Acadian Flag Prince Edward Island Placenames, Past and Present

Names Used by the Mi'kmaq and Acadian Settlers

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Epagwit / Ile St. Jean / Prince Edward Island

New!Map of Ile St. Jean - Pre 1758

French & Mi'kmaq Locations - Location in 1997

Abahquit - Abegweit Passage

Abadomkeak - China Point (sandy shore winding and turning)

Aboiteau Bridge - Tryon

Abram Village - Named for Abraham Arsenault

Ance du Debarquement - Warren Grove

Anse a Charles - Cove immediately north of Pointe de la Croix, adjacent to present Warren Cove

Anse a la Pirogue - Stewart Cove

Ance a Pinet - Pinette (Pinette Bay) named for Noel Pinet who migrated to Ile St. Jean in 1738 from the Minas Basin.

Anse a Pinnet - Pinette (Pinette Bay)

Ance a la Pointe Prime - Hillsborough Bay

Anse a Matieu - Rollo Bay (named for Mathieu Turin who had a family of ten at East Point in 1752)

Anse au Matelost - Alexandra

Anse au Moine - Cove between Battery and Seatrout Points

Anse aux Morts - Mermaid Cove

Anse aux Morts - Spring Garden Creek

Anse aux Piroques - Stewart Cove

Anse au Sauvage - Rocky Point (cove immediately west of ferry landing place) also known as Canceaux Cove

Anse aux Sangliers - Holland Cove, also Observation Cove (Rocky Point)

Anse Canot - Canoe Cove

Anse de la Boullotiere - Newtown River flows southwest into Orwell Bay

Anse Dubuisson - Walker's Cove

Anse du Compte St-Pierre - Keppoch

Anse du Compte de St-Pierre - Keppoch Bay

Anse du debarquement - Port Lajoie landing place (Warren Cove farm at Rocky Point)

Anse du Nord-Est - Nine Mile Creek

Apsogonigatetjg - Fullertons Creek (small legs)

Atogasoegagan - Mill River flows east into Cascumpeque Bay

Atosag Oalnei - Stewart Cove (trout cove)

Baie des Esturgeons - Sturgeon Bay

Banc Merchine - Billhook Point extends into Cardigan Bay from Panmure Island

Baptiste Creek - Named for an early settler that cut hay there, flows into Percival Bay

Barachois de Rossignol - Poxy Island in Georgetown Harbour

Baslooakade - St. Peter's Island (haunt of the seacow)

Baslookakade - Bell's Point at Cape Traverse (seacow haunt)

Bastogobajit Waakade - Seacow Head

Baye de la Grand Ance - Egmont Bay

Baye de Malpec - Malpeque Bay

Bedec - Bedeque

Belair - Scotchfort

Big Pierre Jacques River - Named for an Native Chief. Pierre Jacques was among chiefs who presented a petition to the House of Assembly in 1832

Booksak - Charlottetown Harbour (narrow passage between cliffs)

Cadecepich - Savage Harbour

Cap a David - Howe Point

Cap de la Souris - Souris Head

Cap a l'Ours - Cape Bear

Cap aux Sauvaiges - North Cape

Cap Blevile - Panmure Head extends into Cardigan Bay

Cap dauphin - Cape Bear

Cap d'Orleans - Kildare Capes

Cap Roma - Panmure Head extends into Cardigan Bay

Cap Rossignol - Panmure Head extends into Cardigan Bay

Cap Rouge - Red Head extending into Northumberland Strait

Cap Vere - Launching Point.

Chesnay Point - China Point, named for Jean Chesnay who was at Savage Harbour for 25 years.

Chivirie Creek - Cheverie Creek flowing south-west into the Souris River.

Chochekchidoocheech - Hardy's Channel

Cinq Maisons - Five Houses (named for five French dwellings that were destroyed during the expulsion)

Coondal Kweesowagwaagul - Rocky Point

Courtin Island - Island in Malpeque Bay named for Abbe Courtin (missionary to the Micmacs)

Deroche Point - Extends into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, named for Etienne Charles Philippe dit LaRoche

DeSable - DeSable

des Etangs - St. Peter's Lake

Doirons Creek - Flows north into Hunter River near Rustico, named for John, Felix and Joshua Doiron

Dunes a l'est du dit Havre - Dunes to East of St. Peter's Harbour (Greenwich)

Elmamgetig - Bell's Point at Cape Traverse (extending on the other side)

Elsetgog - Hillsborough River (flowing close by high rocks)

