Selkirk Settlers Identified from Past and present of P.E.I., Skye, and Hebridean Pioneers, and Other Sources.
View List Reconstruction for the "Dykes"
Arrived on Board the "Polly" unless otherwise mentioned:
The Glasgow Courier, 5th April 1803:
"Wanted: A vessel to carry 400 passengers from Portrie in the Isle of Sky, to St John's or Pictou, Nova Scotia, to be ready for sea by the first of June. The owner of the vessel to be at the expense of fitting up berths, furnishing water, casks and water with fuel and cooking places. The berths for each person to be 6ft by 18 inches, with the allowance of 56 gallons water and 2 barrels bulk of stowage for each person besides sufficient room to be left in the hold for provisions."The following is an attempt at an accurate passenger list reconstruction for the "Polly", the first of the Lord Selkirk's trio of vessels to arrive on Prince Edward Island in 1803. The "Polly" arrived arrived with her passengers from the Isle of Skye on Sunday, August 7th, 1803. Two days later, the "Dykes" arrived with her passengers, and Lord Selkirk aboard, and the Oughton arrived on August 27th, almost a month later, carrying 40 or 50 Scottish Catholic families from Uist to Three Rivers.
Referring to the "Polly", "Her Complement, as Selkirk records in his diary, was "250 full passengers, and nearly 400 souls"" - Hebridean Pioneers, MacQueen, pg. 8. This disagrees somewhat with the following customs registry, perhaps due to the definition of what constituted a "full passenger". Alas, will records ever agree!
Offloaded Orwell Bay, carrying some 300 Presbyterian Passengers from the Isle of Skye, under the pilotage of Capt. Thas. Darby. The Inbound Customs Registry, Accession No. 1291, Public Archives and Records Office, P.E.I., shows a date of entry of 8th August, the day after the actual arrival.
Unlike a "Polly" listing based upon a door to door survey done for the centennial of the "Polly" arrival in 1903 which is known to contain a large number of errors and inconsistancies, in order to be listed here, there must be one or more independant pieces of documentation proving the person arrived on the "Polly" or another Selkirk vessel. Due to errors introduced in family lore through time, the older the documentation, and the more available, the better. The original documentation is included in footnotes at the bottom of this page. As more documentation is found, there may be additions to those listed on this page. We are hoping to be able to achieve a high degree of accuracy in this listing.
This is an ongoing project - If you know of any other passengers known to have been aboard, please let me know. There may be some errors in the following listing - I am not infallible, but it has been checked thoroughly against the original texts. Use is as a guide only. I would like to thank Donna Collings, Gordy McCarville, Mary Edwards and others for their assistance in compiling this listing.
If you have any additional information which might help in this project,
please contact me at: Dave Hunter, - [email protected]
Known Settlers Arriving on the "Polly":
Margaret McLaren, nee ? 85
- Angus Beaton 14
- Donald Beaton, Blue Farm 9
- Malcolm Beaton 57
- John Buchanan 71
- Malcolm Buchanan 56
- Alexander Campbell, Esq. 19
- Angus Campbell 62
- John Campbell and father, Roderick 3
- Peter Campbell & wife, sons John, Roderick, and Angus Campbell - later removed to Cape Breton83
- Donald and Sarah (Mahan) Docherty (Odochardy) 33
- Donald and Ann (Stewart) Docherty, and son, Angus Docherty (Odochardy) 18a
- Donald Docherty, poss. son of one of above (Odochardy) 57
- Donald Fraser and wife Christine MacTavish, of Portage, Belfast 53
- Jane Fraser (relict of Francis Panting...) 68
- John Fraser, second wife Isabella McKay, children William, Donald, John, Margery, and Margaret 73
- Ann Furness (nee Ross) 63
- Donald Gillis 60
- John Gillis, (from Invernesshire) settled Lot 60 39
- John Gillis (from Rosshire), settled Lot 60 64
- Alexander Lamond [Lamont] and wife Eunice Currie 38, 70
- Angus MacAulay, M.D., wife Mary 43
- John and Margaret (Mathison) Macdonald, sons John, and Murdock, Pinette, and Donald, Seal River 28
- John MacDonald of Kinloch, Isle of Skye and his wife Margaret MacDonald of Kilmuir, Isle of Skye 82
- Ronald and Catherine (Gillis) MacDonald 24
- MacEachern (Margaret, relict of Charles MacEachern...) 65
- Roderick (Rory Roy) MacKenzie 74
- MacKinnon (Sarah, relict of Donald MacLean...) 66
- Malcolm MacLeod and wife, Effie Macdonald, daughter, Christina, poss. others 46, 70
- M(a)cLeod William and wife Mary Lamond (arrived as children) 70
- Mr. and Mrs. MacLeod (Parents of William McLeod m. Mary Lamond) 70
John MacPherson 84
- Mr. and Mrs. Lamond (Parents of Mary Lamond m. William McLeod) 70
- Donald Macqueen, wife Christina MacLeod, Glashvin, Pinette also prob. Dau. Christina 47
- Donald MacRae, Ponds 19
- John and Christie (MacRae) MacRae 11
- MacTavish Family 54
- Donald Martin, wife Ann 42
- Donald Martin, wife Marion MacLeod, ch. Mary, Katherine, Kenneth, Margaret, Peter, John. Belfast 37
- Martin Martin, Sr., Grand View (Murray Harbour Road) 8
- Samuel Martin 55
- Masters (Margery, relict of John Master, nee Smith, dau. of Finlay of Belfast) 67
- Donald McDonald, Orwell Point 35
- John McDonald, Pinette 78
- Hector McDonald 72
- John McDonald, Pinette 34
- John McDonald, and son, John McDonald, of Pinette (unlikely same as above) 35
Murdoch McDonald (possibly the Murdoch MacDonald mentioned above?) 88
- Donald McDougall 61
- (? prob. Duncan) McEachern 58
- Malcolm McIsaac, Wood Islands 7
- John and Elizabeth (Williams) McKenzie, Lot 60. 11
- Charles and Janette (Fraser) McKinnon, son Simon, Newtown 51
- Mrs. John Mclaren, nee ???75
- Capt. Charles McLean and wife 30
- Angus McLeod (With parents?) 76
- Angus and Margaret (Docherty) McLeod, Pinette 6
- Paternal Grandfather of Samuel A. McLeod, Orwell 25
- Roderick McLeod and wife McKenzie and fam.80
- Angus McMillan 44
- Daughter of a Mr. McQuillan, of Elgin, Scotland 40
- Donald McRae, Point Prim 32
- Duncan and Margaret (Gilmore) McRae 13
- Finley McRae, and wife, Flat River 13, 18
- Alexander Murchison 41
- Donald Murchison, wife Ann (McGillivray) Murchison & sons, John, Donald O'g 4, Neil, Peter, Samuel, Malcolm and Alexander, all of whom settled at Point Prim. 4, 41
- Donald Murchison 41 (Duplicate - Actually included in #41 prob.) 41,4
- Alex Nicholson, Belle Creek 5
- Catherine Nicholson 49
- Donald Nicholson 27
- John Nicholson, wife Jane Martin, ch. Hannah, Rachel, Donald, and John "Stensholl" - see wife Mary below, Portree Creek, fronting on Orwell Bay. 48, 80
- Mary Nicholson (widow of John Stensholl Nicholson - nee McLeod) and parents, Roderick McLeod and Miss McKenzie80
- Mary Nicholson, soon to be wife of John Ross below. 16
- Samuel Nicholson and wife to be Flora McLeod 2
- Samuel Nicholson, Eldon, possibly same as Samuel above? 26
- Alexander Ross 21
- David Ross, and son, William, Pinette 29
- Donald and Margaret (MacDonald) Ross 22, 59
- Widow, and son, John Ross, Flat River 16
- Andrew Smith, Newton Road 31
- Finlay Smith of Belfast, dau. Margery (mentioned above)67
- Maude Wetherbie (married James Carver) and parents79
Those found, or suspected to have arrived on vessels other than the "Polly":
- Donald Beaton23 [ Note: This East Point Donald arrived much earlier that the previous documentation showed, see footnote 23 ]
- Mary Douglass, daughter of the Earl of Selkirk [ Note: Unlikely to have arrived on the Polly - prob. arrived later ] 45
- Findlay Macdonald, wife Jessie MacKinnon, Point Prim [ Note: Arrived aboard the Dykes ] 50
- Mr. [prob. Alexander] MacKenzie, Flat River. [ Note: Gordy McCarville points out that he more likely arived on the Northern Friend in 1805 than on the Polly ] 1
- Charles MacWilliam, blacksmith [ Note: Arrived aboard the Dykes ] 52
The following Table is from Malcolm A. MacQueen's "Hebridean Pioneers", page 73, 74, an excellent history of the Belfast and surrounding district. This was a petition by the people of the district to express their gratitude and respect to the Rev. Dr. Angus Macaulay for his ministrations through the years. I have attempted to cross reference those in the above listing, but in doing so, some assumptions have had to be made, e.g. that father and son would have signed together. Please note that this list was 8 years after the Polly and Dykes arrived and some may have arrived after 1803, and some may be sons who had reached adulthood in the ensuing years. MacQueen states the original is in the possession of Macauley's descendants, the Murchisons of Pinette River.
"Prince Edward Island
November 5, 1811 We the undersigned, beg leave to express our gratitude and respect to the Reverend Doctor Angus Macaulay 43 for his unremitted attention in keeping alive true Christian devotion and piety for seven years among us. The greatest part being unacquainted with the English tongue would be totally deprived of clerical instruction were it not for his knowledge of the Gaelic language. We also bear testimony that he hath at his own expense erected a chapel near his house in St. John s Parish where he officiates weekly (when at home) in the neighborhood of several hundreds Protestant souls, solely indebted, under divine Providence, to him. for the blessings of Public Worship and Christian Baptism. We also testify that he preaches occasionally and Baptises the children of several other settlements in this Island, where the people are in our penurious condition, without the means of making any worldly compensation for his voluntary and pious exertions.
