The vast majority of the inhabitants are natives of the Island. Of those from abroad, the largest number are Scotchmen, next Irish, then English; after that, British colonists. The number from foreign countries is small.
Education - The first effort towards the promotion of Public Education was made by opening the National School in Charlottetown, about the year 1821.
The Board of Education was appointed in 1830. It consisted of five members, three of whom formed a quorum for the transaction of business. The Central Academy, at Charlottetown, was opened in January, 1836. The first principal of this institution was the Rev. Charles Lloyd. In 1837, a further impulse was given to the cause of a sound and thorough education, by the appointment, for the first time, of a visitor of schools for the whole island. John McNeil, Esq. Was appointed to this office. The number of schools at that time was fifty-one; scholars, 1,649. In 1847, when Mr. McNeil resigned this most important work, the schools had increased to 120, and the pupils to 5,000. In 1851, the number of schools was 135,; of scholars, 5,360. In 1856, the number of schools was 260; of scholars, 11,000. Towards the close of the same year, a Normal School, for the training of teachers, was opened. It is the law of Prince Edward Island, that the Bible be read in all public Schools. The law was passed in 1860, after much agitation on the subject.
The census of 1861 gives 302 public school-houses, and 280 public teachers.
Civil Government - The Island, like the neighboring provinces, is a British Colony. Like all North American colonies, it enjoys the fullest freedom to make and administer whatever laws are best suited to its peculiar circumstances, without any interference from its parent state.
The Legislature consists of the Governor, who is appointed by the Queen, a Legislative Council, and a House of Representatives.
The House of Assembly, or Representatives, consists of thirty members, and the Legislative Council, of twelve members. Both of these bodies are elected by the people. The Island is divided for civil purposes into three counties - King�s, Queen�s, and Prince�s; each of these elects ten representatives and four councillors.
The Executive Council consists of the Governor and nine members, chosen out of the members of the Legislative Council and the House of Assembly.
The Judicial Department, embraces the following courts: 1. The Commissioners� Courts, for small debts. They have jurisdiction in settling debts that do not exceed sixty dollars. Each county has six or seven of these courts. They consist of three commissioners, appointed by the government. They meet monthly, and are designed to prevent expensive litigation. 2. The Court of Probate, which disposes of wills, and grants letters of administration for the disposal of the property of such as die intestate. 3. The Supreme Court, which is the highest tribunal of civil law. It meets four times in the year in Queens�s county, and twice a year in the other counties. It is presided over by a Chief-Justice and one Assistant Judge. 4. The Court of Chancery, of which the Lieutenant-Governor is chancellor, and the master of rolls, the acting judge. The court adjudicates in cases which cannot be satisfactorily determined by statute law. It aims at deciding according to the equity of the case. 5. The Court of Vice-Admiralty, which is similar to the court of the same name in other provinces. 6. The Court of Marriage and Divorce. The Lieutenant-Governor is the president of this court and the Executive Council are members in it. It exists, as yet, but in name.
The first House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island met in July, 1773. It consisted of eighteen members. The Legislative and Executive Councils were then one body, appointed by the sovereign.
The Island was connected with Nova Scotia, in respect of civil government, till the year 1770. In that year, it was erected into a separate province. Its first governor, as a separate province, was:
1. Walter Patterson, Esq., 1770 to 1786
2. Lieut. General Edmund Fanning, 1786 to 1805
3. Colonel Joseph F. W. Debarres, 1808 to 1813
4. Charles Douglas Smith, Esq., 1813 to 1824
5. Colonel John Reddy, 1824 to 1831
6. Sir Aretas W. Young, 1831 to 1835
7. Sir John Harvey 1836, to 1837
8. Sir Charles Augustas Fitzroy, 1837 to 1841
9. Sir Henry Vere Huntley, 1841 to 1847
10. Sir Donald Campbell, 1847 to 1850
11. Sir Alexander Bannerman, 1851 to 1854
12. Sir Dominic Daly, 1854 to 1859.
George Dundas, Esq. became governor in 1859, and continues still. He is one of the most deservedly popular governors the Island ever had.
The Public Debt of the island on the 31st of January, 1861, was $15,324. Th meet this debt, there are 4,190 acres of crown lands, and 78,821 acres of public lands, as well as $66.278 due in installments for sales of public lands, bearing interest at five per cent.
