Miscellany from P.E.I. Newspapers

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Submitted by T. W. Stewart

Tom has been collecting little bits and pieces from P.E.I. Newspapers from the 1800's and early 1900's. These include Births, Deaths, Animal Stories, Ship Launches, Ship sinkings, Ice Stories, Storms, Fires - just about anything goes!

We regret to inform you that Tom passed away in Ottawa, Ont. Monday, October 16, 2006 at the age of 84.

Various Items of Interest



Examiner, June 17, 1851

TWS NOTE: The Kinlays are mentioned in the Strathgartney Journals and were later associated with Farrer Stewart (D.B.'s brother), who lived at West Cape.

On Sunday morning, the 1st instant, the House of James Kinlay Esq., J.P., West Cape of this Island was discovered to be on Fire. Mr. Kinley with great difficulty, succeeded in saving a very small proportion of his property, nearly everything being consumed, and most melancholy to relate his son Jabez, a fine boy of 12 years of age, together with a brother of Mr. Kinlay's who is both deaf & dumb, perished in the flames. The heart of the unhappy youth was found nearly entire, but not another vestige of either was discovered. The fire originated in the carelessness of a servant maid going to sleep leaving a candle burning by her bed side.




Royal Gazette March 22, 1842

Last evening a poor man named Alexander Nicholson from the Big Woods, Murray Harbour Road Settlement, about 4 weeks since he was in the Woods chopping a log, which resting on the branches, after a second gave way, turned over on his leg, & a snag taking hold of his flesh, tore it off down to his foot, & completely dislocated his knee. His mother & his wife being the only persons near at the time, got him home & there being no medical assistance in the Settlement, he continued to linger for some days, when he was brought to town, but it was too late to render him any assistance. He suffered the most excruciating pains from 10 o'clock yesterday morning until 10 at night when he expired. His wife has since been delivered of twin children, & her life is despaired of. The deceased came to the Island 2 years ago, from the Isle of Sky, & is 29 years of age.



Royal Gazette May 4, 1841

ACCIDENT: On Wednesday last as Peter Louis with some other Indians were shooting wild ducks off Governor's Island, the gun of one of the party accidently discharged and being loaded with large shot, shattered Louis's arm in such a dreadful manner as to require amputation, which was performed the same night by Dr. Makieson. Louis who is a temperate man, bore the operation with more than Roman fortitude.



Wm. Allanby was awarded Lot 18 along with Col. Robert Stewart, elder brother of Peter Stewart, the Chief Justice. At a council meeting held on 8 July 1776 - William Allanby Esq., a member of this Board sailed from this Island on the second day of November, 1774 & has not since arrived to the Island or any part of its Territories .... the said Mr. Allanby had obtained on the 16th of Oct. 1774 His Excellency the Governor's leave of absence for six months & he has been absent 1 year & 7 months .... he should no longer be a member of this Council.



A Patriarch

TWS Note: This man's grave is in the grave yard to the right and just before arriving at Ross's Corners as you leave S'Side.

Royal Gazette Aug 18, 1846.

A Patriarch - Alexander who proposed the Hon. Joseph Pope & Dr. Conroy, at Bedeque, in a speech of considerable length, & who also swore in the Returning Officer & the Poll Clerks, completed his hundredth year last October. At present he never even uses a walking cane, & his conversation & intellect are as lively & vigorous as they were fifty years since. He has been in the Commission of the Peace for the last 40 years.




Islander, Feb. 13, 1852

On Saturday, the First instant, in the 107th year of his age, ALEXANDER ANDERSON, Esq., of Bedeque. Mr. Anderson was born in the Parish of Murray, near Elgin, Scotland, on the 7th October, 1745. He emigrated to New York in the year 1770, and was concerned on the side of the Crown in the Wars of the Revolution, during which he was three times wounded, once severely, by a shot in the leg. At the Peace, he came to this Island, as a Loyalist, and after some years he married and settled in Bedeque, where he acquired a valuable property of about 1000 acres of land. The deceased's life in this Island was one of untiring industry; his habits, morally and physically, the most orderly and exemplary; he often boasted that he never broke his word with any man, and this he was enabled to do from his punctuality with others. He was of robust frame of body, with strong retentive memory, which he retained until very lately; and though latterly deprived of sight, his cheerfulness, nor interest in passing events, never deserted him. He was 53 years in the Commission of the Peace. So gradual and painless has been his decay, that it may be strictly said, his taper burned out.


Royal Gazette Aug. 18, 1846.

Audubon, the Ornithologist, has left Montreal for the Southern States, for the purpose of procuring some specimens to complete the last volume of his splendid work on the Birds of America. He has taken with him a great number of English songsters, unknown in America, which he intends to liberate on his arrival, that they may be propagated in his native land.



Royal Gazette Aug. 10, 1841

The officers and Gentleman of H. M. Brig Ringdove, gave a very splendid Ball and Supper on Friday evening last, to His Excellency Sir Charles and Lady Mary Fitz Roy, Miss Fitz Roy, and the principal inhabitants of Charlottetown and its neighbourhood - to the number of 90 persons. The decorations and fittings up of the beautiful ship, were of the most striking and elegant description, and the whole were arranged with that excellent taste and neatness so peculiarly characteristic of the officers of Her Majesty's Naval service. The merry dance was kept up with much spirit, and the rosy light of morning beamed above the horizon, before the delighted guests took leave of their kind and hospital entertainers.



St. Paul's Church Records, Charlottetown

ALEXANDER BIRNIE - Born July 9, 1813; baptized Sept. 13, 1813

ANNE BAYLEY STEPHEN STEWART BIRNIE - Daughter of Mr. George Birnie and of Magdalen Stewart, his wife. Born Sept. 17, 1811. Baptized Dec. 27, 1811.



The C.Examiner, Aug. 7, 1857

EARLY HARVESTING - The annual Prize given by the Hon.George Coles for the first new Barley delivered at his Brewery, was awarded to Mr. Alexander MacKenzie, Saint Peter's, on the 5th instant. The Barley was cut on the 31st of July.



Royal Gazette Aug 13,1833

On Saturday night the 3rd inst. Mr. Roderick M'Donald, of Norrie's Pond, was severely injured by a Bear. Having information that he was in pursuit of some sheep, M'Donald went out accompanied by a person of the name of M'Aulay, with his gun loaded with swan shot; when within a few paces of the prowler, he fired and lodged the contents of his musket in his body, from the effects of which he fell. He thought he should now have no trouble to dispatch him, ran up and struck him with an axe, but before he gave a second blow, he wrested that weapon from his hand and threw it to some distance. He was now in the power of bruin singlehanded, who made several attempts to seize him by the throat, and it was only by getting hold of his ears, he extricated himself from his desparate embrace. The bear now endeavoured to make off, but M'Donald getting hold of a longer from the fence renewed the fight - he struck him two or three times, the longer breaking at each blow; having a small piece only left in his hand, he endeavoured to thrust it down his throat, but missing his aim he again fell against the Bear, who made every effort to seize upon him in the vital parts, and it was merely by putting his hand in his mouth which was bitten desperately, that he was prevented. After struggling for some time with his savage antagonist, he succeeded in getting again hold of his ears, by which means he was relieved from his fangs. After his rescue he was covered with blood from the top of his head to his feet, which proceeded from his own wounds and those of the Bear. It seems unaccountable how M'Aulay could have remained quiet during this frightful contest and not render assistance. M'Donald called to him several times but he gave him no aid, his excuse afterwards was, that it being dark, he was as likely to strike M'Donald as the Bear. Although M'Donald was dreadfully mangled, we are happy to say he is in a fair way of recovery. A pursuit was made after the bear by a number of the neighbours, but it raining during the night they lost all trace of his path.



TWS Note: His children were contemporary with Robert Bruce Stewart Jr. (Allan Stewart's father) Beete later left the Island and became the subject of a scandal. See below.

The Islander, March 5, 1852

Secretary's Office March 5, 1852

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor has been pleased provisionally to appoint John Picton Beete, Esquire, to a seat in the Legislative Council of the Island.

James Warburton, Colonial Secretary.