Murdoch Gillis Elder
Donald Gillis 60
his X markDonald MacRae
his X mark
Evender MacRae, Elder
Charles Stewart
Hector MacDonald X 72
Donald Mclnnes
Murdoch Maclean X
Angus McDonald
Donald Mackinnon
Allan Shaw
Donald Murchison Elder
John McLeod
Donald MacLeod
Donald McPhee
John Murchison
John Macrae
Donald Murchison
Roderick Macrae
Alexn. McLeod
Donald Macrae 20
John McDonald 35 Senior Elder
Kennat McKinzie
John McDonald 35 Junior
Alexd. McKenzie
John Gillies 39
Hector Morison
Donald Nicholson Elder
Donald Macrae
Murdo McLeod
Donald Stewart
Donald McPherson
Alex Martin
Harry McLeod
Charles Stewart
Samuel Martin55
John Macpherson
John Nicolson 48
John Bell
Donald Nicolson 27
Lachlin MacLean
John McKinsie 11
Malcolm Bell
John Campbel 3
Malcolm McMillan
John Ross
James Courie
Donald Beaton 9 X
Donald McNill
Donald Ross59
Malcolm Mun
John Beaton
Jas. Currie
Angus Beaton 15
James Munn
Angus Ness
Odochardy (Angus) * 18a
Saml. Beaton
Donald Odochardy * 18a
John Gilles 64
Hector McQuarry
Angus McMillan 44
John MacLeod
Hector McMillan
John Buchanan
James McMillan
Angus Munn
Allan McMillan
Murdoch Buchanan
Archibald Blue
John MacQueen
Malcom McNeill
Alexander Lamond 38, 40
Dugald Bell X
Martin Martin 8
John Mun X
Soirle Nicolson
Angus Barr
Malcom Buchanan 56
John MacPherson
Donald Buchanan
Finlay MacRae
Donald MacLeod
Peter Campbell
Donald Macqueen 47
Angus Beaton Sr.
Peter Murchison
Kenneth MacKenzie Sr.
Donald MacLeod
John MacRae 12
Murdock McDonald
Finlay McRae 13
Finlay Odochardy *
Alexander McArthur
Donald McLeod
Alexander Mc�.. Illegible
John McDonald 34
John McDonald 34
Malcolm McLeod 46
Alex MacLeod
Donald Martin 37
* Odochardy - MacQueen notes that the surname became Dockerty."
- HP: Hebridean Pioneers, 1957, by Malcolm A. MacQueen.
- P&P: Past and Present of Prince Edward Island, 1906, "A concise review of its early settlement, develpoment and present conditions, written by the most gifted authors of the province", edited by the Hon.'s D. A. MacKinnon and A. B. Warburton.
- SP: Skye Pioneers, 1929, by Malcolm A. MacQueen.
- SPEI: From Scotland to P.E.I., 1990, 1993, the Prince Edward Island Genealogical Society.
- Various Newspaper Reports: as referenced below, many of these provided by the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]
1 "Dr. [John Francis] Martin married Miss Margaret MacKenzie, a daughter of Hector MacKenzie. of Flat River, whose father came to Prince Edward Island as a passenger on the ship "Polly" in 1803. Mrs. Martin is now deceased and is survived by her only child, Margaret Helena, who is her father�s companion, and to whom he purposes giving a good education. She is a young lady of intelligence and is popular in the social circles in which she moves." P&P, Page 319. In SP, Pg. 41 the tombstone record of "Alexander MacKenzie, Flat River, died Feb. 28, 1824, aged 76." [Gordy McCarville points out that he more likely arrived on Selkirk's Northern Friend in 1805, as the tombstone goes on to say, "His wife, Christina, died Oct 30, 1843, Ae 60. Emmigrated to this Island in 1805."]
2 "The paternal grandfather [of SAMUEL ANGUS NICHOLSON, of Eldon, Lot 57], Samuel Nicholson, who was a native of the Isle of Skye, Scotland, came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly" in 1803 and located on a farm which has since been in the possession of the family. Samuel Nicholson married Miss Flora McLeod, who also came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly." P&P, Pg. 321
Also: Islander 17 May 1861: "At Belfast Cross Roads, on the 10th instant, after an illness of several months, which he bore with christian resignation, Mr. Samuel Nicholson, Farmer, age 76 years. He emigrated to this Island, from Kilmure, Scotland, in the year 1803, and by his kind, inoffensive and christian character, commanded the esteem of all who made his acquaintance. He left a widow and family who mourn the loss of a fond husband and an indulgent parent." From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]. The research of the late Ernest MacLeod shows that Samuel and his wife Flora had 3 children, Henrietta, James, and Christie, all born after arrival on P.E.I.
3 "JOHN CAMPBELL, a well known citizen and prosperous farmer at Mt. Buchanan, Lot 57, and who was born on the farm where he now lives, is a son of Roderick and Ann (Morrison) Campbell. The father came from Garel, Ross-shire, Scotland, at the age of six years, in 1803, with his parents on the ship "Polly," and his death occurred in 1889, at the age of ninety-two years. His father,. John Campbell, located at Pinette on a farm, which is that now owned and operated by the subject. Ann Morrison was brought to this Island at the age of six years, by her father, Hector Morrison, who also settled at Pinette." P&P, Page 326
4 "JOHN MURCHISON, deceased, who, during his lifetime was recognized as one of the leading and influential citizens of Lot 58, Queens county, was a native of this locality and secured his education in the public schools, which were in his day somewhat primitive in their equipment and plan of study. He was reared to the life of a farmer and always took an intelligent interest in agricultural matters. He stood high in public esteem and for the long period of nearly fifty years he held the office of justice of the peace. At the age of twenty-five years he became an elder in the St. John�s Presbyterian church, holding this office continuously up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1904, at the age of eighty-four years, a period of nearly six decades. He was a Conservative in politics and in about 1877 was a candidate for the Legislative Council. From the time of the first election in his district, in about 1857, he acted as presiding officer at the polls. He was the owner of a good farm, which he operated successfully, and engaged with his brother, Capt. Donald Murchison, in the shipbuilding business, sailing ships to Boston and New York and engaging in the coast trade. Altogether. he is remembered as a successful man in whatever he undertook and as a remarkable man in many respects. [The following has been edited to correct an error in the book. Thanks to descendant Cathy Gallinger, [email protected]] The subject�s father, Neil Murchison, with several of his brothers, came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly" in 1803, their names being John, Donald O'g, Peter, Samuel, Malcolm, and Alexander, all of whom settled at Point Prim. Their native home was at Portree, Scotland, where another son, Simon, died. The paternal grandfather, Donald Murchison, married a Miss Ann McGillivary, a native of Scotland. Neil Murchison, the subject�s father, married Miss Euphemia Macdonald. daughter of Charles Macdonald, of Pinette, and to them were born the following children: John Malcomb; Simon Donald; Flora, wife of Capt. Donald Macdonald: Euphemia, Mrs. John Campbell, of Uig; Jessie the wife of Malcolm Campbell, of Uig: Mrs. John McLean, of Point Prim. P&P, Pg. 388
5 "JOHN NICHOLSON, who successfully operates a fine farm in Lot 6o, Queens county, was born at Flat River, on May 24, 1848, and is a son of John and Catherine (Bell) Nicholson, the father born at Bell Creek, where he followed farming. The paternal grandfather, Alex Nicholson, was born in Scotland, on the Isle of Skye, and was a passenger on the ship "Polly" in 1803, settling at Bell Creek. He was a successful farmer and died in 1820. He married Miss Mary Nicholson and to them were born the following children: Niel, who died in 1888; Isabella, who died in 1844; John, the subject�s father, who died in 1858; Samuel, who died in 1866, in Australia; Alexina, who died in 1883. To John and Catherine Nicholson were born the following children: Isabella, the widow of Hector Morrison, deceased; John, the subject of this sketch; Alex, deceased; Samuel, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume; Catherine, deceased, who was the wife of Renold McPhee, of Little Sands, Kings county, where he followed farming; Mary, who is the wife of William Boyd, a merchant and rancher in British Columbia.
In 1882 Mr. Nicholson was united in marriage to Miss Jeanette Campbell. a daughter of Donald and Flora (Gillis) Campbell, the former a native of Apple-cross, Scotland, and the latter of the Isle of Skye. To Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were born five children, namely: Jessie, the subject�s wife; Flora; John; and Mary M. To Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson have been born three children, namely: John. who is engaged with the Gold Roof Mining Company, at Butte, Montana; and Donald C. and Alex N., who are at home." P&P, Pg. 401
Then in SP, page 41, the transcript of Alexander's tombstone - "In memory of Alexander Nicholson - A native of Invernesshire, who departed this life 26 September, 1820, aged 40 years. His wife, Mary Nicholson, who died 3rd May, 1854, aged 65 years. And their daughter, Isabella, who died November 16, 1844, aged 25."
Here is a photo taken in summer 1998, of this stone. It is the sole remaining intact stone in the old French cemetery at the entrance to Lord Selkirk Park in Eldon, where the first of the Selkirk Settlers were buried.
