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Queen's County
Queen's County Prince County King's County
Charlottetown Royalty Map Public Officers:
George Dundas, Esquire, Lieut. Governor of P.E. Island.
W. H. Pope, Colonial Secretary.
George Wright, Colonial Treasurer.
John Robins, Assistant Treasurer.
Edward Palmer, Attorney General.
Francis Longworth, Controller of Customs.
John Aldous, Commissioner of Crown Lands and Surveyor General.
Charles DesBrisay, Clerk Executive Council.
Donald Currie, Assist. Clerk Executive Council.
Robert Crawford, Registrar of Deeds.
J. W. Morrison, Road Correspondent.
L.C. Owen, Post Master General.
John Ings, Queen's Printer.
Rev. Dr. L. C. Jenkins, Librarian.
Thomas Alley, Superintendent Public Works.
George R. Goodman, Surveyor of Shipping.
R. Sloggett Lloyds, Surveyor of Shipping.
Robert Hodgson, Chief Judge.
J. H. Peters, Assist. Judge.
Daniel Hodgson, Clerk of the Crown.
Charles Young, Judge of Probate.
J. H. Gray, President Executive Council.
John Longworth, Provincial Aide -de-camp.
R. P. Hodgson, Provincial Aide -de -camp.
Geo. D. Atkinson, Private Secretary.
P. D. Stewart, Adjutant General of Militia.
John Arbuckle, School Inspector.
J. Mc Neill, Secretary Board of Education.City Officers:
H. Haviland, Mayor.
John Lawson, Recorder.
Peter Macgowan, Clerk.
Benjimin Des Brisay, Treasurer.
Silas Bernard, Surveyor.Executive Council:
His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor.
Hon. J. H. Gray, President.
Hon. Edward Palmer.
Hon. James Yeo.
Hon. John Longworth.
Hon. James C. Pope.
Hon. David Kaye.
Hon. James McLaren.
Hon. Daniel Davies.
Hon. W. H. Pope.Legislative Council:
Hon. Donald Montgomery, President.
Members: Hons. James Yeo, W. W. Lord, Donald Ramsay, Alexander Anderson, K. Henderson, George Beer, John Goff, P. Walker, James Dingwell, James MacLaren, Edward Palmer, A. A. Mc Donald.House of Assembly:
Hon. T. Haviland, Speaker House of Assembly.
Members: Nicholas Conroy, G. W. Howlan, John Yeo, David Ramsay, James Warburton, George Sinclair, Jas. C. Pope, Cornelius Howatt, Colin McLennan, Daniel Green, William Haslem, D. Montgomery, John Longworth, Alexander Laird, Geo. Coles, Francis Kelly, J.H. Gray, W. H. Pope, Daniel Davies, Frederick Brecken, Jos. Hensey, Donald Beaton, Edward Whelen, John Sutherland, Edward Thorton, R. Walker, David Kaye, James Duncan, Roderick MacAulay, John McNeill, Clerk.Clergy:
Rev. D. Fitzgerald, A. B. Rector Church of England.
Rev. L. C. Jenkins, D. C. L. , (retired) Church of England.
Rev. Thomas Duncan, establish'd Church of Scotland.
Rev. Geo. Sutherland, Presbyterian Church.
Rev. Alexander Falconer, Presbyterian Church.
Rev. John Brewster, Wesleyan Methodist Minister.
Rev. John Davis, Baptist Minister.
Rev. Cephas Barker Bible Christian Minister.
Right Rev. Dr. MacIntyre, Bishop of Charlottetown.
Very Rev. Dr. McDonald, V. G. Charlottetown.Artists:
G. P. Tanton, Photographic Artist, Upper Great George Street.
R. R. McLellan, Artist and Photographist Great George Street.Tin Smiths and Gas Fitters:
John Cairns, Dealer in Tin Ware and Gas Fitter, Upper Queen Street.
Wm. A. Lockerby, Tin and Copper Smith and Gas Fitter, Great George Street.
Wm. B. Allin, Tin Smith and Gas Fitter, Grafton Street.
