Passenger List for the White Star Line "Adriatic", 18 Sep 1918, Liverpool to New York

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Transcribed by Dave Hunter - [email protected]

White Star Adriatic on View at Southampton

General Information

The White Star Adriadic's maiden voyage was May 15, 1907. She was 729 feet long with a width of 76 ft. and a speed of 16 knots. She was scrapped in 1934 in Osaka, Japan. Passenger list follows:

White Star Line

R.M.S. "Adriatic"


Departed: Wednesday, 18th September, 1918
Arrived: Monday, 30th September, New York.


Information for First Class Passengers

BREAKFAST from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m.

The Bar opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 11:30 p.m.

Lights are extinguished in the Saloon at 1 p.m., Lounge and Reading Room at 11:30 p.m., and Smoke Room at 12 Midnight.

Divine Service in the Saloon on Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

SEATS AT TABLE. Passengers who have not previously arranged for seats at table to be reserved should apply for same to the Second Steward.

NOTICE: Passengers desirous to dine later than the usual hour, 7 p.m., can have dinner served at any time up to 8:15 p.m., by giving notice to the Second Steward not later than 1:30 p.m.

The Surgeon is authorised to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness developed on board no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.

AN ENQUIRY OFFICE has been provided for the convenience of all passengers, where all enquiries for information of a general nature should be made.

Letters, Cables, Telegrams, and Marconigrams are received here for despatch, and Postage Stamps may be purchased, and Deck Chairs and Steamer Rugs hired at this office, through which all mails will be distributed.

None of the ship's staff other than those on duty in the Enquiry Office are authorised to receive Letters or Telegrams for despatch.

PASSENGERS are requested to ask for a Receipt on the Company's Form for any additional passage money, Chair, or Steamer Rug Hire, or Freight paid on board.

PASSENGERS' ADDRESSES may be left at the Enquiry Office, in order that any letters received after passengers have left the steamer may be forwarded.

DECK CHAIRS can be hired at a charge of 4/- each for the voyage.

STEAMER RUGS can be hired at a charge of 4/- each for the voyage.

VALUABLES. The White Star Line has provided a safe in the Office of the Purser in which Passengers may deposit money, jewels, or ornaments, for safe keeping. The Company will not be liable to Passengers for the loss of money, jewels, or ornaments by theft or otherwise not so deposited.

EXCHANGE OF MONEY. The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of Passengers to exchange a limited amount of English and American money, and he will allow at the rate of $4.70 to the pound when giving American Money for English currency, or 1 pound for $4.85 when giving English Money for American Money.

TRAVELLER'S CHEQUES, payable in all parts of Europe, can be purchased at all the principal offices of the White Star Line. These Cheques are accepted on board White Star steamers in payment of accounts, but Pursers do not carry funds to enable them to cash same.

BAGGAGE. Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Second Steward, who is the Ship's Baggage Master. Trunks, Chairs, etc., which Passengers may desire to leave in charge of the Company, should be properly labeled and handed to the Baggage Master on the Wharf at New York, and such articles will be stored entirely at the owner's risk. It is for passengers themselves to see all their Baggage is passed by the U. S. Customs Authorities.

DOGS. Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.


With Booths and Operators on our New York Piers.

- End Page 1 - 

First Class Passenger List

White Star Line

R.M.S. "Adriatic"


Wednesday, 18th September, 1918.


J. B. Ranson, O.B.E., Lieut.-Commr. R.N.R. (ret'd)

Surgeon: G. C. Flemyng
M.D., B.S. (Dublin)

Purser: C. B. Lancaster

Chief Steward: A. L. Gosling


Acton, Lt. J. H.

Cabell, Mr. Joseph P.

Anderson, Lt. W. S.

Caldwell, Lt. Edmund B. (U.S. Navy)

Andrews, Capt. J. R. C.

Cameron, Capt. Norman S.

Austin, Mr. A. R.

Carlyon, Mr. H. T. F.

Bairnsfather, Capt. Bruce

Carlstron, Mr. A. E.

Baldwin, Capt. L. C. M.

Clack, Mr. R. O.

Bartlett, Lt. J. N.

Coapman, Lt. A. E.

Becerra, Mr. F. L.

Cooper, Mr. Arthur E.

Bell, Lt. G. L.

Cooper, Lt. Thomas V. (U.S. Navy)

Benson, Lt. F. W. (U.S. Navy)

Crawford, Lt. F. W. (R.A.F.)

Bentley, Capt. A. W.


Bishop, Hon. R. K.


