The Will and Related Documents of John Reid (1777-1867, Murray Harbour N.)

Last Will and Testament of John Reid, dated 13 January 1865

In the name of God, Amen

I, John Reid of Murray Harbour in the Parish of St. Andrews in the County of Kings, Prince Edward Island and Farmer on Lot Sixty three, being in perfect health of body and mind and memory for which blessings may thanks be given unto God. Therefore calling to mind the mortality of the Body and knowing the certainty of Death and the uncertainty of the time thereof, Do make and ordain this my last will and Testament, that is to say principally and first of all, I give my soul to God that gave it and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Almighty power of God, And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life.

I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. First I bequeath to my beloved Son Alexander, his Heirs, Assigns and Executors the Farm on which I now reside, containing one hundred acres, a little more or less, with all my Household furniture and Agricultural implements with all the Stock of Animals of every kind on said Farm for his use and benefit so long as he keeps his dear Mother and me comfortably by attending to our wants and necessities in every way, and in case he should neglect to any of the stipulations then my Executors to have power to provide out of said Farm and Stock every reasonable comfort we may require until the term of our natural existence and then to be decently buried by Christian Burial.

Secondly I bequeath to the other members of my family, namely Ann, Charlotte, James, Jean, Elizabeth, John, Katherine, Daniel and Janet respectively the sum of One Dollar Island Currency.

Thirdly I nominate and appoint as my Executors my Son Alexander Reid, Andrew Millar, Esquire and David MacClure my Executors and their Heirs and Assigns.

This is my last will and Testament dated this thirteenth day of January 1865 whereunto I affix my hand and seal.

Signed: John Reid

Witness: William McKay; Andrew Millar

This will was proved on 14th January 1865 on the oath of William McKay, a subscribing Witness, before Corning Sanderson, and was filed on 23rd August 1867.

On 4th May 1882, I granted Probate to the three Executors. Signed: Charles Young, Judge of Probate

R.G. 6.2, Series 1, Probate - Court - Wills, Liber 7, Folio 355

Agreement Between John Reid, Sr. (b. 1777) and John Reid, Jr. (b. 1813)

Registered the 18 April 1849

Memorandum of an Agreement made and entered into this Twenty seventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty between John Reid, Senr of Lot 63, Prince Edward Island of the one part and his son John Reid, Junr of Island and place aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that whereas the said John Reid, Senr now owns and occupies a farm consisting of one hundred acres of Land situated in and being part of said Lot or Township Sixty three in a good state of Improvement with Dwelling House, Barn, Stable and other outhouses and thereon with live stock and as follows: two good Working Horses and two yearling colts, four Milch Cows, four heifers under and over three years (two to rising two years and two last spring Calves), eighteen sheep and five pigs wintering with Hay, Straw, grain, potatoes and sufficient to keep the family and said live stock until the returning vegetation of the next coming Spring and Harvest together with the usual necessary seed to put into the ground, the said John Reid, Junr do hereby agree to take the management and care of the said Team, Stock and Crops, to continue to work on and improve the same so as to give a comfortable Support and maintenance unto his said Father and Mother with any other Younger Branch of the family that may live with them during the lifetime of his said parents, the said John Reid, Senr reserving unto himself the Occasional use of one of the Horses as his need might require, the above promises being fulfilled faithfully without which this Instrument would be null and void. At the Death of the said John Reid, Senr the whole farm with the chief of the live stock and to become the property of the said John Reid, Junr and his heirs, he maintaining his said mother as above during her lifetime should she survive her said Husband. According to the statements and conditions of This, of his Father's Will, to that effect in Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our hands and seals in the presence of each other and the undersigned Witnesses, the Day and Year first above written.

Signed: John Reid, Senr; John Reid, Junr

Witnesses: James Richards; John McKay

On the 20th day of December 1848, Personally appeared before me John McKay of Lot 63 and being sworn, testified that he is a Subscribing Witness to the within written Deed or Writing and that he was present and did see the same duly executed by the Grantor therein named.

Signed: E. Thornton, Commissioner

R.G. 16 Conveyances 1769-1872 Vol. 59, pgs. 594-595

John Reid (b. 1777) To Daniel Reid (b. 1821) Agreement, Dated April 1865

Registered 26 April 1870 at three o'clock P.M. on the oath of C. H. Lewellin

John A. Dingwell, Registrar

This Agreement made and entered into this the ___ day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and sixty five, Between John Reid, Farmer of Murray Harbour North, Lot sixty three of the one part and Daniel Reid his son of the same place of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the hereinafter mentioned terms and stipulations to be performed by the said Daniel Reid, He the said John Reid do here demise, confirm and make over unto the said Daniel Reid and his heirs all his right, title and Freehold interest in and to the farm on which he now resides situate at Murray Harbour North on Township Number Sixty three (63) containing one hundred (100) acres be the same a little more or less and bounded as follows on the south by land in the possession of John Dalziel on the west by unimproved land on the north by land in the occupation of John McKay and on the east by the Gulf of St. Lawrence with all the buildings and appurtenances and all the crop, stock, implements and utensils thereon or thereunto belonging to and for the use of the said Daniel Reid and his heirs forever. And the said Daniel Reid and his heirs do hereby agree and engage to maintain and support the said John Reid his father and Elizabeth Reid his mother during the terms of their natural lives to treat them with kindness and to provide them with proper food and raiment suited to their age and infirmities subject nevertheless to the discretion of the Trustees hereinafter mentioned and the said Daniel Reid and his heirs or the next lawful heirs agree and engage to support Janet Reid his sister and her child during the term of the natural lives of the said John Reid and Elizabeth Reid or either of them and as long as the said Janet Reid remains single, but if she marries then she receives nothing either annually or otherwise except one bed and bedding should she at any time after her parents death show sufficient cause to the trustees that she is not properly provided for and they in their investigation see sufficient cause of complaint, then she may leave the said Estate and the said Daniel Reid, his heirs or heir to the estate shall pay or cause to be paid to the said Janet Reid the sum of six pounds lawful current money of Prince Edward Island annually during the term of her natural life. And the said Daniel Reid do agree and promise during the lives of his said Parents or either of them to act judiciously and soberly and to cultivate and improve the said farm and repair the buildings and fences and not to receive any male partner with him in said farm nor to sell or alienate it to any person or persons whomsoever and if the said Daniel Reid should at his death be without any lawful issue then the said Estate passes to the next lawful heir and so on forever. The said John Reid and the said Daniel Reid his son do hereby appoint David McLure, Alexander Reid, Snr. and Malcolm McFadyen Trustees for the management of the said Estate and upon the decease, resignation or refusal of any one of the said Trustees, the other Trustees may and shall elect another in his stead so that the stated number may be always kept up. And the said John Reid hereby revokes, cancels and annuls all former Wills, agreements and documents of whatsoever kind relative to the said Estate and declares this to be his last act and agreement. In witness whereof they the said parties have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first hereinabove written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Charles H. Lewellin

Signed: John Reid

See The Family Lineage Of John Reid!

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