Name Index
Adams, Dorothy Alice 131
Adams, Phyllis 06,10
Adessos, Linda 77
Andrews, Kristine 77
Andrews, Maria 77
Andrews, Michelle 77
Andrews, Robert 77
Andrews, Sherren 77
Andrews, William 77
Angel, Mary 03,06
Anglenton, Gwen 225
Arsenault, Claudine 67
Atherton, Mimie 77
Atberton, Ray 77
Atherton, Walter 71
Auld, Clara 97
Auld, Hazel 89
Auturn, Gene 50
Baggs, Rowena Mary 182
Ball, Francis 178
Barette, Fleurette 200
Barnett, Arthur (Bill) 36
Barnett, Edna 02,35,36
Barnett, James 35
Barnett, William 36
Bartlett, Ellen 183
Bateman, Anthong 221
Banks, Arthur 68
Banks, Harry 68
Banks, Ida 68
Banks, John 68
Banks, Rayrond 68
Beavis, Lexis 226
Best, Ronald 104
Bevins, Robert 111
Biekens, Maria 54
Bill, Helen 100
Binning, Sue 84
Bisett, Hilda 54
Blackran, Josephine 202
Booty, Maurice 173
Boulter, David 54
Boulter, Dorothy 56
Bound, Charlotte 215
Boyd, Christine 104
Boyle, Ellen 62
Bradburp, Elizabeth 192
Bradburp, Jane 192
Bradley, Noreen 165
Brooker, Alice 194
Brooker, Chrissey 192
Brookfield, Verna 97
Brown David 144
Brown, Heather 107
Bruce, Brian 138
Bruce, Michael 138
Bruce, Wyne 38
Bryant, Hermn 71
Bulger, Egene 111
Bullard, Ruth 91
Burra, Idna 102
Burns, Angela 91
Burns, Melvin 91
Bursery, Pat 111
Burton, David 71
Burton, Evert 91
Burton, Pauline 89
Butler, Alice 83, 89
Butler, Davie 54
Byran, Lavina 215
Caines, Doreen 180
Cairns, Gorden 54
Cairns, Margaret 106
Cairns, Dianne 54
Cairns, Norman 54
Cairns, Shirley 54
Campbell, Alida 71
Campbell, Belinda 145
Campbell, Jack 56
Campbell, James 145
Campbell, Karen 96
Campbell, Lydia
Campbell, Michelle Lisa 145
Campbell, Matthew 145
Campbell, William 101
Cann, Pearl 102
Cannon, Emily 124
Carr, Mary 95
Carrier, Florence 114
Carrier, Laura 65
Carrighar, Sharin 81
Carson, Walter 104
Carson, Leona 104
Carter, George 63
Cassler, Fred 75
Chaisse, Simon 139
Chamberlain, Austin 71
Chamberlain, Burtin 71
Cbamberlain, Mary 71
Channel, Ethel 110
Clark, Bryce 108
Clark, John 194
Clow, Averd 86
Cole, Clarence 100
Cole, J.B. 03
Colton, Catherine 134
Colton, Janette 134
Colton, Jean 134
Colton, Ross 134
Commack, Bill 84
Conneen, Katie Grace 141
Conneen, Isaac Craig 141
Conneen, Michael 141
Coobie, Watson 180
Cook, Edward 195
Cook, Frank 21
Corney, Beth 80
Costaine, Karen 96
Cotton, Maureen 81
Courtney, James 06,09
Courtney, Mary (of Fleet) 04
Cousins, Erica 226
Cowanl Patricia 182
Coyle, Marjorie 80
Craig, Constance Elizabeth 141
Craig, Donald 141
Craig, Katherine 141
Craig, Marilyn 228
Craig, Mary 141
Craig, Mitchell 141
Craig, Louise 141
Cressman, Ruth 111
Cricket, Ann 192
Crossman, Edgar 111
Cudmore, Mary 64
Curtis, Betty 157
Curtis, Brenden 157
Curtis, Fran 81
Curtis, Gail 157
Curtis, Grace 206
Curtis, Sharon1 57
Curtis, Sylvia1 57
