Waldron H. Leard and Susan L. C. Leard and Ana T. Leard © - 1996 and 2000 and 2013
This project was a response to several homepages that Waldron saw several years ago on the Internet. Nationalistic pride in the United States, sees the publication of the sites of burial of their prominent citizens. On Prince Edward Island, many prominent people who have served their country, province and community have been forgotten as the years slipped by. Other do not immediately come to mind and are obscure today, yet were fascinating people - legends in their own time. There are still others who were not prominent in their own right, ordinary folks if you will, yet they left a lasting impression and are remembered in oral history, song or story in their community history. Everyone here may not be prominent, but they are certainly interesting.
Every now and again the information on a headstone would send us searching to find more, such as the Walsh one in Vernon River. The odd burial listed here is due to their association to others - ancestors of or a close relationship of individuals who have achieved fame elsewhere in the world. A select few were also chosen for this project for they have a unique headstone that marks their grave - that always leaves you with an impression so that you would like to know more about them and their life.
This collection is by no means complete. It may never be. This is merely a guide to a few. There are hundreds more out there. This is what we found in the limited time we had. Facing his mortality in 2013, Waldron accepted the assistance of a member of his “second family”, Ana T. Leard. She has gone through the e-mail’s, sadly not acted upon when they arrived, and the notes developed from extensive chats and visits. Ana has also agreed to wander about the Island in an attempt to find what is missing, especially with monuments and memorials.
Georges Arsenault, Boyde Beck, Carolyn Bertram, Grace Blackette, Mary Burke, Leo Cheverie, Marion Clark, Donna and Stanley Collings, John Cousins, Bertha and Cliff Dawson, Katherine Dewar, Doris Flanagan, Albert P. Fogarty, Gordon Furness, Kostarova I. Gallant, Christine Gorman, Dorothy Griffin-Farish, Kevin Harvard, Catherine Hennessey, Dr. Helen Herring, Fred Horne, Sandra Hume, David Hunter, Carter Jeffrey, Mary Kelly, Will King, Sharon Larter, Ana T. Leard, Fern E. Leard, Olga J. Leard, R. A. Ardyce Leard, Judy LeDrew, Don Lowe, Brendon MacCormack, Shane MacClure, Dr. Dave and Liz McCormack, Charlotte M. MacDonald, Dr. Ed MacDonald, Karen MacDonald, Michelle A. MacDonald, Sarah M. MacDonald, Alana MacGregor-Harris, Sheryl MacKay, Basil MacKenzie, Garth MacLeod, Peggy and Charlie MacInnis, John "The Realm" MacNeill, Anne M. McPhee, Roxanne Moos, Arlene Morrison, Bob Pierce, Gordon Pierce, Matt Rainnie, R. Allan Rankin, Lonnie Robertson, Melissa Rogers, Juanita Rossiter, JoDee Samuelson, Hon. Gail Shea, Greg Simmons, Erskine Smith, Lloyd Soloman, R. Wendall Stevenson, Charlotte Stewart, Reg (Dutch) and Jill Thompson, Fulton S. Underhay, Lorraine M. Warren, David Weale, Kevin Wisener, George Wright and Wayne Wright.
We wish to dedicate this manuscript in memory of Cherie (Cheverie) MacCormack of Souris, a great friend of our family, who tragically left her family and friends with cancer at the age of 26. She worked hand in hand on this project with us and she did not see its completion.
This is a ongoing work in progress. As the cycle of life continues, so there shall be additions. Additional corrections and additions are greatfully received.
C-14 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map on Private Property
Abell's Cape, Under a Sandstone Monument, topped with a Sundial
Flockton, Charles P. -1904
American stage actor who owned Abell's Cape
The story of his Comedy Company may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1982) in the article The C.P. Flockton Comedy Company
The Abell's Cape story may be found in The Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1979) in the article entitled Drama at Abells Cape
The story as told by Ripley's Believe or Not, regarding the actor Charles Coghlan should be treated as NOT
C-3 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Dock Baptist/Union Baptist Church Cemetery
Lewis, Henry (Sir Henry) 1839-1939
Fox Rancher
This is an interesting headstone. He was not knighted by Royalty but rather was a fur rancher who "knighted" one of his foxes
Shaw, Ada Louise (nee Thomson) 1908-1987
Homemaker/Rural Mail Courier
Along with her husband, she was a rural mail courier from the Bloomfield Post Office for sixty-one years
A strong supporter of the Alberton Exhibition
Hillcrest United/Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Barbour, Hilton Edward 1911-1987
Farmer/Fox Rancher/Businessman
Mayor of Alberton
Burnett, George Mathieson (Chick) 1919-1991
Soldier/Journalist/Editor/Teacher/Civil Servant
Owner of the Charlottetown Guardian
Founder of the Guelph Guardian in Ontario
Clark, James Erskine 1915-1994
Farm Machinery Dealer
Designed various pieces of potato equipment which were manufactured to order for area farmers
Gordon, Lucy A. (nee Hunter) 1867-1955
Registered Nurse/Midwife
Operated a small private nursing home prior to the establishment of the Alberton Hospital
Green, Alice (nee Gordon) 1908-1980
Major writer of Footprints on the Sands of Time: A History of Alberton
Hardy, John Wesley 1928-1990
Outstanding Community Volunteer
Founding Director and President of the Jacques Cartier Arena
Member of the 1956 Alberton Regals hockey team, Maritime Canadian Intermediate "B" Champions
Lawson, William C. 1881-1965
Mayor of Alberton
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island
Profit, Charles R. 1887-1964
Harness Maker/Funeral Director/Justice of the Peace
Mayor of Alberton
Profit, John T. 1846-1931
Harness Maker/Undertaker/Fox Rancher
Mayor of Alberton
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island
Weeks, Frank Cail 1917-1997
Airman/Clerk/Journalist/Community Leader
A founding member and member of the Alberton Legion for fifty years
Wells, Charlotte Grace (nee Matthews) 1883-1976
Wells, Frank Matthew 1912-1990
Teacher/Credit Manager/Accountant/Sales Manager
Director and Manager of the Westerner Motel
Wells, James E. (Jim) 1908-1983
Principal Secretary for Premier Thane A. Campbell and Minister of National Defence James Layton Ralston
Associated with Carl Burke in the founding of Maritime Central Airways
One of Canada's leading authorities on air transport policy and law
Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah Witnesses' Cemetery
Ramsay, Frederic Carr 1901-1988
Insurance Agent/Farmer
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Controversial member of the Assembly who several times voted against his party and introduced amendments to legislation that went against the party line
National Historic Sites, Monuments and Memorials
Alberton Courthouse
The plaque on the side of the Alberton Museum commemorates the history of the Alberton Courthouse
Discovery of Prince Edward Island
Monument commemorates the 400th. anniversary of the landing of Jacques Cartier on this Island in 1534
Fisherman's Memorial
This small granite rough stone memorial situated inside the St. Peter's Anglican Church Cemetery, commemorates fisherman of the area lost by drowning since 1873
Pioneer Fox Farming
This monument in the Town Park commemorates the work of Robert Trenholm Oulton and Sir Charles Dalton, pioneers in breeding and raising silver and black foxes in captivity, also James Gordon and Robert Tuplin who later assisted in perfecting the technique and developing the industry
War Memorial
Situated on Church Street
Old Dock Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Bell, Hon. Herbert 1818-1876
Teacher/Merchant/Shipbuilder/Farmer/Justice of the Peace
Collector of Customs at Cascumpec
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Legislative Council
Speaker of the House of Assembly
Speaker of the Legislative Council
Grand Worthy Patriarch of the Sons of Temperance of Prince Edward Island
Additional information may be found in Volume X of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Fielding, John P. 1843-1939
Harness Maker/Merchant/Business Manager
Associated with J. H. Myrick and Co.
Fielding, Mabel Davidson 1876-1981
Post Office Clerk/Town Clerk/Teacher
Well known in her community, she was the last individual to be interred in this historic cemetery
Fraser, Rev. Allan 1825-1870
Minister of the Presbyterian Church
Grand Worthy Patriarch of the Sons of Temperance of Prince Edward Island
Rogers, Hon. Benjamin 1837-1923
Shipowner/Justice of the Peace
Member of the Legislative Council
President of the Legislative Council
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island
After his term as Lieutenant-Governor he returned to active politics in old age as the Leader of the Liberal Party
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church Cemetery
Burke, Stephen R. 1869-1944
Notary Public/Journalist/Correspondent
Mayor of Alberton
Foley, Martin M. 1864-1958
Farmer/Fisherman/Merchant/Farm Equipment Dealer
Mayor of Alberton
Gaudin, Wilfred R. 1902-1991
Soldier/Mariner/Lighthouse Keeper
Crew member of the Grace and Lou which carried produce from Alberton to the mainland
O'Brien, Harry 1873-1962
O'Brien, Mary Jane (nee Foley) 1880-1959
Parents of harness-racing great Dr. Joseph Cyril (Joe) O'Brien (1917-1984) who became the top harness racing driver and trainer of his time, with his stables based in California. Joe accomplished much and was the recipient of many honours including an Honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of Prince Edward Island. He was the first person to be inducted in the Prince Edward Sport Hall of Fame and is a member of the Canadian Sport Hall of Fame. At his death he was interred in California
O'Connor, Sgt. Maurice - 1929
He was a three-year veteran of the American Civil War as a member of the 5th. Maine Artillery, Company C. After distinguished service in handling the largest guns for the Union Army, he returned to Prince Edward Island seven days after War ended
Reid, Hon. Richard Bennett 1836-1906
Member of the Legislative Council
Rochford, John R. 1919-1998
Soldier/Insurance Agent
Outstanding Community Volunteer
Alberton Citizen of the Year in 1985
Longest serving School Trustee on Prince Edward Island with 43 years of continous service
Rooney, Gerald 1914-1983
Railwayman/Farmer/Barber/Funeral Director and Embalmer
Founder of the Rooney Funeral Home, owned and operated funeral homes in Alberton, Summerside and Kinkora
St. Peter's Anglican Church Cemetery
Campbell, James William Don 1908-1993
President and Director of the Alberton Seed Cleaning Plant
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Dyer, Alice Maude 1879-1963
Registered Nurse/Pharmacist
Prince Edward Island's first registered woman pharmacist
Dyer, Rev. Robert William 1808-1887
Church of England Rector/Missionary/Diarist
Rector of St. Peter's Episcopal Church for 26 years
The story of his life may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 2009) entitled West Prince Pioneer Missionary
England, Blanche 1903-1988
Founding member of the Old Stone Craft Guild in Alberton
Leavitt, Herb 1920-1997
President of the P.E.I. Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Director of the Island Telephone Co. Ltd.
Chairman of the Holland College Board of Governors
Fire Chief for the Town of Alberton
Awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal, the Aircrew Europe Star, the Defence of Great Britain Medal and Canadian Silver Jubilee Medal
Leavitt, William C. 1876-1962
Mariner/Wood Worker
One of the men who assisted in the rescue of the schooner A. J. McKeen in 1906
Oulton, Eileen (nee MacKinnon) 1911-1978
Tourist Operator/Correspondant/Historian/Genealogist
Founding Member of the Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation
Contributer, curator and strong supporter of the Alberton Museum
She was listed in Marquis Who's Who of American Women and in the Dictionary of International Biography
Waugh, John Willard 1875-1952
Mayor of Alberton
Woodman, John Denyer 1822-1890
Shipping Agent/Quit Rent and Land Tax Agent
Agent for Sir Samuel Cunard
Clerk for the Prince County Court in Alberton
Woodman, Susan 1860-1933
Excerpts from her work were published in the Island Magazine (Fall/Winter 1977) under Diary of Susan Woodman
Woodlawn Methodist/United Church Cemetery
Bell, Thomas Carlyle 1878-1940
Mayor of Alberton
Leard, Cyril Renfrew Stewart 1899-1969
President of the Maritime Board of Trade
Director of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Great promoter of the community within and without and received the designation "Mr. Alberton"Leard, Matthew Roy 1919-2011
Royal Canadian Air Force/Businessperson
Mayor of Alberton
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island
Wright, Ada May (nee Leard)1894-1978
Well-known for operating a popular tourist home after her husband's passingALBION CROSS
Acorn (Old Dundas) Cemetery
Saville, Susan Helen 1957-2010
Well known Conservationist and Environmentalist
E-11 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Alexandra United Baptist Church Cemetery
Jones, Robert 1776-1859
Farmer/Draughtsman/Builder/Merchant/Surveyor/Master MechanicMilitia Officer
Builder of St. John's Presbyterian Church in Belfast
Additional information may be found in Volume VIII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
200th. Anniversary of Settlement
This stone cairn located near the school commemorates the 200th. anniversary of settlement of The Alexandra area
A-3 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Roadside Shrine to Mary, mother of Jesus
Constructed in 1994 during the Year of the Family, it is was constructed by the landowner and his son and is dedicated to the memory of their ancestors
C-14 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Annandale United Baptist Church Cemetery
Saville, George Edward 1880-1961
Farmer/Produce Dealer/Fisherman/JournalistWriter
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Well-known across the Island, he served in the Legislative Assembly from 1935 till his death. His was the deciding vote that brought the colourful J. Walter Jones to power as Premier of Prince Edward in 1943.
Annandale United Church Cemetery
Banks, William John (Tommy) 1912-2001
Farmer/Musician/Oral Historian/Folklorist
He performed at many community occasions over the years as well as on Sounds of the Island
MacFarlane, Edwin 1861-1952
Merchant/Trader/Lobster Canner/Justice of the Peace
Well known and popular individual in Annandale and surrounds
F-8 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Appin Road United Church Cemetery
Loo, Evert 1928-1999
In partnership with his twin Brother Gerrit, they developed and patented a new strain of potato in field tests conducted on his farm in Appin Road. The potato registered and known as "Island Sunshine" was acclaimed for for its resistance to blight, a crippling potato disease.