6 "In 1863 Mr. [Hector] McKenzie married Miss Mary McLeod, a daughter of Angus and Margaret (Docherty) McLeod, natives of the Isle of Skye, Scotland. who came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly" in 1803. The father located at Pinette. where he followed farming during his active years. being now deceased. The subject and his wife were the parents of six children. namely: Margaret, deceased; the wife of Dr. Martin; Catherine L., a trained nurse in Boston, Massachusetts; Hector D., at home; Mary, the wife of Blair McMillan, a farmer at Covehead; Angus M.. in British Columbia; Christina, at home. In politics Mr. Mckenzie is a Liberal, while his religious affiliation is with the Presbyterian church. He takes a deep interest in local public affairs. He has by his own efforts made all he possesses and merits the high regard in which he is held by those who know him." P&P, Pg. 409
7 "Mr. McLellan married Miss Catherine Mclsaac, a daughter of Roderick Mclsaac and granddaughter of Malcolm Mclsaac, who came on the ship "Polly" from Uist, Isle of Skye. Scotland, in 1803, locating at Wood Islands. To Mr. and Mrs. McLellan have been born the following children: John Alex, Margaret J., Clara Belle and Mary Salena." P&P, Pg. 374.
8 "MARTIN MARTIN, M. D., who is not only a leading and successful member of his profession in Lot 57, but who is also equally successful in the conduct of a general merchandise business at Grand View. is a native son of Prince Edward Island, having been born in Lot 57, and a son of Alex and Margaret (McLeod) Martin. The father was also a native of this locality and spent his entire life here in farming. in which he was fairly successful and enjoyed a high standing among his fellow citizens. He died in 1905, at the advanced age of eighty-five years. His wife was a daughter of William McLeod, of Valleyfield, Lot 59, but who came originally from the Isle of Skye, Scotland. The subject�s paternal grandfather, Martin Martin, Sr., was born in the Isle of Skye, Scotland, and was a passenger on the historic ship "Polly," which landed at this province in 1803. He first located at Grand View (Murray Harbour Road) on a farm and in his day was considered a leader among his neighbors." P&P, Pg. 390
9 "ANGUS BEATON, who occupies an enviable standing among his fellow agriculturists because of the definite success he is achieving in his calling, and also because of the upright life that he is living in their midst, is a native of Lot 60, Prince Edward Island, having been born in Flat River, in December, 1837. and is a son of Malcolm and Christie (McLeod) Beaton, the father being a son of Donald Beaton, who came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly," in 1803. locating on the Blue farm, where he followed farming pursuits. The grandfather and his wife were the parents of five children, namely: Peter, Malcolm, Ronald, Christie and Effie. To Malcolm and Christie Beaton were born ten children, namely: Jessie, Alex, Mary, John, Margaret, Angus, Christie, Katie, Effie. and Annie, all now deceased excepting Annie, and the subject of this sketch. The father of these children was a Liberal in politics. and a Presbyterian in religion and was highly respected by all who knew him. The subject of this sketch received a good practical school education and was reared to the life of a farmer, which pursuit he has followed ever since. He thoroughly understands every detail of his vocation and his is considered one of the most progressive farms on the locality. He owns eighty acres of fine land, fifteen of which are in woods, the balance being under the plow and devoted to the raising of such crops as are common to this locality. He does not devote his attention to any specific line of farming, but embraces in his operations several legitimate lines of business. He has made many permanent and substantial improvements on the place and it is today one of the neat and comfortable homesteads in this part of the Island." P&P, Pg. 410
11 "DONALD McKENZIE, a successful farmer and blacksmith at Flat River, was born in Lot 60, Prince Edward Island, on May 1, 1840, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Williams) McKenzie. The father was born in Rosshire, Scotland, and was a passenger on the ship "Polly" in 1803, settling in Lot 6o, Queen�s county, where he followed farming.
In 1874 Mr. McKenzie married Miss Christina F. McRae, a daughter of John and Christie (MacRae) MacRae, natives also of Scotland, and who came to Prince Edward Island with Mr. MacRae�s parents on the ship "Polly." The subject�s maternal grandfather Williams was the first land agent for Lord Selkirk in Prince Edward Island. To the subject and his wife have been born the following children: James, at home; John F., deceased; Roderick and Alexander Sinclair, at home; Eliza M. is a physician at Charlottetown; Jane B. is at home; Elsie F. is a student of Prince of Wales College, at Charlottetown; Grace C.; Christie A., deceased; and two who died in infancy. In politics Mr. McKenzie gives his support to the Liberal party, and in religion is a member of the Presbyterian church. He is industrious and practical in his methods" P&P, Pg. 412
13 "DUNCAN McRAE, who owns and operates a fine farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Lot 6o, was born at Flat River. Prince Edward Island, in March. 1856. and is a son of John and Christy (McRae) McRae, the former of whom was born at Flat River in 1806. The paternal grandfather, Finley McRae, came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly," from his native Scotland, from whence also came she who became his wife. He settled at Big Point. on Flat River, on the farm now owned and operated by the subject. the land having remained continuously in possession of this family ever since. He followed farming throughout his life, as did also his son John, the subject�s father, who died on March 11, 1888. The latter was twice married, first to Catherine McDonald. by whom he had two sons, Roderick and Finlay, the first named meeting his death by drowning. Subsequently John McRae married Miss Christy McRae, a daughter of Duncan and Margaret (Gilmore) McRae, natives of Scotland, who came to Prince Edward Island some time after the arrival of the "Polly." They were the parents of eight children: Catherine, Angus, Christy, Duncan, Bella A., Roderick, Maggie and Mary. P&P, Pg. 413"
14 "In 1898 Mr.[Duncan] McRae married Miss Sarah Beaton, a daughter of Ebenezer and Mary (Blue) Beaton, the father a native of Flat River and a farmer by vocation. He now resides in Lot 60, and has a family of three children. Mrs. McRae�s grandfather, Angus Beaton, was a passenger on the good ship "Polly," which brought so many sturdy emigrants to Prince Edward Island in 1803. Mr. McRae is a Liberal in politics, and has served as a member of the school board. His religious belief is in harmony with the creed of the Presbyterian church, of which society he is at present an elder and trustee." P&P, Pg. 413
Also: Patriot 25 Nov 1904, [ Died] "The Late Alexander Beaton - Angus Beaton was born in the Isle of Skye and came to this country by the ship Polly in 1803. He settled at Flat River. Two of his sons, Malcolm and Peter, were killed in the war against Napoleon. Donald, his third son left three sons, Malcolm, Peter, and Ronald. Alexander, oldest son of Malcolm, was born December 5, 1826. He taught school for a number of years. He was well versed in the theology of the Bible and tried to live up to his redeemer. He was a kind man and a faithful friend. He died October 28, 1904."
16 "MAGNUS ROSS, a substantial citizen and successful agriculturist of Lot 6o, Queens county, was born at Flat River on September 13. 1861, and is a son of John H. and Elizabeth (McDonald) Ross, the former of whom was born on the place where the subject now resides on May 7. 1833, and died in 1886. His wife was born at Little Sand, Prince Edward Island. on September 25, 1833. and died in 1884. They were the parents of nine children, namely: Ewen, deceased; Magnus, subject of this sketch; John H., a farmer at Point Prim; Sarah C., in Massachusetts; Donald J.. a farmer at Flat River; Hector, who resides with the subject; Francis, deceased; Alex, a carpenter at Flat River; Florence. who resides in California. The paternal great-great-grandfather, Ewen Ross, was a native of Scotland, but never left his native land. His widow came to Prince Edward Island in the ship "Polly," in 1803, and died shortly afterwards. Their son. John Ross, the subject�s great-grandfather. was a native of the Isle of Skye. Scotland, and accompanied his mother to Prince Edward Island in 1803, they settling at Flat River, Lot 6o, where the subject of this sketch now resides. Here John Ross settled on an uncleared farm and entered boldly on the task of making the ground fit for cultivation. The place was so thickly wooded that it was first necessary to cut away the trees in order to build the first house. He married Miss Mary Nicholson on board the ship "Polly," while lying in the harbour at Halifax, Nova Scotia. He died in 1813. Their son, Ewen Ross, grandfather of the subject, was born at Flat River in 1807, and died in 1861. He married Fanny Macdonald in 1831. She. was born on the Isle of Skye, Scotland, in 1793. and came to Prince Edward Island August 5, 1830. She died in 1871. The subject�s maternal grandfather. Magnus McDonald. was a native of the Isle of Mull, Scotland, and came here as one of a party aboard a survey ship and himself helped to survey part of the maritime provinces." P&P, Pg. 415
18 "FINLEY MCRAE, a well known and successful farmer in Lot 6o, was born at Flat River, in March, 1840, and is a son of John and Catherine (McDonald) McRae, the former of whom was born at Flat River in 1806. The paternal grandfather, Finley McRae, came to Prince Edward Island, on the ship "Polly," from his native Scotland, from whence also came she who became his wife. He settled at Big Point, on Flat River, on the farm now owned and operated by the subject, the land having remained continuously in possession of this family ever since. He followed farming throughout his life, as did also his son, John, the subject�s father, who died on March 11, 1888. The latter was twice married. first to Catherine McDonald. by whom he had a daughter and two sons. Christy, Finlay and Roderick, the last named meeting his death by drowning. Subsequently John McRae married Miss Christie McRae, a daughter of Duncan and Margaret (Gilmore) McRae, natives of Scotland, who came to Prince Edward Island some time after the arrival of the "Polly." They were the parents of eight children.
In 1860 Mr. McRae married Miss Margaret McDonald, a daughter of Ronald and Katie (Gillis) McDonald. The father was born on the Isle of Skye, Scotland, and at the age of three years was brought to Prince Edward Island by his parents. The grandfather, John McDonald, was also a native of the Isle of Skye and came to Prince Edward Island, settling in the Belfast district, where he lived until his death. Ronald McDonald was the father of thirteen children, eleven of whom grew to maturity. To the subject and his wife have been born the following children: Roderick D. is a seaman, living at Tacoma, Washington; Murdock is in British Columbia; the third child in order of birth died in infancy; Catherine lives in Boston, Massachusetts; John F., a sailor; Angus is a miner at Dawson, Alaska; Peter A. resides in the Northwest Territory; Willie is a policeman in British Columbia; Annie L. is the wife of Dr. Brehant, of Murray River. In politics Mr. McRae supports the Liberal party, and in religion he is a Presbyterian, being a trustee of his church. He is public spirited in the fullest sense of the term and well merits the high position he holds in the esteem of his fellow citizens." P&P, Pg. 416
Also: Argus 9 Apr. 1872 (SPEI p. 43), [ Died] "MacRAE - On 10th Feb Finley MacRae and on 24th Margaret his wife. Emig. in 1803 on "Polly" from Applecross Rosshire."