Revenue and Expenditure - For 1859, the revenue amounted to 41,113 pounds, 13s. 5d. The expenditure for that year was 43, 113 pounds, 13s. 5d. The excess of the expenditure over revenue during these years, is to be accounted for by the expensive purchase of the large estates of the Earl of Selkirk for the public good.
The city of Charlottetown is the capitol of the island. It is built on gently rising ground, looking toward the south. It is on the north of the East River, and near its junction with the North and West Rivers. The streets cross each other at right angles. The six main streets are one hundred feet wide, and run north and south. The colonial building is a beautiful and commodious edifice, built of Nova Scotia freestone. The cornet-stone of this building was laid on the 16th day of May, 1843, by Sir Henry Vere Huntley, the lieutenant- governor. This building cost about $72,500. In 1848, the population of Charlottetown was 4,000; in 1855, 6,513; in 1861, 6,706.
The only town in King�s County is Georgetown. It is about thirty miles from the capitol, and contains a population of about 800.
The only town in Prince�s County is Summerside. It lies on the north side of Bedeque Harbor. Its distance from the capitol is about forty miles. It is only thirty-five miles from the town of Shediac, New Brunswick. It is a town of recent growth, but is rapidly increasing, and its trade is considerable.
There are no railways in Prince Edward Island, but its highways are excellent in summer and winter; in the fall and spring they are usually very deep and miry. There is no country of the same size in British North America where there is so much good turnpike road. It has telegraphic communication with the continent of America by means of a telegraphic cable, eleven miles in length, connecting it with New Brunswick. There is also telegraphic communication between Charlottetown and some of the principal places on the Island.
The standing grievance of Prince Edward Island has been the Land Question. The royal commissioners , who sat on this subject in 1861, among other things, recommended the purchase of the non-resident proprietors by the government, at an equitable rate, to be sold again in retail to the tenants. If the government decline, or is not in circumstances to make the purchase, then the award of the commissioners is, that the sale of the lane to the occupant tenants be compulsory on the part of the landlords, on the receipt of a just and reasonable price. They also fixed twenty years� rent as the highest sum that could be demanded by any proprietor. The award further determines, that all arrears of rent due previous to the first of May, 1858, are now cancelled. Their report is very able and elaborate, and has had a beneficial effect already. It may be further noticed, that their award does not compel proprietors of less than 1,500 acres to sell their lands to those who may be occupying them as tenants.
Prince Edward Island Directory.
Abbreviations used in this work: ab above; al alley; asst assistant; b or bds boards; c or cor corner; do same place or same street; ft foot; h house; la lane; mkt market; n near; opp opposite; r rear; Rev. reverend; wid Widow.
Adams, William, blacksmith, h Water n Hillsboro� | Affleck, John, laborer, h Great George cor Water |
Aitken, Charles, tinsmith, bds King cor Great George | Alchorn, Thomas, builder, bds Great George cor Kent |
ALDONS, HON. JOHN, Commissioner of Crown Lands and Surveyor General, Colonial Building, res Montague | Allen, Mary, wid George, h Fitzroy n Queen |
