Abegweit Passage Indian word: Abahquit, 9 ml. passage between Borden & NB
Abells Cape extends into Rollo Bay W of Souris (Eglington Point) - Lot 43
Abney 2 mi. W of Murray Harbour (Toronto) - Lot 64
Abney Lot 64 PO at Abney 2 mi. W of Murray Harbour 1908-1963 - Lot 64
Aboiteau Bridge community 2 mi. W of Crapaud (Tryon) - Lot 28
Abraham's Village 14 mi. W of Summerside (Abrams Village, Abram-Village) - Lot 15
Abram-Village 14 mi. W of Summerside (Abrams Village, Abraham's Village) - Lot 15
Abrams Village 14 mi. W of Summerside (Abram-Village, Abraham's Village) - Lot 15
Adams Corner 4 mi. W of Alberton (Elmsdale, New Langholm) - Lot 4
Adams Creek flows E into New London Bay - Lot 21
Adams Pond in Sea View (Adam's Pond) - Lot 20
Adam's Pond in Sea View (Adams Pond) - Lot 20
Afton Lake NW of Mount Stewart (Signet Lake) - Lots 36/37
Afton Road community 3 mi. NW of Mount Stewart - Lot 36
Afton Road PO 3 mi. NW of Mount Stewart in Afton Road community 1894-1913 - Lot 36
Aitken Point extends into Montague River at Lower Montague (Aitkins Point, Pointe de Birne) - Lot 59
Aitkins Point extends into Montague River at Lower Montague (Aitken Point, Pointe de Birne) - Lot 59
Aitkens Ferry PO at Aitken Point in Lower Montague 1886-1916 - Lot 59
Aitkens Wharf at Aitken Point in Lower Montague - Lot 59
Aitkins Cape extends into Rollo Bay (Rollo Point) - Lot 43
Alaska 7 mi. SE of Souris - Lot 10
Alaska School District 7 mi. SE of Souris in Alaska c1903 - Lot 10
Albany 4 mi. NE of Borden - Lot 27
Albany PO 4 mi. NE of Borden from 1867 - Lot 27
Albany School District 4 mi. NE of Borden 1886 - Lot 27
Alberry Plains 7 mi. NW of Montague - Lots 49/50
Alberry Plains PO at Alberry Plains 7 mi. NW of Montague 1890-1914 - Lot 50
Alberry Plains School at Alberry Plains 7 mi. NW of Montague c1856- Lots 49/50
Alberton (Stumptown) - Lot 4
Alberton Creek flows S into Dock River (Eliza River) - Lots 4/5
Alberton Harbour at Alberton (Holland Harbour) - Lot 5
Alberton PO in Alberton from 1868 - Lot 4
Alberton South 1 mi. S of Alberton (Lewis Town, Hills Town, Northport, Cascumpec) - Lot 5
Albion 5 mi. SE of Montague - Lots 59/61
Albion Bay at Albion & adjacent to Cardigan Bay (Clarks Bay, Livingston Bay, Livingstone Bay, Thornton Bay) - Lot 59
Albion Bay at Georgetown (Georgetown Harbour) - Georgetown Royalty
Albion Cross 11 mi. W of Souris (Baltic, Little Baltic) - Lot 55
Albion Mills in Albion 5 mi. SE of Montague - Lots 59/61
Albion PO at Mount Albion 8 mi. E of Charlottetown 1875-1913 - Lot 48
Alchorn Point extends into Charlottetown Harbour (Pointe St. Charle) - Lot 65
Alexandra 5 mi. SE of Charlottetown - Lot 49
Alexandra Bay adjacent to Hillsborough Bay (Squaw Bay, Anse de Matelot) - Lot 49
Alexandra PO in Alexandra 5 mi. SE of Charlottetown 1884-1915 - Lot 49
Alexandria School District in Cascumpec bef.1895 (Oyster Creek School District c1895) - Lots 5/6
Allanby near Darnley Point at Darnley Basin - Lot 18
Allanby Point at Darnley Basin (Darnley Point) - Lot 18
Allen Cove adjacent to Northumberland Strait & Lot 65 (Canoe Cove, Anse Canot)
Allisary 1 ½ mi. E of Mount Stewart - Lots 37/38
Allisary Creek flows into Hillsborough River - Lots 37/38
Alliston 3 mi. N of Murray River (Hickens Corner) - Lot 63
Alliston PO 3 mi. N of Murray River in Alliston 1896-1914 - Lot 63
Alma 4 mi. NW of Alberton - Lot 3
Alma PO 4 mi. NW of Alberton in Alma 1876-1967 - Lot 3
Alma School District 4 mi. NW of Alberton in Alma 1878 - Lot 3
Almira Road at Elmira 11 mi. NE of Souris - Lot 47
Amherst Cove adjacent to Charlottetown Harbour (Warren Cove, Warren Farm Cove, Ance du Debarquement) - Lot 65
Amherst Cove SE of Borden and adjacent to Amherst Point- Lot 28
Amherst Point 1 mi. E of Borden (McInnis Point) - Lot 28
Ance a la Pointe Prime bay adjacent to Northumberland Strait (Hillsborough Bay, The Great Bay of Hillsborough)
Ance du Debarquement cove adjacent to Charlottetown Harbour (Warren Cove, Amherst Cove, Warren Farm Cove) - Lot 65
Ance Tonty cove on E side of Charlottetown - Charlottetown Royalty
Anderson Creek flows N into New London Bay 1 mi. NE of Stanley Bridge - Lot 22
Anderson River flows N into Gulf of St. Lawrence at Cable Head West - Lot 41
Andersons Road from Charlottetown to Bedeque now Hwys. 225 & 248 -Lots 26/27/67/22/30/31/32/34
Andersons Road PO at Middleton 1853-1864 - Lots 26/27
Andersons Road PO at Rose Valley 1864-1880 - Lot 67
Anglo Park at Anglo Tignish - Lot 1
Anglo Rustico 2 mi SE of North Rustico - Lot 24