S'Side Journal, Aug. 9, 1888

A report which is current in Ch'town just now, and which is well authenicated, furnishes unlimited food for the lovers of a little gossip. To make a long story short, Major Beete, for some forty years a resident of this Island, a few years ago inherited an immensely valuable estate in England, by the death of his uncle, General Sir John Picton, a Waterloo hero. Major Beete then assumed the name of Picton and his income suddenly swelled to the comfortable sum of 5,000 pounds sterling, or about $25,000 a year. Shortly afterwards he removed to England where he died last year at the age of 90. The property being entailed, it was taken for granted that his eldest son, Francis Picton would be the heir, but not so. It turns out that Major Beete was married before, and his first wife's son, a man of sixty years of age, has appeared on the scene and laid claim to the property. Everything is so straight that the best legal advice says that his claim must be admitted. Major Beete was always an oddity, but his eccentricity took a most extraordinary course in concealing from the world, and particularly from his own family, the fact of his having been previously married.



TWS Note: The mother of these children, Helen Olympia, was a grand daughter of John Stewart and first cousin to Helen Stewart Birnie, great grandmother of TWS.



Royal Gazette Nov. 11, 1833

At Mussurabad, Benmgal, on the 28th February, the Lady of Colonel Littler, commanding the 58th Native Infantry, of a fine girl.

Note by TWS: This was Helen Colebrooke Littler



Royal Gazette Sept. 15, 1835

On the 22nd July at Colebrooke Park, Tunbridge, the Lady of Lieut. Col. Littler of the 54th Bengal Native Infantry, of a daughter.

Note by TWS: Either Louisa or Flora.



Royal Gazette July 22, 1834

GRAMPUS FISHING - On Thursday last, about 4 p.m. a large shoal of Grampuses, in full chase, probably after some smaller species of the finny tribe, was seen from Orwell Point, standing in from the Bay, and darkening the surface of the water with their dusky backs. On approaching the point which divides Seal River from the Orwell, the shoal separated into two divisions, each ascending one of these rivers to the number of at least two hundred. About twenty boats, well manned, and provided with such weapons as could be hastily procured, commenced an immediate pursuit, and succeeded by dint of extraordinary exertions, in driving on shore and capturing about a hundred and thirty of them, varying in size from ten feet to twenty fife. The blubber, which was from two to three inched thick, was immediately cut off in squares, and there is no doubt but a considerable quantity of excellent oil will be derived from this lucky windfall.



Royal Gazette Dec. 8, 1840

Last week , off the shore of Township 43 about 2 leagues to the eastward of Cable Head, a large shoal of Grampuses were observed near the land, & after some had got aground, several of the inhabitants near the place launched boats & drove many more ashore; & finally secured 64 of them, the largest about 18 feet long. All the blubber etc. had been got ashore before Thursday last, but we are sorry to hear that the captors cannot agree in dividing the spoil.



Royal Gazette Dec. 22, 1840

Further account of the capture of the Whales or Black Fish at Lot 43. Three persons of the name of M'Kinnon, of Goose River, & 2 named M'donald, of Fox River, accompanied with three other young men, saw a large shoal of Whales in about 12 fathoms water, off Goose River, when they put off with 2 boats, equipped with pitch forks & axes. The fish keeping constantly on the surface of the water, they succeeded in wounding one, which made immediately for the shore, the whole body following him, until they got into the surf, when the boats fell upon them with their weapons and despatched them.



Royal Gazette Sept. 8, 1846

A Shoal of Porpoises or Black Fish ran themselves on shore near Cape Kildare, a few days since. 41 of them were captured by the Inhabitants. Some of them were upwards of 22 feet long. A large quantity of Oil is in process of being made.



Royal Gazette Oct. 15, 1833

In our last we stated that a boat with nine persons on board had left Bear River on a fishing expedition, on the morning of Wednesday, the 18th inst., and that great apprehensions were entertained for their safety, as the night following had been wild and stormy, and no accounts had been received of them. It now appears that in the evening of that day, about nine o'clock, when it began to blow fresh off shore, they made for the land, distant about eight miles, with their oars; but the sea ran so high, and they shipped so much water, that they had to desist from rowing and set sail on the boat, keeping her as close to the wind as possible. The wind continuing to increase, the sail partly gave way, and a sea having swept away one of their oars, they had no alternative but to get her before the wind. All night it continued to blow with great violence, and at daylight no land was to be seen. The wind by this time had shifted a little to the westward. About nine o'clock on Thursday morning the wind abated a little, but they still held on their course until three o'clock in the afternoon, when they came in sight of Cape St. Lawrence on the coast of Cape Breton. They then altered their course to the southward, running along the coast of that island, until about three o'clock on Friday morning, when they arrived at Broad Cove, in a state of great exhaustion from wet cold and hunger. On the Tuesday following, being the seventh day after their departure, they got back to their homes, to the great joy of their friends, who, it may easily be believed had suffered no small degree of anxiety on their account.



P.E.I. Register, April 13, 1830

Yesterday, Michael White, aged 14, and William Stowe, aged 12, were committed to prison, charged with stealing two hams from the dwelling house of Solomon Desbrisay & also for feloniously breaking open his store (opposite Mr. Nelmes, north-east corner of Queen Square), and stealing raisins therefrom. These depredations were boldly committed the previous night. The house was entered by one of the windows. The juvenile delinquents, we understand, did not deny the facts - but mutually charged the other with being the instigator.



P.E.I. Register, Aug. 10, 1830

On Thursday, William White, a boy of only eight years of age, charged with stealing a gun-lock the property of William Mutton, was committed to prison. On his examination the youthful culprit confessed what he had done with the lock. He is a brother of Michael White's, who was convicted at the last term of Supreme Court, for a robbery on the premises of Solomon Desbrisay - for which offence he subsequently received three public whippings.



Royal Gazette Aug. 23, 1838

Letter to the Editor re faulty workmanship:
[It reminds me of the humerous old Irish song of Bryan O'Lynn]

"Bryan O'Lynn, his wife & his mother,
Were all going over the Bridge together,
The bridge it broke & they all fell in,
We're going to catch Herrings said Bryan O'Lynn".



Colonial Herald Oct. 19, 1839

The Rt. Honourable the Countess Of Westmoreland arrived here yesterday in the Steamer Cape Breton, from Pictou. It is the intention of her Ladyship, we understand, to spend the winter in the Island, & a house in Upper Queen St. has been prepared for her reception. We trust we may be allowed to entertain a hope that the visit of the Countess will be productive, not only of pleasure & satisfaction to herself, but of benefit to the numerous tenantry on the Earl's estate in this Island.



TWS Note: The details of the family of George Graham Crosbie are taken from the book RARE AMBITION by Michael Harris, 1992.

Thomas Crosbie, the father of George Graham, was born in the County of Dumfries in 1796.

In 1840, forty-nine year old Margaret Crosbie, wife of Thomas, left Scotland with her three sons - James, thirteen, John, eleven, and George Graham, five years old. Their father, Thomas, apparently did not come with them, at least there is no record of his arrival with his wife. By 1843, however, he was with his family in New Brunswick.

George Crosbie left New Brunswick for Newfoundland in 1858. He first went to Harbour Grace and then to Brigus. On Saturday, July 30, 1862 he married Martha Ellen Chalker, whose father was a cooper in Brigus. The ceremony was conducted by the Methodist Missionary at Harbour Grace, Rev. E. Brettle and was reported in the Harbour Grace Standard.

George & Martha set up house in Brigus, which was one of the more prosperous outports in Conception Bay. The town featured large, comfortable houses built at odd angles to take advantage of the marvellous scenery that set off one of the finest natural harbours on the island.

... the Crosbies shared a duplex called "Lakeside" with William and Mary Bartlett. The duplex had been converted from an unused granary.

George did very well and in 1871 the Newfoundland Directory listed his name in capital letters as a dealer in dry goods, groceries, provisions, crockery, boots and shoes. He also operated a small sawmill. By 1875 a ship, the Kersage was owned by the budding businessman.

George & Martha had eight children: Margaret, Thomas, Martha Ellen, Jennie, Walter, George Lamont, John Chalker, and Robert, the last child born in 1879.