Allen, Thomas, sawyer, h Fitzroy n Edward | Allen, William B., tinsmith and sheet iron worker, Grafton n Queen |
Alley, Alexander, joiner, h Great George cor Euston | Alley, George, law student, h Prince cor Dorchester |
Alley, Thomas, carpenter and builder, h Prince cor Dorchester | Alley William, printer, bds Queen cor Grafton |
AMOS EWEN, teacher, Prince cor Grafton, h Hillsboro� n Fitzroy | Anderson, Alexander, professor, h King sq Kent |
Anderson, Catherine, wid John, h Hillsboro� cor Fitzroy | Anderson, Henry, carriagemaker, bds Great George cor Kent |
Anderson, James, dry goods, groceries, and hardware, Queen cor Water, h Water n Queen | Anderson, Miss Jessie, milliner, Hillsboro� cor Fitzroy |
Arbon, James, laborer, h Dorchester n Pownal | Arbuckle, John, school inspector, h Fitzroy cor Cumberland |
Atkinson, George D., private secretary, Government House | Aube, John S., h Weymouth n Kent |
Bacon, William, pensioner, h Rochfort n Sidney | Badge, William, accountant, h Prince cor Kent |
Bagnall, Horatio, clerk, bds Queen cor Dorchester | Bagnall, Lawrence, clerk, bds Queen cor Dorchester |
Bagan, Cecilia, wid John, h Spring Park Road | Bagan, Patrick, laborer, h Pownal n Sidney. |
Bain, James, plasterer, h Euston n Hillsboro� | Bain, James Jr., plasterer, h Euston n Hillsboro� |
Bairsto, Thomas, laborer, h Euston cor Queen | Baker, Eliza A., milliner, Kent n Hillsboro� |
Baker, Thomas M., joiner, h Kent n Hillsboro� | Baldwin, Alfred A., hardware, Queen n Dorchester, bds Weymouth cor Grafton |
Ball, John, land surveyor, h King n Prince | Ball, Joseph, land surveyor, h Water cor Prince |
BANK OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, Queen cor Water | Banks, Robert, labourer, h Water n Hillsboro� |
Barker, Rev. Cephas, Prince n Dorchester | Barnard, Silas, wharfinger, h Sidney n Queen |
Barnstead, William, baker, Sydney n Great George | Barr, Jas., livery, Grafton n Great George, h Grafton n Weymouth |
Barrett, James, block and pump maker, Dorchester n Great George | Barron, Michael, blockmaker, h Dorchester n Great George |
Barrow, John, judge, h Dorchester cor Hillsboro� | Baton, Peter, cooper, bds Water n Pownal |
Batt, Samuel, grocer and blacksmith, Water n Great George | Battershill, Nathaniel, butcher, Grafton n Prince |
Bayfield, Henry, R. N., Queen cor Euston | Beales, James, tailor, bds Prince cor Grafton |
BEARS, DAVID A., boot and shoe manufactury, Pownal n Grafton | Beaton, Angus, currier, bds Grafton n Pownal |
Beer, Hon. George, merchant, King sq, h Weymouth n Fitzroy | Beer, George R., general store, King sq, Kent |
Beer, Lemuel L., general store, King sq, Kent | BEER & SONS, general store, King sq, Kent |
BEETE, MAJOR, J.P., Water cor Prince | BELL, CHARLES, merchant tailor, Queen n Richmond, bds Queen sq. |
BELL, JOHN, bookkeeper, h Fitzroy n Queen | Bell, John, tailor, Queen, h Grafton n Prince |
Bell, Robert, grocer, Richmond, Queen sq | Benner, Margaret, grocer, Sidney n Hillsboro� |
Bennett, Thomas, pensioner, h Military Barracks | Bertram, David, saddler, bds Great George n Kent |
Bertram, Joseph, printer, bds Great George n Kent | Bethune, Daniel, painter, h Kent n Rochfort |
Bevan, Job, clerk, h Euston n Weymouth | Bevan, Rebecca, wid Job, h Prince n Kent |
Bickerson, George, shoemaker, bds King n Queen | Binns, Archibald, deputy sheriff, h West n Grafton |
Binns, Charles J., asst. Comptroller of customs, Colonial Buildings, h Grafton cor Rochfort | Binns, John C., county sheriff, h Kent cor Rochfort |