Anglo Rustico School District 2 mi. SE of North Rustico in Anglo Rustico c1855 - Lot 24
Anglo Tignish 3 mi. NE of Tignish - Lot 1
Anglo Tignish School District 3 mi. NE of Tignish at Anglo Tignish c1859 - Lot 1
Angus MacFaydens Creek flows NE into West River - Lot 65
Annandale 11 mi. SW of Souris (Grand River Wharf) - Lot 56
Annandale PO in Annandale 11 mi. SW of Souris 1967-1969 - Lot 56
Annandale Lot 56 PO in Annandale 11 mi. SW of Souris 1924-1967 - Lot 56
Annarowe PO c1889-1898 - Lot 65
Anse a Charles cove adjacent to Warren Cove at Fort Amherst National Historic Park- Lot 65
Anse a la Fortune cove on S side of Mill River (Fortune Cove) - Lot 5
Anse a Matieu community adjacent to Northumberland Strait (Rollo Bay, Havre a Mathieu) - Lots 43/44
Anse a Pinet: 'pinette cove' is the estuary of Pinette River (Pinette Harbour, Anse a Pinnet) - Lot 58
Anse a Pinnet: 'pinette cove' is the estuary of Pinette River (Pinette Harbour, Anse a Pinet) - Lot 58
Anse au Moine cove on E side of entrance of Charlottetown Harbour between Battery Point and Seatrout Point (Indian Cove) - Lot 48
l'Anse au Sanglier cove adjacent to Hillsborough Bay S of Charlottetown (Holland Cove, Observation Cove) - Lot 65
Anse aux Morts cove between Parkdale and Sherwood (Spring Garden Creek) - Charlottetown Royalty
Anse aux Morts cove adjacent to Hillsborough River at Mermaid (Mermaid Cove, Dean Cove) - Lot 48
Anse aux Piroques cove adjacent to Hillsborough River (Stewart Cove) - Lot 48
Anse aux Sauvages cove adjacent to West River at Rocky Point (Canceaux Cove) - Lot 65
Anse Canot cove adjacent to Northumberland Strait & Lot 65 (Canoe Cove, Allen Cove)
Anse de la Boullotiere flows SW into Orwell Bay (Newtown River, Portree Creek) - Lot 57
Anse de Matelot bay adjacent to Hillsborough Bay (Alexandra Bay, Squaw Bay) - Lot 49
Anse Dubuisson cove adjacent to Hillsborough River at mouth of Johnstons River (Walkers Cove) - Lot 35
Anse du Comte Saint-Pierre cove at Keppoch - Lot 48
Anse du Nord-Est community 9 mi. SW of Charlottetown (Nine Mile Creek community) - Lot 65
Appin Road or Hwy. 237 - Lot 30
Appin Road community 5 mi. E of Crapaud (Glenfinglas) - Lot 30
Appin Road PO 5 mi. E of Crapaud at Appin Road community 1887-1913 - Lot 30
Appletree Creek flows S into Hillsborough River at Frenchfort (Apple Tree Creek) - Lot 35
Apple Tree Creek flows S into Hillsborough River at Frenchfort (Appletree Creek) - Lot 35
Appletree Point at the mouth of Appletree Creek - Lot 35
Argyle Rear 10 mi. SW of Charlottetown (New Argyle) - Lots 30/65
Argyle Shore community 2 mi. SW of Charlottetown - Lot 30
Argyle Shore PO 12 mi. SW of Charlottetown at Argyle Shore 1875-1914 - Lot 30
Arisaig in area of Bedford Corner - Lot 35
Arlington 3 mi. SE of Tyne Valley (Black Settlement) - Lot 14
Arlington PO 3 mi. SE of Tyne Valley in Arlington 1898-1913 - Lot 14
Armadale PO in Selkirk 7 mi. E of St. Peters 1876-1969 - Lot 42
Armadale School District at Selkirk 7 mi. E of St. Peters c1872 - Lot 42
Ascension 2 mi. W of Tignish - Lot 1
Ascension school area 2 mi. W of Tignish in Ascension 1864 - Lot 1
Ashleys Creek flows E into Cascumpec Bay - Lot 5
Ashton 4 mi. E of St. Peters - Lot 42
Ashton CN Station 4 mi. E of St. Peters in Ashton c1875 - Lot 42
Aspen 1 mi. N of Roseville - Lot 3
Astyanax Rock - NW of Governors Island in Hillsborough Bay
Auburn 5 mi. SW of Mount Stewart - Lot 36
Auburn PO 5 mi. SW of Mount Stewart in Auburn 1890-1918 - Lot 36
Auburn School District 5 mi. SW of Mount Stewart in Auburn 1896 - Lot 36
Augustine Cove adjacent to Northumberland Strait & 5 mi. SE of Borden - Lot 28
Augustine Cove community 5 mi. SE of Borden (Clarks Place, Warblington) - Lot 28
Augustine Cove PO 5 mi. SE of Borden in Augustine Cove community 1854-1913 - Lot 28
Augustus - Lot 37
Auld Creek flows N into Covehead Bay - Lot 34
Auld's Mill on Auld Creek c1834 - Lot 34
Avondale 8 mi. S of Mount Stewart - Lot 49
Avondale School District 8 mi. S of Mount Stewart in Avondale from c1888 - Lot 49
Avondale PO 8 mi. S of Mount Stewart in Avondale 1901-1914 - Lot 49
Bacon Cove adjacent to Northumberland Strait at mouth of Nine Mile Creek - Lot 65
Bacon Point at Cumberland 3 mi. E of Bacon Cove - Lot 65
Bacons Point extends into Northumberland Strait at Belle River (Bell Point) - Lot 62
Back Road community 7 mi. E of Charlottetown (Hazelbrook) - Lots 48/49
Back Road settlement in area of Village Green - Lot 49
Back Settlement 11 mi. W of Summerside (St. Raphael) - Lots 15/16