Bosqui, Mr. Francis L.


Boyle, Lt. H. A. (R.A.F.)


Brady, 1st Lt. W. F. (U.S. Army)

Dare, Mr. M. C.

Brogan, Mr. R. W.

De Greeuw, Mr. W. J.

Buyers, Mr. Charles S.

Dickie, Mr. Robert S.

Buyers, Mr. William

Dobree, Mr. F. L.

Buyers, Mr. A. L.

Dohi, Mr. Kuchi

Beaty, Lt. W.T. (R.N.V.R.) [Fam. Lineage]

Dunsford, Mr. G. B.

- End page 2 -

Eastman, Lt. W. R.

Kihara, Col. K.

Elliott, Mr. H. A. V.

Kimura. Mr. Gentaro

Evelyn, Capt. F. H.




Falconer, Sir Robert A.

Leckie, J.

Field Lt. John M. (U.S. Navy)

Lee, Mr. H. G.

Findley, Lt. T. J.

Leitch, Capt. A. A.

Forrester, Lt. P. R.

Liddell, Mr. C. O.

Foster, Mr. Benjamin B.

Lloyd-Jones, Lt. John E.


Lock, Lt. L. G.




MacRae, W.


Mack, Lt. A. R. (U.S. Navy)

Gill, Mr. Matthew

Mackay, Mr. Herbert

Girton, Mr. D. G.

Mackenzie, Capt. W.

Goodman, Mr. W. G. T.

Martin, Mr. John

Gordon, Mr. James A.

Martin, Mr. W. Todd

Grimshaw, Lt. John

Matsukata, Mr. K.

Grundy, Capt. G. M.

McDougall, Mr. Alexander


McGee, Mr. W. V.


McIntosh, M.L.C. The Hon. Hugh D.

Haeberle, Lt. F. E. (U.S. Navy)

McMurray, Mr. J. S. B.

Haggen, Capt. J. L.

Miller, Lt. L. L.

Hamel, Mr. J. W.

Milne, Mr. J.

Hamp, Mr. Frank P.

Mongenaise, Mr. Horace, J. B.

Higgins, Mr. Francis R.

Moor, Lt. Charles G. (U.S. Navy)

Higgs, Mr. Francis B.

Morita, Comm. M.

Holcomb, Gunner (t) A. L. (U.S. Navy)

Morrison, Mr. Geo. McKay

Holmes, Mr. Thomas F.

Murison, Capt. Charles (R.F.A.)

Huston, M.C. Capt. V. H.


Hutcheson, Frank N.


Hilam, Lt.



Nakamura, Mr. K.

Ichikawa, Mr. S.

Nethersole, Mr. Louis

Ishikawa, Capt. H.

Norisugi, Mr. K.



Jacobsen, Mr. E.


Jones, Mr. Herbert A.

O'Regan, Capt. J. A.

Jones. Mr. William

Owsley, Mr. J. E.

- End Page 3 -

Parsons, Mr. F. G. T.

Spurr, 2nd Lt. A. H.

Paterson, Mr. C. G.

Stanford, Capt. J. A.

Peters, Mr. R. J.

St. John, Mr. Ernest E.

Plunkett, Mr. Thomas




Reford, Capr R. B.

Takenawa, Mr. K.

Ridout, Capt G. S.

Townend, Mr. R.

Robinson, Lt. R. T.

Tressider, Lt. G. N.

Roodhouse, Lt. A. E.


Roper, Lt. Clifford H. (U.S. Navy)

Vining, Capt. A. J.

Rosenberg, Mr. R. G.




Sato, Mr. Ichijuro

Walker, Mr. Douglas C.

Sato, Mr. Genichi

Wallace, Lt. H. L.

Senn, Lt. E. M.

Webb, Lt. A. W. (U.S. Navy)

Sevigny, Mr. A. L.

Whitehair, Mr. Charles W.

Shimidzu, Mr. K.

Whittaker, 2nd Lt. H. (R.A.F.)

Shirriff, Capt. Quentin S.

Wilson, Capt. W. H.

Shiwa, Com. T. (I. J. Navy)

Wood, Mr. William D.

Smellie, Capt. G. H/


Smith, Mr. W. Hodson


Sothern, Mr. E. H.


Sothern, Mr. George E.

Yamaguchi, Mr. Tomeki

Spann, Mr. W. R.

Yapp, Sin A.

- End Page 4 -


Steamer Chairs and Rugs.

Can be hired on application at the enquiry office at a charge of 4/- each for the voyage

Upper Berths.