Birch, William, h Kent n Pownal | Birnie, George, h Water n Great George |
Blatch, Henry, grocer, Great George cor Fitzroy | Blue, Neil, tailor, bds Sidney n Great George |
Boulton, Henry, rigger, h Euston n Queen | Bourke, William C., captain steamer �Heather Bell� h Southport |
Bovyer, Edward A., builder, Sidney n Queen | Bovyer, Thomas F., builder, Sydney n Queen |
Bovyer, Mary, wid John, h King n Prince | Bovyer, Mary, clerk, h King n Great George |
Bovyer, T. F. & E. A., builders, Sydney n Queen | Bowden, John, baker, h Grafton cor Hillsboro� |
Bowers, John, saddler and harnessmaker, Richmond n Pownal | Bowers, Patrick, harnessmaker, bds Richmond n Pownal |
Bowron, George, moulder, h Edward n Kent | Boyd, Daniel F., watchmaker, bds Grafton, Queen sq |
Boyd, James, clerk, h Grafton n Weymouth | Boyle, Maria, h Richmond n Cumberland |
Boyle, Patrick, boot and shoemaker, Spring Park Road | Boyle, William, tanner and currier, Spring Park Road |
Brace, George, shoemaker, Sidney n Pownal | Brace, William, bds Sidney n Pownal |
Bradley, Andrew, laborer, h Great George n Fitzroy | Breauth, [Brehaut?], Christina, wid James, h Fitzroy n Cumberland |
Brecken, Frederick, barrister and notary public, Water n Queen, h King cor Hillsboro� | Brecken, John, barrister, h Kent n Weymouth |
BRECKEN, R. W., flour and tea, &c, wholesale, Water n Queen, bds Pownal n Water. | Brecken, Ralph, h Royalty Road. |
Breen, John, blacksmith, h Kent n Queen | Bremner, George, printer, h Prince n Grafton |
Bremner, John S., book seller and stationer, Prince n Grafton. | Bremner, William, book binder, h Prince n Grafton |
Brennan, Daniel, general store, Queen cor Sidney | Brennan, Thomas, policeman, h Euston cor Queen |
Brenock, Thomas, ship carpenter, bds Sidney n Queen | Brewer, William, laborer, h Rochfort n Sidney |
BREWSTER, REV. JOHN, h Richmond n Prince | Brighan, William, farmer, h Grafton n Hillsboro� |
Brotthers, Ellen, wid Thos., h Hensley b Richmond and Grafton | Broderick, Ellen, wid James, h Cumberland cor Kent |
Brown, Alexander, h Brighton Road | Brown, Ambrose L., merchant, Queen sq, h Water cor Prince |
Brown, Arthur, painter, h Richmond opp Hillsboro� | Brown, Charles, blacksmith, bds Kent n Hillsboro� |
Brown, John, laborer, h Grafton n Rochfort | Brown, John, mason, h Grafton n Hillsboro� |
Brown, John, seaman, h Grafton n Weymouth | Brown, Morris, trader, bds Dorchester n Queen |
Brown, Thomas, ship carpenter, h Water n Hillsboro� | Brown, William, merchant, Queen, h Fitzroy n Great George |
BROWN W. & A., dry goods &c., Queen sq. | Brundage, Ann, wid Joseph, h Prince n Richmond |
Bryenton, Horace, grocer, Kent n Prince, h Prince cor Kent | Bryenton, Michael, h Hillsboro n Grafton |
Buckley, James, shoemaker, bds Grafton, Queen sq n Queen | Bulger, Simon, currier, h Grafton n Pownal |
Burke, Patrick, laborer, h Richmond n Cumberland | Burns, Catherine, wid John, h Dorchester n Prince |
Burns, James, laborer, h Dorchester n Prince | Burns, Nicholas, liquors, Queen n Sidney |
BURNS, THOMAS M., pottery, Spring Park Road | Burris, Thomas, printer, h Great George n Queen sq |
Burrows, John, butcher, h Kent n Prince | BUTCHER, MARK, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Kent opp Queens sq. |
Butler, Bridget, wid John, laundress, h Cumberland n Dorchester | Butler, William, fisherman, h Fitzroy n Cumberland |
Byars, Frederick, laborer, h Fitzroy n Rochfort | Byars, William, chimney sweep, h Rochfort n Fitzroy |
Byars, William, Jr., laborer, h Rochfort n Fitzroy | Byrne, Edward F., bookkeeper, h Euston n Pownal |
