The following short letter was transcribed for us by Mike Salmon, [email protected] from his collection of Prince Edward Island Covers. Henry was a bookseller located on Queen at the corner of Richmond St.'s in Charlottetown. By 1864, he had passed away, and his widow is listed in Hutchinson's Directory as "Stamper, Catherine, wid Henry, books and stationery, Queen cor Richmond"
British and For. Bible Socty
London April 17 1846
Mr. Henry Stamper,
Charlotte Town, Prince Ed Island.Dear Sir,
My letter of the 23 ult informed you that you would find in it the bill of loading for 4 cases of books SCT ? 4 consigned for you by The Heart of Oak, Capt. Stoker - and I had certainly fancied such was the case when to my disappointment I find that the Broker in the hurry of business sent away my letter by Capt. Stoker without that important document.
It is therefore now enclosed and I can only hope that it may arrive in time to prevent your experiencing inconvenience from the oversight.
Beleive me dear Sir. Yours truly,
T. Jackson
for soc.
Addressed to:
Mr Henry Stamper,
Depositary to the Auxiliary Bible Society,
Charlotte Town,
Prince Edward Island.Postmarked Paid 18 April 1846
Pd 1 shilling 2d
Probably carried by Cunard Line Cambria out of Liverpool 19 April. Arrived Halifax 1st May 1846. Thence overland via Pictou.
Arrived P.E.I. May 7 1846