G. W. Millner, Wholesale and Retail Tin Shop. Dealer in Stoves. Fancy and Ornamental Sign Painting, Carving and Gilding,Upper Queen Street.
M. Stevenson, Tin Smith, Great George St.Marble Manufacturers:
J. Cairns, Stone Cutter and Marble Manufacturer, Queen Street.
S. Wells, Marble Works, Monuments, Headstones and Chimney Pieces,Great George Street.Harness Makers:
John Gates, Saddle, Harness Maker, Queen Square.
Adam Murray, Saddle, Harness Maker, North side Queen Square.
John &P. Bowers, Saddle and Harness Makers, Richmond Street.
John Pickard, Saddle and Harness Maker, North side Queen Square.
John Kennedy, Saddle and Harness Maker and Carriage Trimmer, corner Kent and Prince Streets.
J. Stumbles, Saddle &Harness Maker, Queen Square.Colleges and Normal Schools:
Dr. Inglis, Professor Prince Wales College.
Alexander Anderson, Professor Prince Wales College.
Rev. A. Mc. Donald, Rector St. Dunstan's College.
J.H. Webster, Head Master Normal School.Sail Makers:
Archibald Kennedy, Sailmaker, Peake's Wharf.
J. T. Longard, Sailmaker, Peake's Wharf.
John Dillon, Sailmaker, Lord's Wharf.Bakers:
James Watts, Baker and Grocer, Kent St.
Alexander McKenzie, Baker and Confect., Water St.
John Quirk, Baker, Grocer, and Provision store, cor. Prince and Grafton Sts.
Joseph Knight, Baker, Flour dealer and general Merchandise, Great George St.Manufacturers:
C. E. Stanfield, Manufacturer of Woolen Cloths, Tryon, Prince County.
John Hobbs, Hat and Cap Manufacturer, opp. Temperance , cor. Prince and Grafton Sts.
Charles Reilly, Tobacco Manufacturer, Pownal St.
W. W. Duchemin, inventor of anti-friction ships' block and sheave, Prince St.
Jas. Barrett, Blockmaker.Merchants:
Estate James Peake, Dry goods and Groceries and Ship owners and Ship Chandlers, Queen St.
Benj. Davies, groceries etc., Queen Square.
Daniel Brennan, Dry goods and Hardware, Queen St.
Robert Hutchinson, Dry goods and groceries, Pownal St.
W. W. Lord &Co. Ship owners Dry goods, Ship Chandlers, cor. Water and Pownal Sts.
H. Haszard, Dry goods and Groceries, Up'r Queen St.
James Purdie, Dry goods, Groceries and Provisions, Pownal St.
P. Walker, Dry goods and Groceries, north side of Queen Square.
Wm. Heard, Ship owner, Dry goods, etc.,Queen Square.
James McCraith, Shipowner and general Importer,Queen St.
W. & A. Brown, Dry goods and Groceries, Queen Square.
James Des Brisay &Co., general importers of Dry goods, Boots, Shoes, etc. Queen Square.
D. G.& S. Davies, Ship owners, Dry goods and general Importers, Queen Square.
S. W. McMurray, Dry goods and Groceries, Queen St.
Jas. Anderson, Dry goods and Groceries, Queen St.
Jas. Reddin, Dry goods and Groceries, Queen St.
Wellington Nelson, Merchant, Queen St.
Charles Bell, Merchant tailor, Queen St.
Donald McIsaac, Dry goods and Groceries, Queen St.
H. J. Callbeck, Dry goods and Groceries, Queen St.
John Williams, Dry goods and Groceries and Seed store, Queen Square.
John Higgins, Drygoods, Groceries and Hardware, Great George St.
F. LePage, Glasgow House, Dry goods, etc., Queen St.
J. B. Pollard, China and Glassware, Kent St.
Delaney & Wilson, Renfrew House, general importers of Dry goods, groceries and Hardware, Great George St.
A. Phillips, Wine and Spirit dealer.
Wm. Full, Liverpool House, Dry goods and Groceries, Great George St.
Geo. Cummings, Merchant tailor, next door to Temperance Hall, Prince St.