Willis, Horace Bertram 1914-1995
Developed his farming operation into one of the largest growing and exporting potato firms on Prince Edward Island
Charter Member of Potatoes Canada
Harness Horseman of the Year
Only Prince Edward Islander to race a horse in the prestigious "Hambletonian"
Member of the Atlantic Canadian Agriculture Hall of Fame
F-9 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Argyle Shore Cemetery
MacPhee, Angus 1869-1940
Farmer/Butcher/Livestock Dealer/Fox Rancher
Member of the Legislative Assembly
MacNevin, Alexander J. 1885-1937
Member of the Legislative Assembly
MacQuarrie, Sheila (nee Holmes) 1951-1988
Outstanding sharpshooter
Member of the Prince Edward Island Sport Hall of Fame
Walters, George Albert 1914-1960
Outstanding baseball player and umpire
Member of the Prince Edward Island Sport Hall of Fame
MacNevin Family
This monument situated at the entrance of the Argyle Shore Cemetery is to commemorate the MacNevin family who emigrated in 1810
F-7 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
War Memorial
Situated in front of the old school, now a community hall
E-4 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Eglise Saint-Phillipe et Saint-Jacques Cimetiere
Arsenault, Hon. Joseph-Octave 1828-1897
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Member of the Canadian Senate
Acadian Patriot
He was the first Acadian to be appointed the Executive Council of Prince Edward Island
An interesting article on his life may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1993) entitled Le Senateur: Joseph Octave Arsenault
Also there is an article describing Senator Arsenault's participation in the National Acadian Convention which was held in Miscouche in 1884 in the Island Magazine entitled: The Miscouche Convention, 1884
Additional information may be found in Volume XII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Arsenault, Leon Damien (Leo D.) 1880-1968
He assisted in the reconstruction of Halifax after the Halifax Explosion of December 1917
His was the first truck in Maximeville and it was used for everything from hauling potatoes to market, driving people to Mass (the fare was five cents a person), to the bed being covered in black cloth and being used as a hearse
Arsenault, Marie (nee Arsenault) 1880-1955
She had a great love for children, became a legend and was known as "The Perfect Woman"
Arsenault, Merie (Marie T.) 1935-1995
Sang, played the guitar and piano in various bands
Recorded two cuts on the album Comment ca Flippe
Arsenault, Sophique 1853-1939
Spinner/Weaver/Lobster Plant Employee/Midwife
Acadian songmaker
Her story may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1995) article entitled "Venez Ecouter La Complainte": The Island's Acadian Balladry Tradition
Bernard, Euclid 1930-1991
Co-founder of Evangeline Consolidated School
Founding President of the Prince Edward Island Trucker's Association
President of the Prince Edward Island School Trustees Association
He spent much of his adult life promoting French-language education in Prince Edward Island
Gallant, Rev. Francois-Xavier 1858-1942
Professor at St. Dunstan's University
Parish Priest
Gallant, Rev. Joseph S, 1871-1934
Athlete/Parish Priest/Professor
Professor and Director of Discipline at St. Dunstan's University
Gallant, Marin 1873-1958
Teacher/Public Schools Supervisor
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Member of Artisans Canadian French of Montreal
President of the St. Thomas Aquinas Society
Gallant, Sylvain Etienne (Stephen) 1849-1928
Teacher/Merchant/Magistrate/Justice of the Peace
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Clerk of the Prince County Court
Gallant, Wendell J. 1949-1991
General Manager of the Greater Summerside and area Chamber of Commerce
Outstanding Community Volunteer
Maddix, Leah M. (nee Aucoin) 1899-1986
Acadian songmaker
Her story may be found in the two Island Magazine stories (Spring-Summer 1978) in the article entitled Acadian Celebrations of Mardi Gras and (Spring/Summer 1995) within the article "Venez Ecouter La Complainte": The Island's Acadian Balladry Tradition
Poirier, Rev. Sylvain-Ephrem 1803-1887
Parish Priest
First Native-born Priest to be ordained on Prince Edward Island
First Prince Edward Island Acadian elevated to the Priesthood
Additional information may be found in Volume XI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
War Memorials
Two memorials are situated one on each side of the front doors of the church
C-14 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Bay Fortune United Church Cemetery
Abell, Edward -1819
Land Agent
Land Agent for James Townshend
Murdered by Patrick Pierce
This interesting story may be found in The Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1979) in the article entitled Drama at Abells Cape
Callbeck, Phillips Franklin 1784-1831
Soldier/Land Agent/Justice of the Peace
Deputy Collector for the Magdalene Islands (owned by his uncle Admiral, Sir Isaac Coffin.)
Cooper, Cuthbert -1905
An American stage actor who was too fond of drink and was found frozen in the snow after a storm
Cooper, William 1785-1867
Mariner/Land Agent/Farmer/Shipbuilder/Miller/Political Reformer
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Speaker of the House of Assembly
His interesting story may be found in several Island Magazine articles: (Fall/Winter 1979) under William Cooper of Sailor's Hope, (Fall/Winter 1989) under Parliamentary Privilege and Electoral Disputes on Colonial Prince Edward Island Part ,I (Spring/Summer 1990) under Parliamentary Privilege and Electoral Disputes on Colonial Prince Edward Island Part II and (Fall Winter 2009) The Promise and Perils of Out-migration; The William Cooper Family in California.
Additional information may found in Volume IX of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Creamer, Willard M. 1937-2001
First Prince Edward Islander to receive a heart transplant and one of the very few Canadians ever to receive a double heart transplant
Dingwell, Hon. James 1805-1884
High Sheriff of Kings County
Member of the Legislative Council
Dingwell, Joseph 1802-1860
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Dingwell, Lydia 1852-1931
The individual on whom Elmer Harris modelled the heroine after, in the stage play and motion picture, Johnny Belinda. The story was written and produced after her death. The subsequent movie was a major success with actress Jane Wyman winning an Academy Award in 1948. Her grave is unmarked. She is interred beside her parents Joseph (Red Joe) and Zipporah (nee Mills) Dingwell.
Dingwell, William 1799-1846
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Dingwell, William Lee 1868-1933
Carpenter/Funeral Director and Embalmer
Founder of the Dingwell Funeral Home in Souris
Francis, Harry Summerfield 1886-1947
Carriage Builder
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Francis, John Summerfield 1849-1928
Blacksmith/Carpenter/Carriage Builder/Horseman
Builder of the famous Francis sleigh
It was considered to be the height of fashion to own either/or a Marks cutter from Margate or a Francis sleigh from Fortune Bridge at the turn of the century
Gillis, Murdock 1834-1923
He ran the dying and carding mill at Rollo Bay. A popular saying among the neighbours was when they saw the smoke "Murdock is dying today".
MacKenzie, Carter Wendell 1954-1995
Architect/Choral Singer
Recipient of the Terry Fox Humanitarian AwardMacKenzie, Keith 1931-2007
Member of the Executive Council
Mayor of Souris
McKie, William 1738-1823
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Miller, David Andrew 1944-2002
Journalist/Political Reporter/Consultant/Storyteller
He was employed with Canadian Press and the Toronto Star where he covered Toronto's City Hall during the terms of Mayors, the Hon. David Crombie, John Sewell and the Hon. Art Eggleton. Later he served as a consultant for the Metro government of the City of Toronto
Reid, John Beaton Edwin 1888-1979
King's County Sheriff
Well known community leader and churchman
Reid, Major Edwin 1922-1995
Farmer/Insurance Agent
King's County Sheriff
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island
Townshend, Cora Adele (nee McLean) 1916-2003
Member of the Order of Canada
Underhay, John Collier 1829-1919
Fisherman/Farmer/Journalist/Writer/Justice of the Peace
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Grand Worthy Templar of the Temperance Union
Highly respected politician, his large red brick home still stands today in Eglington. A grandson, Fulton Craswell Underhay, went to Oxford as Rhodes Scholar.
Withers, James 1762-1834
Civil Servant/Farmer/Justice of the Peace
Family history states that he was named Governor of Newfoundland and he travelled there to take up his post. However the political climate had changed and moved on to settle in Prince Edward Island
War Memorial
Situated in the Bay Fortune United Church Cemetery
E-14 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Beach Point Community Cemetery
Peake, Ferne (nee Murdoch) 1916-1968
Williams, John Elliot (Johnnie) 1920-1988
Boat and Yacht Builder
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Awarded a C.J.R.W. Life Saving Award and a Royal Canadian Humane Association Life Saving Award
F-12 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Scottish Settlement Monument
This monument situated near St. John's Presbyterian Church, commemorates the establishment of Scottish settlement in the area
War Memorial
Situated by the St. John's Presbyterian Church
St. John's Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Campbell, Bert Granville 1923-1992
Clerk of the Charlottetown Police Court
He served as Acting Magistrate of the City of Charlottetown and as acting County Court Magistrate
President of the Law Society of Prince Edward Island
Gillis, Angus Risdon 1907-1986
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Long time and well known undertaker in the Eldon and Belfast area
The story of his life may be found as a chapter in the book Belfast People: An Oral History of Belfast Prince Edward Island
Gillis, Dr. John M. 1928-1977
Well known physician who practised in Eldon
The John Gillis Memorial Lodge in Eldon is named in his honour
Halliday, Mary (nee Cochrane) 1799-1859
A wonderful Island mystery, she is reputed to be a daughter of Thomas Douglas, the Fifth Earl of Selkirk
Her interesting story may be found in The Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1986) under Thomas Halliday, Mary Cochrane, the Earl of Selkirk, and the Island
See also the Island Magazine (Fall/Winter 1978) for the article Lord Selkirk of Prince Edward Island
Larrabee, John James 1885-1954
Merchant/Civil Servant
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of Parliament
He served very briefly in the Canadian House of Commons and gave up his seat to allow the Hon. Charles Dunning, a longtime Member of Parliament of Saskatchewan to have the seat and become the Minister of Finance. As a result Mr. Larrabee was awarded with a freshly-created position "Special Inspector" in the Ministry of Marine.
MacLennan, Catherine (nee MacNab) 1804-1890
Wife of Rev. John MacLennan (1797-1852) a Presbyterian Minister and First Pastor who directed the construction of the St. John's Presbyterian Church in Belfast. MacLennan returned to Scotland in 1851. He was inducted as the minister of the parish of Kilchrenan and Dalavich in Argylleshire on August 28, 1851. He died of diptheria shortly afterwards and was interred in Scotland. Several years later his widow returned to P.E.I. with her family as her husband had intended to do had he lived. His name is on his headstone in Scotland as well as the family monument here in Belfast.
Additional information about Rev. MacLennan may be found in Volume VIII in the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
MacLeod, Murdoch (Tailor) 1784-1860
Royal Navy/Farmer
Fought in the Battle of Trafalgar with family tradition stating he served on "The Victory"
MacTavish, Harry 1888-1984
"The Belfast Wit"
A story on this great Island character may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1994) under Harry MacTavish, Belfast Wit
The story of his life may be found as a chapter in the book Belfast People: An Oral History of Belfast Prince Edward Island
MacRae, Dr. Annie Campbell 1868-1945
Teacher/Registered Nurse/Physician/Gynaecologist
Practised at the Trusdale Hospital in Fall River Massachusetts
Martin, Donald Charles 1850-1888
Teacher/School Principal/Lawyer
Member of the Legislative Assembly
McRae, Malcolm 1803-1847
A Victim of the Belfast Riot of March 1, 1847
This story is covered in depth in the Island Magazine's (Fall/Winter 1983) in the article The Belfast Riot and (Spring/Summer 1990) in the article Parliamentary Privilege and Electoral Disputes on Colonial Prince Edward Island Part II
Munro, Donald 1819-1884
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Did not finish a medical course in Scotland however was known as "Doctor Munro", having a reputation for his skill in treating nervous disorders
Nicholson, Hon. James 1827-1905
Member of the Legislative Council
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Ross, John Alexander 1904-1988
Carpenter/Building Contractor
Outstanding Community Volunteer
Ross, J. Stewart 1903-1999
Farmer/Livestock amd Produce Dealer/Fisherman/Fish Plant Manager
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Justice of the Peace
President of the Prince Edward Island Liberal Association
Director of the Federal Dairying Company
Member of the Mizpah Masonic Lodge for 72 years
Prince Edward Island Mason of the Year in 1986
Belfast Citizen of the Year in 1986
The story of his life may be found as a chapter in the book Belfast People: An Oral History of Belfast Prince Edward Island
Ross, Dr. Leone M. (nee Mosher) 1917-1982
Outstanding Community Volunteer
Founder of the White Cross Volunteers on Prince Edward Island
Co-founder of the First Prince Edward Island Rose Show
Prince Edward Island delegate to conferences of the Associated Country Women of the World
President of the Prince Edward Island Federation of Women's Institutes
National Vice-President of the Canadian Federation of Women's Institutes
Received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Prince Edward Island
Young, Dr. Annie 1870-1936
Presbyterian Medical Missionary in India
Dean of a Women's College in Florida
F-12 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Belle River Church of Scotland Cemetery
Compton, Daniel James 1915-1990
Merchant/Exporter/Royal Canadian Navy
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Speaker of the House of Assembly
D-4 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Old School Site
This monument situated at the site of the old Bideford School commemorates pioneer shipbuilder William Ellis and the former school where writer Lucy Maud Montgomery had her first tea assignment.
D-5 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Lot 14 Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Barclay, William 1803-1867
MacIntosh, Hon. William 1822-1912
Farmer/Justice of the Peace
Member of the Legislative Council
Ramsay, David 1804-1871
Member of the Legislative AssemblySmith, John Dubois -after 1840
Royal Navy/School Teacher
Buried beside his wife in an unmarked grave.
Son of Admiral Sydney Smith of the Royal Navy
Nephew of the Hon. Charles Douglass Smith, one time Governor of Prince Edward Island.(1813-1824)
He was a Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Navy
He was introduced to Napoleon Bonaparte, prior to his exile to Saint Helena
His father was Ambassador from England to the Ottoman Empire
His father was a Knight Commander of the Bath and a member of the Knights Templar of Malta awarded the Cross of Jerusalem.
Stories about the Smith family may be found in the article “Well at Home on the Island” in the Red magazine (Fall/Winter 2010).