Curtis, Thomas 157
Curtis, William 157
Datzenerath, Bruce 103
Dawson, Alex 103
Dawson, Doris 54
Dawson, Rita 72
De'ath, Ruby 121
Delaney, Warran 104
DeSerres, Marc1 143
Dickson, Alice1 165
Dickson, Gladys 166
Dickson, June 165
Dickson, Stuart 127
Dodge, Clinton 107
Dodge, Dianne 107
Dodge, Earl 107
Dodge, Greta 107
Dodge, Kenneth 107
Dorion, Mary 80
Doucette, Michael 98
Dove, Ellen 183
Dover, Arthur 25
Downe, Shirley 138
Doyle, Donna 157
Duffy, Charlene 97
Duncan, Jean 76
Duncan, Sandra1 108
Dunhai, Clifford 68
Durdle, Trudy 90
Elesavor, Marguerite 20
Elliot, Gloria 90
Ellis, Edith 194
Elms, Barbara 221
Elms, Bruce 221
Elms, Margaret 221
Elms, Malcome 221
Elms, Wendy 221
Enrerson, Harry 80
Errerson, Wayne 80
Essery, Linda 156
Fall, Alice 57
Fall, Annie 57
Fall, Amy 57
Fall, Beatrice 57
Fall, Betty 52
Fall, Blanche 58
Fall, Carl 52
Fall, Caroline 58
Fall, Charles 52
Fall, Chester 57
Fall, Christina 57
Fall, Clarance 58
Fall, Clark 58,110
Fall, Douglas 56
Fall, David 50
Fall, Darlene 54
Fall, Dorreen 58
Fall, Dorothy 54
Fall, Earl 54
Fall, Edward 50
Fall, Elmer 52
Fall, Elsie 58
Fall, Elsworth 57
Fall, Ernest 57
Fall, Ena 58
Fall, Eva 52
Fall, Fenton 57
Fall, Freddie 57
Fall, George 50,52,57,58
Fall, George 110
Fall, Georgina 59
Fall, Gertrude 57
Fall, Gorden 58
Fall, Gwendolyn 54
Fall. Harris 56
Fall, Harold 57
Fall, Harry 58
Fall, Heber 56
Fall, Henry 56
Fall, Helen 56,58
Fall, Ida 56
Fall, Irene 58
Fall, Jack 58
Fall, James 50,56
Fall, Jean 57
Fall, Jennifer 52,54
Fall, John 52,54
Fa11, Kay 57
Fall, Kenneth 56
Fall, Leaman 56
Fall, Lester 57,58
Fall, Lillian 54
Fall, Lloyd 52
Fall, Marie 57
Fall, Mary 50,52,58
Fall, Marian 54
Fall, May 52
Fall, Oscer 58
Fall, Reginald 58
Fall, Roy 57,58
Fall, Ruth 56
Fall, Western 57
Fall, Willard 54
Fall, William 52
Fall, Vera 58
Fay, Darrel 108
Ferguson, Brenda 163
Ferguson, Beulah 75
Ferguson, Elmer 58
Ferguson, Leith 54
Ferguson, Wilfred 63
Fitzgerald, John 37
Flood, Carl 143
Flood, Donna 143
Flood, Douglas 143
Flood, Janet 143
Flood, Sharon 143
Fogherty, Eddy 88
Ford, Judy
Foster, Ann 74
Foster, Florence 89
Fox, Fred1 194
Fradella, Shane 98
Francis, Amy 57
Francis, Ernest 57
Francis, Hillard 57
Fraser, Ian 165
Fraser, John 165
Fraser, Mable 85
Fraser, Michael 54
Fulton, Cecil 94
Fulton, Grace 95
Furguson, Kenneth 100
Gallant, Jeff 74
Gallant, Laura 80
Gallighar, Christopher 88
Gallighar, Don 88
Gallighar, Kimberley 88
Galloway, Agnes 114
Galloway, Dave 90
Gass, Annie 101
Gass, Elsie 100
Gaudet, Alban 108
Gaudet, Lucille 107
Gauthier, Bonnie 81
Gauthier, Charles 80
Gay, Charles 157
Gay, Louise 157
Gay, Sarah 157
Gibb, Anna 215
Gilbert, Calvin 107
Gillespie, Debbie 96
Girard, Meriam 92
Godkin, Janice 97
Goraley, Floyd 141
Gormley, Julie 141