Passengers occupying upper berths can obtain steps for getting in and out of same on applying to the steward or stewardesses


As the bugle is not sounded for breakfast, passengers desirous of being wakened should arrange to be called by their bedroom stewards.

Letters, &c., for Passengers.

Will be brought on board before the passengers land.

Passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before disembarking, and that they are invited to leave their addresses at the enquiry office for any later despatches to be re-directed.

Landing Arrangements at New York.

Should the steamer arrive at the New York wharf after 8 P.M., Passengers may land if they wish to do so and have their baggage passed by the Customs Authorities immediately on arrival, but those who prefer to remain on board may do so, and have the whole of their baggage passed the following morning not earlier than 7 o'clock. Breakfast will be served to those who remain on board overnight.

- End Page 5 -

Second Class Passenger List

Allen, Mr. Chas. B.

Dale, Mr. J.

Allmayer, Mr. Norman

Davis, Mr. Lauman


De Marcus, Mr. Spurgeon


Derosier, Mr. Eugene

Barrett, Mr. G. L.

Des Rivieres, Mr. J. A.

Beck, Mr. Edward F.

Diskin, Mr. Michael

Bekman, Mr. Leo K.

Dougherty, Mr. Edward F.

Bell, Mr. Moses

Downing, Mr. Harry M.

Berge, Mr. K.

Doyle, Mr. Patrick

Block, Mr. R. A.

Dubber, Mr. Gilbert

Bower, Mr. Neville


Bramhall, Mr. D.


Braun, Mr. William

Edmiston, Mr. R. C.

Brinley, Mr. John W.


Brooks, Mr. L. H.


Brown, Mr. Frank W.

Fair, Mr. Fletcher J.

Browne, Mr. John A.

Ferraris, Mr. Gustave L.

Browne, Mr. L. A.

Ferraris, Mr. Leon J.

Buckingham, Mr. Frank

Field, Mr. Grover C.

Burle, Mr. George

Fisher, Mr. Robert


Flanagan, Mr. J.


Flynn, Mr. Charles D.


Forsell, Mr. A.

Carmichael, Mr. Andrew G.

Friend, Mr. John P.

Carroll, Mr. Joseph W.


Casey, Mr. Joseph W.

Gaylord, Mr. Leonard E.

Chambers, Mr. Alfred E.

Gelin, Mr. Joseph

Chandler, Mr. Eric C.

Gerber, Mr. Edward

Clark, Mr. Aura R.

Gilmore, Mr. Marcus B.

Coles, Mr. F.

Goad, Mr. Karl P.

Considine, Rev. John

Godfrey, Mr. William J.

Coughlan, Mr. Daniel R.

Graham, Mr. Oren H.

- End Page 6 -

Graves, Mr. Emmerson F.

King, Mr. Patrick J.

Gray, Mr. M. B.

King, Mr. J. H.

Green, Mr. Robert E. Lee

King, Mr. George J.

Grosholz, Mr. Herman

Kirk, Mr. Marcus C.

Guynn, Mr. Allen J.

Klinetobb, Mr. William


Knox, Mr. Douglas


Krywanski, Mr. Thomas

Hallinan, Mr. Joseph E.


Hammerbacher, Mr. G. C.


Hamsher, Mr. Ross H.

LaBelle, Mr. Frank E.

Hanson, Mr. Magnus C.

Lavelle, Mr. George

Harbac, Mr. John

Lavinghousez, Mr. John E. E.

Hauge, Mr. John L.

Lee, Mr. Eddie A.

Hausher, Mr. Sylvester J.

Luce, Mr. Chas. H.

Heath, Mr. Albert S.


Hedlund, Mr. Francis

Maher, Mr. John

Hegenor, Mr. John J.

Maher, Mr. Richard F.

Heilig, Mr. L. S.

Maiers, Mr. Harold J.

Hieronymous, Mr. Albert K.

Marsh, Mr. Benjamin F.

Hill, Mr. R. S.

Martin, Mr. H.

Hodge, Mr. Harvey L.

Maynard, Mr. H. P.

Holmes, Mr. Ronald F.

McCarthy, Mr. Albert

Hovhannesian, Mr. M.

McCauley, Mr. John J.

Horn, Mr. Wm. R.

McClintock, Mr. John K.

Houchine, Mr. Edgar E.

McKillop, Rev. Colin J.

Howe, Mr. Claude S.

Menihan, Mr. William J.

Hudson, Mr. Norman P.

Miller, Mr. Goe.