C-2 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
War Memorial
Situated beside the Royal Canadian Legion, on Route 2
F-7 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Confederation Bridge
This monument commemorates the 2,500 men and women who worked at the construction of the Confederation Bridge
Rail and Ferry Workers
This statue of a Quartermaster is situated in the Marine and Rail Historical Park on the former pier for the New Brunswick to Prince Edward Island Ferry Service. It is ringed by more than 800 bricks inscribed with the names of rail and marine employees
War Memorial
Situated in front of the Royal Canadian Legion on Main Street
E-10 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Air Navigation School
Situated in the center of the Sherwood Cemetery, this monument commemorates all those who lost their lives while attending the No. 2 Air Navigation School in Charlottetown during the second World War
Sherwood Cemetery
Acorn, Edgar Frankklin (Duck) 1910-1998
Taxi Operator/Horseman/Athlete
Member of the "12 Apostles" who purchased the Charlottetown Driving Park in 1946, he served as Runner, Program Director, Coordinator of Pari-mutuals, Classifier and Race Secretary and finally Secreatary-Treasurer
He with Bill Hancox conceived the idea of the Gold Cup and Saucer Race, which has become one of the most prestigious harness races in North America
Honorary Member of the P.E.I. Colt Stakes Association and the P.E.I. Standardbred Horse Owner's Assn.
Member of the Prince Edward Island Harness Racing Hall of Fame
Member of the Prince Edward Island Sport Hall of Fame
Honorary Member of the Governor General Curling Club in Ottawa
Honorary Member of the Charlottetown and Belvedere Curling Clubs
Honorary Member of the P.E.I. Fish & Game Association
From the age of nine, when his father first took him to a race at the Charlottetown Driving Park, in the fall of 1919, until the spring of 1981, a span of 62 years, Duck Acorn did not miss a single race or a day of work at the Charlottetown Driving Park. The Duck Acorn Stakes for Three Year Olds was commenced by him and continues each year in his memory
Alley, George 1844-1899
Judge of the Queen's County Court
Was a law partner of Sir Louis Henry Davies
Alley, Dr. Gordon Thomas 1874-1925
While attending McGill, he was captain of the 1898 Rugby team
Alley, Thomas Charles 1820-1900
Designed First Methodist (now Trinity United) Church in Charlottetown with Mark Butcher
Bartlett, Margaret Scott (nee Rankin) 1861-1954
Organized the Queen Mary Needlework Guild
Outstanding and well known community volunteer
Bayfield, Fanny Amelia (nee Wright) 1813-1891
Her art specializing in natural life is in public collections at the Glenbow Museum in Calgary, Alberta, the Documentary Art and Photography Division of the NA, the Confederation Center Art Gallery and Museum and the P.E.I. Museum as well as in private collections
Additional information may be found in Volume XII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Bayfield, Admiral Henry Wolsey 1793-1895
Mariner/Admiral in Her Majesty's Royal Navy
Responsible for surveying much of the coastline of the three Maritime Provinces during the 1840's and 1850's
Responsible for the surveys of Lakes Erie, Huron and Superior, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Northumberland Strait, Straits of Belle Isle, the coasts of Labrador, Cape Breton and Sable Island
He is remembered with fourteen place names in Ontario, four in Quebec, three in Nova Scotia, one in New Brunswick and one in Prince Edward Island
Additional information on this important individual may be found in Volume XII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Beck, Preston Vere 1908-1993
Business Manager
President of the Prince Edward Island Convention of Christian Churches
His home was one of two damaged and nearly destroyed on Mount Edward Road, on February 23, 1943 by bombs dropped by an Anson aircraft
Beer, Hon. George 1811-1872
Member of the Legislative Council
Beer, Hon. Henry 1836-1886
Importer/Produce Dealer/Merchant/Brickyard Owner
Postmaster/Soldier/Justice of the Peace
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Legislative Council
Member of the Executive Council
Speaker of the House of Assembly
Mayor of Charlottetown
Bennett, Hon., Dr. Gordon Lockhart 1912-2000
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island
Chancellor of the University of Prince Edward Island
Grand Master of the Scottish Rite in Masonry
Chemistry Professor and Rugby Coach at Prince of Wales College
President of the Canadian Curling Association
President of the Canadian Bible Society
President of the Canadian Club
President of the Prince Edward Island Music Festival
Awarded the Queen's Jubilee Medal and the Centennial Medal
Recipient of Honorary degrees from Acadia University and the University of Prince Edward Island
Mwember of the Canadian Curling Hall of Fame as a builder
Officer of the Order of Canada
Bentley, William Emmerson 1872-1961
The oldest lawyer, at age 87, to argue a case before the Supreme Court of Canada
One of Prince Edward Island's best-known and most colourful lawyers, he was in practice for sixty-four years
Secretary-Treasurer of the Prince Edward Island Law Society for forty years
Ran in a Prince Edward Island bye-election as an Independent candidate, basing his campaign on Temperance
Bonnell, Dr. John Cranston 1929-1980
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Butcher, Mark 1814-1883
Cabinet Maker and Furniture Manufacturer/Undertaker/Architect
His furniture was produced for public institutions such as government offices, Government House, the Central Academy, Prince of Wales College and the Charlottetown Court House. He exhibited with an Island contingent at the 1862 Exhibition in London, England.
Additional information may be found in Volume XI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Callbeck, Henry John 1818-1898
Shipbuilder/Merchant/Business Agent/Business Director
Member of the Legislative Assembly
High Sheriff of Queen's County
Callbeck, Lorne Clayton 1912-1979
Agricultural Scientist
A highly respected Island historian and author
Carver, Orin Donald 1933-2001
Assisted in the
establishment of a Compu College in Prince Edward Island
Member of the 1953 Barrie Flyers Memorial Cup Championship Team in Ice Hockey
Member of the Charlottetown Islanders in the Big Four Hockey League
Coach of the Memorial University of Newfoundland Hockey Team
Outstanding Community Volunteer
President and Chief Executive Officer of the 1991 Canada Winter Games
Honorary Chairman of the 1999 Fred Page Eastern Canadian Junior Hockey
Member of the Order of Canada
His teammates with Barrie included future N.H.L. players Doug Mohns, Don
McKenny and Don Cherry
A firm believer in a united Canada, he chaired a popular campaign that appealed
to the people of Quebec to vote in favour of remaining part of Canada in a
sovereignty referendum
Cook, George Henry 1849-1934
Pioneer Portrait Photographer on Prince Edward Island
Cook, Harry H. 1934-2001
Geologist/Teacher/Royal Canadian Navy/Civil Servant
Mayor of Parkdale
Creelman, Dr. Prescott Archibald 1895-1957
Pioneer in the fight against tuberculosis
Cundall, Henry Jones 1833-1916
Land Surveyor/Estate Agent/Soldier/Philanthropist
Observer for the Meteorological Service of Canada
President of the Prince Edward Island Telephone Company
As a pioneer amateur photographer and was one of the first to use the dry-late photographic process.
His family's story may be found in the Island Magazine (Fall/Winter 1993) in the article The Master of Beaconsfield Part Two: Henry Cundall
Additional information may be found in Volume XIV of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Cundall, William 1806-1876
President and Director of the Bank of Prince Edward Island
He was the High Sheriff during the election of 1847 that led to the Belfast Riot
This story is covered in depth in the Island Magazine's (Fall/Winter 1983) in the article The Belfast Riot and (Spring/Summer 1990) in the article Parliamentary Privilege and Electoral Disputes on Colonial Prince Edward Island Part II.
Curtis, James 1819-1894
High Sheriff of Queen's County
Daley, Rev. E. Hartwell 1914-1984
Minister of the United Church of Canada/Journalist Instructor
Journalism Instructor at the Holland College of Applied Arts and Technology
Davies, Benjamin 1813-1904
Postmaster General/Colonial Treasurer
Chairman of the Prince Edward Island Railway Board
Paymaster of the Prince Edward Island Railway
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
The story behind his part in the Posse Comitatus can be found in the Island Magazine (Fall/Winter 1988) in the article The Posse Comimatus Incident of 1865 He was the father of the Rt. Hon. Sir Louis Henry Davies, a Premier of Prince Edward Island (the youngest person at the age of 31 to be elected as a Premier of a Canadian province), who served in the Federal Cabinet of Sir Wilfred Laurier and served a length term as Chief Justice of Canada. Sir Louis was interred in Ottawa at his death. His story may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 2000) in the article An Island Knight: A Sketch of the Rt. Hon. Sir Louis Davies
Davies, Daniel 1825-1911
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Member of Parliament
Dawson, Ulric Gathorne 1892-1973
Teacher/Soldier/Fox Rancher/Businessman
He was veteran of World War I and II, serving as a Colonel in the Canadian Army. His funeral was conducted with full miltary honours
Dawson, William Eddison 1829-1902
Queen's County Magistrate
Mayor of Charlottetown
Director of the Union Bank of Prince Edward Island
President of the British and Foreign Bible Society on Prince Edward Island
Co-founder of the Young Men's Christian Organization in Charlottetown Prince Edward Island representative at ecumenical conferences in London, England in 1881 and Washington, D.C. in 1891
Additional information may be found in Volume XIII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
DeBlois, Audrey Ethel 1880-1957
Missionary and Educator in India
DeBlois, Hon. George DesBrisay 1887-1958
Wholesale Merchant/Exporter
Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island
He was well-known for his generosity to the less fortunate children of the City, especially at Christmas time
DeBlois, George Wastie 1824-1886
Merchant/Land Agent/Soldier/Magistrate
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Additional information may be found on George in Volume XI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography, on his father in Volume VII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography and his grandmother in Volume VI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
DesBrisay, Col. Lucretia Sarah Byles (Lutie) 1871-1948
Social Worker/Administrator
First Woman Colonel in the Salvation Army
Organized and modernized the Grace Hospitals in St. John's Newfoundland, Halifax Nova Scotia, Montreal Quebec, Ottawa, London and Windsor in Ontario
Oversaw the Salvation Army's Social Work Program for the whole of Canada
Pioneered the Work of the Salvation Army in Bermuda
DeBlois, Thomas DesBrisay 1920-2002
Outstanding Community Volunteer
President of Independent Wholesale Grocers Ltd.
President of the Canadian Grocery Distributors Association
Douglas, Howard Woodrow 1913-1995
Founding member of Douglas Bros. & Jones and the Stanhope Golf and Country Club
Drysdale, Dr. Ronald Douglas 1925-1995
Chief of Staff of the Prince Edward Island and the Queen Elizabeth Hospitals
Chairman of the Prince Edward Island School of Nursing
Gillespie, James Sterling 1909-1990
Sales Representative
Employed with Perfection Foods in Summerside, Souris and Charlottetown for fifty-six years, working well beyond his retirement years
Goff, George Ernest 1863-1920
Started Newport Fish and Ice Company
Goff, Hon. John 1814-1892
Estate Manager/Miller/Farmer
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Legislative Council
Member of the Executive Council
High Sheriff of Kings County
Chief Magistrate of Kings County
Gray, Hon., Col., John Hamilton 1810-1887
Cavalry Officer for 21 years in the British Army, serving in India and South Africa.
Member of the Legislative Council
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Premier of Prince Edward Island
A Father of Confederation
Veteran of the First Boer War and the Crimean War
Aide-de-Camp to the Governor of Malta
Aide-de-Camp to the Lieutenant-Governor during the visit of the Prince of Wales
Adjutant-General of the Prince Edward Island Militia
One of the few Islanders to become famous in the British Army
Additional information may be found in Volume XI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Gruchy, Philip 1892-1967
Created Ordinary Commander of the British Empire for services rendered during World War II
Served on the Royal Commission to negotiate the terms of union of Newfoundland with Canada
Haslam, Albert James 1904-1994
Lawyer/Justice of the Peace
Magistrate for the City of Charlottetown
Haszard, Hon. Francis Longworth 1849-1938
Lawyer/Stipendiary Magistrate/Farmer
Magistrate and Recorder for the City of Charlottetown
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Premier of Prince Edward Island
Master of the Rolls in Chancery and a Puisine Justice of the Prince Edward Island Supreme Court
Director of the Charlottetown Driving Park
Charter President and later Honorary President of the Prince Edward Island Red Cross Society in 1910
Early in his law career, he was a partner of later Canadian Chief Justice, Sir Louis Henry Davies
Haszard, Henry 1813-1872
Colonial Secretary of Prince Edward Island
Member of the Executive Council
Haszard, Horace B. 1854-1922
Wholesale Grocer/Merchant
Member of Parliament
Chairman of the Maritime Provinces Board of Trade
Haszard, James Douglas 1797-1876
Soldier/Farmer/Miller/Magistrate/Journalist/King's Printer/Philanthropist
Publisher of the P.E.I. Register
Part of the battery that prevented the entrance of an American Privateer to the harbour during the War of 1812
Once foiled an escape from the local log prison
Created a controversy by printing his own money
First to establish a cloth dressing mill in the Colony
Published books in Latin, French, Gaelic and Mi'kmaq
In order to cultivate a taste for reading he sent his newspaper free of charge to hundreds of Islanders and from it many learned to read and write
Additional information may be found in Volume X of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Hensley, Hon. Joseph 1824-1894
Member of the Legislative Council
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Premier of Prince Edward Island
Vice Chancellor and Puisine Justice of the Prince Edward Island Supreme Court
President of the Bank of Prince Edward Island
He served in the Legislative Council at the same time as his father, the Hon. Charles Hensley, under Premier George Coles. He also had a brother Albert was a Member of the Executive Council. Their dates and burial sites are unknown.