In February 1892 Margaret, (Aunt Maggie), married Charles Rogers, the second son of the Hon. Benjamin Rogers af Alberton, P.E.I. ... While visiting her sister in P.E.I. Jennie Crosbie met her future husband, Thomas B. Woodman. The tranplanted sisters feuded for years for reasons that no one remembers. However, Aunt Maggie told Jean & myself that it was because Thomas Woodman had involved them in a poor investment in the silver fox business.

Ellie was the natural leader amongst the children. If anyone picked on the other children it was Ellie they had to contend with... Six foot two in heels, with a ramrod straight carriage and a fiercely determined spirit, she was nicknamed "Nelson" after the indomitable British admirable.

In 1884 George now aged forty-six moved his family to St. John's and soon after he purchased a hotel, Knight's Home that had been built twenty years earlier. When the reconditioned hotel opened its doors on May 1, 1886 it had a new name - the Central Hotel. The new enterprise boasted all the latest comforts. Including the first telephone service in Newfoundland. It also had a smoking room as well as a billiards room.

On Jan. 9, 1889 Aunt Ellie married Captain Henry Barlett. In 1893 Capt. Bartlett piloted Peary's expedition to northern Greenland, returning aboard the Falcon the following year to take Peary back to Philadelphia. Aunt Ellie accompanied him on the trip. Ellie however went home by another ship & Capt. Henry & the Falcon was lost with all hands in a hurricane off New York on Oct. 9, 1894. A few months later Ellie gave birth to Beth.

On Dec. 10, 1894 George Graham opened the second Central Hotel and three months later George died at the age of fifty nine - the same age that his father died.

After a mere thirty-five years in Nfld. George had risen from a tradesman in outport Nfld. to one of St. John's most enterprising businessmen.



The Evening Telegram, Monday, March 11, 1895

In this city, on Sunday, 10th inst. at 9 o'clock, p. m., George Graham Crosbie, proprietor of Central Hotel, aged 59 years; a native of Dumfries, Scotland. Funeral on Wednesday, 13th inst., at 2.30 p.m.: friends and acquaintances please attend without further notice.


A Tribute from the Sympathic Pen Of Mr. Murray

DEAR SIR,-- I was exceedingly sorry to hear to-day of the almost sudden death of an old friend in the person of Mr. George G. Crosbie, proprietor of Crosbie's Hotel. It was only one day last week that I met Mr. Crosbie on Water Street when collecting for the Athenaeum Library, and with the goodness of heart for which he was proverbial, and which made him so popular with all classes, he subscribed $5, saying pleasantly, "It will go hard with me if I can't help you to that extent." Although resident now for many years in St. John's where he came to take over the late "Knight's Home," Mr. Crosbie spent most of his life in Brigus, where at one time he did a large business in the general trade of the country, than which I know of nothing more trying to a Man's resources, nor calculated to make greater inroads upon his physical vitality. I well remember when preparing my pamphlet on the supplying trade being indebted to Mr. Crosbie for a ......... Mr. Crosbie was himself of most charitable disposition.

It is very sad that he should have been cut down just as he was on the point of blossoming into a new and more comfortable position, and one in which his many friends would have rejoiced to see him. Now that he is gone, alas!, we can all appreciate his worth........

Yours truly, JAMES MURRAY.
St. John's, March 11, 1895.



The Daily News. St. John's, Newfoundland

March 14, 1895

A very large concourse of friends and citizens assembled yesterday to pay their last tribute of respect to the late George Graham Crosbie. The Masonic Body was in force. St. John's Lodge of which the deceased was a member, being reinforced by members of Avalon and Tasker, visiting brethern and several of the fraternity from H.SM.S..

About 3 o'clock the melancholy procession commenced, the Masonic Body walking ahead. Amongst the clergymen present were Rev. Dr. Milligan, President of the Methodist Conference; Revs. Dr. Dove, A.D. Morton, M.A., W. Graham, H.P. Cowperthaite, M.A., and W. Swann, of Harbour Grace. Arrived at the graveside, the Masonic brethern formed


inside which stood the relatives and other friends. The church service was conducted by Revs. A.D. Morton and H.P. Cowperthwaite. At its conclusion the Rev. Bro. Graham, Chaplin of St. John's Lodge, read the beautiful Masonic ritual. The Brethren and many of the friends then united in singing the funeral hymn, of which we append a verse:

"Here, brother, sleep, beneath the stone
Which tells a mortal here is laid,
Rest here, till God shall from his throne,
The darkness break, and pierce the shade."

At the conclusion of the singing, prayer was offered by the Chaplain and W.M.S. Milligan of the St. John's Lodge, deposited the Apron of the deceased together with the symbolic sprig of evergreen in the grave. Then the


were given and one by one the brethren passed by the open grave, depositing upon the casket the sprig of evergreen so suggestive of immortality. The deceased lies buried in the new portion of the General Protestant Cemetery, his being the first interment apparently there.

In the death of George Crosbie, a good man and true, a worthy citizen, a kind husband and father, a sincere friend has been lost,

"Break from his throne, illustrious morn!
Attend, O earth! God's soverign word;
Restore thy trust - a glorious form -
of the faith
He must ascend to meet his Lord."



"Past & Present of P.E.I." by B.F.Bowen & Co., Ch'town. c.a. 1906.

Dr. Benjamin de St. Croix came to Charlottetown in the early part of the nineteenth century, and died on the 10th of September, 1848. He was commissioned to be Surgeon general and medical superintendant to the militia forces of Prince Edward Island on the first day of November, 1812, in the fifty-third year of His Majesty's reign. The commission was signed by Thomas DesBrisay, Esq., secretary and William Townsend, Esq., president and commander-in-chief in and over His Majesty's Island Prince Edward, and the territories adjacent thereto. He held his diploma from the Royal College of Surgeons, London, 1801. He was an Englishman with a French name; probably a descendant of one of the numerous French families that came over to England after revocation of edict of Nantes. He practiced for many years in and around Charlottetown, and was a maternal granduncle of the Hon. Frederick de St. Croix Brecken, late postmaster and assistant post office inspector at Charlottetown.



Summerside Journal, Thurs. Nov. 1, 1888

It is safe to say that hundreds of families in this Province have last a highly valued and personal friend in the death of Dr. Hopkirk which occurred at Charlottetown on Monday evening last, after a long and painful illness. Dr. Hopkirk was born in England in 1810, and pursued his studies of medicine and surgery, under some of the best masters of the day, at Guy's Hospital and St. Thomas' Hospital in London. After graduating he spent some time in England, and emigrated to this Island in 1838, arriving here in the same vessel which bore Mr. John Denyer Woodman of Alberton and other members of that family. Since then, without intermission, and until prostrated by illness, he sedulously practised his profession in which he stood deservedly at the top. He was twice married, the first time before he came to the Island, by which union he had two daughters, one of whom survives and now resides in France; the second time to Miss Hensley, a sister of Judge Hensley, by whom he had seven children, four sons and three daughters. He was for over 30 years, and until a few months ago, Consular Agent for France in this Island, and also for the last 15 years the position of Quarantine officer at Charlottetown, It would be the merest presumption on our part to attempt any eulogy of Dr. Hopkirk's professional qualities, for his name is a household word on this Island, and his fame has been handed down from father to son and from mother to daughter for the last three generations. The writer of this faint tribute to his memory is under the deepest obligations to his skill and devotion. About three years ago Dr. Hopkirk underwent a severe surgical operation resulting in the amputation of his right hand. He continued his practice, but the relief afforded was only temporary, and at last he was obliged to desist, while for a protracted period before his death he was the victim of much pain and suffering. His funeral took place yesterday afternoon from St. Paul's Church to Sherwood Cemetery, and was attended by an immense concourse of persons, testifying the deep regret of the community for the loss of a kindly gentleman and a faithful friend.



Royal Gazette June 10, 1834

On Thursday, the 29th of May, Mr. Robert Mackay, of St. Peter's Bay, having been suddenly attacked with Strangulated Hernia, underwent the important operation for that perilous accident which was performed by Dr. Mackieson - it consists in bringing into view, by means of an incision, the incarciated portion of the intestines, removing the constriction with the knife, and afterwards returning them to their proper situation in the abdomen. This is the third instance in which the above operation has been performed in the Island, and by the same operator. Mr. Mackay is rapidly recovering




Acadian died aged 110 years. She was at the siege of Louisberg.

