![]() | The Island Register's P.E.I. Genealogy Books, CDs and Reviews Page M-P |
Author: John MacPhail Collins
Spiral Cover, 492 pages
Available At: John M. Collins, #807-1285 Sandy Lane, Sarnia, Ont. N7V 4J7, Canada
Price: See below
Report by: the author
MacPHAIL - From the Isle of Mull To Prince Edward Island Being the Genealogies of the Several Families of MacPhail on that Island.
The MacPhail Reunion 200 was a great success and our book on their genealogy and family history was successfully launched. While I haven't the final figures, between 550 and 600 people attended the events in whole or in part. The committees under Dr. Cecil MacPhail did a fantastic job of organizing and running the whole event, and are to be thoroughly congratulated for their effort.
Copies of the book are available for those on the Island by contacting Cecil MacPhail at the Bonshaw Post Office or by mail through me
This compilation of the genealogy and history of the MacPhail Family, was launched during the MacPhail 200 Reunion August 4 - 6 at Cornwall, PEI.
This family story begins on the Isle of Mull in 1715 with the two oldest known members, and follows them and their descendants for nearly 100 years on Mull. In 1806 the first member of the family, Flora McPhail came to the Clyde River, PEI with her husband Donald Livingston. She was followed in 1808 by a married sister Mary McPhail with her husband John Murray, a brother Angus McPhail and two male cousins Donald and Robert McPhail who prepared for the main body of settlers arriving in 1810. That year one group led by Archibald McPhail joined his sisters at the Clyde River (then the Dog River) and another complete family led by Malcolm McPhail settled on the Argyle Shore.
The book follows each descendant as far as possible over the next nearly 200 years both on PEI and off the Island. In the process,
links are found with virtually every family in the Clyde River / West River area as well as along the Northumberland Strait shore from Crapaud to Fairview and inland.
Specific chapters are given over to the Campbells of DeSable, Fergusons of Hampton, Livingstons of Clyde River, Murrays of Clyde River, MacPhees of Canoe Cove and Riverdale, and Darrachs of Canoe Cove. In addition many MacDonalds, MacDougalls, MacEacherns, MacFadyens, MacKays, MacKinnons, MacLeans, MacNeills, MacNevins, Shaws, Smiths and Stewarts are named as part of the family. In total there are over 6800 blood-line descendants identified in the book.
The book contains 492 pages with 62 Chapters, three Appendices, 15 Charts covering the oldest generations, pictures, a complete Table of Contents and a 36 page all-name index of who is in the tome. Binding is spiral type so the book can be laid flat.
Availability and pricing - While many copies of the book were sold during the Reunion, it was recognised that there would be people who could not attend and would want a copy.
A limited number of copies were left on Prince Edward Island with Dr. Cecil MacPhail at Bonshaw P.O. and are available for PICKUP ONLY at $45 Cdn each. Please to not expect Dr. MacPhail to package and mail them to you.
Books are available through the author for $45 + S&H. You can contact me
- by email at [email protected] or
- by letter at John M. Collins, #807-1285 Sandy Lane, Sarnia, ON N7V 4J7, Canada.
- by telephone at (519) 336-6189, or until Labour Day at (705) 654-4237**** Mailing the book requires an additional S&H charge as follows:
Add for one copy
Outside of Canada - Please contact me for a quote on the S&H charge as it varies dramatically by location.
John MacPhail Collins, August 2006
Updated Feb 12, 2007
Author: Carol MacKenzie
ISBN: None
Soft Cover, 164 Pages
Price: See below, Copies might be found through Used Book Stores
Report by: Carol MacKenzieThis book is a family history of the Cable Head McLaren's, featuring William McLaren Sr., his unknown wife, whose name will be revealed in this book, as well as some family members who left P.E.I. for different parts of Canada and the U.S. who never returned. The family history mentions names like Anderson, MacEwen, Coffin, Webster, Sanderson, Hayden, Rose, Morrow, McLaine, McKenzie, MacKinnon, Sutherland, Leslie and others as well.
It is with deep regret that we must announce the death of Carol, which occured at the Palliative Care Unit of the Prince Edward Home, Charlottetown, on March 22, 2002. Please view her obituary from the link on her name above.
Author: Zonta Club of Charlottetown
ISBN: ISBN 0-9687396-0-1
Soft Cover, 220 Pages
Available At: See Below
Price: See Below
Report by: Dorothy Griffin FarishWhat important things were the women of Prince Edward Island doing in the 20th century? What influence did women have on this province and on the rest of our great country, or even beyond? What historical, economic, and cultural forces shaped their lives and were, in turn, influenced by these women? These are the questions that are being answered by the latest work produced by the Zonta Club of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
Entitled MAKING HISTORY - A Celebration of Prince Edward Island Women of the 20th Century, this book of approximately 220 pages contains biographical sketches of 112 Prince Edward Island women from all walks of life who have made valuable contributions to Island life during the 20th century - just a few of these women being Jeanette Arsenault, Sibyl Cutcliffe, Irene Rogers, Irma MacPherson, and Kay Wood. This book, put together as a Millennium Project by the Zonta Club and dedicated to the memory of the late Helen DeGreayer Herring, OC, LLD, was written with a threefold purpose in mind: first, to consider some of the cultural, political, educational, and social changes in Prince Edward Island during the 20th century as they are reflected in the stories of various women; second, to bring together a biographical record of Island women in various walks of life who were influenced by and had an impact on those historical changes; and third, to add to our literary heritage a significant segment of women's recorded history, not only for Prince Edward Island, but for Canada as a whole.