Baglole Point extends into Grand River - Lot 16
Bagnalls Pond at Hunter River - Lot 23
Baie des Esturgeons bay adjacent to Cardigan Bay (Sturgeon Bay) - Lots 59/61
Baie-Egmont / Egmont Bay adjacent to Northumberland Strait (Baye de la Grande Ance)
Baie-Egmont / Egmont Bay community 1 ½ mi. N of Abram-Village - Lot 15
Baie Verte - Lot 30
Bains Creek flows E into Gulf of St. Lawrence at Anglo Tignish - Lot 1
Bakers Cove adjacent to Dunk River - Lot 25
Balaklava Road in Westmoreland - Lot 29
Balderston Brook at head of Quinns Brook - Lot 30
Balderston Pond at North Wiltshire - Lot 31
Baldwin Road community 7 mi. NW of Montague (Baldwin's Road) - Lot 51
Baldwin's CN Station at St. Teresa 7 mi NW of Cardigan - Lots 38/51
Baldwin's Road community 7 mi. NW of Montague (Baldwin Road) - Lot 51
Baldwins Road PO at Baldwin Road 1882 - Lot 51
Ballems Island in Egmont Bay (Bird Island, Little Island) - Lot 10
Baltic 6 mi. N of Kensington - Princetown Royalty & Lot 18
Baltic 7 mi. NE of Souris (Irish Baltic) - Lot 46
Baltic 7 mi. E of Charlottetown (Bethel) - Lot 48
Baltic 11 mi. W of Souris (Albion Cross, Little Baltic) - Lot 55
Baltic River flows N into Darnley Basin - Lot 18
Baltic Road leading NW from Clyde River - Lot 31
Baltic PO 6 mi. N of Kensington in Baltic 1891-1923 - Princetown Royalty & Lot 18
Baltic School District in Baltic 7 mi. NE of Souris c1846 (East Baltic School District aft.1880) - Lot 46
Banc Merchine extends into Cardigan Bay from NW side of Panmure Island (Billhook Point) - Lot 61
Bangor 4 mi. S of Morell (Indian Town Road community) - Lots 39/40
Bangor PO 4 mi. S of Morell in Bangor 1884-1913 - Lots 39/40
Banks Point at Annandale - Lot 56
Bannockburn on Bannockburn Road - Lot 31
Bannockburn Road or part of Hwy. 247 from Clyde River to Hampshire - Lot 31
Baptiste Creek flows SE into Percival Bay (Battis River) - Lots 9/10
Baptiste Point extends into Egmont Bay at Percival Bay (Grande Digue Point, Percival Point, Grand Dyke)- Lot 15
Barachois de Rossignol former island in Georgetown Harbour now connected to mainland (Poxy Point or Poxy Island, Thrum Cape, Gooseneck, Ile Dangers) - Georgetown Royalty
Barbara Weit 2 mi. W of Kensington (Clermont) - Lot 19
Barbara Weit School District in Lower New Annon 3 mi W of Kensington 1878- Lot 19
Barbara Weit River flows W into Malpeque Bay - Lot 19
Barclays Pond in Ellerslie (Griggs Pond) - Lot 12
Barlows Pond at Wellington - Lot 16
Barlows Road from Tyne Valley to Freeland - Lots 1/12/13
Barretts Cross (Kensington, Glover's) - Lot 19
Barretts Cross PO at Kensington 1851-1886 - Lot 19
Barry Head extends into Cascumpec Bay at Alberton South (Bury Head, Berry Head, Hill Point, Cascumpeque Point) - Lot 5
Barwise Pond on Winter River (Hardys Pond) - Lot 33
Basin Head extends into Northumberland Strait 7 mi E of Souris - Lot 47
Basin Head Harbour (Riviere de l'Escoussier, Havre de l'Escoussier) - Lot 47
Bass Cove adjacent to West River - Lot 32
Battery Point extends into Hillsborough River at mouth of Millers Creek and was site of French Battery - Lot 35
Battery Point at junction of Montague & Brudenell Rivers (Brudenell Point, La Rommannie) - Lot 53
Battery Point extends into Charlottetown Harbour at Victoria Park and is site of Fort Edward Battery (Old Battery Point) - Charlottetown Royalty
Battery Point extends into Charlottetown Harbour and is site of York Battery (Pointe a Marguerite, Brickmaker's Point) - Lot 48
Battis River flows SE into Percival Bay (Baptiste Creek) - Lots 9/10
Baye de la Grande Ance bay adjacent to Northumberland Strait (Baie Egmont / Egmont Bay)
Baye de Malpec bay on N coast of PEI and adjacent to Lots 13/14/16/17/18/19 (Malpeque Bay, Magpec, Riviere St. Phillipe, Bay of Malpeck, Richmond Bay on W part of Malpeque Bay, Marpet)
Bayfield 9 mi. N of Souris - Lot 46
Bayfield PO 9 mi. N of Souris at Bayfield 1892-1914 - Lot 46
Bay Fortune bay at the mouth of Fortune River (Havre de la Fortune, Bay of Fortune Creek) - Lot 43
Bay Fortune community 6 mi. SW of Souris - Lot 43
Bay Fortune PO 6 mi. SW of Souris in Bay Fortune 1827-1914 - Lot 43
Bay Fortune PO at Red House 7 mi. W of Souris until 1880 - Lot 56
Bay Fortune Road School District 3 mi. E of St. Peters at Five Houses 1880 - Lot 42
Bay of Fortune Creek bay at the mouth of Fortune River (Bay Fortune, Havre de la Fortune) - Lot 43
Bay of Malpeck bay adjacent to Lots 13/14/16/17/18/19 on N coast of PEI (Malpeque Bay, Marpet, Riviere St. Phillipe, Magpec, Richmond Bay on W part of Malpeque Bay, Baye de Malpec)
