The Bee (Pictou, NS) Weds., 20 July, 1836, page 71
Captain Thomas Graham Leaves the Mining Company's Wharf at Pictou every Thursday evening after the arrival of the mail from Halifax, for Charlotte Town and Miramichi; leaves Charlotte Town every Friday morning, and returns to Pictou calling at Charlotte Town, leaving Miramichi every Monday morning, --- and will take such FREIGHT from these places as may offer, at the following RATES FROM PICTOU to CHARLOTTE TOWN.
Cabin Passengers ------------------- 12s each,
Steerage do ----------------------- 6s "
Horses ---------------------------- 20s "
Gigs and Wagons, ------------------- 10s "
Goods, per barrel, bulk, ----------- 1s 3d.CHARLOTTE TOWN to MIRAMICHI.
Cabin Passengers ------------------- 20s each,
Steerage do ------------------------ 10s "
Horses, ---------------------------- 20s "
Cattle, ---------------------------- 15s per head
Sheep and Pigs, --------------------- 2s each
Goods, per barrel, bulk, ----------- 1s 3d.
Wagons and Carriages, -------------- 13s eachPICTOU to MIRAMICHI.
Cabin Passengers, ------------------- 30s each
Steerage do ----------------------- 15s "
Horses, ---------------------------- 25s "
Cattle, ---------------------------- 22s 6d pr head,
Sheep and Pigs, --------------------- 2s 6d each
Gigs and Wagons, -------------------- 15s "
Goods, per barrel, bulk, ----------- 1s 6d.Passengers found on paying for their meals. No person allowed to smoke in the cabin or steerage.
Pictou, July, 20, 1836. [Info from Gary Carroll]