Caffray, James, rigger, Grafton n Weymouth | Cahill, James, blacksmith, h Fitzroy n Great George |
Cahill, Nancy, wid Anthony, h Dorchester n Weymouth | Cahill, Thomas, baker, h Pownal n Water |
Cairns, John, marble works, Kent n Prince | Cairns, John, tinsmith, Queen n Kent |
Cairns, Mary, wid James, hotel, Queen n Grafton | Calford, Edward, clerk, bds King sq., Kent |
Callaghan, Christopher, laborer, h Euston n Rochfort | Callaghan, Laughlan, maltster, h Spring Park road n Euston |
Callaghan, Michael, blacksmith, h Dorchester n Pownal | Callaghan, Peter, clerk, bds Rochfort n Euston |
Callaghan, Peter, laborer, h Cross n Euston | CALLBECK, HENRY J., dry goods, Sydney n Queen |
Callier, John, pensioner, h Richmond n Pownal | Cambridge, Miss Margaret, h Pownal n Grafton |
Cameron, James, pensioner, h Military Barracks | Cameron, Jane, wid, h Richmond, Queen sq. |
Cameron, Rosa, wid Duncan, h King n Queen. | Cameron, William, liquors, Queen n Kent |
Campbell, Ann, wid Neil, h Sidney n Hillsboro� | Campbell, Cletus, tailor, h Weymouth n Grafton |
Campbell, Ronald, sea captain, h Weymouth cor Sidney | Canafick, James, ship carpenter, bds Sidney n Queen |
Cappell, Mary, wid Benjamin, h Richmond cor Hillsboro | Carle, James, laborer, h Sidney n Pownal |
Carman, Francis, clerk, h Queen n Grafton | Carmen, Henry D., clerk, bds Great George cor Kent |
Carmichael, James, cabinetmaker, Kent n Pownal | Carpenter, Joseph, carpenter, h Rochfort cor Grafton |
Carpenter, Thomas, joiner, h Kent n Rochfort | Carroll, Daniel, builder, Weymouth n Water |
Carroll, John, laborer, h Euston n Great George | Carroll, Mary T., wid John, h Dorchester n Pownal |
Carroll, Michael, carpenter, h Sidney n Prince | Carroll, Phillip, laborer, h Fitzroy n Great George |
Carroll, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Queen n Dorchester | Carroll, William, carpenter, bds Grafton n Weymouth |
CARVELL, J. S., commission merchant, broker, and general agent, Queen n Water, h Water n Queen | Carver, Joseph, laborer, h Sidney n Pownal |
Casely, Thomas, shoemaker, h Weymouth cor Sidney | Caughlan, Richard, laborer, h Fitzroy n Prince |
Chandler, Henry, porter, h Hillsboro� cor Kent | Chandler, James, servant, h Hillsboro� cor Kent |
Chandler, John, laborer, h Euston n Great George | Chandler, William, seaman, h Fitzroy n Weymouth |
Chappell, David, cabinetmaker, bds Prince n Water | Chappell, Henry, millwright, h Kent n Queen |
Chappell, John J., clerk, h Richmond n Hillsboro� | Chappel, Theophilus, shoemaker, Water n Prince |
Chappell, William, joiner, h Euston n Pownal | Charles, George, sailmaker, h Grafton n Weymouth |
Charlottetown Armory, Grafton n Pownal | Charlottetown Gas Works, Sidney cor Cumberland |
Charlottetown Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Henry Palmer, secretary and treasurer, Kent n Queen | Charlottetown Reading Room, Water cor Queen |
Charlton, Henry, currier, h Grafton n Rochfort | Childs, Maria, wid Henry, h Grafton n Prince |
Chilton, Arthur, laborer, h Hillsboro� n Grafton | Clark, Andrew, seaman, bds King n Queen |
Clark, Charles, clerk, h Queen n King | Clark, Elizabeth, wid George, Queen n Euston |
Clark, Peter G., h Hensley bet Richmond and Grafton | Clarkin, Margaret, wid Terence, h King n Queen |
Cleary, Peter, clerk, bds Dorchester n Queen | Clements, Robert, h Fitzroy n Cumberland |
Clements, Robert, shoemaker, Weymouth cor Euston | Clibborn, William, servant, bds Water n Pownal |
Cobb, Robert, shoemaker, h King sq., Kent | Cobb, Samuel, laborer, h Grafton n Weymouth |