Bayside 4 mi. SE of Tyne Valley beside Malpeque Bay (Ferry) - Lot 14
Bayside School District 4 mi. SE of Tyne Valley c1904 - Lot 14
Bayview 6 mi. W of North Rustico - Lot 22
Bayview PO 6 mi. W of North Rustico at Bayview 1876-1913 - Lot 22
Beachgrove Point extends into North River at Charlottetown (Pleasant Point) - Charlottetown Royalty
Beach Point community 3 mi. E of Murray Harbour - Lot 64
Beach Point extends into Murray Harbour (Old Store Point) - Lot 64
Beach Point PO 3 mi. E of Murray Harbour in Beach Point 1877-1914 - Lot 64
Beach Point Sand Bar in Murray Harbour - Lot 64
Beacon Point extends into Victoria Harbour (Sand Point) - Lot 29
Beacon Point SW side of Charlottetown Harbour (Blockhouse Point, Pointe a la Flamme) - Lot 65
Beacon Point at Wood Islands - Lot 62
Bear Harbour at mouth of Murray River (Murray Harbour, Havre de l'Ours) - Lots 63/64
Bear River community 6 mi. NW of Souris - Lots 43/44
Bear River flows N into Gulf of St. Lawrence - Lot 44
Bear River PO 6 mi. NW of Souris at Bear River community 1876-1968 - Lots 43/44
Bear River Road North School District 6 mi. NW of Souris at Bear River community c1880 - Lots 43/44
Bear River Road South School District 6 mi. NW of Souris at Bear River community c1880 - Lots 43/44
Bears Cape extends into Northumberland Strait (Cape Bear, Cap a l'Ours, St. Andrews Point, Cap Dauphin, Petite Cap a l'Ours) - Lot 64
Beaton Point extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence (Betsey's Point) - Lot 47
Beaton Road community 6 mi. SE of O'Leary - Lot 9
Beaton Road PO in Beaton Road community 6 mi. SE of O'Leary 1909-1923 - Lot 9
Beatons Creek flows SE into Percival Bay (Maxime Creek) - Lot 10
Beatons Creek flows W into Tracadie Bay - Lot 36
Beatons Mills PO at Melville 13 mi. SW of Montague 1875-1966 - Lot 60
Beatons Mills settlement 2 mi. W of Cardigan on Cardigan River - Lot 52
Beatons Point extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence 2 mi. E of North Lake (Surveyor Point, Surveyors Point, Black Point) - Lot 47
Beatons River flows E into Trout River - Lot 6
Beaver Point extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence - Lot 42
Bedec 5 mi. SE of Summerside (Bedeque, Hooper's Corner, Centreville) - Lot 26
Bedec Bay bay adjacent to Northumberland Strait & SW of Summerside (Bedeque Bay, Bedecque Bay, Halifax Bay, The French Bay of Bedeck)
Bedec River flows W into Bedeque Bay (Dunk River, Riviere de Bedecq) - Lots 25/26
Bedecque Bay bay adjacent to Northumberland Strait & SW of Summerside (Bedeque Bay, Bedec Bay, Halifax Bay, The French Bay of Bedeck)
Bedeque 5 mi. SE of Summerside (Centreville, Hooper's Corner, Bedec) - Lot 26
Bedeque Bay bay adjacent to Northumberland Strait & SW of Summerside (Bedecque Bay, Bedec Bay, Halifax Bay, The French Bay of Bedeck)
Bedeque PO 5 mi. SE of Summerside at Bedeque from 1827 - Lot 26
Bedford / Bedford Station 8 mi. NE of Charlottetown - Lot 35
Bedford Bay bay adjacent to Gulf of St. Lawrence (Tracadie Bay) - Lots 35/36
Bedford Corner ¾ mi. S of Bedford Station at junction of Hwys. 2 & 6 - Lot 35
Bedford Parish in Queens County - Lots 35/36/37/48/49
Bedford School District in Blooming Point 5 mi. W of Mount Stewart c1864 - Lot 36
Bedford Station / Bedford 8 mi. NE of Charlottetown - Lot 35
Bedford Station PO 8 mi. NE of Charlottetown at Bedford / Bedford Station 1904-1969 - Lot 35
Bedford Station school area in Bedford Station / Bedford 8 mi. NE of Charlottetown c1864 - Lot 35
Beech Hill a hill at Beech Hill settlement- Lot 49
Beech Hill settlement - Lot 49
Beech Hill Road in Alberry Plains following the Lot boundary of 49 & 50 to the county line- Lot 49
Beech Point extends into Malpeque Bay in Hamilton - Lot 18
Beech Point extends into Bedeque Bay and Sunbury Cove (Sunbury Point, New Workington Point) - Lot 17
Belair 3 mi. W of Mount Stewart (Scotchfort, St-Louis-du- Nord-Est) - Lot 36
Belfast the center of which is considered to be at St. John's Presbyterian Church, 1 mi. S of Eldon (Prim Village, Pinette Mills) - Lot 58
Belfast Cove at Belfast - Lot 58
Belfast Cross 13 mi. SW of Montague (Eldon, Belfast Cross Roads) - Lot 57
Belfast Cross Roads 13 mi. SW of Montague (Eldon, Belfast Cross) - Lot 57
Belfast District which includes Eldon, Iona, Surrey, Pinette, Newtown Cross, Roseberry & Flat River - Lots 57/58/60
Belfast PO at Belfast from 1832 - Lot 58
Belfast Point at Belfast - Lot 58
Belfast School on W side of Eldon - Lot 57