Gormley, Karen 141
Gormley, Nicholas 141
Gough, Howard 84
Graham, Donald 159
Graham, Stephen 159
Gregory, Ralph 86
Griffin, P. Joan 148
Groom, Percy 98
Halsey, William 194
Haimlton, Irene 135
Harpton, Mona 183
Hansen, William 75
Harabosky, Valentina 11
Hart, Jessica 213
Harrison, Carole 36
Harrison, John 36
Harrison, Shirley 36
Haynes, Allison 154
Haynes, Donald 154
Haynes, Kevin 154
Hobson, Nora 195
Hoeppner, Ann 83
Holm, Anita 103
Holm, David 102
Holm, Donald 154
Holm, Harvey 103
Holm, John 153
Holm, Trevor 153
Honderick, Katheryn 195
Howett, Mildred 57
Huges, Mike 157
Huges, Pat 80
Huntington, Elizabeth 199
Hyde, Mary 45
Inman, David 104
Inman, Ernest 56
Inman, George
Inman, John 111
Inman, Russel
James, Anna 213
James, David 212
James, Emily 213
James, Jane 212
James, John 213
James, Mary 213
James, Matthew 213
James, Olive 213
James, Philip 213
James, Ted 213
James, William 213
Jay, Brenda 108
Johnson, Beryl 76
Johnston, Austin 103
Johnston, Robina 218
Jones, Allan 134
Jones, Deborah 134
Jones, George 134
Jones, Robert 134
Judson, Clair 52
Judson, Donald 52
Judson, Willis 52
Kaopl, Charles 71
Kasper, Ed
Keeley, Clarence 194
Keeping, Loretta 182
Keevers, Matthew 213
Kellyand, Francis 52
Kendall, Janet 95
Kendall, Malcolm 95
King, Tom 10
Kliendrider, Jurgen 106
LaCoste, Claude 88
Lacey, Mark 149
Ladd, Carole 78
Larkin, Maureen 132
Lawrence, Douglas 224
LeFurgey, Helen 106
Leger, David 107
Leger, Paul 107
Leggett, Alfred 36
Lennard, Peggy 222
Levasseur, Lorraine 88
Lewis, Dianne 226
Lightfoot, John 201
Lloyd, Charles 06,09
Lloyd, David 06,09
Lloyd, Peter 06,09
Lloyd, Samuel 09,16
Lowe, Allen 107
Lucas, Barbara 189
Lucier, Art 71
Luekham Mary 02
Lush, Mary 175
Lutz, Alice 58
Lutz, Patti 95
MacDonald, Allen 75
MacDonald, Annie 38
MacDonald, Bennett 101
MacDonald, C. Peter 95
MacDonald, Cecillia 38
MacDonald, Charles 159
MacDonald, Christina 57
MacDonald, Claudia 101
MacDonald, Daniel 101
MacDonald, Earldine 100
Macdonald, Eileen 100
MacDonald, Elsie 153
MacDonald, Emmerson 112
MacDonald, Joseph 47
MacDonald, Isobel 226
MacDonald, Marian 52
MacDonald, Neil 76
MacDonald, Robert 62
MacDonald, Roland 98
MacDonald, Russel 52
MacDonald, Ruth 106
MacDonald, Terry 75
MacDonald, Troy 161
MacDonald, Vernon 98
MacDonald, William 63
MacDougal, Alexander 101
MacFayden, Christine 63
MacFadyen, Mary 60
MacInnis, Margeret 91
MacInnis, Rodney 91
MacKenzie, Colin 166
MacKenzie, David 100,166
MacKenziie Bruce 165
MacKenzie, Sharon 166
MacKinnon, John 100
MacKinnon, Lawson 57
MacKinnon, Melina Maude 57
MacKinnon, Shirley 97
MacLean, Christine 100
MacLean, Cleaver 81
MacLean, Donald 100
MacLean, Elizabeth 101
MacLean, Greg 101
MacLean, John 102
MacLean, Russel 100
MacLeod, Connor Lane 95
MacLeod, Dave 95
