Letters to P.E.I., Daniel A. Learned, Scotts Valley, Cal., to John W. Cooper, June 8, 1853

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Transcribed by Edward Cooper, [email protected]

Archive #154 1853, 8 June

Scotts Valley June 8th 1853

Friend Cooper,

Sir Mr. Howland has taken me with surprise or I would be able to write a full letter. He can tell you all the news & prospects.

He will try to dispose of some land & perhaps you may be of assistance to him in this. Should you wish still to live at Bucksport & improve our land there, we are willing to sell you the North half that is splitting the high ground equal, also splitting the marsh equal. We wish also to dispose of the North Half of the Elk river tract & the South Half of the Bluff tract. I wrote to you 3 or 4 weeks ago that 250 cts. per acre would suffice, but on consultation since, we have concluded that does not pay cost. We aught to have 3 doll (ars) per acre. My respects to all. I shall look for some of you up with Howland.


reverse: (signed) D. Learned June 53

address: John Cooper
Bucksport/Eel river
Humboldt Cnty, Cal.


  1. to John W. Cooper � as above
  2. from Daniel A. Learned at Scotts Valley, Cal.
  3. about business/land at Humboldt Bay area between Cooper, Howland, and Learned.

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Presented by: Dave Hunter & The Island Register.

Last Updated: 01/19/2004 10:06:17 AM
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