Belfast School between Pinette and Flat River - Lots 58/60
Belle Creek School District 11 mi. W of Murray River in Belle River community until 1900 - Lot 62
Belle Creek PO 11 mi. W of Murray River in Belle River community 1867-1967 - Lot 62
Belle River community 11 mi. W of Murray River - Lot 62
Belle River flows W into Northumberland Strait (Belle Riviere) - Lot 62
Belle River PO 11 mi. W of Murray River in Belle River community from 1967 - Lot 62
Belle Riviere flows W into Northumberland Strait (Belle River) - Lot 62
Belleview - Lot 49
Bellevue 7 mi. SW of Montague - Lots 57/58
Bellevue School District c1925 - Lot 12
Bellevue Cove adjacent to Bellevue Point - Lot 48
Bellevue PO 7 mi. SW of Montague in Bellevue 1906-1913 - Lots 57/58
Bellevue Point extends into Hillsborough Bay SW of Tea Hill - Lot 48
Bell Point extends into Northumberland Strait at Belle River (Bacons Point) - Lot 62
Bells Point extends into Northumberland Strait (Cape Traverse) - Lot 28
Bells Pond S of Tracadie Bay - Lot 35
Belmont Lot 16 6 mi. NW of Summerside - Lot 16
Belmont PO 6 mi. NW of Summerside in Belmont Lot 16 1888-1913 - Lot 16
Belmont school area 6 mi. NW of Summerside in Belmont Lot 16 c1877 - Lot 16
Belony Creek flows S into Bedeque Bay (Crossman Creek, Belony's Creek, Crossmans Creek) - Lot 17
Belony's Creek flows S into Bedeque Bay (Crossman Creek, Belony Creek, Crossmans Creek) - Lot 17
Bentick Cove on SW side of Malpeque Bay (Bentinck Cove, Shemody Cove, Shemenedite Cove) - Lots 16/17
Bentick Point extends into Malpeque Bay at Belmont Lot 16 (Gull Point, Bentincks Point, Bentinck Point) - Lot 16
Bentinck Cove on SW side of Malpeque Bay (Bentick Cove, Shemody Cove, Shemenedite Cove) - Lots 16/17
Bentick River near Bentick Cove on SW side of Malpeque Bay - Lots 16/17
Bentinck Point extends into Malpeque Bay at Belmont Lot 16 (Gull Point, Bentincks Point, Bentick Point) - Lot 16
Bentincks Point extends into Malpeque Bay at Belmont Lot 16 (Gull Point, Bentinck Point, Bentick Point) - Lot 16
Bernards Pond on French River - Lot 21
Berrigans Creek flows N into St. Peters Lake (Ruisseau a Commeau, Brittian Creek, Bristol Creek, Britain Creek) - Lot 39
Berry Head extends into Cascumpec Bay at Alberton South (Bury Head, Barry Head, Hill Point, Cascumpeque Point) - Lot 5
Bessborough Grove in Hampshire - Lot 31
Bethel 7 mi. E of Charlottetown (Baltic) - Lot 48
Betsey's Point extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence (Beaton Point ) - Lot 47
Bideford 2 mi. NE of Tyne Valley (New Bideford) - Lot 12
Bideford PO 2 mi. NE of Tyne Valley in Bideford 1912-1927 - Lot 12
Bideford River flows E into Lennox Channel and Malpeque Bay (Goodwood River) - Lot 14
Big Bush 8 mi. NW of Souris (Clear Spring, Clear Springs, Clearspring) - Lot 44
Big Cape extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence (Short Point) - Lot 42
Big Clear in Cape Traverse (Bradford) - Lot 28
Big Hill - Lot 55
Big Marsh PO in Monticello 12 mi. NW of Souris 1870-1888 - Lot 42
Big Miminegash School District in Miminegash 9 mi. W of Alberton bef.1882 - Lot 2
Big Pierre Jacques River flows S into Northumberland Strait at Glenwood (Peershock River, Pier Jacques' River) - Lot 8
Big Point extends into Northumberland Strait (Jenyns Point, McDougal Point) - Lot 60
Big Run flows S into Boughton River in Poplar Point (Malcolm Creek) - Lot 55
Big Run school area in Poplar Point 7 mi. NE of Cardigan - Lot 55
Billhook Island between Malpeque Bay & Gulf of St. Lawrence (Fish Island, Ile de Trentec, Billhook Sand)
Billhook Sand between Malpeque Bay & Gulf of St. Lawrence (Fish Island, Ile de Trentec, Billhook Island)
Billhook Point extends into Cardigan Bay from NW side of Panmure Island (Banc Merchine) - Lot 61
Birch Creek flows N into Grand River at Central Lot 16 (Burks River, Burke Creek, Burke Cove) - Lot 16
Birch Creek flows E into Malpeque Bay (Mill Creek, Browns Creek, Brown River) - Lot 13
Birch Hill community 3 mi. SE of Tyne Valley - Lots 13/14
Birch Hill Church & Cemetery 8 mi. E of Charlottetown - Lot 49
Birch Hill school area at Farmington 5 mi. SE of St. Peters 1880 - Lot 42
Birch Point extends into Northumberland Strait 2 mi. W of Victoria - Lot 28
Birch Point extends into Orwell Bay (Pointe au Boulleau) - Lot 57
Bird Island in Egmont Bay (Ballems Island, Little Island) - Lot 10
Bird Island in Malpeque Bay SE of Lennox Island (Conolly Island, Middle Island)
Black Banks Cove on S side of Cascumpec Bay (Stephen Cove) - Lots 6/11