Royal Gazette, March 22, 1836

DIED - On Monday the 15th February, at the head of Harris Bay in his Island, at the patriarchal (sic) age of 110 years, Margaret Bourgeois, a native of Louisberg, Cape Breton. She was present at both sieges of that once celebrated town; and during the second siege, one of her brothers, while in the act of removing her, for greater safety, to a place in the cul de sac, was shot dead at her feet. Upon this she fled into the woods with an infant eleven months old, and herself in a state of pregnancy, where she remained six days, subsisting on yew berries, the only fruit then to be obtained. Soon after being discovered she was removed to Halifax, where she was accommodated with an apartment in Governor Belcher's house for the ensuing winter, during which (1759) her son, Prosper Poirier of Lot 10, in this Island was born. She lived to see her great, great, grand children, being the fourth generation. At the age of one hundred she recovered her eye sight sufficiently well to be able to read small print.



St. Paul's Church Weekly Bulletin, Jan. 4, 1948.

In the recent Home Call of Mr. D.B. Stewart in his Ninety-first year, St. Paul's has lost one of her oldest and most devoted members. The late Mr. Stewart was a life-long member of St. Paul's Church. His love of Christ's Church was evidenced by his regular attendance at the Services. His custom was to attend every Sunday Morning and Evening. Though several months before his death he suffered from ill-health, yet he endeavoured to attend his Church and was present the Sunday before God called him to higher service. His love for his Church, and his devotion to it stands as a glowing example to all members of St. Paul's.

To his bereaved sons and all members of the family we extend our sincerest sympathy.



Royal Gazette Dec. 10, 1833

On the 21st ult. at St. Joseph's, Egmont Bay, at the advanced age of 90, Joseph Arseneaux, one of the oldest native Acadians of this Colony. At the capture of this Island from the French, in 1758, he acquired, and has ever since retained, the sobriquet of LEAGUE AND HALF, his knowledge of the English language being confined to these three words, and which formed the only answer he could give to all the questions which were put to him by the British Officers, whom he was frequently in the habit of meeting in the neighbourhood of St. Peter's Bay, where he then resided. He was much esteemed by all who knew him, and his character was that of an honest, hospitable and charitable christian.



Royal Gazette Tues. Feb. 8, 1842

At Demerara, of Yellow Fever, the beloved wife of Major P.D.Stewart, Royal Artillery, after an illness of 10 days, she departed this life on the 22d. September, 1841, leaving a large family to deplore her loss. She was a kind & affectionate mother, & a sincere friend to all who knew her. She is deeply lamented by her friends. - London Morning Herald, Dec.7th.



Colonial Herald, Oct 21, 1832 (or 37)


On Wednesday last, after a lingering illness, which he bore with Christian fortitude and pious resignation to the Divine will, Mr. Nathan Davies, Merchant of this town in the 56th year of his age. During a period of twenty-nine years residence in this Island, Mr. Davies had deservedly obtained the respect & esteem of all who knew him. He was an honest man - a faithful friend - a kind husband & a tender parent.



The Islander Friday, Nov. 5, 1852

It has never, we believe, fallen to the lot of a public journalist in this colony to chronicle a more painful and melancholy occurrence than that which it is our duty this day to record. We do not remember any event of a local character, which has cast such a gloom upon our little community, exciting sorrow so deep, so sincere, and so widely diffused.

On Saturday morning last, while the lady of BENJAMIN DAVIES, Esquire,M.P.P.,for Queen's County, was engaged in superintending the baking of cake over the kitchen fire of her own residence - her servant being employed in another part of the house - and while in the act of lifting it from the fire, her back being partly turned to the burning logs, a light gown that she wore came in contact with the fire, which so rapidly ignited as to render her own efforts to extinguish it ineffectual. In the extremity of her alarm, she ran violently to her bed-room, up two flights of stairs where her screams brought the servant to her assistance. The latter immediately snatched a double blanket from a bed and threw it around her, in the hope of smothering the flame; but Mrs. DAVIES, becoming frantic with the heat of the burning, threw the servant off, and rushing down stairs and into the open street, made for the house of Mr. W. DUCHEMIN, immediately opposite her own residence, at the door of which she was met by Mrs. DUCHEMIN and her daughters, by whose active exertions the fire was extinguished, although not, unhappily, until every particle of her clothing was consumed and, almost every part of her body dreadfully burned. Medical relief was immediately obtained, but the unfortunate lady was too much injured by the fire to have any hope or chance of recovery. She lingered in great agony until about 8 o'clock this morning, (Monday) when she was relieved from further sufferings by death.

Thus has fallen, in the bloom and vigor of life, by a calamity the most painful and afflicting to contemplate, a lady whose cheerful and agreeable disposition, and amiable deportment in every relation of life, rendered her generally esteemed, - virtues which will cause her melancholy and premature death to be long and deeply deplored. - Royal Gazette



Summerside Progress, Sept. 17, 1866

Todays obituary contains the name of Samuel Nelson, Esquire, who died on Tuesday last at the ripe age of 90 years. The name of the deceased gentleman is associated with the earliest period in the history of Prince Edward Island.

In the year 1786 - eighty years ago - General Edmund Fanning was appointed to replace Walter Patterson, the first Governor of the Island, and in the autumn of year the General arrived in Charlottetown, bringing with him young Nelson. Governor Patterson did not leave the Island until 1788. Mr. Nelson recollected him very well and has often told the writer that he had known every Governor and Chief Justice of the Island. About the year 1811, Mr. Nelson was elected a member of the House of assembly, and from that early period until the year 1839 he continued a member. Mr. Nelson also filled the office of High Sheriff of the County. In former years he occupied a leading position among the merchants of Charlottetown, and during his long life was highly respected by all his acquaintances.. His death severs the last link in the chain which connected the present generation with the first settlers of the Island after the period of the English occupation. Many and great are the changes which Mr. Nelson witnessed in this Island. We may instance one. In his early days, a Courier with letters left the Island occasionally for Halifax, carrying the mails on his back. He crossed at Tatamagouche, and in three days reached Halifax. From Halifax the letters were carried to England in King's ships, and it not infrequently happened that in the Island intelligence from England was wanting for more than three months. Mr. Nelson lived to witness the era of the Atlantic Telegraph.- Islander.



Islander Jan. 14, 1870

On Wednesday last, Jan.4th,1870, the oldest native of our Island, the venerable Mr. John Crosby, of West River, passed into the spirit world. His father came here from the North of Ireland one hundred years ago! and five years after his arrival, having married, was born the subject of this obituary, on April 16th,1775. Through this long lapse of years he lived and labored. Who shall tell the hardships through which he has struggled, inevitable with our early settlers. Who shall paint the picture of the past, and show the contrast with the present of our elevated Isle ! How the then roadless, bridgeless, comfortless Colony, has improved under the industry of our departed hero and his contempories ! What mutitudes of discontented inhabitants have departed from our shores, while this perservering veteran never in his life left the Island! During his century existence, what wonderous events have transpired in the world! What thousands have died since he began to live! And during the lengthened period of his life, what physical afflictions have been the portion of his contemporaries; - but, remarkable to relate he never suffered from any kind of sickness! His family consisted of eight stalwart sons - seven of these followed in his funeral procession, the youngest of whom is forty-six years old !

This venerable sire, - still able to read, which was his delight to the last - on Wednesday retired to his bed, feeling a little unwell, but with no pains in particular, and in the full vigor of his faculties, almost immediately dozed gently into thr sleep of death!! Thus died, at the ripe age of ninety five, the venerable John Crosby, leaving a widow still hale at eighty-five years, and numerous descendants to honor his memory, and to mourn their loss. Like Abraham of old, he "died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years." Thus, all, however long they live must die, and "the weary wheels of life stand still at last." "Our fathers, where are they? and the prophets, do they live forever? No, they are gone with the mighty millions of mankind. And we are crowding upon them, like the accumulated flood down the ceaseless river rolling to the sea - the ocean of eternity ! Reader, have you done all in this life you intend? Oh ! be up and doing, for "the night cometh when no man can work."