This timely work also contains two pages of sources of information entitled "Works Cited", and three pages containing a list of more outstanding women of Prince Edward Island found in Zonta's two earlier publications A CENTURY OF WOMEN, published in 1967, and OUTSTANDING WOMEN OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, published in 1981. Cover illustration for this latest Zonta book is by Dale McNevin. Laurie Brinklow, with assistance from Catherine Matthews, edited the book. Layout and design was done by Jane Ledwell, with assistance from Kelly Redmond. The book was printed and bound by Williams and Crue Ltd., Summerside. Copyright 2000 by Zonta Club of Charlottetown. ISBN 0-9687396-0-1. This book was published with financial support of the Department of Canadian Heritage and the P.E.I. Millennium Committee. Proceeds from the sale of MAKING HISTORY - A Celebration of Prince Edward Island Women of the 20th Century will be used to establish a new scholarship for a female student entering her final year of studies in the Bachelor of Business Administration program at the University of Prince Edward Island.
MAKING HISTORY - A Celebration of Prince Edward Island Women of the 20th Century is available from the following locations: Elizabeth's Garden Florists, 63 Pownall St., Charlottetown; Details Past & Present, 166 Richmond St., Charlottetown; Interiors By Lynette, M. & M. Building, St. Peter's Road; the U.P.E.I. Bookstore; the East Prince Womens' Information Centre, 4 Summer St., Summerside, P.E.I.; Belles' Shoppe, 36 Main St., Montague, P.E.I., from Dorothy Griffin-Farish, Richmond, R.R.#1, P.E.I., C0B 1Y0. Cost per book is $20.00. There is no GST or PST. Order forms can also be obtained by e-mail at [email protected], or a cheque for $20.00 plus $4.50 postage and handling can be sent to Zonta Club of Charlottetown, P.O. Box 3434, Charlottetown, P.E.I. C1A 8V7
To learn of the valuable contribution which has been made and which is being made in every walk of life by women on Prince Edward Island, pick up a copy of MAKING HISTORY - A Celebration of Prince Edward Island Women of the 20th Century.
Author: Malpeque Historical Society
Soft Cover, 365 pages
Available From: Out of Print
Price: n/a
Report by: Edna CudmoreWhile this book is sold out, there is a update which is currently available.
Malpeque and its People 1700 - 1982 was published in 1982 by Williams and Crue Co. It was a community history of the Malpeque/Princetown region of Prince Edward Island, covering its history from 1700 - the year of publishing in 1982. Its chapters include details on the settlement, ships, Yankee Gale, Cemeteries, Churches, businesses, lodges, the genealogy of its families, and much more. Alas, it is available no more, but may be found in many libraries.
Author: Malpeque Historical Society
ISBN: 0-9686605-0-9
Printed by: Island Offset Inc., Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Hard Cover, 200 pages
Available From: See Below
Price: $25.00 + s/h See Below
Report by: Dave Hunter
Malpeque and its People, Volume II 1700 - 1999 Community History - "Malpeque And Its People - 1700-1999" published in PEI on December, 2000 is now for sale: Cost: $25.00 (no GST) available from the Malpeque History Committee. It can also be purchased at Ramsay's Pharmacy in Kensington or the local Credit Union in Kensington for $25.00. It will also be available at the Keir Memorial Museum located at the old Presbyterian Church in Malpeque, PEI, which opens the first of July, 2001.
Features: Hard Cover Book with a very attractive coloured dust jacket. The front page features a new aerial photograph of Malpeque. The book is 200 pages, which are very well designed.Over half the book is devoted to genealogy and this section is paginated and has been updated and expanded. Volume II of the Malpeque History contains new pictures of local houses, people, etc. and now includes information on families currently living in the Malpeque area.
This book would make a most welcome gift for former Islanders who have roots in the Malpeque area, or provide the local residents with a treasured recollection of their history.
To place mail orders or inquire further, please contact the following members of the Malpeque History Committee: Michael Delaney, Email address: [email protected] or write, email, or call: Alice Lockhart Email Address: [email protected], Kensington R.R.1, P.E.I., Canada, C0B 1M0, Phone:(902) 836-5692, or Sally Hooff, P.O. Box 7601, Malpeque, P.E.I., Canada, C0B 1M0 Phone:(902)836-4985.
Please note: There is a shipping charge which varies for province or state. Please make cheque payable to the Malpeque History Committee
Note: The Malpeque History Book will be also be on sale at the Summerside Celtic Festival located at 619 Water Street East in Summerside. The Malpeque History Committee has booked a space at the Highland Games in Summerside for Sunday, June 27, 2001, from: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. to sell the Volume II Malpeque histories. There will also be a Genealogy Tent at the Celtic Games and George Sanborn from Boston, Mass. USA has been invited to speak at this session on Sunday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Author: See Below
Unknown ISBN
Soft Cover
Available At: See Below
Price: $45 Cdn
Report by: Linda Harding
Peter Boswall - (902) 629-1759; Eleanor Boswell - (902) 368-7378; Linda Harding - (902) 892-9657; Malcolm MacBeath - (902) 628-8348; Doris & Wally Wood - (902) 628-1783; Barbara Morgan - (902) 629-1352; Velma Carmody-MacDonald - (902) 629-1869
Marshfield and Area - A Grand Legacy This book provides a journey into the early days of Marshfield and Surrounding Areas. A history of its properties and people; organizations, churches, historical Island photographs of the early settlers and their struggles with rural life on PEI in the early 1800's, also, tales from the good old days'. This book will be a keepsake of memories for family and friends. Books are now available from the authors (see list below) at a cost of $45.00. The proceeds go to the Trust fund of the Pioneer Cemetery in Marshfield to maintain the cemetery.