18a "Captain [Donald] Docherty was a son of Angus and Catherine (McLeod) Docherty, the former of whom was born in Portree. Scotland, and at the age of nine years came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly," accompanying his parents, Donald and Ann (Stewart) Docherty. Catherine McLeod was also a native of Portree, Scotland, and was descended of Lord McLeod, of Portree. She was a daughter of Malcolm and Effie (Mc Donald) McLeod, the latter being of the Glengarry McDonalds."
19 "JOHN R. MCRAE, a successful farmer and miller at Roseberry, Lot 6o, was born in Lot 6o, Prince Edward Island, on April. 16, 1865 and is a son of James and Sarah (Campbell) McRae, the father a native of Ponds, Prince Edward Island, born in 1822, and the mother of Pinette, born in 1830. Her father, Alexander Campbell, Esq., a farmer, was a native of Rosshire, Scotland, and came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly" in 1803. The paternal grandfather, Donald MacRae, was a native of Scotland and came to Prince Edward Island in 1803 on the ship "Polly," settling at Ponds, where he followed farming throughout his active years. James MacRae followed a seafaring life for over twenty years, rising to the rank of captain. He was the father of five children, namely: Kate, deceased; Jeanette, the wife of Fred Whittle, an uphoslter [sic] in Boston, Massachusetts, now deceased; Kenneth met his death by drowning; John R. is the next in birth; Richard C., a farmer residing near the subject and a member of the firm of McRae Brothers. James McRae was a Liberal in politics, and a Presbyterian in religious faith. P&P, Pg. 417/418
21 "ANGUS NICHOLSON, an enterprising and practical farmer in Lot 22, Queens county, has lived all his life in his present home, having been born there on May 5, 1854. He is a son of John and Jessie (Ross) Nicholson, the former of whom was born in 1815, on the Isle of Skye, and settled on the subject�s present farm in 1849, living there until his death, in 1883. The subject�s mother, who is now living with him, was born at Wheatley River, Prince Edward Island, in 1817, and is a daughter of Alex and Catherine (McKinnon) Ross. Alex Ross came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly," and was the son of John Ross, a native of the Isle of Skye, who took up land at New London, in Lot 21, Prince Edward Island. He later removed to High-field and subsequently took up a farm at Wheatley River. John Nicholson was a Liberal in politics, and a Presbyterian in religion. To him and his wife were born six children, namely: Sarah, who became the wife of James Patterson, a retired farmer and miller; Angus. the subject of this sketch; Catherine, who became the wife of Dr. McKay, of California, and both are now deceased; Flora, who became the wife of Dan McDonald, of Caledonia, Prince Edward Island; Isabel, who married Finlay McKinnon, a farmer at Brookfield; Margaret, who became the wife of Archibald McPherson, of Greenvale, Prince Edward Island." P&P, Pg. 424
Also: June 25, 1878. Examiner: "At Wheatley River, Sunday June 23, 1878, age 80, died Alexander Ross of Invernesshire, Scotland, and carried to this Island with his father, in the ship "Polly" in 1805"
22 "ANGUS MURDICK ROSS, a successful merchant and druggist and public spirited citizen residing at Murray River, Kings county, was born at Belfast, Prince Edward Island, on November 22, 1870, a son of William and Christina (McLeod) Ross, the former a native also of Belfast and the latter of Uigg, this Island. The father followed farming as an occupation throughout his active years and occupied a high standing in the community. He held various political positions of trust and importance and was for forty years an elder of the Belfast Presbyterian church. The paternal grandparents were Donald and Margaret (MacDonald) Ross, natives of the Isle of Skye, Scotland, who came to Prince Edward Island in 1803 on the historic ship "Polly." Here the grandparents followed the pursuit of agriculture and lived here until their deaths." P&P, Pg. 439, 440
23 "JAMES A. BEATON, who is successfully carrying on agricultural pursuits on his fine farm at East Point, Kings county, was born on the farm where he now resides, and is a son of Angus and Margaret (Macdonald) Beaton. The father was also born on the subject�s present farm on Easter Sunday, 1802, and lived there throughout his life, his death occurring in 1886, at the age of eighty-four years. His wife, who was the daughter of Donald and Margaret (Forbes) Macdonald, was a native of West River, Kings county. Her mother was born in Perthshire, Scotland, from whence also came Donald Macdonald, who had two brothers, James and John, living at West River. The subject has two brothers, Ronald Beaton, who is a retired ocean captain now living at Boston Massachusetts, and Donald Beaton, who died unmarried, while his sisters are as follows: Mary Isabella died in youth; Johana is the wife of Captain James Macdonald, of East Point; Jane is the wife of James Hart, of Boston, Massachusetts; Margaret is Mrs. Daniel Sullivan, of Boston, Massachusetts; Barbara is Mrs. John Walker, of Launching Place, Kings county, Prince Edward Island; Ellen is the wife of Daniel Macdonald, of South Lake Kings county, Prince Edward Island; Kate is the widow of Daniel Fisher, deceased. The subject�s paternal grandfather, Donald Beaton, was born at Lochaber, Scotland, and came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly" in 1803. His brothers, John and Alexander, went to North Carolina. Donald Beaton upon coming to Prince Edward Island obtained one thousand acres of land at East Point. He married Miss Mary Macdonald, of St. Peter�s, Prince Edward Island, a relative of Capt. Charles Stewart, who owned Lot 47, and who favoured his cousin, Mrs. Beaton." P&P, Pg. 446
Note: [ Despite the above text, it now appears as though the Donald Beaton mentioned in this text arrived much earlier than 1803 - note the mention of his son being b. in 1802 on the East Point farm - a year before the "Polly" sailing. Also: March 9, 1841 Royal Gazette: "( Died at ) East Point, on 22nd Donald Beaton AE 96. Native of Lochabar. Emig. AE 27." ] If he died in 1841, and died, age 96, he was b. in 1745. If he emmigrated then at age 27, he must have arrived c.a. 1772, thirty years before the "Polly". ]
24 "JOHN J. MCPHEE, who is now the well known and successful manager of the firm of Prowse & Son, general merchants at Murray River, was born at Cardigan Bridge, Prince Edward Island, on April 8, 1861, and is a son of Murdock and Flora (MacDonald) McPhee, the former born on the Isle of Skye, Scotland, and the latter at Point Prim, Belfast, Prince Edward Island. They were agricultural people and stood high in the esteem of the locality where they lived. The paternal grandparents, John and Annie (Cameron) McPhee, were natives of Scotland and came to Prince Edward Island in 1842, while the maternal grandparents were Ronald and Catherine (Gillis) MacDonald, who came to Prince Edward Island in 1803 on the ship "Polly."" P&P, Pg. 494
Also: S'side Journal 2 Dec. 1891 (SPEI p. 20), [ Died] "MacDONALD - At Eldon on 26th Donald R. MacDonald AE 68. Son of Ronald who Emig. 1803 on "Polly"." - Patriot 2 June 1877 (SPEI p. 23), "MacDONALD - On 25th ult Ronald MacDonald AE 77. Native of Skye. Emig AE 3."
25 "SAMUEL A. MCLEOD, a well known business man of Charlottetown and member of the firm of Moore & McLeod, was born at Orwell, Prince Edward Island, on August 15, 1866, and is a son of Donald and Mary Ann (Slate) McLeod, both natives of Prince Edward Island, the former born at Orwell and the latter at Charlottetown. The subject�s paternal grandfather was one of the passengers on the ship "Polly," of which more is said elsewhere in this volume. He located at Orwell, where he made his future home, following the vocation of farming. The subject�s father occupied the original homestead all his life, and was twice married, having eight children by the first union and seven by the second, the subject of this sketch being the eldest of the second union." P&P, Pg. 508
26 "DONALD NICHOLSON, a public spirited and successful farmer in Lot 62, was born in Canada, in November, 1858, and is a son of Donald and Mary (McEachern) Nicholson. The subject�s paternal grandfather, Samuel Nicholson, came to Prince Edward Island in 1803 in the ship "Polly" and settled at Eldon, where he followed farming. The subject�s father was born at Eldon, Prince Edward Island, and has followed farming throughout his life. To him and his wife were born five children. Mangus, Christie, Donald, and two that died in infancy." P&P, Pg. 516
27 "Mr. [David] Ross is a son of Donald and Flora (Nicholson) Ross, the father having been for many years a successful farmer and contractor and builder in Lot 50. He died in 1854, at the age of fifty years. The paternal grandfather, Lauchlin Ross. was a native of Scotland and came to Prince Edward Island in about 1816. locating on a farm in Lot 57. He married in Scotland Miss Catherine Martin. The subject�s mother was a daughter of Donald Nicholson, who came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly" in 1803 from Stenchael, Isle of Skye, Scotland." P&P, Pg. 524
Also: The Islander newspaper 13 June 1851. "On the 20th ult., at Orwell Head, Donald Nicholson, Esq., (Stanchell,) aged 77 years. He emigrated to this Island from the Isle of Skye about 50 years since." - From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]
28 " MURDOCK MACDONALD, who was numbered among the passengers who were brought to Prince Edward Island from Scotland in 1803 on the historic ship "Polly," and who during his lifetime was one of the most highly respected citizens of his locality, was descended from sterling Scottish ancestrv. his father having been John Macdonald, his grandfather having been Donald Macdonald, his great-grandfather, Neil Macdonald, and his great-great-grandfather, Donald Macdonald, son of John Macdonald, son of Donald Macdonald, some of whom at least took an active part in the battles of their times, including Culloden, Sheriff Muir, Tilliechankie and others. They were of the family of Dunholm. Murdock Macdonald�s parents were John and Margaret (Mathison) Macdonald, natives of near Tottarome, Isle of Skye, Scotland, who upon reaching this province obtained two hundred acres of land where his descendants now live. He was but sixteen years old at the time and was one of three brothers, one of whom, John, settled with him at Pinette, while the other, Donald, went to Seal River. Murdock Macdonald married Miss Ann McQuarrie, a daughter of Hector McQuarrie, who came to Prince Edward Island in 1810 from the Isle of Rum, near Kilmure, Scotland, and first settled at Cape Breton. He was the son of Donald, the grandson of John and the great-grandson of Neil McQuarrie. " P&P, Pg. 529
Also: MacDONALD - Patriot 22 Apr 1871 (SPEI p. 22), [ Died] "At Pinette, John MacDonald AE 80. Native of Isle of Skye. Emig. 1803. This is most likely the brother John (above), who settled in Pinette."