P. Reilly, Tailor and Draper, corner Kent and Prince Streets.Booksellers and Stationers:
Laird & Harvey, Books, Stationery, Hardware and Fancy goods, Queen Square.
Mrs. Stamper,Books and Stationery, Queen Square.
J. S. Bremner, Books and Stationery, Prince St.Wholesale Dealers:
Dodd & Rogers, Stoves and Groceries, Pownal St.
G. F. C. Lowden, Wholesale dealer in Flour and Tea and Tobacco Manufacturer.
P. W. Hyndman, wholesale dealer in Flour and Tea, and Tobacco Manufacturer, Queen St.
W. E. Dawson, general importer of Groceries, Hardware, etc., cor. of Great George and Kent Sts.
A. Mitchell, wholesale Merchant and general Importer.
J. D. Haszard, Royal Agricultural Society Store, Queen's Square.
H. E. Starbird & Co. , City Hardware store, Queen St.
M. Lowden, wholesale dealer in Flour and Tea, Queen St.
R. W. Brecken, wholesale dealer in Flour and Tea, Water St.
P. Y. Stevenson, wholesale dealer in Flour and Tea., Water St.
J. B. Eakart, dealer in Canada Flour & c.
W. B. Dean, Wholesale dealer, Water St.
Robert Bell, Groceries and Provision store, Queen Square.
A. N. Large, Flour, Groceries and Provisions, cor. Queen and Kent St.
Owen Connolly, Flour, Groceries and Provisions, cor. Dorchester St.
Geo. W. Gardiner, Flour, Groceries and Provisions, Queen St.
I. C. Hall, Wholesale Merchant, Queen St.
J. A. McKenna, Tavern and Groceries, Pownal St.
F. McCarron, Tavern and Groceries, Richmond St.Banks:
T. H. Haviland, President Bank of P. E. Island.
Wm. Moore, Cashier Bank of P. E. Island.
Geo. Moore, teller Bank of P.E. Island.Insurances:
Wm. Heard, President Mutual Fire Ins. Co.
H. Palmer, Secretary Mutual Fire Ins. Co.
D. J. Roberts, Secretary Marine Ins. Co.Newspapers:
John Ings, Publisher and Proprietor of the "Islander" and "Royal Gazette."
Edward Whelan, Editor, Publisher and Proprietor of the "Examiner."
David Laird, Editor, Publisher and Proprietor of the "Protestant."
J. B. Cooper, Editor, Publisher and Proprietor of the "Monitor."
John Ross, Publisher and Proprietor of "Ross' Weekly."
Reilly & Doyle, Publishers and Proprietors of the "Vindicator."
John S. Bremner, Printer, Bookbinder and Stationer.Jewellers and Watchmakers:
John Trenaman, Jeweller and Watchmaker, North side Queen Square.
Alfred Purchase, Jeweller and Watchmaker, North side Queen Square.
Alfred Purchase, Jeweller and Watchmaker, Great George St.Surveyors:
Joseph Ball, Lead Surveyor, Water Street.
George Wright, Land Surveyor, Royalty.
H. J. Cundall, Land Surveyor, Grafton Street.
John Ball, Land Surveyor, Grafton Street.Hotels:
James Davis, Osborne House, Water Street.
Misses Street, Pavilion, Great George Street.
Mrs. Cairns, Globe Hotel, Kent Street.
E. Manley, Terrace House, near Steamboat Landing, Pownall Street.
J. W. Holman, Boarding House, corner of Queen and Kent Streets.
A. A. Lockerby, Proprietor of Island Home, corner of Kent and Great George Streets.
J. G. Eckstadt, Saloon Keeper and Hair Dresser, Queen Street.Cabinet Makers and Carpenters:
George Douglas, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture and Upholstering Goods, corner of King's Square and Kent Street.
Mark Butcher, Cabinet Maker and Livery Stables, King's Square.
Thomas Essery, Carpenter and Builder, Kent Street.
B. Moore, Carpenter and Lumber Dealer, Richmond Street.
T. Alley, Builder, Prince Street.
James Mc Gregor, House Joiner, King's Square.
