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Alberton Exchange

Thomas Gass - Exchange Manager

HOURS OF SERVICE - Week Days, Continuous Sundays and Statuary Holidays 1:30 to 3 p.m.

Adams, Daniel F. - r Elmsdale - R3-21
A'Hearn, Augustus, r Kildare - R1-3
Albion Terrace Hotel - Alberton - 24
Arthur, E. C. - r Alberton - R5-23
Aubrey, Wm., r Alberton Wharf - 22
Avery, Herbert - r Alberton South - R8-13

Baldwin, Mrs W. K. - r Dock Rd. - R7-24
Bank of Nova Scotia - Office Alberton - 18
Barbour, E. O. - r Alberton - 33-2
Barbour, James - r Alma - R10-5
Barbour, Neil R. - r Alma - R10-22
Bell, Andrew - r Mill River - R6-32
Bell, T. C. - r Alberton - 14-3
Black, John F. - r Alberton - 27-4
Bowness, Fred - r Greenmount - R9-5
Bowness, Herbert - r Montrose - R1-7
Bowness, Reuben - r Montrose - R1-16
Bowness, William - r Montrose - R1-110
Brown, H. W. - Garage Alberton - 33-4
Burke, P. A. - r Alberton - R10-3
Burke, S. R. - r Alberton - 19
Burke, H. H. - r Alberton - 7

Cahill, J. Wilbert - r Kildare - R1-21
Cahill, J. Peter - r Kildare, R1-41
Callaghan, J. A. - Store Elmsdale - R10-110
Cameron, Alex - r Elmsdale - R10-14
Can Bank of Commerce - Office Alberton - 1
Champion, Mrs. John - r Alberton - 15-2
Clark, Arthur - r Alberton - R2-2
Clark, Fred - r Dock - R2-3
Clark, George A. - r Hill River - R3-32
Clark, Herbert - r Alberton - 29-3
Clark, Howard - r Alberton - R2-21
Clark, J. Allan - r Alma - R10-41
Corbett, Heber - r Alberton - R5-2
Costain, Chester C. - r Mimminigash - R7-22
Crockett, H. S. - r Alma - R10-13
Currie, Nelson - r Alma - R10-210
Currie, William - r Alma - R1-31

Dickson, Rev. Stanley - r Elmsdale - R10-2
Dunahue, Peter R. - r Mimminigash - R7-2
Dunbar, Howard - r Alma - R10-31
Dunbar, James - r Alma - RR10-12
Dunbar, Joseph A. - r Alma - R10-21
Dunbar, Lloyd - r Montrose - R9-121
Dunn, Charles - r Dock Road - R7-212
Dyment, Herman - r Montrose - R9-111

Elliott, Rev. G. A. D. - r Elmsdale - R10-33

Fitzgerald, John L. - r Montrose - R1-13
Forsythe, J. W. - r Dock Road - R2-110
Forsythe, A. E. - r Dock - R2-12
Foley, M. M. - r Alberton - 25
Foley, M. P. - r Kildare - R1-42
Fraser, Miss Christine - r Dock - R2-11
Fraser, Herbert - r Alberton - R8-4

Gard, Albert E. - r Mill River - R6-5
Gard, Elijah - r Mill River - R6-12
Gard, Henry W. - r Alberton - R6-4
Gillis, Paul - r Montrose - R1-26
Gillis, Alfred - r Alberton - 39
Gisten, Daniel - r Kildare - R1-11
Gitson, Albert - r Kildare Cape - R1-14
Gitson, W. H. - r Kildare - R1-34
Gordon, Fulton J. - r Alberton - R2-111
Gordon, Mrs. George C. - r Alberton - 9-3
Gordon, James A. - r Alma - R10-16
Gray, William - r Alberton - R11-210
Green, A. C. - r Alberton - 8
Green, John - r Mimminigash - R7-33
Green, William - r Mimminigash - R7-21
Griffin, Maurice - r Brockton - R7-23