Black Bridge Creek flows NE into Bentick Cove (Middle Creek) - Lot 17
Black Brook flows SE into Hillsborough River (Portage Creek) - Lot 36
Black Brook school area 1 ½ mi. NW of Hermanville - Lot 45
Black Brook flows SE into West River 1 ½ mi. N of Bonshaw - Lot 30
Black Bush (Hermanville) 7 mi. N of Souris - Lot 45
Black Creek flows N into West River (Goose Creek) - Lot 65
Black Creek flows E into Boughton River - Lot 55
Blacket Creek flows SE into Boughton Bay at Annandale (Blacketts Creek, Blackets Creek, Blackett's Creek) - Lot 56
Blackets Creek flows SE into Boughton Bay at Annandale (Blacketts Creek, Blacket Creek, Blackett's Creek) - Lot 56
Blacketts Creek flows SE into Boughton Bay at Annandale (Blackets Creek, Blackett's Creek, Blacket Creek) - Lot 56
Blackett's Creek flows SE into Boughton Bay at Annandale (Blacketts Creek, Blackets Creek, Blacket Creek) - Lot 56
Black Lake 2 mi. NW of Belle River (Black Pond) - Lots 60/62
Blackman River flows N into Gulf of St. Lawrence at Cable Head East - Lot 41
Black Point extends into Cascumpec Bay at Black Banks - Lot 11
Black Point extends into Grand River 1 mi. N of Central Lot 16 - Lot 16
Black Point extends into Northumberland Strait 2 mi. SE of DeSable (Marle Head) - Lot 29
Black Point extends into Covehead Bay (McMillan Point) - Lot 33
Black Point extends into Gulf of St. Lawrence 2 mi. E of North Lake (Surveyor Point, Surveyors Point, Beatons Point) - Lot 47
Black Point PO 6 mi. SE of Crapaud 1885-1888 - Lot 29
Black Pond at Pleasant View - Lot 1
Black Pond 1 mi. W of Red Point (Loch Dhu: 'black lake') - Lot 46
Black Pond 2 mi. NW of Belle River (Black Lake) - Lots 60/62
Black River flows NE into Brackley Bay- Lot 33
Black River flows NE into Tracadie Bay (Mill Cove Creek, Mill Cove Brook) - Lot 35
Black Run brook 1/4 mi. W of Clarks Creek - Lot 35
Black Settlement 3 mi. SE of Tyne Valley (Arlington) - Lot 14
Black Sows Point extends into Darnley Basin 1 mi. NE of Malpeque - Lot 18
Black Woods 7 mi. S of Kensington (Newton, Newtown) - Lot 26
Blockhouse Point SW side of Charlottetown Harbour (Beacon Point, Pointe a la Flamme) - Lot 65
Bloomfield 8 mi. SW of Alberton (O'Halloran Road) - Lot 5
Bloomfield Corner community 6 mi. SW of Alberton - Lot 5
Bloomfield Park provincial park at Mill River (Vanier Park) - Lot 5
Bloomfield PO at Bloomfield Corner 6 mi. SW of Alberton 1866-1868 & 1870-1914 - Lot 5
Bloomfield School at Bloomfield Corner 6 mi. SW of Alberton - Lot 5
Bloomfield Station PO 8 mi. SW of Alberton in Bloomfield from 1885 - Lot 5
Blooming Point community 5 mi. W of Mount Stewart (Tracadie Sand Hills, Glenaladale) - Lot 36
Blooming Point PO 5 mi. W of Mount Stewart in Blooming Point 1882-1913 - Lot 36
Blooming Point North PO 5 mi. W of Mount Stewart in Blooming Point 1907-1913 - Lot 36
Bluefield school area at Hampshire 9 mi. NW of Charlottetown c1865-c1897 - Lot 31
Blueshank CN Station at Kelvin Grove 2 mi. S of Kensington c1830 (Kelvin CN Station c1875) - Lots 19/25
Blueshank Road from Wilmot through Wilmot Valley and Kelvin Grove to Norboro now Hwys. 1A, 107 & 2- Lots 19/25
Bog Pond E of the sand filled Bowley Pond - Lot 40
Bonshaw 8 mi. SE of Crapaud - Lot 30
Bonshaw PO 8 mi. SE of Crapaud in Bonshaw from 1859 - Lot 30
Bonwell 4 mi. SW of Hunter River and now part of Brookvale (Skye Settlement) - Lot 30
Bonwell PO in Bonwell 4 mi. SW of Hunter River 1891-1913 - Lot 30
Boquet Point extends into Northumberland Strait (Bouquet Point) - Lot 26
Borden - Lot 28
Borden Point (Carlton Point) extends into Northumberland Strait at Borden - Lot 28
Bothwell 9 mi. E of Souris - Lot 47
Bothwell PO 9 mi. E of Souris in Bothwell 1864-1913 - Lot 47
Bottle Point extends into Murray River opposite Gladstone (Finlaysons Point) - Lot 63
Boughton Bay adjacent to Northumberland Strait (Townshend Bay) - Lots 55/56
Boughton Island in Cardigan Bay (Ile Marlot, Ile Biland) - Lot 55
Boughton Island PO on Boughton Island in Cardigan Bay 1903-1946 - Lot 55
Boughton Point adjacent to Boughton Island - Lot 55
Boughton River flows SE into Boughton Bay - Lot 55/56
Bouquet Cove adjacent to Bouquet Point - Lot 26
Bouquet Point extends into Northumberland Strait (Boquet Point) - Lot 26
Bovyer Creek flows N into Fullertons Creek & Hillsborough River - Lot 48
Bowley Pond now sand filled - Lot 40
Bowness 3 mi. SE of Kingston (Norboro, Norborough, Brooklyn) - Lots 19/25
Boyles Point extends into Conway Narrows - Lot 12
Brackley 5 mi. N of Charlottetown - Lot 33