Mar 03 2006
Author: Dennis Taylor
Cerlox bound, 121 pages
Available At: See Below
Price: $30 (Shipping and handling included)
Report by: Dennis Taylor
This 2nd Edition lists 700+ direct descendants of Daniel McAssey and Elizabeth O'Connors who emigrated from Ireland in 1846 and settled at the Head of Hillsborough. The cerlox bound book of 120+ pages lists seven generations of descendants who have spread across Canada and the USA. It contains background on the McAssey name, a 19 page descendants list, a narrative report across the seven generations with generational links identified back to Daniel for each direct descendant, family pictures, and an 11 page index.
Available from:
Dennis Taylor - [email protected]
Author: J.H. Meacham & Co., 1880
Soft/Hard Cover (depending on printing)
Out of Print - Copies may still be available via used book sources
Price: n/a
Report by: Dorothy Griffin-FarishGenealogy buffs and anyone interested in Prince Edward Island information before 1900 will find an abundance of information in the Illustrated Historical Atlas of the Province of Prince Edward Island by J.H. Meacham & Co. This book, published by Meacham & Co. in 1880 and dedicated by special permission to His Excellency, Sir John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, has been reprinted several times in hardcover. In recent years a softcover edition of the book has also been published.
"Meacham's Atlas" contains a historical sketch of Prince Edward Island up to 1880, numerous biographical sketches; city, town, and village maps; lot and royalty maps; portraits; views; Dominion maps; an outline map of Prince Edward Island, and a Patron's Directory. This Patron's Directory gives names of the principal professional and business men in the city, towns, and villages, a description of their businesses, and of the principal producers of each lot who patronized the atlas as it was being published in 1880.
"Meacham's Atlas" is a large book with clear, easy to read printing and illustrations. The lot maps are especially interesting for those wishing to know where their ancestors lived on Prince Edward Island. Much can be learned from a study of the Illustrated Historical Atlas of the Province of Prince Edward Island by J. H. Meacham & Co., 1880.
Author: Michael Thomas Meggison
Soft Cover, 370 Pages
Available At: Sold Out!
Price: Sold Out!
Report by: Michael Thomas MeggisonIn 1804, Capt. George Eden Meggison, his wife, Jane Mary (Patterson) Meggison; and their four children (Anne Maria, George Eden II, Alexander William, and Thomas) left London, England for Cascumpec, Lot 5. This book treats the ancestors, descendants, and many allied lines of this prolific PEI family.
The book is 370 pages long, more than 100 photographs, illustrations, and maps. A full surname index is cross-referenced by maiden names and married names to ensure ease in locating the people you want to look up. It is a Register-style genealogy (recommended by most genealogical periodicals). A detailed section of allied families are included: Gillis, McLellan, Delaney, Cook, Cousins, Jackman (Maine), Gard, Murray, Strang, Johnson (Margate), Metherall, Clark, Curtis (+ a full chart of Coffin ancestors of Savage Harbor, PEI), Warren, Smallman, McAlduff, and many others. These genealogies often include the first published English origins (ex. Clark, Metherall, Gard, Hunter).
This book is currently sold out, but a revised edition is in the works for some time in 2006. In the meantime, keep a look out on the used book search engines, in case a copy turns up there!
Author: Olive Gaudet
ISBN: 0-9738585-0-8
Published by: Crescent Isle Publishers, Summerside, PEI, 902-436-8518
Soft Cover, 192 Pages
Available At: Island Bookstores & the Author - See Below
Price: $21.95 + $3.00 s/h per book
Report by: Clint Morrison
MEMORIES OF A LIFETIME: A Native Islander Remembers Her Roots is written by Olive Gaudet, Calgary, AB and formerly Tignish Shore, P.E.I. and published by Crescent Isle Publishers, Summerside, P.E.I. Telephone: 902-436-8518. It is to be launched Sunday, September 18, 2005 at Tignish Cultural Centre, Tignish, P.E.I., from 2-4 p.m. This is the author's first book. It contains 192 pages, a full color cover, full index, and approximately 100 maps, drawings and photographs. The book has over 60 titles of memorable topics in the author's life while growing up in West Prince, P.E.I. from the 1930s to the 1970's. The book also provides some information about the Island that could benefit would-be visitors in the future, particularly the West Prince area.
This book may be found in local bookstores or ordered from the author: Olive Gaudet, #21222 Frank
Mellish Street, Summerside, P.E.I., C1N 0H2. home telephone number (902)724-2553, Cottage number (902)882-3924). Email:[email protected]. Shipping and Handling: $3.00 extra per book
Sep 14, 2005
Author: Stephen A. Davis
ISBN: 1-55109-180-1
Soft Cover, 74 Pages
Available From: Nimbus Publishing, address below
Price: $unknown
Report by: Dave HunterA book about the History, Culture, and life of the Mi'kmaq people of the Maritimes. Available from:
Nimbus Publishing
P.O. Box 9301
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3K 5N5
Ph: (902) 455-4286.