Cody, James, laborer, h Great George n Richmond | Cody, William, blacksmith, bds Queen cor Kent |
Coffin, Francis, clerk, bds Water n Queen | Coiley, John, laborer, h Hillsboro� n Richmond |
Cole, Richard, carpenter, h Grafton n Pownal | Coles Hon. James, brewery and distillery, Kent n Prince |
Coles, James W., saddler, h Sidney n Prince | Colings, Margaret, wid Ephriam, h Euston n Pownal |
Collin, John, laborer, h Sidney n Weymouth | Collins, John, caulker, h Rochfort n Grafton |
Collins, Jonathan, deputy sheriff, h Grafton near Queen | Collins, Robert, h Grafton n Queen |
Collins, Sarah, wid James, h Great George n Euston | Colonial Building, Queen�s sq. |
Cook, William, shoemaker, h Prince n Grafton | Combs, Ellen, wid Alexander, h Weymouth n King |
Conlem, Murty, tailor, h King n Pownal | Connell, John, clerk, h King n Pownal |
Connell, Robert, porter, h King n Pownal | Connolly, Bridget, wid Patrick, liquors, Kent cor Prince |
Connolly, Hugh, carter, h r Euston n Pownal | Connolly, James, cooper, bds Dorchester n Pownal |
Connolly, John, shoemaker, Hillsboro� cor Grafton | Connolly, John, shoemaker, h Fitzroy n Cumberland |
Connolly, Mary, h Fitzroy n Cumberland | Connolly, Owen, provision dealer, Dorchester n Queen |
Connolly, Susan, wid Francis, h Dorchester n Pownal | CONOLEY, JOHN & CO., Spring Park Brewery [Name as spelled in directory] |
Connors, David, boarding-house, Dorchester n Great George | CONVENT of the Congregation of Notre Dame, Weymouth cor Sidney |
Conway, Joseph, laborer, h Richmond n Edward | Cook, Abraham, shoemaker, bds Pownal n Grafton |
Cook, William, shoemaker, h Prince n Grafton | Cooke, Henry R., clerk, bds Water n Pownal |
Coombs, George, clerk, bds Water cor Pownal | Coombs, Henry, cooper, Euston opp Prince |
Cooper, Henry, printer, h Sidney n Weymouth | COOPER, JAMES BARRETT, clerk, Leg. Council, editor and prop. �Monitor�, h Sidney cor Weymouth |
Cooper, William, boot and shoe maker, Kent n Hillsboro� | Corrigan, Patrick, laborer, h Cumberland cor Sidney |
Corish, John, shipcarpenter, h Cumberland cor Sidney | Corish, William, laborer, h Richmond n Cumberland |
Coslow, James, brewery, Spring Park road | Costello, John, shoemaker, h Sidney n Pownal |
Costello, P., laborer, h Pownal n GraftonCostello, Thomas, shoemaker, h Hillsboro� n Grafton | Costin, John, bar keeper, bds Kent n Queen |
Costello, Thomas, shoemaker, h Hillsboro� n Grafton | -- |
Country Flour Market, Richmond cor Great George | Coveny, Moses, carpenter, h Grafton n Hillsboro� |
Cox, George, sea captain, h King n Great George | Cox, Robert, carpenter, h Hensley bet Richmond and Grafton |
Coyle, John, servant, h Dorchester n Weymouth | COYLE, PHILLIP, tobacconist, Pownal n Richmond |
Crabb, Mary, wid Joseph, h Great George n Kent | Crabb, Robert, currier, h Hillsboro� n Euston |
Crabb, William, carpenter, h Weymouth n Euston | CRABB, WILLIAM, Jr., grocer, Queen n Richmond, h Prince cor King |
Crabb, William, variety store, Queen n Richmond, h Prince n Dorchester | Craig, Albert, clerk, bds Prince n Richmond |
Craig, David, laborer, h Dorchester n Prince | Craig, Horatio, laborer, h Dorchester n Prince |
Crawford, John, clerk, bds Dorchester n Queen | CRAWFORD, ROBERT H., registrar of deeds, Colonial Building, h Kent n Hillsboro� |
Cremer, Hugh, seaman, h Euston n Queen | Cripps, Charles B., shoemaker, bds Kent n Hillsboro� |
Croake, John, tailor, bds Kent n Prince | Croake, William, liquor dealer, Dorchester cor Prince |
Crocket, Charles, cabinet maker, bds Kent cor Hillsboro� | Crocket, James, mason, h Fitzroy n Cumberland |