MacLeod, Dorothy Lynn 95
MacLeod, Ernest David 95
MacLeod, Florence 112
MacLeod, Keith 200
MacLeod, Randall Scott 95
MacLeod Rebecca Elaine 95
MacPhail, Jack 76
MacPhail, Samuel 76
MacPhail, Steven 76
MacPhee, Wanda 160
Macpherson, Gus 87
Macpherson, Milton 103
MacWilliams, Dona 78
MacWilliams, Emma 107
Mallard, Linda 81
Manuel, Wallace 178
Marchand, Francis 93
Markhar-Lee, W.H. 05
Maroldt, Petra 195
Martin, Douglas 85
Martin, Elsie 72
Martin, Jamie 85
Martin, Lorraine 86
Martin, Richard 85
Masher, Alda 101
Martin, Vivien 85
Matheson, Dianna 101
Matheson, Mildred 57
Matthews, Ida 93
May, Amanda 93
May, James 93
May, James 93
May, Jessica 93
Mayhew, Connor 76
Mayhew, Lyndon 76
Mayhew, Olivia 76
McClosky, Margaret-Rose 141
McCormic, David 133
McCormic, Michale 133
McCormic, Patricia 133
McCormic, Richard 133
McCoriic, William 133
McCrae, Timmy 125
McCrory, Wayne 146
McGuigan, Reginald 95
McIntosh, Douglas 220
McKenzie, William 216
McKinnon, Maude 56
McKinnon, Shirley 97
McFayden, Christine 35,100
McLean, Allison 81
McLean, Bruce 96
McLean, Cleaver 81
McLean, Elizabeth 83
McLean, Evelyn 101
McLean, Garfield 101
McLean, George 100
McLean, Harold 81
McLean, Hessel 81
McLean, Kevin 81
McLean, John 81,100
McLean, Louisa 101
McLean, Russel 100
McLellen, Mary 81
McLeod, Andrew 78
McLeod, Ashley 78
McLeod, Carrie 78
McLeod, David 78
McLead, Ernie 95
McLeod, Lorne 78
McLeod, Norma 78
McLeod, Norman 78
McLure, Lydia 106
McMillan, Barbara Lyle 96
McMillan, Louise 150
McNevin, Andrew 154
McNevin, Blair 154
McNevin, Jennifer 154
McNevin, Jeremy 154
McPhail, Mary 71
McPhee, Mary 75
Mellekin, Patrick 71
Michaels, Beverley 225
Miller, Ruth 191
Mitchel, Murry 111
Mitchell, Dorothy 122
Moase, David 149
Moase, Joyce 149
Moase, Pauline 149
Moase, Leigh 149
Moase, Lori Ann 149
Moase, Tracey Lynn 149
Mobberley, Judith 220
Mobberley, Neil 220
Mobberley, Norman 220
Molenaar, Jantine 197
Molyneaux, Alvin 74
Molyneaux, Garry 74
Molyneaux, Linda 74
Morrisey, Dale 86
Morse, Les 96
Mortlock, Cynthia 167
Moss, Dorothy 202
Moss, May 200
Murphy, Adam 76
Murphy, Chris 76
Murphy, Laurie 76
Murphy, Marissa 76
Mullen, Lorna 81
Muller, Max 221
Mulligan, Bessie 64,107
Muncaster, Alan 201
Munton, Steve 108
Mutlow, Alfred 157
Mutlow, Eleanor 157
Mutlow, George 157
Mutlow, Paul
Myra, Margaret 167
Nelson, Edwin 112
Newman, Boyd 145
Newrick, Carolyn 75
Newrick, Ivan 75
Newrick, Janice 75
Newrick, Lori Ann 75
Newrick, James 75
Newsome, Annie 112
Newsome, Elaine 154
Nichols, Hannah 36
Nicholson, Christopher 10
Nicholson, John 10
Nicholson, Michael 10
Nicholson, Christopher 10
Nicolai, William 94
O'Brian, Earl 138
O'Halloren, Sharon 108
Orchard, Frederick 216
Osborne, Greg 143
Osborne, Zachery 143
Ouimet, Louise 92