Benj. Williams, Joiner and Stair Builder, Hill's Square.
Geo. L. Dockerty, Cabinet Maker and Upholster, Prince Street.
David Chappell, Surveyor of Lumber, Prince Street.Boot Shoe and Leather Manufacturers:
W. B. Dawson, City Tannery, Grafton Street.
E. B. Love, Tanner and Currier, Upper Queen Street.
Wm. Weeks, Boot, Shoe and Leather Finding Store, North side Queen Square.
John Yeo, Boot and Shoe maker, Prince Street.
V. C. Trowan, Boot and Shoe Maker, Kent Street.
John Dorsey, Boot and Shoe Maker.
Wm. Morris, Boot and Shoe Maker, Prince Street.Brewers and Distillers:
George Coles, Brewer and Distiller, Kent Street.
Thomas Pethick, Brewer and Distiller, Weymouth Street.
R. H. F. Smith, Brewer and Distiller, Brighton Street.
P. Gaul, Groceries, Brewer and Distiller, Pownal Street.Agencies:
J. H. Sherman, U. S. Consul.
W. A. Johnstone, Agent for Liverpool and London Fire Insurance Company.
G. W. DeBlois, Land Agent, Grafton Street.
R. Rennie, Land Agent, Hillsborough Street.
Wm. Murphy, Manager Gas Light Company.
C. A. Hyndman, Superintendent Telegraph Company, Water Street.
Archibald McNeill, Superintendent Reading Room, and General Agent.Druggists:
Theophilus DesBrisay, "Apothecaries Hall", Queen Square.
W. R. Watson, "City Drug Store", Queen Street.
M. W. Skinner, Druggist, Queen Street.Carriage Makers and Blacksmiths:
John Scott, Carriage Maker, Kent Street.
Paul McPhail, Carriage Maker, Prince Street. William Reid, Cart and Wagen Maker, Hillsboro Street.
A. White, Blacksmithing, Carriage Mounting, and Trimming, King's Square.
H. Seliar, Carriage Builder, King's Square.
D. Mc Kinnon & Fraser, Carriage Making and Blacksmithing, Prince Street.
McPhail & Hunter, Carriage and Sleigh Builders, Kent Street.
P. Halloran, Blacksmith and Carriage Builder.
John Pollard, Blacksmith And Carriage Mounting, Kent Street.
E. H. Martin, House Sign And Carriage Painter and Glazier, Plain and Ornamental Paper Hanger, Kent Street.
John Murphy, House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, Plain and Decorative Paper Hanger, Carriage and Sleigh Painter, Kent Street.
Phillip Large, Carriage Manuf., Great George St.Barristers at Law:
William Forgan, Royalty.
Edward Palmer, Office, Queen Street.
Joseph Hensley, Office Great George Street.
John Longworth, Office, Great George Street.
T. Stewart, Queen Street.
Charles Palmer, and M. McLeod, Office, Great George Street.
Haviland & Brecken, Office Water Street.
W. A. Johnstone, Office Queen Square.
Henry Palmer, Office, Kent Street.
D. O'M. & R. Reddin, Office Dorchester Street.
E. J. Hodgson, Office, Great George Street.Physicians:
Dr. J. Mackieson, Physician and Surgeon, Pownal Street.
Dr. W. H. Hobkirk, Physician and Surgeon, "Frogmore House."
Dr. J. T. Jenkins, Physician and Surgeon, Queen Street.
Dr. H. Johnson, Physician and Surgeon, Kent Street.
Dr. L. Tremain, Physician and Surgeon, Queen Square.
Dr. McKeon, Physician and Surgeon, Pownal Street.
Dr. Gauvreau, Physician and Surgeon, Pownal Street.Commission Merchants and Auctioneers:
J. & T. Morris, Commission Merchants, Queen Street.
A. H. Yates, Commission Merchant and Ship Broker, Queen Street.
Wm. Dodd, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Queen Street.
Wm. McGill, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, and Ship Builder, Queen Street.
