Lovell's Directory was a directory of professionals and businessmen and other inhabitants in Prince Edward Island, published in 1871, with listings by town or geographic region. [Some corrections thanks to John Collin's sharp eyes!]
A village located in township No. 23, parish of Strathallyn, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Co., 12 miles, from Princetown 26 miles, from Georgetown 42 miles, from Summerside 28 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200.
Campbell, Donald E. - teacher
Campbell, Norman - farmer
Cummings, Mrs. - no occu.
Johnston, William - farmer
McInnis, John - farmer
McInnis, John - postmaster, farmer
McInnis, postmaster, farmer
McKay, John - farmer
McKenzie, Angus - farmer
McLean, Donald - farmer
McLean, Donald - farmer
McLeod, Alexander - farmer
McLeod, Allan - farmer
McLeod, Allan jun. - farmer
McLeod, Allan sen. - farmer
McLeod, Donald - farmer
McLeod, Duncan - farmerMcLeod, John - farmer
McLeod, John jun. - farmer
McLeod, John sen. - farmer
McLeod, Lauchlin - farmer
McLeod, Malcolm - farmer
McLeod, Neil - farmer
McLeod - Norman - farmer
McLeod, William - farmer
McPherson, Murdoch, farmer
Matheson, Christopher - farmer
Matheson, Duncan jun. - farmer
Matheson, Duncan sen. - farmer
Matheson, John - farmer
Meikle, Peter - farmer
Munro, Alexander - farmer
Nicholson, Duncan - farmer
A village located in township No. 29, parish of Hillsborough, county of Queens. Distant from the nearest station of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Co., 5 miles, from Charlottetown 20 miles, from Georgetown 50 miles, from Summerside 24 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 100.
Andrews, Francis - miller
Cameron, David - farmer
Campbell, John - blacksmith
Crothers, O.H. - Sup'd DeSable Mills
Currie, John - J.P.
Currie, John - naval architect
Currie, John - wagon and plough maker
Dowell, John - shoemaker
Farrow, Daniel - carriagemaker
French, David -millwright
Gunn, Peter - teacher
Holm, Colin - J.P.
Inman, William - J.P.
McCalder, Alexander - postmasterMcCalder, Archibald - blacksmith
McColl, Rev. James - Presbyterian
McDonald, John - tailor
McDonald, William - carpenter
McFarlane, Alexander - carpenter
McKenna, Francis - merchant
McKenna, Patrick - butcher
McKinnon, Charles - tailor
McKinnon, John - blacksmith
McQuarrie, Donald - boat builder
Marchbank, John - mill owner
Patrick, William - merchant
Sobey, William - blacksmith
Stewart, Allan - J.P.
Donaldson Estate
A settlement in township No. 35, parish of Bedford, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 13 miles, from Georgetown 30 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
[Post Office is at Corran Ban Bridge]
Campbell, Michael - farmer
Condon, Dennis - farmer
Court, John - Farmer
Dougan, James - farmer
Doyle, John - farmer
Ellis, Charles - farmer
Ellis, William - farmer
Hayes, Thomas - blacksmith
Healey, William - farmer
Hughes, Cormack - farmer
Hughes, John - farmer
Hughes, Philip - postmaster, farmer
Lanan, John - farmer
McAuley, Michael - tailor
McDonald, Mathias - farmer
McDonell, John A. - farmer
McGillvrary, Alexander - farmerMcGrath, William - farmer
McInnis, Hugh - farmer
McIntyre, James - farmer
McIntyre, John - farmer
McIntyre, Peter - farmer
McIsaac, Charles - farmer
McIsaac, Donald - farmer
Morne, John - farmer
Morris, Patrick - farmer
Murphy, Michael - farmer
O'Neal, Brien - farmer
Pleadwell, William - farmer
Pleadwell, John - farmer
Power, Michael - farmer
Power, Thomas - farmer
Reid, Richard - farmer
Scott, George - farmer
A village situated in township No. 55, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 14 miles, from Charlottetown 34 miles, from Princetown 70 miles, from Summerside 70 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200.
Bardett, Richard - merchant
Burhoe, James - farmer
Clay, Charles - J.P.
