PAPEI RG 9 Collector of Customs Shipping Inward - 1824

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Submitted by Gary Carroll - [email protected]

The following records were found in PAPEI RG 9 Collector of Customs Shipping Inward. These are ship arrivals to Prince Edward Island during that year:

03 May, 1824 - "Renown" of 52 tons, Capt. Jno. Moore, from Malignant Cove, NS
03 May, 1824 - "Mary" of 21 tons, Capt. J. Furlong, from Miramichi
03 May, 1824 - "Esperance' of 52 tons, Capt. J. Gervois, from Miramichi
05 May, 1824 - "Susan" of 49 tons, Capt. Jn. Landris, from Arichat
08 May, 1824 - "Grand Turk" of 138 tons, Capt. Frith, from Bermuda
10 May, 1824 - "Dart" of 22 tons, Capt. J. Hancock, from St. John's
13 May, 1824 - "Mary Saunderson" of 59 tons, Capt. G. Ormsby
14 May, 1824 - "Eliza" of 41 tons, Capt. J. Hall, from Halifax
15 May, 1824 - "Experiment" of 90 tons, Capt. Nelmes, from Turks Island
17 May, 1824 - "Lady Douglas" of 238 tons, Capt. John Archer, from Liverpool
18 May, 1824 - "Medusa" of 217 tons, Capt. J. Hutchinson, from London
21 May, 1824 - "Annabella" of 61 tons, Capt. Jno. Young, from Nova Scotia
22 May, 1824 - "King David" of 276 tons, Capt. J. Robinson, from Bristol
22 May, 1824 - "Carron" of 228 tons, Capt. H. Strachan, from London
26 May, 1824 - "Amity" of 333 tons, Capt. J. Johnston, from Bristol
26 May, 1824 - "Gleaner" of 50 tons, Capt. T. Osburn, from Turks Island
26 May, 1824 - "Leander" of 51 tons, Capt. S. Terrio, from Halifax
26 May, 1824 - "Echo" of 357 tons, Capt. T. Richmond, from London
28 May, 1824 - "Relief" of 253 tons, Capt. J. Morison, from Liverpool
31 May, 1824 - "Bideford" of 162 tons, Capt. Thos. Butters, from Plymouth, with 8 passengers
31 May, 1824 - "Speculation" of 155 tons, Capt. Browning, from Plymouth
01 June, 1824 - "Britannia" of 234 tons, Capt. Wm. Stewart, from North Shields
03 June, 1824 - "Rover" of 92 tons, Capt. J. Bowen, from Bideford
04 June, 1824 - "Raven" of 35 tons, Capt. S. Ducette, from Cape Breton
04 June, 1824 - "Feronia" of 33 tons, Capt. Amm, from Magdalen
12 June, 1824 - "Ann" of 90 tons, Capt. N. Masey, from Plymouth
25 June, 1824 - "Douglas" of 146 tons, Capt. Sl. Eales, from Liverpool
26 June, 1824 - "Eddystone" of 244 tons, Capt. J. Dale, from London
02 July, 1824 - "Aurora" of 66 tons, from Liverpool
06 July, 1824 - "Liberty" of 156 tons, Capt. J. Evans, from Plymouth
13 July, 1824 - "Antaus" of 281 tons, Capt. W. Ayres, from London
02 Sep., 1824 - "Grand Turk" of 138 tons, Capt. G. Frith, from Bermuda
07 Sep., 1824 - "Alert" of 112 tons, Capt. Jas. Barrett, from Bideford
29 Sep., 1824 - "Brisk" of 155 tons, Capt. John Holliday, from Liverpool
06 Oct., 1824 - "St. George" of 208 tons, Capt. Jno. Fearon, from Whitehaven
07 Oct., 1824 - "Experiment" of 90 tons, Capt. Saml. Nelson, from Bermuda
07 Oct., 1824 - "Ann" of 90 tons, Capt. Nichs. Macey, from Plymouth
07 Oct., 1824 - "Speculation" of 155 tons, Capt. John Gibson, from Plymouth
07 Oct., 1824 - "Amity" of 353 tons, Capt. Jno. Johnson, from Plymouth
13 Oct., 1824 - "Jane" of 274 tons, Capt. Jno. Salmon, from Plymouth, with 1 package unbound books
14 Oct., 1824 - "Unity" of 89 tons, Capt. Jas. Ball, from Dartmouth