Hunter, Mr. William F.

Moloney, Mr. John S.

Hurst, Mr. H. S.

Moody, Mr. G. D.


Moore, Rev. Thomas


Moran, Mr. J.

Johnson, Mr. Frank J.

Morgan, Mr. George E.

Johnson, Mr. G. H.

Mundell, Mr. David

Johnson, Mr. William O.

Murphy, Mr. Joseph

Judd, Mr. Victor B.

Myers, Mr. Carl R.

- End Page 7 -

Nalevaiko, Mr. Frank J.

Root, Mr. Alger J.

Nerney, Rev. John J.

Rothbaun, Mr. Joe

Newkirk, Mr. J. D.

Rowan, Mr. Thomas

Northcutt, Mr. George

Rudge, Mr. Edward


Ruffle, Mr. H. M.



O'Keefe, Mr. John J.


Olender, Mr. Victor

Sampson, Mr. George N.

Olson, Mr. Clarence D.

Sanderson, Mr. G. H.

Oltman, Mr. George W.

Saul, Mr. Charles F.

O'Reilley, Rev. John

Schielke, Mr. Alfred C.


Schroettlen, Mr. Fred J. C.


Schwartz, Mr. Harry

Pakula, Mr Henry

Sedlacek, Mr. Louis

Patroskie, Mr. William F.

Shafer, Mr. William L.

Patterson, Mr. William F.

Shaw, Mr. W. H.

Payton, Mr. Arthur

Sheaer, Mr. Morris

Perkinson, Mr. Goerge W.

Shepherd, Mr. Robert Hy.

Peterson, Mr. Kenyon G.

Shuttleworth, Mr. Herbert R.

Pollard, Mr. J. N.

Sligh, Mr. John K.

Pond, Mr. Herbert R.

Smith, Mr. Cyril T.

Porrit, Mr. Joseph

Smith, Mr. Wm.

Power, Rev. Albert

Sondorf, Mr. L. G. E.

Powys, Mr. J. C.

Stewart, Mr. Ross A.

Proulx, Mr. Jospeh F.

Story, Mr.. Cecil D.

Pumphrey, Mr. John W.

Sugahara, Mr. M.


Sutton, Mr. John M.

Quantrell, Mr. Wm.

Swanson, Mr. Frederick C.

Quin, Mr. Frank J.

Swartley, Mr. Charles A.





Rea, Mr. Judson K.

Taylor, Mr. Cecil S.

Reardon, Mr. Bernard C.

Terry, Mr. John F.

Reilly, Mr. Leo T.

Tharpe, Mr. Leslie B.

Roberts, Mr. Willie A.

Thompson, Mr. Gustave

- End Page 8 -

Waldon, Mr. Thomas W.

Wild, Mr. Jacob

Walters, Mr. Daniel

Wilson, Mr. Russell C.

Ward, Mr. John J.

Wirship, Mr. Benjamin

Watson, Mr. Harry L.

Wolford, Mr. Elmer A.

Weilenmann, Mr. Fred G.

Wormald, Mr. Eric B.

West, Mr. Clarence M.


Westman, Mr. Oscar


White, Mr. Joseph

Yates, Mr. Chester

First Class

Not on Board -

Walker, Mr. Douglas

Second Class

Additional -

Cox, Mr. A.

Frazer, Mr. J.

Crandall, Mr. O.

Hart, Mr. V.

Foyer, Mr. J.

Le Van, Mr. J.

Rodebeck, Mr. C.


Second Class

Not on Board -

O'Reilly, Rev. John

Sanderson. Mr. G. H.










- End Page 9 -

Information for Second Class Passengers

BREAKFAST from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m.

The Bar opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 10:30 p.m.

Lights are extinguished in the Saloon at 11 p.m., Library at 11:30 p.m., and Smoke Room at 12 Midnight.

BAGGAGE. Questions relating to Baggage should be referred to the Second Steward, who is the Ship's Baggage Master. Trunks, Chairs, etc., which Passengers may desire to leave in charge of the Company, should be properly labeled and handed to the Baggage Master on the Wharf at New York, and such articles will be stored entirely at the owner's risk. It is for passengers themselves to see all their Baggage is passed by the U. S. Customs Authorities.

DECK CHAIRS can be hired at a charge of 4/- each for the voyage.

STEAMER RUGS can be hired at a charge of 4/- each for the voyage.

PASSENGERS are requested to ask for a Receipt on the Company's Form for any additional passage money, Chair, or Steamer Rug Hire, or Freight paid on board.