"Live to some purpose; make thy life
A gift of use to thee;
A joy, a good, a golden hope,
A heavenly argosy.

By request of the bereaved friends, a Funeral Sermon was delivered in the Wesleyan Church at Cornwall, on Sabbath evening last, from the words - "With long life will I satisfy him," - (Psalm xii: 16) by J. WINTERBOTHAM.



Colonial Herald, Jan. 5, 1839

Last evening, Mr. William Irving, Jr., of Cherry Valley was unfortunately drowned near Second Creek, within a mile & a half of his residence. He was on his return from town, accompanied by his wife & another female, by the same track he had taken in the morning, when his horse fell through the ice. By his assistance, the 2 females were got safely out of the sleigh, but in attempting to extricate the horse, he fell in himself, & his body was not discovered until this morning, when it was found under the horse.



Summerside Progress, Nov. 5, 1866

A STEAM FIRE ENGINE imported for the use of this City, from the celebrated Establishment of MERRYWEATHER, of London, was landed from the Ship L.C.Owen, on Monday last, in perfect order. On Wednesday steam, was got up, and the engine set to work. The suction hose was first placed in the cellar of John Stumbles, Queen Square, and some two hundred feet of hose attached to the Engine. It threw a heavy stream of water, through 1 1/16th inch nozzle, as high as the spire of St. Paul's Church. The Engine was afterwards placed on the end of Prince Stewart Wharf, and 1,200 feet attached to it. It then forced a stream of water over the old Methodist Chapel. The last experiment was considered not quite as successful as the first, but this was entirely owing to bad fuel used, and the difficulty in keeping up steam. The Engine has not yet had a fair trial.- Islander.



Royal Gazette Tues. June 2, 1840

During the recent warm weather, fires have been raging in the woods to an alarming extent, both in the Eastward & Westward of Charlottetown. At Three Rivers, on Monday last the 25 ult. the barn of Mr. Richard Lewellin, also the barn of Mr. Conners were burnt down. On Tuesday the dwelling Houses & Barns of Mr. Wm. & Benj. Graham, with a quantity of grain were burnt to the Ground, & a School House in the neighbourhood; & we are informed, that the Dwelling House of Mr. Owen was several times on fire, from the embers of the surrounding woods & it was with great difficulty the Ship yard was saved.



The Islander, April 30, 1852

The ice, on the Hillsborough, commenced breaking up on Tuesday last, the 27th inst; a large portion of it is still floating about in the harbour. The weather is fine but the air is still cold. Horses for the last time crossed the harbour on the 24 th inst.



Royal Gazette March 31, 1840

About 8 o'clock last night, a cry was heard on the ice proceeding from the direction of the Three Tides. Several persons immediately proceeded with lanterns, boards & ropes, at great risk of their lives to the place where they found a man in the water, whom they rescued from his perilous situation, but the horse & sleigh which he had been driving were lost.




TWS NOTE Mr. Davies second wife was Emily Stewart, my great aunt.

Royal Gazette Monday Feb. 21, 1853


At Charlottetown on Tuesday last, by the Rev. Doctor Jenkins, Rector, Mr. Daniel Davies, Merchant to Catherine, fourth daughter of the late Ewen Cameron, Esq.



The Islander, Nov. 9, 1849

A passenger in the Steamer (Rose) yesterday brought over a live moose, a native of Nova Scotia. We presume he intends exhibiting it.



The Examiner, Sept. 14, 1857

We understand that Mr. S.K.G. Nellis, born without arms, will give his astonishing & novel exhibition in Charlottetown on Tuesday 15th, Wed.16th, & Thur.17 of September. The following are among the many achievements of Mr. Nellis with his feet. Mr. Nellis will cut with scissors Valentines & Profile Likenesses, write legibly, fold puzzling letters, make boxes, open & wind a watch, take out & replace the crystal, load & discharge a Pistol, shoot with Bow & Arrow at a three cent piece held between the fingers of one of the spectators. Mr. Nellis will play several Marches, Waltzes Etc., on the Accordion, Triangle, Drum & Violin cello. Mr. Nellis will shave any one of the audience. He will also sing a favorite song, & close his singular & wonderful Entertainment by dancing a Hornpipe.



See B-1261, Vol. 54, pg. 439

That the population of Prince Edward Island ... has progressively increased at a very rapid progress. The population being in 1806, 9,026: in 1827 - 23,766 and in 1833 - 32,292; an increase in 27 years of 22,616 ... since 1833 the population is supposed to amount to about 40,000 persons.

The above taken from the Memorial of Proprietors of land in P.E.I. agreed upon at the monthly meeting of the P.E.I Association held at 94 Great Russel St. on Aug.30, 1837 at which Robert Stewart was the Chairman.

Pg.572 of the above is a memorial of Capt. Peter Stewart and he says that when his grandfather Peter Stewart arrived in Ch'town in 1775 that there were seven houses.

Pg. 576 of the above is a letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Glenelg, Her Majesty's principal Secy of State for the Colonies concerning the proprietors concerns.

On pg 579 Mr Stephen writes: "The whole of this subject seems to me to be in a very narrow compass. The Proprietary Body of Prince Edward's Isld. are engaged in a hopeless struggle to cultivate their estates by Tenantry after the English fashion. This, however is a tenure of Land so foreign to the habits, and so much opposed to the real or supposed interest of the Inhabitants of Brit. N. America, that no Laws written or unwritten can ever be strong enough to bind them to the performance of the duties of Tenants as understood in this country. The contest may be prolonged but will infallibly issue (?) in the triumph of the more numerous party who have on their side the local Legislators and all other local interests.

Pg. 587 of the above is a letter to Lord Glenelg from J. Woodman dated Marlborough, Jan.28th, 1837. He starts off "Being under contract to purchase one of the most extensive Estates On P.E.I., #namely Townships No. 4, 5. & 6, comprising 60,000 acres. ... I have this past year visited the Island and left two of my sons there to prepare accommodations for the Emigrants I intend sending out."

He goes on to observe "The Community of the Island has been too small for a Government of her own and therefore has not afforded the proper material for a local Legislature, in consequence of which the Laws enacted are crude." He compares the Government of the Island to that of the Municipal Government of a small Borough.



Prince Edward Island Gazette Feb. 13, 1819

A few days since a great number of Seals were discovered upon the Ice in the vicinity of the Wood Islands, on the S. Coast of this Island, when a few of the neighbouring Settlers, with clubs, killed upward of 160 of them. Some of them we understand are of the largest size.



Royal Gazette May 2, 1853.

Schr. OCEAN SPRAY, of Newburyport, sailed from P.E.Island, Dec.25 for Boston, & left the Gut of Canso January 2, & has not since been heard from. She had a cargo of grain & fish, and was commanded by Captain Blake of Castine, formerly of Schr. DUROC, lost, & was manned by the D's crew, some of whom belonged to Castine (Maine). The OCEAN STAR was a fine vessel of 85 tons, 2 years old



Launched on Friday last, from the Shipyard of Messers M'Callum & Gregor, Brackley Point, a very fine vessel called the Sir James Macdonnell. The day being very fine, a great number of people assembled & she was drawn to the channel, a distance of about 250 yards by 80 horses & 200 men, in beautiful style at the rate of 4 knots per hour.



Colonial Herald, Feb. 15, 1840.

LAUNCHED on the 6th inst. from the ship yard of Messers. McCallum & Gregor, Brackley Point, a superior built Schooner of 190 tons, called the CHARLES. She was hauled on the ice to the channel, nearly a quarter of a mile, by forty pair of horses.



The Islander, Friday, March 19, 1852.


At Cove Head, on the 5th inst., the Schooner Nettle, owned by Ewen McMillan, Esq. & Co., of the burthen of 90 tons. This vessel, which is of beautiful model and workmanship, was drawn a distance of 3 miles on the ice, a great part of which being uphill, by the united strength of 120 horses. The day being fine, a great concourse of people assembled to witness the interesting scene, which was acknowledged by all present to be superior to any thing of the kind ever witnessed on the Island before. Comm.



See Memories of Long Ago , B. Bremner, 1930, page 88.