Author: Shirlee Hogan, Anna Lee Hogan
Cerlox ringbound edition, 141 pages
Available From: Mertie Sanderson, Vernon RR#1 PEI, C0A 2E0, 651-2935
Price: $15.00 + postage
Report by: Anna Lee HoganMillview Now and Then: A Community Portrait, a Millenium Project of the Millview Women�s Institute, was written by Shirlee and Anna Lee Hogan.
This book is divided into four main chapters � Early History, Millview of the Past, Community Organization histories, and Millview of the Present. The focus of the book centres on two aspects: the families and properties of this community throughout its history, featuring a pictoral tour of every house and its ownership history. Many community members contributed family photos and writings for this history.
Contributions are still being accepted for further editions. If you would like to add to Millview Now and Then, please contact Anna Lee Hogan at [email protected] or Shirlee Hogan (902-651-2763) at [email protected].
The chapters are broken down as such: Origins and lot history, transportation, early settlers, church, school, Orange Lodge, veterans and military personnel, property histories and stories of the past, Millview Women�s Institute, Millview 4-H Club, Millview Today, Millview Homes & Families, Now and Then, Postcript, and photo index. Newspaper clippings, atlas extracts, documents, and humorous stories augment the text and accompanying photos. Lifelong residents reminisce about farming, fox ranching, travelling, and the social life of Millview after the turn of the century. The early settlers, the MacKenzie, Acorn, Drake, Mutlow, Jenkins, Dunphy, Grant, Storey, Taylor and Smith families, all have descendants in Millview today.
Author: Charlie Ballem
Published by: The Acorn Press and Sport P.E.I.
ISBN: 1-894838-08-4
Soft Cover, 300 Pages
Available At: Sport PEI
Price: $27.95 CAD, $24.95 USD
Report by: Dave Hunter
"More than Just a Game" is not just a book about sport, it is about Islanders involved in sport, the Island's teams, and how they brought communities together on Prince Edward Island. Author Charlie Ballum includes stories of Island Athletes such as Bill Halpenny, our first Olympic Athlete, Michael Thomas, the Island's renowned distance runner, Joe O'Bien, Alberton's famed harness racing driver, and many, many others. Many team photos and individual photos of Island Athletes are included, and much more! This book is highly recommended for both sports followers, and for those with Island athletes in their family. It is comprehensive, and is a wonderful read and reference!
This book may be ordered directly from Sport PEI at P.O. Box 302, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, C1A 7K7 (902) 368-4110
Dec. 25, 2004
Author: Louise Ravenhill
ISBN: 0-9731333-0-9
Spiral binding, Laminated Covers
Available At: See Below
Price: 2013 Special edition, with laminated cover and spiral binding is $24.00, plus postage and packaging
Report by: Dorothy Griffin-Farish
MOVE SMART, BOY takes the reader back to mid-May 1911 when one hundred and fifty indigent children from several large cities in Britain sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from Liverpool, England to Halifax, Nova Scotia. These children spent two weeks on a steamship in congested steerage below decks before arriving at Pier Two - later known as Pier 21 - in Halifax. Once in Halifax these children were herded into a long holding shed and examined by doctors for contagious diseases before being processed by Canadian immigration officers and released to placement agencies for dispersal to guardian families in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Many of these children, including Adam Hollyfield, did not find a "better life" on their arrival in Canada.
MOVE SMART, BOY, launched at the Confederation Centre Library in Charlottetown on August 24, 2002, is a well-written, fast-paced historical novel about several "home children" on rural Prince Edward Island between 1911 and 1913. The book's main character is Adam Hollyfield, a "home child" from Birmingham, England, his arrival on Prince Edward Island at the age of ten years - accompanied by his brother and sister, and his difficult first two years on Prince Edward Island. Why were there "home children"? Between the late 1800's and up to World War II Great Britain's economy was in a very grave state. It had lost its industrial edge to Germany and the United States. These countries were becoming highly industrialized, so there was less need for products from British factories. This job loss resulted in many city families in Britain having to go to workhouses. Children were often sent to childrens' homes or orphanages, even though they were often not orphans. Hope for a "better life" for selected children of sound mind and good health was proposed during the years 1869 to the late 1930's when British charitable organizations and childrens' homes conducted child emigration schemes. Each year they shipped hundreds of children, often without parent's permission, from cities in Britain to farms in pioneering Canada. These children, who became known as "home children", were sometimes adopted by kind Canadian families, but more often they were placed on farms where they were considered cheap labour and treated like dirt.
MOVE SMART, BOY, dedicated in memory to the author's father, George Albert Ravenhill Jr., is a very interesting book of approximately 230 pages. Copyright Louise Ravenhill 2002, printed and bound by Kwik Kopy, Charlottetown, P.E.I.. I.S.B.N. is 0-9731333-0-9. Available from the author by email: [email protected] or by telephone: 902-368-8817. To broaden your understanding of the plight of many "home children" who came to Canada, MOVE SMART, BOY is a good place to start.
Revised Dec 17, 2013
Author: Lorne C. Callbeck
1979 - Soft Cover, 151 Pages
Available At: Out of Print - Try Used Book Stores
Price: $5.95 (Fall 1996)
Report by: Dave HunterA classic P.E.I. History by Lorne Callbeck, including many historical tales previously published in "The Atlantic Advocate" Magazine.