Elsetkook - Hillsborough River (flowing close by high rocks)

Elmenigetjg - Miminegash (forward land)

Eoigasititj - Winchester Cape extending into Malpeque Bay (registration)

Eoletigel Menigol - Little Courtin Island (poor islands)

Epagwit - Prince Edward Island (parallel to the shore)

Eptek (see Bedec) - Bedeque (a hot place)

Etang des Berges - Stanhope (Campbell's Pond at Grand Tracadie)

Etang des Peaux - Skinner's Pond (skin pond)

Etang du Noffrage - Naufrage

Etang du Cap - Big Pond

French Creek - Flows southeast into Savage Harbour

French Creek - Flows north into the Montague River

French Creek - Feehans Creek flow north into the West River

French Creek - South Branch Pinette River flows north west into the Pinette River

Frenchfort - Named for a fort built during the French occupation

French Marsh Point - Extends into Murray Harbour

French Mill Creek - Ross Creek

French Point - Landrys Point

French River - Flows south-east into New London Bay

French River - Near New London

French River - South Branch Pinette River flows north west into the Pinette River

French Village - Cascumpeque

French Village - North of Mount Stewart

French Village - Northwest of Hunter River

Gallas Point - Earnscliffe, extending into Hillsborough Bay, possibly named for Michel Hache dit Gallant)

Gaspereau - Gaspereaux

Gategageneg - Kensington, Chichester Cove on the south-east side of Malpeque Bay (eel trap)

Geosag gisna Megeog Gonteo - Kellys Point, extending into the Hillsborough River (red stone)

Geosopesitjg nige Satlieg - Bideford River

Giotogoeteg - Greek River (surrounding)

Goesaogonteoapsiag - Rocky Point

Goesogongiag - Panmure Island (sand bar)

Gomgotamoegatig - Princetown Point (little sand bar turned)

Grand-Anse - Orwell Cove

Grand Acension - Vernon River

Grand Chenail - Cardigan Bay

Grand Digue Point - Extends into Egmont Bay, possibly a description of the sandbar there

Grande-Sanction - Point Prim

Grand Pere Point - Extends into Rustico Bay, named for Simeon Gallant surnamed Grand-pere who had a farm there

Grand Rastico - Rustico Bay

Groshaut - St. Charles

Gtijimenigog - Courtin Island (chief island)

Guise River - Perceval Bay

Habitant de demoulin - Clarks Creek, flows north into the Hillsborough River

Havre a l'Anguille - Savage harbour

Havre a la Souris - Souris

Havre a Mathieu - Rollo Bay

Havre-aux-Sauvages - Savage Harbour

Havre de l'Echourie - South Lake

Havre de l'Escoussier - Basin Head

Havre la Fortune - Bay Fortune

Havre Quiquibougat - New London Bay

Havre St-Pierre - St. Peter's Harbour

Ile a Bova - Wood Islands

Ile a Courtin - Curtain Island

Ile aux Bois - Wood Islands

Ile aux Chevres - Rams Island in the Hillsborough River (island of goats)

Ile aux Sauvages - Courtin Island, possibly Ram Island at the entrance of the Malpeque Harbour

Ile Biland - Boughton Island

Ile Brullee - Rams Island in the Hillsborough River

Ile de Bedec - Holman Island

Ile de Tentrec - Fish Island

Ile Gotteville - Rustico Island

Ile du Comte de St. Pierre - St. Peter's Island

Ile-du-Gouverneur - Governors Island (named for Gouverneur de Gotteville)

Ile Gouverneur - Governors Island

Ile Marlot - Boughton Island

Ile Saint-Pierre - St. Peter's Island

Ile St. Jean - Prince Edward Island

Ilot de Comte St-Pierre - MacLeods Island, next to Mermaid Cove

Ilot de la Comtesse - Next to Ilot de Comte St-Pierre on the west side of Mermaid Cove

Indian Head - MacCallums Point, extends into Bedeque Bay

Jacques Cartier Park - Named for French explorer Jacques Cartier

Jacques River - Flows west into Egmont Bay, named for an early settler Jacques Bernard

Kadagakun - Chichester Cove on the south-east side of Malpeque Bay (eel trap)

Kadakuncheech - Barbara Weit River

Kadotpichk - Savage Harbour (eel water place or eel screen_

Kaskamkek (Cascumpec) - Cascumpeque (bold sandy shore)

Kespemenegk - East Point (end of an island)

Kuhtowedek - Greek River (reverberating echo)

Kicheboogwek Booktaba - New London Bay (bay of shoals, enclosed bay)