Brackley Bay adjacent to Lot 33 (Petersham Cove)
Brackley Bay & Covehead Bay adjacent to Lots 33/34 and were part of Harrington Bay
Brackley Beach in PEI National Park on North shore of PEI in Queens County
Brackley Beach community 13 mi. NW of Charlottetown - Lot 33
Brackley Beach PO 13 mi. NW of Charlottetown in Brackley Beach community 1889-1967 - Lot 33
Brackley Point community 11 mi. NW of Charlottetown (Breckly Point) - Lot 33
Brackley Point PO 11 mi. NW of Charlottetown in Brackley Point community1852-1917 - Lot 33
Brackley Point Road PO 5 mi. N of Charlottetown at Brackley 1868-1912 - Lot 33
Bradalbane CN Station at Breadalbane 7 mi. W of Hunter River - Lot 67
Bradalbane School in Breadalbane 7 mi. W of Hunter River - Lot 67
Bradford in Cape Traverse (Big Clear) - Lot 28
Bradford PO in Cape Traverse 1898-1912 - Lot 28
Bradford Road at Cape Traverse - Lot 28
Bradleys Pond on Seal River (Worths Pond) - Lot 49
Bradshaw River flows NW into Dunk River at Bedeque (West Branch Dunk River, South Arm) - Lots 26/27
Brae 4 mi. SE of O'Leary - Lot 9
Brae East School 5 mi. SE of O'Leary at Derby bef.1869 (Derby School from Mar. 20, 1869) - Lot 9
Brae Harbour community 7 mi. SE of O'Leary - Lot 9
Brae Harbour PO 7 mi. SE of O'Leary at Brae Harbour community - Lot 9
Brae Island sandbar at mouth of Brae River (Sand Island, Sandy Island) - Lot 9
Brae PO in Brae 4 mi. SE of O'Leary 1870-1914 - Lot 9
Brae River adjacent to Brae - Lot 9
Brae Station PO 1878-1887 CN Station 3 mi. SE of O'Leary in Coleman (Coleman PO from 1887) - Lot 9
Branders Pond in Sea View (Brander's Pond) - Lot 20
Brander's Pond in Sea View (Branders Pond) - Lot 20
Brazels Pond on Johnstons River - Lot 35
Breadalbane 7 mi. W of Hunter River - Lot 67
Breadalbane PO 7 mi. W of Hunter River in Breadalbane from 1889 - Lot 67
Breckly Point community 11 mi. NW of Charlottetown (Brackley Point) - Lot 33
Brehaut Point on Buchanan Island in Orwell Bay 2 mi. W of Eldon (Buchanan Point)
Brian's Cross 8 mi. W of Charlottetown (New Haven) - Lot 31
Brickmaker's Point extends into Charlottetown Harbour and is site of York Battery (Battery Point, Pointe a Marguerite) - Lot 48
Bridgetown 7 mi. NE of Cardigan (Grand River community) - Lots 54/55
Bridgetown PO at Bridgetown 7 mi. NE of Cardigan 1896-1926 - Lots 54/55
Brighton on W side of Charlottetown (Brighton Shore) - Charlottetown Royalty
Brighton Shore on W side of Charlottetown (Brighton) - Charlottetown Royalty
Brilliant Point extends into March Water 1 mi. W of Malpeque - Lot 18
Bristol 2 mi. W of Morell - Lot 39
Bristol Creek flows N into St. Peters Lake (Berrigans Creek, Brittian Creek, Ruisseau a Commeau, Britain Creek) - Lot 39
Bristol PO in Bristol 2 mi. W of Morell 1901-1965 - Lot 39
Britain Creek flows N into St. Peters Lake (Berrigans Creek, Brittian Creek, Ruisseau a Commeau, Bristol Creek) - Lot 39
Britain Lake adjacent to Gulf of St. Lawrence (St. Peters Lake, Britains Pond, Stukeley Lake, Stukely Pond, Des Etangs) - Lot 39
Britains Pond adjacent to Gulf of St. Lawrence (St. Peters Lake, Britain Lake, Stukeley Lake, Stukely Pond, Des Etangs) - Lot 39
Brittian Creek flows N into St. Peters Lake (Berrigans Creek, Bristol Creek, Ruisseau a Commeau, Britain Creek) - Lot 39
Brockelsby Head extends into Northumberland Strait (MacIvors Point, Brockelsbys Head) - Lot 29
Brockelsbys Cove at Victoria 2 mi. S of Crapaud (Victoria Harbour, Westmoreland Harbour, Crapaud Roadstead) - Lot 29
Brockelsbys Head extends into Northumberland Strait (MacIvors Point, Brockelsby Head) - Lot 29
Brockelsbys River flows into Northumberland Strait (Westmoreland River, Crapaud River, Riviere aux Crapaux, Riviere des Crapauds) - Lot 29
Brockton community 6 mi. N of O'Leary (Dock Road) - Lot 4
Brockton PO in Brockton 6 mi. N of O'Leary 1892-1913 - Lot 4
Brookfield 4 mi. SE of Hunter River - Lots 3/24/31
Brookfield PO at Brookfield 4 mi. SE of Hunter River 1898-1914 - Lots 3/24/31
Brooklyn 2 mi. W of Alberton - Lots 4/5
Brooklyn 5 mi. SW of Montague - Lot 61
Brooklyn 3 mi. SE of Kingston (Norboro, Norborough, Bowness) - Lots 19/25
Brooklyn school area in Brooklyn 2 mi. W of Alberton c1878- Lots 4/5
Brooklyn School District at Norboro 3 mi. SE of Kingston c1878 - Lots 19/25
Brooklyn School District in Brooklyn 5 mi. SW of Montague c1864 - Lot 61
Brooklyn PO in Norboro 3 mi. SE of Kingston 1872 - Lots 19/25
Brooklyn PO in Brooklyn 1867-1914 - Lot 61
Brooks River flows E into Conway Narrows (Hardys Creek, North West Branch of Little Channel, Conway River) - Lot 12