Author: Sandra Cullen
CD Rom
Available At: See below
Price: $25.00 including packaging + postage. See below:
Report by: Dave HunterThis index is 650 pages and contains every name that appeared in first 75 editions of the Society newsletter. As an example, it includes names that were extracted from St. Paul's Anglican Church records - baptisms (1777-1806), marriages (1780-1832); Lot 64 Baptisms; Little York baptisms and marriages.
This is a project into which Sandra has invested several years of work, painstakingly extracting names from the newsletters and placing them in a finding database to make it easy to locate references to them within the issues.
Price is $25.00 incl s/h, Canadian funds if ordered for delivery to Canada. If shipped to U.S. or Overseas addresses, please remit in USD to cover increased shipping costs.
The CD may be ordered direct from Sandra at: from: Sandra Cullen, [email protected]
Clear Cover, Spiral Binding
Available At: See Below...
Price: $20.00 U.S. + $10.00 s&h (if ordered with Vere Beck Family Biographies listed below, s&h is $15.00 for both.)
Report by: Dave Hunter for James Vere BeckA listing containing 3,973 descendants and about 2000 spouses of Vere Beck.
Available from:
James Vere Beck,
1935 Danbury W.,
Okemos, MI,
U.S.A., 48864-187308/13/98
Author: Jenny (O'Hanley) McQuaid
Soft Cover, 116 pages
Available At: See Below
Price: $15 Cdn + $5 s/h in mailed
Report by: the author
Naufrage and the Capes, 1790 - 1900: This history begins with the founding of Naufrage and follows in chronological order with stories of people and events associated with the north side of St. Margaret's Parish � Cable Head to Rock Barra -- during the two centuries. Shipwrecks, court cases, celebrations, tragedies and selected anecdotes are detailed. Particular attention is given to the struggle for land reform on Prince Edward Island which was especially intense and significant in the area of Naufrage and the Capes. The writer has designed the history so that the reader can follow the journey of the Northsiders in the context of the spiritual, political, social, and economic forces of the day affecting them. It is available from author, Jenny McQuaid - [email protected], phone: (902)628-1254, 14 Pembrooke Terrace, Charlottetown, PE C1A 3R3 E-mail Contact: [email protected]
Jan 31 2008
Author: New Perth History Committee
ISBN: None
Soft Cover, 270 Pages
Available At: see below
Price: $10.00 incl. shipping, $8.00 pick up.
Report by:Dave HunterA history of the community of New Perth, and of the pioneers who settled there. Published in 1995 by the New Perth History Committee. The book covers the pioneers of the settlement, communications, businesses and agriculture, local organizations, education and religion, heritage buildings, the area's veterans, and much more, including genealogies of the area's families. There are approximately 200 books left, which are going fast. A wonderful history for those with ancestors or family in the New Perth area.
Available from:
Lorraine Van Dyke,
Rural Route 3,
Montague, P.E.I.,
Canada, C0A 1R001/12/99
Author: Douglas B. MacDonald, GRS(C)
3 Volume Set
ISBN: 978-0-9699804-2-1 (v. 1); 978-0-9699804-3-8 (v. 2); 978-0-9699804-4-5 (v. 3)
Available At: See below
Price: $100 plus shipping
Report by: Douglas B. MacDonald, GRS(C)
A Genealogy of Jenkins Families of Prince Edward Island, it includes more than 19,600 descendants and spouses of the immigrant ancestor Nicholas (Henckell) Jenkins who arrived on the Island in 1787. This three volume set is 8-1/2" x 11" in size and contains about 1,370 pages. There are separate chapters on each of Nicholas' children, their descendants and spouses; William's family alone requires 534 pages. Volume I, 458 pages, also covers family traditions such as place of birth of Nicolaus and two oldest children, the surname change to Jenkins, his two (?) marriages, and the descendants as heirs to a three billion dollar estate. It has the life story of Nicolaus from birth through the American Revolution, his return to Germany, his arrival in PEI, and what it was like then to begin a life on the Island. Volume II, about 428 pages, ends with an appendix of maps and family photos. Volume III, about 483 pages, ends with a separate index to each volume. For those who wish to verify some of the facts for themselves, there are more than 6,600 footnotes of sources. There are also photos of his birth and baptism record, as well as that of his first two children. This long-anticipated book retails for $140, but will initially be available at a subsidized cost of $100 for the set, plus shipping where required.
To reserve your copy, or for more information, please contact Doug MacDonald at (902) 892- 1181 or email demacdonald [at] pei [dot] sympatico [dot] ca. Additional information is also available at http://jenkins-ballem.blogspot.com/ .
Sep 29 2009
Author: L. Ruth (Pickering) Mallett
Published by: L. Ruth Mallett and Crescent Isle Publishers, Summerside, PEI.
Perfect bound, 192 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches, illustrated
Available At: Island Bookstores & the Author - See Below
Price: $19.95 (tax Incl.) plus $3.95 S&H ea. ($23.90 CDN) in Canada.
Report by: J. Clinton Morrison, Publisher, Crescent Isle Publishers
Old Memories, New Beginnings. A Chronicle of the Pickering Family of Sea View, P.E.I. in the 1960s, based upon the author's personal memories as a young girl, this book gives a fascinating chronicle of the Pickering family of Sea View, P.E.I. during the mid-1960s. It tells the happy and sometimes sad story of a rural Island family that experienced the peaceful, slow-paced way of life all Islanders enjoyed before the complete modernizing of the rural areas took place. Nostalgic in tone, it should be read by every Islander as it captures the essence of the Island way of life before "the change" of the late 1950s and 1960s when life was different from today on Prince Edward Island.