The largest vessels built in P.E.I. were the ship GERTRUDE, 1361 tons in 1853, and the ETHEL, 1759 tons, in 1853, both owned by Andrew & James Duncan. During the Indian Mutiny, in 1857, the GERTRUDE was engaged as a Liverpool transport.


SHIP - BRITISH UNION owned by Joseph Pope.

Colonial Herald, Aug. 4, 1838.

Launched from the Ship yard of Joseph Pope, Esq., Bedeque, on the 6th ult., a very superior copper-fastened brig called the British Union, of the burthen of 188 tons, built chiefly of juniper.

Passengers In the British Union, from Bedeque for Falmouth - Mr. Joseph Holroyd, Mr. W. Pope & Capt. Thomas.


Colonial Herald, Oct. 27, 1838.

The BRITISH UNION , Purvis, arrived at Bedeque, Oct. 20, in 46 days from Plymouth, with goods & passengers, the latter being workmen for Mr. Pope's ship-building establishment.


Colonial Herald, Nov. 24, 1838.

The BRITISH UNION , Purvis, sailed from Bedeque on the 20th inst., for Swansea.


Colonial Herald, Sat. April 20, 1839.

The Brig BRITISH UNION , belonging to Hon. Joseph Pope, sailed from Bedeque for Plymouth in Nov. last, and has not since been heard of.



The Islander, June 4, 1858.

The Barque AURORA from Liverpool, arrived off this harbour on Monday last, the 1st of June and after landing her passengers, proceeded on to Bedeque to her owner, James C. Pope, Esq., where she will discharge part of her cargo of Goods, And return to Charlottetown with the remainder.



The Islander Friday, June 4, 1858.

THE LAUNCH of a New Ship.

The largest ever built on P.E.I.

Launched from the Ship yard of Messers Duncan, Meeson(?), & Co, of this City on Saturday, the 29th ult. & witnessed by an immense number of spectators, a splendid clipper built three-deck Ship named the "ETHEL". Dog-shores being removed about 11 o'clock, she then glided beautifully into her destined element. She is of the burthen of 2,700 tons, and 1795 tons register, and of a model well adapted for combining speed with burthen. Much credit is due to James Duncan, Esq., one of the Firm, as a naval architect under whose superintendance this noble ship has been built. The dimensions are 210 feet keel, 38 feet beam, and 29 feet hold. This splendid ship is iron strapped on the frame and fully iron kneed, and in point of strength, fastenings, and workmanship would bear inspection with any N.B. or colonial built ship, and may without doubt, be stated to be the best as well as the largest ever built in this colony. The ETHEL has been built under special inspection of R.C. Coker, Esq; Lloyds Surveyor, to class 7 years A 1. She is built principally of juniper and pitch pine, and is intended for the Bombay or Australian trade. She will be commanded by Capt. William Hall. We heartily wish the enterprising owners success.


The Islander, Sept.24, 1858.

Arrival Of Ship ETHEL 22 days from Charlottetown.

Note by TWS: The name of the port in the U.K.has been unfortunately omitted.



See Memories of Long Ago by B. Bremner, 1930, page 88.

There is another, though much smaller, vessel worthy of notice. It is the THIRZA, 204 tons, built in 1865 for Robert Longworth. In a newspaper clipping under the caption of "Pressed into Service," I read: The PRIZE, along with several other sailing vessels, was pressed into service by the British Navy. There was the THIRZA, an old veteran of the sea, built as far back as 1865, at Prince Edward Island. In the course of her long career as a merchant vessel she had been sold to English owners and her name changed to the READY. Under the official name Q-70 this old ship did splendid work (in the great world war), and stayed afloat until the Armistice.

Shipping Register 1862 - 66. Film # C 3179. Canadian Archives. #27, 1865.

Ship THIRZA, 199.98 tons, owner Robert Longworth. Dated 28 June 1864.

Sold 2nd Aug. to the Pitcairns, Cowhill, London who sold the vessel to Thomas Gunn & others at Faversham on 17 Oct. 1866.

The THIRZA was 104'4" in length; 23'8" in breadth, & 12'7" in depth according to Lloyds Register of 1866.



The Daily Patriot, Thurs. Aug. 9, 1883.


The sale of this famed clipper ship and cargo took place yesterday under the direction of Hon.G.W. Howlan, Vice Consul of Norway and Sweden, at the residence of Alexander McNeil,Esq., Cavendish Capes, and the day being fine and the cargo a valuable one, there was a very large attendance indeed, in fact we may say that every town, village, and hamlet, from Alberton to Georgetown was represented, and St. John, Sackville, Moncton, Shediac & Quebec and Kouchebouguac, N.B. as well.

The bidding was most spirited and the competition keen, many being seemingly anxious to own something which belonged to the great packet ship, whose fame, when the Black Ball Line flourished, was world wide. The stores & outfits were sold in small lots to various parties, bringing good prices.

The cargo consisting of something over 600 standards Quebec pine deals & ends, as knocked down to Mr. Lantlamn of St. John, and Mr. George McLeod of the same place at $5,500 and the hull etc., with masts and rigging alongside went to Mr. Lanlamn at about $500. The total sale would gross about $8,000.

The auctioneer was Archld. McNeill, Esq., of this city, who appeared to discharge his duties to the satisfaction of every one and it is not too much to say that the underwriters may congratulate themselves for the handsome amount of the proceeds which was due largely to his energy and perserverance in making the most out of everything. Mr. Alexander McNeill deserves the thanks of the parties who attended the sale, for the kindness of himself and family.



The Quickest Passage on Record.

Summerside Progress, Jan. 28, 1867.

As will be seen by the following paragraph taken from the Cork (Ireland) Herald on the 5th inst.- that Capt. Jermiah Crowly, with the brigatine "C.H. TRUMBLE" owned by J.A. McDonald, Esq., has made the passage from Malpeque in the unprecedented time of 13 1/2 days. Capt. Crowley is a live man, & a very good specimen of our seafaring men. Long may he continue to make quick & prosperous voyages.



The Herald Wed. Dec. 6, 1865.

The Bark UNDINE, Kickham, from Boston and the Gut of Canso, arrived here last evening. She takes in a cargo of Oats, and proceeds direct to Liverpool from this port. Should the Undine arrive home safe, she will have delivered eight cargoes during the present season - 6 to and from Liverpool & two to and from the United States. This is unprecedented in the history of P.E.Island. Pat.



Royal Gazette Aug. 25, 1835.

On Sunday last there were one hundred and seventy five vessels at anchor in the harbour af Three Rivers, chiefly American fishermen.



Boston Journal as reported in Ch'town paper of Dec. 12, 1848.

AN UNFEELING ACT.- We hear it stated that the loss of life by the British schooner WELCOME RETURN, before reported ashore on Monument Point, was attended by some circumstances, which, if the statements may be relied upon, reflect with much severity upon the crew and male passengers consisting of eleven men, and one woman and six children - the wife and children of one of the passengers. When the vessel struck, the men succeeded in getting ashore, and sought shelter in a neighbouring house - leaving the woman and her children on board the schooner.

A gentleman who was passing by the place some time after, was attracted to the wreck by a low moaning sound. By means of a spar, he succeeded in getting on board, and found the woman with one child bound to her breast, to keep it from perishing, and the other five dead! With much difficulty she was got ashore, and taken to the same house where the crew and passengers - among them her husband - were enjoying a comfortable shelter. If the above statement be true, and we hear it from good authority, we envy not that father his reflections as he follows to the tomb the remains of his five children, who might perhaps have been rescued, had he, to whom above all others they looked for succour, assisted them in their extremity. The male passengers and crew of this vessel, deserve the severest reprobation for thus leaving these unfortunate and helpless individuals to perish, and the indignation an scorn of an outraged public will be their fitting reward. - Boston Journal.



See Royal Gazette Dec.12, 1848.

Melancholy Shipwreck - The schooner WELCOME RETURN, Captain Hewitt, of and from P.E.Island for Boston, went ashore at Monument Point, Plymouth last Monday evening at six o'clock and immediately went to pieces. The crew were all saved. A woman who was on board with six children, succeeded in reaching the shore with her infant in her arms while the other five were lost. Their bodies were recovered and placed in the town hall, presenting five as beautiful faces as ever were seen in one family.




