Letters from P.E.I. - W. Underhay, Lot 56 Feb 10, 1838

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Transcribed by Ed Cooper, [email protected]

Archive #7-A 1838, 10 Feb (Lot 56, Underhay)

Hon. Sir,

When I wrote the enclosed Statement, it was my intention to have sent it to the Royal Gazette, but on further consideration, deemed it best to submit it to your discretion to make what use of it you please. Cooper wrote that Letter before he shewed (sic) it to his trained troops, who of course approved it, and then it was by order Joseph Dingwall (Dingwell?) sometime since received a letter from him, enclosing a copy of His Excellency�s Message with directions, no doubt, how to proceed. They had their successive meetings for the purpose of clearing Cooper and throwing back the falsehood on His Excellency. Ungrateful wretches that they are, I cannot help feeling indignant that low vile miscreants as some of them are, should presume to sit in judgment on the governor; but could find nothing to suit their purpose, as Mr. O�Reilly would say nothing that evening. Some of the more candid or more cautious of the few assembled, proposed that I should be requested to attend a (parish?) meeting next evening; and it was agreed that Mr. O�Reilly should write me a note, wishing to see me, as though on private business. You will observe, sir, at this time I was in total ignorance of the whole affair, the Post not arriving until last night. Had I attended to O�Reilly�s note, I have no doubt I should, in spite of themselves, entirely upset their proceedings. The villain Howlett plainly saw this (quick?) by an artifice which I will now describe prevented me. He knew better than to come on my premises, but saw Ed Withers who he knew would convey what he said to me in five minutes; he told him they had a meeting the evening before, to make the Governor out a L__ (liar?) and clear Coopers character. That they could as yet make nothing of it. That they had planned to draw me over, that I should receive a note from O�Reilly that morning merely requesting to see me; and bade Edward if he had told me, not to use his name, but the warning was from a friend, I did not see through in time to baffle him, and when I received the note, decided not to go. I believe they got O�Reilly to say something to suit their purpose that evening, perhaps to oblige his father-in-law � Mr. Coffin, who would go through fire and water for Cooper, and insinuated that he had himself heard the Governor say a great deal � I am well aware it is false, however they have made it out something and sent to Cooper by Coffins son. I will not attempt to describe the low mean tricks resorted to in endeavoring to obtain their object. The whole affair, from first to last, is a complete juggle between Cooper and his cabal, believe me.

Lot 56 Hon. Sir,

Feb 10th 1838 To the most truly Yours,

(signed) W. Underhay (flourishes)

Coopers Admirals Letter was read at Three Rivers meeting, long after the circular appeared, Supposing it possible he could have thought His Excellency empowered to grant all he gives him the credit of promising, he must be a villain indeed to use such vigorous efforts to prevent their being accepted. As to their committee, if all are alike, those in Fortune, they are merely a cloak for his proceedings, Fools, some of the foremost reckless of what they say or do, lead others into error. Donald McDonald in Speaking of the Report on Waller�s Letter hoped I would not think ill of the committee, observing with great simplicity, they were innocent as children, all but Howlett. Another of them (Henry Williams) refused to sign the said report, until they shewed (sic) him the original in Cooper�s hand writing � he says too, he signed the Abstract without ever setting eye on the Books � If you see anything objectionable in the enclosed statement, please correct it, remembering to preserve the substance.

(signed) W.U.

reverse: copy of Underhays Letters By D.D.


  1. addressed to who?, apparently not to Wm. Cooper, and who is D.D.?
  2. (?) based on the Waller Letter Committee findings/actions?
  3. Cooper�s Admirals Letter (?) & Three Rivers Meeting (?)
  4. names in letters: Royal Gazette, Cooper, Joseph Dingwall (Dingwell?), His Excellency (Governor?), Mr. O�Reilly, {Robert) Howlett, Edward Withers, Governor, Mr. Coffin (O�Reilly�s father-in-law), Coffin�s son, W. Underhay, Fortune (Bay?), Donald McDonald, Waller (letter), Henry Williams.
  5. "the Abstract" (of Waller letter committee?).

transcribed by Ed Cooper [email protected] 2-1-2004

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