Kijeboogwek - Darnley Basin (enclosed)

Kikibougat Harbour - New London Bay

Kweduna Wolna - Canoe Cove

Kwesomalegek - Beech Point (hardwood point)

Kwesowaak - Cape Bear (end of the island cape)

Kwesowsak - Cape Turner (headland)

La Belle Alliance - Miscouche

La Belle Riviere - Belle River

La Bois - Wood Islands

La Boullottiere - Newton (Newton River)

La Fortune - Fortune Bay

La Grand-Anse - Orwell Bay

La Grande Ascension - Davies Point at the mouth of the Vernon and Orwell Rivers (formerly known as Centia Point)

La Grande Riviere - Hillsborough River

La Longue Pointe - Duffy's Point extends into the Hillsborough River

La Marais - Pownal Bay

La Riviere Platte - Plat River

La Rommannie - Brudenell Point

La Saint Famille - The Holy Family Parish (Malpeque)

La Terre de bauchimyeq - Prince Edward Island

La Traverse - Traverse River, the crossing,(Cape Traverse)

Le Marais - Pownal Bay

Les Etangs - St. Peter's Lake

Les Trois Rivieres - Brudenell Point

Lipangotitjg - Indian River (portage over a sand bar)

Little French Fort - Two miles east of Frenchfort

Little Pierre Jacques River - Probably named for an Indian chief Piel Jacques

Lmotj Sipo - Dog Creek flows south into Northumberland Strait at Hebron (dog river)

Longapiece's Creek - A creek on the north side of Souris

Lookout Point - Former name for a point at the south end of the Narrows in Lot 12, probably a Micmac Observation Post

Lukes Creek - Flows south-east into Rustico Bay, named for Luke Gallant

M'tagunitc - Tignish River (tacking place)

M'negash (Miminegash) - Miminegash (portage place)

Makpaak (Malpec) - Malpeque (Low Point Lots 13 & 14)

(large bay)

Maktawaak Chiboocheech - Black Creek flowing into the West River

Maktawaak Kwesawa - Black Point

Marguerite - Cherry Valley

Marie River - Probably named for Marie-Josephe Chenel, widow of Morel, a prominent landowner in the area

Maxime Creek - Beatons Creek flowing southeast into Percival Bay

Medubunageak - Rosebank Point extending into the Charlottetown Harbour (steep red bank)

Megoaseg gisna Megoesei Sipo - Vernon River

Megobungwechk - Wolfe inlet ajacent to Egmont Bay

Menesg - Wood Islands (grassy)

Meusik - Gallas Point

Megopenigeg - Brae (red bank)

Menigoatgeg - Cameron Island (north side of Point Prim)


Menisgotjg - Miscouche Cove (little marshy place)

Mentegen - Montague

Mentoapsgog - Cape Egmont (Devil's Rock)

Merchine banc - Northwest side of the present Panmure Island

Mesig Onigen - Four mile route from Malpeque Bay to Bedeque Bay (great portage)

Meskekumpudad - Portage Lake (deep pond)

Mgetemg - Goose Island (haunt of the black-backed gull)

Midgell River - Flows north into St. Peter's Bay, named for an Indian chief Micael Michell

Mimtoogopskeech - Fish Island (ball island)

Mimtugaak - Hillsborough River (running straight up)

Minegoo - Prince Edward Island (The Island)

Min-uk - Mink River flows south into Murray Harbour (fruit place)

Mogoleoitjg - Gillis Point (brant)

Mogulawijik - Port Hill (brant place)

Moinagenetjg - Gillis Point (bear trapping)

Moinec - Murray River (bear)

Mooeak - West Point (sea duck)

Mooinawaseboo - Belle River (bear river)

Morel - Morell (from Jean-Francois Morel)

Moyaque - West Point

Mtagenetjg - Tignish (trail)

Mtagunich (Tognish) - Tignish (paddle)

Munapsky - Indian Rocks, one mile southwest of Wood Islands (reef)

Munegooskek - Cameron Island (north side of Point Prim) (little island)

Munuskooch (Miscouche) - Miscouche Island (little grassy island)

Naufrage - Naufrage (shipwreck)

Negeagant - St. Peter's Harbour area

Nemtagag - North River

New Acadie - St. Charles

Nganigatagang - Ram Island in Malpeque Bay (old cultivated field)

Nioeyjg - Nail Pond (dry)

Nologonetjg - Covehead Bay (armpit)