Crockett, William, cabinetmaker, h Fitzroy n Cumberland | Croplay, Robert A., pensioner, h Military Barracks |
Crosby, Mary, wid William, h Fitzroy n Prince | Cross, Christopher, h Weymouth n Euston |
Cross, William P., saddler, h Hensley bet Richmond and Grafton | CUMMINGS, GEORGE, merchant tailor, Prince n Grafton |
CUNDALL, HENRY J., land agent, Dorchester cor Great George, h King n Prince | CUNDALL, WILLIAM, cashier, Bank of P.E.I., Queen cor Water, h King n Prince |
Curran, Margaret, wid Lawrence, h Great George n Euston | Currie, Donald, asst. Clerk, Executive Council, Colonial Building, h Great George n King |
Currie, James, teacher, Rochfort School, Queen n Grafton, h Pownal n Grafton | Currie, James, blacksmith, h Pownal n Grafton |
Currie, John, carpenter, h King n Great George | Currie, Malcolm, servant, bds Water cor Pownal |
Curtis, Owen, asst. Commissioner of Crown lands, Colonial Building, res Milton | Dagelish, Charles, farmer, Malpeque Road |
Daley, Owen, carter, h Dorchester n Weymouth | Dalton, Michael, h Fitzroy n Hillsboro� |
Canford, Charles, tinsmith, h Queen cor Fitzroy | D�ARCY JOHN A., broker, Water n Pownal |
Darrick, John, builder, bds Sidney n Great George | Davidson, William, sea captain, h Grafton cor Rochfort |
Davidson, William B., lumber surveyor, h Water cor Prince | Davies, Benjamin, general store, and ship builder, Richmond, Queen sq., h Water n Pownal |
Davies, Benjamin, jun clerk, bds Water n Pownal | -- |
DAVIES, DANIEL, dry goods, Queen sq, h Kent n Weymouth | Davies, George, dry goods, Queen sq, h Brighton road |
Davies, Joseph, clerk, bds Queen sq. | Davies, Louis H., law student, Water n Pownal |
Davies, Simon, dry goods, Queen sq,, h West n Grafton | DAVIS, JAMES, Osborne Hotel, Water n Great George |
Davis, Rev. John, h Hillsboro� n Richmond | Davis, Richard J., machinist, h Grafton n Weymouth |
Davison, Almira, clerk, h Prince cor Water | Davy, Charles, shoemaker, bds Hillsboro� cor Dorchester |
Davy, Edward, blacksmith, bds Richmond n Prince | Davy, George, blacksmith, bds Hensley bet Richmond and Grafton |
Davy, Frederick, clerk, bds Richmond n Prince | DAVY, THOMAS, blacksmith, Richmond n Prince |
Dawson, J. B., sea captain, bds Grafton n Prince | Dawson, Thomas, h Grafton n Pownal |
Dawson, Thomas Jr., Grafton n Pownal | DAWSON, WILLIAM B., city tannery, Grafton n Rochfort |
DAWSON, W. E., general store, Kent cor Great George, h Kilburn, Malpeque road | Deacon, James, carpenter, h King n Great George |
Dealziel, Charles, clerk, bds Sidney n Queen | DEAN, WILLIAM B., flour, teas, &c., wholesale, Water n Pownal |
De Blois, George W., land agent, and agent for General Mining Association, Grafton n West, h Malpeque road. | De Cost, Joseph, fisherman, h Weymouth n Dorchester |
Delany, Michael, joiner, h Fitzroy n Cumberland | Delany, Thomas, dry goods, Great George n Grafton, h Euston cor Pownal |
DELANY & WILSON, dry goods, Great George n Kent | Derstead, Ann, h Fitzroy n Rochfort |
Desbrisay, Benjamin, barrister, Queen n Grafton, h Hillsboro� cor Fitzroy | Desbrisay, Charles, clerk, Executive Council, Colonial Building, h Kent n Weymouth |
DES BRISAY, JAMES & CO., dry goods, wholesale and retail, Queen sq., h Pownal n Grafton | Des Brisay, Peter, assistant postmaster, h Hillsboro� cor Fitzroy |
DES BRISAY, THEOPHILUS, J.P., Apothecaries Hall, Queen st., Queen sq., h Spring Park Road Royalty | Dewar, Eliza, wid James, h King n Queen |
Dibben, Samuel H., painter, h Great George n Euston | Dibbins, Mary, wid William, h Pownal n Grafton |