By the mid-1960s there were as yet no large school consolidations, few huge, single crop farms, no sprawling malls covering the landscape, and much smaller crowds of summer visitors on the beaches. Yet, in the distance there were people making plans and looking forward to changing times on the Island.
When the changes came, the way of life that Uncle Preston, Aunt Mary Christian, Grampy Stanford, and all the Pickering family - indeed all Islanders - knew would pass away. But, for now life was still uncomplicated and unhurried and what was about to happen was still a few years off. And, so the members of the Pickering family continued to rejoice in their rural way of life along the beautiful Sea View shore before the unrelenting winds of change blew across the Island.
May be found at selected Murphy's Pharmacies, Co-op stores, and other locations where Island books are sold, as well as direct from the author, L. Ruth Mallett, 627 Barbara Weit Road, Traveller's Rest, Summerside R.R. #2, PE C1N 4J8. Telephone: 902-436-0981
Mar 18, 2009
Author: Barb A. Broome
ISBN: 1-894844-10-6
2002, Soft Cover, 100 Pages
Available At: Island Book Stores
Price: n/a
Report by: Dorothy Griffin-FarishDuring the Second World War the community of Mount Pleasant, Prince Edward Island was a hive of activity, mainly due to the No. 10 Bombing & Gunnery School established there in 1943. At the start of the war the British Government looked to Canada and its other Dominions for air training help because aerodromes in the United Kingdom were vulnerable and under attack. Canada was chosen because of its proximity to Britain, allowing for easier transportation of men and equipment. It was an opportunity for the Canadian Government to make a significant commitment to the Allied War Effort. The final agreement was signed in December of 1939 and the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP) began an ambitious program to train aircrew members in Canada.
Because Defense Minister Ralston won his election to the federal Liberal government of the time by being nominated by Prince County Liberals, the new Defense Minister favoured Prince County when it came time to construct military bases. In 1940 a local daily newspaper reported that Summerside (St. Eleanor's), Mount Pleasant, and Wellington had been named as air installation sites. Three years later the emergency landing strip in Mount Pleasant would become an Air Training Base, to be known as No.10 Bombing & Gunnery School.
ON DUTY and PRIDE, written by Barb. A. Broome, published by Mount Pleasant Airport Research Project and Hear to Serve Communications Inc., Tyne Valley, P.E.I., edited by Susan Rodgers of Wyatt Heritage Properties, Summerside, P.E.I., copyright 2002 and layout cover design, Barb. A. Broome, with research done by Jeff Boyd and Betty Enman, is a compact, well-illustrated, soft-covered book of one hundred pages telling in great detail about the Mount Pleasant No. 10 Bombing & Gunnery School, how it came to exist, and what happened when the need was no longer there for this school. To create this book, numerous interviews with people who worked at Mount Pleasant No. 10 Bombing & Gunnery School - including the author's own father - were recorded, and many individuals shared their stories and photographs of this period of Island history. The book is dedicated to the twenty-two airmen who lost their lives during training, and to the many men and women who worked and trained at the No.10 Bombing & Gunnery School, Mount Pleasant, Prince Edward Island.
ON DUTY and PRIDE contains fifteen chapters, a forward, a poem entitled "Soldiers of the Sky", a list of information sources, and a thank you to all the associations that made publication of the book possible. In the forward the author mentioned that a monument is to be erected at the Mount Pleasant site, and that a web page was created. This web page was designed the local Allied Youth in collaboration with the Mount Pleasant Airport Research Project. The URL for this website is http://peicaps.org/ffway
ON DUTY and PRIDE (ISBN 1-894844-10-6) is available in local bookstores. For a small book it contains a wealth of information about an important part of the history of Western Prince Edward Island during the years of the Second World War.
Compiled by: Orwell Cove History Committee
1995, Soft Cover, 187 Pages
Available At: Out of print
Price: n/a
Report by: Dave HunterA history of the community of Orwell Cove, documenting the early settlement, life styles, industries, transportation, education, homes, trades, and lineages of those who lived and worked in Orwell Cove!
Author: Carrie Ellen Holman
Soft Cover, 120 Pages
Available At: Ramsay's Pharmacy in Kensington, PEI.Price: $3.75
Report by: Dave HunterA transcription of a series of Radio broadcasts given over CFCY, Charlottetown in the winter of 1948 on the History of P.E.I. Proceeds go to the Prince County Hospital. A very interesting little history, includes the Mi'kmaq legend, "Glooscap".
Authors: Violet MacEachern and Arlene MacDougall
1993 - Soft Cover, 325 Pages
Available At: Out of Print
Price: $n/a
Report by: Dave HunterA history of the communities along the West River and of the families living along its shores!
Compiled and indexed by: Dan MacDonald
ISBN: 0-9732308-2-7
8.5 x 11 inches, cerlox bound
Available At: See Below:
Price: $25 Canadian or $25 US incl s/h
Report by: Dan MacDonaldDan MacDonald has just completed his third compilation of vital statistics from Prince Edward Island newspapers. The latest volume comprises birth, marriage, and death notices, as well as a variety of other articles mentioning vital stats such as Shipping News, Coroner's Inquests, etc, as extracted from the Palladium newspaper. This book contains a total of 260 articles mentioning over 600 individuals, transcribed in their entirety, as published in the Palladium between its first issue of 4 September 1843 and its final issue of 10 May 1845. It is indexed. The book is 8.5 x 11 inches, cerlox bound. The price is $20 Canadian or $18 US, which includes shipping and handling (overseas orders extra).