Clay, Thomas - sup. of Pub. Works
Currie, Archibald - teacher
Hayden, Archibald - grist & saw mill
Hunter, William - Farmer, saw mill
Jenkins, William - farmer
MacKenzie, George - J.P., farmer
McDonald, Samuel - merchant
McKenzie, Jonothan - merchantMcLean, John - carpenter
McLean, Peter - farmer
McLean, Rev. Allen - no den. given
Morson, Richard - carding & saw mill
Nicholson, Donald - farmer
Riley, John - farmer
Stewart, Charles - shingle mills
Ward, John - farmer
Watson, John Peter - farmer
Wood, Theophilis - farmer
Wood, William - farmer
East Point
A settlement at the extreme eastern end of the Island in Lot 47, east parish, Kings County. Distant from Georgetown a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 30 miles, from Princetown 80 miles, from Charlottetown 65 miles, from Summerside 93 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
[Also Called Beaton's Beach]
Beaton, Alexander - lighthouse keeper
Beaton, Angus - farmer
Beaton, James - farmer
McEachern, Hon. Emanuel - M.E.C.
McLean, Daniel - farmer
East Royalty
A village situated in the parish of Charlotte, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 3 miles, from Georgetown 30 miles, from Princetown 36 miles, from Summerside 40 miles. Population about 130.
[The Post Office is at Charlottetown]
Arling, David jun. - blacksmith
Arling, David sen. - farmer
Bell, Francis - mgr. gov't stock farm
Carey, Timothy - farmer
Clark, Richard - farmer
Connolly, Thomas - farmer
Dogherty, Francis - farmer
Duncan, Andrew - farmer
Easton, Thomas - stone mason
Easton, William - farmer, tanner
James, Francis - farmerLePage, Alfred - farmer
Longworth, Henry - merchant, farmer
Lowrey, Robert - farmer
Newberry, Amos - farmer
Partridge, Richard - farmer
Prowse, William - farmer
Roper, James - carpenter
Roper, John - millwright
Stewart, James - teacher
Wright, Benj. E. - flour & carding mill
Wright, George - farmer
A village situated in township No. 57, parish of St. John's, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Co., 22 miles, fare 6s. A steamboat plies from the wharf, 1 mile distant, weekly to Charlottetown, fare is 1s 6d. Mail tri-weekly. Population about 150
[The Post Office is called Belfast]
Beaton, Duncan - tailor
Buchanan, James - farmer
Buchanan, George - blacksmith
Campbell, Neil - plasterer
Dixon, Alexander - J.P.(1)
Dickson, Alexander jun. - mill owner
Dickson, Joseph Milburn - merchant.
Dorey, George - of Harris and Dorey
Halliday, James - shipwright
Harris, Thomas - of Harris and Dorey
Harris and Dorey - carriage factory
Cariby, Mrs. - wid Matthew
McDonald, John - farmer
McKay, John - farmer
McLean, Alexander - J.P.(2)
McLean, Rev. Alexander - Presbyterian
McLeod, Donald - J.P.(3)
McLeod, John - shoemakerMcTavish, Duncan - farmer
McWilliam, William - farmer
Martin, Donald - joiner
Martin, Martin - blacksmith, farmer
Moore, James - J.P.(4)
Nicholson, James - farmer
Nicholson, Malcolm - storekeeper, farmer
Nicholson, Mrs. Ann - wid Sam'l, inkeeper
Paddock, Arthur M. - physician, drug store
Panting, John - joiner
Robertson, Edw'd - J.P.,merchant,farmer
Ross, Andrew - farmer
Ross, David - farmer
Ross, James - bailiff
Ross, Walter - farmer
Smith, Andrew - farmer
Smith, James - farmer
Smith, William - farmer
(1) Also Grist and Saw, Carding Mill Owner, Farmer
(2) Also Commisioner of Court of Small Debts.
(3) Also Postmaster, General Store
(4) Also Dealer in Groceries, Dry Goods, &c.
A village located in township No. 12, parish of Halifax, county of Prince. Distant from Alberton a station of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Co., 4 1/2 miles, from Princetown 30 miles, from Charlottetown 55 miles, from Georgetown 85 miles, from Summerside 20 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Arsenault, Laurent - milkman
Barklay, James - J.P.(1)
Burleigh, George - farmer
Cannon, Samuel - farmer
Cumming, Rev. Robert - Presbyterian
Distant, John - farmer
Ellis, Edward - shoemaker
Ellis, George - shipbuilder
Ellis, William - shipbuilder
Ellis, William T. - shipbuilder
England, John - farmer
England, John jun. - joinerHayes, Robert - blacksmith
Hayes, William - carriagemaker
McArthur, Neil - carpenter
McDougald, Duncan - farmer
McDonald, Joseph - miller
Miller, Alexander - farmer
Mollison, John - carriagemaker
Price, Jesse - farmer
Richards?, Capt. William - MPP(2)
Wallace, Mrs. - postmistress
Williams, Albert - farmer
(1) Also Proprietor of Carding, Saw and Shingle Mills.