Dickerson, Henry, clerk, bds Sidney n Cumberland | Dillon, John, sailmaker, Lord�s wharf, h Grafton n Hillsborough [note spelling] |
Dinn, Daniel, carpenter, h Sidney, n Great George | Dinn, Richard, tailor, h Sidney n Great George |
Dodd, Jane, wid Simon, h Pownal n Water | Dodd, Simon W., medical student, bds Great George cor Water |
Dodd, Thomas W., general store, Pownal n Grafton, h Water cor Great George | DODD, WILLIAM, auctioneer and commission merchant, Queen�s sq. |
DODD & ROGERS, general store, and stove dealers, Pownal n Kent | Dogherty, George, bds Kent n Prince [Actual spelling] |
DOHERTY, GEORGE L., cabinetmaker, Prince n Kent, h Kent n Prince [Actual spelling] | Donnelly, James, laborer, h Fitzroy n Queen |
Donnelly, Patrick, laborer, h Euston cor Cumberland | Donovan, John, carpenter, h Sidney n Pownal |
Donovan, John, tobacco twister, h Sidney n Pownal | Dorcey, James, shoemaker, h Dorchester n Queen |
Dorsey, John, shoemaker, Dorchester n Queen [Note differing spellings of surname in last two] | Doucette, Moses, servant, h Euston n Prince |
Dougan, Catherine, dressmaker, Grafton, Queen sq, n Queen | Dougan, Wm. M., shoe factory, Grafton, Queen sq, n Queen |
Douglas, Annie, clerk, h Hillsborough sq, n Weymouth | Douglas, Edward, shipcarpenter, h Grafton n Prince |
DOUGLAS, GEORGE, cabinetmaker, KENT cor Hillsboro�, h Euston n Hillsboro� | Douglas, George, ship builder, h Weymouth n Grafton |
Douglas, Mrs. H. B., boarding house, h Water n Great George | Douglas, Thomas, ship carpenter, bds Hillsboro� n Kent |
Douglas, William, ship carpenter, h Hillsboro� n Kent | Douse, Frederick, clerk, h Sidney n Rochfort |
Douse, James P., shipbuilder, Sidney n Rochfort | Douse, John, shipbuilder, West n Richmond, h Richmond Rochfort |
DOUSE, WILLIAM, h Sidney near Rochfort | Down, John, carter, h King cor Pownal |
Downey, Israel, shoemaker, h Kent n Prince | Dowing, Ezra R., shoemaker, h Hillsborough n Grafton [name as spelled] |
Downing, Samuel J., brewer, h Brighton near Brighton road | Doyle, James C., �Vindicator�, Kent n Prince, h Euston n Rochfort |
Doyle, Michael, painter, bds Great George n Fitzroy | Doyle, Michael, carriage maker, h Euston n Weymouth |
Doyle, Patrick, painter, bds Great George n Fitzroy | Doyle, Thomas, sailmaker, h Dorchester n Prince |
Doyle, Thomas, blacksmith, h Hillsboro� n King sq. | Drake, John, blacksmith, bds Kent cor Prince |
Draynor, Patrick, laborer, h Richmond n Cumberland | Drew, Charles W., cabinetmaker, h Grafton n Prince |
Drew, George, pensioner, h Grafton n Hillsboro� | Drummond, John S., engineer, h Dorchester m Pownal |
Duchemin, Edmund H., block maker, h Richmond n Hillsboro� | DUCHEMIN, WATSON, pump and Block Maker, Prince cor Sidney |
Duffy, Margaret, wid Patrick, h Euston n Great George | Duffy, Michael, lime burner, h Malpeque road |
Duffy, Thomas, carter, h Grafton n Pownal | Duffy, William, carpenter, h King n Great George. |
Dunbar, Joseph B., clerk, h Pownal n Richmond | DUNCAN, JAMES & Co., shipbuilder, Dorchester near Great George, h Water near Prince |
DUNCAN, REV. THOMAS, h Pownal n Fitzroy | Duncan, Robert, shipcarpenter, Water n Hillsboro� |
DUNDAS, GEORGE, Esq., Lieutenant Governor Prince Edward Island, res Government House | DUNN, James, liquor dealer, Richmond n Pownal |
Dunn, Mary, wid James, h Hillsboro� n King | Dunphy, James, shoemaker, h Great George n Euston |
Dunphy, Thomas, harnessmaker, bds Richmond n Pownal | Duset, Mose, porter, h Easton [sic] n Rochfort |
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