John McDonald - Death from the Islander 5 May 1871 pg. 3. "At Pinette, after a few weeks illness, Mr. John McDonald, in the 80th year of his age. The deceased was a native of the Isle of Skye, Scotland, and emigrated to this Island in 1803; he was a deacon in the Baptist Church for many years and his daily walk and conversation were consistent with his Christian profession." From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected].
29 "A. D. Ross, a successful merchant and highly esteemed citizen of Eldon, Queens county, was born in Lot and received his education in the schools of the locality. He is a son of David and Catherine (McDonald) Ross, the former of whom was born in Lot 58, at Pinette, and farmed there during his active years, his death occurring in 1890, at the age of seventy-five years. The subject's mother was a daughter of the late Alexander and Ann (Martin) Macdonald, the former of whom was born in Lot 60. The paternal grandfather, William Ross. came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly" in 1803 with his father, David Ross, a native of Scotland. He settled on wild land at Pinette, which he cleared and which is still owned by his two sons. Thomas and Andrew. William Ross married Miss Ann Fair. " P&P, Pg. 597
30 " Mr. [Michael D.] McCormack married Miss Catherine McPhee, of Big Pond, Lot 45, Prince Edward Island. a daughter of Joseph and Jane (McLean) McPhee, the latter a daughter of Capt. Charles McLean, of the British army. To Mr. and Mrs. McCormack were born the following children, namely: Joseph, of San Francisco; John, who is in the United States navy; Charles; Peter, of San Francisco, California; James; Bennett. of New York City; Cenerus, of Brandon, Manitoba; Alexander, of Providence, Rhode Island: Daniel. who remains at home and is engaged in farming and fishing; Mary Ann, of Providence. Rhode Island, and Sarah Jane. at home.
The subject�s paternal grandparents came from Uist, Inverness. Scotland, in 1772, and located first at French Fort, where they remained for six years. The McLeans, who are of Scottish nativity, emigrated to Prince Edward Island in 1803 on the ship "Polly." Angus McCormack was the father of the following children: Donald, the father of the subject; James; Michael: Joseph and John. Of these, Donald, the father of the subject, who was born in 1799 and who died in 1874, at the age of seventy-five years. settled at DeGross Marsh, Lot 54, while the others remained at Launching. The subject had one brother. Gregory. who was drowned in young manhood. Donald McCormack married Miss Sarah Macdonald a daughter of Donald Macdonald, of Launching, who was one of the first six settlers at that place, the company including Angus McCormack, the subject�s grandfather. Angus Walker, Mr. McPhee, Donald and Roderick McDonald and a Mr. McCormack. a relative of Angus. They all came originally from South Uist, Scotland, and bought six hundred acres of land at Launching in a joint grant and worked it in common, clearing and tilling the soil. In subsequent years the property was divided by mutual deeds of grant." P&P, Pg. 601
31 "The subject�s [John Andrew Smith] parents were Philip and Margaret (Moore) Smith, the former of whom died in Georgetown in 1861, at the age of fifty-six years. The paternal grandfather, Andrew Smith, was a native of Invernesshire, Scotland, and came to Prince Edward Island in 1803, being a passenger on the historic ship "Polly." He located at Belfast, Lot 57, on the Newton Road, where several of the family still reside. He was the father of the following children: Philip, father of the subject; Daniel, of Lot 57, who resides on the old homestead; Capt. Andrew, who resided at Eldon, Lot 57, built and sailed his own vessels; Alexander, a farmer at Newton. Lot 57; William, of Newton, Lot 57; James, of Lot Ann, unmarried: Elizabeth, who became the wife of John Morrison, of Flat River, Lot 60. " P&P, Page 607
Also: Islander 12 July, 1861: " At Newton, Belfast, on the 13th ult., in the 89th year of his age, Mr. Andrew Smith sen. He emigrated to this Island in the year 1804 (sic), from Inverness, Scotland." From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]
32 "JOHN A. MCRAE, a public spirited citizen and successful farmer at Point Prim, Lot 57, is a native of this place and is a son of Angus and Mary (Gillies) McRae, daughter of John Gillies, of Flat River, who were the parents of the following children: Donald, deceased; Murdoch, deceased; John. deceased; John A., subject of this sketch; Ann, deceased; Jessie, of Boston, Massachusetts; Christie, deceased, who was the wife of William Cooper, of Boston, Massachusetts. The father of those children was born at Point Prim on the farm on which the subject now resides. and his death occurred here at the age of sixty-six years. He was a member of St. John�s Presbyterian church. The paternal grandfather of the subject bore the name of Donald McRae and was a native of Applecross, Ross-shire, Scotland, from hence he came to Prince Edward Island in 1803 on the historic ship "Polly," locating on a farm at Point Prim, where he died in 1862. The great-grandfather was also a native of Applecross, Scotland. Donald McRae had half-sisters and brothers, of whom three of the former came to Prince Edward Island. Donald became the father of the following children: Angus, father of the subject; Donald, John and Roderick, of Point Prim; Frederick, who located near New London, this Island; Kate became the wife of Alex McLean, of Belfast, and of their children one is A. A. McLean, present member of Parliament from Charlottetown" P&P, Pg. 612
Also: The Islander 12 April 1844: "At Point Prim, on the 29 ultimo, in the 66th year of his age. Mr. Donald McRae, a native of Rosshire, Scotland, and for 41 years a resident in this Island." From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected].
33 "MURDOCK DOCHERTY, a well known and progressive farmer of Victoria Cross, is a native of Lot 50, Seal River, Prince Edward Island, where he was born on April 24, 1825. His parents, Donald and Sarah (Mahar) Docherty, were both natives of Scotland and came to Prince Edward Island in 1803 on the ship "Polly."" P&P, Page 626
Also: "DOCHERTY - [Died] "At Lot 50 on 25th Aug. Donald Docherty AE 92. Emig 1803 "Polly" with his parents. S'side Journal 1 Sept. 1881 (SPEI p. 10)"
Also: A more complete quotation of the above notice has been provided by Donna Collings: "At Seal River, Lot 50, on the 25th August, Donald Dogherty, at the advanced age of 92 years. He came to this Island with his parents in the year 1803 in the celebrated ship Polly."
34 "NEIL MACLEOD, present judge of the county court of Prince county, was born at Uigg, Queens county, Prince Edward Island. on November 15, 1843, and is a son of Roderick and Flora (McDonald) Macleod, the former a native of Uigg, Scotland, and the latter of Pinette, Belfast district, Prince Edward Island. The maternal grandfather, John McDonald, who was born at Uigg, Scotland, and came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly," locating at Pinette, Belfast district, where he made his home during the remainder of his life. " P&P, Pg. 631
35 "ALEXANDER MCDONALD, who owns and operates a fine farm and is also extensively engaged in lobster packing at Point Prim, Lot 57, is a native son of this province, having been born at Pinette Bridge, Lot 58. His father, the late John McDonald, of Pinette, was a successful farmer and contractor, and built a number of good bridges for the government, including the Vernon River Bridge, the Seal River Bridge and others. He died in 1897, at the age of sixty-four years. The paternal grandfather. John McDonald, came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly" in 1803, at the age of twelve years, accompanying his father, John McDonald, from their native land, the Isle of Skye, Scotland. They settled at Pinnette and there engaged in farming, the place being now owned and operated by the subject�s brother, John McDonald. The grandfather married Miss Annie McDonald, who was born at Orwell Point, a daughter of Donald McDonald, a passenger on the ship "Polly" from Kaloss, Scotland. " P&P, Pg. 638
37 "PETER MARTIN, deceased, who during his lifetime was one of the best known and most highly esteemed citizens of Lot 57. Queens county, was born on the homestead here in 1808, and his death occurred in 1876, at the age of sixty-eight years. His father, Donald Martin, was born in Portree, Isle of Skye, Scotland, and came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly" in 1803, locating first at Belfast. He had married, in Scotland, Miss Marion McLeod, of Applecross, and to them were born the following children: Kenneth. deceased. formerly of Union Road, and Peter and John. " P&P, Pg. 648
Also, "The first member of this family to arrive on Prince Edward Island was Donald Martin, who was born at Snizort, Skye, in 1759. His wife, Marion MacLeod, of Applecross, was born in 1770. She was sister of Rev. Kenneth MacLeod, and cousin of the famous Rev. Dr. Norman MacLeod. They arrived in Belfast on the "Polly" in 1803, with their family." The text then goes on listing their children and descendants. SP, Pg. 151
Also, Gordy McCarville points out an obit in the Royal Gazette 6 June 1848 (Died) "Belfast 17th Donald Martin Age 89. Native of the Isle of Skye Emig. 1803 with Lord Selkirk."
