PAPEI RG 9 Collector of Customs Shipping Inward - 1806

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Submitted by Gary Carroll - [email protected]

The following records were found in PAPEI RG 9 Collector of Customs Shipping Inward. These are ship arrivals to Prince Edward Island during that year:

16 May, 1806 - "Neptune" of 160 tons Capt. Jno. Messervy from Guernsey with 84 passengers & baggage
23 May, 1806 - "Hollibut" of 34 tons Capt. Germaine Young from Arichat, CB
09 June, 1806 - "Weasel" of 57 tons Capt. Wm. Naylor from Halifax
20 June, 1806 - "Rambler" of 294 tons Capt. Jas. Norris from Tobermory, NB with 130 passengers & baggage
23 June, 1806 - "Margaret" of 31 tons Capt. Jno. Malliard from Halifax with 1000 bricks
25 June, 1806 - "Success" of 26 tons Capt. Law. Martin from Halifax
01 July, 1806 - "Isabella" of 40 tons Capt. David Higgins from Halifax with 1 writing desk, 1 stove.
03 July, 1806 - "Nancy" of 61 tons Capt. Thos. Townsend from St. John's, Nfld.
05 July, 1806 - "Dart" of 56 tons Capt. Jas. Campbell from St. John's, Nfld.
05 July, 1806 - "Venture" of 28 tons Capt. Jno. Bapt. Gallant from Halifax
05 July, 1806 - "Mary" of 71 tons Capt. Alex Davis from Halifax with 1 box books, 1 box garden seeds.
14 July, 1806 - "Humphreys" of 250 tons Capt. John Young from Tobermory, N. Britain with 97 passengers & baggage
17 July, 1806 - "Betsey" of 35 tons Capt. John Deagle from St. John's, Nfld.
26 July, 1806 - "Charlotte" of 35 tons Capt. Jas. Gallant from Quebec, Canada
30 July, 1806 - "Nelly" of 49 tons Capt. Jas. Young from St. John's, Nfld.
12 Aug., 1806 - "Jolly Juniper" of 20 tons Capt. Peter Cheverie from Halifax
13 Aug., 1806 - "Nancy" of 29 tons Capt. John Delory from Halifax with 4 lanthorns; 6 telegraph baskets for Government
22 Aug., 1806 - "Charlotte" of 52 tons Capt. Eustache Marchand from Halifax
02 Sep., 1806 - "Dart" of 56 tons Capt. Jas. Campbell from Halifax
08 Sep., 1806 - "Charlotte" of 35 tons Capt. Jos. Gallant from St. John's, Nfld.
08 Sep., 1806 - "Jane" of 54 tons Capt. Chas. Gallant from St. John's, Nfld.
09 Sep., 1806 - "Ann" of 159 tons Capt. Robt. Cornfoot from Liverpool, GB
22 Sep., 1806 - "Spencer" of 330 tons Capt. Forrster Brown from Oban, NB with 114 passengers & baggage
23 Sep., 1806 - "Isle of Skye" of 182 tons Capt. John Thom from Tobermory, NB with 37 passengers & baggage
04 Oct., 1806 - "Isabella" of 40 tons Capt. David Higgins from St. John's, Nfld.
09 Oct., 1806 - "Peggy" of 24 tons Capt. John Ryan from Pictou, NS
13 Oct., 1806 - "Nelly" of 49 tons Capt. Jas. Young from St. John's, Nfld.
13 Oct., 1806 - "Betsey" of 35 tons Capt. John Deagle from Halifax with 1 mill
03 Nov., 1806 - "Success" of 26 tons Capt. Law. Martin from Halifax
08 Nov., 1806 - "Weasel" of 57 tons Capt. Thos. Burton from Pictou, NS with 97 passengers & baggage
11 Nov., 1806 - "Charlotte" of 31 tons Capt. Jos. Peters from Halifax with 2 iron stoves; 4 tin stoves
12 Nov., 1806 - "Susanna" of 27 tons Capt. John Gautier from Halifax
14 Nov., 1806 - "Jane" of 54 tons Capt. Chas. Gallant from St. John's, Nfld.
14 Nov., 1806 - "Ruby" of 46 tons Capt. Arch. Campbell from St. John's, Nfld.
24 Nov., 1806 - "Dart" of 56 tons Capt. John Campbell from St. John's, Nfld.
01 Dec., 1806 - "Peggy" of 33 tons Capt. John Doucette from Halifax
01 Dec., 1806 - "Venture" of 28 tons Capt. Philip Gaine from Halifax
03 Dec., 1806 - "Sally" of 65 tons Capt. Dond. McKendrick from St. John's, Nfld.
03 Dec., 1806 - "Jolly Juniper" of 20 tons Capt. Peter Cheverie from Halifax with 6 head oxen

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Last Updated: 08/10/2003 5:33:49 PM
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