He was extremely active in the Y.M.C.A. movement which was established on P.E.I. in 1856
Additional information may be found in Volume XII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Hibbard, Godfrey M. 1897-1975
Commodore Royal Canadian Navy
Commander of the British Empire
Higgs, Edmund Tucker 1873-1957
Fire and Marine Insurance Agent
Mayor of Charlottetown
Member of the Legislative Assembly
President of the Maritime Provinces Board of Trade
Hodgson, Hon. Sir Robert Christopher 1798-1880
Lawyer/Land Agent/Attorney and Advocate General/Judge of Probate
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Legislative Council
Member of the Executive Council
Administrator of the Government of Prince Edward Island when the Lieutenant-Governor was absent
Chief Justice of Prince Edward Island
Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island
First native born Prince Edward Island born Chief Justice, Lieutenant-Governor and Knight
Additional information may be found in Volume X of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Hogan, Geoffrey G. 1953-1992
Hyndman, Hon. Frederick Walter 1904-1995
Soldier/Insurance Broker
Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island
Built the first local radio broadcasting station on Prince Edward Island
Founded the Charlottetown Riding Club
Hyndman, Frederick William 1841-1923
Royal Navy/Surveyor
Surveyor in Newfoundland and the Mediterranean
United States Vice-Consul
Lloyd's of London Agent
Was present at Heartsville Newfoundland at the landing of the first Atlantic telegraph cable
He attended the formal opening of the Suez Canal
Ings, A. Ernest 1866-1944
Outstanding Amateur Athlete
President of the Prince Edward Island Telephone Company
Ings, John 1815-1907
Publisher/Queen's Printer
Editor of The Islander
Irving, Robert Fellows 1852-1898
Son of the Hon. William Walter Irving, whose interesting story may be found in the Island Magazine (Fall/Winter 1991) entitled The Making of a Gentleman? The Curious Life of W. W. Irving. The death date and burial site of his father is unknown
Johnson, Rev., Dr. Richard 1830-1903
Methodist Minister/Physician/Pharmacist/Justice of the Peace
Registrar of the Prince Edward Island Medical Council
Founding Member and senior member of the medical staff of the Prince Edward Island Hospital
Health Officer of the City of Charlottetown
He survived, with considerable injury from which he never fully recovered, the ice-boat incident of March 1855. His health reforms led to a safer and cleaner city
Additional information may be found in Volume XIII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Jones, Heber William 1911-1994
Founding member of Douglas Bros. & Jones
Developer of Holiday Haven campground
Laird, Hon. David 1833-1914
Teacher/Newspaper Editor and Publisher/Writer
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Member of Parliament
Privy Councillor
Lieutenant-Governor of the Northwest Territory
Negotiated the Blackfoot Treaty of 1877 and the Cree treaty of 1899
Indian Commissioner for the Northwest Territories, Manitoba and Keewatin
At his death in Ottawa, in recognition of his service to his country, the Dominion Government ordered the ice-breaker Earl Grey to carry his remains across the frozen Northumberland Strait.
Additional information may be found in Volume XIV of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Large, Hon. Frederic Alfred 1913-1998
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Puisine Justice of the Prince Edward Island Supreme Court
Lawson, John L. 1795-1874
Member of the Executive Council
Solicitor-General of Prince Edward Island
Recorder of the City of Charlottetown
He came to P.E.I. as a young lawyer in the 1820's. In 1851 he published a series of letters describing life in his adopted colony
Leigh, Charles 1838-1902
Fleet Paymaster for the Royal Navy
LePage, John 1812-1886
Teacher/Secretary-Treasurer of the Charlottetown Gas Light Company/ClerkPoet/Writer
Prince Edward Island's unofficial poet laureate, known as "The Island Minstrel"
He wrote the satirical poem The Calling Out of the Posse Comitatus
The story of the Posse Comitatus can be found in the Island Magazine (Fall/Winter 1988) in the article The Posse Comimatus Incident of 1865 . A story about his literary life may be found in the Island Magazine (Fall/Winter 2012) in the article The Minstrel and the Muse; The Poetry of John Lepage.
LePage, Thomas Alexander 1857-1889
Professor at Prince of Wales College
Longworth, Francis 1807-1883
Magazine Agent/Merchant/Shipbuilder/Shipowner and Broker/Business Director/Justice of the Peace
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Comptroller of Customs and Navigation Laws
High Sheriff of Queen's County
He officiated at the execution of George Dowie
Additional information may be found in Volume XI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Longworth, Henry 1816-1891
High Sheriff of Queen's County
Longworth, John 1814-1885
Lawyer/Land Agent/Comptroller of Customs
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Deputy Judge of the Vice-Admiralty Court/Master and Examiner in Chancery
Prothonotary of the Supreme Court
Lieutenant-Colonel of the Militia
Founding Director and later President of the Bank of Prince Edward Island
Charter President of the Prince Edward Island Law Society
Aide-De-Camp to several Lieutenant-Governors
He was a speaker at the final banquet of the delegates for the Charlottetown Conference , which eventually led to Canadian Confederation, on September 8, 1864
He sought to promote free trade with the United States as a delegate to the Detroit Convention in 1865
Additional information may be found in Volume XI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
MacFarlane, Angus (Gus) 1925-1991
R.C.A.F./Athlete/Athletic Director/Civil Servant
Member of Parliament for Hamilton Mountain (Ontario)
Chief Government Whip in the House of Commons
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of State for Federal-Provincial Relations
Athletic Director and Coach of the Mount Allison Mounties Football and Basketball teams
Dean of Men at McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario
General Manager Canadian National Basketball team at the sixth World Championships in Yugoslavia in 1970
Fellow of the Intercontinental Biographical Association
Co-founder of the Charlottetown Winter Carnival
MacIntosh, Rev. Donald Ian 1911-1988
United Church Minister
First Chaplain at Mount Allison University
President of the Maritime Conference of the United Church of Canada
MacKay, Newton Jay 1928-1979
Founder of the Car Life Museum in Bonshaw
Mackieson, Dr. John 1795-1885
Medical Superintendent of the Charlottetown Lunatic Asylum
Surgeon General of the Militia Forces
Chairman of the Prince Edward Island Medical Association
It is believed that he was the surgeon in attendance at the duel conducted between Edward Palmer and George Coles, both of whom would go on to be come Father's of Confederation. The story of the duel may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1989) in an article entitled An Affair of Honour
An article regarding his career may be found in the Island Magazine (Fall/Winter 1995) entitled An Island Doctor: The Life and Times of Dr. John Mackieson 1795-1885
An interesting story involving the Asylum may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1996) entitled "A blot upon the fair fame of our Island" - The Scandal at the Charlottetown Lunatic Asylum, 1874
Additional information may be found in Volume XI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
MacLaren, R. Bruce 1910-2001
Teacher/Research Scientist/Botanist/Musician
Developed the oat varieties Abegweit, Cabot and Shaw Contributed material to Botanical Journals about the plants that grew in the wild of P.E.I.
Member of the P.E.I. Highlanders and the Ho Hum Drum and Pipe Band and also performed as a solo piper at weddings, funerals and special occasions
Promoted Gaelic singing and dancing
He was the first person to report the discovery of the Barley Joint Worm which devastated oat crops in Prince Edward Island in the 1940's and 1950's He greeted many visitors to Prince Edward Island who landed off the cruise ships at the Charlottetown waterfront
MacLeod, Robert Graham 1925-1989
Executive Assistant to Premier Alexander Matheson
Provincial Magistrate
President of the Canadian Bar Association
Member of the Heritage Foundation of Canada
Founding Member of the Prince Edward Island Hospital Services Commission
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Confederation Centre of the Arts and of the Friends of Confederation Centre
Trustee of the National Museums of Canada
Member of the Order of Canada
MacMillan, Alan Gordon (Toby) 1912-1984
Athlete/Insurance Underwriter/R.C.A.F.
President of the Prince Edward Island Board of Underwriters
Aide-de-Camp to the Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island
Director of the Air Cadet League of Canada
President of the Royal Canadian Air Force Benevolent Fund
Honourary Governor of the Royal Canadian Golf Association
Member of the Acadia University Sport Hall of Fame
Member of the Prince Edward Island Sport Hall of Fame
An outstanding golfer and hockey player, he was a member of the Boston University squad that defeated the vaunted Harvard squad in 1936
While studying at the London School of Economics he played for Great Britain's national hockey team, winners of the 1937 World Championships held in St. Moritz
MacMillan, Hon., Dr. W. Cyrus 1882-1953
Member of Parliament
Privy Councillor
Chairman of the English Department and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science at McGill University
Member of the Royal Commission on Maritime Claims and the Royal Commission on Atlantic Fisheries
Chairman of the Royal Commission on Education on Prince Edward Island
Matheson, Hon. Alexander Wallace 1903-1976
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Premier of Prince Edward Island
Judge of the Queens County Court
Judge of the Supreme Court
Mathieson, Hon. John Alexander 1863-1947
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Premier of Prince Edward Island
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Administrator of the Province of Prince Edward Island for six weeks in 1919, after the sudden death of Lieutenant-Governor Augustine C. MacDonald.
McGill, William J. P. 1819-1882
Member of the Legislative Assembly
High Sheriff of Queens County
McLean, Campbell Mitchell (Cam) 1914-1986
Founder of C. M. McLean Co. Ltd.
Morris, Thomas 1836-1898
High Sheriff of Queens County
Sheriff during the Fletcher Incident
The story behind his part in the Posse Comitatus can be found in the Island Magazine (Fall/Winter 1988) in the article The Posse Comimatus Incident of 1865
Morrow, Andrew Keith 1914-1997
Agriculturalist/Royal Canadian Navy/Broadcaster
Commentator/Broadcast Executive
Canadian Naval Liason in Boston during World War II
Director of English Radio and Television, also C.B.C. Director for Newfoundland and the Maritimes with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
He helped establish the Canadian news network now known as Newsworld
Was once interviewed by Ed Sullivan on the Ed Sullivan Show
Murphy, Della (nee Rowledge) 1952-1991
Registered Nurse
Fouding member and coordinator of Cansurmount P.E.I.
Represented Canada at international cancer survivor meetings
Presented with the Medal of Courage by the Canadian Cancer Society
Mutch, J. Robert 1912-1985
(A memorial is erected to his memory in the Mount Herbert United Church Cemetery)
Newberry, Arthur 1850-1930
Civil Servant, Assistant Provincial Secretary-Treasurer for over fifty years
Created the Gardens around Province House
Awarded the Imperial Service Order Decoration
An interesting article may be found on the Gardens in the Island Magazine (Fall/Winter 1990) entitled Arthur Newbery and the Greening of Queen Square
Owen, Lemuel Cambridge 1822-1912
Shipping Magnate/Merchant/Bank Director
Postmaster General of Prince Edward Island
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Premier of Prince Edward Island
Commanding Major of the Kings County Regiment of Volunteer Militia
Prince Edward Island Agent for Lloyd's of London
Additional information may be found in Volume XIV of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Owen, Selma Isabel 1904-1966
Registered Nurse
Supervising Nurse of Veterans Hospitals in New York for twenty years.
Captain of the United States Army Nursing Corps, North Africa and Europe during World War II.
Palmer, Hon. Edward 1809-1899
Lawyer/Landed Proprietor/Land Agent
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Legislative Council
Member of the Executive Council
Solicitor-General of Prince Edward Island
Premier of Prince Edward Island
County Court Judge
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
A Father of Confederation
The story of the duel that he fought with George Coles may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1989) in an article entitled An Affair of Honour
Additional information may be found in Volume XI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Palmer, Herbert James 1851-1939
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Premier of Prince Edward Island
Peake, George G. K. 1909-1972
Soldier/Businessman/Insurance Broker
General in the Canadian Army during World War II, awarded the D.S.O.
Rach, Alfred Alvin (Al) 1930-1997
District Manager for Air Canada
Life member and President of the Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce
Life Member of Sport P.E.I.
P.E.I.'s Transportation Man of the Year in 1986
Outstanding community volunteer and known as one of the "Best Ambassadors that Prince Edward Island ever had"
Rankin, Neil 1821-1877
Auctioneer/Commission Merchant/Soldier
Mayor of Charlottetown
Rix, William A. 1936-1995
Developer and Director of many business on Prince Edward Island
Member of the Prince Edward Island Business Hall of Fame
Died suddenly in Russia while on a trip promoting seeking new business ventures on behalf of Prince Edward Island
Robertson, Dr. Samuel Napier 1869-1937
Principal of Prince of Wales College
The Robertson Library on the campus of the University of Prince Edward Island is named in his honour
Roper, Arthur Waldron 1878-1928
Police Officer
Served for sixteen years in the Royal Northwest Mounted Police at Skagway and Whitehorse
Roper, Louis Wilfred 1896-1983
Dairy Farmer/Inn-Keeper
Mayor of Souris
Member of the Atlantic Agriculture Hall of Fame
He lived in Halifax during World War I and trained horses for use by the overseas army
Roper, Mary J. (nee Gillespie) 1917-2003
Foster Parent
Member of the Federation of Foster Parenting
Member of the Order of Canada
Scales, Dr. Austin A. 1886-1989
Farmer/Fox Rancher/Businessman/Produce Dealer
Founder of Island Fertilizers
President of Industrail Enterprises
Director of the Bank of Canada
Member of the Atlantic Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame
Member of the Prince Edward Island Business Hall of Fame
Credited with bringing electricity to many Island communities
He received an honorary doctorate from the University of Prince Edward Island
Scantlebury, Roy Tyndal 1941-1992
Founding Director of the Charlottetown Islanders Junior "A" Hockey Club
Member of the Prince Edward Island Sport Hall of Fame
Raise and showed American Quarter Horses throughout Maritime Canada
Seaman, Francis Rundell 1905-1994
Founder of Seaman's Beverages
Simons, Orin Rupert 1904-1971
Soldier/Civil Defence Coordinator/Realtor
Founder of the first Royal Canadian Mounted Police Auxiliary Police Unit in Canada
First coordinator of the Prince Edward Island Emergency Measures Organization
Awarded the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
Stewart, Annie Augusta (nee Beer) 1865-1941
First President of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Provincial Branch, Canadian Legion
Worked unceasingly on behalf of war veteransStewart, Clifton Elmer 1920-2011
Soldier/Electrician/Volunteer Firefighter
He served as a British spy during World War II. He was parachuted in behind enemy lines, yet never spoke of his experiences because of the Oath of Secrecy.
Stewart, John David 1909-1988
Mayor of Charlottetown
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
President of the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities
President of Northumberland Ferries and Chairman of the Georgetown Shipyards
Served as Major with the North Nova Scotia Highlanders during World War II. As a Lieutenant-Colonel, he commanded the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders in Northwest Europe where he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross
Stewart, Robert Bruce 1813-1884
Land Proprietor/Estate Manager
Established the Strathgartney Homestead in 1863
He was the largest resident proprietor on Prince Edward Island, owning more than 67,000 acres, when he was forced to sell the majority of his land in 1875 to the Prince Edward Island Government.