Hardy, A. Fred - r Alberton - 35-2
Hardy, Arthur - r Montrose - R9-31
Hardy, Edward W. - r Mill River - R6-6
Hardy, G. H. - r Alberton - R27-3
Hardy, Gordon - r Brooklyn - R3-15
Hardy, Heber - r Elmsdale - R10-121
Hardy, James - r Hills River - R3-33
Hardy, Ramsay - r Montrose - R1-15
Hardy, Robert - r Montrose - R9-22
Hardy, Watson, r Montrose - R9-12
Hammill, John H. - r Church - 14-11
Hamill, T. B. - r Green Mount - R1-12
Hockin, Atlee E. - r Montrose - R1-121
Hodgson, Frank - r Mill River - R6-11
Hodgson, Herbert - r Alberton - R2-31
Hodgson, James - r Brooklyn - R6-3
Hodgson, Thomas - r Brooklyn - R6-120
Horne, Hampton - r Elmsdale - R3-6
Hunter, J. E. C. - r Alberton - 21-2
Hunter, Robert - r Mill River - R3-41
Hutt, Ainsley - r Alberton - R8-3
Hutt, Eldred - r Alberton - R8-11

Imperial Oil Co Ltd - Office Alberton - 29-11
Inman, John - r Alberton - R11-3
Inman, Thomas - r Alberton - R11-2
Irving, Herbert - r Brooklyn - R6-31
Irving, William - r Dock - R11-121

Jeffery, Abram - r Alberton - 35-22
Jeffery, David - r Alma - R10-15
Jeffery, John S. - r Alma - R10-23
Johnston, Charles H. - r Hills River - R6-14

Keefe, Thomas G. - r Mill River - R6-111
Keir, Dr. E. J. - Office Alberton - 12
Kinch, Percy - Alberton - R8-210

Larkin, Roy - r Greenmount - R9-21
Larkin, H. J. - Gents Wear Groceries etc Alberton - 11-3
Lawson, W. C. - r Alberton - 2
Leard, Alex - r Brooklyn - R6-33
Leard, Cyril - Restaurant Alberton - 26-3
Leard, F. B. - r Mill River - R6-2
Leard, Lloyd - r Alberton - R5-4
Leard, M. R. - r Alberton - 5
Leard & Son - Meat Market, Gro & Confect Alberton - 34
Leavitt, William - r Alberton - 15-3

Mallett, William - r Alberton - R8-14
Marchbanks, David - r Montrose - R9-14
Marchbanks, Goerge - r Greenmount - R9-4
Matthews, Jesse S. - r Alberton - R2-4
Matthews, Peter - r Alberton South - R8-2
Matthews, Russel - r Alberton - R11-2
Matthews, Silas - r Alberton - R8-12
Matthews, Thomas A. - r Dock Road - R7-121
Meggison, Mrs. John - r Mill River - R6-22
Metherall, Christopher - r Mill River East - R6-21
Metherall, Harry G. - r Rosebank - R3-5
Murray, Mrs. Thomas - r Elmsdale - R3-23
Myers, Frank - r Elmsdale - R7-13
Myrick & Co, J. H. - Store Alberton - 16

McArthur, Shirley - r Dock Road - R2-22
McArthur, Spurgeon - r Hills River - R6-51
McBeth, Charles - r Alberton - 26-2
McInnis, George - r Mimminigash - R7-3
McInnis, Guy - r Mimminigash - R7-5
McInnis, Leo - r Dock Road - R7-51
McInnis, Ray - r Mimminigash - R7-111
McIntosh, John - r Kildare Cape - R1-5
McKenna, James - r Dock Road - R7-7
MacLean, C. M. - MacLean's Garage Alberton - 23
McLean, C. M. - r Alberton - 30
McLean, H. W. - r Alberton - R8-5
McLellan, Heber E. - r Greenmount - R1-33
McLellan, W. B. - r Alma - R10-4
McLeod, Mont - r Alberton - R5-13
MacMillan, Leslie - r Alberton - R3-42
McMurdo, Alvin - r Montrose - R1-2
McNeill, Basil - r Dock Road - R7-120
McNeill, Perle - r Alberton - R8-21
McRae, Curtis - r Montrose - R9-32
McRae, E. A. - r Alberton - 11-11
McRae, Fred - r Hills River - R3-31

