New Vessel Registrations, 1823

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Submitted by Gary Carroll - [email protected]

As printed in the PEI Register 26 July, 1823

SHIP-BUILDING - We have the pleasure of noticing the progress and increase of this business, within this two or three years past - a number of very fine vessels have been built, some of which have been noted for their workmanship and swift sailing, and have been employed in the most special trades in England and elsewhere. In addition to the benefits derived by the country from this business, it is also a means of employment for many ingenious and industrious workmen, therefore, we hope it may be continued with success and profit to those who are engaged.

We here subjoin a list of vessels lately launched.

At Bedeque, Messrs Popes, a Ship finished in superior style.
At Chaney Point, Mr. Nathan Davies, a Brig ["Eclipse"?]
At Lot 49, Mr. Cambridge, a Ship.
At York River, Mr. Cooksey, a Brig.
At Three Rivers, Messrs. McDonalds, a brig ["Sarah"?]
At Rustico, Mr. Jos. Higgins, a brigantine ["Clio"?]
At Lot 49, Mr. John Moore, a schooner ["Renown"?]
At Biddeford, Messrs. J. Burnard & Co., a schooner.
At Bedeque, Mr. McCallum, a schooner ["John"?]
At Cove Head, Mr. N. Leitch, a schooner ["Sisters"?]
At Tryon River, Mr. Michael Clark, a schooner ["Providence"?]
At Orwell, Mr. Cambridge, a schooner.

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Last Updated: 1/17/2005 5:32:04 AM
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