J. S. Carvell, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Queen Street.
Neil Rankin, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Queen Street.Ship Owners and Builders:
Wm. Douse & Sons, Ship owners and Builders.
James Duncan & Co. Ship owners and Builders.
L. C. Owen & Co. Ship owners and Builders.
Robt. Longworth, Ship owner and Builder.
Clement White, Ship owner and Builder.
James White, Ship owner and Builder.
W. C. Bourke, Ship owner and Builder.
W. White, Ship owner and Builder.
CORNWALL Lot 32 Queens County 1863
Geo. Wigginton, Merchant.
J. P. Callbeck, Merchant.
D. McVitie, Merchant.
T. Trowsdale, Wagon-maker.
Wm. Dawson, Tanner.
H. Bulpit, Shoemaker.
Wm. Rogerson, Carpenter and Machine builder.
C. Lowther, Farmer.
Geo. McKay, Magistrate.
Donald McKay, Merchant.
Wm. McKay, Farmer.
J. G. McKay, Teacher.
Geo. Mc.Kay, Jr., Shipbuilder.
Capt. J. McLeod, Farmer.
S. Mutch, Merchant.
Henry Beer, Merchant.
W. McLeod, Tanner and Currier.
James W. Kennedy, Harness-maker.
W. Jakeman, Blacksmith.
George Moore, Stratford Hotel.
MT. STEWART Lot 37 Queens County 1863
VICTORIA Lot 29 Queens County 1863
WHEATLEY RIVER Lot 24 Queens County 1863
Prince County
Queen's County Prince County King's County
T. T. Baker, dealer in general Merchandise.
John Crawford, dealer in general Merchandise.
W. W. Strong Esq., dealer in general Merchandise.
Robert Inman, Farmer.
W. Schurman, Farmer.
Jos. Schurman, Farmer.
I. Schurman, Blacksmith.
Reubin Tuplin, Merchant.
William Tuplin, Carriage - maker.
John Tuplin, Miller.
Thos Bently,Farmer.
Edwin Proctor, Blacksmith.
Hon. Jas. C. Pope, dealer in General Merchandise and Shipbuilder.
Richard Hunt, dealer in General Merchandise and Shipbuilder.
Jas. Muirhead, dealer in General Merchandise and Shipbuilder.
John LeFurgey, dealer in General Merchandise and Shipbuilder.
C. McLennan, dealer in General Merchandise.
R. T. Holman, dealer in General Merchandise.
J. L. Holman, dealer in General Merchandise.
H. Vickerson, dealer in General Merchandise.
R. A. Strong, dealer in General Merchandise.
H. C. Green, dealer in General Merchandise.
D. Enman, dealer in General Merchandise.
R. McDonald, dealer in General Merchandise.
R. McC. Stavert, dealer in General Merchandise.
Alex Waugh, dealer in General Merchandise.
P. P. Schurman, Provision dealer and butcher.
McKinnon & McLennan, dealers in Groceries and Refreshments.
P. Brown, dealer in Stoves and Tin ware.
D. Ramsey, Shipbuilder.
M. & F. Reiley, dealers in Cabinet-ware.
David Montgomery, Lumber-dealer.
Thos. Crabb, proprietor Crabb's Hotel.Miscellaneous:
Chas. Green, Custom-house officer.
Jos. Green, sr. Gentleman.
A. S. Black, Accountant.
J. Walker, Bookkeeper.
J. Homer, Physician, Surgeon and Druggist.
E. Vaughn, M. D. Physician.
D. R. Stewart, Distiller.Tradesmen:
H. Gibson, Ornamental Painter.
G. Hinton, Tanner and currier.
G. Crabb, Saddler and harness-maker.
Geo. Harvey, Shoemaker.
J. Gaffney, Tailor.
P. Delany, Watchmaker.
Wm. Brehaut, House-carpenter.
S. Baker, House-carpenter.
Jas. Craswell, Ship-carpenter.
Geo. O'Neill, Blacksmith.