Noobogunech - Tracadie Cross

Ntoagoagang - Orwell Bay

Ntuagwokun - Pownal Bay (good dealing place)

Oaipogtog - Montague (grassy woods)

Oaipogtotjg - Cardigan River (grassy woods)

Oegopeg - St. Peter's Bay (end of water)

Ogosig - Squaw Point (landing)

Oigoeg gisna Oigoei Pogtapeg - Egmont Bay (turning suddenly)

Okoonaleet - North Point extends into Charlottetown Harbour on the north side of the West River

Okosik - Governors Island

Oojegujech - Crown Point extending into Pownal Bay (stumpy place)

Oolugome - Mill Creek flowing south-east into the West River (good spearing)

Oonigun - Portage River (portage)

Oonigunsuk - Clyde River (portage place)

Pasloegatig - St. Peter's Island (French settlement)

Pecheurs epars - isolated fisherman

Peetcook - Bedeque Bay (the place that lies on the backward turn)

Penamkeak - Cavendish Beach (sandy beach)

Pesegitk (Peugiguit) - Pisquid (entering at right angles)

Petawegek Munegoo - Hog Island (barren island)

Peteoigeg - Hog Island (tea boiling)

Petite cap a l'Ours - Cape Bear

Petite Riviere - Pinette River

Petit Havre - New London Bay

Pitag Tjipotjitj - Long Creek (long creek)

Plansoe Tjpotjitj - Hillsborough River (flowing close by high rocks)

Pogoosumkek Booktaba - St. Peter's Bay (bay of clams)

Point de Rouge - Point Deroche

Pointe a la Framboise - Seatrout Point also Raspberry Point extends into Hillsborough Bay at Keppoch

Pointe a Marguerite - Battery Point, site of York Battery

Pointe a Pierrot - Immediately north of Anse du Debarquement (also known as Canceaux Point)

Pointe a Pierrot - Fairview (near the landing point of the ferry)

Pointe a Pinette - Pinette Point

Pointe a la Pirogue - Rosebank Point extending into the Charlottetown Harbour

Pointe au Boulleau - Birch Point extending into Orwell Bay

Pointe au Sable - Poverty Beach sandbar between Murray Harbour and Northumberland Strait

Pointe-aux-Boulaux - Rosebank Point extending into the Charlottetown Harbour

Pointe-aux-Boulots - Birch Point extending into Orwell Bay

Pointe au Buse - Burnt Point extending into Cardigan Bay

Pointe de la Croix - Point immediately north of Block House Point

(also known as Canceaux Point)

Pointe de la Flamme - Block House Point, south-west side of Charlottetown harbour

Pointe de la Guerite - Immediately north of Anse a Charles, south-east of present day Rocky Point at Fort Amherst, means Watchtower Point

Pointe DeRoche - Point DeRoche

Pointe d'Est - East Point

Pointe de l'ouest ou il y a des cedres - Cedar Dunes Park at West Cape

Pointe du Nord - North Cape

Pointe du Sud ou de prime - Point Prim

Pointe Prime - Point Prim

Pointe Rouge - East Point

Pogoosumkek-seboo - Morell River (clam ground river)

Poogoosumkek-coospem - Pisquid Pond (clam beach lake)

Port a l'Anguille - Little Harbour

Port Chimene - Tracadie Bay

Port Lajoie - Fort Amherst National Historic Park (Rocky Point)

Port ou Riveiere de la Joie - North River

Poudre Point - Hardy Point

Puksek - Charlottetown

Quibuonidinique - Savage Harbour

Quiquibougat - New London Bay

Rassicot - Rustico

Rau de la Mouliere - Nortons Creek flows south into the Brudenell River

Riviere a Charles - Morell River

Riviere Achee - Cardigan River

Riviere a la Fortune - Fortune River (river of riches)

Riviere au Vergne - McCallum Creek flows into Brackley Bay

Riviere aux Esturgeons - Sturgeon Bay

Riviere Bobokimik - Rustico Bay

Riviere Broullian - Millers Creek flowing south into the Hillsborough River

Riviere Cadopigs - Savage Harbour

Riviere-de-Bedeceq - Dunk River

Riviere de Blang - Winter River flowing east into Tracadie Bay

Riviere de l'Ascension - Brudenell River

Riviere de l'Escoussier - South Lake

Riviere de la Grande Ascension - Orwell River

Riviere de la Petite Ascension - Fullerton's Creek

Riviere de l'Ile aux foins - Fullerton's Creek (hay island river)

Riviere de L'Ile au Foin - Wright's Creek flows south-east into the Hillsborough River

