Will of John Baker of Prince Edward Island (-1894, Miscouche)

Last Will and Testament of John Baker

Liber 13 Folio 597

I John Baker of Miscouche in Prince County Prince Edward Island, Being of sound and disposing mind, do judge it best to make, and accordingly hereby make this my last Will and Testament.

It is my will that all my just debts and charges of my funeral be paid and discharged by my Executors hereinafter named (partial line missing) as soon as may be convenient after my decease.

I give, devise and dispose of my Estate, real and personal in the following manner.

I give to my Wife Caroline Baker Fourteen hundred dollars together with the Household furniture now in my House.

I give to my son Philip Robert Baker the sum of one dollar. I give to my daughter Evaline Lucinda Fraser Fifty dollars.

I give to my daughter Caroline Augusta Baker Fifty dollars.

I give to my daughter Mary Sophia Baker One hundred dollars and our Organ.

I give to my son Charles Spurgeon Baker One hundred dollars.

I will and devise that the Balance of my Estate Real and Personal, shall be equally divided amongst my Children whose names follow – George Edwin Baker, James Douglas Baker, Joseph Albert Baker, Evaline Lucinda Fraser, William Henry Baker, Caroline Augusta Baker, Charles Spurgeon Baker and Mary Sophia Baker, or their Heirs.

I have already given my son Isaac Darby Baker his full share of my property.

It is my intention to pay the several bequests above mentioned to my children as they may require it, during my lifetime. And whatever amount is so paid to them, or any of them, shall be deducted from the several bequests above mentioned by my Executors whom I charge with carrying out this Will. And I do nominate and Appoint my Son George Edwin Baker, and James A. Bearisto and my Wife Caroline Baker my Executors and Executrix to this my last Will and Testament. And do hereby revoke all former Will or Wills and declare this to be my last Will and Testament.

In Witness Whereof I the said John Baker hath to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and Seal this Eighth day of January A.D. 1884

Signed, Sealed, Published and
Declared by the said John Baker
as his last Will and Testament
in the presence of us who in his
presence and at his request have
hereunto set our hands as Witnesses

(Signed) John Baker

John D. Goss
G. H. Walker







The Honourable RICHARD REDDIN, Surrogate and Judge of Probate of Wills, and for granting Letters of Administration on the Estates of Persons deceased, having Goods, Chattels, Rights or Credits in Prince Edward Island, sendeth greeting:

Know ye, That on the twenty-fifth day of October Anno Domini 1894 the instrument purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of John Baker of Miscouche in Prince County, Farmer, late of said Island deceased (a true copy whereof is hereunto annexed), presented for probate by George E. Baker, James A Beairsto and Caroline Baker, the Executors therein named; and the execution this of having been proved by John D. Goss, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto who made oath before Commissioner Henry E. Wright, Esquire, made oath that he saw the said Testator sign and heard him declare the said Instrument to be his last Will and Testament, and that he the said John D. Goss and G. H. Walker subscribed their names together as Witnesses to the Execution thereof, in the Testators presence; and that he was then (to the best of his judgment) of sound and disposing mind.

I do prove, approve and allow of the said Instrument, as the last Will and Testament of the before named Deceased, and do commit the Administration thereof, in all matters the same concerning and of his Estate whereof he died, seized and possessed in the said Island, unto George E. Baker, James A Beairsto and Caroline Baker, the before-named Executors well and faithfully to execute the said Will, and to administer the Estate of the Deceased according thereto, who accepted of this said Trust, and to render a full and true Inventory of the whole Estate of the said Deceased until the Court of Probate, within three months from the date hereof; and they shall render an account (upon oath) of their proceedings, within six months from the date hereof.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and the Seal of the Court of Probate of the said Island, the day and year above written, and in the fifty-eighth year of Her Majesty’s reign.

(Signed) Richard Reddin
Innovate(sp) Judge of Probate

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