O'Brien, James - r Dock Road - R7-210
O'Holloran - r Arnold - Brockton - R7-32
O'Holloran - r Joseph A. - Brockton - R7-130
Oliver, George W. - r Alberton - 33-3
Oliver, Nelson - r Alberton - R5-12
Omeara, Austin - r Alberton - 14-4
O'Rourke, Mrs. James - r Kildare - R1-51
Oulton, W. R. - r Alberton - 29-2

Palmer, James E. - r Roseville - R7-11
Parochial House - r Alberton - 17
Platts, Mrs. Russell - r Rosebank - R3-51
Powers, Alfred - r Alberton - R8-22
Pridham, George, r Montrose - R1-4
Pridham, Hudson C., r Montrose - R1-22
Pridham, Perly - r Montrose - R5-31
Profit, J. T. - Store Alberton - 4-2
Profit, George - r Alberton - 4-3
Profit, Lester - r Rosebank - R3-13
Purdy, Dr. A. L. - r Alberton - 27-2

Railway Station - Can Nat Rys Alberton - 10
Ramsay, Brenton - r Montrose - R9-13
Ramsay, Ervin - r Rosebank - R3-4
Ramsay, Mrs. B. H. - r Montrose - R9-41
Ramsay, Nelson - r South Kildare - R5-5
Raynor, A. H. - r Kildare - R1-131
Raynor, B. I. - r Alberton - 32
Raynor, James - r Kildare - R1-111
Rennie, A. L. - Store Elmsdale - R3-3
Rennie, Fred - Store Alma - R1--11
Rix, Austin - r Alberton - 6-2
Rix, James A. - r Mimminigash - R7-4
Rogers, F. L. - r Alberton - 6-2

Seaman, Mrs. Mysie - r Alberton - 9-11
Silver Fox Ranching Co. - Off F. L. Rogers Mgr - 6-3
Silver Fox Ranching Co. - Ranch Huntley - R9-3

Telephone Office* - Public Telephone Alberton Office - 1

Warren, Benjamin - r Mill River - R6-15
Waugh, J. W. - Drug Store Alberton - 36
Waugh, J. W. - r Alberton - 9-2
Weeks, Carl, r South Kildare - R5-22
Weeks, Craswell - r Alberton - 35-11
Weeks, Hunter - r Alberton - 35-4
Weeks, Leigh - r Alberton - R5-21
Weir, Rev. A. S. - United Church Parsonage Alberton - 3
Wells, A. F. - r Brooklyn - R11-110
Wells, Frederick J. - r Brooklyn - R6-24
Wells, James E. - r Dock - R11-22
White, Frederick J. - r Brooklyn - R6-23
Wilkie, James H. - r Alberton - R11-11
Williams, Henry, r Dock Road - R7-211
Williams, Hugh - r Dock Road - R7-131
Williams, Irving - r Elmsdale - R3-110
Williams, Robert - r Elmsdale - R3-210
Wilson, J. A. - r Alberton - 29-4
Wright, Arthur - r Alberton - R5-120

Cascumpec Line - Connecting at Alberton

Ashley, Lowden - r Alberton - R4-41
Ashley, Rhodes - r Cascumpec - R4-5

Bridges, Minor - r Cascumpec - R4-13
Bryan, J. H. - r Cascumpec - R4-4

Caseley, Lyman - r Cascumpec - R4-22
Clark, James - r Fortune Cove - R4-11

Gamble, Fred - r Cascumpec - R4-210
Gordon, I. Murray - r Cascumpec - R4-23

Hardy, Mrs. William - r Cascumpec - R4-33

Leard, G. Russell - r Fortune Cove - R4-2
Lewis, Henry - r Cascumpec - R4-24
Lockerby, H. R. - r Fortune Cove - R4-110

Maxfield, Russell - r Fortune Cove - R4-31
Metherall, Peter - r Fortune Cove - R4-32

Oliver, Norman - r Cascumpec - R4-15

Raynor, R. H. - r Cascumpec - R4-21

Thomas, J. B. - r Cascumpec - R4-14

Wallace, Lester - r Fortune Cove - R4-12
Wallace, Wm. - r Alberton - R4-6

*Daily Meteorological Bulletins Posted Here.


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Last Updated: 03/26/2004 10:16:02 PM
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