The steamer Isla, with a pleasure party of about 85 persons on board, left the Steam Ferry Wharf yesterday morning at 10 o'clock for the head of Elliott River (Bonshaw Bridge). On arriving safe at the Bridge, they all landed & after spending some time on shore, again embarked for town, & had not proceeded more than 30 yard when the Steamer took the ground - the tide falling fast at the time. About a dozen of the party hired conveyances, & returned to town by land last night, the rest remained behind & took up their quarters for the night at the Farm Houses in the vicinity of the Bridge - the greater portion we hear were billited at Bonshaw House. An amateur band together with an amateur vocal party were aboard the Isla we & hear from a person who passed Bonshaw House this morning at four o'clock, that it was illuminated, & the Band was playing right merrily. The Ilsa, it is expected, will return this evening.



Arrives in River (in Stretch's schooner). R.S. getting hands & a scow to bring it up. (Aug.3, 1869). Got up one load (scow) Coal & unloaded it onto Crosby's breast work. (Aug.4, 1869).

Crosby & McFadyens lighters make a trip each with coal. (Aug. 05, 1869).

Heard of arrival of Fearnought, Capt. McNeil with coal for us. (Aug. 09, 1871).

Unloading coal with lighter & paid 15 pounds freight. (Aug. 10 & 11, 1871).



Saw innumerable cranes. (Aug. 17, 1870).



J. Stewart's child died. (Jan. 25, 1869).

Heard today of George Sherman's death. (March 23, 1869).

Young McKay died today. (Aug. 23, 1869).

R.S. & John to McKay's funeral. (Aug. 24, 1869).

John McPhail , Bonshaw died. (Aug. 24, 1869).

Mrs. Charles Wright died on Sunday last, 23 Jan. (Jan. 25, 1869).

Old Neil McLeod died. March 17, 1871).

John McArthur , blacksmith died last night. (March 23, 1871).

Old Breakey died last night. (Nov. 13, 1871).



English mail from Farrer. Ouvrie (?) & Farrer about Lennox Island. (Jan. 7, 1868).

R.B.S. & R.S. looking at old papers for information about Lennox Island.



RIVINGTONS - Relatives.

S. G. Journals

13 Sept. 1871. R.S. calls on the Rivingtons. Mrs. R. was a Miss. Littler. Her mother was 1st cousin to mine.

15th Sept. 1871. R.S. & Redgie to Town & to Rankin House to see the Rivingtons: about town with Mr. R. seeing various people, back to Rankin House to tea. J. Stewart, the Mayor, Haviland Jenkins & McDonel. The Rivingtons go on boar Steamer P. of W at 12 P.M. R.S., McDonel & Jenkins go down to see them on board. R.S. sleeps ar Rankin House & McDonel, Redgie at Hopkirks.

5 Nov. 1872. English Mail. Letter & photo to R.S. from Mrs. Rivington.

TWS Note: Searched the Patriot & the Herald for mention of the Rivington's visit without success.



S.G. Jr. 1871.

31 Aug. 1872. The Bishop & the Revd. G. Hodgson & Revd. Mr. Sargent to lunch at S.G. After lunch the Bishop consecrates our family burying ground at Upper Gartney.



S.G. Jr. Dec. 31, 1870.

Inhabitants of S.G. (STRATH GARTNEY): R.B.S & Helen Stewart Stewart

Sons: Daughters:
Robert Bruce Stewart Eliza Martha Stewart
James Farrer Stewart Matilda Mary Stewart
David Buchan Stewart Henrietta Farrer Stewart
Reginald Fitzallan Stewart Emily Stephen Stewart
  Rosa Maude Stewart

Male Servants:  
  John McArthur, ploughman
  John Sinnott, horse & pig man
  John Livingstone, cattle man
  Hector McLeod, stable boy
  William McCalder, absent on leave
  Patrick Curling hired by the day.

Female Servants:  
  Catherine McNevin
  Christy McLean


DAVID STEWART - Great great grandfather of T.W.S.

See family papers.

Hand written note, probably by Rosa Maude Stewart (D.B.'s sister & my great aunt).

Here lie the remains of David Stewart, son of Robert Stewart, farmer of Western Ardchranachrochan(?), and of Janet Black, whose remains are also here interred. He was born on the first day of June in the year 1769.

He left his native country at an early age and went to England. In partnership with his brother Robert, he carried on the business of Landsurveyor and land agent for a long term of years, in Great Russel Street, Bloomsbury, London.

He died on the 26th of May in the year 1852, at the residence of his nephew at Acharache, near Strontian in Argylshire, having with the exception of a few days attained the advanced period of 83 years of age.


JOHN STEWART - Great great great grandfather of T.W.S.

See hand written note in Family Papers.

Died on the 22nd of June at his residence Mount Stewart in Prince Edward's Island, John Stewart Esq., late Deputy Paymaster General of His Majesty's Forces and Marshall of the Court of Vice Admiralty in the Island of Newfoundland, and for many years Speaker of the House of Assembly, and Receiver General of His Majesty's Quit Rents in the former Island.

This Gentleman was the legal claimant to the ancient Title of the Earls of Orkney; he was closely allied to the Highland Chieftain George Ranald McDonald of the ancient and legitimate race of Clanranald, and was grandson of the late Highland Chieftain Mackinnon of Mackinnon who rallied and fought under the banners of Prince Charles Stewart on the plains of Preston Pans and Culloden in 1745.

JOHN STEWART - Third marriage

Royal Gazette June 10, 1832.

Married at St. Paul's Church, Charlotte-Town on Sunday last, by the Reverend L.C. Jenkins, John Stewart of Mount Stewart, Esq., to Miss Mary Raine.


JOHN STEWART - Birth of daughter (Marguerite)

Royal Gazette Oct. 20, 1833.

Mrs. Stewart of Mount Stewart, of a daughter.


STORM Terrific

See Royal Gazette Jan. 30, 1844

We do not recollect to have often witnessed a more violent storm & drift of snow than yesterday though its duration was not very long. After about a week of clear cold weather the wind yesterday morning veered to the N.E. & about one o'clock began to blow with terrific violence, accompanied with snow. Towards night it appeared to increase & at about midnight was at its height. This morning we had some house frames blown down. Queen's Square strewed with the boards which formed the temporary roof of the Colonial Building & almost every house & building filled with snow. We expect to hear of some accident having happened to those persons who were not sufficiently prudent as to remain in town after the Election.




Royal Gazette March 12, 1839.

At Netherstory, near Bridgewater, England, on the 10th December last, Mrs. Janet Russel, relict of Capt. Russel, R.N. and sister of the late Dugald Stewart, Esq., Shipyard, Lot 18, in this province.

NOTE by TWS: This lady was a niece of Peter Stewart and cousin of John Stewart. Her mother Annabella Stewart married Robert Stewart and they came out to Malpeque in 1770. Annabella (her mother) was born on June 11, 1732 and Janet herself would be born about 1757.



Royal Gazette Sept. 21, 1841.

On Thursday last, Mr. Tremain's new Teamboat commenced plying between Queen's Wharf and the opposite side of the harbour. She appears to be strongly and substantially built, and her machinery, which was made at Pictou on purpose, seems to work well. She is intended chiefly for the conveyance of carriages, horses, etc. across the ferry, for which her capacious deck will afford ample accommodation, and from her small draught of water she will be enabled to approach the Ferry Slip opposite even when the tide has considerably fallen. She is propelled by three horses; but we have heard it said that in calm weather it is only intended to use two. It seems, however, to be the opinion of competent judges, that, from the width of the harbour and the strength of the tides and currents, that a boat of her magnitude could not with any degree of certainty and dispatch be propelled by fewer than three horses even in the calmest weather. - Herald.



P.E.I. Gazette Nov. 5, 1818.

About a fortnight since, a whale came on shore on the North Cape, of this Island; it was 45 feet in length & it was supposed it would yield 100 barrels of oil.



Daily Patriot, April 5, 1890.

We were shown today by Messers Gay & Son, a wild goose with a grey neck & head. This we understand , is very peculiar, as these parts are almost always black. Messers. Gay had some 30 wild geese, all fine specimens, in the market today.



The Islander, April 23, 1859.