Riviere-de l'Ouest - West River

Riviere des Barques - Ship Channel, entrance to Malpeque Bay

Riviere-des-Blancs - Johnston's River area

Hornes Creek - flows south into the Hillsborough River

Riviere des Blonds - Tryon River (Tryon)

Riviere des Crapeaux - Crapaud River (Crapaud) (river of toads)

Riviere-du-Moulin - Mc Kie Creek flows north-east into Charlottetown Harbour Rocky Point (empties into Anse au Sauvage)

Riviere-du-Nord - North River

Riviere-du-Nord-Est - East River (Hillsborough River)

Riviere de Pegedieg - Pisquid River

Riviere de Peugiguit - Pisquid River

Riviere de Pigiguit - Pisquid River

Riviere du Moulin a scie - Glenfinnan River

Riviere Platte - Flat River

Riviere Quiquebougouet - New London Bay

Riviere Ronton - St. Peter's Bay

Riviere Royalle - Cardigan River

Riviere Sud Antoine de Pade - St. Peter's Bay

Riviere Touboutouinee - Rustico Bay

Riviere Tranche Montagne - Naufrage

Riviere Tranchemontagne - North Lake

Ruisseau a Commeau - Berrigans Creek flowing north into St. Peter's Lake

Ruisseau a Lafrance - Squaw Bay also Burhoes Creek (Alexandra area)

Ruisseau de du Moulin - Clarks Creek, flows north into the Hillsborough River

St-Jean the Evangalist R. C. Church - Port Lajoie (Rocky Point)

St. Louis du Nord R. C. Church - Riviere du Nord-Est (Scotchfort)

St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church - Pointe Prim (Lord Selkirk Park in Eldon)

St. Pierre - St. Peter's Harbour (named for Governor de Gotteville)

St. Pierre du Nord - St. Peter's Harbour

St. Pierre du Nord Roman Catholic Church - St. Peter's Harbour

St. Raphael - named for Raphael Poirier

Samkook - Cardigan (sandy shore)

Skaqmk - Scotchfort

Segunakadech - Rice Point (little ground nut place)

Seskookwolna - Sunbury Cove ajacent to Bedeque Bay

Setunook - North Cape (where the water flows back)

Sgoltjoegatig - Souris (frog resort)

Shemody Point - Burnt Point extending into Malpeque Bay

Shemody River - Carrs Creek flowing north into Bentick Cove (spear pole)

Shimene Port - Tracadie Bay

Sipagamigeg - Egmont Bay (French fort)

Sipaig - Conway Narrows (hard to go through)

Sipiaosgigeneg - North Cape (stretched rocks)

Tabooetooetun - Rustico Bay (having two outlets)

Tabuktwaakade - Bird Island south-east of Lennox Island (goat place)

Tedeneche - Tignish River (straight across)

Teekoo-seboo - Mink River flows south into Murray Harbour (mink river)

Telesipgig - Pinette River

Telesipgisg - Flat River (meaning unknown)

Tipotjitj - Hardy's Channel

Tjigaoegatig - West River (bass place)

Tjipotjiyj - Freeland Creek flowing into Frederick Cove and Conway Narrows

Tjotjeg - Hardy's Channel

Tlaiang - Tryon River (shirt)

Togotjatjgitjoegatig - Dock River flowing south into Cascumpec Bay (duck place)

Tracadi Harbour - Tracadie Bay

Trocadie - Tracadie

Trois-Rivieres - Three Rivers (Brudenell Point)

Tulakadik - Tracadie (camping ground)

Tulesipk - Tryon (meaning unknown)

Tulesipkee - Gascoigne Cove (meaning unknown)

Tulespikees - Westmoreland River at Crapaud (meaning unknown)

Upkudaskooch - Condons Pond in Murray Harbour North (little pond or pond without outlet)

Urbainville - Named for Urbain Arsenault

Wegwaak - Egmont Bay (it ends, rough, cross, ugly)

Wegwaseboo - Perceval Bay (meaning unknown)

Weibooktoojech - Boughton River (little red river or little grassy woods)

Wejowitk - Point Prim (beside the flowing current)

Wokweswaseboo - Fox River flowing northeast into Murray Harbour

We hope that the Mi'kmaq names have been accurately represented. We would appreciate any corrections and possible translations for them.

© 1997 - Waldron H. Leard

Dave Hunter and The Island Register: Source Code and Graphics© 1997

Last Updated: 06/14/2000 5:16:29 PM

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