Brooks Wharf near the mouth of Brooks River - Lot 12
Brookside PO 1896-1899 - Lot 61
Brookvale 5 mi. NE of Crapaud - Lot 30
Brookvale School District at Brookvale 5 mi NE of Crapaud c1864 - Lot 30
Brothers Road School District at Elliotvale 8 mi W of Cardigan c1872 - Lot 66
Brothers Road in Elliotvale - Lot 66
Browns Cape extends into Northumberland Strait (Durell Point) - Lot 56
Browns Creek flows E into Malpeque Bay (Mill Creek, Birch Creek, Brown River) - Lot 13
Browns Creek flows N from Brooklyn to Heatherdale and into Valleyfield River - Lot 59
Browns Creek flows SE into Malpeque Bay 1 mi. E of Port Hill (Gillies Creek, Schooner Creek) - Lot 13
Browns Creek PO in Heatherdale 4 ½ mi. SW of Montague 1886-1891 - Lot 59
Brown River flows E into Malpeque Bay (Mill Creek, Birch Creek, Browns Creek) - Lot 13
Brown Young's Channel former channel through Conway Sand Hills opposite Gains Creek (Cavendish Inlet) - Lot 11
Bruce Point extends into Northumberland Strait (Launching Point, Cap Vere) - Lot 55
Brudenell 1 mi. N of Montague - Lot 52
Brudenell Island on which there is the 1st Scottish burial ground and where first Scottish settlers landed, 2 ½ mi. W of Georgetown in the Brudenell River
Brudenell PO in Brudenell 1 mi. N of Montague 1898-1914 - Lot 52
Brudenell Point at junction of Montague & Brudenell Rivers (Battery Point, La Rommannie) - Lot 53
Brudenell River flows E into Georgetown Harbour & Cardigan Bay (Riviere de l'Ascension, Doctors River) - Lots 1/52/53
Brudinell Station former CN station 3 mi. NE of Georgetown c1880-1911(Emmerson Station PO 1911-1913) - Lot 55
Bruly Point extends into Malpeque Bay at Belmont Lot 16 (Burnt Point, Shemody Point) - Lot 16
Brush Wharf 1 mi. W of Orwell Cove - Lot 57
Bryan's Cross PO 1858-1859 - Lot 30
Buchanan Island in Orwell Bay 2 mi. W of Eldon (Little Island) - Lot 57
Buchanan Point on Buchanan Island in Orwell Bay 2 mi. W of Eldon (Brehaut Point) - Lot 57
Bull Creek flows into Priest Pond (Priest Pond Creek) - Lot 46
Bull Creek PO 9 mi. N of Souris at Bayfield 1873-1881 - Lot 46
Bunberry 2 mi. E of centre of Charlottetown and now part of Stratford (Bunbury, Clifton) - Lot 48
Bunbury 2 mi. E of centre of Charlottetown and now part of Stratford (Clifton, Bunberry) - Lot 48
Bunbury Island in Malpeque Bay WSW of Ram Island (Courtin Island, Ile a Mr. Courtin)
Bungay 2 mi. E of Hunter River (Little Bingay) - Lot 23
Bungay PO in Bungay 2 mi. E of Hunter River 1896-1913 - Lot 23
Burges Pond on St. Peters River (Quigleys Pond) - Lot 41
Burgess Creek flows E into Kildare River (West Lake Creek, Gordon Creek) - Lot 4
Burhoes Creek flows S into Alexandra Bay (Ruisseau a Lafrance) - Lot 49
Burhoes Point adjacent to Burhoes Creek - Lot 49
Burial Point former Indian burial ground at Baltic River - Princetown Royalty
Burke Cove flows N into Grand River at Central Lot 16 (Birch Creek, Burks River, Burke Creek) - Lot 16
Burke Creek flows N into Grand River at Central Lot 16 (Birch Creek, Burks River, Burke Cove) - Lot 16
Burkes Creek flows S into Alexandra Bay - Lot 49
Burks River flows N into Grand River at Central Lot 16 (Birch Creek, Burks Creek, Burke Cove) - Lot 16
Burlington 4 mi. NE of Kensington (Morrisons Cross) - Lot 18
Burlington PO in Burlington 4 mi. NE of Kensington 1867-1912 - Lot 18
Burns Settlement 4 ½ mi. S of Kensington (Freetown) - Lot 25
Burnside community 1 mi. W of Cardigan - Lot 52
Burnt Bridge settlement - Lot 64
Burnt Bridge Creek flows S into Cardigan River (Byrnes Creek) - Lot 53
Burnt Hill community 8 mi. E of Charlottetown (Mount Albion, Raasa, Scrabble) - Lot 48
Burnt Point extends into Malpeque Bay at Belmont Lot 16 (Bruly Point, Shemody Point) - Lot 16
Burnt Point extends into Cardigan Bay 1 ½ mi. E of Georgetown (Cardigan Point, Pointe au Buse, Cape Vivien) - Lot 54
Burnt Wood Cove on E side of Wood Islands - Lot 62
Burrell Cross settlement - Lot 19
Burton 7 mi. NW of O'Leary - Lot 7
Burton PO at Burton 7 mi. NW of O'Leary 1886-1913 - Lot 7
Bury Head extends into Cascumpec Bay at Alberton South (Berry Head, Barry Head, Hill Point, Cascumpeque Point) - Lot 5
Byrne Road School District at Byrnes Road 6 mi. SW of Morell c1878 - Lot 39
Byrnes Creek flows S into Cardigan River (Burnt Bridge Creek) - Lot 53
Byrnes Road community 6 mi. SW of Morell - Lot 39
Byrnes Road PO at Byrnes Road community 6 mi. SW of Morell 1880-1919 - Lot 39
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