The Vessels Ninth and Rother - Ship Data

The following information from the P.E.l. Genealogical Society, Inc. Newsletter, November 1998, Volume 22, Number 4, #87. Items contributed by member Doug MacDonald. This will substantiate information in the Ships Database for the Rother and Ninth.

From the "Colonial Herald", Charlottetown, 29 August 1840, page 3:

TOBERMORAY, (Scotland) July 23 - Put in, ship Ninth, from Skye, for Cape Breton and P.E.Island.

From the "Colonial Herald". Charlottetown, 12 September 1840, page 3:

The Brig Rother, Captain Hall, six weeks from Tobermoray, with 229 passengers, all natives of the Isle of Skye, arrived here on Tuesday last. One child died and another was born on the passage, so that the number landed corresponded with that taken on board. They seemed all in robust health, and we have no doubt will prove themselves to be a hardy and industrious class of settlers. The ship Ninth, which had previously sailed from the same port with 400 passengers for Cape Breton and this Island, was spoken on the 7th inst. by the Rother, in sight of Cape Breton.


Brig Rother, Hall, Tobermoray; 229 passengers.

ELEVEN, AM., WIND S.E. accompanied with rain.- Sailed this morning, The Rother, Hall, for Miramichi.

From the "Colonial Herald", Charlottetown. 19 September 1840. page 3.

In addition to the 229 passengers by the Brig Rother, from the Isle of Skye, the arrival of whom we announced last week, 315 more, from the same place, have been landed here in the course of the present week, from the ship Ninth. Capt. Shaw. which vessel, after landing upwards of one hundred passengers at Cape Breton, arrived here on Monday last, in 40 days from Tobermoray. Those landed here are a fine, hardy-looking set of people, and they are mostly, we understand, pretty well provided with means.


Ship Ninth, Shaw, Tobermoray; 315 passengers.

CLEARED: Ship Ninth, Shaw, Miramichi: ballast.

In a previous issue of the newsletter, September 1998, Volume 22, Number 3, #86, is a description of the vessels, from the "Cape Breton Advocate", 15 September, 1840,in an article by George F. Sanborn, Jr., F.A.S.G. which contains an excellent description of both vessels.

" The transports are: the Nith, of Liverpool, Captain Shaw, and the Rother of Sunderland, Captain Hall. The former is a splendid new ship of about 650 tons register, having about 100 berths capable of accomodating 400 full passengers. The latter is a beautiful brig of about 325 tons register, with about 40 berths, which are sufficient for 160 full passengers. On the morning of the 14th, instant (August), the Rother weighed anchor with her compliment of passengers, for the custom-house at Tobermory, and the Nith was to follow her in a few days."

Both vessels were under the agency of Archibald MacNiven, Esq., of Tobermory, and the passengers, though the vessels cleared customs at Tobermory, boarded in Uigg Bay, in the parish of Snizort, Isle of Skye.

Note: there are some inconsistancies in the spellings of the vessel names - the original spelling from each reference is used.

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Last Updated: 11/20/98 4:55:04 PM
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