Also: The Islander newspaper 9 June 1848 "At Newton, Belfast, on the 17th inst., Mr. Donald Martin, age 89 years, a native of the Isle of Skye, Invernesshire; he emigrated to this Colony with Lord Selkirk in 1803. "From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected].
38 Gordy McCarville points out the stone of Alexander Lamont. This stone is found in Belfast as stone [58-1-811]. It says:" Alexander Lamont, died Feb.10, 1845. Ae84. His wife Eunice Currie, died Aug.11,1859. Ae90. Natives of the Isle of Skye, they emigrated to this Island in 1803.
39 "JOHN GILLIS who successfully operates a farm of one hundred acres in Lot 6o, and also is successfully engaged in lobster fishing, was born in this lot on May 13. 1861. His paternal grandfather, John Gillis. was born in Applecross, Inverness-shire, Scotland, and came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly" in 1803, settling on the farm now occupied by the subject of this sketch. The latter�s parents were John and Christie (McRae) Gillis, the father born in 1821. on Prince Edward Island, and dying in September, 1888. To him and his wife were born five children: Annie; John; Roderick deceased; Hector, now living in Massachusetts. and Murdock, in Vermont." P&P, Pg. 678
40 "A. K. HENRY, a successful farmer and miller at Granville, Lot 21, was born at Malpeque, Prince Edward Island, on January 8, 1844, and is a son of Edward and Grate (Hacker) Henry, the father born at Malpeque on March 10, 1814, and the mother in Devonshire, England, on May 19, 1820. The paternal grandfather. Alex Henry, was a native of the Lowlands of Scotland. The great-grandfather. Donald Henry, came to this Island from Kentyre, Scotland, and was one of the first settlers at Malpeque. He married Miss Mary McMullin. The subject�s maternal great-grandmother was a daughter of a Mr. McQuillan, of Elgin, Scotland. and came to Prince Edward Island on the ship "Polly." She had a brother, Charles Russell, who taught school on Prince Edward Island in the seventeenth century. She was the mother of eight children, Charles, Edward, Dugald, Isabella. Mary, Barbara, Catherine and Flora. P&P, Pg. 684"
41 "JOHN M. MURCHISON M. D., a successful member of his profession in Queens county. was born in Geelong, Victoria, Australia, in November, 1856, and is a son of Captain Malcolm and Catherine (McDonald) Murchison. The father, who is now a successful farmer at North River, in Lot 32, Queens county, was born on this Island in May, 1826, a son of Alexander and Catherine [MacDonald] Murchison, both natives of Scotland. The paternal great grandfather, Donald Murchison, and the paternal grandfather, Alexander Murchison were natives of the Isle of Skye, Scotland, and were passengers in the ship "Polly," so closely connected with the early settlement of Prince Edward Island. In his early years Malcolm Murchison shipped as a sailor. and afterwards as captain, between England and Prince Edward Island, continuing his sea-faring career for twelve years. He then went to Australia and for eight years engaged in the mercantile business there, after which he returned to Prince Edward Island and has since been numbered among our leading agriculturists. in 1854 he was united in marriage with Miss Catherine McDonald, a daughter of John and Flora (Campbell) McDonald, natives of Scotland; to their union were born nine children, John, Annie, Flora, Donald. Katie, Alexander. Hector. Catherine and Alice A." [Note: It has been pointed out by Cathy Gallinger, [email protected], that this is actually part of family #4, and was in error in the book. There were two Catherine MacDonald's in case of confusion. Further corrections on this family are noted in italics] P&P, Pg. 713,714
Also: S'side Journal 30 May 1894 (SPEI p. 47), [Died] "MURCHINSON - At Point Prim on 20th Mrs. Alex Murchinson AE 92. Nat. of Skye. Emig. 1803 "Polly" with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. R. MacDonald."
42 "In Memory of Donald Martin, departed this life July 1, 1861, Aet 78. Emigrated to this Island 1803. And our souls are in eternal rest. For our bodies are here asleep, Dear friend for us, do not weep. Also his wife, Ann, departed this life April 8, 1850. Aet 65." SP. Pg. 41
43 "In Memory of Angus McAulay, M.D. Chaplain of H. Majesty's First West India Regiment. He settled in Belfast with emigrants from Scotland in the memorable ship, "Polly" in 1803. He died Dec. 6, 1827, aged 67 years. Also his wife, Mary, died April 9, 1857, aged 99, daughter of Samuel McDonald, of Sartle, Scotland, Capt. In H. Majesty's Army during the American Revolution" SP, Pg. 40. The mentioned tombstone is in the "Polly" cemetery in Mt. Buchanan. There are very many more references in SP and HP about the doctor.
44 "Angus McMillan died December 16, 1824, aged 54. Native of Skye." Tombstone in "Polly" Cemtery, Mt. Buchanan, SP Pg. 41
45 In the St. John's, Belfast Cemetery, "In loving memory of Mary Douglass, only daughter of Lord Selkirk, died October, 1859, Aet 60. Blessed are the dead. Erected by her daughter, E. McLennan." SP, Pg. 43 Note: Mary probably arrived later, in 1806, in the care of Thomas Halliday, in who's care, Mary was entrusted by the Earl. Mary later married one of Thomas's natural sons. SP, Pg. 42.
46 "Malcolm MacLeod of Glashvin, Skye, and his wife, Effie Macdonald, of the Glengarry branch of that clan, arrived in Belfast, on the "Polly" in 1803." Also, daughter Christina, "Christina, born Skye about 1782, d. in Orwell, about 1862, wife of Donald Macqueen, with issue." SP, Pg. 136.; HP, Pg. 17.
Also: Palladium 24 Oct. 1844 ( SPEI p. 37), [Died] "MacLEOD - Pinette 29th Sept Malcolm MacLeod AE 98 Nat. of Skye. Emig. "Polly" 1803 with Lord Selkirk."
Also: October 28, 1844, The Islander: Polly passenger: in 1803, Died on Sept 29, 1844 at Glassvane, Pinette River, Mr. Malcolm McLeod, age 93, emigrated in 1803 from the Isle of Skye. 100 descendants [Clipping from Christine Gorman]
47 "Donald Macqueen, of Skye, and his wife Christina MacLeod [see above note 46], daughter of Malcolm MacLeod (later of Glashvin, Pinette), emigrated on the "Polly". After living for a few years near Macaulay's Wharf, Glashvin, Pinette, Donald Macqueen died, and was buried in the French Cemetery, Belfast, P.E.I." Also "Christina, b. in Skye, about 1802.", likely accompanied her parents. SP, Pg. 143.
48 "Among the several families of Nicholsons who arrived on the "Polly" was that of John Nicholson of Stensholl, Skye, and his wife Jane Martin." Children and descendants then listed ch. Hannah, Rachel, John, and Donald Nicholson, miller, of Orwell. SP, Pg. 153.
Also: S'side Journal 4 Feb. 1886 (SPEI p. 49), [Died] "NICHOLSON - Orwell Cove on Jan. 21st, Mary, relict of John Nicholson AE 86. Emig. 1803 on "Polly"." Believed to be wife of son, John above.
49 Genealogy of the Mutch Family, by J. R. Mutch, 1985, Catherine Nicholson was born, Isle of Skye, 1780, and arrived on P.E.I. on board the "Polly"
50 "Among the emigrants on the Dykes in 1803, were Findlay Macdonald and wife, Jessie MacKinnon, both from the Isle of Mull, Scotland. They settled in Point Prim. They had six sons�." HP, Pg. 35.
51 " Simon McKinnon, who was a son of Charles and Janette (Fraser) McKinnon, was born in Inverness-shire, Scotland, and, with his parents. came to Prince Edward Island in 1803 on the ship "Polly," " P&P, Pg. 649. Also, memorial stone (793) in the Belfast church yard which states that Charles and Janet were 1803 arrivals.
52 "Selkirk saw to it that one of the most useful craftsmen in building a new community came out with the settlers. This was the skilled blacksmith, Charles MacWilliam, of Kirkcudbright, who was on the same ship as Selkirk, himself [Note: Selkirk came on the Dykes, which arrived two days after the "Polly"]." HP, Pg. 14. [Gordy McCarville notes that the Guardian, Aug 07, 1974 had a reference to Rev. A. MacLean Sinclair's notes of 1890 where the Rev. lists Charles MacWilliam was a blacksmith from Kirkcudbright. Children: Thomas, Robert, John, James, Charles, William, Andrew, Mary and Hugh, killed in Miramichi.]
53 "Hector's wife was Isabel Fraser, daughter of Donald Fraser, of Portage, Belfast, and his wife Christine MacTavish, emigrants on the Polly, 1803." HP, Pg. 36.
54 Gordy McCarville points out that a MacTavish was the "first child born among the Selkirk Sellers". This is confirmed by a newspaper account of his death (the Islander, 25 July 1862) "At Belfast on the 22nd July Thomas MacTavish Age 59. Was the first born among emigrants of Selkirk families from Scotland in 1803." This would suggest a Mr and Mrs MacTavish, a widow MacTavish, or a Miss MacTavish gave birth to this child sometime between Aug.7 and Dec.31 1803 in Belfast area.
55 Gordy McCarville points out the following article from Hazard's Gazette 14 May 1853, [Died] "On the 29th Samuel Martin Age 107 Emig from the Isle of Skye 50 yrs ago." (ca1803)
Also: The Islander 13 May 1853 "At Orwell, on Thursday, the 29th ultimo, Mr. Samuel Martin, aged 107 years. The deceased emigrated to this Island, from the Isle of Sky (sic), some fifty years since, amongst the first settlers; was a sober, industrious man, and a good neighbour, and was able to walk about to within a few weeks of his death." From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected].
56 Presbyterian & Evangelical Protestant Union 24 May 1877 - Deaths: At Lot 57, on the 28th March, Mr. Malcolm Buchanan in the 76 year of his age. He was a native of the Isle of Skye, and emigrated to this Island in the year 1803. Likely a "Polly" settler, but could have arrived on the Dykes.
