Prince Edward Island was known as Island of St. John in 1798. In 1799, in honour of Edward, Duke of Kent, it was renamed Prince Edward Island. P.E.I.'s Lots may be compared to townships in other jurisdictions.The spelling of the names used by the census taker in the 1798 census has been retained. Researchers should be aware that in this census, lot boundaries seem to be somewhat arbitrary. If looking for your ancestors, and they cannot be found in the lot expected, check in the surrounding lots. Every attempt has been made to provide an accurate transcription. Copies of the transcribed 1798 census from Campbell's History may be seen at the PEI Public Archives and Records Office. The original is not extant, having dissappeared some time following Campbell's transcription.
The later 1891 and 1901 censuses and indexes may be obtained from the Prince Edward Island Genealogy Society, further information on the PEIGS page!
Please Click on the Lot you want on the map below. Use your "Back" button, or the link at the bottom of each page to return to this screen!
Note: If your browser doesn't support Image maps, click on the lot # below! If your browser also doesn't support tables, the text will not be spaced out properly, but should still be readable. Lots not listed were not included in the census.
Linda Stent-Campbell has prepared an alphabetical version of our 1798 Heads of Household Census in DBase 4 format which you may download. This will enable those of you who do not have Tables and Image Map enabled Browsers, allowing you to view the census off line. Thanks Linda!
PEI Census Faqs - Census Years vs. lots covered, general info, National Archives Reel #'s, Etc.
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