His story may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1987) in the article Robert Bruce Stewart And The Land Question
Stewart, William Snodgrass 1855-1938
Mayor of Charlottetown
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Queen's County Court Judge
Judge of the Admiralty Court
Storey, Lt. Col. Frank J. 1914 - 2000
Executive Director of the Prince Edward Island Division of the Canadian Heart Foundation
Executive Director of the Fathers of Confederation Building Trust
Staff Officer Signals Branch at the Canadian Army Headquarters
President of the Canadian Retail Furniture Association
President of the Canadian Signals Association
Member of the Order of Canada
Tanton, George Philkins 1829-1886
Pioneer Portrait Photographer in Charlottetown
Taylor, Dr. Donald Kenneth (Don) 1948-2000
President of the Prince Edward Island Medical Society
A well-known Island physician, he was active in the Children's Wish Foundation and the Heart and Stroke Foundation. He was honoured by the Prince Edward Island Medical Society for his activism in health promotion
Tweel, Nemir 1889-1970
Patriarch of the Tweel family, Tweel's Gift Shop
Weale, William O. 1915-2000
Coal Miner/Church of Christ Minister/Actor
Founding member of The Venerables Acting Troup
Weeks, Major-General Ernest Geoffrey 1896-1987
Veteran of World War I and II
Major General in the Canadian Army
Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath
Companion of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
Commander of the Legion of Merit (U.S.A.)
Commander of the Order of the Crown (Belgium)
Awarded the Military Cross and Bar and the Military Medal and Bar
Weeks, Robert T. 1869-1901
Civil Engineer/Lawyer/Clerk of the Crown and Prothonotary
Surveyor on the Prince Edward Island and the Intercontinental Railways
Weeks, William A. 1860-1928
Soldier/Lawyer/Clerk of the Crown and Prothonotary/Merchant
Officer in and Veteran of the Boer War
Aide de Camp and Chief of Staff to General Hutton at Camp Aldershot
Welsh, William K. 1822-1905
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of Parliament
Whear, John Frederick 1867-1951
Lawyer/Postmaster/Business Director/Athlete
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Acting Mayor of Charlottetown for a period of time
Member of the first Charlottetown Abegweit Rugby Club
Wilson, Mona Gordon 1894-1981
Registered Nurse/U. S. Army Nurse Corps
Pioneer in Public Health in Prince Edward Island
First Provincial Girl Guide Commissioner
Officer of the Order of the British Empire
Awarded the highest honour in international nursing (the Florence Nightingale Award)
Awarded the highest honour in Girl Guides (the Beaver Award)
Awarded the Prince Edward Island Woman of the Century Award in 1973
Awarded the Woman of the Century Award from the National Council of Jewish Women
The story of her remarkable life may be found in the biography She Answered Every Call: The Life of Public Health Nurse, Mona Gordon Wilson (1894-1911)
Wood, Frank 1922-1994
Athlete/Royal Canadian Navy/Firefighter/Businessman
Cartoonist/Graphics Artist/Author
Owner of the Wood Convalescent Nursing Home
Helped found the Vagabond Independent Players, one of Charlottetown's first children's theatre companies
Young, Hon. Charles 1812-1892
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Member of the Legislative Council
Judge of Probate and Judge of Bankruptcy
Administrator of the Government of Prince Edward Island
Noted for his long campaign to start up a government-sponsored savings bank
Issued his own currency (five pound notes) in 1850
Driving force behind the introduction of the Mechanic's Institute to Prince Edward Island
An article on the Mechanic's Institutes may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1987) entitled The Mechanic's Institutes of P.E.I.
Royal Air Force Plot in Sherwood Cemetery
Ambler, Jack -1944
Pilot Officer
Beaumont, Ernest L. J. -1942
Leading Aircraftsman
Calderhead, George D. -1942
Flying Officer
Crummey, Cyril B. -1943
Ellis, Kenneth -1942
Air Cadet
Eves, Kenneth -1944
Leading Aircraftsman
Gordon, Alexander -1942
Air Cadet
Harris, Clifford J. -1942
Leading Aircraftsman
Hawkes, Albert W. -1944
Pilot Officer
Holland, John -1942
Flight Sergeant
Ingram, Arthur H. -1944
Flying Officer
McLean, William -1942
Leading Aircraftsman
Parker, Oswald -1942
Sergeant Pilot
Ray, Donald Walter -1946
Flight Lieutenant
Rofe, Bernard John -1942
Flight Lieutenant
Sharp, Frank -1943
Shore, Frederick G. -1943
Air Cadet
Taylor, George W. -1942
Leading Aircraftsman
Thompson, William F. -1943
Wong, Reginald H. -1942
Leading Aircraftsman
The Heartz Vault in Sherwood Cemetery
The large grassy mound situated in the south end of the cemetery begs the question, what is that there for? It covers the entrance to an underground brick vault constructed by John Thomas Heartz, a stone mason, for members of his immediate family.
Heartz, Albert Augustus 1856-1884
Heartz, Ann Margaret (nee Dawson) 1789-1875
Heartz, James J. 1849-1875
Lost his life from the effects of a gunshot wound received at the Rifle Range
Heartz, Jane (nee Jenkins) 1817-1903
Heartz, John Thomas 1806-1881
Stone Mason
Heartz, several infants or small children
Heartz, William 1853-1908
D-9 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
Brackley Point Community Cemetery
MacClure, Derrell B. (D.B.) 1930-1992
Bank Manager/Salesman
An outstanding community volunteer, the D.B. Memorial Gardens in Souris are named for him
MacClure, Cst. Laurence Scott (Laurie) 1955-2000
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officer/Athlete
Most Valuable Player in the Prince Edward Island Football League with the Souris Regional High Spartans in 1974
Member of the 1979 Prince Edward Island Intermediate Hockey Champions with the Souris Boathaulers
Member of the 1979 Eastern Canadian Intermediate Softball Champions with the Souris M. & G. Royals
Member of the Prince Edward Island Softball Hall of Fame
McGregor, Elizabeth (nee Bovyer) 1806-1851
Well educated, fluent in French and Latin
McGregor, John 1745-1832
Deputy Surveyor of Prince Edward Island
Member of the 42nd. Regiment, The Black Watch during the American Revolution
A Member of the Loyal Electors
McGregor, John 1802-1879
Known as in his community and surrounds as "Honest John"
Shaw, Hannah (nee Toombs) 1843-1922
Assisted by her husband Neil in the development of Shaw's Hotel in Brackley
Developed the first golf course in Prince Edward Island by generating a layout on the dunes
Portage Pioneer Cemetery
Coles, Lois Ann (nee MacLeod) 1943-1996
Highly respected ancestral researcher
MacMillan, Angus (Honest Angus) 1817-1906
Merchant/Shipbuilder/Banke Director
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Commissioner of Crown Lands
Additional information may be found in Volume XIII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Matheson, Florence Isobel (nee MacRae) 1911-1992
An outstanding community volunteer
President of the Prince Edward Island Federation of Women's Institutes
National President of the Women's Institutes of Canada
Vice-President for Canada of the Associated Country Women of the World
Member of the Fathers of Confederation Centre Memorial Trust
Member of the 1964 and 1967 Centennial Commissions
Awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal
Officer of the Order of Canada
Matheson, John Philip 1906-1990
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
President of the New Glasgow Dairying Company
President of the Canadian Good Roads Association
Life Member of the Roads and Transportation of Canada
As Minister of Highways and Public Works, he was responsible for the construction of the Hillsborough Bridge
McKay, Donald 1836-1895
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Stewart, Margaret Elizabeth (nee Matheson) 1938-1992
Laboratory Technician
Member of the Prince Edward Island Symphony Orchestra
"An Angel at Rest", an unusual sculpted headstone, carved out of Nova Scotia sandstone
D-3 on the Prince Edward Island Highway Map
Brae United Church Cemetery
MacNaught, Hon. John Watson 1904-1984
Law Clerk and Clerk of the Prince Edward Island Legislative Assembly
Member of Parliament
Privy Councillor
Head of the Canadian Delegation, North Pacific Fish Commission
Chairman of the Dominion Coal Board
He is remembered as a charming and witty orator
Rogers, W. G. Harris 1914-1995
Farmer/Historian/Community Leader/Musician
First Chairman of the Unit #1 Schoolboard upon its formation
A noted fiddler, he was a member of the West Prince Fiddlers
E-7 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
Breadalbane Community Cemetery
Kennedy, Murdock 1872-1950
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Remembered for his vocal opposition to automobiles being allowed to drive on Prince Edward Island highways. He split with the government and resigned from the Cabinet over the issue
Murray, Pomroy Edward 1882-1968
Railway Station Agent at Breadalbane
Operated the electric light plant in Breadalbane
E-9 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
Brookfield Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Gillis, Dr. Norman R. 1884-1912
Professor of Sciences at McGill University
MacDonald, Donald 1842-1928
His life is commemorated by an unusual high rough stone granite monument
MacDonald, Donald N. 1892-1978
Soldier/Building Contractor
His life is commemorated by an unique Celtic Cross
E-13 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
Brooklyn Church of Scotland Cemetery
Bears, John F. (Johnny) 1911-1997
Monument Graver/School Bus Driver/Singer
As a member of the Brooklyn Trio, his high tenor was well suited for the Scottish, gospel and traditional music that he sang
As a soloist, he released two highly successful recordings of secular and gospel music
The story of the Brooklyn Trio which included local farmers, Lloyd Bruce and Mack Munro may be found in the article “The Brooklyn Trio” in the Red magazine (Fall & Winter 2010).
Martin, William Alexander 1856-1931
Miller/Blacksmith/Cabinet Maker/Carpenter/Inventor
Credited with the invention of the couplers that joined together railway cars
D-13 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
Brudenell Protestant CemeteryClark, William Keir 1910-2010
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Legislative Council
Mayor of Montague
Dewar, Dr. Lloyd George 1915-2003
Member of the Royal Canadian Medical Corps during World War II
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
President of the Prince Edward Island Medical Society
Member of the Ottawa Capital Commission
Outstanding Community Volunteer
Member of the Order of Canada
Member of the Order of Prince Edward Island
Dewar, John Alexander 1863-1945
Member of the Legislative Assembly
First person to be elected to the Prince Edward Island Legislative Assembly after Confederation as an Independent candidate
An article regarding his life may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1998) entitled John A. Dewar: The Principled Maverick
Dewar, John Lincoln 1909-1969
Prominent Agriculturalist
A founder of the Gencheff Children's Rehabilitation Camp
Dewar, Robert Bruce 1910-1986
Mechanic/Horseman/Business Manager
Sheriff of Prince County
Horseman of the Year for Prince Edward Island in 1975
A story illustrating his life may be found in the article “The Last Whinny” in the Red magazine (Fall/Winter 2011/2012)
Ghiz, Hon., Dr. Joseph Atallah 1945-1996
Lawyer/Crown Prosecutor/University Lecturer
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Premier of Prince Edward Island
Dean of the School of Law, Dalhousie University
Judge of the Supreme Court
Member of the Board of Governors of Frontier College
Atlantic Canadian Chairman of the Canadian Council of Multiculturalism
Member of the National Executive of the Liberal Party of Prince Edward Island
Awarded an Honorary Degree from the University of Prince Edward Island
Awarded an Honourary Degree from Bishop's University
Recipient of a state funeral from the Province of Prince Edward Island
First person to be elected a Premier of a Canadian province to be of non-European descent
Gordon, Walter Frederick 1847-1911
Farmer/Justice of the Peace
Well known Agriculturalist
Hamilton, John 1828-1901
Awarded a silver medal by the Indian Colonial Station at London for his specimens of forestry from Prince Edward Island
MacLaren, Hon. James 1803-1866
Member of the Legislative Council
MacLaren, Dr. Peter 1840-1908
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Studied under Joseph Lister in Edinburgh
Norton (born MacNaughton), John 1760-1830
High Sheriff of King's County
Gardener for King George III
Designer of Kew Gardens
Emigrated from Wales to P.E.I. in 1821
Father of the nine daughters who brought slips from lime and oak trees to grow and later build their own houses
Norton, John Huddard 1811 -1890
A member of the California Association who travelled to the gold fields in California on the Fanny
An excellent story of the trip and his life may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 2000) in the article Letter from the Gold Rush
Robertson, John 1830-1909
Farmer/Apple Grower
Consigned his apple crop by box to Glasgow, Manchester and London, received medals from expositions in Glasgow, London and Paris
Shaw, Cyrus 1850-1900
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Was Leader of the Conservative Party and Leader of the Opposition when he died in office
Shaw, Robert 1844-1882
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Wood, Andrea (nee Duvar) 1942-1996
Farmer/Businessperson/Business Manager/Outstanding Community Volunteer
Program Director and Swimming Instructor at the Westmount Y.M.C.A. in Montreal
President of the Prince Edward Island Advisory Council on the Status of Women
Member of the Board of Directors at the University of Prince Edward Island
She was the first woman on Prince Edward Island to receive the Red Cross Surf Lifeguard Award
Montague Community Park Cemetery
Beck, Robert William 1894-1965
Memorial Craftsman
Coffin, Douglas Haig 1918-1986
Fire Marshall, Province of Prince Edward Island
Coffin, Luther Henry 1880-1951
Mayor of MontagueClements, Hon. Gilbert Ralph 1928-2013
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Chairman of the Canadian Council of Environmental Ministers
President and Founding Member of the Garden of the Gulf Museum
Co-founder of the Montague Junior Chamber of Commerce
Chancellor of the Order of Prince Edward Island
Knight of the Order of Saint John
Awarded the Crandall Award from the Travel Industry Association of CanadaFraser, Charles James 1919-2013
Advisor/Theatre Owner/Salesperson/Company Director/Feed Company Owner
Member of the Royal Canadian Air Force
Mayor of Montague
President of the P.E.I. Federation of Municipalities
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Johnston, William D. 1880-1969
Lay Preacher/Historian/Writer/Author
Mayor of Montague
Kennedy, Roy Sterling 1920-1992
Royal Canadian Air Force
Awarded the Bomber Command Medal, when his life was saved by parachute under fire at night, during World War II
Lowery, Alfred 1896-1991
Embalmer/Funeral Director/Horseman
Upon his retirement at the age of eighty-nine, it was believed that he was the oldest working embalmer in Canada
Mabon, John Hamilton 1879-1959
Mayor of Montague
MacDonald, Daniel F. 1851-1924
High Sheriff of Kings County
Magistrate of Montague
Mayor of Montague
MacIntyre, George G. 1889-1974
Fox Rancher/Farmer/Horseman/Harness Racing Judge
Mayor of Montague
MacIntyre, Dr. John D. 1864-1925
Mayor of Montague
MacIntyre, Dr. Preston (Dr. Pres) 1897-1991
A legendary country doctor
President of the Prince Edward Island Medical Society
He founded Montague's first hospital, raised money for the town's second hospital and lobbied for the present Kings County Memorial Hospital
Member of the Order of Canada
He was a well-known breeder and racer of standard-bred horses
MacKinnon, Athol Mabon 1908-1991
Funeral Director/Historian
MacKinnon, Donald L. 1860-1933
Funeral Director/Businessman
Founder of the Montague Furnishing Company
Travelled to Halifax Nova Scotia to assist in the preparation for burial of the several thousand victims of the Halifax Explosion in December 1917. The Montague Furnishing Company manufactured and shipped well over 1,100 caskets as a result of this disaster.