The Surgeon is authorised to make customary charges, subject in each case to the approval of the Commander, for treating passengers at their request for any illness not originating on board the ship. In the case of sickness developed on board no charge will be made, and medicine will be provided free in all circumstances.

SMOKING is strictly prohibited in any of the staterooms, Library, or Dining Saloon.

LIBRARY. Books can be obtained by applying to the Library Steward.

POSTAGE STAMPS can be obtained from the Saloon Steward in the Dining Saloon who will take charge of Cable Dispatches and Telegrams for Transmission.

MEALS are not permitted to be served in the library.

SECOND CLASS PASSENGERS are not allowed in the First or Third Class quarters.

VALUABLES. The White Star Line has provided a safe in the Office of the Purser in which Passengers may deposit money, jewels, or ornaments, for safe keeping. The Company will not be liable to Passengers for the loss of money, jewels, or ornaments by theft or otherwise not so deposited.

EXCHANGE OF MONEY. The Purser is prepared, for the convenience of Passengers to exchange a limited amount of English and American money, and he will allow at the rate of $4.70 to the pound when giving American Money for English currency, or 1 pound for $4.85 when giving English Money for American Money.

TRAVELLER'S CHEQUES, payable in all parts of Europe, can be purchased at all the principal offices of the White Star Line. These Cheques are accepted on board White Star steamers in payment of accounts, but Pursers do not carry funds to enable them to cash same.

.PASSENGERS' ADDRESSES may be left at the Enquiry Office, in order that any letters received after passengers have left the steamer may be forwarded.

DOGS. Passengers are notified that dogs cannot be landed in Great Britain unless a license has previously been procured from the Board of Agriculture, London. Forms of license must be obtained by direct application to the Department before the dog is taken on board.


With Booths and Operators on our New York Piers.

- END-

Note: Those in Italics were last minute additions and do not appear in the printed list. These were printed in by my Grandfather, Lt. Wilfred Thorp Beaty, on his trip returning from serving in the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve (R.N.V.R.) following WW I. Most of those in italics were comrades of his.

Captain R.B. Reford, R.B.S. Reford, or Robert Bruce Stephen Reford. He was then Captain in the Irish Guards. His father, Robert Wilson Reford, was the Canadian director of the Cunard Line and ran the Cunard agency in Montreal. His company, the Robert Reford Company, still serves the port of Montreal, as it has done since 1866. This information from his grandson, Alexander Reford, [email protected].

Further information about first class passenger Capt. Bruce Bairnsfather, courtesy of Mark Warby, [email protected]. Mark edits and publishes a bi-monthly newsletter for Bairnsfather collectors and enthusiasts worldwide.

Capt. Bairnsfather was b. in 1887 and d. in 1959. He served in France with the Royal Warwickshire Regiment and later was given the title of "Officer Cartoonist", and toured the French, Italian and American Armies in France.

Bairnsfather's most famous cartoon showed two "Tommies" in a shell hole amidst a barrage of enemy fire, one saying to the other, "Well, if you knows of a better 'ole, go for it!" He was also the creator of the well known character "Old Bill".

Bairnsfather was on the "Adriatic" bound for New York, on route to Australia, where he had been asked to go at the request of the Australian government, to aid recruitment. His travelling companion was the Hon. Hugh D. McIntosh, a well known Australian businessman. Due to Bairnsfather becoming ill in New York he never made it to Australia, but spent three weeks in New York, where he was feted and dined, and received immense publicity. While in the city he attended the opening night of his play "The Better 'Ole" on 19th October 1918. This trip was particularly significant, as it was his first visit to America. He writes about it in detail in his autobiographical works, "From Mud to Mufti" (1919) and "Wide Canvas" (1939).

"From Mud to Mufti" has just been republished in England for the first time since 1919, along with Bairnsfather's other book about his career in the war, "Bullets and Billets" (originally published in 1916) in a special omnibus album including a comprehensive biography of the man, facts and figures, maps, extra illustrations and a glossary.

Mainland U.K. residents may purchase this book for �7.99 with postage and packing free (retail price is �9.99). For all overseas customers (those outside the mainland UK), the book is �14 with postage and packing included. [Currency Coverter - will open in new window] Payment must be in pounds sterling either in cash, by cheque (drawn on a British-based bank) or by international money order.

Order from:
PO Box 202
North Yorkshire
U.K., YO11 3GE

Dave Hunter and The Island Register: Source Code and Graphics© 1999, 2000

Last Updated: 09/25/2000 6:26:23 PM
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