On Monday last, Messers. Muttart & Warren, the contractors for the conveyance of the Winter Mails from hence to Cape Tormentine, made their last trip for the season. We think it is due to those gentlemen to express the satisfaction felt by this community for the regular & faithful manner in which they discharged the duties of that important and hazardous branch of the public service. No accident of any moment has, we believe, occurred since these mails were first entrusted to their management. The utmost certainty & regularity have attended all their movements, & we only hope that the public may always be favoured with the services of such excellent & trustworthy servants as Messers. Muttart & Warren.



Colonial Herald, Sat. Oct. 12, 1839.

A whirlwind passed over Bedeque on Thursday the 26th ult. which did a good deal of damage along the line of its progress, supposed to be about eighty yards in width. A new house belonging to Joseph Selliker was blown down, a joiner who was at work in it fortunately escaped unhurt; his barn containing all his hay and grain, was also levelled with the ground. It then passed on to Mr. Hooper's, lifting a large barn frame, and depositing it at a distance of fifteen feet from the blocks on which it originally stood, so much shattered, however, by the shock, as to almost useless. It then tore the roof off a store belonging to Mr. William Clark, which was carried through the air to a considerable distance, and deposited in the Mill stream. A number of fences were uplifted, and the pickets were seen twirling in the air like straws, and the largest trees bent down like saplings before its fury, which fortunately, however, was soon exhausted.



We have been kindly afforded the perusual of some venerable almanacs in which a gentleman, still resident in Charlottetown, made memoranda of the weather and of notable events between fifty and sixty years ago. Each day has its own remarks, mostly commonplace, but a few of the principle ones for the first four months of the year we have selected and publish today, thinking that to some of our readers they may prove interesting. It must be understood that the references to the ice, Three Tides, etc., relate to Charlottetown.

S'Side Jr. Jan. 1, 1824: Mrs,____ delivered of three daughters.

TWS Note: Mr Lord's ship the Majestic was said to have been burnt. (The news arrived at Ch'town on May 10, 1862).



1858, May 29: Launch of Duncan's LEVIATHAN, 1697 tons.

May 31, 1835: Two vessels arrive from Ireland with 60 or 80 passengers. The measles carried off 26 infants at sea.



June 7, 1876: Rankin House opened for Business.

June 13, 1859: St. Peter's Church, Ch'town opened.

June 15, 1864: Sale of old barrack property.


June 24, 1824: Funeral of Mr. McKay and Capt. McAlpine who had perished on St. Paul's Island and their bodies were brought to Ch'town.



A telegram from Ottawa says that Mr. Grant Powell, Under Secretary of State is anxious to resign, and that the name of Mr. J.C. Pope, Sir John Macdonald's private secretary, is favourably mentioned for the vacancy. Mr. Pope is the eldest son of the late Judge Pope, has been in the civil service for the past ten years. It is doubtful whether Sir John would part with him.



July 1, 1861: Comet appears in the N.W, sky and continues for a month.

July 3, 1836: Prayers for rain.

July 12, 1855: Dr. Conroy had his picture taken.

July 6, 1856: Death of Dr. Conroyy, aged 50.

July 7, 1856: Funeral of Dr. Conroy, Length of coffin, 6 ft. 4 in., breadth at shoulders, 2 ft. 7 in.; at head, 1 ft, 9 in; at feet 1 ft. 4 in.; depth at head, 2 ft.; at foot 21 1/2 in.; wt. about 525 pounds.

July 11, 1829: Death of Sarah Hamilton, relict of late Chief Justice Stewart.

July 12, 1877: Orange Riot Ch'town.

July 12, 1882: George Hubbard died in England.



Mr & Mrs J.H. Crosby & child who have been away in for Denver for the past nine years are paying a visit to their Island home.



July 23, 1859: Col. P.D. Stewart appointed Adjutant General of Militia.

July 24, 1858: Death of Charles Stewart, Rosebank.

July 24, 1859: Queen Street lighted with gas lamps.



SUMMERSIDE JOURNAL Aug. 2, 1888: The Catholic WEEKLY REVIEW is publishing a series of letters written from Quebec. It says that in the church Notre Dame des Victoires there is the following tablet in Latin:

Translation is as follows:

On the 1st May, 1688, the foundation stone of this church was laid by Jacques Rene De Brisay, Marquis de Dennonville, Governor, Innocent XI, being Pope and Louis XIV, King of France, and that the church was dedicated to the Infant Jesus.

Jacques Rene de Brisay, a dashing colonel of dragoons, was Governor in Canada from 1685 to 1689. He was brave but indiscreet and, in his treatment of the Indians, exhibited a singular want of tact. History says of him: "Few Governors ever set down more sage maxims for administration, yet fewer left Canada in a sadder plight. Dennonville, who acted up to his lights, was a very upright and nonorable man and a pious and devout Catholic. His little daughter. Marie Anne. who saw the light at Quebec on the 14th of October, 1865, was the first of her name born in Canada.

The same year that witnessed the departure of the Marquis de Dennonville for Quebec, invested with the honor and dignities of the Viceroy of the King of France, saw also the departure from the shore of that kingdom of the cadet branch of the family, the de Brisays dit de la Cour. Those who had gained distinction in the civil wars, fighting under the standard of the Prince of Conde, were strict followers of the new Huguenot tenets and upon the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, in the year 1685, they fled to Ireland where, for a hundred years, they lived as British subjects, and intermarried with several Irish families. The men, almost without exception, held commissions in the Army or Navy of England. One General Jasper de Brisay, married into the family of the first Sir John Parnell. Towards the close of the last century, a Colonel de Brisay received the Royal Commission as Colonial Secretary and Deputy Governor of St John's (now Prince Edward) Island in the Gulf of St.Lawrence and thither he removed. He died in Charlottetown, leaving a large family whose descendants survive in many parts of the Dominion.

Another de Brisay, afterwards known as "the General," was one Thomas, whose marriage notice was lately found in an old Halifax newspaper of 1799. There it is "Married at St. John, N.B., on Monday the 22nd ult., Thomas de Brisay, Lieut. Colonel of His Majesty's Royal Regiment of Artillery, to Miss Anna Byles, daughter of the Rev. Mather Byles, Recor of that city and chaplin of New Brunswick." One of "the General's descendant s, Mather Byles de Brisay, is now a judge residing in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia.



Aug. 7, 1835: Col. Littler arrives in Ch'town.

Aug. 10, 1838: Rev. Dr. Jenkins went to St. Peters and baptised 32 adults and children.

Aug. 10, 1882: Potatoe bug appears.

Aug. 13, 1856: Bank of P.E.Island commences business.

Aug. 14, 1878: George Kelly, a mulatto boy, murdered in Ch'town.

Aug. 19, 1871: Death of Mrs. R.B. Stewart.

Aug. 19, 1872: First rail P.E.I. Railway laid.

Aug. 21, 1847: Offices opened in Colonial Building.

Aug. 22, 1869: Two whales seen in Ch'town Harbour.

Aug. 23, 1855: Black Sam sent to gaol for threatening Dr. Hopkirk.

Aug. 27, 1885: Death of Dr. Mackieson, aged 90 years.

Aug. 29, 1885: Death of John Hatch, aged 80.



South West, Lot 16, Notes

A few days ago as Messers. John A. and Artemas McNeill were cutting wood near the McLean Road they were startled by the screams of a wild cat. They quickly pursued him but in less than five minutes he was beyond their reach. They describe the animal as a handsome light grey.

West Point Notes

At Cape Wolfe, on the night of the 8th inst., the Samuel Kinlay house, unoccupied, owed by the Cape Wolfe Gold Mining Syndicate, was burned to the ground. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. It is reported to have been insured.



Hamilton Notes

Goose shooting is about over for the season.. Among the most successful sportsmen were Messers. Norman Ramsay, C.L. Easter and Edmund Taylor, who killed 38,36 and 40 respectively. Mr. John Woodside killed upwards of thirty. As Mr. John S. Sinclair was walking along near his house one evening, a wounded goose flew past. Happening to have a hammer in his hand, he threw it, knocking the goose dead.

NOTE BY TWS: I have examined issues of the Summerside Journal from Jan. 1, 1888 to June 27, 1889.

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