(2) Also Ship Builder and Trader
A village situated in township No. 47, parish of St. Columbia, county of Kings. Distant from Charlottetown a station of the New York, Newfoundland and London Telegraph Co., 57 miles, from Princetwon 100 miles, from Georgetown 42 miles, from Summerside 98 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200
Campbell, Angus - farmer
Campbell, Angus - farmer
Campbell, Duncan - farmer
Campbell, Evaristus - farmer
Campbell, James - farmer
Campbell, John - farmer
Conway, James - farmer
Garrett, Richard - farmer
Holland, Edward - farmer
Kennedy, James - farmer
Kennedy, John - farmer
McDonald, Allan - farmer
McDonald, Allan - farmer
McDonald, Neil - farmer
McDonald, Peter - farmer
McInnis, Charles - farmerMcInnis, Gallien - farmer
McInnis, John - farmer
McInnis, Joseph - farmer
McInnis, Patrick - blacksmith
McIntyre, Capt. John - farmer
McIntyre, Donald - farmer
McIntyre, Gabriel - farmer
McIntyre, John - farmer
McIntyre, John - farmer
McIsaac, Clement - farmer
McIsaac, Peter - farmer
McKenzie, Alexander - farmer
McIntyre, Hon. H. James - farmer
Rice, Lawrence - farmer
Rose, Peter - miller
A village located in township No. 56, parish of St. Peters, county of Kings. Distant from Georgetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 14 miles, from Princetown 70 miles, from Charlottetown 40 miles, from Summerside 80 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 200
Bulger, Philip - farmer
Bulger, William - shipwright
Burdge, James - farmer
Burdge, John - shipwright
Burdge, Richard - farmer
Cahill, John - farmer
Curran, James - millright
Doyle, Lawrence O. - labourer
Flynn, Michael - miller
Flynn, Mrs. Edward - no occu.
Flynn, Richard - farmer
Flynn, Thomas - farmer
Heffey, John - sea captain
Larkin, James - farmerLarkin, John - farmer
Larkin, William - farmer
McTague, James - teacher
Poor, John - farmer
Poor, Patrick - farmer
Poor, Edward - farmer
Robertson, George - boot & shoe Mf'r
Ryan, Michael - labourer
Tobin, Patrick - joiner
Walsh, James - shipwright
Walsh, Thomas - labourer
Whitty, Michael - farmer
Whitty, Dennis - farmer
Fifteen Point
A small village located in township 15, parish of Richmond, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 13 miles. Mail weekly. Population about 50.
Gallant, Cyprien - school teacher
Gallant, Vital - farmer
Perry, Alexander - farmer
Richard, Charles jun. - postmaster, farmerRichard, Charles sen. - farmer
Richard, John - farmer
Richard, Lemang - farmer
Flat River
A village situated in township No. 60, parish of St. John's, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 30 miles, from Georgetown 23 miles, from Princetown 68 miles, from Summerside 70 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 250.