Paiman, Rohani 227
Parsonage, Keith 195
Parsons, Alison 221
Paterson, Terry 90
Patterson, George 81
Patterson, Leroy
Patterson, Ronald 81
Patterson, Ruby
Pearson, Edith McCall 03
Pempraise, James 58
Percival, Nathen 62
Petterson, George 81
Petterson, Ronald 81
Pharand, Richard 88
Philcox, Tom 10
Pope, Daphne 178
Pope, Ernstine 178
Price, James 211
Prosser, Lorna 162
Quartermain, Helen1 32
Quist, Harold 71
Ramsey, Adam
Ramsey, Donald
Ramsey, Gary 75
Ravenhill, Blair 78
Ravenhill, Dean 101
Ravenhill, Natalie 78
Ravenhill, Sonya 78
Ravenhill, Tracey 78
Raymond, Harry 94
Reddin, Tom 108
Reeves, Leslie 147
Reid, Wendy 84
Riggs, Doris 112
Ripley, Lorraine 199
Roberts, Abe 180
Roberts, Darryl 81
Roberts, Georgina 180
Roberts, Robert George 178
Rogers, Thomas 194
Rogerson, Frederick 133
Roff, Dorothy 93
Rolf, Lorna 162
Rouston, Elizabeth 50
Russel, Sarah 180
Russel, Maurice 36
Ryan, Pat 103
Samuelson, Johan 201
Sauve, Mark 92
Sawyer, Edward 02
Scherren, Henry 03
Schoute, Neejan 81
Scott, Cecil 101
Sear, Alfred 194
Seaton, Myron 63
Selleck, Sophie 218
Silk, Edward 215
Silk, Lydia 215
Sharron, Alexander 180
Sharron, Arthur 180
Sharron, Audrey 178
Sharron, Benjamine 178
Sharron, Dorothy Louisa 178
Sharron, Elizabeth 177
Sharron, Emily 180
Sharron, Frederick 180
Sharron, George 180
Sharron, Georgina 180
Sharron, James 180
Sharron, Jasper 178
Sharron, John 178,180
Sharron, Joseph 178
Sharron, Madonna 178
Sharron, Nelson 180
Sharron, Norman 177
Sharron, Reta Joan 180
Sharron, Robert 177
Sharron, Samuel 177
Sharron, Steve 178
Sharron, Thomas 178
Sharron, William 178
Shea, Eleanor 177
Shea, Sandra 102
Sherren, Adam 163
Sherren, Agnes 35,127,156
Sherrce, Alan 75,150
Sherren, Albert 33,35,64,72
Sherren, Albert 106,107
Sherren, Alice 194,198
Sherren, Alfred 40,64,104
Sherren, Alfred 111,143,144
Sherren, Algernon 192
Sherren, Allastair 11
Sherren, Allison 106,132
Sherren, Alma 81
Sherren, Althea 83,95
Sherren, Alvin
Sherren, Amber 78
Sherren, Amelia 48
Sherren, Amy 111
Sherren, Amy Doreen 90
Sherren, Andrew 11,150,154
Sherren, Angela 63
Sherren, Algernon 194
Sherren, Ann 06,10,62
Sherren, Ann 201,228
Sherren, Annie 63,108,194
Sherren, Anthony 39,92
Sherren, Archibald 177
Sherren, Arnold 80
Sherren, Arthur 36,37,39,72
Sherren, Arthur 85,86,200
Sherren, Audrey 157,178
Sherren, Austin 86
Sherren, Barbara 02,09,91
Sherren, Barbara 96
Sherren, Barette 201
Sherren, Barry 80,107
Sherren, Beatrice 06,86
Sherren, Beckey
Sherren, Benjamin 178
Sherren, Bennett 103
Sherren, Bessie 98
Sherren, Betty 226
Sherren, Billie 84
Sherren, Blane 167
Sherren, Bonnie 93
Sherren, Brenda 86,107
Sherren, Brian 90
Sherren, Bruce 226,228
Sherren, Bryce 183
Sherren, Carley 228
Sherren, Carole 112
Sherren, Catherine 75,111