Further information on this book can be found on Dan's website at http://www.brikwall.com/palladium.html The website includes a partial copy of the index as well as a sample page from the book in PDF format.
Dan has previously completed two other volumes of vital statistics from PEI newspapers:
The Herald, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island: Vital Statistics, Oct 1864 to Oct 1871 (ISBN: 0-9732308-0-0). $40 Canadian ($40 US). See http://www.brikwall.com/ch-heraldvstats.html for further details.
Vindicator, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island: Vital Statistics, Oct 1862 to Oct 1864 (ISBN: 0-9732308-1-9). $25 Canadian ($25 US). See http://www.brikwall.com/vindvstats.html for further details.
Books may be ordered directly from the author at:
Dan MacDonald
82 Chandler Crescent
Moncton, NB, Canada, E1E 3W7E-mail: brikwall [at] brikwall [dot] com
Oct 22, 2003
Author: Georges Arsenault
ISBN: 2-7600-0232-2
Published: Moncton, �ditions d'Acadie, 1993
Available At: See Below
Price: $ 22.95
Report by: Georges ArsenaultFolktale teller, singer and songmaker, L�ah Maddix (1899-1986) spent most of her life in the Evangeline Region. Keeper of a rich repertoire of folksongs and folktales, she was recognized locally for her ability to compose ballads and anecdotal songs. Through Leah's songs, stories and life history, this book offers a picturesque description of a small traditional Acadian community.
Avaliable from:
Georges Arsenault - [email protected]
65 Ambrose St.
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
C1A 3P8
Ph: 902-566-5067
Compiled by: Hamilton Heritage Alert Club and edited by W. Earle Lockerby in 1989.
ISBN: 0-9693558-1-5
Hard Cover, 403 Pages
Available at: Ramsay's Pharmacy in Kensington, also may be found at other Island Bookstores
Price: $27.00.(plus applicable postage). Report by: Linda Stent-Campbell
Pathways to the Present contains information on the early history, economic development, community organizations, sports, landowners and the settlers and their descendants of Hamilton, a progressive rural community on the perimeter of Malpeque Bay, Prince Edward Island. Close to half the book is a particularly useful and well-organized genealogy section on the families which have lived in Hamilton, PEI, past and present. Pathways to the Present provides a perspective of Hamilton which has not been available before now, and chronicles the development of the community from it earliest days to the present. It is a story of sturdy men and women who built and shaped their community.
Author: J. Henri Gaudet
ISBN: 0-9685684-0-8
Soft Cover, 260 Pages
Available At: See Below
Price: $39.50, plus postage and handling
Report by: Dorothy Griffin-FarishThe year 1999 witnessed the Bi-Centennial of the arrival of the first Acadian settlers to what is now known as Tignish, P.E.I. Celebrations of all kinds went on in the area throughout the year to commemmorate two hundred years of Acadian history - not the least of which was a book written by Tignish author and historian J. Henri Gaudet entitled PHOTO HISTORICA - P.E.I. TIGNISH �.P.�. 1799-1999
The dedication, in both French and English, sums up the purpose of this book:
"This photo album, from a historical perspective, is dedicated to our predecessors who, over the span of 200 years, strove to build a better society for themselves and for us. As we embark upon the threshold of a new millennium, may we endeavour to emulate our forefathers by preserving the cultural heritage they handed down to us."PHOTO HISTORICA - P.E.I. TIGNISH �.P.�. 1799-1999 is a beautifully produced and well-illustrated book of approximately 260 pages telling of the history of Tignish over the years. Following the dedication, preface and acknowledgement, the book is divided into eight categories - religion, buildings and streets, politics, education, fishery, horses and agriculture, events, and well-known persons and groups. At the end of the book is a bibliography, followed by the author's biography.
The book was printed by Williams & Crue, Summerside, P.E.I. The ISBN number is 0-9685684-0-8. The front and back covers depict the main street and stores of Tignish, but also on the back cover is superimposed a photo of J.Henri Gaudet taken in the inside of St.Simon and St.Jude's Catholic Church in Tignish.
Gaudet's book is unique in that the text for each page is written both in French and in English. One or more pictures are on each page with a write-up, both in English and in French, about what the picture represents.
Copies of PHOTO HISTORICA - P.E.I. TIGNISH �.P.�. 1799-1999 may be obtained from J. Henri Gaudet, Tignish, P.E.I. C0B 2B0, and from the Acadian Museum in Miscouche, P.E.I.
Author: Edith V. Eldershaw
Soft Cover, 200 Pages
Available At: See below
Price: $$24.95 plus $2.00 postage and handling (Canada), or $3.90 postage and handling (U.S.A.)
Report by: Dorothy Griffin-FarishEdith V. Eldershaw, born in Tignish in 1923, has been involved in that community for a great number of years in such things as the Red Cross, Ladies' Auxiliary, and many boards and committees across the province of Prince Edward Island. For her many years of volunteer work she has received numerous awards - among them being the Order of the Red Cross; Island Woman of the Year; National Citation for Citizenship, and the Order of Prince Edward Island, and in February of 2001 a Prince Edward Island Museum & Heritage Foundation Heritage Award for this book. "Edie", as she is known by many, has been a long-time journalist, first with the Charlottetown Guardian, and then with the Summerside Journal-Pioneer. Her experiences as a journalist, along with her own life experiences and stories told to her by her parents and other relatives, are expressed in her book.