57 Presbyterian & Evangelical Protestant Union 14 Jun 1877 - Deaths: At Flat River, on the 4st inst., Malcolm Beaton, in the 79th year of his age, a native of the Isle of Skye, Scotland, and emigrated to this Island in the year 1803, in the ship 'Polly'.
58 Patriot 18 Aug 1904 - Obituary: The funeral of the late Donald McEachern, which took place from his late residence in Summerville, Lot 64, on August 2nd prox. was very largely attended by neighbors, friends and relatives. By his death one of the oldest, qiuiet, inoffensive and most respected men has been removed from this section of the country. His remains were interred in the beautiful quiet cemetery of Belfast beside the sleeping bodies of his two little girls who proceed him to that heavenly rest from which there is no waking. The funeral ceremonies were conducted by Rev. Sinclair, Montague, who had kindly attend him during his affliction. The late Donald McEachern's parents who are all interred in Belfast Cemtery, emigrated to the Island from Scotland on the good old ship "Polly". In educational matters Mr. McEachern took a great interest, three of of his children having attended the P.W. College and one the O. (C) B. College. He leaves to mourn a sorrowing widow, who never left his side during his sickness, and attended him as only a kind and loving wife could do, four sons and seven daughters, all of whom except one were present at his death and funeral. The sons are Charles, James, Almore in Summerville; Wm. J. in Mount Albion. The daughters are; Mrs. Frederick Richards, Cherry Valley; Mrs. Fredrick Theday (Thoday), Sarfaide, Mass.; Mrs. Peter Stewart, Mount Albion; Mrs. Alex. Campbell, Summerside; Mrs. Geo. Sutherland, Cardigan; Mrs. Wendall Lea, Vernon River; and Ethel at home.
Further, from a very old MacDougall family history, it mentions "Three of those brothers, Duncan, Edmund, and Andrew married three sisters, daughters of Duncan MacEachern, who came from Scotland to PEI on the ship "Polly" August, 1803, and settled in Belfast", further proof of MacEachern's arriving aboard the Polly. The MacDougall's who married Duncan MacEachern's daughters arrived on P.E.I. seven years later on the Selkirk vessel, "Phoenix" in 1810. Thanks to Paul MacDougall for this information.
59 Islander 30 Mar 1866, [Died] "At Flat River, on Monday, the 12th instant, Donald Ross, sen. aged 82 years, after a lingering illness of 9 months, which he bore with Christian resignation. He was a native of Skye, Scotland and emigrated to this Island in the year 1803. He was deservedly regretted by all his acquaintances, and has left a large number of children and grand children to mourn their berevement."
Also: Herald 26 Nov. 1884 (SPEI p. 16), [Died] "LAMONT - On 5th Nov. Mary Ross wife of Ronald Lamont AE 66. 3rd dau of Donald Ross who emig. to Flat River from Skye in 1803 on "Polly". Herald 26 Nov. 1884 (SPEI p. 16)" From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]
Also: Charlottetown Herald 26 Nov 1884, [Died] At Victoria Cross, on the 5th of November inst., after a few weeks of severe illness, Mary Ross, the beloved wife of Mr. Ronald Lamont, of that place, in the 66th year of her age, leaving a sorrowful husband and a family of three sons and three daughters to mourn their loss. she was the third daughter of the late Donald Ross, of Flat River, who emigrated from the Isle of Skye, in the year 1803, in the ship Polly.
60 Patriot 19 Oct 1874, [Died] "On Saturday, Oct. 3, in the 78th year of his age, Donald Gillis, an old and respected inhabitant of Orwell Cove. He emigrated to this Island in the ship Polly, in the year 1803. He leaves a large circle of friends and acquaintance to mourn their loss."
61 Patriot 3 June 1875:: "At Belle Creek, on the ___ (blank) ult., Mr. Donald McDougall, in the 86th year of his age. The deceased was a native of the Isle of Skye, and emigrated to Prince Edward Island in 1803 in the brig Polly. He was an honest industrious man, a good neighbor and kind-hearted friend. He spent nearly all his days at Belle Creek, and as he lived respected, he died regretted by his neighbors and acquaintances." From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]
62 Herald, 27 June 1888, [Died} "CAMPBELL - On 17th ult AE 97 Angus Campbell. Native of Western Islands of Scotland. Emig. 1803 'Polly'"
63 Patriot 2 June 1877 (SPEI p. 12), [Died] "FURNESS [ROSS] -- On 24th ult Ann Ross, relict of Jno. Furness AE 91. Native of Kilmuir, Inverness. Emig 1803 "Polly".
64 Herald 6 Jan. 1886 (SPEI p. 12), [Died] "GILLIS -- At Flat River 3rd Jan. John Gillis AE 83. Native of Rosshire. Emig on "Polly" 1803." Not believed to be the same individual as #39 - That John Gillis came from Invernesshire, and died two years later.
65 Presbyterian Evangelical Protestant Union, 15 May 1884 (SPEI p. 24), [Died] "MacEACHERN - At Lot 66 on 6th Margaret, relict of Charles MacEachern AE 92. Native of Inverness. Emig. 1803 "Polly"."
66 S'side Journal 9 Apr. 1891 (SPEI p. 34), [Died} "MacLEAN - Lot 16 9th ult Sarah MacKinnon AE 95, relict of Donald MacLean Native of Mull Emig. 1803 "Polly"."
67 Herald 20 Oct. 1886 (SPEI p. 45), [Died] "MASTER - At Vernon River 7th Margery, relict of John Master AE 88 Nat. of Inverness. Her father emig. on "Polly" 1803. She emig. AE 5 yrs. old." Also: Protestant Union 25 Nov 1886: "At Vernon River, on Thursday, the 7th inst., Margery, relict of the late John Masters, in the 88th year of her age. She emigrated from Inverness, Scotland, to P.E. Island in 1803, being one (and probably about the last to pass away) of the passengers who came to this country in the well known emigrant vessel "Polly". At that time she was five years of age, and accompanied her father, the late Finlay Smith, of Belfast. Deceased was a professing Christian for forty-four years, and was beloved by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance." From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]
68 Patriot 1 May 1875 (SPEI p. 49), [Died] "PANTING - On 10th Jane Fraser relict of Francis Panting AE 83 Native of Inverness. Emig. 1803 "Polly"."
70 Weekly Examiner 16 Dec. 1892. (SPEI p. 60), [Died] "MacLEOD - Pt. Prim Nov. 25, Mary, relict of William McLeod AE 92. Last, but one, of passengers on "Polly" in 1803. Leaves 3 sons 2 daus. Obit p. 2."
Also: Examiner 15 Dec 1892: "Died on Nov. 25th at Point Prim, Mary [Lamond], relict of the late William McLeod, Esq., of Point Prim, at the advanced age of 92 years, leaving three sons and two daughters to mourn the loss of what they ne'er can replace - a loving and affectionate mother. The death of Mrs. McLeod removes the last but one of the survivors of the emigrants by ship Polly in 1803. Few perhaps of all those who saw the summer sun of 1892 could give so intelligent and interesting an account of the early days of the colonists of this Island. With her has been lost many racy incidents of those early years days; but the proud satisfaction remains to her family that through all those years a constant trust in the guiding hand of Divine Providence was the mainspring of the deceased actions." From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]
Also from David Ian Gross g. g. grandson of William and Mary, a large quantity of documentation. From the obituary of William and Mary's son, John, born 26 July, 1827, and baptised along with sister Janet on 28th of August, 1827 as per St. John's Belfast church records. (Other children of John and Mary are listed with later baptism dates): Port Elgin, N.B., April 5 [1905] - "John McLeod, who has been seriously ill for the past three months, died at his home here at 4 o'clock Sunday morning. Mr. McLeod was the oldest resident of Port Elgin, having arrived here from P. E. Island in 1852, when this town contained but twelve houses. He was the son of William McLeod, who with his wife, were passengers from the Scotch Highlands in 1803 on the historical ship "Polly" which brought such a number of the original settlers to the "Garden of the Gulf"...."
As mentioned, the baptisms for John and Mary's children may be found in St. John's records (including Mary's maiden name, Lamond). William and Mary both arrived as children (about age 3) aboard the vessel with their respective parents. Obviously, if they arrived with parents, the parents also arrived on the Polly. However, as we cannot at present be certain of the parent's names, they cannot be listed by name as passengers on this list by name. Some sources believe the parents were Malcolm MacLeod and Effie MacLeod, and Mary's, Alex Lamond and Ms.(poss. Eunice, both listed above, number 38) Currie. With presently available documentaion, this connection to those names cannot be proven.
Certainly, they did arrive with parents, and for that reason, the parents are listed as arriving under the listing as Mr. and Mrs. MacLeod and Mr. and Mrs. Lamond pending further information.
71 Islander 4 Mar 1864 p. 3 (SPEI p. 4), [Died] "BUCHANNAN - On 12th ult. At Belfast, John Buchannan AE 80. Native of Isle of Skye. Emig. To PEI in 1803." Likely a "Polly" settler, but could have arrived on the Dykes.
Also: Islander 4 Mar 1864 - "Died: Of cancer on the 12th ult., at Colvill Road Belfast, Mr. John Buchanan, formerly a private in the Nova Scotia Fencibles, age 80 years. The deceased was a native of Isle of Skye, North Britain, and emigrated to this country in the year 1803. He was a respectable inhabitant, and left a widow and 6 children, and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss". From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]
72 Weekly Examiner 18 July 1879 (SPEI p. 23), [Died} "MacDONALD - Ch'Town 3rd, Capt. Samuel Murdock McDonald AE 32. Son of Capt. Donald (Hector) McDonald & Flora Mutch; grand-son of Hector McDonald who Emig. in 1802 with Earl Selkirk." If taken literally, this may indicate that he didn't arrive on the "Polly", but that he arrived aboard the Dykes.