T. Brehaut, Plasterer and stucco worker.
W. Whittord, and hair-dresser.
A. F. Doull, Shoemaker.
G. Doull, Cabinet Maker.
Jas. Campbell, dealer in General Merchandise and Sheriff.
Chas. Compton, dealer in General Merchandise.
Wm. T. Hunt, dealer in General Merchandise.
John Hazard, importer of British Goods.
A. E. Holland, dealer in Tin Ware.
J. I. Fraser, dealer in Gen'l. Mchdse.
John McFadyn, propt. American Hotel.Manufacturers:
Jas. Porter, Tanner and Currier.
Chas. Harvey, Saddler and Harness-maker.
W. Hamilton, Shoemaker.
E. Rayner, Shoemaker.
J. Harper, Shoemaker.
Jas. Woodside, Blacksmith.
S. McNeill, Carriage-maker.
Wm. Darby, Wagon-maker.
I. Howat, Wagon-maker.Miscellaneous:
Arch Deacon Read, D. D.
H. F. Jarvis, M. D., Physician and Surgeon.
A. V. Wiggins, D. L., Farmer.
W. M. Howe, Attorney-at- Law.
Dr. Hopkins, dealer in medicines.
Jas. Reid, Jailor.
W. F. Cannon, Clerk.
T??s. Mckinlay, Staff- Adjutant V. B.
H. Craswell, Hotel - keeper.
J. Milligan, Hotel - keeper.
John Heffiel, Carpenter.
George W. Gay, Shoemaker.King's County
Queen's County Prince County King's County
GEORGETOWN BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Georgetown and Royalty King's County 1863
D. Gordon, Merchant, cor. Kent and Grafton Sts.
F. McNeill, Merchant and Ship owner.
A. McDonald, Merchant, cor. Kent and Water Sts.
J. Wightman, Merchant and Ship builder.
M. Hession, Merchant.
A. W. LeBrocq, Druggist.
J. McFarlane, Merchant, Kent St.
R. Munro, Merchant and Clerk of Court.
Capt. J. McDonald, Merchant.
John Smith, Merchant.
W. Sanderson, Commission Merchant and Agent.
F. P. Norton, Commission Merchant, Kent St.Physicians:
David Kaye, Physician and Surgeon.
Alex McLean, Physician and Surgeon.
J. C. Mc Keown, Physician and Surgeon.Miscellaneous:
D. F. Kennedy, Tinsmith , Kent St.
A. McPhail, Blockmaker, Water St.
J. A. McDonald,Union Hotel, Kent St.
John Hicken, American House.
W. B. Aitken, Collector of Port.
Rev. F. McDonald, Cath. Priest.
E. Wickwire, Tanner and Currier.
John Rexton, House- joiner and Carpenter.
A. C. Stewart, Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer.
A. Morrison, Tailor.
Robert T. Roach, Clergyman Church of England.
H. Mc Eachren, Hotel- keeper.
J. N. Cogswell, Tanner and Currier.
James Moar, Boat-builder.
Alex Robertson, Saddle and Harness-maker.
James Bourke, Capt. and owner of Georgetown Ferry.
Wm. Cadie, Carriage - maker.
Geo. Parker, Foreman.
A. Campbell, Ship- carpenter.
ANNANDALE (Grand River Wharf) Lot 56 Kings County 1863
BRIDGETOWN (Grand River) Lot 54/55 Kings County 1863
MONTAGUE Lot 52/59 Kings County 1863
Donald Beaton, dealer in General Merchandise.
John Knight, dealer in General Merchandise.
C. O. Carlton,dealer in General Merchandise.
Edward Kickham, dealer in General Merchandise.
Richard Conway,dealer in General Merchandise.
A. Leslie, Magistrate.
John McDonald, Magistrate.
James Moynegh, Baker and Merchant.
James a. McEachern, Merchant.
Wm. Stone, Merchant.
E. B. Muttart, Physician.
Capt. R. McDonald, Sea Captain.
Thos. L. Smit, Harness - maker.
James McLauchlen, Shoe - maker.
Alexander Champion, Merchant.
Thomas Hellyer, Block - maker.
Jeremiah McCarthy, Blacksmith.