Sherren, Cecillia 63
Sherren, Celia 64,100
Sherren, Cecil 68
Sherren, Charles 35,89,125
Sherren, Charles 162
Sherren, Charlotte 84
Sherren, Chrissy 101
Sherren, Christine 103,132,162
Sherren, Christine 182
Sherren, Christopher 84,132
Sherren, Cindy 107
Sherren, Clara 98
Sherren, Claude 195,197
Sherren, Claudia 200
Sherren, Clifford 77,80,81
Sherren, Colette 94
Sherren, Collin 96,162
Sherren, Daisy 71
Sherren, Dale 78
Sherren, Daniel 37
Sherren, Darren 225
Sherren, Darryl 84
Sherren, David 06,10,65,111
Sherren, David 112,138,201
Sherren, Dawn 75,78
Sherren, Debora 74,91,164
Sherren, Denise 76
Sherren, Derk 197,199
Sherren, Dewar 156
Sherren, Donald 75
Sherren, Donald Lauren 90
Sherren, Donna 78,86
Sherren, Doris 102
Sherren, Dorothy 145,220
Sherren, Douglas 74,106,112
Sherren, Douglas 131,132
Sherren, Earl 110
Sherren, Edith 143
Sherren, Edmund 78
Sherren, Ewert 202
Sherren, Edna 39
Sherren, Edward 38,40,106
Sherren, Edward 125,162
Sherren, Eileen 107
Sherren, Eleanor 111,157
Sherren, Elizabeth 96,216
Sherren, Ellen 160
Sherren, Elmer 52
Sherren, E1sie 74,76
Sherren, Elwin 153
Sherren, Eric 202
Sherren, Ernest 106
Sherren, Ethel 68,111,194
Sherren, Eva 52,110
Sherren, Evelyn 37,110
Sherren, Everett 100
Sherren, Fanny 05,06
Shcrren, Florence 68,156
Sherren, Foster 111
Sherren, Francis 87,107,111,194
Sherren, Frank 37,94
Sherren, Frederick 05,123
Sherren, Frusan 202
Sherren, Gail 87
Sherren, Gary 80,81,167
Sherren, Gayle 75
Sherren, George 63,100,102
Sherren, George 112,114,116
Sherren, George 154,225
Sherren, Geoffrey 223
Sherren, Gerald 107
Sherren, Gertrude 98
Sherren, Gillian 10
Sherren, Gordon 161
Sherren, Hanna 14
Sherren, Harold 71,106
Sherren, Harriet 206
Sherren, Harvey 106
Sherren, Hazel 67,90,107,159
Sherren, Heber 106,107
Sherren, Helen 110,133
Sherren, Henry 02,04,10,38
Sherren, Henry 90,97,191
Sherren, Hessel 80
Sherren, Hilda 94,194
Sherren, Howard 11
Sherren, Hubert 167
Sherren, Hudson 97
Sherren, Ian 202
Sherren, Irene 91,162
Sherren, Isaac 191
Sherren, Ivy 134
Sherren, Jack 93,142
Sherren, Jackie 93
Sherren, Jacqueline 225
Sherren, Jacquline 76
Sherren, James 01,02,03,04
Sherren, James 07,09,10,12
Sherren, James 18,35,37,60
Sherren, James 62,67,93,95
Sherren, James 96,102,135,162
Sherren, James 189,191,199,210
Sherren, James David 96
Sherren, Jasper 178
Sherren, Jane 67,216
Sherren, Jean 136
Sherren, Jeanttte 37
Sherren, Jeffery 150
Sherren, Jennifer 182
Sherren, Jeremy Justin 90
Sherren, Joan 80,195,201
Sherren, Joey Christine 149
Sherren, John 01,02,03,04
Sherren, John 05,06,07,35
Sherren, John 39,93,100,102
Sherren, John 114,121,135,136
Sherren, John 138,142,147,175
Sherren, John 178,191,197
Sherren, Joseph 86,146,191
Sherren, Joyce 149,202
Sherren, Juanita 154