MacKinnon, Lauchlan Mabon 1884-1959
Funeral Director/Businessman
Assisted in the direction of the funeral of world renowned inventor Alexander Graham Bell in Baddeck Nova Scotia. Bell was interred in a vault supplied from the Montague Furnishing Company Warehouse in Sydney Nova Scotia.
MacRae, Daniel Alexander 1876-1964
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Mellish, Beatrice Edna (nee Gay) 1880-1976
Provincial President of the P.E.I. Women's Institute
National Treasurer of the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada
Mellish, Lester Benjamin 1875-1944
Merchant/Justice of The Peace
Mayor of Montague
Yeo, Bruce Holmes 1897-1982
Businessman/Theatre Owner
Mayor of Montague
D-13 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
Scottish Pioneers
This monument on Brudenell Island commemorates the memory of the pioneers of Brudenell who emigrated from Scotland in 1803. Brudenell Island is situated two and half miles west of Georgetown and is located on the Brudenell River. It can be reached by walking on foot along the crest of a sand dune, with staff assistance from Rodd's Brudenell Resort indicating the approach to the Island as it is best reached by a landway at one edge of the parking lot. The Island is the site of the landing of the first Scottish settlers to the area, and is where some of the settlers are interred. The last burial was in 1931.
D-13 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
National Historic Site and Monument
DeRoma at Three Rivers
This monument commemorates the establishment of a French settlement at Three Rivers by Jean Pierre DeRoma in 1732
D-1 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
St. Mark's Roman Catholic Church Cemetery (old behind the church)
Gorman, Charles Bernard 1875-1962
Song Writer/Lyricist
O'Halloran, Mary (nee Monaghan) 1932-1961
O'Halloran, Irene 1951-1961
O'Halloran, Michael 1954-1961
O'Halloran, Earl 1956-1961
O'Halloran, Cyril 1958-1961
O'Halloran, Dwight 1959-1961
O'Halloran, Randell 1960-1961
A mother and six of her children who tragically lost their lives in a house fire. on an early Sunday morning. The mother would probably have survived but she chose to enter the home to save the lives of her children. Four additional children were saved
E-13 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
Caledonia Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Cameron, Allan A. 1899-1991
One of the last Prince Edward Islanders to be able to speak Gaelic as it was passed down from his ancestry
MacDonald, Wilfred 1915-1989
Sergeant and member of the First Special Service Force
MacLean, Hon., Dr. John Angus 1914-2000
R.C.A.F./Flying Instructor/Test Pilot/Farmer/Environmentalist/Author
Member of Parliament
Privy Councillor
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Premier of Prince Edward Island
Member of the Order of Canada
Officer of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem
Honorary Doctor of Laws from Mount Allison University and the University of Prince Edward Island
Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross by His Majesty King George VI
He is considered to be the most successful federal politician in P.E.I. history, winning 10 straight federal elections from 1951 to 1977
The story of his life may be found in the award-winning autobiography Making It Home. Memoirs of J. Angus MacLean
MacLean, George Allan 1880-1966
Well known Agriculturalist and Community Leader
MacLeod, Donald 1912-1984
Pipe Major with the North Nova Scotia Highlanders during World War II
Martin, Chester R. 1902-1992
Believed to be the last Prince Edward Islander to able to speak Gaelic as it was passed down from his ancestry
C-2 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
Campbellton United Church Cemetery
Cousins, Elbridge Livingstone 1903-1989
Among the last of a breed of fisherman, he fished in a small boat and would haul the boat up on shore using a capstan at the end of each day. The procedure was recorded on film by the National Film Board of CanadaCousins, Mary Ann 1913-2002
An article about her life entitled “The Storyteller”, may be found in the Red Magazine (Fall & Winter 2010)
Reilly, Donald (Uncle Dan) 1850-1833
Composer of many songs and author of many lyrics
Warren, Kate 1883-1910
Died tragically in Maine after walking with her infant out of the back of a train
F-9 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
Canoe Cove Presbyterian Church Cemetery
MacEachern, John 1809-1883
Assisted in the construction of the Canoe Cove Presbyterian Church
His interesting story and excerpts from his diary may be found in the Island Magazine in two articles (Fall/Winter 1984) The Emigrant: Beginnings in Scotland and (Summer 1985) The Emigrant: Life in the New LandMacKinnon, Charles 1880-1938
Cobbler/Smelter Worker/Soldier/Mailman/ Farmer/Fisherman/Lobster Factory Manager
Veteran of the Spanish American War and World War I
Wounded twice in World War I
A world traveler who lived and worked in Massachusetts, British Columbia, Philippine Islands, Europe, Alaska and New Argyle, Prince Edward Island
F-7 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
Cape Traverse Free Church of Scotland Cemetery
Bell, Gilbert Charles 1914-1986
Purser on Canadian National Railways
Mayor of Borden
At the time of his death, he was the longest serving Mayor in Canada
Dawson, Thomas Arthur 1886-1977
Farmer/Fox Rancher
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island
Honorary Inspector General 33 of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite
Established the T. Arthur Dawson Masonic Scholarships for University students
Dawson, Thomas Lemuel 1893-1917
Ice-Boat Crewman
Only crew member to lose his life on the ice boats which travelled between Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick in the winter months
German Prisoners of War -1918
It is believed that five or six German Prisoners of War are buried in unmarked graves after passing away from the effects of influenza
The graves were marked for a period of time by wooden crosses
Howatt, Adam 1785-1871
Father of twenty-six known children
Kruger, Elmyr 1896-1918
Native of Melita Manitoba, he died after suffering from the effects of influenza while on escort duty of German Prisoners of War who worked on the ferry terminal at Borden
Irving, Capt. Arthur 1824-1894
Ice-Boat Captain
Lived at "Arthur's Seat", he captained the ice boat crews for many years
Leard, Willard 1883-1970
Fisherman/Ferry Worker
Mayor of Borden
MacFadyen, Jean 1893-1986
MacWilliams, Doris (nee Gillespie) 1915-1991
Member of the Executive of the Retired Teacher's Association, that published Teachers Remember
MacWilliams, Capt. Edwin 1886-1978
Fisherman/Lobster Buyer/Ice Boat Captain/Historian
Cape Traverse United Church Cemetery
Arp, Hans 1893-1962
Ship's Engineer/Ferry Worker
Survivor of a concentration camp during World War II
Worked aboard the first Abegweit when she came into service in 1947
Bell, James Glenn 1941-1988
Musician/Clerk/Ferry Worker/Inn-Keeper/Craftsperson
Well known organist and choir director in Borden and Cape Traverse churches
An unusual headstone in the shape of a piano
MacKenzie, Eliza (also called Laura nee Clark) 1831-1914
Eloped with Capt. Alexander Irving of "The Fanny", as a widow she later married Robert Boswell a Souris merchant and third Capt. John MacKenzie of Georgetown
Her elopement was a sensation throughout the Island, especially when the vessel had to sail for California with captain Irving at the helm, and she was voted off it by the passengers and crew. Irving died tragically in San Francisco shortly after the ship's arrival.
An excellent story on the expedition to California may be found in the article in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1978) entitled The Voyage of the Fanny
Clark, William 1758-1855
Believed to be the second child of British Ancestry to be born in the Colony
MacDonald, Hugh William (Sailor Bill) 1900-1970
Veteran of Both World Wars
Member of the Veteran's Honour Guard for the coronation of King George VI
Muncey, Townshend Coffin 1849-1904
Linesman/Telegraph Operator
Muttart, Albert L. 1870-1956
Farmer/Money Lender
Sang in the Cape Traverse United Church Choir for over seventy years
Muttart, Capt. Lewis 1814-1903
Contractor for the Ice Boat Service
Constructed his own boats of oak, planked with cedar and covered with tin
The submarine telegraph cable was landed on his farm in 1852
National Historic Sites and Monuments
First Submarine Telegraph in America
Plaque commemorates the laying of the first submarine cable in America
Ice Boat Service
Plaque in the shelter commemorates the new mail service which was inaugurated in 1827 between New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island
D-13 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
All Saints Roman Catholic Church Cemetery
Allen, Dr. Archibald A. 1862-1946
Served the citizens of Cardigan and area for 59 years
Bowlen, Michael 1840-1913
Bowlen, Mary (nee Casey) 1847-1931
Parents of Patrick Dennis Bowlen, a Member of the Prince Edward Island Legislative Assembly who left the province shortly after serving his term
Parents of the Hon., Dr. John James Bowlen (1876-1959), Member of the Alberta Legislative Assembly, House Leader of the Alberta Liberal Party and Lieutenant-Governor of Alberta. He left P.E.I. in 1900 and made a fortune in ranching, oil, real estate and additional business interests. He had at one point, the largest horse ranch in Canada. In the spring of 1958, the Canadian Government named a mountain in the Canadian Rockies for him.
Great-grandparents of Patrick Dennis (Pat) Bowlen, Lawyer, Businessman, Ironman Triathlete and Marathon runner, President and C.E.O. (majority owner since 1984 and 100% owner since 1985) of the National Football League back-to-back Super Bowl champions (1997 and 1998), the Denver Broncos He has served on several key League Management Committees. He has also served as chair and honorary chair of many philanthropic organizations in the Denver area
Bowlen, Rev. William 1884-1944
Parish Priest
Son of the above mentioned Michael and Mary (Casey) Bowlen
Served various parishes in Alberta including High River, where he baptized future Progressive Conservative Party leader and Canadian Prime Minister (1979-80), the Rt. Hon. Charles Joseph (Joe) Clark
Instrumental in starting the college magazine Red and White at St. Dunstan's University in CharlottetownCampbell, Hon. William Bennett 1943-2008
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Premier of Prince Edward Island
Leader of the Opposition
Member of Parliament
Privy Councilor
Superintendent of Insurance and Official Trustee for Prince Edward Island
Chairman of the Cardigan Village Council
Emcee for many years of the Rollo Bay Fiddle Festival
Honourary Life Member of the Prince Edward Island Fiddlers Society
Grant, Rev. William H. 1859-1887
Parish Priest/Professor
Rector of St. Dunstan's College
Lewis, William P. 1829-1899
Memorial Craftsman
Owner of Lewis Monument Works, designed and engraved the altar in All Saints Church in Cardigan
MacDonald, Hugh Lord 1841-1891
Member of the Legislative Assembly
MacDonald, James Emmanuel 1842-1902
Merchant/Shipbuilder/Exporter and Trader
Member of the Legislative Assembly
MacDonald, Hon. John Alexander 1874-1948
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Member of Parliament
Privy Councillor
Member of the Senate of Canada
MacDonald, John Alexander 1913-1961
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of Parliament
MacDonald, Margaret M. (nee Smith) 1908-1968
Social Worker
Member of Parliament
First woman to be elected to the Canadian House of Commons, east of Ottawa
MacDonald, Marie Josephine (nee MacDonald) 1872-1950
Registered Nurse/Craftsperson
Well known community leader and volunteerRonaghan, Francis 1923-2003
Farm Labourer/Vagabond
An character who lived an unconventional life, his story, “Francis Ronaghan” may be found in the Red magazine (Summer 2010).
Rooney, Rev. Joseph 1887-1942
Parish Priest/Soldier/Professor
Professor at St. Dunstan's University
Member of the Canadian Chaplain Service
War Memorial
Situated next to the Cardigan Post Office, below the former railway station, now the Cardigan Craft Centre
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Scrimgeour, Dellie MacLaren (Della) 1886-1979
Telephone Operator and Agent
Telephone Operator and Agent for Island Telephone at Cardigan for 63 years
Scrimgeour, Hon. John Gow 1842-1917
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Legislative Council
C-3 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
Cascumpec United Church Cemetery
Gamble, Alden Earl 1930-1984
Long serving and well known president of the Alberton Exhibition
Sunday School Superintendent, Cascumpec United Church
Metherall, Joseph Christopher 1862-1947
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Wisner, James Richard 1809-1876
He was the Owner of the Wisner Hotel and was considered a Pioneer of Alberton
Acadian Memorial
This large stone monument near the Hardy family plot situated in an old Acadian cemetery, commemorates the early Acadian settlers of the area that are buried here
The Hardy Family Plot
Hardy, George 1747-1814
Overseer of Roads/Farmer/Woodsman/Businessman/Master Mariner
Member of the Legislative Assembly
He is probably the first person of British descent to settle permanently in Prince County
Additional information may be found in Volume V of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
The Meggison Family Plot
Meggison, Capt. George E. 1759-1815
Owned his own sailing ships and travelled all over the world transporting goods
D-8 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
Cavendish United Church Cemetery
Andrew, Leta Rachel (nee McCoubrey) 1901-1993
Tourist Operator
Pioneer in the development of the Prince Edward Island Tourist Industry and in hosting Japanese visitors to P.E.I.