Beaton, Alexander - farmer
Beaton, Augus - farmer
Beaton, Donald - farmer
Beaton, Ebeneezer - farmer
Beaton, Malcolm - farmer
Beaton, Ronald - farmer
Blue, Archibald - farmer
Gillis, John - farmer
Gillis, John jun. - farmer
McDonald, Alexander - farmer
McDonald, Charles - farmer
McDonald, Donald - farmer
McDonald, Donald - farmer
McDonald, John - farmer
McKenzie, Capt. Robert - trader
McKenzie, Donald - farmer
McKenzie, Donald - farmer
McKenzie, Donald - blacksmith
McKenzie, Hector - farmer
McKenzie, Hector - farmer
McKenzie, James - farmerMcKenzie, John - farmer
McKenzie, Mrs. - wid
McLaren, D. - trader
McLeod, John - farmer
McPherson, Angus - farmer
McRae, Donald - farmer
McRae, Duncan - farmer
McRae, Finley - farmer
McRae, John - farmer
Morrison, Charles - farmer
Morrison, Donald - trader, tanner
Morrison, John - farmer
Morrison, John - farmer
Morrison, Neil - farmer
Morrison, Roderick - farmer
Nicholson, Mrs. - wid
Ross, Donald D. - postmaster, blksmth
Ross, Ewen - farmer
Ross, John - farmer
Ross, William - J.P., farmer
Ross, John H. - farmer
Fort Augustus
A village situated in township No. 36, parish of Bedford, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 16 miles, bi-weekly stage, fare 1s 6d; fare by steamboat once a week, 9d. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Brogan, James - carpenter
Clarke, John - Farmer(1)
Clarkin, Patrick - blacksmith
Fisher, Henry - ship builder
Fletcher, John J. - general store
Forbes, Malcolm - J.P., farmer
Hagerty, Robt. carpenter & builder
Hughes, Patrick - road commisioner
Hughes, Peter - bridge contractor, farmer
Kelly, Hon. Francis - MPP, J.P.(2)
Kelly, James E. - Hotel Proprietor(3)
Kelly, Patrick - shoemakerMcDonald, James - J.P., farmer
McDonald, John Allen - J.P.(4)
McDonald, Rev. Angus - R. Catholic
McEraa, Arthur - shoemaker
McKenna, John - farmer
McNelly, Phillip - Storekeeper(5)
McQuade, Daniel - harnessmaker
Mullin, John P. - gram. school teacher
O'Callaghan, Bernard - J.P., farmer
Power, John - bridge cont., farmer
Trayner, James - brickyard owner
Webster, Daniel - storekeeper, farmer
(1) Also Grist, Saw, and Carding Miller
(2) Also Postmaster, Farmer, Commisioner of Boundary Lines, also for Affadavits for Superior Court, and for taking Bail for the same, and member of the Board of Education.
(3) Also Dealer in Flour, Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, Hardware.
(4) Also Commissioner of Small Debts, Farmer
(5) Also Farmer, Lime Kiln Owner
A village located in the township No. 25, parish of St. David, county of Prince. Distant from Summerside, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 10 miles, from Princetown 10 miles, from Charlottetown 30 miles, from Georgetown 60 miles. Mail bi-weekly. Population about 150.
Auld, Robert - postmaster, farmer
Burns, Alexander - farmer
Cairns, John - farmer
Cairns, Mrs. Christopher - no occu.
Campbell, John - farmer
Crosby, Edmund - farmer
Jardine, James - farmer
Johnston, Mrs. - wid
Lewis, John - farmer
Lidstone, Isaac - farmer
McCarvell, Francis - farmer
McCarvell, James - farmer
Moyse, William - farmer
Reeves, David - farmerRogers, David - farmer
Rogers, William - farmer
Schurman, Robert - farmer
Stafford, John - farmer
Taylor, Peter - farmer
Taylor, Thomas - farmer
Taylor, William - farmer
Thompson, John - farmer
Walker, John - farmer
Warren, Joseph - farmer
Warren, Wellington - farmer
Welsh, Daniel - farmer
Wetherbie, Benjamin - blacksmith
Fullarton's Marsh [sic]
A small village in township No. 48, parish of Bedford, county of Queens. Distant from Charlottetown, a station of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Co., 7 miles, from Princetown 45 miles, from Georgetown 30 miles, from Summerside 47 miles. Mail weekly. Population about 150.
Boyce, John - farmer
Boyce, Valentine - farmer
Currie, Alexander - farmer
Doyle, James - farmer
Farquharson, James - farmer
Farquharson, William - farmer
McDonald, Charles - farmer
McDonald, William - farmer
McEachern, Alexander - farmer
McEachern, Ewen - farmer
McEachern, Donald - blacksmithMcKinnon, Bernard - farmer
McLeod, Daniel - wheelright
McLeod, James - farmer
McSwain, Hector - farmer
Minns, Daniel - farmer
Minns, William - farmer
Murtch [Mutch], Francis - farmer
Murtch [Mutch], John - farmer
Needham, William - farmer
Smallwood, John B. - farmer
This document, Lovell's Directory, 1871 may be seen at PARO, Accession No. 4064, Item No. 1
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