Transcribed by Gary Carroll, [email protected]
Fr. Garobbo, Charlottetown to Wm. Johnston, Esq., Charlottetown, Jan 12, 1814
PAPEI RG 3 Series 6 Subseries 2 Volume 1
Wm. Johnston, Esq.
Atty. Genl.
Charlotte TownCharlotte Town
Wednesday 12 Jany. 1814Sir
Agreably to an advise given to me this morning by the Legislative Council, i inform you that Angus (I belive) McKay of Savage Harbor has brought to Market and offered to sell, two carcasses of Pork -- one of them being very bad with the Measels and the other not so much with -- Mr. Howell has witnessed my examin them and I made him observe it also.
I have the honor to be
Yr. M. H. & M. O. S [Your Most Humble & Most Obedient Servant]
Fr. Garobbo
Market Clerk