Life member of the Prince Edward Island Tourist Association
Prince Edward Island Woman of the Year in 1988
Clark, Martha M. 1869-1928
A Baptist Church Missionary in India for thirty-four years
Clark, Dr. Zella 1878-1959
A Baptist Church Medical Missionary in India for thirty-eight years
Ellis, Dr. Kent George 1934-2004
Much loved country doctor
Outstanding Community Volunteer
Member of the Order of Prince Edward Island
Fourteen Unknown Seamen - 1851
Died in the Yankee Gale of 1851
Crew Members of the Mary Moutton which was smashed along the North Shore near Rustico
MacNeill, William Simpson 1814-1902
Member of the Legislative Assembly
McLure, Lena Caroline 1903-1992
Editor of the Charlottetown Guardian
Associate Toronto Conservatory of Music and Boston University
Member of the Executive of the Associated Country Women of the World
McLure, Winfield Chester Scott 1875-1955
Educator/Fur Farmer/Raw Fur Merchant/Writer
Purchasing Agent for the Hudson's Bay Company
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Member of Parliament
McNeill, William Simpson 1781-1870
Farmer/Magistrate/Justice of the Peace
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Speaker of the House of Assembly
Montgomery, Lucy Maud 1874-1942
Writer of the Anne of Green Gables series, the Emily of New Moon series as well as many other novels, short stories and poems
Lyricist for The Island Hymn
Officer of the Order of the British Empire
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
Member of L'Institut des Arts de France
Among the many books and thousands of articles written about this world renowned author, one may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1977) entitled Lucy Maud's Island
Nine additional Unknown Seamen - 1851
Died in the Yankee Gale of 1851
Some of these men include crew members of the Mary Moutton
Simpson, George Woodside 1858-1906
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Simpson, Harold Henry Hill 1897-1975
Simpson, Hon. Jeremiah 1803-1877
Member of the Legislative Council
Member of the Executive Council
Stewart, Ellen Macneill 1889-1978
A Home Child Orphan on whose adoption was the inspiration for Anne of Green Gables
Her story may be found in the well written biography Ellen
Wickson, Capt. James - 1827-1851 Exhumed later and returned to Massachusetts
Wickson, Nimphas - 1829-1851 Exhumed later and returned to Massachusetts
Wickson, Joshua -1831-1851 Exhumed later and returned to Massachusetts
Taylor, Marcus - 1836-1851 Exhumed later and returned to Massachusetts
Died in the Yankee Gale of 1851
Crew members of the Franklin Dexter was owned by Captain James Wickson but was sailed by Captain Hall. Captain Wickson's four sons and his nephew were on board. Three of the sailors forming the crew were found lashed to the rigging. The other members of the crew had disappeared. As soon as the aged parents of the Wickson boys heard of their sad fate, the mother prevailed upon their father to travel from Massachusetts to P.E.I. and bring home, if possible, their bodies for interment in the Family plot. When he arrived in Rustico, Captain Wickson recognized some of his sons' clothing drying on a fence. As most of the bodies of the crew had been found and buried it was necessary to have them exhumed. On the lid of the first casket being removed, Captain Wickson fainted, for his son was in the casket. He soon identified two more of his sons and his nephew. He then searched the shore with assistance for the local residents for his remaining son. There is conflicitng information as to whether the remains of the fourth son Henry C. (1836-1851) were found. The caskets were placed in a large packing case and placed on board the schooner Seth Hall which lay near, bound for Boston. Captain Wickson proceeded to Charlottetown and took the steamer for that city. Reaching home at Dennis, at the time expected, he met his relatives and friends. However the Seth Hall was lost at sea and the caskets never arrived at their intended destination
Windsor, Lea Vincent 1934-1997
One of a very few Maritimers, to win the Canadian Junior Golf Championship
Simpson Memorial
This memorial, which was erected in 1995 and situated beside the Cavendish United Baptist Church, commemorates the original settlers in Cavendish William Simpson, his wife Janet Winchester and their sons-in-law John MacNeill and William Clark.
War Memorial
This monument is situated within in the National Park near the cliffs
National Historic Site and Monument
Plaque and Monument at the Green Gables House
This monument commemorates the novel "Anne of Green Gables" which gained international fame for writer Lucy Maude Montgomery
F-6 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
Central Bedeque United Baptist Church Cemetery
Bagnall, James (aka James Douglas Bagnall) 1787-1855
Printer/Publisher/King's Printer
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Additional information on this colourful figure may be found in Volume VIII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Burns, Hon. James Stewart 1834-1909
Farmer/Justice of the Peace
Member of the Legislative Council
Leard, George Herman 1870-1899
Reputed to be the first serious boyfriend of Lucy Maud Montgomery
This controversial story is mentioned in her diary and also in appears in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1977) in an article entitled Lucy Maud's Island
Moore, Rev. D. Bruce 1928-1994
Baptist Minister
Founded the Devon Park Christian School in Fredericton New Brunswick
Member of the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Baptist College
Chairman of the Board of Evangelism for the Atlantic Baptist Convention
Schurman, Elias Wright 1869-1935
Blacksmith/Inventor/Bicycle Maker/Mechanic
Invented, patented and profited from an early automobile horn which fitted on the exhaust and would not clog up with mud
Schurman, Isaac (Cale) 1828-1888
Blacksmith/Farmer/Cobbler/Daguerreotype Artist
An early Prince Edward Island photographer
Schurman, Robert 1821-1875
Schurman, Lydia (nee Gouldrup) 1826-1913
Parents of Jacob Gould Schurman who is interred in the United States (see National Historic Site and Monument in Freetown), Maynard Freeman Schurman (see Summerside People's Cemetery) and George Wellington Schurman who was the law partner of Charles Evans Hughes, a candidate for President of the United States and eventually Chief Justice of the United States Supreme CourtWaugh, Elmer 1912-2004
Founding Member of the Prince Edward Island Federation of Agriculture
President of the Prince County Federation of Agriculture
President of the Prince Edward Island Federation of Agriculture
Member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Charter member, Manager and later President of the Prince Edward Island Egg Marketing Board
Chairman of the Land Development Corporation
Director of the Prince Edward Island Lending Authority
Member of the Prince Edward Island Marketing Council
Member of the Premier’s Farm Policy Marketing Board
Member of the local Farm Radio group in the 1940’s
Chairman of the Wilmot Valley Historical Society
Member of the Atlantic Agriculture Hall of Fame
Awarded a Queen’s Silver Jubilee Medal in 2002
Loyalist Settlement
Situated across from the Bedeque Bargain Centre (formerly Callbeck's General Store) in a small park, this informative memorial commemorates the 200th. anniversary of settlement of the Loyalist refugees and disbanded soldiers from the Thirteen Colonies in the Bedeque area
Schurman Monument
Situated near the landing site of William Schurman and his family, it commemorates the settlement of this prominent Loyalist family on August 4, 1784
E-5 on the Prince Edward island Highway map
War Memorial
Situated at the entrance of the Central Lot 16 Protestant (Old Methodist) Cemetery
E-10 on the Prince Edward Island Highway map
The First Protestant Burial Ground (somewhere within the block contained by Pownal, Richmond, Queen and Grafton Streets)
Duport, Hon. John -1774
Lawyer/Justice of the Peace
Member of the Executive Council for Nova Scotia
First Chief Justice for Prince Edward Island
Higgins, David 1730-1783
Clerk/Shipmaster/Business Agent/Miller/Merchant/Mariner
Naval officer for the Colony
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Additional information may be found in Volume IV of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
VanBrankle, Adrian -1776
Member of the Legislative Assembly
The First Known Roman Catholic Church Cemetery in Charlottetown at the top of the now St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral Cemetery
Little, Theresa (1821-1827)
Little, Anne (1825-1827)
Children of Cornelius and Bridget (nee Costin) Little
Three of their brothers went on to distinguish themselves in Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland political history. John Little (then a Charlottetown lawyer) was a reform candidate in the Belfast district during the election which led to the Belfast Riot. Philip Francis Little was Newfoundland's first practicing Roman Catholic lawyer, elected to the Legislative Assembly as a Reformer and was the first Prime Minister of Newfoundland under Responsible Government. A third brother, the Hon., Sir Joseph Ignatius Little, was a Member of the Newfoundland Legislative Assembly a Member of the Executive Council, a Puisine Justice of the Newfoundland Supreme Court and became Chief Justice in 1898. He was knighted by King Edward VII in 1901.
MacDonald, Donald 1779-1845
Member of the Legislative Assembly
First member of the Roman Catholic faith to be elected to the Prince Edward Island Colonial Assembly
Highfield Cemetery (also known as St. Anthony Burial Ground)
MacGregor, James Warburton (Roach) 1929-2000
Horseman/Harness Racing Diver & Breeder
Highly respected Harness Racing Driver and Owner of Glengyle Farms, a renowned harness racing breeding facility
Trained horses for legendary driver Joe O'Brien and accompanied him when O'Brien made his decision to seek out a career in the United States
As a driver he held a number of world records, including the fastest dead heat ever recorded. He twice drove the winner of the prestigious Gold Cup & Saucer race
Sentner, Carl Wendall 1940-1984
Author/Short Story Writer
Producer/Director for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Historic Sites and Monuments
Agriculture Research
This sandstone cairn erected in 1959 commemorates the establishment of the Charlottetown Experimental Farm. The sandstone formed part of the Charlottetown Old Market Building which was destroyed a year earlier
All Soul's Chapel (St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral)
This plaque commemorates the style of architecture and the work of William Critchlow Harris
Apothecaries Hall/Hughes Drug Store
This plaque on Queen Street (on the side of the Cow's Ice Cream outlet) commemorates one of Canada's oldest continually operated pharmacies in Canada
Ardgowan National Historic Park
This plaque and interpretive centre commemorates the life of William Henry PopeCentennial of Flight in P.E.I.
This plaque was installed inside the Charlottetown Civic Centre in 2012.
Francis Bain
This monument on the grounds of the Coles Building on Richmond Street commemorates the life of an early P.E.I. naturalist
Sir Henry Wolsey Bayfield
This monument on the grounds of Province House commemorates the life of a noted hydrographer and navigator
Beach Grove Memorial Forest
This monument is dedicated to the memory of all Islanders who died in the service of Canada. It is situated on the grounds of the former Beach Grove Military Training Facility near the Beach Grove Inn in the former West Royalty
The plaque on the front of Beaconsfield House at 2 Kent Street commemorates the opening of the headquarters of the Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation by Her Majesty the Queen in 1973
Boer War Memorial
Situated on the grounds of the Coles Building, on Richmond Street
Brick Powder Magazine
The brick powder magazine, just inside the entrance to the Brighton Military Compound was erected in 1866. This plaque commemorates the Land tenure Question on Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown City Hall
This National Historic Plaque is situated at City Hall on the corner of Queen and Kent Streets
Charlottetown Forum
Situated at the site of the old Charlottetown Forum on Fitzroy Street, this plaque commemorates the Charlottetown Forum
Charlottetown Hospital & Nursing School
Situated at the corner of Haviland and Sydney Streets, this monument commemorates the Charlottetown Hospital which served from 1879 to 1982 and the Charlottetown Hospital School of Nursing which operated from 1920 to 1971.
George Coles
This plaque on the grounds of Province House commemorates a Father of Confederation
Sir Louis Henry Davies
This National Historic Plaque which commemorates the life of Sir Louis Henry Davies, the only Prince Edward Islander to serve as Chief Justice on Canada's Supreme Court may be found at the Sir Louis Henry Davies Law Courts on Water Street
Sir Robert Falconer
Plaque commemorates the life of a former President of Pine Hill College and the University of Toronto
First Legislative Assembly
Plaque on Queen Street on the former Carter & Co. building commemorates the first Legislative Assembly of the Colony, held at the Cross Keys Tavern
Fairholm House
Situated on Fitzroy Street across from the Salvation Army Chapel and the First Baptist Church, this site commemorates the architecture of this home as well as the history of the Haviland family
Government House (Fanningbank)
Plaque at the entrance commemorates the official residence of the Lieutenant-Governor of Prince Edward Island
Hon. John Hamilton Gray
This plaque on the grounds of Province House Commemorates a Father of Confederation
Great George Street
The entire street is designated a National Historic Site to commemorate the Fathers of Confederation
Robert Harris
This plaque (situated in Confederation Centre Library) commemorates one of Canada's leading portrait painters
Hon. Thomas Heath Haviland
This plaque on the grounds of Province House Commemorates a Father of Confederation
Highfield Presbyterian Church
This large sandstone monument on the grounds of the Saint Anthony's Burial Ground commemorates the Highfield Presbyterian Church that stood here from 1900-1959
Injured Workers
This plaque on the Kent Street side of the Shaw Buildings commemorates those who have been injured while on the job
Irish Settlers Memorial
This large memorial is situated on the Charlottetown waterfront near the Queen Charlotte Armouries
Hon. Andrew Archibald MacDonald
This plaque on the grounds of Province House Commemorates a Father of Confederation
Hon. Daniel Joseph MacDonald
A bust and a display situated in the lobby of the Veteran's Affairs Building commemorates the life of the Hon. Daniel J. MacDonaldLady Constable Monument
A memorial to the 25 Irish immigrants who died on the ship, the Lady Constable and to the upwards of 30 people who died after her arrival in Charlottetown is situated at the site of mass graves in the Old Charlottetown Roman Catholic Cemetery.Most Rev. Angus Bernard MacEachern Monument
This statue to the first Bishop of the Diocese of Charlottetown. is situated on the grounds of St. Dunstan’s Basilica.
Hon. Edward Palmer
This plaque on the grounds of Province House Commemorates a Father of Confederation
Phillips and Chappell Architects (Ardgowan National Historic Park)
This plaque commemorates the work of Phillips and Chappell Architecture Firm
Sir Joseph Pope
Situated at the Federal Building on Queen Street, this plaque commemorates the private secretary for Prime Minister Sir John A. MacDonald
Hon. William Henry Pope
This plaque on the grounds of Province House Commemorates a Father of Confederation
Premiers Conference
This plaque on the grounds of Province House commemorates the 25th. Annual Meeting of the Premier's Conference in Charlottetown in 1984
Prince Edward Island Becomes a Province
This plaque is situated on the Provincial Administration Offices grounds commemorates Prince Edward Island joining the Dominion of Canada on July 1, 1873
Province House National Historic Site
This plaque commemorates Province House as being the Birthplace of Canada
Queen Square School
This monument commemorates and students that attended the school at this site on Great George Street from 1878 to 1962
Sisters of St. Martha
This monument commemorates the founding of the order of Sisters of St. Martha on Prince Edward Island in 1916. It is situated in the Mount St. Mary's Cemetery on the Mount Edward Road
St. Dunstan's Basilica
The plaque commemorates the Basilica proper and the role of the Roman Catholic Church on Prince Edward Island
St. Vincent's Orphanage
This plaque situated on University Avenue across from the University of Prince Edward Island commemorates the orphanage that stood on this location from 1912 to 1962. It was erected by the Reunion Committee of 1985
Survey of the Gulf and the River St. Lawrence
This National Historic Site Plaque may be found in the Confederation Landing Park
War Memorial
Situated on the grounds of Province House, facing onto Univerisyt AvenueMona Gordon Wilson
National monument in commemoration of Mona Gordon Wilson (1894-1981), the Toronto-born nurse whose efforts as Prince Edward Island's Provincial Director of Public Health Nursing in the early 20th century were fundamental to the development of the province's public health system.Edward Whelan
This plaque on the grounds of Province House Commemorates a Father of Confederation
Women in War Service
This plaque on the grounds of Province House Commemorates the more than 150 women who served in both wartime and peacetime missionsTanner Craswell & Mitch MacLean Memorial
This monument situated at Memorial Field in Victoria Park commemorates the lives of two Island baseball players who were tragically murdered in Alberta, Canada.