Sherren, Judy
Sherren, Julie 151
Sherren, Julianna 151
Sherren, June 75
Sherren, Kate 103
Sherren, Karen 106
Sherren, Kathy 132
Sherren, Keith 160,182
Sherren, Kenneth 182
Sherren, Kevin 97,162
Sherren, Kilburn 70
Sherren, Kim 228
Sherren, Larry 75
Sherren, Laura 11,100,111
Sherren, Laurie 76,93,112
Sherren, Lawrence 93
Sherren, Leslie 226
Sherren, Lester 110
Sherren, Leroy 81
Sherren, Lillian 103,112
Sherren, Lina 63
Sherren, Linda 154
Sherren, Lorna 98
Sherren, Lorraine 77,160
Sherren, Louis 122,151
Sherren, Louisa 35
Sherren, Louise 71,201
Sherren, Lucillia 112
Sherren, Lydia 68
Sherren, Lynn 76,133
Sherren, Mable 86
Sherren, Maddison 84
Sherren, Malcome 222
Sherren, Margeret 85,96,106,201
Sherren, Margery 221
Sherren, Marie 104
Sherrce, Marion 67,86,100,112
Sherren, Mark 160
Sherren, Mary 02,03,04,50
Sherren, Mary 67,89,92,111
Sherren, Mary 141,207,211
Sherren, Martha 192
Sherren, Marvin 106
Sherren, Matthew 11
Sherren, Melanie 92
Sherren, Melissa 96
Sherren, Michael 10,39,40,86
Sherren, Michael 96,106,132,136
Sherren, Michele 80,138
Sherren, Minnie 77
Sherren, Morson 81
Sherren, Muriel 224
Sherren, Nadine 164
Sherren, Nancy 106,138,221
Sherren, Natelie 132
Sherren, Nellie 84
Sherren, Nelson 182
Sherren, Nichole 138
Sherren, Norma 76, 97
Sherren, Norman 90,202
Sherren, Olive 36,192
Sherren, Pamela 75,91
Sherren, Patricia 138
Sherren, Patrick 80,92,138
Sherren, Paul 06,11,89,132
Sherren, Paula 76
Sherren, Pauline 142
Sherren, Pearl 80
Sherren, Penny 145
Sherren, Percy Clark 117
Sherren, Peter 02,38
Sherren, Philip 206,218,222
Sherren, Ray 74
Sherren, Raymond 84
Sherren, Reagh 124,156
Sherren, Reginald 72,83,182
Sherren, Richard 02,96,107
Sherren, Richard 136,183
Sherren, Rita 110
Sherren, Robbin 93
Sherren, Robert 93,94,95,96
Sherren, Robert 160,177,199,226
Sherren, Roberta 112
Sherren, Roger 156
Sherren, Roland 110
Sherren, Roma 78
Sherren, Romona 78
Sherren, Ronald 72,90
Sherren, Roy 91,92
Sherren, Ruby 81,192,224
Sherren, Russel 106,226,228
Sherren, Ruth 191
Sherren, Samuel 02,03,47,60
Sherren, Samuel 114,177,191
Sherren, Sandra 80
Sherren, Sarah 02,63
Sherren, Shirley 80,81,98,226
Sherren, Sidney 40
Sherren, Smith 110
Sherren, Spencer 84
Sherren, Stanley 91,201,224
Sherren, Stephen 39,121,178
Sherren, Stephany 92
Sherren, Stewart 112
Sherren, Stuart 224,228,230
Sherren, Susan 10
Sherren, Sylvia 80
Sherren, Thelma 134
Sherren, Thomas 37,60,76
Sherren, Thomas 178,206
Sherren, Tina Lynn 84
Sherren, Tracey 74,149
Sherren, Travis 228
Sherren, Valery 201
Sherren, Velma 112
Sherren, Vivian 153
Sherren, Wade 156
Sherren, Walter 83,85
Sherren, Wayne 74
Sherren, Wendy 86,98,155,200
Sherren, Wilkenson 05,06
Sherren, William 02,03,35,62
Sherren, William 80,89,97,114