21 Oct., 1824 - "Jane Hatton" of 124 tons, Capt. Saml. Gale, from Liverpool
21 Oct., 1824 - "Bideford" of 162 tons, Capt. John Coack?, from Plymouth
22 Oct., 1824 - "John" of 317 tons, Capt. Wm. Chantler, from Bristol, with passengers & baggage, 1 violoncello, 5,500 bricks
22 Oct., 1824 - "Elizabeth" of 41 tons, Capt. Thos. Jones, from Guysborough, NS
22 Oct., 1824 - "Swallow" of 61 tons, Capt. Chas. Kelly, from Fox Island
22 Oct., 1824 - "Elizabeth" of 51 tons, Capt. Alexr. Kennedy, from Miramichi
25 Oct., 1824 - "Mary" of 34 tons, Capt. Simon Boudrot, from Arichat
26 Oct., 1824 - "A.B.C." of 45 tons, Capt. Somon Lavandier, from Arichat
27 Oct., 1824 - "Good Intent" of 41 tons, Capt. J.P. Pickets, from Richibucto, with 6 passengers & baggage
28 Oct., 1824 - "Feronia" of 23 tons, Capt. Wm. Cousins, from Miramichi
28 Oct., 1824 - "Fox" of 48 tons, Capt. Peter LeBlanc, from Pictou, NS
30 Oct., 1824 - "Trial" of 40 tons, Capt. Michl. Webb, from Arichat
02 Nov., 1824 - "Margaret" of 14 tons, Capt. Jno. McIsaac, from Gut of Canso
05 Nov., 1824 - "Feronia" of 33 tons, Capt. John Amm, from Fox Island
08 Nov., 1824 - "Lively" of 13 tons, Capt. Wm. Johnston, from Pictou, NS
13 Nov., 1824 - "Margaret" of 22 tons, Capt. Wm. Bishop, from Arichat
15 Nov., 1824 - "Avon" of 13 tons, Capt. Joseph Carter, from Miramichi
17 Nov., 1824 - "Oak" of 42 tons, Capt. Thos. Spratt, from Pictou, NS, with 12 chaldrons coals
19 Nov., 1824 - "Two Sisters" of 62 tons, Capt. Elisha Coffin, from Miramichi
25 Nov., 1824 - "Aurora" of 42 tons, Capt. Davd. Hugh, from Halifax
25 Nov., 1824 - "Spring Bird" of 29 tons, Capt. Edwd. Vigneau, from Arichat
27 Nov., 1824 - "Charlotte" of 30 tons, Capt. Alex. McRae, from Arichat
29 Nov., 1824 - "Angelique" of 42 tons, Capt. Davd. Graham, from Halifax
02 Dec., 1824 - "Brothers" of 60 tons, Capt. Wm. Sutherland, from St. John's, Nfld.
02 Dec., 1824 - "Victory" of 47 tons, Capt. Simon Burke, from Halifax
02 Dec., 1824 - "Mary" of 27 tons, Capt. David Irving, from Arichat
03 Dec., 1824 - "Elizabeth" of 41 tons, Capt. Thos. Jones, from Arichat
03 Dec., 1824 - "Elizabeth" of 51 tons, Capt. Alexr. Kennedy, from Miramichi
03 Dec., 1824 - "Renown" of 52 tons, Capt. Chas. Sanderson, from St. John's, Nfld.
03 Dec., 1824 - "Feronia" of 23 tons, Capt. Wm. Cousins, from Miramichi
06 Dec., 1824 - "Despatch" of 30 tons, Capt. Wm. Wood, from Pictou, NS
07 Dec., 1824 - "Papouse" of 21 tons, Capt. Wm. Minchin, from Miramichi
09 Dec., 1824 - "Charlotte Gallant" of 27 tons, Capt. Cyprian Gallant, from Pugwash
10 Dec., 1824 - "Mary" of 53 tons, Capt. Wm. Stewart, from Miramichi
14 Dec., 1824 - "A.B.C." of 45 tons, Capt. Simon Lavandier, from Halifax
17 Dec., 1824 - "Peggy" of 34 tons, Capt. Corns. Little, from Halifax
20 Dec., 1824 - "Better Luck" of 40 tons, Capt. J. Phillips, from Guysborough, NS
20 Dec., 1824 - "Grand Pre" of 44 tons, Capt. Jas. Irving, from Halifax
20 Dec., 1824 - "Mary" of 26 tons, Capt. Dond. McCallum, from Halifax
24 Dec., 1824 - "Revenge" of 51 tons, Capt. Jas. Young, from St. John's, Nfld

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Last Updated: 10/8/2004 5:15:00 PM
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