Are the Prince Edward Island communities of Sea Cow Pond, Waterford, Jude's Point, North Cape, Tignish, Phee Shore and Frog Pond familiar to you, and would you like to know more about these areas of western P.E.I.? Would you also like to read about how shipping, the railway, fishing, farming, education, home life, and health has changed within these communities over the last hundred years or so? All this, plus a bit of genealogy, a number of poems, and some memories about the "good old days" can be found in the 200-page book PIONEER DAYS & SHANTY WAYS, written by Tignish native Edith V. (MacLeod) Eldershaw. PIONEER DAYS & SHANTY WAYS, copyright 2000 by Edith V. Eldershaw and printed by Williams & Crue (1982) Ltd, Summerside, P.E.I., is available from the author and from other literary outlets in West Prince. For an interesting view of the past in Tignish and surrounding areas this book is a must. Price of the book is $24.95 plus $2.00 postage and handling (Canada), or $3.90 postage and handling (U.S.A.)
Edith V. Eldershaw may be contacted by mail at 252 Church St., Tignish, P.E.I. C0B 2B0; or by telephone at 1-902-882-2341
Author: Dr. L. G. Dewar
ISBN: 0-9690015-2-5
Soft Cover, 332 Pages
Available At: Guardian Drug Store, O'Leary
Price: Abt $25.00
Report by: Dorothy Griffin FarishPRESCRIPTION FOR A FULL LIFE, written by Doctor L.G. Dewar, O'Leary, P.E.I. in 1993 and printed by Williams & Crue (1982) Ltd, Summerside, is a 332-page autobiography of the author in his many disciplines: farming, teaching, medicine, military, politics, and writing. 1993 was a high point in "Dr.George's" life, for on Oct. 27, 1993 at Rideau Hall he received the Order of Canada - a picture of which is found on the back cover of the book. Written in an interesting, easy-to-read style, with many illustrations, this book is an excellent example of good Island writing. Available from Dr. Dewar or from the Guardian Drug Store, O'Leary, P.E.I. C0B 1V0. Cost about $25.00. ISBN-0-969 0015-2-5
Authors: Cascumpec - Fortune Cove Historical Committee
Available At: See below
Price: $ See Below
Report by: Dorothy Griffin FarishPRESERVING THE PAST - A HISTORY OF CASCUMPEC-FORTUNE COVE 1779 - 1979, a well-researched and well-written account of one of the first communities to be settled in Western P.E.I., was written in 1979 by the Cascumpec-Fortune Cove Historical Committee. The original printing of this book has been sold out, but a reprint is currently available for $40.00.
The same historical committee in 1997 published PRESERVING THE PAST - VOLUME 2, a book of about 200 pages, bringing the family histories up to date from the first book, along with an overview of the early settlement of the community. The cost of Volume 2 is $18.00 soft cover, $28.00 hard cover.
Copies of these books may be obtained from Mary Gamble or Arthur Hudson. Mailing addresses for both are O'Leary, R.R.#3, P.E.I., C0B 1V0. Arthur's phone number is (902) 853-2174. These books are also available through the Alberton Museum and in local stores.
Author: PEI Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry
ISNB FO10-15229
Soft Cover - 43 pages
Available from Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division and Island Information Services
Price: $31.50 taxes included
Report by Ken Mayhew - Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division
Although not a genealogical or historical publication, the Public Land Atlas contains a wealth of information on PEI�s 300,000 ha of public land as well as human uses such as roads, buildings and communities and natural features such as land contours, streams, forests and sand dunes. The Atlas was produced in 2008 to increase the visibility of what has been called �The Island�s hidden treasure�, demonstrate the many roles and value public lands provide to all Islanders, and to encourage more people visit and use these lands. Since it release, this atlas has been a high demand. It also available on line at http://www.gov.pe.ca/gis P.E.I. Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry,
Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division
J. Frank Gaudet Tree Nursery
P.O. Box 2000,Charlottetown, PEI.
Charlottetown C1A 7N8.
Phone: (902)-368-4700\
Dec 01, 2010
Author: David Fraser
Cerlox Bound, 204 Pages
Available At: See Below
Price: See Below
Report by: David FraserPublished 2001, this book is an extract of the family entries in the 1871 NB census that contain one or more persons born in Prince Edward Island.
The listings are ordered by county, then by Ward or Parish. Within each Ward or Parish, the listings reproduce the information found in the census: census division, page number, house number, family, last name, given name(s), sex, age, birth month for those under one year old, married or widowed, marriage month for those married in the last year, birthplace and nationality/ethnic origin, occupation, and religion.
There is also an index to the listings, by last name/first name.
Total listings: 6998 persons
Born in PEI: 2103
Price: Canada: $ 20.00 plus $ 5.00 shipping in Canadian dollars to Canadian addresses US: $ 14.00 plus $ 5.00 shipping in US dollars to US addresses Overseas: inquire. To order, send cheque or money order for the required amount to:
David Fraser, [email protected]
124 Gondola Blvd,
Quispamsis NB,
Canada, E2E 1J1.
See also Dave's "An Index to the Community Histories of Baltic, Clinton, Darnley, French River/Park Corner, Hamilton, Irishtown/Burlington, Indian River, Long River, Malpeque, Margate, Spring Valley, and Sea View"
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