Sherren, William 128,134,175,189
Sherren, William 191,192,206
Silk, Lydia 215
Simpson, Elizabeth 199
Simpson, Mary 204
Simpson, William 214
Smith, Ann 210
Smith, Arthur 87
Smith, Bonnie 112
Smith, Dorothy 72
Smith, Eleanor 124
Smith, Elizabeth 87
Smith, Helen 87
Smith, Jane 60
Smith, Joyce Tilden 117
Smith, Mary 210
Smith, Richard 87
Smith, Ronald 110
Smith, Sophia 57
Soucey, Joseph 98
Sparrow, Florence 225
Spence, Alan 198
Spence, Trevelyn 110
Spencer, Gertrude 83
Spicer, Elizabeth 117
Spinney, Sandra 108
Stagg, Harriett 206
Stewart, David 103,166
Stewart, Gary 54
Stewart, Jackie 166
Stewart, John 166
Stewart, Nancy 107
Stirtzinger, Don 84
Strickland, Carolyn 91
Strickland, Florence 128
Strickland, Wayne 91
Stuckles, Ann 178
Stuckles, Jessie 178
Sutinen, Kim 1 51
Svarckopf, Andres 200
Talbot, Anna 215
Talbot, James 215
Talbot, Samuel 214
Talbot, Thomas 215
Tanner, Jessie 225
Temple, Wendy 84
Thomas, Jill 199
Thompson, Ernest 192
Thompson, Marqaret 06,10
Thompson, Robert 85
Thompson, Walter 111
Thorne, Madeline 06,09,10
Tildon-Smith, Joyce 117
Todd, Ella 126
Todman, Rosemary 201
Toole, Karen 159
Tremere, Wendel 111
Treves, Sir Frederick 15
Trowsdale, Ann 47
Trowsdale, Della 154
Trowsdale, Mark 50
Urquhart, Ellen 214
Urquhart, Isobel 214
VanEkeres, Wilma 156
VanOss, Richard 201
VanIderstine, Elizabeth 52
Vessey, Christopher 138
VonSchilling, Wolter 143
Waddell, Shirley 106
Wadian, Jessie 52
Walker, Dianne 200
Wall, Jerrylyn 194
Wall, Patrick 194
Wall. William 194
Walsh, Elmer 101
Walter, A.J.R. 06,09
Waugh, Wayne 97
Webster, Georgine 102
Wells, Joseph 214
Wells, Peter 204
White, Alice 189
Whiteley, Claudia 200
Whiteley, Derek 200
Whiteley, Norelea 200
Whiteley, Robert 200
Whiteley, Sherren 200
Wilkenson, Anne 05
Wilkenson, Elizabeth 06
Williams, Brad 95
Williams, Evan 95
Williams, Hillary Grace 95
Williams, Luke 95
Williams, Margaret 63
Williams, Trevor 95
Wilson, Hannah 64,106
Woledge, Brian 06
Wood, Patricia 05
Wood, Myra 220
Wood, Walter 57
Wood, Wilfred 57
Woodman, Alice 67
Woodian, Elizabeth 38
Wooledge, Geofrey 06
Wooledge, Henry 06
Wooledge, Mildred 06
Wright, Cathy 88
Wright, Dawn Gayle 88
Wright, Eleanor 88
Wright, James 87
Wright, John 88
ZaZa, Ann 94
No Better heritage can a father bequeath
to his children than a good name;
Nor is there a family any richer
heir-loom than the memory of a noble
Copyright © 1990
- by -
Ethos Enterprises
And presented with permission
- by -
"The Island Register"
Thank you to our wonderul volunteer transcribers: Eileen Bremner, Carla Johnston, Janet Kendall, Roxanne Moos, and Linda Macdonald Risdon, and most of all, to Joseph C. Sherren for sharing this wonderful volume with all of us.
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