedec, Indian Island, Flynn's Island, Pope's Island)
Dunk River flows W into Bedeque Bay (Bedec River, Riviere de Bedecq) - Lots 25/26
Dunns Creek flows S into Murray Harbour - Lot 63
Dunstaffnage 7 mi NE of Charlottetown - Lot 35
Dunstaffnage P.O. at Dunstaffnage 7 mi NE of Charlottetown (1905-13) - Lot 35
Dunstaffnage School District at Dunstaffnage 7 mi NE of Charlottetown 1851 - Lot 35
Durant Creek flows NE into Southwest River - Lot 20
Durell Cove adjacent to Northumberland Strait (Howe Bay) - Lots 43/56
Durell Point extends into Northumberland Strait (Browns Cape) - Lot 56
Durell P.O. in Little Pond (1891-1913) - Lot 56
Dutchman Rock partly submerged rock N of Red Head - Lot 15
Dutchman's Creek flows N into Egmont Bay (Haldiman River) - Lot 15
Duvar 3 mi N of O'Leary (Duvar Road 'community' c1872) - Lot 5
Duvar Road P.O. at Duvar 3 mi N of O'Leary (1896-1914) - Lot 5
Duvar Road 'community' c1872 3 mi N of O'Leary (Duvar) - Lot 5
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