73 The Prince Edward Island Magazine Vol III, 1901 "Remniscences of Seal River", pages 194, 195: "Mr. Fraser married for his second wife Isabella McKay.".... "He had a young family by the second marriage growing up - three boys and two girls. The boys names were William, Donald, and John - the girls Margery and Margaret. So he decided to emigrate to America, and in the spring of 1803 he, with some hundreds of others set sail for the wilds on America in the celebrated ship, "Polly".
Also: From Early Settlers of Vernon River, Apr. 06, 1906, publication unknown: "Somewhere around that time, 1812, John VanIderstine and Jeremiah Enman sailed about two miles up the river. They married the only two daughters of John Fraser, who were passengers on the Polly."
Note: The Vaniderstine letters on our Letter Index state that John Van Iderstine's wife was named Nancy or Ann. The letters clearly indicate that Margaret Enman and William and John Fraser were Uncle's to the sons of Nancy Fraser Van Iderstine. We do not know if Margery was a nickname or if this information on the names of Mr. Fraser's daughters was given incorrectly in "Remniscences of Seal River".
From the Examiner, 7 Dec. 1882 P. 2: "The funeral of the late Donald Fraser, Seal River, passed through here last Saturday. He died at his residence in the 90th year of his age. Mr. Fraser emigrated from Scotland on the ship "Polly" and was one of the early pioneers in this section of the Island."
Finally, from the obituary of a son born to John and Isabella after the arrival of the vessel, From a 1908 newspaper: "The death occured on February 26th at his home at Vernon River Bridge, of Mr. Edward Fraser, in the 73rd year of his age, after an illness of several months. Deceased was a son of the late John Fraser, who emigrated to this country in the ship, "Polly" in the year 1804 (sic) and settled in Seal River......"
My thanks for this information given me by Ronald F. Fraser, Falmouth, Maine.
Also: Islander 9 Dec 1864 - "Died: At Vernon River, on the 28th Nov., Margaret Fraser, relict of the late Jeremiah Enman, in the 77th year of her age. Deceased was a native of Inverness, Scotland, and came to this Island 61 years ago. She has left a large circle of relatives and friends by whom she was beloved and much esteemed." From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]
74 "The Island Magazine", No. 5, Fall-Winter 1978, pp. 35 & 38 tells of Roderick (Rory Roy) MacKenzie as one of the "Bards on the Polly". It also quotes his Gaelic poem of their hardships and an English translation.
The book "Pioneers of Malagash", p. 40ff, states "He came to Prince Edward Island in 1803, and settled in Pinette, Belfast[sic]. He left the Island in 1810 and came to North Shore of Malagash [NS]. He died on the Gulf Shore." Roderick, his wife Catherine (Kennedy), sons Colin and Malcolm, and daughters Mary? and Elizabeth have been generally accepted to have arrived on the Polly.
His second daughter Elizabeth MacKenzie, born ca. 1787 in Applecross, Scotland married 19 March 1804 in PEI Peter Bolm/Ballem. According to the Selkirk Papers at the Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa, M.G. 19 E1 Vol. 56, p. 14862-14869 listing sale of lands upon the Earl of Selkirk's Estate, in November 1807 Peter Bolm[sic] had 50 acres of land leased in Lot 58, having settled there in 1805. Peter and Elizabeth remained on the Island, and are the ancestors of all Ballem/Ballum descendants on PEI (and elsewhere). At least the first two of their ten children were born while the family lived in the Belfast area, before relocating to Lot 49, PEI. Information from Douglas MacDonald
75The Daily Examiner, Sept 16, 1881: "Died on the 7th inst. Mrs McLaren, relict of late John Mclaren, Heritage Grove, Ch'town Royalty, age 87; in 1803 immigrated in the "Polly" Mother of the first Prince Edward Islander who went to the the Old Country to be educated for a profession. Her son, Dr. MacLaren is now a successful surgeon in St. John's NB...she leaves a large family of children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren." Does anyone have her maiden and fist name?
Charlottetown Herald 11 Feb. 1885: "At Glashvin, Belfast, on the 29th January, at the advanced age of 88 years, Angus McLeod, Esq., who emigrated from Scotland in the year 1803." From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]
Summerside Journal 1 Sept. 1881:" At Seal River, Lot 50, on the 25th August, Donald Dogherty, at the advanced age of 92 years. He came to this Island with his parents in the year 1803 in the celebrated ship Polly." From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]
The Islander 10 Feb 1871: "At Glasbhein, Belfast, on the 5th inst. Eon McDonald, who emigrated from the Isle of Skye in the year 1803, having then been trained in the Lowlands of Scotland for seven years, learning agricultural pursuits, and being the only practical farmer among the first emigrants and of kind disposition, proved a valuable neighbour." From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]
Protestant Union 31 Dec 1885: " At Peter's Road, Lot 63, on the 16th inst of apoplexy, Margaret Wetherbie relict of the late James Carver, aged 87 years. She leaves three sons and one daughter and one grandson and a large number of relatives and friends to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate mother and neighbour. She emigrated to this Island in the Polly. Maud, settled with her parents in Lot 49. She became a convert under the preaching of the late Rev. Donald McDonald, and has been a faithful adherent to the gospel ever since. She died trusting in the merits of a crucified Redeemer.
There is a world above
Where parting is unknown;
A long eternity of love,
Formed for the good alone;
And faith beholds the dying here,
Translated to that glorious sphere."From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]
This one may be a bit shaky due to what appears to be a typo in her obit, but there is supporting evidence that it was indeed only a typo - Protestant Union 4 Feb 1886: " At Orwell Cove, on the 21st Jan., Mary Nicholson, widow of the late John Nicholson (Stensholl) in the 88th year of her age. She emigrated to this Island in the ship Polly, in 1830 (sic?). Friends and relatives have the sincere thanks of the family for the respect shown to the remains of the departed as it was consigned to its resting place." From the research of Donna Collings, [email protected]
also: The research of the late Ernest MacLeod shows Mary above as arriving with her parents, Roderick McLeod and wife "Miss" McKenzie along with children Christie, Mary, and Jessie aboard the Polly in 1803. John (Stensholl) Nicholson, her husband, was a son of John Nicholson, wife Jane Martin of Orwell Cove.
82John MacDonald of Kinloch, Isle of Skye and his wife Margaret MacDonald of Kilmuir, Isle of Skye - John Kinloch Macdonald was born in Kinloch, Isle of Skye. He married on Skye, Margaret Macdonald who was from Kilmuir on the Isle of Skye. According to the book "Prince Edward Island Past and Present", they were closely related to the Macdonald chiefs of Sleat, and direct descendants of the Lords of the Isles. In speaking of Allan Macdonald, (Margaret's brother), the book says of him "He was a man of exceptional parts, and an ideal gentleman, derived from a long line of illustrious Scotch ancestry, and a direct descendant of that Macdonald whom Scott has immortalized as "The Lord of the Isles". The Macdonalds of Kinloch were his very near relatives, and one of them, Donald Macdonald, "Kinloch Donhull a Rudha" was the nearest relative of the "Lord of the Isles" that left Scotland for America." - "Prince Edward Island, Past and Present" published by B. F. Bowen & Co., Charlottetown; edited by D.A. MacKinnon & A.B. Warburton., 1906.
John was noted (PEI Land Conveyances Liber 26, folio 347) as having purchased 100 acres in lot 57 from the Earl of Selkirk's agent James William. The transaction was recorded on April 4, 1806, and it stated that John was "now and for sometime" had been in possession of the land. The purchase price was 25 pounds. (In 1821 he also leased another piece of land - 94.5 acres adjoining his 100 acre farm from the Trustees of Lord Selkirk for the sum of 5 shillings per annum (Liber 27, folio 361) They moved a few years later, and took up a beautiful 400 acre farm in Orwell Cove, where they were known locally as the "Kinloch Macdonalds."
Also - Tombstone:
Margaret MacDonald, spouse of John MacDonald (Kinloch) died August 20 1860 age 46.
John (Kinloch) died August 18 1885 age 82. Came from Skye on the "Polly".
Info from Gordon Furness, [email protected]
83Peter Campbell, wife, 3 sons, including Angus who later removed to Middle River, Cape Breton. Large quantity of documentation: See "Angus Campbell of Cape Breton"
84 In reference to Polly Passenger John MacPherson, Ann Beers married John MacPherson, they lived at China Point on the farm later owned by by Charles and Elizabeth Musick Nelson. John MacPherson came in the Ship Polly [not confirmed whether 1803 crossing]. He had 23 children and went to Anticosti (Island) and died there at the age of 103 years. One daughter by his first wife Ann Beers married Thomas Mellish, a daughter Mary married Malcolm Stewart and the youngest Ma(y) married Nicholas Robertson of Mt. Albion. Malcolm Stewart lived at Belfast.
Note: Ann Beers was the daughter of Joseph Beers UEL and his first wife Nancy/Ann Ames.
Source: The Beers family file, PARO
Title: Record of Beers, Hayden and Allied Families in U.S. and Canada (PAROG-Beers-69), page 1.Anyone have more documentation for John?
85Daily Examiner, February 7, 1906: "Death of Mrs Margaret McLaren, 103, widow of the late Archibald McLaren, Jan 28, 1906; born on the passage from Scotland on the ship Polly, 1803....2 sons, 2 daughters, buried Brudenell, Jan 30 beside her husband who predeceased her 30 years ago." Transcription from Christine Gorman.
86Daily Examiner, October 13, 1906: "Death of John McDonald, Glashvin, Belfast, son of Murdoch McDonald, who came from the Isle of skye on the ship Polly. John was born about 1812, eldest of ten children, brother of Mrs. Edmund Briggs, Newton, Belfast, never married, (not date of death.)" Transcription from Christine Gorman.
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