Mount St. Mary's (Sisters of St. Martha) Cemetery
Cullen, Sister Ella 1898-1994
Sister Ellen Mary
Superior of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha
Cullen, Sister Patricia 1912-1991
Teacher/Laboratory and X-Ray Technician
Outstanding Community Volunteer
Charter member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Coordinating Council of Deafness
Member of the Board of Directors of the Sacred Heart Home
She was honoured with a medal by civic and religious authorities for her work with hearing-impaired individuals
She was awarded a Papal Medal for her work during the sesquicentennial year of the Diocese of Charlottetown
She was awarded a silver medal in the 1973 Provincial Centennial Hymn contest
Keefe, Sister Mary Angela 1910-2003
Teacher/Registered Nurse/Hospital Administrator
Superior of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha
MacDonald, Sister Mary Anne 1882-1970
Sister Mary Stanislaus
Superior of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha
MacDonald, Sister Stella 1915-1997
Sister Mary David
Registered Nurse
Superior of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha
Director of the Charlottetown Hospital's School of Nursing
Administrator of the Charlottetown Hospital
MacPhee, Sister Eileen 1892-1952
Sister Mary Paula
Superior of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha
Superintendent of the Charlottetown Hospital
Founder of the Catholic Welfare Bureau
Instrumental in the establishment of the Western Hospital in Alberton
McKinnon, Sister, Dr. Mary Irene 1917-2002
Registered Nurse/Educator/Pastoral Assistant/Author
Superior of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha
First Director of the P.E.I. School of Nursing
Member of the Executive of the Canadian Nurses Association
She was granted an honorary LL.D from the University of Prince Edward Island
Mulligan, Sister Katherine 1901-1996
Sister Mary Henry
Social Activist
Member of the Order of Canada
Walsh, Sister Theresa Ann 1895-1987
Sister Mary Teresa
Superior of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Martha
Old Protestant Burying Ground
Alexander, Thomas 1756-1824
United Empire Loyalist
Member of the Prince Edward Island Militia
Sergeant at Arms and Crier of the Court
Arbuckle, John -1871
Teacher/School Inspector
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Bagnall, Samuel 1745-1810
Soldier/Cabinet Maker
United Empire Loyalist
Deputy Sheriff/Gaoler/Sergeant at Arms for the Legislative Assembly
Member of Butler's Rangers and a Prisoner of War during the American Revolution
The Loyalist story is treated well in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1989) in the article The Loyalist Question on Prince Edward Island 1793-1861
Bagnall, Samuel 1771-1837
General Merchant
Member of the Legislative Assembly
An interesting article on his son-in-law, printer and publisher James Barrett Cooper, may be found in Volume XI of the Dictionary of Canadian BiographyBarnard, Jabez 1788-1859
He assisted in the construction of the second St. Paul’s Church of England which was opened in 1836.
He was a member of the California Association that traveled to California on the “Fanny”to search for gold
Barrow, Hon. John 1775-1865
Plantation Owner/Businessman/Lawyer
Assistant Judge of the Supreme CourtBeazeley, Margaret -1850
Her water colour collection today is in the collection of Confederation Centre.
Her husband was a son of adistinguished Russian Count and was a Commander serving in the Royal Navy.
Binns, Charles 1786-1847
Businessman/Lawyer/Militia Officer
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Additional information may be found in Volume VII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Birnie, Hon. George 1786-1863
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Member of the Legislative Council
Treasury Note Commissioner
Braddock, Samuel Clarke 1767-1824
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Served as a Volunteer in the First Battalion of the King's Rangers
Brecken, Hon. John 1800-1847
Merchant/Bank Director
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Member of the Legislative Council
Additional information may be found in Volume VII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Brecken, Ralph 1770-1813
Soldier/Merchant and Exporter/Justice of the Peace
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Speaker of the House of Assembly
Lieutenant-Colonel of the Queen's County Militia
Byers, Peter (Black Peter) 1796-1815
The son of former slaves who came with the Robinson family to the Island after the American Revolution, he and his brother Sancho were hung in Charlottetown for petty theft. A descendant of one of his brothers was George "Old Chocolate" Godfrey was the "first U.S. colored heavyweight champion" and one of the leading fighters in the world. Additional information about Godfrey may be found in Volume XIII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography.
Additional information on Peter may be found in Volume V of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Callbeck, Hon. Philips 1744-1790
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Attorney-General/Colonial Treasurer
Speaker of the House of Assembly
Administrator of the Government during the absences of the Governor
First Judge of the Probate Court
Was kidnapped by New England privateers during the American Revolution, and released on the orders of General George Washington.
Additional information may be found in Volume IV of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Cambridge, Lemuel 1783-1857
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Treasury Note Commissioner
He was a son of John Cambridge, Land Agent and Businessman whose interesting story may be found in Volume VI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Cameron, Ewen 1788-1831
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Speaker of the House of AssemblyCarey, Edward A. 1834-1863
Royal Navy/Hydrographer
Wounded in the Crimean War
Conducted with his uncle, John Orlebar, a hydrographic survey of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Chappell, Benjamin 1739-1825
Wheelwright/Machinist/Methodist Lay Preacher/Postmaster/Diarist
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Associated with and a friend of John Wesley while in England
Through his diaries (1775-1817), we have a view of early life on the Island
Additional information may be found in Volume VI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Clark, John (1751-1813)
Carpenter/Cabinet Maker/Tavern & Inn Keeper
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Collins, John Philip 1805-1839
Civil Servant/Clerk
Member of the Executive Council
Colonial Secretary and Clerk of Her Majesty's Council
Creed, Capt. William 1739-1809
Member of the Legislative Assembly
He died suddenly while attending a session of the Colonial Assembly
Dalrymple, Hon. George R. 1790-1851
Apothecary/Land Agent/Miller/Merchant/Lecturer
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Legislative Council
Speaker of the House of Assembly
In 1838 was part of a delegation to discuss union of the British North American Colonies
Additional information may be found in Volume VIII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Dawson, Thomas 1762-1804
Soldier/Farmer/Methodist Preacher
Information regarding a grandson, Samuel Edward Dawson, prominent businessman, publisher, author and civil servant, may be found in Volume XIV of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
DesBrisay, Rev. Theophilus 1754-1823
First Rector of St. Paul's Church of England parish
Justice of the Peace/Overseer of Roads
Member of the Executive Council
He was captured by privateers in the Strait of Canso during the American Revolution and was later released by General George Washington
Additional information may be found in Volume VI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
DesBrisay, Hon. Thomas 1736-1819
Soldier in His Majesty's Forces/Justice of the Peace
Appointed as Lieutenant-Governor under Governor Walter Patterson
Member of the Executive Council
Additional information on the Hon. Thomas DesBrisay may be found in Volume V of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography and information on a great-great-grandson Matthew Byles DesBrisay, a prominent individual in Nova Scotia life, may be found in Volume XII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
DesBrisay, Thomas 1781-1852
Founder of Apothecaries Hall on the corner of Queen and Grafton Streets (National Historic Site)
De St. Croix, Dr. Benjamin 1776-1848
Surgeon General and Superintendent to His Majesty's Forces
Member of the Executive Council
Dockendorff, William 1772-1839
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Douse, William 1800-1864
Farmer/Brewer/Auctioneer/Land Agent/Land Owner/Shipmaster
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Lord Selkirk's Land Agent
The butt of possibly the first political cartoon penned on Prince Edward Island
He was a highly contentious and controversial figure who drew violence upon himself. He was a candidate in the Belfast district which saw a riot develop in the midst of an election poll.
This story is covered in depth in the Island Magazine's (Fall/Winter 1983) in the article The Belfast Riot and (Spring/Summer 1990) in the article Parliamentary Privilege and Electoral Disputes on Colonial Prince Edward Island Part II.
Another story of his life may be found in the Island Magazine (Spring/Summer 1987) in the article Charlottetown's Good Samaritan of The Deep.
Additional information may be found in Volume IX of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Dowie (or Dowey), George Stewart 1846 -1869
Ship's Steward
One of the last people to be publicly hanged in British North America
Duchemin, Watson 1790-1872
Pump and Block maker who patented two inventions
Ezeard, Capt. John 1773-1818
Master of "The Valiant", a well-known Prince Edward Island immigrant ship
Gardiner, John 1759-1842
United Empire Loyalist
Lived at "Potosi Grove", on the east side of the North River
Gardiner, William Hazard 1786-1867
Auctioneer and Commission Merchant in Charlottetown
Gisborne, Alida Ellen 1834-1854
Wife of Frederick Newton Gisborne, the director of the project that laid the first submarine cable in North America
Additional information about Gisborne and his career may be found in Volume XII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Goff, Fade 1782-1836
Land Agent/Miller/Coroner and Clerk of the Crown/Justice of the Peace
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Additional information may be found in Volume VII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Goodman, Hon. George Richard 1761-1845
Member of the Executive Council
Member of the Legislative Council
Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod
Gray, Hon. Robert 1748-1828
Merchant/Army and Militia Officer/Private Secretary/Land Agent
United Empire Loyalist
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Assistant Judge of the Supreme Court and Acting Chief Justice
Private Secretary and Protege of Governor Fanning
An original commissioner engaged to sign and issue treasury notes on behalf of the government
Interred in an unmarked below ground vault
An interesting article on a journey that he made may be found in the Island Magazine (Fall/Winter 1997) and is entitled A Journey Across Lot 13 in 1793
Additional information may be found in Volume VI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Grubb, John 1787-1846
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Prior to his emigration to Prince Edward Island 1841, he served as the High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire in England
Haszard, Thomas (Virginia Tom) 1724-1804
United Empire Loyalist
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Haviland, Hon. Thomas Heath 1795-1867
Provost Marshall/Naval Officer/Land Agent/Proprietor/Banker
Member of the Executive Council
Colonial Treasurer/Colonial Secretary/Registrar
Clerk of the Executive and Legislative Councils
Treasury Note Commissioner
Assistant Judge of the Supreme Court
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Mayor of Charlottetown
President of the Bank of Prince Edward Island
In 1838 was part of a delegation to discuss union of the British North American Colonies
Additional information may be found in Volume IX of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Haythorn, Hon. Edward Curtis 1814-1859
Magistrate for Queen's County
Member of the Legislative Council
Son of John Haythorn, a Mayor of Bristol, England
His brother, the Hon. Robert Haythorne (1815-1891) also rose to prominence in Island political circles. Robert was a Member of the Legislative Council, Premier of Prince Edward Island and a Member of the Senate of Canada. He died in Ottawa and is believed to have been interred there.
Additional information may be found in Volume XII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Hodgson, Robert 1765-1811
Carpenter/Merchant/Army Officer/Justice of the Peace/Lawyer
Clerk of the Crown and Coroner
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Speaker of the House of Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Treasury Note Commissioner
Additional information may be found in Volume V of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Holland, John Frederick 1764-1845
Surveyor/Army and Naval Officer/Proprietor/Justice of the Peace
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Son of Surveyor-General Samuel Holland, he was among the first children born of British parentage on St. John's Island, was known by his father as "St. John's Jack"
An article regarding his home "Holland Grove" may be found in the Island Magazine (Fall/Winter 1999) entitled Painting a History: The Story of Holland Grove
Additional information on this colourful individual may be found in Volume VII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Hutchinson, Hon. Robert 1802-1866
Tavern Keeper/Jailer/Merchant/Justice of the Peace
First Mayor of Charlottetown
Member of the Legislative Council
Additional information may be found in Volume IX of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Hyde, Thomas
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Father-in-law of Governor Walter Patterson, first British appointed Governor of Prince Edward Island in 1770
Additional information on Patterson may be found in Volume IV of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Great-grandfather of Margaret Gordon who was married to Sir Alexander Bannerman, a later Governor of Prince Edward Island, assuming office in 1851. Margaret was attracted prior to her marriage to a young but poor schoolmaster, Thomas Carlyle. Carlyle made her the heroine, Blumine, of his popular book, Sartor Resartus.
Additional information on Sir Alexander Bannerman may be found in Volume VIII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Hyde, William 1763-1831
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Hyndman, Robert 1806-1868
Mariner/Customs Broker/Justice of the Peace
Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod and Sergeant at Arms to the Legislative Council
Member of the Legislative Assembly
High Sheriff of Prince County
Jarvis, Hon. Edward James 1788-1852
Was appointed judge of the New Brunswick Supreme Court, but was not confirmed
King's assessor in Malta
Member of the Executive Council
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
An excellent article on himself and his family may be found in the Island Magazine (Fall/Winter 1983) entitled The Household and Family of Edward Jarvis, 1828-1852
Additional information may be found in Volume VIII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Information on his father, Munson Jarvis (1742-1825) may be found in Volume VI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Jenkins (Henckell), Nicholas (Nicholaus) -1823
United Empire Loyalist
Hessian Soldier during the American Revolution
Johnson, Hon., Dr. Henry Allan 1790-1872
Mayor of Louth in Lincolnshire England
Member of the Legislative Council
Member of the Executive Council
Johnston, William 1780-1828
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
Attorney General of Prince Edward Island
Chairman of the Sons of St. Andrews
Additional information may be found in Volume VI of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Lane, Hon. Ambrose 1792-1853
Soldier/Justice of the Peace
Town Major of the Garrison
Lieutenant Colonel, Adjutant General and Inspector of the Militia
Administrator of the colony on two occasions
Member of the Executive Council
Judge of the Supreme Court
LePage, Elisha 1764-1813
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Longworth, Francis 1766-1843
Tanner/Justice of the Peace/Magistrate/Militia Officer
Lietenant-Colonel in the Militia
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Member of the Executive Council
High Sheriff of Prince Edward Island
First President of the Benevolent Irish Society Chapter
Additional information may be found in Volume VII of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Mabey, George 1756-1847
Soldier/Farmer/Tavern Keeper
United Empire Loyalist
Adjutant to Shuttleworth's Foresters
Mabey, Paul 1786-1863
Clerk/Merchant/Militia Officer
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Additional information may be found in Volume IX of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
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